def copyNeededFiles(self): # Copying the files fileToCopy = self.getRepoFile() target = self.getRemoteName(self.AMBARI_REPO_FILENAME) self.host_log.write("Copying repo file to 'tmp' folder...") params = self.shared_state scp = SCP(params.user, params.sshkey_file,, fileToCopy, target, params.bootdir, self.host_log) retcode1 = # Move file to repo dir self.host_log.write("Moving file to repo dir...") targetDir = self.getRepoDir() command = self.getMoveRepoFileCommand(targetDir) ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshkey_file,, command, params.bootdir, self.host_log) retcode2 = self.host_log.write("Copying setup script file...") fileToCopy = params.action_agent_file target = self.getRemoteName(self.ACTION_SCRIPT_FILENAME) scp = SCP(params.user, params.sshkey_file,, fileToCopy, target, params.bootdir, self.host_log) retcode3 = self.host_log.write("Copying files finished") return max(retcode1, retcode2, retcode3)
def removeRequiretty(vm, pk_file): if not vm['master']:"Removing requiretty to VM: " + vm['ip']) try: private_key = vm['private_key'] if pk_file: private_key = pk_file ssh_client = SSH(vm['ip'], vm['user'], vm['passwd'], private_key, vm['remote_port']) # Activate tty mode to avoid some problems with sudo in REL ssh_client.tty = True sudo_pass = "" if ssh_client.password: sudo_pass = "******" + ssh_client.password + "' | " (stdout, stderr, code) = ssh_client.execute_timeout( sudo_pass + "sudo -S sed -i 's/.*requiretty$/#Defaults requiretty/' /etc/sudoers", 5) logger.debug("OUT: " + stdout + stderr) return code == 0 except: logger.exception("Error removing requiretty to VM: " + vm['ip']) return False else: return True
def runActionAgent(self): params = self.shared_state self.host_log.write("Running agent action...") command = self.getRunActionCommand( ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshkey_file,, command, params.bootdir, self.host_log) retcode = self.host_log.write("Setting up agent finished") return retcode
def connect(self, event): password = self.password.get() host = self.ssh = SSH(host, self.login, password, self.port, self.auth_type, self.key) if self.ssh.error != 0: tkinter.messagebox.showerror("Ошибка!", self.ssh.error) else: self.main_window(host)
def changePasswordFileModeOnHost(self): # Change password file mode to 600 self.host_log.write("Changing password file mode...") params = self.shared_state command = "chmod 600 " + self.getPasswordFile() ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshkey_file,, command, params.bootdir, self.host_log) retcode = self.host_log.write("Change password file mode on host finished") return retcode
def deletePasswordFile(self): # Deleting the password file self.host_log.write("Deleting password file...") params = self.shared_state command = "rm " + self.getPasswordFile() ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshkey_file,, command, params.bootdir, self.host_log) retcode = self.host_log.write("Deleting password file finished") return retcode
def test_SSH(self, popenMock): params = SharedState("root", "sshkey_file", "scriptDir", "bootdir", "setupAgentFile", "ambariServer", "centos6", "1.2.1", "8440") host_log_mock = MagicMock() log = {'text': ""} def write_side_effect(text): log['text'] = log['text'] + text host_log_mock.write.side_effect = write_side_effect ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshkey_file, "dummy-host", "dummy-command", params.bootdir, host_log_mock) log_sample = "log_sample" error_sample = "error_sample" # Successful run process = MagicMock() popenMock.return_value = process process.communicate.return_value = (log_sample, error_sample) process.returncode = 0 retcode = self.assertTrue(popenMock.called) self.assertTrue(log_sample in log['text']) self.assertTrue(error_sample in log['text']) command_str = str(popenMock.call_args[0][0]) self.assertEquals(command_str, "['ssh', '-o', 'ConnectTimeOut=60', '-o', " "'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-o', 'BatchMode=yes', '-tt', '-i', " "'sshkey_file', 'root@dummy-host', 'dummy-command']") self.assertEqual(retcode, 0) log['text'] = "" #unsuccessfull run process.returncode = 1 retcode = self.assertTrue(log_sample in log['text']) self.assertTrue(error_sample in log['text']) self.assertEqual(retcode, 1) log['text'] = "" # unsuccessful run with error message process.returncode = 1 dummy_error_message = "dummy_error_message" ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshkey_file, "dummy-host", "dummy-command", params.bootdir, host_log_mock, errorMessage= dummy_error_message) retcode = self.assertTrue(log_sample in log['text']) self.assertTrue(error_sample in log['text']) self.assertTrue(dummy_error_message in log['text']) self.assertEqual(retcode, 1)
def checkSudoPackage(self): """ Checking 'sudo' package on remote host """ params = self.shared_state command = "rpm -qa | grep sudo" ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshkey_file,, command, params.bootdir, self.host_log, errorMessage="Error: Sudo command is not available. " \ "Please install the sudo command.") retcode = self.host_log.write("Checking 'sudo' package finished") return retcode
