コード例 #1
ファイル: shevell.py プロジェクト: Alexandrovich/SUAVE
def shevell(weight_landing, number_of_engines, thrust_sea_level, thrust_landing):

    baseline_noise    = 101. 
    thrust_percentage = (thrust_sea_level/ Units.force_pound)/25000 * 100.
    thrust_reduction  = thrust_landing/thrust_sea_level * 100.
    noise_increase_due_to_thrust = - 0.0002193 * thrust_percentage ** 2. + 0.09454 * thrust_percentage - 7.30116 
    noise_landing                = - 0.0015766 * thrust_reduction ** 2. + 0.34882 * thrust_reduction -19.2569
    takeoff_distance_noise  = -4.  # 1500 ft altitude at 6500m from start of take-off
    sideline_distance_noise = -6.5 # 1476 ft (450m) from centerline (effective distance = 1476*1.25 = 1845ft)
    landing_distance_noise  = 9.1  # 370 ft altitude at 6562 ft (2000m) from runway    
    takeoff   = 10. * np.log10(10. ** (baseline_noise/10.) * number_of_engines) - 4. \
        + takeoff_distance_noise + noise_increase_due_to_thrust
    side_line = 10. * np.log10(10. ** (baseline_noise/10.) * number_of_engines) - 4. \
        + sideline_distance_noise + noise_increase_due_to_thrust
    landing   = 10. * np.log10(10. ** (baseline_noise/10.) * number_of_engines) - 5. \
        + landing_distance_noise + noise_increase_due_to_thrust + noise_landing
    airframe  = 40. + 10. * np.log10(weight_landing / Units.lbs)
    output = Data()
    output.takeoff   = takeoff
    output.side_line = side_line
    output.landing   = 10. * np.log10(10. ** (airframe/10.) + 10. ** (landing/10.))
    return output
コード例 #2
class Aircraft(Data):
	def __defaults__(self):
		self.tag = 'aircraft'
		self.wings = Data()
		self.bodies = Data()
	def append_wing(self,wing):
		# assert database type
		if not isinstance(wing,Wing):
			raise Component_Exception, 'input component must be of type AVL.Data.Wing()'

		# store data

	def append_body(self,body):
		# assert database type
		if not isinstance(body,Body):
			raise Component_Exception, 'input component must be of type AVL.Data.Body()'

		# store data
コード例 #3
def evaluate_field_length(vehicle):
    # ---------------------------
    # Check field performance
    # ---------------------------
    # define takeoff and landing configuration
    #print ' Defining takeoff and landing configurations'
    takeoff_config,landing_config = define_field_configs(vehicle)

    # define airport to be evaluated
    airport = SUAVE.Attributes.Airports.Airport()
    airport.altitude   =  0.0  * Units.ft
    airport.delta_isa  =  0.0
    airport.atmosphere =  SUAVE.Attributes.Atmospheres.Earth.US_Standard_1976()

    # evaluate takeoff / landing
    #print ' Estimating takeoff performance'
    TOFL = estimate_take_off_field_length(vehicle,takeoff_config,airport)
    #print ' Estimating landing performance'
    LFL = estimate_landing_field_length(vehicle,landing_config,airport)
    fldlength      = Data()
    fldlength.TOFL = TOFL
    fldlength.LFL  = LFL
    return fldlength
コード例 #4
ファイル: Aerodynamics.py プロジェクト: Alexandrovich/SUAVE
    def compute_forces(self,conditions):
        # unpack
        q    = conditions.freestream.dynamic_pressure
        Sref = self.geometry.reference_area
        CL = conditions.aerodynamics.lift_coefficient
        CD = conditions.aerodynamics.drag_coefficient
        N = q.shape[0]
        L = np.zeros([N,3])
        D = np.zeros([N,3])

        L[:,2] = ( -CL * q * Sref )[:,0]
        D[:,0] = ( -CD * q * Sref )[:,0]

        results = Data()
        results.lift_force_vector = L
        results.drag_force_vector = D

        return results        
コード例 #5
ファイル: Cases.py プロジェクト: michK/SUAVE
    def append_control_deflection(self,control_tag,deflection):
        """ Adds a control deflection case 

	Properties Used:
        control_deflection              = Data()
        control_deflection.tag          = control_tag
        control_deflection.deflection   = deflection
        if self.stability_and_control.control_deflections is None:
            self.stability_and_control.control_deflections = Data()

コード例 #6
 def do_this(input1,input2=None):
     """ SUAVE.Attributes.Attribute.do_this(input1,input2=None)
         conditions data for some useful purpose
             input1 - description [units]
             input2 - description [units]
             output1 - description
             output2 - description
             >> try to minimize outputs
             >> pack up outputs into Data() if needed
             if needed
     # unpack inputs
     var1 = input1.var1
     var2 = inputs.var2
     # setup
     var3 = var1 * var2
     # process
     magic = np.log(var3)
     # packup outputs
     output = Data()
     output.magic = magic
     output.var3  = var3
     return output
コード例 #7
def fuel_for_missions(interface):

    # unpack data
    config   = interface.configs.cruise
    analyses = interface.analyses

    mission         = interface.analyses.missions.fuel.mission
    mission_payload = interface.analyses.missions.fuel.payload
    # determine maximum range based in tow short_field
    from SUAVE.Methods.Performance import size_mission_range_given_weights
    # unpack
    cruise_segment_tag = 'cruise'
    weight_max    = config.mass_properties.max_takeoff
    weight_min    = config.mass_properties.operating_empty + 0.10 * mission_payload  # 10%
    takeoff_weight_vec  = np.linspace(weight_min,weight_max,3)
    distance_vec        = np.zeros_like(takeoff_weight_vec)
    fuel_vec            = np.zeros_like(takeoff_weight_vec)
    # call function
    distance_vec,fuel_vec = size_mission_range_given_weights(config,mission,cruise_segment_tag,mission_payload,takeoff_weight_vec)

    # pack 
    results = Data()
    results.tag            = 'missions_fuel'
    results.weights        = takeoff_weight_vec
    results.distances      = distance_vec
    results.fuels          = fuel_vec
##    print results
    return results
コード例 #8
def main():
    # setup the interface
    interface = setup_interface()
    # quick test
    inputs = Data()
    inputs.projected_span  = 36.
    inputs.fuselage_length = 58.
    # evalute!
    results = interface.evaluate(inputs)
    <data object 'SUAVE.Core.Data'>
    projected_span : 36.0
    fuselage_length : 58.0
    <data object 'SUAVE.Core.Data'>
    fuel_burn : 15700.3830236
    weight_empty : 62746.4
コード例 #9
def short_field(interface):

    # unpack data
    results_field   = interface.results.takeoff_field_length
    results_fuel    = interface.results.fuel_for_missions
    available_tofl  = interface.analyses.missions.short_field.mission.airport.available_tofl
    tofl_vec        = results_field.takeoff_field_length
    weight_vec_tofl = results_field.takeoff_weights
    range_vec       = results_fuel.distances
    weight_vec_fuel = results_fuel.weights
    fuel_vec        = results_fuel.fuels
    # evaluate maximum allowable takeoff weight from a given airfield
    tow_short_field = np.interp(available_tofl,tofl_vec,weight_vec_tofl)

    # determine maximum range/fuel based in tow short_field
    range_short_field = np.interp(tow_short_field,weight_vec_fuel,range_vec)
    fuel_short_field  = np.interp(tow_short_field,weight_vec_fuel,fuel_vec)

    # pack 
    results = Data()
    results.tag            = 'short_field'
    results.takeoff_weight = tow_short_field
    results.range          = range_short_field
    results.fuel           = fuel_short_field

    return results
コード例 #10
def main():
    # Setup and pack inputs, test several cases
    conditions = Data()
    conditions.frames = Data()
    conditions.frames.body = Data()    
    conditions.frames.planet = Data()
    conditions.frames.inertial = Data()
    conditions.freestream = Data()
    conditions.frames.body.inertial_rotations = np.zeros((4,3))
    conditions.frames.planet.start_time = time.strptime("Thu, Mar 20 12:00:00  2014", "%a, %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y",)
    conditions.frames.planet.latitude = np.array([[0.0],[35],[70],[0.0]])
    conditions.frames.planet.longitude = np.array([[0.0],[0.0],[0.0],[0.0]])
    conditions.frames.body.inertial_rotations[:,0] = np.array([0.0,np.pi/10,np.pi/5,0.0]) # Phi
    conditions.frames.body.inertial_rotations[:,1] = np.array([0.0,np.pi/10,np.pi/5,0.0]) # Theta
    conditions.frames.body.inertial_rotations[:,2] = np.array([0.0,np.pi/2,np.pi,0.0])    # Psi
    conditions.freestream.altitude = np.array([[600000.0],[0.0],[60000],[1000]])
    conditions.frames.inertial.time = np.array([[0.0],[0.0],[0.0],[43200]])
    # Call solar radiation
    rad = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Processes.Solar_Radiation()
    fluxes = rad.solar_radiation(conditions)
    print('Solar Fluxes')
    print fluxes
    truth_fluxes = [[ 1365.96369614],[  853.74651524],[  820.78323974],[    0.        ]]

    max_error =  np.max(np.abs(fluxes-truth_fluxes))
    assert( max_error < 1e-5 )
コード例 #11
ファイル: Segment.py プロジェクト: michK/SUAVE
    def __defaults__(self):
        """This sets the default for wing segments in SUAVE.





        Properties Used:
        self.tag = 'segment'
        self.percent_span_location = 0.0
        self.twist                 = 0.0
        self.root_chord_percent    = 0.0
        self.dihedral_outboard     = 0.0
        self.sweeps                = Data()
        self.sweeps.quarter_chord  = 0.0
        self.sweeps.leading_edge   = 0.0
        self.Airfoil               = Data()
        self.control_surfaces      = Data()  
コード例 #12
ファイル: Vortex_Lattice.py プロジェクト: Alexandrovich/SUAVE
    def sample_training(self):
        # unpack
        geometry = self.geometry
        settings = self.settings
        training = self.training
        AoA = training.angle_of_attack
        CL  = np.zeros_like(AoA)

        # condition input, local, do not keep
        konditions              = Data()
        konditions.aerodynamics = Data()

        # calculate aerodynamics for table
        for i,_ in enumerate(AoA):
            # overriding conditions, thus the name mangling
            konditions.aerodynamics.angle_of_attack = AoA[i]
            # these functions are inherited from Aerodynamics() or overridden
            CL[i] = calculate_lift_vortex_lattice(konditions, settings, geometry)

        # store training data
        training.lift_coefficient = CL

コード例 #13
def main():
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Testing
    # Using NACA 2410
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    camber       = 0.02
    camber_loc   = 0.4
    thickness    = 0.10
    npoints      = 10
    upper,lower  = compute_naca_4series(camber, camber_loc, thickness,npoints) 
    truth_upper      = ([[ 0.        ,  0.        ],
                         [ 0.08654358,  0.04528598],
                         [ 0.25116155,  0.06683575],
                         [ 0.46508794,  0.06561866],
                         [ 0.71656695,  0.04370913],
                         [ 1.        ,  0.        ]])
    truth_lower      = ([[ 0.        ,  0.        ],
                         [ 0.09234186, -0.02939744],
                         [ 0.25480288, -0.03223931],
                         [ 0.46442806, -0.02608462],
                         [ 0.71451656, -0.01477209],
                         [ 1.        ,  0.        ]])

    # Compute Errors
    error       = Data() 
    error.upper = np.abs(upper-truth_upper)
    error.lower = np.abs(lower-truth_lower)
    for k,v in list(error.items()):
        assert np.any(np.abs(v)<1e-6)
コード例 #14
ファイル: Wing.py プロジェクト: Aircraft-Design-UniNa/SUAVE
class Wing(Data):
	def __defaults__(self):

		self.tag = 'wing'
		self.symmetric = True
		self.vertical  = False
		self.origin    = [0.,0.,0.]

		self.sweep        = 0.0
		self.dihedral     = 0.0

		self.sections = Data()
		self.configuration = Data()
		self.control_surfaces = Data()

		self.configuration.nspanwise = 10
		self.configuration.nchordwise = 5
		self.configuration.sspace = 1.0
		self.configuration.cspace = 1.0

	def append_section(self,section):
		""" adds a segment to the wing """

		# assert database type
		if not isinstance(section,Data):
			raise Component_Exception, 'input component must be of type Data()'

		# store data
コード例 #15
def simple_method(input1,input2=None):
    """ SUAVE.Methods.SimpleMethod(input1,input2=None)
        does something useful
            input1 - description [units]
            input2 - description [units]
            output1 - description
            output2 - description
            >> try to minimize outputs
            >> pack up outputs into Data() if needed
            if needed
    # unpack inputs
    var1 = input1.var1
    var2 = inputs.var2
    # setup
    var3 = var1 * var2
    # process
    magic = np.log(var3)
    # packup outputs
    output = Data()
    output.magic = magic
    output.var3  = var3
    return output
コード例 #16
ファイル: estimate_hourly_rates.py プロジェクト: michK/SUAVE
def estimate_hourly_rates(year):
    """Estimates the hourly rate according to a trend line.


    Trends in hourly rates according to "Fundamentals of Aircraft Design", 
      vol 1, Nicolai Figure 24.4.

    year              [-]

      engineering     [$/hr]
      tooling         [$/hr]
      manufacturing   [$/hr]
      quality_control [$/hr]

    Properties Used:
    # Unpack
    reference_year = year

    hourly_rates = Data()
    hourly_rates.engineering     = 2.576 * reference_year - 5058.
    hourly_rates.tooling         = 2.883 * reference_year - 5666.
    hourly_rates.manufacturing   = 2.316 * reference_year - 4552.
    hourly_rates.quality_control = 2.600 * reference_year - 5112.

    return hourly_rates
コード例 #17
ファイル: read_results.py プロジェクト: Alexandrovich/SUAVE
def read_results(avl_object):

    results = Data()

    for case in avl_object.current_status.cases:
        num_ctrl = case.stability_and_control.control_deflections.size
        with open(case.result_filename,'r') as res_file:
            case_res = Results()
            case_res.tag = case.tag
            lines   = res_file.readlines()
            case_res.aerodynamics.roll_moment_coefficient  = float(lines[19][32:42].strip())
            case_res.aerodynamics.pitch_moment_coefficient = float(lines[20][32:42].strip())
            case_res.aerodynamics.yaw_moment_coefficient   = float(lines[21][32:42].strip())
            case_res.aerodynamics.total_lift_coefficient   = float(lines[23][10:20].strip())
            #case_res.aerodynamics.total_drag_coefficient   = float(lines[24][10:20].strip())
            case_res.aerodynamics.induced_drag_coefficient = float(lines[25][32:42].strip())
            case_res.aerodynamics.span_efficiency_factor   = float(lines[27][32:42].strip())

            case_res.stability.alpha_derivatives.lift_curve_slope           = float(lines[36+num_ctrl][25:35].strip())
            case_res.stability.alpha_derivatives.side_force_derivative      = float(lines[37+num_ctrl][25:35].strip())
            case_res.stability.alpha_derivatives.roll_moment_derivative     = float(lines[38+num_ctrl][25:35].strip())
            case_res.stability.alpha_derivatives.pitch_moment_derivative    = float(lines[39+num_ctrl][25:35].strip())
            case_res.stability.alpha_derivatives.yaw_moment_derivative      = float(lines[40+num_ctrl][25:35].strip())
            case_res.stability.beta_derivatives.lift_coefficient_derivative = float(lines[36+num_ctrl][44:55].strip())
            case_res.stability.beta_derivatives.side_force_derivative       = float(lines[37+num_ctrl][44:55].strip())
            case_res.stability.beta_derivatives.roll_moment_derivative      = float(lines[38+num_ctrl][44:55].strip())
            case_res.stability.beta_derivatives.pitch_moment_derivative     = float(lines[39+num_ctrl][44:55].strip())
            case_res.stability.beta_derivatives.yaw_moment_derivative       = float(lines[40+num_ctrl][44:55].strip())
            case_res.stability.neutral_point                                = float(lines[50+13*(num_ctrl>0)][22:33].strip())


    return results
コード例 #18
ファイル: cnbeta.py プロジェクト: suavecode/SUAVE
def main():
    #only do calculation for 747
    from Boeing_747 import vehicle_setup, configs_setup
    vehicle = vehicle_setup()
    configs = configs_setup(vehicle)
    Mach                          = np.array([0.198])
    segment                              = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Segment()
    segment.freestream                   = Data()
    segment.freestream.mach_number       = Mach
    segment.atmosphere                   = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()
    altitude                             = 0.0 * Units.feet
    conditions                           = segment.atmosphere.compute_values(altitude / Units.km)
    segment.a                            = conditions.speed_of_sound
    segment.freestream.density           = conditions.density
    segment.freestream.dynamic_viscosity = conditions.dynamic_viscosity
    segment.freestream.velocity          = segment.freestream.mach_number * segment.a
    #Method Test
    cn_b = taw_cnbeta(vehicle,segment,configs.base)
    expected = 0.09427599 # Should be 0.184
    error = Data()
    error.cn_b_747 = (cn_b-expected)/expected

    for k,v in list(error.items()):

コード例 #19
ファイル: AVL.py プロジェクト: Aircraft-Design-UniNa/SUAVE
    def evaluate(self,state,settings=None,geometry=None):
        # unpack
        aoa           = state.conditions.aerodynamics.angle_of_attack
        Sref          = self.geometry.reference_area

        # evaluate surrogates
        CL  = self.surrogates.lift_coefficient(aoa)
        CDi = self.surrogates.induced_drag_coefficient(aoa)
        Cm  = self.surrogates.pitch_moment_coefficient(aoa)

        # pack conditions
        state.conditions.aerodynamics.lift_coefficient = CL
        state.conditions.aerodynamics.drag_coefficient = CDi
        state.conditions.aerodynamics.pitch_moment_coefficient = Cm

        # pack results
        results = Data()
        results.lift_coefficient = CL
        results.drag_coefficient = CDi
        results.induced_drag_coefficient = CDi
        results.pitch_moment_coefficient = Cm
        #results.update( self.compute_forces(state.conditions) )

        return results
コード例 #20
ファイル: Empty.py プロジェクト: Alexandrovich/SUAVE
def Empty(vehicle):
    Structural Weight correlation from all 415 samples of fixed-wing UAVs and sailplanes
    Equation 3.16 from 'Design of Solar Powered Airplanes for Continuous Flight' by Andre Noth
    Relatively valid for a wide variety of vehicles, may be optimistic
    Assumes a 'main wing' is attached
    # Unpack
    S     = vehicle.reference_area
    AR    = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].aspect_ratio
    Earth = SUAVE.Attributes.Planets.Earth()
    g     = Earth.sea_level_gravity
    # Airframe weight
    Waf = (5.58*(S**1.59)*(AR**0.71))/g # All Samples
    #Waf = (0.44*(S**1.55)*(AR**1.30))/g  # Top 19
    # Pack
    weight = Data()
    weight.empty = Waf
    return weight
コード例 #21
def evaluate_range_from_short_field(vehicle,mission,results):

    # unpack
    airport_short_field = mission.airport_short_field
    tofl = airport_short_field.field_lenght
    takeoff_config = vehicle.configs.takeoff

    from SUAVE.Methods.Performance import find_takeoff_weight_given_tofl

    # evaluate maximum allowable takeoff weight from a short field
    tow_short_field = find_takeoff_weight_given_tofl(vehicle,takeoff_config,airport_short_field,tofl)

    # determine maximum range based in tow short_field

    from SUAVE.Methods.Performance import size_mission_range_given_weights
    # unpack
    cruise_segment_tag = 'Cruise'
    mission_payload = vehicle.mass_properties.payload
    # call function
    distance,fuel = size_mission_range_given_weights(vehicle,mission,cruise_segment_tag,mission_payload,tow_short_field)

    # pack
    short_field = Data()
    short_field.tag            = 'short_field'
    short_field.takeoff_weight = tow_short_field
    short_field.range          = distance
    short_field.fuel           = fuel

    results.short_field = short_field

    return results
コード例 #22
def compute_ducted_fan_geometry(ducted_fan, conditions):
    """ SUAVE.Methods.Geometry.Two_Dimensional.Planform.wing_fuel_volume(wing):
        Estimates wing fuel capacity based in correlation methods.


    # unpack
    thrust            = ducted_fan.thrust
    fan_nozzle        = ducted_fan.fan_nozzle
    mass_flow         = thrust.mass_flow_rate_design

    #evaluate engine at these conditions
    state.numerics= Data()
    #determine geometry
    U0       = conditions.freestream.velocity
    rho0     = conditions.freestream.density
    Ue       = fan_nozzle.outputs.velocity
    rhoe     = fan_nozzle.outputs.density
    Ae       = mass_flow[0][0]/(rhoe[0][0]*Ue[0][0]) #ducted fan nozzle exit area
    A0       = (mass_flow/(rho0*U0))[0][0]

    ducted_fan.areas.maximum = 1.2*Ae/fan_nozzle.outputs.area_ratio[0][0]
    ducted_fan.nacelle_diameter = 2.1*((ducted_fan.areas.maximum/np.pi)**.5)

    ducted_fan.engine_length    = 1.5*ducted_fan.nacelle_diameter
    ducted_fan.areas.wetted     = ducted_fan.nacelle_diameter*ducted_fan.engine_length*np.pi
コード例 #23
ファイル: Noise_Test.py プロジェクト: michK/SUAVE
def main():
    problem = setup()

    n_des_var = 13

    var = np.zeros(n_des_var)

    var = [134.6,9.6105641082,35.0,0.123,49200.0,70000.0,0.75,6.6,30.0,70000.0,70000.0,11.5,283.0]

    input_vec = var / problem.optimization_problem.inputs[:,3]


    objectives  = problem.objective()       * problem.optimization_problem.objective[:,1]

    noise_cumulative_margin = objectives[0]
    actual = Data()    
    actual.noise_cumulative_margin = 19.7810544184

    error = Data()
    error.noise_cumulative_margin = abs(actual.noise_cumulative_margin - noise_cumulative_margin)/actual.noise_cumulative_margin
    print 'noise_cumulative_margin=', noise_cumulative_margin
    print error.noise_cumulative_margin
    print error
    for k,v in error.items():
コード例 #24
def main():

    configs, analyses = full_setup()



    # weight analysis
    weights = analyses.configs.base.weights
    breakdown = weights.evaluate()      

    # mission analysis
    mission = analyses.missions.base
    results = mission.evaluate()

    # print weight breakdown
    print_weight_breakdown(configs.base,filename = 'weight_breakdown.dat')

    # print engine data into file
    print_engine_data(configs.base,filename = 'B737_engine_data.dat')

    # print parasite drag data into file
    # define reference condition for parasite drag
    ref_condition = Data()
    ref_condition.mach_number = 0.3
    ref_condition.reynolds_number = 12e6     

    # print compressibility drag data into file
    print_compress_drag(configs.cruise,analyses,filename = 'B737_compress_drag.dat')

    # print mission breakdown

    # load older results
    old_results = load_results()   

    # plt the old results

    # check the results

##	# print some results, for check agaist Aviation paper
##    end_segment = results.segments[-1]
##    time     = end_segment.conditions.frames.inertial.time[-1,0] / Units.min
##    distance = end_segment.conditions.frames.inertial.position_vector[-1,0] / Units.nautical_miles
##    mass_end     = end_segment.conditions.weights.total_mass[-1,0]
##    mass_begin   = results.segments[0].conditions.weights.total_mass[0,0]
##    fuelburn = (mass_begin- mass_end) / Units.lbs
##    print 'Time: {:5.0f} min , Distance: {:5.0f} nm ; FuelBurn: {:5.0f} lbs'.format(time,distance,fuelburn)

コード例 #25
    def evaluate(self,conditions):
        """ process vehicle to setup geometry, condititon and settings

                conditions - DataDict() of aerodynamic conditions

                CL - array of lift coefficients, same size as alpha
                CD - array of drag coefficients, same size as alpha

                linear intperolation surrogate model on Mach, Angle of Attack
                    and Reynolds number
                locations outside the surrogate's table are held to nearest data
                no changes to initial geometry or settings

        # unpack
        settings   = self.settings
        geometry   = self.geometry
        surrogates = self.surrogates
        q    = conditions.freestream.dynamic_pressure
        AoA  = conditions.aerodynamics.angle_of_attack
        Sref = geometry.reference_area
        wings_lift_model = surrogates.lift_coefficient
        # inviscid lift of wings only
        inviscid_wings_lift = wings_lift_model(AoA)
        conditions.aerodynamics.lift_breakdown.inviscid_wings_lift = inviscid_wings_lift
        # lift needs to compute first, updates data needed for drag
        CL = compute_aircraft_lift(conditions,settings,geometry)
        # drag computes second
        CD = compute_aircraft_drag(conditions,settings,geometry)

        # pack conditions
        conditions.aerodynamics.lift_coefficient = CL
        conditions.aerodynamics.drag_coefficient = CD

        # pack results
        results = Data()
        results.lift_coefficient = CL
        results.drag_coefficient = CD

        N = q.shape[0]
        L = np.zeros([N,3])
        D = np.zeros([N,3])

        L[:,2] = ( -CL * q * Sref )[:,0]
        D[:,0] = ( -CD * q * Sref )[:,0]

        results.lift_force_vector = L
        results.drag_force_vector = D

        return results
コード例 #26
def summarize(interface):
    vehicle = interface.configs.base
    results = interface.results
    mission_profile = results.missions.base
    # merge all segment conditions
    def stack_condition(a,b):
        if isinstance(a,np.ndarray):
            return np.vstack([a,b])
            return None
    conditions = None
    for segment in mission_profile.segments:
        if conditions is None:
            conditions = segment.conditions
        conditions = conditions.do_recursive(stack_condition,segment.conditions)
    # pack
    summary = SUAVE.Core.Results()
    summary.weight_empty = vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty
    summary.fuel_burn = max(conditions.weights.total_mass[:,0]) - min(conditions.weights.total_mass[:,0])
    #results.output.max_usable_fuel = vehicle.mass_properties.max_usable_fuel
    summary.noise = results.noise    
    summary.mission_time_min = max(conditions.frames.inertial.time[:,0] / Units.min)
    summary.max_altitude_km = max(conditions.freestream.altitude[:,0] / Units.km)
    summary.range_nmi = mission_profile.segments[-1].conditions.frames.inertial.position_vector[-1,0] / Units.nmi
    summary.field_length = results.field_length
    summary.stability = Data()
    summary.stability.cm_alpha = max(conditions.stability.static.cm_alpha[:,0])
    summary.stability.cn_beta  = max(conditions.stability.static.cn_beta[:,0])
    #summary.conditions = conditions
    #TODO: revisit how this is calculated
    summary.second_segment_climb_rate = mission_profile.segments[1].climb_rate
    printme = Data()
    printme.fuel_burn = summary.fuel_burn
    printme.weight_empty = summary.weight_empty
    print "RESULTS"
    print printme
    return summary
コード例 #27
ファイル: Vortex_Lattice.py プロジェクト: michK/SUAVE
    def sample_training(self):
        """Call methods to run vortex lattice for sample point evaluation.



        see properties used

          lift_coefficient            [-] 
          wing_lift_coefficients      [-] (wing specific)

        Properties Used:
        self.settings                 (passed to calculate vortex lattice)
        self.training.angle_of_attack [radians]
        # unpack
        geometry = self.geometry
        settings = self.settings
        training = self.training
        AoA = training.angle_of_attack
        CL  = np.zeros_like(AoA)
        wing_CLs = Data.fromkeys(geometry.wings.keys(), np.zeros_like(AoA))
        # The above performs the function of:
        #wing_CLs = Data() 
        #for wing in geometry.wings.values():
        #    wing_CLs[wing.tag] = np.zeros_like(AoA)

        # condition input, local, do not keep
        konditions              = Data()
        konditions.aerodynamics = Data()

        # calculate aerodynamics for table
        for i,_ in enumerate(AoA):
            # overriding conditions, thus the name mangling
            konditions.aerodynamics.angle_of_attack = AoA[i]
            # these functions are inherited from Aerodynamics() or overridden
            CL[i], wing_lifts = calculate_lift_vortex_lattice(konditions, settings, geometry)
            for wing in geometry.wings.values():
                wing_CLs[wing.tag][i] = wing_lifts[wing.tag]

        # store training data
        training.lift_coefficient = CL
        training.wing_lift_coefficients = wing_CLs

コード例 #28
def main():

    data = Data()
    data.x = 'x'
    data.y = 'y'
    data.sub = Data()
    data.sub.z = 'z'
    data.sub.a = 1

コード例 #29
def main():
    output = Data()
    output.hello = Data()
    output.hello.world = 'watsup'
    output.hello.now = None
    output.hello['we are'] = None
    output.hello.rockin = ['a','list','of','items']
コード例 #30
ファイル: Cases.py プロジェクト: Aircraft-Design-UniNa/SUAVE
    def append_control_deflection(self,control_tag,deflection):
        """ adds a control deflection case """
        control_deflection = Data()
        control_deflection.tag        = control_tag
        control_deflection.deflection = deflection
        if self.stability_and_control.control_deflections is None:
            self.stability_and_control.control_deflections = Data()

コード例 #31
def mission_setup(analyses):

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Mission
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    mission = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Sequential_Segments()
    mission.tag = 'the_mission'

    airport = SUAVE.Attributes.Airports.Airport()
    airport.altitude = 0.0 * Units.ft
    airport.delta_isa = 0.0
    airport.atmosphere = SUAVE.Attributes.Atmospheres.Earth.US_Standard_1976()

    mission.airport = airport

    # unpack Segments module
    Segments = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments

    # base segment
    base_segment = Segments.Segment()
    ones_row = base_segment.state.ones_row
    base_segment.process.iterate.initials.initialize_battery = SUAVE.Methods.Missions.Segments.Common.Energy.initialize_battery
    base_segment.process.iterate.conditions.planet_position = SUAVE.Methods.skip
    base_segment.process.iterate.unknowns.network = analyses.vehicle.propulsors.turboprop.unpack_unknowns
    base_segment.process.iterate.residuals.network = analyses.vehicle.propulsors.turboprop.residuals
    base_segment.state.unknowns.pitch_command = ones_row(1) * 0. * Units.deg
    base_segment.state.conditions.propulsion = Data()
    base_segment.state.conditions.propulsion.rpm = 1200 * ones_row(1)
    base_segment.state.residuals.net = 0. * ones_row(1)
    base_segment.state.numerics.number_control_points = 10
    base_segment.state.conditions.freestream = Data()
    base_segment.state.conditions.freestream.delta_ISA = airport.delta_isa * ones_row(

    climb_segment = deepcopy(base_segment)
    base_segment.state.unknowns.throttle = ones_row(1)
    climb_segment.state.numerics.number_control_points = 3

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   First Climb Segment: Constant Speed, Constant Rate
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    segment = Segments.Climb.Constant_Throttle_Constant_Speed(climb_segment)
    segment.tag = "climb_1"


    segment.altitude_start = 0.0 * Units.ft
    segment.altitude_end = 1500.0 * Units.ft
    segment.air_speed = 173.0 * Units.knots
    segment.throttle = 1.

    segment.state.conditions.propulsion.gas_turbine_rating = 'MCL'
    # add to misison

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Second Climb Segment: Constant Speed, Constant Rate
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    segment = Segments.Climb.Constant_Throttle_Constant_Speed(climb_segment)
    segment.tag = "climb_2"


    segment.altitude_start = 1500.0 * Units.ft
    segment.altitude_end = 4000.0 * Units.ft
    segment.air_speed = 180.0 * Units.knots
    segment.throttle = 1.
    # segment.climb_rate     = 915.   * Units['ft/min']

    segment.state.conditions.propulsion.gas_turbine_rating = 'MCL'
    # add to misison

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Third Climb Segment: Constant Speed, Constant Rate
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    segment = Segments.Climb.Constant_Throttle_Constant_Speed(climb_segment)
    segment.tag = "climb_3"


    segment.altitude_start = 4000.0 * Units.ft
    segment.altitude_end = 7000.0 * Units.ft
    segment.air_speed = 187.0 * Units.knots
    segment.throttle = 1.

    segment.state.conditions.propulsion.gas_turbine_rating = 'MCL'
    # add to misison

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Fourth Climb Segment: Constant Speed, Constant Rate
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    segment = Segments.Climb.Constant_Throttle_Constant_Speed(climb_segment)
    segment.tag = "climb_4"


    segment.altitude_start = 7000.0 * Units.ft
    segment.altitude_end = 10000.0 * Units.ft
    segment.air_speed = 195.0 * Units.knots
    segment.throttle = 1.