def runOsCheckScript(self): params = self.shared_state self.host_log.write("Running os type check...") command = "chmod a+x %s && %s %s" % \ (self.getOsCheckScriptRemoteLocation(), self.getOsCheckScriptRemoteLocation(), params.cluster_os_type) ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshkey_file,, command, params.bootdir, self.host_log) retcode = self.host_log.write("Running os type check finished") return retcode
def __init__(self, hostip, user, password, port=None, use_log=None): """ Constructs the Starter which starts the program. hostip -- the ip address of the host. user -- the username of the user (Usually it will be host). password -- the password. port -- the port to connect to. (Default is None) use_log -- True for logging the starting. (Default is None) """ if (use_log is None): self.ssh = SSH(hostip, user, password, port) else: self.ssh = SSH(hostip, user, password, port, use_log)
class FileCreator(object): """ This class is responsable for creating files on the child server. It uses the SSH class to send them. """ def __init__(self, hostip, user, password, port=None, use_log=None): """ Constructs the FileCreator which starts the program. hostip -- the ip address of the host. user -- the username of the user (Usually it will be host). password -- the password. port -- the port to connect to. (Default is None) use_log -- True for logging the starting. (Default is None) """ use_log = True if (use_log is None): self.ssh = SSH(hostip, user, password, port) else: self.ssh = SSH(hostip, user, password, port, use_log) def create(self, path, text): """ creates a file at path with contents text. example: createFile("~/file.txt", "test") will create a file named file.txt with contents "test" """ (_, out0, err0) ='echo \"'+str(text)+'\" > '+str(path))
def __init__(self, hostip, user, password, port=None, use_log=None): """ Constructs the Installer. hostip -- the ip address of the host. user -- the username of the user (Usually it will be host). password -- the password. port -- the port to connect to. (Default is None) use_log -- True for logging the installation. (Default is None) """ # self.ip = hostip # self.user = user # self.password = password if (use_log is None): self.ssh = SSH(hostip, user, password, port) else: self.ssh = SSH(hostip, user, password, port, use_log)
def changeVMCredentials(vm, pk_file): if vm['os'] == "windows": #ansible -i hosts -m win_user -a "name=bob password=Password12345 groups=Users" all return False # Check if we must change user credentials in the VM if 'passwd' in vm and vm['passwd'] and 'new_passwd' in vm and vm['new_passwd']:"Changing password to VM: " + vm['ip']) private_key = vm['private_key'] if pk_file: private_key = pk_file try: ssh_client = SSH(vm['ip'], vm['user'], vm['passwd'], private_key, vm['ssh_port']) (out, err, code) = ssh_client.execute('sudo bash -c \'echo "' + vm['user'] + ':' + vm['new_passwd'] + '" | /usr/sbin/chpasswd && echo "OK"\' 2> /dev/null') except: logger.exception("Error changing password to VM: " + vm['ip'] + ".") return False if code == 0: vm['passwd'] = vm['new_passwd'] return True else: logger.error("Error changing password to VM: " + vm['ip'] + ". " + out + err) return False if 'new_public_key' in vm and vm['new_public_key'] and 'new_private_key' in vm and vm['new_private_key']:"Changing public key to VM: " + vm['ip']) private_key = vm['private_key'] if pk_file: private_key = pk_file try: ssh_client = SSH(vm['ip'], vm['user'], vm['passwd'], private_key, vm['ssh_port']) (out, err, code) = ssh_client.execute('echo ' + vm['new_public_key'] + ' >> .ssh/authorized_keys') except: logger.exception("Error changing public key to VM: " + vm['ip'] + ".") return False if code != 0: logger.error("Error changing public key to VM:: " + vm['ip'] + ". " + out + err) return False else: vm['private_key'] = vm['new_private_key'] return True return False
def removeRequiretty(vm, pk_file): if not vm['master']:"Removing requiretty to VM: " + vm['ip']) try: private_key = vm['private_key'] if pk_file: private_key = pk_file ssh_client = SSH(vm['ip'], vm['user'], vm['passwd'], private_key, vm['ssh_port']) # Activate tty mode to avoid some problems with sudo in REL ssh_client.tty = True (stdout, stderr, code) = ssh_client.execute("sudo sed -i 's/.*requiretty$/#Defaults requiretty/' /etc/sudoers") logger.debug("OUT: " + stdout + stderr) return code == 0 except: logger.exception("Error removing requiretty to VM: " + vm['ip']) return False else: return True
def copyPasswordFile(self): # Copy the password file self.host_log.write("Copying password file to 'tmp' folder...") params = self.shared_state scp = SCP(params.user, params.sshkey_file,, params.password_file, self.getPasswordFile(), params.bootdir, self.host_log) retcode1 = self.copied_password_file = True # Change password file mode to 600 self.host_log.write("Changing password file mode...") command = "chmod 600 " + self.getPasswordFile() ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshkey_file,, command, params.bootdir, self.host_log) retcode2 = self.host_log.write("Copying password file finished") return max(retcode1, retcode2)