    segment.state.conditions.propulsion.gas_turbine_rating = 'MCL'
    # add to misison
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Fifth Climb Segment: Constant Speed, Constant Rate
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    segment = Segments.Climb.Constant_Throttle_Constant_Speed(climb_segment)
    segment.tag = "climb_5"


    segment.altitude_start = 10000.0 * Units.ft
    segment.altitude_end = 12000.0 * Units.ft
    segment.air_speed = 203.5 * Units.knots
    segment.throttle = 1.

    segment.state.conditions.propulsion.gas_turbine_rating = 'MCL'
    # add to misison

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Sixth Climb Segment: Constant Speed, Constant Rate
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    segment = Segments.Climb.Constant_Throttle_Constant_Speed(climb_segment)
    segment.tag = "climb_6"


    segment.altitude_start = 12000.0 * Units.ft
    segment.altitude_end = 14000.0 * Units.ft
    segment.air_speed = 210.0 * Units.knots
    segment.throttle = 1.

    segment.state.conditions.propulsion.gas_turbine_rating = 'MCL'
    # add to misison

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Seventh Climb Segment: Constant Speed, Constant Rate
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    segment = Segments.Climb.Constant_Throttle_Constant_Speed(climb_segment)
    segment.tag = "climb_7"


    segment.altitude_start = 14000.0 * Units.ft
    segment.altitude_end = 16000.0 * Units.ft
    segment.air_speed = 217.0 * Units.knots
    segment.throttle = 1.

    segment.state.conditions.propulsion.gas_turbine_rating = 'MCL'
    # add to misison

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Eighth Climb Segment: Constant Speed, Constant Rate
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    segment = Segments.Climb.Constant_Throttle_Constant_Speed(climb_segment)
    segment.tag = "climb_8"


    segment.altitude_start = 16000.0 * Units.ft
    segment.altitude_end = 18000.0 * Units.ft
    segment.air_speed = 225.0 * Units.knots
    segment.throttle = 1.

    segment.state.conditions.propulsion.gas_turbine_rating = 'MCL'
    # add to misison

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Ninth Climb Segment: Constant Speed, Constant Rate
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    segment = Segments.Climb.Constant_Throttle_Constant_Speed(climb_segment)
    segment.tag = "climb_9"


    segment.altitude_start = 18000.0 * Units.ft
    segment.altitude_end = 21000.0 * Units.ft
    segment.air_speed = 235.0 * Units.knots
    segment.throttle = 1.

    segment.state.conditions.propulsion.gas_turbine_rating = 'MCL'
    # add to misison

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Cruise Segment: Constant Speed, Constant Altitude
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    segment = Segments.Cruise.Constant_Speed_Constant_Altitude(base_segment)
    segment.tag = "cruise"


    segment.air_speed = 260. * Units.knots
    segment.distance = 86. * Units.nautical_miles

    segment.state.conditions.propulsion.gas_turbine_rating = 'MCR'

    # add to mission

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   First Descent Segment: Constant Speed, Constant Rate
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    segment = Segments.Descent.Constant_Speed_Constant_Rate(base_segment)
    segment.tag = "descent_1"


    segment.altitude_end = 18000. * Units.ft
    segment.air_speed = 283.0 * Units.knots
    segment.descent_rate = 2000. * Units['ft/min']

    segment.state.conditions.propulsion.gas_turbine_rating = 'MCR'
    # add to mission

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Second Descent Segment: Constant Speed, Constant Rate
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    segment = Segments.Descent.Constant_Speed_Constant_Rate(base_segment)
    segment.tag = "descent_2"


    segment.altitude_end = 10000. * Units.ft
    segment.air_speed = 275.0 * Units.knots
    segment.descent_rate = 2000. * Units['ft/min']

    segment.state.conditions.propulsion.gas_turbine_rating = 'MCR'
    # add to mission

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Third Descent Segment: Constant Speed, Constant Rate
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    segment = Segments.Descent.Constant_Speed_Constant_Rate(base_segment)
    segment.tag = "descent_3"


    segment.altitude_end = 0. * Units.ft
    segment.air_speed = 260.0 * Units.knots
    segment.descent_rate = 2000. * Units['ft/min']

    segment.state.conditions.propulsion.gas_turbine_rating = 'MCR'
    # add to mission

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Mission definition complete
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   MISSION TO ESTIMATE TYPICAL RESERVES - 100 nm + 45 min (900 kg)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   First Climb Segment: Constant Speed, Constant Rate
    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # segment = Segments.Climb.Constant_Speed_Constant_Rate(base_segment)
    # segment.tag = "climb_1_reserve"
    # segment.analyses.extend(analyses.takeoff)
    # segment.altitude_start = 0.0 * Units.ft
    # segment.altitude_end = 5000.0 * Units.ft
    # segment.air_speed = 180.0 * Units.knots
    # segment.climb_rate = 1220. * Units['ft/min']
    # segment.state.conditions.propulsion.gas_turbine_rating = 'MCL'
    # # add to misison
    # mission.append_segment(segment)
    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # #   Second Climb Segment: Constant Speed, Constant Rate
    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # segment = Segments.Climb.Constant_Speed_Constant_Rate(base_segment)
    # segment.tag = "climb_2_reserve"
    # segment.analyses.extend(analyses.cruise)
    # segment.altitude_start = 5000.0 * Units.ft
    # segment.altitude_end = 10000.0 * Units.ft
    # segment.air_speed = 197.0 * Units.knots
    # segment.climb_rate = 915. * Units['ft/min']
    # segment.state.conditions.propulsion.gas_turbine_rating = 'MCL'
    # # add to misison
    # mission.append_segment(segment)
    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # #   Cruise Segment: Constant Speed, Constant Altitude
    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # # segment = Segments.Cruise.Constant_Speed_Constant_Altitude(base_segment)
    # # segment.tag = "cruise_reserve_Dist"
    # #
    # # segment.analyses.extend(analyses.cruise)
    # #
    # # segment.air_speed = 170. * Units.knots
    # # segment.distance  = 20.  * Units.nautical_miles
    # #
    # # segment.state.conditions.propulsion.gas_turbine_rating = 'MCR'
    # # add to mission
    # mission.append_segment(segment)
    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # #   Cruise Segment: Constant Speed, Constant Altitude
    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # segment = Segments.Cruise.Constant_Speed_Constant_Altitude(base_segment)
    # segment.tag = "cruise_reserve_time"
    # segment.analyses.extend(analyses.cruise)
    # segment.air_speed = 178. * Units.knots
    # segment.distance  = 127. * Units.nautical_miles
    # # Considering 45 min as being more 127 nm for 178 KTAS
    # segment.state.conditions.propulsion.gas_turbine_rating = 'MCR'
    # # add to mission
    # mission.append_segment(segment)
    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # #   Third Descent Segment: Constant Speed, Constant Rate
    # # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # segment = Segments.Descent.Constant_Speed_Constant_Rate(base_segment)
    # segment.tag = "descent_3_reserve"
    # segment.analyses.extend(analyses.landing)
    # segment.altitude_end = 0. * Units.ft
    # segment.air_speed = 240.0 * Units.knots
    # segment.descent_rate = 1500. * Units['ft/min']
    # # segment.state.conditions.propulsion.gas_turbine_rating = 'FID'
    # segment.state.conditions.propulsion.gas_turbine_rating = 'MCR'
    # # add to mission
    # mission.append_segment(segment)

    return mission
コード例 #32
def main():
    # Propulsor

    # build network
    net = Solar_Low_Fidelity()
    net.number_of_engines = 1.
    net.nacelle_diameter  = 0.05
    net.areas             = Data()
    net.areas.wetted      = 0.01*(2*np.pi*0.01/2)
    net.engine_length     = 0.01

    # Component 1 the Sun
    sun = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Processes.Solar_Radiation()
    net.solar_flux = sun

    # Component 2 the solar panels
    panel = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Solar_Panel()
    panel.ratio                = 0.9
    panel.area                 = 1.0 * panel.ratio 
    panel.efficiency           = 0.25
    panel.mass_properties.mass = panel.area*(0.60 * Units.kg)
    net.solar_panel            = panel

    # Component 3 the ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95 # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc        = esc

    # Component 5 the Propeller
    prop = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller_Lo_Fid()
    prop.propulsive_efficiency = 0.825
    net.propeller        = prop
    # Component 4 the Motor
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor_Lo_Fid() 
    motor.speed_constant       = 800. * Units['rpm/volt'] # RPM/volt is standard
    motor                      = size_from_kv(motor)    
    motor.gear_ratio           = 1. # Gear ratio, no gearbox
    motor.gearbox_efficiency   = 1. # Gear box efficiency, no gearbox
    motor.motor_efficiency     = 0.825;
    net.motor                  = motor    

    # Component 6 the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw           = 0. #Watts 
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 0.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload                  = payload

    # Component 7 the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 10. #Watts  
    net.avionics        = avionics      

    # Component 8 the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion()
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 5.0  * Units.kg
    bat.specific_energy      = 250. *Units.Wh/Units.kg
    bat.resistance           = 0.003
    bat.iters                = 0
    net.battery              = bat

    #Component 9 the system logic controller and MPPT
    logic = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Solar_Logic()
    logic.system_voltage  = 18.5
    logic.MPPT_efficiency = 0.95
    net.solar_logic       = logic
    # Setup the conditions to run the network
    state            = Data()
    state.conditions = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.Aerodynamics()
    state.numerics   = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.Numerics()
    conditions = state.conditions
    numerics   = state.numerics
    # Calculate atmospheric properties
    atmosphere = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()
    atmosphere_conditions =  atmosphere.compute_values(1000.*Units.ft)
    rho = atmosphere_conditions.density[0,:]
    a   = atmosphere_conditions.speed_of_sound[0,:]
    mu  = atmosphere_conditions.dynamic_viscosity[0,:]
    T   = atmosphere_conditions.temperature[0,:]

    conditions.propulsion.throttle            = np.array([[1.0],[1.0]])
    conditions.freestream.velocity            = np.array([[1.0],[1.0]])
    conditions.freestream.density             = np.array([rho,rho])
    conditions.freestream.dynamic_viscosity   = np.array([mu, mu])
    conditions.freestream.speed_of_sound      = np.array([a, a])
    conditions.freestream.altitude            = np.array([[1000.0],[1000.0]])
    conditions.propulsion.battery_energy      = bat.max_energy*np.ones_like(conditions.freestream.altitude)
    conditions.frames.body.inertial_rotations = np.zeros([2,3])
    conditions.frames.inertial.time           = np.array([[0.0],[1.0]])
    numerics.time.integrate                   = np.array([[0, 0],[0, 1]])
    numerics.time.differentiate               = np.array([[0, 0],[0, 1]])
    conditions.frames.planet.start_time       = time.strptime("Sat, Jun 21 06:00:00  2014", "%a, %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y",) 
    conditions.frames.planet.latitude         = np.array([[0.0],[0.0]])
    conditions.frames.planet.longitude        = np.array([[0.0],[0.0]])
    conditions.freestream.temperature         = np.array([T, T])
    conditions.frames.body.transform_to_inertial = np.array([[[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
                                                              [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
                                                              [ 0.,  0.,  1.]],
                                                             [[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
                                                              [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
                                                              [ 0.,  0.,  1.]]])   
    # Run the network and print the results
    results = net(state)
    F       = results.thrust_force_vector
    # Truth results
    truth_F   = [[ 68.78277813   ], [ 68.78277813     ]]
    truth_i   = [[ 5.75011436    ], [ 5.75011436      ]]
    truth_rpm = [[ 14390.30435183], [ 14390.30435183  ]]
    truth_bat = [[ 4500000.      ], [ 4499883.5041616 ]]
    error = Data()
    error.Thrust = np.max(np.abs(F[:,0]-truth_F))
    error.RPM = np.max(np.abs(conditions.propulsion.propeller_rpm-truth_rpm))
    error.Current  = np.max(np.abs(conditions.propulsion.battery_current-truth_i))
    error.Battery = np.max(np.abs(bat.current_energy-truth_bat))
    for k,v in list(error.items()):
コード例 #33
def setup():

    nexus = Nexus()
    problem = Data()
    nexus.optimization_problem = problem

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Inputs
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------

    #   [ tag                            , initial, (lb,ub)             , scaling , units ]
    problem.inputs = np.array([
        #[ 'wing_span'      ,  9.4   , (   8.0 ,   15.   ) ,   9.4 , Units.meter],
        #[ 'wing_root_chord'  ,  2.0    , (   1.  ,    4.   ) ,   2.0  , Units.meter],
        #[ 'wing_thickness_to_chord'  ,  0.15    , (   0.1  ,    0.5   ) ,   0.15  , Units.less],
        #[ 'wing_taper_ratio'  ,  0.9    , (   0.55  ,    1.0   ) ,   0.9  , Units.less],
        #[ 'cruise_distance'        ,  150.    , (   50.  ,    1000.   ) ,   150.  , Units.nautical_miles],
        #[ 'cruise_airspeed'        ,  200.   , (   90.  ,    300.   ) ,   200.  , Units['m/s']],
        #[ 'climb1_airspeed'        , 125.0   , (   50.0  ,  250.0      ) ,  125.0   , Units['m/s']],
        #[ 'climb2_airspeed'        ,  190.0   , ( 70.0    ,  270.0     ) ,   190.0  , Units['m/s']],
        #[ 'descent1_airspeed'      ,  180.0  , ( 100.    ,  270.     ) ,  180.0   , Units['m/s']],
        #[ 'descent2_airspeed'      ,   145.0   , ( 50.    ,  200.0     ) ,  145.0   , Units['m/s']],
        #[ 'climb1_altitude'        ,   3.  , (  1.   ,  5.     ) ,  3.   , Units.km],
        #[ 'climb2_altitude'        ,   8.0   , (   7.  ,  15.     ) , 8.0    , Units.km],
        #[ 'descent1_altitude'      ,  3.0    , (  2.   ,  7.     ) ,   3.0  , Units.km],
        #[ 'climb1_rate'        ,    6.0  , (   3.  ,  17.     ) ,  6.0   , Units['m/s']],
        #[ 'climb2_rate'        ,    3.0  , (  2.   ,   12.    ) ,   3.0  , Units['m/s']],
        #[ 'descent1_rate'      ,   4.5   , (  3.   ,   15.    ) ,  4.5   , Units['m/s']],
        #[ 'descent2_rate'      ,    3.0  , (  2.   ,   12.    ) ,  3.0   , Units['m/s']],
        ['voltage', 470., (30., 10000.), 470., Units['volt']],
        ['motor_kv_cruise', 181., (10., 500.), 181., Units['rpm/volt']],
        ['motor_kv_HL', 91., (5., 300.), 91., Units['rpm/volt']],
        ['bat_spec_energy', 6.1, (3., 10000.), 6.1, Units.Wh / Units.kg],
        ['bat_spec_power', 0.833, (0.5, 1000.), 0.833, Units.kW / Units.kg],
        ['bat_max_voltage', 60.1, (0.5, 100000.), 60.1, Units['volt']],
        ['bat_resistance', 0.0151, (0.0001, 100.), 0.0151, Units['ohm']],
        ['payload_draw', 50.1, (5., 50000.), 50.1, Units.watts],
        ['avionics_draw', 50.1, (5., 50000.), 50.1, Units.watts],

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Objective
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------

    # throw an error if the user isn't specific about wildcards
    # [ tag, scaling, units ]
    problem.objective = np.array([
        #[ 'range', -540.9079921321364, Units.nautical_miles ],
        ['battery_energy_max', 8476560.0, Units.Wh],

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Constraints
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------

    # [ tag, sense, edge, scaling, units ]
    problem.constraints = np.array([
        #[ 'energy_constraint', '=', 0.0, 1.0, Units.less],
        ['battery_energy_min', '>', 0.0, 111153486.035, Units.Wh],
        #[ 'battery_draw'     , '>', -0.1, 1.0, Units.kW  ],
        #[ 'CL'               , '>', 0.0, 1.0, Units.less],
        ['Throttle_cruise', '>', -0.1, 1.0, Units.less],
        ['Throttle_HL', '>', -0.1, 1.0, Units.less],
        ['Throttle_cruise', '<', 1.5, 1.0, Units.less],
        ['Throttle_HL', '<', 1.5, 1.0, Units.less],
        ['HL_rpm_min', '>', -0.1, 1.0, Units['rpm']],
        ['HL_rpm_max', '<', 15000, 1.0, Units['rpm']],
        ['cruise_rpm_min', '>', -0.1, 1.0, Units['rpm']],
        ['cruise_rpm_max', '<', 50000, 1.0, Units['rpm']],
        #[ 'lift_coefficient'       , '>', -0.1, 1.0, Units.less],
        ['mach_number', '<', 1.5, 1.0, Units.less],