def wait_ssh_access(vm): """ Test the SSH access to the VM """ delay = 10 wait = 0 success = False res = None last_tested_private = False while wait < SSH_WAIT_TIMEOUT: if 'private_ip' in vm and not last_tested_private: # First test the private one vm_ip = vm['private_ip'] last_tested_private = True else: vm_ip = vm['ip'] last_tested_private = False logger.debug("Testing SSH access to VM: " + vm_ip) wait += delay try: ssh_client = SSH(vm_ip, vm['user'], vm['passwd'], vm['private_key'], vm['ssh_port']) success = ssh_client.test_connectivity() res = 'init' except AuthenticationException: try_ansible_key = True if 'new_passwd' in vm: try_ansible_key = False # If the process of changing credentials has finished in the VM, we must use the new ones logger.warn("Error connecting with SSH with initial credentials with: " + vm_ip + ". Try to use new ones.") try: ssh_client = SSH(vm_ip, vm['user'], vm['new_passwd'], vm['private_key'], vm['ssh_port']) success = ssh_client.test_connectivity() res = "new" except AuthenticationException: try_ansible_key = True if try_ansible_key: # In some very special cases the last two cases fail, so check if the ansible key works logger.warn("Error connecting with SSH with initial credentials with: " + vm_ip + ". Try to ansible_key.") try: ssh_client = SSH(vm_ip, vm['user'], None, PK_FILE, vm['ssh_port']) success = ssh_client.test_connectivity() res = 'pk_file' except: logger.exception("Error connecting with SSH with: " + vm_ip) success = False if success: vm['ip'] = vm_ip return res else: time.sleep(delay) return None
class Starter(object): """ This class is responsable for sending the startup commands to the child server. It uses the SSH class to send them. """ def __init__(self, hostip, user, password, port=None, use_log=None): """ Constructs the Starter which starts the program. hostip -- the ip address of the host. user -- the username of the user (Usually it will be host). password -- the password. port -- the port to connect to. (Default is None) use_log -- True for logging the starting. (Default is None) """ if (use_log is None): self.ssh = SSH(hostip, user, password, port) else: self.ssh = SSH(hostip, user, password, port, use_log) def start(self, otherCore = None): """ Starts the program. """ self.start_other_requirements() if otherCore: self.start_agent("agent/"+otherCore+" -x True -t False") else: self.start_agent("agent/ -x True -t False") def start_other_requirements(self):'''(Xvfb :99 -ac &> /dev/null &)''')'''(cd ~/Skynet2.0 && export DISPLAY=:99 && java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.0.jar &>log.out &)''') def start_agent(self, relAgentPath): """ given the path to the agent program starting from ~/Skynet2.0 runs this agent """'(cd ~/Skynet2.0 && PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:. python ' + relAgentPath + ' &>>agentCore.out &)')
def changeRootPasswd(self, newPasswd): ssh = SSH(self.ip_address) ssh.changePasswd(newPasswd)
except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc()) from powershell import powershell try: ps = powershell("a", {}, logpath=logpath) ps.SessionAlive = False except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc()) ps.SessionAlive = False from SSH import SSH try: ps = SSH("a", {}, logpath=logpath) ps.SessionAlive = False except Exception as e: ps.SessionAlive = False print(traceback.format_exc()) import Tkinter class tcltk(Tkinter.Tk): def __init__(self): Tkinter.Tk.__init__(self, None, None, "Tk", 0) tcltk() os._exit(0)
def __init__(self): SSH.__init__(self)
chan = client.invoke_shell() except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc()) from powershell import powershell try: ps = powershell('a', {}, logpath=logpath) ps.SessionAlive=False except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc()) ps.SessionAlive=False from SSH import SSH try: ps = SSH('a', {}, logpath=logpath) ps.SessionAlive=False except Exception as e: ps.SessionAlive=False print(traceback.format_exc()) import Tkinter class tcltk(Tkinter.Tk): def __init__(self): Tkinter.Tk.__init__(self, None, None, 'Tk', 0) tcltk() os._exit(0)
def contextualize_vm(general_conf_data, vm_conf_data): res_data = {}'Generate and copy the ssh key') # If the file exists, do not create it again if not os.path.isfile(PK_FILE): out = run_command('ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ' + getpass.getuser() + ' -q -N "" -f ' + PK_FILE) logger.debug(out) # Check that we can SSH access the node ctxt_vm = None for vm in general_conf_data['vms']: if vm['id'] == vm_conf_data['id']: ctxt_vm = vm if not ctxt_vm: logger.error("No VM to Contextualize!") res_data['OK'] = False return res_data for task in vm_conf_data['tasks']: task_ok = False num_retries = 0 while not task_ok and num_retries < PLAYBOOK_RETRIES: num_retries += 1'Launch task: ' + task) if ctxt_vm['os'] == "windows": # playbook = general_conf_data['conf_dir'] + "/" + task + "_task_all_win.yml" playbook = general_conf_data[ 'conf_dir'] + "/" + task + "_task.yml" else: playbook = general_conf_data[ 'conf_dir'] + "/" + task + "_task_all.yml" inventory_file = general_conf_data['conf_dir'] + "/hosts" ansible_thread = None if task == "basic": # This is always the fist step, so put the SSH test, the # requiretty removal and change password here for vm in general_conf_data['vms']: if vm['os'] == "windows":"Waiting WinRM access to VM: " + vm['ip']) ssh_res = wait_winrm_access(vm) else:"Waiting SSH access to VM: " + vm['ip']) ssh_res = wait_ssh_access(vm) # the IP has changed public for private and we are the # master VM if 'ctxt_ip' in vm and vm['ctxt_ip'] != vm['ip'] and ctxt_vm['master']: # update the ansible inventory"Changing the IP %s for %s in config files." % ( vm['ctxt_ip'], vm['ip'])) replace_vm_ip(vm) if vm['id'] == vm_conf_data['id']: cred_used = ssh_res if not ssh_res: logger.error("Error Waiting access to VM: " + vm['ip']) res_data['SSH_WAIT'] = False res_data['OK'] = False return res_data else: res_data['SSH_WAIT'] = True"Remote access to VM: " + vm['ip'] + " Open!") # The basic task uses the credentials of VM stored in ctxt_vm pk_file = None if cred_used == "pk_file": pk_file = PK_FILE # First remove requiretty in the node if ctxt_vm['os'] != "windows": success = removeRequiretty(ctxt_vm, pk_file) if success:"Requiretty successfully removed") else: logger.error("Error removing Requiretty") # Check if we must chage user credentials # Do not change it on the master. It must be changed only by # the ConfManager change_creds = False if not ctxt_vm['master']: change_creds = changeVMCredentials(ctxt_vm, pk_file) res_data['CHANGE_CREDS'] = change_creds if ctxt_vm['os'] != "windows": # this step is not needed in windows systems ansible_thread = LaunchAnsiblePlaybook( logger, playbook, ctxt_vm, 2, inventory_file, pk_file, INTERNAL_PLAYBOOK_RETRIES, change_creds) else: # In some strange cases the pk_file disappears. So test it and # remake basic recipe if ctxt_vm['os'] != "windows": success = False try: ssh_client = SSH(ctxt_vm['ip'], ctxt_vm[ 'user'], None, PK_FILE, ctxt_vm['remote_port']) success = ssh_client.test_connectivity() except: success = False if not success: logger.warn("Error connecting with SSH using the ansible key with: " + ctxt_vm[ 'ip'] + ". Call the basic playbook again.") basic_playbook = general_conf_data[ 'conf_dir'] + "/basic_task_all.yml" output_basic = StringIO() ansible_thread = LaunchAnsiblePlaybook(output_basic, basic_playbook, ctxt_vm, 2, inventory_file, None, INTERNAL_PLAYBOOK_RETRIES, True) ansible_thread.join() # in the other tasks pk_file can be used ansible_thread = LaunchAnsiblePlaybook(logger, playbook, ctxt_vm, 2, inventory_file, PK_FILE, INTERNAL_PLAYBOOK_RETRIES, vm_conf_data['changed_pass']) if ansible_thread: (task_ok, _) = wait_thread(ansible_thread) else: task_ok = True if not task_ok: logger.warn("ERROR executing task %s: (%s/%s)" % (task, num_retries, PLAYBOOK_RETRIES)) else:'Task %s finished successfully' % task) res_data[task] = task_ok if not task_ok: res_data['OK'] = False return res_data res_data['OK'] = True'Process finished') return res_data
def wait_ssh_access(vm): """ Test the SSH access to the VM """ delay = 10 wait = 0 success = False res = None last_tested_private = False while wait < SSH_WAIT_TIMEOUT: if 'ctxt_ip' in vm: vm_ip = vm['ctxt_ip'] elif 'private_ip' in vm and not last_tested_private: # First test the private one vm_ip = vm['private_ip'] last_tested_private = True else: vm_ip = vm['ip'] last_tested_private = False logger.debug("Testing SSH access to VM: " + vm_ip) wait += delay try: ssh_client = SSH(vm_ip, vm['user'], vm['passwd'], vm['private_key'], vm['remote_port']) success = ssh_client.test_connectivity() res = 'init' except AuthenticationException: try_ansible_key = True if 'new_passwd' in vm: try_ansible_key = False # If the process of changing credentials has finished in the # VM, we must use the new ones logger.debug( "Error connecting with SSH with initial credentials with: " + vm_ip + ". Try to use new ones.") try: ssh_client = SSH(vm_ip, vm['user'], vm['new_passwd'], vm['private_key'], vm['remote_port']) success = ssh_client.test_connectivity() res = "new" except AuthenticationException: try_ansible_key = True if try_ansible_key: # In some very special cases the last two cases fail, so check # if the ansible key works logger.debug( "Error connecting with SSH with initial credentials with: " + vm_ip + ". Try to ansible_key.") try: ssh_client = SSH(vm_ip, vm['user'], None, PK_FILE, vm['remote_port']) success = ssh_client.test_connectivity() res = 'pk_file' except: logger.exception("Error connecting with SSH with: " + vm_ip) success = False if success: vm['ctxt_ip'] = vm_ip return res else: time.sleep(delay) return None
def changeVMCredentials(vm, pk_file): if vm['os'] == "windows": if 'passwd' in vm and vm['passwd'] and 'new_passwd' in vm and vm[ 'new_passwd']: try: import winrm url = "https://" + vm['ip'] + ":5986" s = winrm.Session(url, auth=(vm['user'], vm['passwd'])) r = s.run_cmd('net', ['user', vm['user'], vm['new_passwd']]) # this part of the code is never reached ... if r.status_code == 0: vm['passwd'] = vm['new_passwd'] return True else: logger.error("Error changing password to Windows VM: " + r.std_out) return False except winrm.exceptions.AuthenticationError: # if the password is correctly changed the command returns this # error try: # let's check that the new password works s = winrm.Session(url, auth=(vm['user'], vm['new_passwd'])) r = s.run_cmd('echo', ['OK']) if r.status_code == 0: vm['passwd'] = vm['new_passwd'] return True else: logger.error( "Error changing password to Windows VM: " + r.std_out) return False except: logger.exception( "Error changing password to Windows VM: " + vm['ip'] + ".") return False except: logger.exception("Error changing password to Windows VM: " + vm['ip'] + ".") return False else: # Linux VMs # Check if we must change user credentials in the VM if 'passwd' in vm and vm['passwd'] and 'new_passwd' in vm and vm[ 'new_passwd']:"Changing password to VM: " + vm['ip']) private_key = vm['private_key'] if pk_file: private_key = pk_file try: ssh_client = SSH(vm['ip'], vm['user'], vm['passwd'], private_key, vm['remote_port']) (out, err, code) = ssh_client.execute( 'sudo bash -c \'echo "' + vm['user'] + ':' + vm['new_passwd'] + '" | /usr/sbin/chpasswd && echo "OK"\' 2> /dev/null') except: logger.exception("Error changing password to VM: " + vm['ip'] + ".") return False if code == 0: vm['passwd'] = vm['new_passwd'] return True else: logger.error("Error changing password to VM: " + vm['ip'] + ". " + out + err) return False if 'new_public_key' in vm and vm[ 'new_public_key'] and 'new_private_key' in vm and vm[ 'new_private_key']:"Changing public key to VM: " + vm['ip']) private_key = vm['private_key'] if pk_file: private_key = pk_file try: ssh_client = SSH(vm['ip'], vm['user'], vm['passwd'], private_key, vm['remote_port']) (out, err, code) = ssh_client.execute('echo ' + vm['new_public_key'] + ' >> .ssh/authorized_keys') except: logger.exception("Error changing public key to VM: " + vm['ip'] + ".") return False if code != 0: logger.error("Error changing public key to VM:: " + vm['ip'] + ". " + out + err) return False else: vm['private_key'] = vm['new_private_key'] return True return False
class Installer(object): """ This class is responsable for sending the install commands to the child server. It uses the SSH class to send them. """ def __init__(self, hostip, user, password, port=None, use_log=None): """ Constructs the Installer. hostip -- the ip address of the host. user -- the username of the user (Usually it will be host). password -- the password. port -- the port to connect to. (Default is None) use_log -- True for logging the installation. (Default is None) """ # self.ip = hostip # self.user = user # self.password = password if (use_log is None): self.ssh = SSH(hostip, user, password, port) else: self.ssh = SSH(hostip, user, password, port, use_log) def install(self, otherBranch = None): """ Makes the class install itself through SSH. It also starts running the class. """ print('Start installing.') (_, out0, err0) ='apt-get update') self.ssh._checkStreams(out0, err0, 'apt update failed', 'apt updated.') (_, out0, err0) ='apt-get install -y --force-yes git') self.ssh._checkStreams(out0, err0, 'git install failed', 'git installed.') command = 'git clone --recursive' (_, out0, err0) = self.ssh._checkStreams(out0, err0, 'git clone failed', 'project cloned.') if isinstance(otherBranch, basestring): command = 'cd ~/Skynet2.0 && git checkout '+otherBranch (_, out0, err0) = self.ssh._checkStreams(out0, err0, 'git checkout failed', 'git checkout succeeeded.') command = """cd ~/Skynet2.0 && sh >> build.out""" print("starting the actual installing of programs on the child, this can take up to 15 minutes.") (_, out0, err0) = self.ssh._checkStreams_until_done(out0, err0, 'Preqrequisite installation failed', 'Preqrequisite installation succesfull.') print('Installation finished.') def finish(self): "Does some clean up." self.ssh.close_connection()
for loja_list in lojas: caixas_list = loja_list[1] for caixas in caixas_list: for caixa in caixas: loja = loja_list[0] ssh_ip = '192.168.' + caixas[1] ssh_hostname = caixas[0] password_index = caixas[2] c = Command(password_index) ssh_password = f.getBaseVariables('password')[password_index] try: ssh = SSH(ssh_ip, ssh_hostname, ssh_password) except Exception: errors.append('Falha na conexão SSH com o \033[1m' + ssh_hostname + ' loja0' + loja + '\033[0;0m') break try: print('\033[1m\033[94m[Loja ' + loja + '][' + ssh_hostname + ']\n\033[0m') # Insira os COMANDOS/FUNÇÕES aqui c.isPinging(ssh_ip) # print('---\n') except Exception: errors.append( 'Falha na execução do comando com o \033[1m' +
class GUI: def __init__(self): self.password = None = None self.find_number = [ None, ] self.find_date = None self.find_text_add = [] self.ssh = None self.result = None = None self.btn_del_ent = None self.btn_frame = None self.ent_frame = None self.find_number_frame = None self.find_date_frame = None self.find_file_frame = None self.data_frame = None self.scr = None self.file = None self.files = None logger_conf = json.load(open("logger_conf.json")) self.auth_type = logger_conf["Auth_type"] self.login = logger_conf["Login"] self.port = logger_conf["Port"] self.key = logger_conf["SSH_keyFile"] self.hosts = logger_conf["Hosts"] self.files = logger_conf["Files"] self.files_path = logger_conf["Files_path"] self.window_width = int(logger_conf["Window_width"]) self.window_height = int(logger_conf["Window_height"]) self.root = tkinter.Tk() self.root.title("Logger") self.auth() self.root.mainloop() def connect(self, event): password = self.password.get() host = self.ssh = SSH(host, self.login, password, self.port, self.auth_type, self.key) if self.ssh.error != 0: tkinter.messagebox.showerror("Ошибка!", self.ssh.error) else: self.main_window(host) def auth(self): password_text = tkinter.Label(self.root, text="Введите пароль", font="Arial 11") # строка текста self.password = tkinter.Entry(self.root, width=20, bd=3, show='*') self.password.focus_set() btn = tkinter.Button(self.root, text="Войти") btn.bind("<Button-1>", self.connect) # связь кнопки и функции self.root.bind("<Return>", self.connect) = tkinter.Listbox(self.root, selectmode=tkinter.SINGLE, height=4) for i in self.hosts:, i) if self.auth_type == 'password': password_text.pack(padx=5, pady=5) self.password.pack(), pady=10) btn.pack(padx=10, pady=10) def