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Aliases
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------

    # [ 'alias' , ['data.path1.name','data.path2.name'] ]

    problem.aliases = [
        #[ 'wing_span'          ,    'vehicle_configurations.*.wings.main_wing.spans.projected'],
        #[ 'wing_root_chord'                  ,     'vehicle_configurations.*.wings.main_wing.chords.root'         ],
        #[ 'wing_thickness_to_chord'          ,     'vehicle_configurations.*.wings.main_wing.thickness_to_chord'         ],
        #[ 'wing_taper_ratio'          ,     'vehicle_configurations.*.wings.main_wing.taper'         ],
        #[ 'cruise_distance'            ,   'missions.mission.segments.cruise.distance'              ],
        #[ 'cruise_airspeed'            ,   'missions.mission.segments.cruise.air_speed'              ],
        #[ 'climb1_airspeed'            ,   'missions.mission.segments.climb_1.air_speed'             ],
        #[ 'climb2_airspeed'            ,   'missions.mission.segments.climb_2.air_speed'              ],
        #[ 'descent1_airspeed'            ,  'missions.mission.segments.descent_1.air_speed'               ],
        #[ 'descent2_airspeed'            ,  'missions.mission.segments.descent_2.air_speed'               ],
        #[ 'climb1_altitude'            ,   'missions.mission.segments.climb_1.altitude_end'              ],
        #[ 'climb2_altitude'            ,   'missions.mission.segments.climb_2.altitude_end'              ],
        #[ 'descent1_altitude'            , 'missions.mission.segments.descent_1.altitude_end'                ],
        #[ 'climb1_rate'            ,   'missions.mission.segments.climb_1.climb_rate'              ],
        #[ 'climb2_rate'            ,   'missions.mission.segments.climb_2.climb_rate'              ],
        #[ 'descent1_rate'            ,  'missions.mission.segments.descent_1.descent_rate'               ],
        #[ 'descent2_rate'            ,  'missions.mission.segments.descent_2.descent_rate'               ],
        ['voltage', 'vehicle_configurations.*.propulsors.propulsor.voltage'],
        #[ 'range'            ,    'summary.total_range'            ],
        #[ 'max_lift'            ,    'summary.max_lift_coefficient_all_segments'            ],
        ['battery_energy_max', 'summary.max_battery_energy_all_segments'],
        ['battery_energy_min', 'summary.min_battery_energy_all_segments'],
        ['battery_draw', 'summary.battery_charging_power_all_segments'],
        ['Throttle_cruise', 'summary.throttle_all_segments'],
        ['Throttle_HL', 'summary.lift_throttle_all_segments'],
        ['HL_rpm_min', 'summary.min_rpm_lift_all_segments'],
        ['HL_rpm_max', 'summary.max_rpm_lift_all_segments'],
        ['cruise_rpm_min', 'summary.min_rpm_forward_all_segments'],
        ['cruise_rpm_max', 'summary.max_rpm_forward_all_segments'],
        ['lift_coefficient', 'summary.lift_coefficient_all_segments'],
        ['mach_number', 'summary.mach_number_all_segments'],
        ['AoA_min', 'summary.min_aoa_all_segments'],

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Vehicles
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    nexus.vehicle_configurations = Vehicles.setup()

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Analyses
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    nexus.analyses = Analyses.setup(nexus.vehicle_configurations)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Missions
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    nexus.missions = Missions.setup(nexus.analyses,

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Procedure
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    nexus.procedure = Procedure.setup()

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Summary
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #nexus.summary = Data()

    nexus.total_number_of_iterations = 0

    return nexus
コード例 #34
def energy_network():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Evaluation Conditions
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # --- Conditions
    ones_1col = np.ones([1, 1])

    # setup conditions
    conditions = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.Aerodynamics()
    conditions.frames       = Data()
    conditions.freestream   = Data()
    conditions.aerodynamics = Data()
    conditions.propulsion   = Data()
    conditions.weights      = Data()
    conditions.energies     = Data()
    #  self.conditions = conditions

    # freestream conditions
    conditions.freestream.mach_number = ones_1col * 0.8
    conditions.freestream.pressure = ones_1col * 20000.
    conditions.freestream.temperature = ones_1col * 215.
    conditions.freestream.density = ones_1col * 0.8

    conditions.freestream.dynamic_viscosity = ones_1col * 0.000001475
    conditions.freestream.altitude = ones_1col * 10.
    conditions.freestream.gravity = ones_1col * 9.81
    conditions.freestream.gamma = ones_1col * 1.4
    conditions.freestream.Cp = 1.4 * 287.87 / (1.4 - 1)
    conditions.freestream.R = 287.87
    conditions.M = conditions.freestream.mach_number
    conditions.T = conditions.freestream.temperature
    conditions.p = conditions.freestream.pressure
    conditions.freestream.speed_of_sound = ones_1col * np.sqrt(
        conditions.freestream.Cp /
        (conditions.freestream.Cp - conditions.freestream.R) *
        conditions.freestream.R * conditions.freestream.temperature)  #300.
    conditions.freestream.velocity = conditions.M * conditions.freestream.speed_of_sound
    conditions.velocity = conditions.M * conditions.freestream.speed_of_sound
    conditions.q = 0.5 * conditions.freestream.density * conditions.velocity**2
    conditions.g0 = conditions.freestream.gravity

    # propulsion conditions
    conditions.propulsion.throttle = ones_1col * 1.0

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Design/sizing conditions
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # --- Conditions
    ones_1col = np.ones([1, 1])

    # setup conditions
    conditions_sizing = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.Aerodynamics(
    conditions_sizing.frames       = Data()
    conditions_sizing.freestream   = Data()
    conditions_sizing.aerodynamics = Data()
    conditions_sizing.propulsion   = Data()
    conditions_sizing.weights      = Data()
    conditions_sizing.energies     = Data()
    #  self.conditions = conditions

    # freestream conditions
    conditions_sizing.freestream.mach_number = ones_1col * 0.8
    conditions_sizing.freestream.pressure = ones_1col * 26499.73156529
    conditions_sizing.freestream.temperature = ones_1col * 223.25186491
    conditions_sizing.freestream.density = ones_1col * 0.41350854

    conditions_sizing.freestream.dynamic_viscosity = ones_1col * 1.45766126e-05  #*1.789*10**(-5)
    conditions_sizing.freestream.altitude = ones_1col * 10000.  #* 0.5

    conditions_sizing.freestream.gravity = ones_1col * 9.81
    conditions_sizing.freestream.gamma = ones_1col * 1.4
    conditions_sizing.freestream.Cp = 1.4 * 287.87 / (1.4 - 1)
    conditions_sizing.freestream.R = 287.87
    conditions_sizing.freestream.speed_of_sound = 299.53150968
    conditions_sizing.freestream.velocity = conditions_sizing.freestream.mach_number * conditions_sizing.freestream.speed_of_sound

    # propulsion conditions
    conditions_sizing.propulsion.throttle = ones_1col * 1.0

    state_sizing = Data()
    state_sizing.numerics = Data()
    state_sizing.conditions = conditions_sizing
    state_off_design = Data()
    state_off_design.numerics = Data()
    state_off_design.conditions = conditions

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Turbofan Network
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    #instantiate the gas turbine network
    turbofan = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Networks.Turbofan()
    turbofan.tag = 'turbo_fan'

    # setup
    turbofan.bypass_ratio = 5.4
    turbofan.number_of_engines = 2.0
    turbofan.engine_length = 2.5
    turbofan.nacelle_diameter = 1.580

    # working fluid
    turbofan.working_fluid = SUAVE.Attributes.Gases.Air()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Component 1 - Ram

    # to convert freestream static to stagnation quantities

    # instantiate
    ram = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Ram()
    ram.tag = 'ram'

    # add to the network

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Component 2 - Inlet Nozzle

    # instantiate
    inlet_nozzle = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Compression_Nozzle()
    inlet_nozzle.tag = 'inlet_nozzle'

    # setup
    inlet_nozzle.polytropic_efficiency = 0.98
    inlet_nozzle.pressure_ratio = 0.98

    # add to network

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Component 3 - Low Pressure Compressor

    # instantiate
    compressor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Compressor()
    compressor.tag = 'low_pressure_compressor'

    # setup
    compressor.polytropic_efficiency = 0.91
    compressor.pressure_ratio = 1.14

    # add to network

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Component 4 - High Pressure Compressor

    # instantiate
    compressor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Compressor()
    compressor.tag = 'high_pressure_compressor'

    # setup
    compressor.polytropic_efficiency = 0.91
    compressor.pressure_ratio = 13.415

    # add to network

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Component 5 - Low Pressure Turbine

    # instantiate
    turbine = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Turbine()
    turbine.tag = 'low_pressure_turbine'

    # setup
    turbine.mechanical_efficiency = 0.99
    turbine.polytropic_efficiency = 0.93

    # add to network

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Component 6 - High Pressure Turbine

    # instantiate
    turbine = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Turbine()
    turbine.tag = 'high_pressure_turbine'

    # setup
    turbine.mechanical_efficiency = 0.99
    turbine.polytropic_efficiency = 0.93

    # add to network

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Component 7 - Combustor

    # instantiate
    combustor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Combustor()
    combustor.tag = 'combustor'

    # setup
    combustor.efficiency = 0.99
    combustor.alphac = 1.0
    combustor.turbine_inlet_temperature = 1450
    combustor.pressure_ratio = 0.95
    combustor.fuel_data = SUAVE.Attributes.Propellants.Jet_A()

    # add to network

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Component 8 - Core Nozzle

    # instantiate
    nozzle = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Expansion_Nozzle()
    nozzle.tag = 'core_nozzle'

    # setup
    nozzle.polytropic_efficiency = 0.95
    nozzle.pressure_ratio = 0.99

    # add to network

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Component 9 - Fan Nozzle

    # instantiate
    nozzle = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Expansion_Nozzle()
    nozzle.tag = 'fan_nozzle'

    # setup
    nozzle.polytropic_efficiency = 0.95
    nozzle.pressure_ratio = 0.99

    # add to network

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Component 10 - Fan

    # instantiate
    fan = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Fan()
    fan.tag = 'fan'

    # setup
    fan.polytropic_efficiency = 0.93
    fan.pressure_ratio = 1.7

    # add to network

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Component 10 - Thrust

    # to compute thrust

    # instantiate
    thrust = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Processes.Thrust()
    thrust.tag = 'thrust'

    # setup
    thrust.total_design = 42383.01818423

    # add to network
    turbofan.thrust = thrust

    #bypass ratio  closer to fan

    numerics = Data()

    eta = 1.0

    #size the turbofan
    turbofan_sizing(turbofan, 0.8, 10000.0)

    print "Design thrust ", turbofan.design_thrust
    print "Sealevel static thrust ", turbofan.sealevel_static_thrust

    results_design = turbofan(state_sizing)
    results_off_design = turbofan(state_off_design)
    F = results_design.thrust_force_vector
    mdot = results_design.vehicle_mass_rate
    F_off_design = results_off_design.thrust_force_vector
    mdot_off_design = results_off_design.vehicle_mass_rate

    #Test the model

    #Specify the expected values
    expected = Data()

    expected.thrust = 42383.01818423
    expected.mdot = 0.7657905

    #error data function
    error = Data()

    error.thrust_error = (F[0][0] - expected.thrust) / expected.thrust
    error.mdot_error = (mdot[0][0] - expected.mdot) / expected.mdot
    print error

    for k, v in error.items():
        assert (np.abs(v) < 1e-4)

コード例 #35
ファイル: Fuselage.py プロジェクト: takahito-sesekura/SUAVE
    def __defaults__(self):
        """ This sets the default values for the component to function.
        Properties Used:
        self.tag = 'fuselage'
        self.origin             = [[0.0,0.0,0.0]]
        self.aerodynamic_center = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
        self.Sections    = Lofted_Body.Section.Container()
        self.Segments    = ContainerOrdered()
        self.number_coach_seats = 0.0
        self.seats_abreast      = 0.0
        self.seat_pitch         = 1.0

        self.areas = Data()
        self.areas.front_projected = 0.0
        self.areas.side_projected  = 0.0
        self.areas.wetted          = 0.0
        self.effective_diameter = 0.0
        self.width              = 0.0
        self.heights = Data()
        self.heights.maximum                     = 0.0
        self.heights.at_quarter_length           = 0.0
        self.heights.at_three_quarters_length    = 0.0
        self.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord  = 0.0
        self.x_rotation  = 0.0
        self.y_rotation  = 0.0
        self.z_rotation  = 0.0      
        self.lengths = Data()
        self.lengths.nose       = 0.0
        self.lengths.tail       = 0.0
        self.lengths.total      = 0.0
        self.lengths.cabin      = 0.0
        self.lengths.fore_space = 0.0
        self.lengths.aft_space  = 0.0
        self.fineness = Data()
        self.fineness.nose = 0.0
        self.fineness.tail = 0.0
        self.differential_pressure = 0.0
        # for BWB 
        self.aft_centerbody_area  = 0.0
        self.aft_centerbody_taper = 0.0
        self.cabin_area           = 0.0

        self.Fuel_Tanks = Container()

        # For VSP
        self.vsp_data                = Data()
        self.vsp_data.xsec_surf_id   = ''    # There is only one XSecSurf in each VSP geom.
        self.vsp_data.xsec_num       = None  # Number if XSecs in fuselage geom.
        self.Segments           = SUAVE.Core.ContainerOrdered()
コード例 #36
    def evaluate_thrust(self, state):
        """ Calculate thrust given the current state of the vehicle
            Caps the throttle at 110% and linearly interpolates thrust off that
            state [state()]
            results.thrust_force_vector [Newtons]
            results.vehicle_mass_rate   [kg/s]
                rpm_lift                 [radians/sec]
                rpm _forward             [radians/sec]
                current_lift             [amps]
                current_forward          [amps]
                battery_draw             [watts]
                battery_energy           [joules]
                voltage_open_circuit     [volts]
                voltage_under_load       [volts]
                motor_torque_lift        [N-M]
                motor_torque_forward     [N-M]
                propeller_torque_lift    [N-M]
                propeller_torque_forward [N-M]
            Properties Used:
            Defaulted values

        # unpack
        conditions = state.conditions
        numerics = state.numerics
        motor_lift = self.motor_lift
        motor_forward = self.motor_forward
        propeller_lift = self.propeller_lift
        propeller_forward = self.propeller_forward
        esc_lift = self.esc_lift
        esc_forward = self.esc_forward
        avionics = self.avionics
        payload = self.payload
        battery = self.battery
        num_lift = self.number_of_engines_lift
        num_forward = self.number_of_engines_forward

        # Setup batteries and ESC's

        # Set battery energy
        battery.current_energy = conditions.propulsion.battery_energy

        volts = state.unknowns.battery_voltage_under_load
        volts[volts > self.voltage] = self.voltage

        # ESC Voltage
        esc_lift.inputs.voltagein = volts
        esc_forward.inputs.voltagein = volts

        # Evaluate thrust from the forward propulsors

        # Throttle the voltage
        # link
        motor_forward.inputs.voltage = esc_forward.outputs.voltageout

        # Run the motor
        # link
        propeller_forward.inputs.omega = motor_forward.outputs.omega
        propeller_forward.thrust_angle = self.thrust_angle_forward

        # Run the propeller
        F_forward, Q_forward, P_forward, Cp_forward = propeller_forward.spin(

        # Check to see if magic thrust is needed, the ESC caps throttle at 1.1 already
        eta = conditions.propulsion.throttle[:, 0, None]
        P_forward[eta > 1.0] = P_forward[eta > 1.0] * eta[eta > 1.0]
        F_forward[eta > 1.0] = F_forward[eta > 1.0] * eta[eta > 1.0]