main_window(self, title): = tkinter.Toplevel(self.root) self.ent_frame = tkinter.Frame( self.btn_frame = tkinter.Frame( self.find_date_frame = tkinter.Frame(self.ent_frame) self.find_number_frame = tkinter.Frame(self.ent_frame) self.find_file_frame = tkinter.Frame(self.ent_frame), height=self.window_height) text = tkinter.Label(, text="Искать", font="Arial 9") find_file_text = tkinter.Label(self.find_file_frame, text="Файл", font="Arial 9") self.file = tkinter.Listbox(self.find_file_frame, selectmode=tkinter.SINGLE, height=3) for i in self.files: self.file.insert(tkinter.END, i) find_number_text = tkinter.Label(self.find_number_frame, text="Критерий поиска", font="Arial 9") self.find_number[0] = tkinter.Entry(self.find_number_frame, width=20, bd=3) self.find_number[0].focus_set() find_date_text = tkinter.Label(self.find_date_frame, text="Дата", font="Arial 9") self.find_date = tkinter.Entry(self.find_date_frame, width=20, bd=3) btn = tkinter.Button(self.btn_frame, text="Найти") btn.bind("<Button-1>", self.grep)"<Return>", self.grep) self.data_frame = tkinter.Frame( self.result = tkinter.Text(self.data_frame, width=115, height=27, font="Arial 9") self.result.insert(1.0, '') self.scr = tkinter.Scrollbar(self.data_frame, command=self.result.yview) self.result.configure(yscrollcommand=self.scr.set) btn_add_ent = tkinter.Button(self.btn_frame, text="Добавить критерий поиска") btn_add_ent.bind("<Button-1>", self.add_ent) text.pack(padx=5, pady=5) self.find_file_frame.pack(side=tkinter.LEFT) find_file_text.pack() self.file.pack(side=tkinter.LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.find_date_frame.pack(side=tkinter.LEFT) find_date_text.pack() self.find_number_frame.pack(side=tkinter.LEFT) find_number_text.pack() self.find_date.pack(side=tkinter.LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.find_number[0].pack(side=tkinter.LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.ent_frame.pack() self.btn_frame.pack() btn.pack(side=tkinter.LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) btn_add_ent.pack(side=tkinter.LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.data_frame.pack() # self.result.pack(padx=5, pady=5) self.result.grid(row=0, column=0) self.scr.grid(row=0, column=1) def grep(self, event): date = self.find_date.get() if date == '': pass elif not (date.isdigit()): tkinter.messagebox.showerror( "Ошибка!", "В поле дата нужно ввести дату в формате: ГГГГММДД") if len(self.find_number) == 1: number = self.find_number[0].get() else: number = [] for i in self.find_number: number.append(i.get()) file = self.file.get(self.file.curselection()) result = self.ssh.grep(number, file, date, self.files_path) self.result.pack_forget() # self.result = tkinter.Label(, text=result, font="Arial 9") self.result.insert(tkinter.CURRENT, result) self.result.grid(row=0, column=0) self.scr.grid(row=0, column=1) def add_ent(self, event): self.find_number.append( tkinter.Entry(self.find_number_frame, width=20, bd=3)) self.find_text_add.append(self.find_number[-1]) for i in self.find_text_add: i.pack(side=tkinter.LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) if len(self.find_text_add) == 1: self.btn_del_ent = tkinter.Button(self.btn_frame, text="Удалить критерий поиска") self.btn_del_ent.bind("<Button-1>", self.del_ent) self.btn_del_ent.pack(side=tkinter.LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) def del_ent(self, event): self.find_text_add[-1].pack_forget() del (self.find_text_add[-1]) del (self.find_number[-1]) if len(self.find_text_add) < 1: self.btn_del_ent.pack_forget()
def worker(): while True: try: data = jobs_queue.get() print "data",data[0] job = data[0] ssh = SSH() interval = job.interval enabled = job.enabled ssh_machine = job.ssh_machine.split(',') ssh_username = job.ssh_username ssh_password = job.ssh_password directory =',') sudo = job.sudo tar = job.tar tar_location=job.tar_location status, output, error = None, None, None epochTime = get_epoch_time() if enabled: count = 0 offsets_queue = [] job_details = get_job_details(job)"Job[%s]: Starting job... interval=%s, directory=%s, sudo=%s, tar=%s, tarLocation=%s" % ( jobid, interval, directory,sudo, tar,tar_location)) while True: for ip in ssh_machine: for file in directory: #command = "/bin/rm -rf %s" % (file)"Executing: %s" % command) tarFileName=file.split('/')[-1] print tarFileName tarLocation=file.rsplit('/',1)[:1][0] pstTime = get_pst_time() tarCommand = "[ -f %s ] && cd %s && tar -cvzf %s_%s.tar.gz %s --remove-files" %(file,tarLocation,tarFileName,pstTime,tarFileName)"Tar command executed is: %s" % tarCommand)"Tar files are stored in the location: %s" %tarLocation) status, output, error = None, None, None try: if sudo: if tar : status, output = ssh.run_sudo_command(ssh_username=ssh_username, ssh_password=ssh_password, ssh_machine=ip, command=tarCommand, jobid=jobid)"Tar Command Executed is : %s , output of tar command : %s" % (tarCommand,output)) listStatus=check_list_empty(output) write_log_info(listStatus, output) else: status, output = ssh.run_sudo_command(ssh_username=ssh_username, ssh_password=ssh_password, ssh_machine=ip, command=command, jobid=jobid)"Tar Command Executed is : %s , output of tar command : %s" % (tarCommand,output)) listStatus=check_list_empty(output) write_log_info(listStatus, output) else: if tar: status, output = ssh.run_command(ssh_username=ssh_username, ssh_password=ssh_password, ssh_machine=ip, command=tarCommand, jobid=jobid, job_details=job_details)"Tar Command Executed is : %s , output of tar command : %s" % (tarCommand,output)) listStatus=check_list_empty(output) write_log_info(listStatus, output) else: status, output = ssh.run_command(ssh_username=ssh_username, ssh_password=ssh_password, ssh_machine=ip, command=command, jobid=jobid, job_details=job_details) listStatus=check_list_empty(output) write_log_info(listStatus, output) except ValueError: logging.error("Job[%s]: Could not run command:%s" % (jobid, sys.exc_info()[0])) logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) error = str(traceback.format_exc()) print error status = False"Job[%s]: Sleeping for %s secs..." % (jobid, interval)) sleep(interval) else:"Job[%s]: Is set to disable state." % jobid) except: #logging.error("Job[%s]: Unexpected error:%s, output:%s" % (jobid, sys.exc_info()[0], output)) logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) finally: jobs_queue.task_done()
def contextualize_vm(general_conf_data, vm_conf_data): res_data = {}'Generate and copy the ssh key') # If the file exists, do not create it again if not os.path.isfile(PK_FILE): out = run_command('ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ' + getpass.getuser() + ' -q -N "" -f ' + PK_FILE) logger.debug(out) # Check that we can SSH access the node ctxt_vm = None for vm in general_conf_data['vms']: if vm['id'] == vm_conf_data['id']: ctxt_vm = vm if not ctxt_vm: logger.error("No VM to Contextualize!") res_data['OK'] = False return res_data for task in vm_conf_data['tasks']: task_ok = False num_retries = 0 while not task_ok and num_retries < PLAYBOOK_RETRIES: num_retries += 1'Launch task: ' + task) if ctxt_vm['os'] == "windows": # playbook = general_conf_data['conf_dir'] + "/" + task + "_task_all_win.yml" playbook = general_conf_data[ 'conf_dir'] + "/" + task + "_task.yml" else: playbook = general_conf_data[ 'conf_dir'] + "/" + task + "_task_all.yml" inventory_file = general_conf_data['conf_dir'] + "/hosts" ansible_thread = None if task == "basic": # This is always the fist step, so put the SSH test, the # requiretty removal and change password here for vm in general_conf_data['vms']: if vm['os'] == "windows":"Waiting WinRM access to VM: " + vm['ip']) ssh_res = wait_winrm_access(vm) else:"Waiting SSH access to VM: " + vm['ip']) ssh_res = wait_ssh_access(vm) # the IP has changed public for private and we are the # master VM if 'ctxt_ip' in vm and vm['ctxt_ip'] != vm[ 'ip'] and ctxt_vm['master']: # update the ansible inventory "Changing the IP %s for %s in config files." % (vm['ctxt_ip'], vm['ip'])) replace_vm_ip(vm) if vm['id'] == vm_conf_data['id']: cred_used = ssh_res if not ssh_res: logger.error("Error Waiting access to VM: " + vm['ip']) res_data['SSH_WAIT'] = False res_data['OK'] = False return res_data else: res_data['SSH_WAIT'] = True"Remote access to VM: " + vm['ip'] + " Open!") # The basic task uses the credentials of VM stored in ctxt_vm pk_file = None if cred_used == "pk_file": pk_file = PK_FILE # First remove requiretty in the node if ctxt_vm['os'] != "windows": success = removeRequiretty(ctxt_vm, pk_file) if success:"Requiretty successfully removed") else: logger.error("Error removing Requiretty") # Check if we must chage user credentials # Do not change it on the master. It must be changed only by # the ConfManager change_creds = False if not ctxt_vm['master']: change_creds = changeVMCredentials(ctxt_vm, pk_file) res_data['CHANGE_CREDS'] = change_creds if ctxt_vm['os'] != "windows": # this step is not needed in windows systems ansible_thread = LaunchAnsiblePlaybook( logger, playbook, ctxt_vm, 2, inventory_file, pk_file, INTERNAL_PLAYBOOK_RETRIES, change_creds) else: # In some strange cases the pk_file disappears. So test it and # remake basic recipe if ctxt_vm['os'] != "windows": success = False try: ssh_client = SSH(ctxt_vm['ip'], ctxt_vm['user'], None, PK_FILE, ctxt_vm['remote_port']) success = ssh_client.test_connectivity() except: success = False if not success: logger.warn( "Error connecting with SSH using the ansible key with: " + ctxt_vm['ip'] + ". Call the basic playbook again.") basic_playbook = general_conf_data[ 'conf_dir'] + "/basic_task_all.yml" output_basic = StringIO() ansible_thread = LaunchAnsiblePlaybook( output_basic, basic_playbook, ctxt_vm, 2, inventory_file, None, INTERNAL_PLAYBOOK_RETRIES, True) ansible_thread.join() # in the other tasks pk_file can be used ansible_thread = LaunchAnsiblePlaybook( logger, playbook, ctxt_vm, 2, inventory_file, PK_FILE, INTERNAL_PLAYBOOK_RETRIES, vm_conf_data['changed_pass']) if ansible_thread: (task_ok, _) = wait_thread(ansible_thread) else: task_ok = True if not task_ok: logger.warn("ERROR executing task %s: (%s/%s)" % (task, num_retries, PLAYBOOK_RETRIES)) else:'Task %s finished successfully' % task) res_data[task] = task_ok if not task_ok: res_data['OK'] = False return res_data res_data['OK'] = True'Process finished') return res_data