        # Run the motor for current
        # link
        esc_forward.inputs.currentout = motor_forward.outputs.current

        # Run the esc

        # Evaluate thrust from the lift propulsors

        # Make a new set of konditions, since there are differences for the esc and motor
        konditions = Data()
        konditions.propulsion = Data()
        konditions.freestream = Data()
        konditions.frames = Data()
        konditions.frames.inertial = Data()
        konditions.frames.body = Data()
        konditions.propulsion.throttle = conditions.propulsion.lift_throttle * 1.
        konditions.propulsion.propeller_power_coefficient = conditions.propulsion.propeller_power_coefficient_lift * 1.
        konditions.freestream.density = conditions.freestream.density * 1.
        konditions.freestream.velocity = conditions.freestream.velocity * 1.
        konditions.freestream.dynamic_viscosity = conditions.freestream.dynamic_viscosity * 1.
        konditions.freestream.speed_of_sound = conditions.freestream.speed_of_sound * 1.
        konditions.freestream.temperature = conditions.freestream.temperature * 1.
        konditions.frames.inertial.velocity_vector = conditions.frames.inertial.velocity_vector * 1.
        konditions.frames.body.transform_to_inertial = conditions.frames.body.transform_to_inertial

        # Throttle the voltage
        # link
        motor_lift.inputs.voltage = esc_lift.outputs.voltageout

        # Run the motor
        # link
        propeller_lift.inputs.omega = motor_lift.outputs.omega
        propeller_lift.thrust_angle = self.thrust_angle_lift

        # Run the propeller
        F_lift, Q_lift, P_lift, Cp_lift = propeller_lift.spin(konditions)

        # Check to see if magic thrust is needed, the ESC caps throttle at 1.1 already
        eta = state.conditions.propulsion.lift_throttle
        P_lift[eta > 1.0] = P_lift[eta > 1.0] * eta[eta > 1.0]
        F_lift[eta > 1.0] = F_lift[eta > 1.0] * eta[eta > 1.0]

        # Run the motor for current
        # link
        esc_lift.inputs.currentout = motor_lift.outputs.current

        # Run the esc

        # Combine the thrusts and powers

        # Run the avionics

        # Run the payload

        # Calculate avionics and payload power
        avionics_payload_power = avionics.outputs.power + payload.outputs.power

        # Calculate avionics and payload current
        i_avionics_payload = avionics_payload_power / state.unknowns.battery_voltage_under_load

        # Add up the power usages
        i_lift = esc_lift.outputs.currentin * num_lift
        i_forward = esc_forward.outputs.currentin * num_forward

        current_total = i_lift + i_forward + i_avionics_payload
        power_total = current_total * state.unknowns.battery_voltage_under_load

        battery.inputs.current = current_total
        battery.inputs.power_in = -power_total

        # Run the battery

        # Pack the conditions
        rpm_lift = motor_lift.outputs.omega * 60. / (2. * np.pi)
        rpm_forward = motor_forward.outputs.omega * 60. / (2. * np.pi)
        battery_draw = battery.inputs.power_in
        battery_energy = battery.current_energy
        voltage_open_circuit = battery.voltage_open_circuit
        voltage_under_load = battery.voltage_under_load

        conditions.propulsion.rpm_lift = rpm_lift
        conditions.propulsion.rpm_forward = rpm_forward
        conditions.propulsion.current_lift = i_lift
        conditions.propulsion.current_forward = i_forward
        conditions.propulsion.motor_torque_lift = motor_lift.outputs.torque
        conditions.propulsion.motor_torque_forward = motor_forward.outputs.torque
        conditions.propulsion.propeller_torque_lift = Q_lift
        conditions.propulsion.propeller_torque_forward = Q_forward

        conditions.propulsion.battery_draw = battery_draw
        conditions.propulsion.battery_energy = battery_energy
        conditions.propulsion.voltage_open_circuit = voltage_open_circuit
        conditions.propulsion.voltage_under_load = voltage_under_load

        # Calculate the thrust and mdot
        F_lift_total = F_lift * num_lift * [
            np.cos(self.thrust_angle_lift), 0, -np.sin(self.thrust_angle_lift)
        F_forward_total = F_forward * num_forward * [
            np.cos(self.thrust_angle_forward), 0,

        F_total = F_lift_total + F_forward_total
        mdot = np.zeros_like(F_total)

        results = Data()
        results.thrust_force_vector = F_total
        results.vehicle_mass_rate = mdot

        return results
コード例 #37
def main():

    vehicle = vehicle_setup()  # Create the vehicle for testing
    for wing in vehicle.wings:
        wing.areas.wetted = 2.0 * wing.areas.reference
        wing.areas.exposed = 0.8 * wing.areas.wetted
        wing.areas.affected = 0.6 * wing.areas.wetted
    aerodynamics = SUAVE.Analyses.Aerodynamics.Supersonic_Zero()
    aerodynamics.geometry = vehicle
    aerodynamics.settings.drag_coefficient_increment = 0.0000
    vehicle.aerodynamics_model = aerodynamics

    test_num = 11  # Length of arrays used in this test

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Test Lift Surrogate
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    AoA = np.linspace(-.174, .174, test_num)[:, None]  # +- 10 degrees

    # Cruise conditions (except Mach number)
    state = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.State()
    state.conditions = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.Aerodynamics(


    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Initialize variables needed for CL and CD calculations
    # Use a seeded random order for values
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    Mc = np.linspace(0.05, 0.9, test_num)
    AoA = AoA.reshape(test_num, 1)
    Mc = Mc.reshape(test_num, 1)

    rho = np.linspace(0.3, 1.3, test_num)
    rho = rho.reshape(test_num, 1)

    mu = np.linspace(5 * 10**-6, 20 * 10**-6, test_num)
    mu = mu.reshape(test_num, 1)

    T = np.linspace(200, 300, test_num)
    T = T.reshape(test_num, 1)

    pressure = np.linspace(10**5, 10**6, test_num)
    pressure = pressure.reshape(test_num, 1)

    state.conditions.freestream.mach_number = Mc
    state.conditions.freestream.density = rho
    state.conditions.freestream.dynamic_viscosity = mu
    state.conditions.freestream.temperature = T
    state.conditions.freestream.pressure = pressure

    state.conditions.aerodynamics.angle_of_attack = AoA

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Surrogate
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    #call the aero model
    results = aerodynamics.evaluate(state)

    #build a polar for the markup aero
    polar = Data()
    CL = results.lift.total
    CD = results.drag.total
    polar.lift = CL
    polar.drag = CD

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Test compute Lift
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    #compute_aircraft_lift(conditions, configuration, geometry)

    lift = state.conditions.aerodynamics.lift_coefficient

    # Truth value
    lift_r = np.array([
        -2.42489437, -0.90696416, -0.53991953, -0.3044834, -0.03710598,
        0.31061936, 0.52106899, 0.77407765, 1.22389024, 1.86240501, 1.54587835
    ])[:, None]
    lift_r = lift_r.reshape(test_num, 1)

    lift_test = np.abs((lift - lift_r) / lift)

    print '\nCompute Lift Test Results\n'
    print lift_test

    assert (np.max(lift_test) <
            1e-4), 'Supersonic Aero regression failed at compute lift test'

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Test compute drag
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    #compute_aircraft_drag(conditions, configuration, geometry)

    # Pull calculated values
    drag_breakdown = state.conditions.aerodynamics.drag_breakdown

    # Only one wing is evaluated since they rely on the same function
    cd_c = drag_breakdown.compressible['main_wing'].compressibility_drag
    cd_i = drag_breakdown.induced.total
    cd_m = drag_breakdown.miscellaneous.total
    cd_m_fuse_base = drag_breakdown.miscellaneous.fuselage_base
    cd_m_fuse_up = drag_breakdown.miscellaneous.fuselage_upsweep
    cd_m_nac_base = drag_breakdown.miscellaneous.nacelle_base['turbo_fan']
    cd_m_ctrl = drag_breakdown.miscellaneous.control_gaps
    cd_p_fuse = drag_breakdown.parasite['fuselage'].parasite_drag_coefficient
    cd_p_wing = drag_breakdown.parasite['main_wing'].parasite_drag_coefficient
    cd_tot = drag_breakdown.total

    print cd_c
    print cd_i
    print cd_m
    print cd_m_fuse_base
    print cd_m_fuse_up
    print cd_m_nac_base
    print cd_m_ctrl
    print cd_p_fuse
    print cd_p_wing
    print cd_tot

    # Truth values
    (cd_c_r, cd_i_r, cd_m_r, cd_m_fuse_base_r, cd_m_fuse_up_r, cd_m_nac_base_r,
     cd_m_ctrl_r, cd_p_fuse_r, cd_p_wing_r, cd_tot_r) = reg_values()

    cd_c_r = cd_c_r.reshape(test_num, 1)
    cd_i_r = cd_i_r.reshape(test_num, 1)
    cd_m_r = cd_m_r.reshape(test_num, 1)
    cd_m_fuse_base_r = cd_m_fuse_base_r.reshape(test_num, 1)
    cd_m_fuse_up_r = cd_m_fuse_up_r.reshape(test_num, 1)
    cd_m_nac_base_r = cd_m_nac_base_r.reshape(test_num, 1)
    cd_m_ctrl_r = cd_m_ctrl_r.reshape(test_num, 1)
    cd_p_fuse_r = cd_p_fuse_r.reshape(test_num, 1)
    cd_p_wing_r = cd_p_wing_r.reshape(test_num, 1)
    cd_tot_r = cd_tot_r.reshape(test_num, 1)

    drag_tests = Data()
    drag_tests.cd_c = np.abs((cd_c - cd_c_r) / cd_c)
    drag_tests.cd_i = np.abs((cd_i - cd_i_r) / cd_i)
    drag_tests.cd_m = np.abs((cd_m - cd_m_r) / cd_m)
    # Line below is not normalized since regression values are 0, insert commented line if this changes
    drag_tests.cd_m_fuse_base = np.abs(
        (cd_m_fuse_base - cd_m_fuse_base_r
         ))  # np.abs((cd_m_fuse_base-cd_m_fuse_base_r)/cd_m_fuse_base)
    drag_tests.cd_m_fuse_up = np.abs(
        (cd_m_fuse_up - cd_m_fuse_up_r) / cd_m_fuse_up)
    drag_tests.cd_m_ctrl = np.abs((cd_m_ctrl - cd_m_ctrl_r) / cd_m_ctrl)
    drag_tests.cd_p_fuse = np.abs((cd_p_fuse - cd_p_fuse_r) / cd_p_fuse)
    drag_tests.cd_p_wing = np.abs((cd_p_wing - cd_p_wing_r) / cd_p_wing)
    drag_tests.cd_tot = np.abs((cd_tot - cd_tot_r) / cd_tot)

    print '\nCompute Drag Test Results\n'
    #print drag_tests

    for i, tests in drag_tests.items():
        assert (np.max(tests) <
                1e-4), 'Supersonic Aero regression test failed at ' + i
コード例 #38
def simple_sizing(nexus):
    configs    = nexus.vehicle_configurations
    analyses   = nexus.analyses
    base       = configs.base

    m_guess                            = nexus.m_guess #take in sizing inputs
    base.mass_properties.max_takeoff   = m_guess
    #find conditions
    air_speed   = nexus.missions.base.segments['cruise'].air_speed 
    altitude    = nexus.missions.base.segments['climb_3'].altitude_end
    atmosphere  = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()
    freestream  = atmosphere.compute_values(altitude)
    freestream0 = atmosphere.compute_values(6000.*Units.ft)  #cabin altitude
    diff_pressure                  = np.max(freestream0.pressure-freestream.pressure,0)
    fuselage                       = base.fuselages['fuselage']
    fuselage.differential_pressure = diff_pressure 
    #now size engine
    mach_number        = air_speed/freestream.speed_of_sound
    #now add to freestream data object
    freestream.velocity    = air_speed
    freestream.mach_number = mach_number
    freestream.gravity     = 9.81
    conditions             = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.Aerodynamics()   #assign conditions in form for propulsor sizing
    conditions.freestream  = freestream
    nose_load_fraction     = .06
    #now evaluate all of the vehicle configurations
    for config in configs:
        config.wings.horizontal_stabilizer.areas.reference = (26.0/92.0)*config.wings.main_wing.areas.reference
        for wing in config.wings:
            wing = SUAVE.Methods.Geometry.Two_Dimensional.Planform.wing_planform(wing)
            wing.areas.exposed  = 0.8 * wing.areas.wetted
            wing.areas.affected = 0.6 * wing.areas.reference

        fuselage                       = config.fuselages['fuselage']
        fuselage.differential_pressure = diff_pressure 
        #now evaluate weights

        # diff the new data
        config.mass_properties.max_takeoff     = m_guess #take in parameters
        config.mass_properties.takeoff         = m_guess 
        config.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel   = base.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel
    #now evaluate the weights   
    weights = analyses.base.weights.evaluate() #base.weights.evaluate()  
    #update zfw
    empty_weight       = base.mass_properties.operating_empty
    payload            = base.mass_properties.max_payload
    zfw                = empty_weight + payload 
    base.max_zero_fuel = zfw  
    for config in configs:
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Landing Configuration
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    landing = nexus.vehicle_configurations.landing
    landing_conditions = Data()
    landing_conditions.freestream = Data()

    # landing weight
    landing.mass_properties.landing = base.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel
    # Landing CL_max
    altitude                                         = nexus.missions.base.segments[-1].altitude_end
    atmosphere                                       = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()
    freestream             = atmosphere.compute_values(altitude)
    mu                     = freestream.dynamic_viscosity
    rho                    = freestream.density

    landing_conditions.freestream.velocity           = nexus.missions.base.segments['descent_3'].air_speed
    landing_conditions.freestream.density            = rho
    landing_conditions.freestream.dynamic_viscosity  = mu/rho
    CL_max_landing,CDi                               = compute_max_lift_coeff(landing,landing_conditions)
    landing.maximum_lift_coefficient                 = CL_max_landing
    # diff the new data
    #Takeoff CL_max
    takeoff                                          = nexus.vehicle_configurations.takeoff
    takeoff_conditions                               = Data()
    takeoff_conditions.freestream                    = Data()    
    altitude                                         = nexus.missions.base.airport.altitude
    atmosphere                                       = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()
    freestream                                       = atmosphere.compute_values(altitude)
    mu                                               = freestream.dynamic_viscosity
    rho                                              = freestream.density
    takeoff_conditions.freestream.velocity           = nexus.missions.base.segments.climb_1.air_speed
    takeoff_conditions.freestream.density            = rho
    takeoff_conditions.freestream.dynamic_viscosity  = mu/rho 
    max_CL_takeoff,CDi                               = compute_max_lift_coeff(takeoff,takeoff_conditions) 
    takeoff.maximum_lift_coefficient                 = max_CL_takeoff

    #Base config CL_max
    base                                          = nexus.vehicle_configurations.base
    base_conditions                               = Data()
    base_conditions.freestream                    = Data()    
    altitude                                      = nexus.missions.base.airport.altitude
    atmosphere                                    = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()
    freestream                                    = atmosphere.compute_values(altitude)
    mu                                            = freestream.dynamic_viscosity
    rho                                           = freestream.density
    base_conditions.freestream.velocity           = nexus.missions.base.segments.climb_1.air_speed
    base_conditions.freestream.density            = rho
    base_conditions.freestream.dynamic_viscosity  = mu/rho 
    max_CL_base,CDi                               = compute_max_lift_coeff(base,base_conditions) 
    base.maximum_lift_coefficient                 = max_CL_base    
    # done!
    return nexus
コード例 #39
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: AlejandroRios/IAANDOCAC
def simple_sizing(nexus):
    configs = nexus.vehicle_configurations
    base = configs.base

    #find conditions
    air_speed = nexus.missions.base.segments['cruise'].air_speed
    altitude = nexus.missions.base.segments['climb_5'].altitude_end
    atmosphere = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()

    freestream = atmosphere.compute_values(altitude)
    freestream0 = atmosphere.compute_values(6000. * Units.ft)  #cabin altitude

    diff_pressure = np.max(freestream0.pressure - freestream.pressure, 0)
    fuselage = base.fuselages['fuselage']
    fuselage.differential_pressure = diff_pressure

    #now size engine
    mach_number = air_speed / freestream.speed_of_sound

    #now add to freestream data object
    freestream.velocity = air_speed
    freestream.mach_number = mach_number
    freestream.gravity = 9.81

    conditions = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.Aerodynamics(
    )  #assign conditions in form for propulsor sizing
    conditions.freestream = freestream

    for config in configs:
        config.wings.horizontal_stabilizer.areas.reference = (
            26.0 / 92.0) * config.wings.main_wing.areas.reference

        for wing in config.wings:

            wing = SUAVE.Methods.Geometry.Two_Dimensional.Planform.wing_planform(
            wing.areas.exposed = 0.8 * wing.areas.wetted
            wing.areas.affected = 0.6 * wing.areas.reference

        fuselage = config.fuselages['fuselage']
        fuselage.differential_pressure = diff_pressure

        compute_turbofan_geometry(config.propulsors['turbofan'], conditions)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Landing Configuration
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    landing = nexus.vehicle_configurations.landing
    landing_conditions = Data()
    landing_conditions.freestream = Data()

    # landing weight
    landing.mass_properties.landing = 0.85 * config.mass_properties.takeoff

    # Landing CL_max
    altitude = nexus.missions.base.segments[-1].altitude_end
    atmosphere = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()
    freestream_landing = atmosphere.compute_values(0.)
    landing_conditions.freestream.velocity = nexus.missions.base.segments[
    landing_conditions.freestream.density = freestream_landing.density
    landing_conditions.freestream.dynamic_viscosity = freestream_landing.dynamic_viscosity
    CL_max_landing, CDi = compute_max_lift_coeff(landing, landing_conditions)
    landing.maximum_lift_coefficient = CL_max_landing

    #Takeoff CL_max
    takeoff = nexus.vehicle_configurations.takeoff
    takeoff_conditions = Data()
    takeoff_conditions.freestream = Data()
    altitude = nexus.missions.base.airport.altitude
    freestream_takeoff = atmosphere.compute_values(altitude)

    takeoff_conditions.freestream.velocity = nexus.missions.base.segments.climb_1.air_speed
    takeoff_conditions.freestream.density = freestream_takeoff.density
    takeoff_conditions.freestream.dynamic_viscosity = freestream_takeoff.dynamic_viscosity
    max_CL_takeoff, CDi = compute_max_lift_coeff(takeoff, takeoff_conditions)
    takeoff.maximum_lift_coefficient = max_CL_takeoff

    #Base config CL_max
    base = nexus.vehicle_configurations.base
    base_conditions = Data()
    base_conditions.freestream = takeoff_conditions.freestream
    max_CL_base, CDi = compute_max_lift_coeff(base, base_conditions)
    base.maximum_lift_coefficient = max_CL_base

    return nexus
コード例 #40
ファイル: Procedure.py プロジェクト: nevesgeovana/TCC
def check_cruise_altitude(analyses):
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Mission
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    mission = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Sequential_Segments()
    mission.tag = 'the_dummy_mission'

    # airport
    airport = SUAVE.Attributes.Airports.Airport()
    airport.altitude = 0.0 * Units.ft
    airport.delta_isa = 0.0
    airport.atmosphere = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()

    mission.airport = airport

    # unpack Segments module
    Segments = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments

    # base segment
    base_segment = Segments.Segment()
    ones_row = base_segment.state.ones_row
    base_segment.process.iterate.initials.initialize_battery = SUAVE.Methods.Missions.Segments.Common.Energy.initialize_battery
    base_segment.process.iterate.conditions.planet_position = SUAVE.Methods.skip
    base_segment.process.iterate.unknowns.network = analyses.vehicle.propulsors.turboprop.unpack_unknowns
    base_segment.process.iterate.residuals.network = analyses.vehicle.propulsors.turboprop.residuals
    base_segment.state.unknowns.pitch_command = ones_row(1) * 0. * Units.deg
    base_segment.state.conditions.propulsion = Data()
    base_segment.state.conditions.propulsion.rpm = 1200 * ones_row(1)
    base_segment.state.residuals.net = 0. * ones_row(1)
    base_segment.state.numerics.number_control_points = 10
    base_segment.state.conditions.freestream = Data()
    base_segment.state.conditions.freestream.delta_ISA = airport.delta_isa * ones_row(1)
    base_segment.state.numerics.number_control_points = 20
    planet = SUAVE.Attributes.Planets.Earth()
    atmosphere = SUAVE.Attributes.Atmospheres.Earth.US_Standard_1976()
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   First Climb Segment: Constant Speed, Constant Rate
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    segment = Segments.Climb.Constant_EAS_Constant_Rate(base_segment)
    segment.tag = "climb_dummy"

    # connect vehicle configuration

    # define segment attributes
    segment.atmosphere = atmosphere
    segment.planet = planet

    segment.altitude_start       = 0.0      * Units.ft
    segment.altitude_end         = 21000.   * Units.ft
    segment.equivalent_air_speed = 168.2981 * Units.knots
    segment.climb_rate           = 300.     * Units['ft/min']
    segment.state.conditions.propulsion.gas_turbine_rating = 'MCL'
    # add to mission

    results = mission.evaluate()

    cruise_altitude = 21000.
    for segment in results.segments.values():
        altitude = segment.conditions.freestream.altitude[:, 0] / Units.ft
        eta = segment.conditions.propulsion.throttle[:, 0]
        for i in range(len(altitude)):
            if eta[i] > 1.:
                cruise_altitude = altitude[i - 1]
            elif eta[i] < 1. and i == len(altitude) - 1:
                cruise_altitude = altitude[i]

    print ('Cruise altitude: ' + str(int((cruise_altitude+1)/100.)*100.)+' ft')
    cruise_altitude = int(cruise_altitude/100.)*100. * Units.ft

    return cruise_altitude
コード例 #41
def vehicle_setup():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'Tecnam_P2006TElectric'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff = 1400 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff = 1400 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = 1000 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel = 1400 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.cargo = 80 * Units.kilogram

    # envelope properties
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load = 5.7
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load = 3.8

    # basic parameters
    vehicle.reference_area = 64.4 * Units['meters**2']
    vehicle.passengers = 4
    vehicle.systems.control = "fully powered"
    vehicle.systems.accessories = "medium range"

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Landing Gear
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # used for noise calculations
    landing_gear = SUAVE.Components.Landing_Gear.Landing_Gear()
    landing_gear.tag = "main_landing_gear"

    landing_gear.main_tire_diameter = 0.423 * Units.m
    landing_gear.nose_tire_diameter = 0.3625 * Units.m
    landing_gear.main_strut_length = 0.4833 * Units.m
    landing_gear.nose_strut_length = 0.3625 * Units.m
    landing_gear.main_units = 2  #number of main landing gear units
    landing_gear.nose_units = 1  #number of nose landing gear
    landing_gear.main_wheels = 1  #number of wheels on the main landing gear
    landing_gear.nose_wheels = 1  #number of wheels on the nose landing gear
    vehicle.landing_gear = landing_gear

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Fuselage
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    fuselage = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    fuselage.tag = 'fuselage'

    fuselage.number_coach_seats = vehicle.passengers
    fuselage.seats_abreast = 2
    fuselage.seat_pitch = 0.995 * Units.meter
    fuselage.fineness.nose = 1.27
    fuselage.fineness.tail = 1  #3.31
    fuselage.lengths.nose = 1.16 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.tail = 4.637 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.cabin = 2.653 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.total = 8.45 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.fore_space = 0.0 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.aft_space = 0.0 * Units.meter
    fuselage.width = 1.22 * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.maximum = 1.41 * Units.meter
    fuselage.effective_diameter = 2 * Units.meter
    fuselage.areas.side_projected = 7.46 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.areas.wetted = 25.0 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.areas.front_projected = 1.54 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.differential_pressure = 0.0 * Units.pascal  # Maximum differential pressure

    fuselage.heights.at_quarter_length = 1.077 * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.at_three_quarters_length = 0.5 * Units.meter  #0.621 * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 1.41 * Units.meter

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main Wing
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'

    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.15
    wing.taper = 0.7016
    wing.spans.projected = 9.631680 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.root = 0.7559040 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = wing.chords.root * wing.taper
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 0.6 * Units.meter
    wing.areas.reference = (wing.chords.root +
                            wing.chords.tip) * wing.spans.projected / 2
    wing.twists.root = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.dihedral = 1. * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [2.986, 0, 1.077]  # meters
    wing.sweeps.leading_edge = 1.9 * Units.deg
    wing.aspect_ratio = (wing.spans.projected *
                         wing.spans.projected) / wing.areas.reference
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.99 * (
        1 - 0.0407 * (fuselage.width / wing.spans.projected) - 1.792 *
        ((fuselage.width / wing.spans.projected)**2))
    wing.vertical = False
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.high_lift = True
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Flaps
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing.flaps.chord = 0.20
    wing.flaps.span_start = 0.1053
    wing.flaps.span_end = 0.6842
    wing.flaps.type = 'single_slotted'

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Horizontal Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'horizontal_stabilizer'

    wing.aspect_ratio = 4.193
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 1.0
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.733
    wing.spans.projected = 3.3 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.root = 0.787 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = 0.787 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = (wing.chords.root * (2.0 / 3.0) *
                                    ((1.0 + wing.taper + wing.taper**2.0) /
                                     (1.0 + wing.taper))) * Units.meter
    wing.areas.reference = 2.5971 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.areas.exposed = 4.0 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.areas.wetted = 4.0 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [7.789, 0.0, 0.3314]  # meters
    wing.vertical = False
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 0.9

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vertical Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'vertical_stabilizer'

    wing.aspect_ratio = 1.407
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 38.75 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 1.0
    wing.span_efficiency = -0.107
    wing.spans.projected = 1.574 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.root = 1.2 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = 0.497 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = (wing.chords.root * (2.0 / 3.0) *
                                    ((1.0 + wing.taper + wing.taper**2.0) /
                                     (1.0 + wing.taper))) * Units.meter
    wing.areas.reference = 1.761 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [7.25, 0, 0.497]  # meters
    wing.vertical = True
    wing.symmetric = False
    wing.t_tail = False
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Propellers Powered By Batteries
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # build network
    net = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Networks.Lift_Forward_Propulsor_Network_Lo_Fi(

    net.nacelle_diameter_lift = 0.08 * Units.meters
    net.nacelle_diameter_forward = 0.1732 * Units.meters
    net.engine_length_lift = 0.47244 * Units.meters
    net.engine_length_forward = 1.2 * Units.meters
    net.number_of_engines_lift = 12
    net.number_of_engines_forward = 2
    net.thrust_angle_lift = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    net.thrust_angle_forward = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    net.voltage = 461.
    net.areas_forward = Data()
    net.areas_forward.wetted = 1.1 * np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter_forward * net.engine_length_forward
    net.areas_lift = Data()
    net.areas_lift.wetted = 1.1 * np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter_forward * net.engine_length_lift

    # Component 1 - Tip ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95  # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc_forward = esc

    # Component 1 - High Lift ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95  # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc_lift = esc

    # Component 2 Tip Propeller
    prop = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller_Lo_Fid()
    prop.propulsive_efficiency = 0.95
    prop.tip_radius = 0.762 * Units.meter
    net.propeller_forward = prop

    # Component 2 High Lift Propeller
    prop = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller_Lo_Fid()
    prop.propulsive_efficiency = 0.95
    prop.tip_radius = 0.2880360 * Units.meter
    net.propeller_lift = prop

    # Component 3 Tip Motor
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor_Lo_Fid()
    kv = 300. * Units['rpm/volt']  # RPM/volt is standard
    motor.expected_current = 1000.0
    motor = size_from_kv(motor, kv)
    motor.gear_ratio = 1.  # Gear ratio, no gearbox
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = 1.  # Gear box efficiency, no gearbox
    motor.motor_efficiency = 0.95
    net.motor_forward = motor

    # Component 3 High Lift Motor
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor_Lo_Fid()
    kv = 3691. * Units['rpm/volt']  # RPM/volt is standard
    motor.expected_current = 1000.0
    motor = size_from_kv(motor, kv)
    motor.gear_ratio = 1.  # Gear ratio, no gearbox
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = 1.  # Gear box efficiency, no gearbox
    motor.motor_efficiency = 0.95
    net.motor_lift = motor

    # Component 4 - the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw = 50. * Units.watts
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 5.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload = payload

    # Component 5 - the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 50. * Units.watts
    net.avionics = avionics

    # Component 6 - the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion(
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 358.33 * Units.kg
    bat.specific_energy = 192.84 * Units.Wh / Units.kg
    bat.specific_power = 0.837 * Units.kW / Units.kg
    bat.resistance = 0.0153
    bat.max_voltage = 11.078
    initialize_from_mass(bat, bat.mass_properties.mass)
    net.battery = bat

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle Definition Complete
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # add the energy network to the vehicle

    #print vehicle

    return vehicle
コード例 #42
def simulation_settings(vehicle):

    # grid conditions for downstream propeller
    grid_settings = Data()
    grid_settings.radius = vehicle.networks.prop_net.propeller.tip_radius
    grid_settings.hub_radius = vehicle.networks.prop_net.propeller.hub_radius
    grid_settings.Nr = 40
    grid_settings.Na = 40

    # cartesian grid specs
    grid_settings.Ny = 50
    grid_settings.Nz = 50
    grid_settings.grid_mode = 'cartesian'

    VLM_settings = Data()
    VLM_settings.number_spanwise_vortices = 10
    VLM_settings.number_chordwise_vortices = 4
    VLM_settings.use_surrogate = True
    VLM_settings.propeller_wake_model = False
    VLM_settings.model_fuselage = False
    VLM_settings.spanwise_cosine_spacing = True
    VLM_settings.number_of_wake_timesteps = 0.
    VLM_settings.leading_edge_suction_multiplier = 1.
    VLM_settings.initial_timestep_offset = 0.
    VLM_settings.wake_development_time = 0.5

    return grid_settings, VLM_settings
コード例 #43
def main():

    weight_landing = 300000 * Units.lbs
    number_of_engines = 3.
    thrust_sea_level = 40000 * Units.force_pounds
    thrust_landing = 0.45 * thrust_sea_level

    noise = shevell(weight_landing, number_of_engines, thrust_sea_level,

    actual = Data()
    actual.takeoff = 99.982372547196633
    actual.side_line = 97.482372547196633
    actual.landing = 105.69577388532885

    error = Data()
    error.takeoff = (actual.takeoff - noise.takeoff) / actual.takeoff
    error.side_line = (actual.side_line - noise.side_line) / actual.side_line
    error.landing = (actual.landing - noise.landing) / actual.landing

    for k, v in list(error.items()):
        assert (np.abs(v) < 1e-6)

コード例 #44
def vehicle_setup():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'Tecnam_P2006TElectric'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff = 1400 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff = 1400 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = 1000 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel = 1400 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.cargo = 80 * Units.kilogram

    # envelope properties
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load = 5.7
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load = 3.8

    # basic parameters
    vehicle.reference_area = 64.4 * Units['meters**2']
    vehicle.passengers = 4
    vehicle.systems.control = "fully powered"
    vehicle.systems.accessories = "medium range"

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Landing Gear
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # used for noise calculations
    #landing_gear = SUAVE.Components.Landing_Gear.Landing_Gear()
    #landing_gear.tag = "main_landing_gear"

    #landing_gear.main_tire_diameter = 0.423 * Units.m
    #landing_gear.nose_tire_diameter = 0.3625 * Units.m
    #landing_gear.main_strut_length  = 0.4833 * Units.m
    #landing_gear.nose_strut_length  = 0.3625 * Units.m
    #landing_gear.main_units  = 2    #number of main landing gear units
    #landing_gear.nose_units  = 1    #number of nose landing gear
    #landing_gear.main_wheels = 1    #number of wheels on the main landing gear
    #landing_gear.nose_wheels = 1    #number of wheels on the nose landing gear
    #vehicle.landing_gear = landing_gear

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Fuselage
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    fuselage = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    fuselage.tag = 'fuselage'
    aux = time.time()
    fuselage.time = aux

    fuselage.number_coach_seats = vehicle.passengers
    fuselage.seats_abreast = 2
    fuselage.seat_pitch = 0.995 * Units.meter
    fuselage.fineness.nose = 1.27
    fuselage.fineness.tail = 1  #3.31
    fuselage.lengths.nose = 1.16 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.tail = 4.637 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.cabin = 2.653 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.total = 8.45 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.fore_space = 0.0 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.aft_space = 0.0 * Units.meter
    fuselage.width = 1.1 * Units.meter  #1.22
    fuselage.heights.maximum = 1.41 * Units.meter
    fuselage.effective_diameter = 2 * Units.meter
    fuselage.areas.side_projected = 7.46 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.areas.wetted = 25.0 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.areas.front_projected = 1.54 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.differential_pressure = 10**5 * Units.pascal  # Maximum differential pressure

    fuselage.heights.at_quarter_length = 1.077 * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.at_three_quarters_length = 0.5 * Units.meter  #0.621 * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 1.41 * Units.meter