print 'Script to brute force' from optparse import OptionParser import sys import Utilities from SSH import SSH usage = '%s [-h hostname] [-u username] [-p password]' % sys.argv[0] parser = OptionParser(version='SSH Brute Forcer',usage=usage,add_help_option=False) parser.add_option("-h",dest="hostname",help="name of host",metavar="HOST") parser.add_option("-u",dest="username",help="name of user") parser.add_option("-p",dest="password",help="user password") parser.add_option("-P","--port",dest="portnumber",help="port number",default=22) (option,args) = parser.parse_args() #print Utilities.fileToList('password') #print Utilities.fileToTuple('targets') #SSH connection print option.portnumber conn = SSH(option.username,option.password,option.hostname,option.portnumber,5) conn.connect()
def changeVMCredentials(vm, pk_file): if vm['os'] == "windows": if 'passwd' in vm and vm['passwd'] and 'new_passwd' in vm and vm['new_passwd']: try: import winrm url = "https://" + vm['ip'] + ":5986" s = winrm.Session(url, auth=(vm['user'], vm['passwd'])) r = s.run_cmd('net', ['user', vm['user'], vm['new_passwd']]) # this part of the code is never reached ... if r.status_code == 0: vm['passwd'] = vm['new_passwd'] return True else: logger.error( "Error changing password to Windows VM: " + r.std_out) return False except winrm.exceptions.UnauthorizedError: # if the password is correctly changed the command returns this # error try: # let's check that the new password works s = winrm.Session(url, auth=(vm['user'], vm['new_passwd'])) r = s.run_cmd('echo', ['OK']) if r.status_code == 0: vm['passwd'] = vm['new_passwd'] return True else: logger.error( "Error changing password to Windows VM: " + r.std_out) return False except: logger.exception( "Error changing password to Windows VM: " + vm['ip'] + ".") return False except: logger.exception( "Error changing password to Windows VM: " + vm['ip'] + ".") return False else: # Linux VMs # Check if we must change user credentials in the VM if 'passwd' in vm and vm['passwd'] and 'new_passwd' in vm and vm['new_passwd']:"Changing password to VM: " + vm['ip']) private_key = vm['private_key'] if pk_file: private_key = pk_file try: ssh_client = SSH(vm['ip'], vm['user'], vm[ 'passwd'], private_key, vm['remote_port']) (out, err, code) = ssh_client.execute('sudo bash -c \'echo "' + vm['user'] + ':' + vm['new_passwd'] + '" | /usr/sbin/chpasswd && echo "OK"\' 2> /dev/null') except: logger.exception( "Error changing password to VM: " + vm['ip'] + ".") return False if code == 0: vm['passwd'] = vm['new_passwd'] return True else: logger.error("Error changing password to VM: " + vm['ip'] + ". " + out + err) return False if 'new_public_key' in vm and vm['new_public_key'] and 'new_private_key' in vm and vm['new_private_key']:"Changing public key to VM: " + vm['ip']) private_key = vm['private_key'] if pk_file: private_key = pk_file try: ssh_client = SSH(vm['ip'], vm['user'], vm[ 'passwd'], private_key, vm['remote_port']) (out, err, code) = ssh_client.execute('echo ' + vm['new_public_key'] + ' >> .ssh/authorized_keys') except: logger.exception( "Error changing public key to VM: " + vm['ip'] + ".") return False if code != 0: logger.error("Error changing public key to VM:: " + vm['ip'] + ". " + out + err) return False else: vm['private_key'] = vm['new_private_key'] return True return False
"""SSH Class Test.""" import log from SSHScreen import SSHScreen from SSH import SSH ssh = SSH('', 'vagrant') ssh.port = 2222 ssh.key_file_path = '~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key' # stdout, stderr = ssh.run_command('hostname', False) # print(stdout # # ssh.run_command('ls -lha') remoteScreen = SSHScreen(ssh) log.header('install') print(remoteScreen.install()) log.header('installed') print(remoteScreen.installed()) remoteScreen.kill_all_screens() log.header('create') print(remoteScreen.exists()) print(remoteScreen.create()) print(remoteScreen._id)
def test_SSH(self, popenMock): params = SharedState("root", "sshkey_file", "scriptDir", "bootdir", "setupAgentFile", "ambariServer", "centos6", "1.2.1", "8440") host_log_mock = MagicMock() log = {'text': ""} def write_side_effect(text): log['text'] = log['text'] + text host_log_mock.write.side_effect = write_side_effect ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshkey_file, "dummy-host", "dummy-command", params.bootdir, host_log_mock) log_sample = "log_sample" error_sample = "error_sample" # Successful run process = MagicMock() popenMock.return_value = process process.communicate.return_value = (log_sample, error_sample) process.returncode = 0 retcode = self.assertTrue(popenMock.called) self.assertTrue(log_sample in log['text']) self.assertTrue(error_sample in log['text']) command_str = str(popenMock.call_args[0][0]) self.assertEquals( command_str, "['ssh', '-o', 'ConnectTimeOut=60', '-o', " "'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-o', 'BatchMode=yes', '-tt', '-i', " "'sshkey_file', 'root@dummy-host', 'dummy-command']") self.assertEqual(retcode, 0) log['text'] = "" #unsuccessfull run process.returncode = 1 retcode = self.assertTrue(log_sample in log['text']) self.assertTrue(error_sample in log['text']) self.assertEqual(retcode, 1) log['text'] = "" # unsuccessful run with error message process.returncode = 1 dummy_error_message = "dummy_error_message" ssh = SSH(params.user, params.sshkey_file, "dummy-host", "dummy-command", params.bootdir, host_log_mock, errorMessage=dummy_error_message) retcode = self.assertTrue(log_sample in log['text']) self.assertTrue(error_sample in log['text']) self.assertTrue(dummy_error_message in log['text']) self.assertEqual(retcode, 1)