    ## OpenVSP Design

    fuselage.OpenVSP_values = Data()  # VSP uses degrees directly

    #MidFuselage1 Section

    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.midfus1 = Data()
    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.midfus1.z_pos = 0.03

    #MidFuselage2 Section

    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.midfus2 = Data()
    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.midfus2.z_pos = 0.06

    #MidFuselage3 Section

    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.midfus3 = Data()
    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.midfus3.z_pos = 0.04

    #Tail Section

    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.tail = Data()
    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.tail.bottom = Data()
    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.tail.z_pos = 0.039
    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.tail.bottom.angle = -20.0
    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.tail.bottom.strength = 1

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main Wing
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'

    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.15
    wing.taper = 0.9
    wing.spans.projected = 9.4 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.root = 2. * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = wing.chords.root * wing.taper
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = (wing.chords.root * (2.0 / 3.0) *
                                    ((1.0 + wing.taper + wing.taper**2.0) /
                                     (1.0 + wing.taper)))
    wing.areas.reference = (wing.chords.root +
                            wing.chords.tip) * wing.spans.projected / 2
    print wing.areas.reference
    basearea = wing.areas.reference
    wing.areas.wetted = 2.0 * wing.areas.reference
    wing.areas.exposed = wing.areas.wetted
    wing.areas.affected = wing.areas.wetted
    wing.twists.root = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.dihedral = 1. * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [2.986, 0, 1.077]  # meters
    wing.sweeps.leading_edge = 1.9 * Units.deg
    wing.aspect_ratio = (wing.spans.projected *
                         wing.spans.projected) / wing.areas.reference
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.95
    wing.vertical = False
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.high_lift = True
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0

    ## Wing Segments

    # Root Segment

    #segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()

    #segment.tag                   = 'root'
    #segment.percent_span_location = 0.0
    #segment.twist                 = 0. * Units.deg
    #segment.root_chord_percent    = 1.
    #segment.dihedral_outboard     = 1. * Units.degrees
    #segment.sweeps.quarter_chord  = 0. * Units.degrees
    #segment.thickness_to_chord    = 0.15

    #airfoil = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Airfoils.Airfoil()
    #airfoil.coordinate_file       = '/Users/Bruno/Documents/Delft/Courses/2016-2017/Thesis/Code/Airfoils/naca642415.dat'


    # Tip Segment

    #segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()

    #segment.tag                   = 'tip'
    #segment.percent_span_location = 1.0
    #segment.twist                 = 0. * Units.deg
    #segment.root_chord_percent    = 1.
    #segment.dihedral_outboard     = 1. * Units.degrees
    #segment.sweeps.quarter_chord  = 0. * Units.degrees
    #segment.thickness_to_chord    = 0.15

    #airfoil = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Airfoils.Airfoil()
    #airfoil.coordinate_file       = '/Users/Bruno/Documents/Delft/Courses/2016-2017/Thesis/Code/Airfoils/naca642415.dat'


    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Flaps
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing.flaps.chord = wing.chords.root * 0.15
    wing.flaps.span_start = 0.3 * wing.spans.projected
    wing.flaps.span_end = 0.8 * wing.spans.projected
    wing.flaps.area = wing.flaps.chord * (wing.flaps.span_end -
    wing.flaps.type = 'single_slotted'

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Horizontal Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'horizontal_stabilizer'

    wing.aspect_ratio = 4.193
    wing.areas.reference = 0.145 * basearea
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 1.0
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.97
    wing.spans.projected = np.sqrt(wing.aspect_ratio * wing.areas.reference)
    wing.chords.root = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.tip = wing.chords.root
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = (wing.chords.root * (2.0 / 3.0) *
                                    ((1.0 + wing.taper + wing.taper**2.0) /
                                     (1.0 + wing.taper)))
    wing.areas.wetted = 2.0 * wing.areas.reference
    wing.areas.exposed = wing.areas.wetted
    wing.areas.affected = wing.areas.wetted
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [7.789, 0.0, 0.3314]  # meters
    wing.vertical = False
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 0.9

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vertical Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'vertical_stabilizer'

    wing.areas.reference = 0.099 * basearea
    wing.areas.wetted = 2.0 * wing.areas.reference
    wing.areas.exposed = wing.areas.wetted
    wing.areas.affected = wing.areas.wetted
    wing.aspect_ratio = 1.407
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 38.75 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 0.4142
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.97
    wing.spans.projected = np.sqrt(wing.aspect_ratio * wing.areas.reference)
    wing.chords.root = (2.0 * wing.areas.reference) / (wing.spans.projected *
                                                       (1 + wing.taper))
    wing.chords.tip = wing.chords.root * wing.taper
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = (wing.chords.root * (2.0 / 3.0) *
                                    ((1.0 + wing.taper + wing.taper**2.0) /
                                     (1.0 + wing.taper)))
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [7.25, 0, 0.497]  # meters
    wing.vertical = True
    wing.symmetric = False
    wing.t_tail = False
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Propellers Powered By Batteries
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # build network
    net = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Networks.Lift_Forward_Propulsor()

    net.nacelle_diameter_lift = 0.08 * Units.meters
    net.nacelle_diameter_forward = 0.1732 * Units.meters
    net.engine_length_lift = 0.47244 * Units.meters
    net.engine_length_forward = 1.2 * Units.meters
    net.number_of_engines_lift = 14
    net.number_of_engines_forward = 2
    net.thrust_angle_lift = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    net.thrust_angle_forward = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    net.voltage = 461. * Units['volt']  #461.
    net.areas_forward = Data()
    net.areas_forward.wetted = 1.1 * np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter_forward * net.engine_length_forward
    net.areas_lift = Data()
    net.areas_lift.wetted = 1.1 * np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter_forward * net.engine_length_lift
    net.number_of_engines = 1
    net.nacelle_diameter = net.nacelle_diameter_forward
    net.areas = Data()
    net.areas.wetted = net.areas_lift.wetted
    net.engine_length = 1.

    # Component 1 - Tip ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95  # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc_forward = esc

    # Component 1 - High Lift ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95  # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc_lift = esc

    # Component 2 - Tip Propeller

    # Design the Propeller
    #prop_attributes = Data()

    #prop_attributes                     = propeller_design(prop_attributes)

    prop_forward = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller()
    prop_forward.number_blades = 3.0
    prop_forward.propulsive_efficiency = 0.85
    prop_forward.freestream_velocity = 50.0 * Units['m/s']  # freestream m/s
    prop_forward.angular_velocity = 27500. * Units['rpm']  # For 20x10 prop
    prop_forward.tip_radius = 0.5 * Units.meter
    prop_forward.hub_radius = 0.085 * Units.meter
    prop_forward.design_Cl = 0.8
    prop_forward.design_altitude = 14.0 * Units.km
    prop_forward.design_thrust = 0.0 * Units.newton
    prop_forward.design_power = 60000. * Units.watts

    prop_forward = propeller_design(prop_forward)
    net.propeller_forward = prop_forward

    # Component 2 - High Lift Propeller

    # Design the Propeller
    #prop_attributes = Data()

    prop_lift = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller()
    prop_lift.number_blades = 5.0
    prop_lift.propulsive_efficiency = 0.85
    prop_lift.freestream_velocity = 1. * Units['m/s']  # freestream m/s
    prop_lift.angular_velocity = 2750 * Units['rpm']  # For 20x10 prop
    prop_lift.tip_radius = 0.26 * Units.meter  #0.2880360
    prop_lift.hub_radius = 0.07772400 * Units.meter
    prop_lift.design_Cl = 0.8
    prop_lift.design_altitude = 0.0 * Units.meter
    prop_lift.design_thrust = 0.0 * Units.newton
    prop_lift.design_power = 10500. * Units.watts
    prop_lift = propeller_design(prop_lift)

    net.propeller_lift = prop_lift

    # Component 3 - Tip Motor

    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor_Lo_Fid()
    #motor.resistance           = 1.
    #motor.no_load_current      = 7.  * Units.ampere
    #motor.speed_constant       = 11.9999 * Units['rpm/volt'] # RPM/volt converted to (rad/s)/volt
    #motor.propeller_radius     = prop_forward.tip_radius
    #motor.propeller_Cp         = prop_forward.Cp[0]
    #motor.gear_ratio           = 12. # Gear ratio
    #motor.gearbox_efficiency   = .98 # Gear box efficiency
    #motor.expected_current     = 160. # Expected current
    #motor.mass_properties.mass = 9.0  * Units.kg
    #net.motor_forward          = motor

    kv = 180. * Units['rpm/volt']  # RPM/volt is standard
    #motor.speed_constant       = 0.0
    motor = size_from_kv(motor, kv)
    motor.gear_ratio = 1.  # Gear ratio, no gearbox
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = .98  # Gear box efficiency, no gearbox
    motor.motor_efficiency = 0.825
    net.motor_forward = motor

    # Component 3 - High Lift Motor

    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor_Lo_Fid()
    #motor.resistance           = 0.008
    #motor.no_load_current      = 4.5  * Units.ampere
    #motor.speed_constant       = 5800. * Units['rpm/volt'] # RPM/volt converted to (rad/s)/volt
    #motor.propeller_radius     = prop_lift.tip_radius
    #motor.propeller_Cp         = prop_lift.Cp[0]
    #motor.gear_ratio           = 12. # Gear ratio
    #motor.gearbox_efficiency   = .98 # Gear box efficiency
    #motor.expected_current     = 25. # Expected current
    #motor.mass_properties.mass = 6.0  * Units.kg
    #net.motor_lift             = motor

    kv = 90. * Units['rpm/volt']  # RPM/volt is standard
    #motor.speed_constant       = 0.0
    motor = size_from_kv(motor, kv)
    motor.gear_ratio = 1.  # Gear ratio, no gearbox
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = .98  # Gear box efficiency, no gearbox
    motor.motor_efficiency = 0.825
    net.motor_lift = motor

    # Component 4 - the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw = 50. * Units.watts
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 5.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload = payload

    # Component 5 - the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 50. * Units.watts
    net.avionics = avionics

    # Component 6 - the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion(
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 386.0 * Units.kg
    bat.specific_energy = 121.8 * Units.Wh / Units.kg  #192.84
    bat.specific_power = 0.312 * Units.kW / Units.kg  #0.837
    bat.resistance = 0.32
    bat.max_voltage = 538. * Units['volt']  #10000.
    initialize_from_mass(bat, bat.mass_properties.mass)
    print bat.max_energy
    net.battery = bat

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle Definition Complete
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # add the energy network to the vehicle

    #now add weights objects
    vehicle.landing_gear = SUAVE.Components.Landing_Gear.Landing_Gear()
    vehicle.control_systems = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    vehicle.electrical_systems = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    vehicle.avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    vehicle.passenger_weights = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    #vehicle.furnishings        = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    #vehicle.apu                = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    #vehicle.hydraulics         = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    vehicle.optionals = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()

        'vertical_stabilizer'].rudder = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()

    #print vehicle

    return vehicle
コード例 #45
 def __defaults__(self):
     self.tag = 'structures'
     self.features = Data()
     self.settings = Data()
コード例 #46
    def evaluate_thrust(self, state):
        """ Calculate thrust given the current state of the vehicle
            state [state()]
            results.thrust_force_vector [newtons]
            results.vehicle_mass_rate   [kg/s]
            conditions.propulsion.primary_battery_draw     [watts]
            conditions.propulsion.primary_battery_energy   [joules]
            conditions.propulsion.auxiliary_battery_draw   [watts]
            conditions.propulsion.auxiliary_battery_energy [joules]
            Properties Used:
            Defaulted values

        # unpack

        propulsor = self.propulsor
        primary_battery = self.primary_battery
        auxiliary_battery = self.auxiliary_battery
        conditions = state.conditions
        numerics = state.numerics

        results = propulsor.evaluate_thrust(state)

        Pe = results.power

            initial_energy = conditions.propulsion.primary_battery_energy
            initial_energy_auxiliary = conditions.propulsion.auxiliary_battery_energy
            if initial_energy[0][
                    0] == 0:  #beginning of segment; initialize battery
                primary_battery.current_energy = primary_battery.current_energy[
                    -1] * np.ones_like(initial_energy)
                auxiliary_battery.current_energy = auxiliary_battery.current_energy[
                    -1] * np.ones_like(initial_energy)
        except AttributeError:  #battery energy not initialized, e.g. in takeoff
            primary_battery.current_energy = np.transpose(
                    [primary_battery.current_energy[-1] * np.ones_like(Pe)]))
            auxiliary_battery.current_energy = np.transpose(
                    [auxiliary_battery.current_energy[-1] * np.ones_like(Pe)]))

        pbat = -Pe / self.motor_efficiency
        pbat_primary = copy.copy(pbat)  #prevent deep copy nonsense
        pbat_auxiliary = np.zeros_like(pbat)
        #print 'pbat=', pbat/10**6.
        #print 'max_power prim=', primary_battery.max_power/10**6.
        #print 'max_power aux=', auxiliary_battery.max_power/10**6.
        for i in range(len(pbat)):
            if pbat[i] < -primary_battery.max_power:  #limit power output of primary_battery
                    i] = -primary_battery.max_power  #-power means discharge
                pbat_auxiliary[i] = pbat[i] - pbat_primary[i]
            elif pbat[
                    i] > primary_battery.max_power:  #limit charging rate of battery
                pbat_primary[i] = primary_battery.max_power
                pbat_auxiliary[i] = pbat[i] - pbat_primary[i]
            if pbat_primary[
                    i] > 0:  #don't allow non-rechargable battery to charge
                pbat_primary[i] = 0
                pbat_auxiliary[i] = pbat[i]

        primary_battery_logic = Data()
        primary_battery_logic.power_in = pbat_primary
        primary_battery_logic.current = 90.  #use 90 amps as a default for now; will change this for higher fidelity methods
        auxiliary_battery_logic = copy.copy(primary_battery_logic)
        auxiliary_battery_logic.power_in = pbat_auxiliary
        primary_battery.inputs = primary_battery_logic
        auxiliary_battery.inputs = auxiliary_battery_logic
        tol = 1e-6
        #allow for mass gaining batteries

            mdot_primary = find_mass_gain_rate(
                -(pbat_primary - primary_battery.resistive_losses))
        except AttributeError:
            mdot_primary = np.zeros_like(results.thrust_force_vector[:, 0])
            mdot_auxiliary = find_mass_gain_rate(
                -(pbat_auxiliary - auxiliary_battery.resistive_losses))
        except AttributeError:
            mdot_auxiliary = np.zeros_like(results.thrust_force_vector[:, 0])

        mdot = mdot_primary + mdot_auxiliary
        mdot = np.reshape(mdot, np.shape(conditions.freestream.velocity))
        #Pack the conditions for outputs
        primary_battery_draw = primary_battery.inputs.power_in
        primary_battery_energy = primary_battery.current_energy
        auxiliary_battery_draw = auxiliary_battery.inputs.power_in
        auxiliary_battery_energy = auxiliary_battery.current_energy

        conditions.propulsion.primary_battery_draw = primary_battery_draw
        conditions.propulsion.primary_battery_energy = primary_battery_energy

        conditions.propulsion.auxiliary_battery_draw = auxiliary_battery_draw
        conditions.propulsion.auxiliary_battery_energy = auxiliary_battery_energy

        results.vehicle_mass_rate = mdot

        return results
コード例 #47
    pressure = np.linspace(10**5, 10**6, test_num)
    pressure = pressure.reshape(test_num, 1)

    #specify  the conditions at which to perform the aerodynamic analysis
    state.conditions.aerodynamics.angle_of_attack = AoA  #angle_of_attacks
    state.conditions.freestream.mach_number = Mc  #np.array([0.8]*test_num)
    state.conditions.freestream.density = rho  #np.array([0.3804534]*test_num)
    state.conditions.freestream.dynamic_viscosity = mu  #np.array([1.43408227e-05]*test_num)
    state.conditions.freestream.temperature = T  #np.array([218.92391647]*test_num)
    state.conditions.freestream.pressure = pressure  #np.array([23908.73408391]*test_num)

    #call the aero model
    results = aerodynamics.evaluate(state)

    #build a polar for the markup aero
    polar = Data()
    CL = results.lift.total
    CD = results.drag.total
    polar.lift = CL
    polar.drag = CD

    ##load old results
    #old_polar = SUAVE.Input_Output.load('polar_M8.pkl') #('polar_old2.pkl')
    #CL_old = old_polar.lift
    #CD_old = old_polar.drag

    #plot the results
    plt.figure("Drag Polar")
    axes = plt.gca()
    axes.plot(CD, CL, 'bo-')  #,CD_old,CL_old,'*')
コード例 #48
ファイル: empty.py プロジェクト: kushalam/SUAVE
def empty(config,
          motor_efficiency=0.85 * 0.98):
    """mass = SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Buildups.EVTOL.empty(
            speed_of_sound                = 340.294,
            max_tip_mach                  = 0.65,
            disk_area_factor              = 1.15,
            max_thrust_to_weight_ratio    = 1.1,
            motor_efficiency              = 0.85 * 0.98)

        Calculates the empty vehicle mass for an EVTOL-type aircraft including seats,
        avionics, servomotors, ballistic recovery system, rotor and hub assembly,
        transmission, and landing gear. Incorporates the results of the following
        common-use buildups:


        Project Vahana Conceptual Trade Study


            config:                     SUAVE Config Data Stucture
            speed_of_sound:             Local Speed of Sound                [m/s]
            max_tip_mach:               Allowable Tip Mach Number           [Unitless]
            disk_area_factor:           Inverse of Disk Area Efficiency     [Unitless]
            max_thrust_to_weight_ratio: Allowable Thrust to Weight Ratio    [Unitless]
            motor_efficiency:           Motor Efficiency                    [Unitless]


            outputs:                    Data Dictionary of Component Masses [kg]

        Output data dictionary has the following book-keeping hierarchical structure:

                            Landing Gear
                        ECS               - Environmental Control System
                        BRS               - Ballistic Recovery System
                        Wiring            - Aircraft Electronic Wiring


    # Set up data structures for SUAVE weight methods
    output = Data()
    output.lift_rotors = 0.0
    output.propellers = 0.0
    output.lift_rotor_motors = 0.0
    output.propeller_motors = 0.0
    output.battery = 0.0
    output.payload = 0.0
    output.servos = 0.0
    output.hubs = 0.0
    output.BRS = 0.0

    config.payload.passengers = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    config.payload.baggage = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    config.payload.cargo = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    control_systems = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    electrical_systems = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    furnishings = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    air_conditioner = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    fuel = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    apu = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    hydraulics = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    optionals = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()

    # assign components to vehicle
    config.systems.control_systems = control_systems
    config.systems.electrical_systems = electrical_systems
    config.systems.avionics = avionics
    config.systems.furnishings = furnishings
    config.systems.air_conditioner = air_conditioner
    config.systems.fuel = fuel
    config.systems.apu = apu
    config.systems.hydraulics = hydraulics
    config.systems.optionals = optionals

    # Fixed Weights
    MTOW = config.mass_properties.max_takeoff
    output.seats = config.passengers * 15. * Units.kg
    output.passengers = config.passengers * 70. * Units.kg
    output.avionics = 15. * Units.kg
    output.landing_gear = MTOW * 0.02 * Units.kg
    output.ECS = config.passengers * 7. * Units.kg

    # Inputs and other constants
    tipMach = max_tip_mach
    k = disk_area_factor
    ToverW = max_thrust_to_weight_ratio
    eta = motor_efficiency
    rho_ref = 1.225
    maxVTip = speed_of_sound * tipMach  # Prop Tip Velocity
    maxLift = MTOW * ToverW * 9.81  # Maximum Thrust
    AvgBladeCD = 0.012  # Average Blade CD

    # Select a length scale depending on what kind of vehicle this is
    length_scale = 1.
    nose_length = 0.

    # Check if there is a fuselage
    C = SUAVE.Components
    if len(config.fuselages) == 0.:
        for w in config.wings:
            if isinstance(w, C.Wings.Main_Wing):
                b = w.chords.root
                if b > length_scale:
                    length_scale = b
                    nose_length = 0.25 * b
        for fuse in config.fuselages:
            nose = fuse.lengths.nose
            length = fuse.lengths.total
            if length > length_scale:
                length_scale = length
                nose_length = nose

    # Environmental Control System
    config.systems.air_conditioner.origin[0][0] = 0.51 * length_scale
    config.systems.air_conditioner.mass_properties.mass = output.ECS

    # Network Weight
    for network in config.networks:

        # Battery Weight
        network.battery.origin[0][0] = 0.51 * length_scale
        network.battery.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0] = 0.0
        output.battery += network.battery.mass_properties.mass * Units.kg

        # Payload Weight
        network.payload.origin[0][0] = 0.51 * length_scale
        network.payload.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0] = 0.0
        output.payload += network.payload.mass_properties.mass * Units.kg

        # Avionics Weight
        network.avionics.origin[0][0] = 0.4 * nose_length
        network.avionics.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0] = 0.0
        network.avionics.mass_properties.mass = output.avionics

        # Servo, Hub and BRS Weights

        lift_rotor_hub_weight = 4. * Units.kg
        prop_hub_weight = MTOW * 0.04 * Units.kg

        lift_rotor_BRS_weight = 16. * Units.kg

        # Rotor, Propeller, parameters for sizing
        if isinstance(network, Lift_Cruise):
            # Total number of rotors and propellers
            nLiftRotors = network.number_of_lift_rotor_engines
            nThrustProps = network.number_of_propeller_engines
            props = network.propellers
            rots = network.lift_rotors
            prop_motors = network.propeller_motors
            rot_motors = network.lift_rotor_motors

        elif isinstance(network, Battery_Propeller):
            # Total number of rotors and propellers

            if network.number_of_lift_rotor_engines == None:
                nLiftRotors = 0
                nLiftRotors = network.number_of_lift_rotor_engines
                rots = network.lift_rotors
                rot_motors = network.lift_rotor_motors

            if network.number_of_propeller_engines == None:
                nThrustProps = 0
                nThrustProps = network.number_of_propeller_engines
                props = network.propellers
                prop_motors = network.propeller_motors

            raise NotImplementedError(
                """eVTOL weight buildup only supports the Battery Propeller and Lift Cruise energy networks.\n
            Weight buildup will not return information on propulsion system.""",

        nProps = int(nLiftRotors + nThrustProps)
        if nProps > 1:
            prop_BRS_weight = 16. * Units.kg
            prop_BRS_weight = 0. * Units.kg

        prop_servo_weight = 0.0

        if nThrustProps > 0:
            if network.identical_propellers:
                # Get reference properties for sizing from first propeller (assumes identical)
                proprotor = props[list(props.keys())[0]]
                propmotor = prop_motors[list(prop_motors.keys())[0]]
                rTip_ref = proprotor.tip_radius
                bladeSol_ref = proprotor.blade_solidity

                if proprotor.variable_pitch:
                    prop_servo_weight = 5.2 * Units.kg

                # Compute and add propeller weights
                propeller_mass = prop(proprotor, maxLift / 5.) * Units.kg
                output.propellers += nThrustProps * propeller_mass
                output.propeller_motors += nThrustProps * propmotor.mass_properties.mass
                proprotor.mass_properties.mass = propeller_mass + prop_hub_weight + prop_servo_weight

                for idx, propeller in enumerate(network.propellers):
                    proprotor = propeller
                    propmotor = prop_motors[list(prop_motors.keys())[idx]]
                    rTip_ref = proprotor.tip_radius
                    bladeSol_ref = proprotor.blade_solidity

                    if proprotor.variable_pitch:
                        prop_servo_weight = 5.2 * Units.kg

                    # Compute and add propeller weights
                    propeller_mass = prop(proprotor, maxLift / 5.) * Units.kg
                    output.propellers += propeller_mass
                    output.propeller_motors += propmotor.mass_properties.mass
                    proprotor.mass_properties.mass = propeller_mass + prop_hub_weight + prop_servo_weight

        lift_rotor_servo_weight = 0.0
        if nLiftRotors > 0:
            if network.identical_lift_rotors:
                # Get reference properties for sizing from first lift_rotor (assumes identical)
                liftrotor = rots[list(rots.keys())[0]]
                liftmotor = rot_motors[list(rot_motors.keys())[0]]
                rTip_ref = liftrotor.tip_radius
                bladeSol_ref = liftrotor.blade_solidity

                if liftrotor.variable_pitch:
                    lift_rotor_servo_weight = 0.65 * Units.kg

                # Compute and add lift_rotor weights
                lift_rotor_mass = prop(
                    liftrotor, maxLift / max(nLiftRotors - 1, 1)) * Units.kg
                output.lift_rotors += nLiftRotors * lift_rotor_mass
                output.lift_rotor_motors += nLiftRotors * liftmotor.mass_properties.mass
                liftrotor.mass_properties.mass = lift_rotor_mass + lift_rotor_hub_weight + lift_rotor_servo_weight

                for idx, lift_rotor in enumerate(network.lift_rotors):
                    liftrotor = lift_rotor
                    liftmotor = rot_motors[list(rot_motors.keys())[idx]]
                    rTip_ref = liftrotor.tip_radius
                    bladeSol_ref = liftrotor.blade_solidity

                    if liftrotor.variable_pitch:
                        lift_rotor_servo_weight = 0.65 * Units.kg

                    # Compute and add lift_rotor weights
                    lift_rotor_mass = prop(liftrotor, maxLift /
                                           max(nLiftRotors - 1, 1)) * Units.kg
                    output.lift_rotors += lift_rotor_mass
                    output.lift_rotor_motors += liftmotor.mass_properties.mass
                    liftrotor.mass_properties.mass = lift_rotor_mass + lift_rotor_hub_weight + lift_rotor_servo_weight

        # Add associated weights
        output.servos += (nLiftRotors * lift_rotor_servo_weight +
                          nThrustProps * prop_servo_weight)
        output.hubs += (nLiftRotors * lift_rotor_hub_weight +
                        nThrustProps * prop_hub_weight)
        output.BRS += (prop_BRS_weight + lift_rotor_BRS_weight)

        maxLiftPower = 1.15 * maxLift * (
            k * np.sqrt(maxLift / (2 * rho_ref * np.pi * rTip_ref**2)) +
            bladeSol_ref * AvgBladeCD / 8 * maxVTip**3 /
            (maxLift / (rho_ref * np.pi * rTip_ref**2)))
        # Tail Rotor
        if nLiftRotors == 1:  # this assumes that the vehicle is an electric helicopter with a tail rotor

            maxLiftOmega = maxVTip / rTip_ref
            maxLiftTorque = maxLiftPower / maxLiftOmega

            tailrotor = next(iter(network.lift_rotors))
            output.tail_rotor = prop(tailrotor, 1.5 * maxLiftTorque /
                                     (1.25 * rTip_ref)) * 0.2 * Units.kg
            output.lift_rotors += output.tail_rotor

    # sum motor weight
    output.motors = output.lift_rotor_motors + output.propeller_motors

    # Wing and Motor Wiring Weight
    total_wing_weight = 0.0
    total_wiring_weight = 0.0
    output.wings = Data()
    output.wiring = Data()

    for w in config.wings:
        if w.symbolic:
            wing_weight = 0
            wing_weight = wing(w,
                               maxLift / 5,
            wing_tag = w.tag
            output.wings[wing_tag] = wing_weight
            w.mass_properties.mass = wing_weight

        total_wing_weight = total_wing_weight + wing_weight

        # wiring weight
        wiring_weight = wiring(w, config, maxLiftPower /
                               (eta * nProps)) * Units.kg
        total_wiring_weight = total_wiring_weight + wiring_weight

    output.wiring = total_wiring_weight
    output.total_wing_weight = total_wing_weight

    # Landing Gear Weight
    if not hasattr(config.landing_gear, 'nose'):
        config.landing_gear.nose = SUAVE.Components.Landing_Gear.Nose_Landing_Gear(
    config.landing_gear.nose.mass = 0.0
    if not hasattr(config.landing_gear, 'main'):
        config.landing_gear.main = SUAVE.Components.Landing_Gear.Main_Landing_Gear(
    config.landing_gear.main.mass = output.landing_gear

    # Fuselage  Weight
    output.fuselage = fuselage(config) * Units.kg
        0] = .45 * config.fuselages.fuselage.lengths.total
    config.fuselages.fuselage.mass_properties.mass                    =  output.fuselage + output.passengers + output.seats +\
                                                                         output.wiring + output.BRS

    # Pack Up Outputs
    output.structural = (output.lift_rotors + output.propellers + output.hubs +
                         output.fuselage + output.landing_gear +
                         output.total_wing_weight) * Units.kg

    output.empty      = (contingency_factor * (output.structural + output.seats + output.avionics +output.ECS +\
                        output.motors + output.servos + output.wiring + output.BRS) + output.battery) *Units.kg

    output.total = output.empty + output.payload + output.passengers

    return output
コード例 #49
ファイル: Ground.py プロジェクト: takahito-sesekura/SUAVE
    def __defaults__(self):
        """ This sets the default solver flow. Anything in here can be modified after initializing a segment.
            Properties Used:

        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        #   User inputs
        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        self.ground_incline = 0.0
        self.friction_coefficient = 0.04
        self.throttle = None
        self.velocity_start = 0.0
        self.velocity_end = 0.0
        self.time = 0.01
        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        #   State
        # --------------------------------------------------------------

        # conditions

        # initials and unknowns
        ones_row = self.state.ones_row
        self.state.residuals.acceleration_x = ones_row(1) * 0.0

        # Specific ground things
        self.state.conditions.ground = Data()
        self.state.conditions.ground.incline = ones_row(1) * 0.0
        self.state.conditions.ground.friction_coefficient = ones_row(1) * 0.0
        self.state.conditions.frames.inertial.ground_force_vector = ones_row(
            3) * 0.0

        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        #   The Solving Process
        # --------------------------------------------------------------

        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        #   Initialize - before iteration
        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        initialize = self.process.initialize

        initialize.expand_state = Methods.expand_state
        initialize.differentials = Methods.Common.Numerics.initialize_differentials_dimensionless
        initialize.conditions = Methods.Ground.Common.initialize_conditions

        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        #   Converge - starts iteration
        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        converge = self.process.converge

        converge.converge_root = Methods.converge_root

        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        #   Iterate - this is iterated
        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        iterate = self.process.iterate

        # Update Initials
        iterate.initials = Process()
        iterate.initials.time = Methods.Common.Frames.initialize_time
        iterate.initials.weights = Methods.Common.Weights.initialize_weights
        iterate.initials.inertial_position = Methods.Common.Frames.initialize_inertial_position
        iterate.initials.planet_position = Methods.Common.Frames.initialize_planet_position

        # Unpack Unknowns
        iterate.unknowns = Process()
        iterate.unknowns.mission = Methods.Ground.Common.unpack_unknowns

        # Update Conditions
        iterate.conditions = Process()
        iterate.conditions.differentials = Methods.Common.Numerics.update_differentials_time
        iterate.conditions.altitude = Methods.Common.Aerodynamics.update_altitude
        iterate.conditions.atmosphere = Methods.Common.Aerodynamics.update_atmosphere
        iterate.conditions.gravity = Methods.Common.Weights.update_gravity
        iterate.conditions.freestream = Methods.Common.Aerodynamics.update_freestream
        iterate.conditions.orientations = Methods.Common.Frames.update_orientations
        iterate.conditions.propulsion = Methods.Common.Energy.update_thrust
        iterate.conditions.aerodynamics = Methods.Common.Aerodynamics.update_aerodynamics
        iterate.conditions.stability = Methods.Common.Aerodynamics.update_stability
        iterate.conditions.weights = Methods.Common.Weights.update_weights
        iterate.conditions.forces_ground = Methods.Ground.Common.compute_ground_forces
        iterate.conditions.forces = Methods.Ground.Common.compute_forces
        iterate.conditions.planet_position = Methods.Common.Frames.update_planet_position

        # Solve Residuals
        iterate.residuals = Process()
        iterate.residuals.total_forces = Methods.Ground.Common.solve_residuals

        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        #   Finalize - after iteration
        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        finalize = self.process.finalize

        # Post Processing
        finalize.post_process = Process()
        finalize.post_process.inertial_position = Methods.Common.Frames.integrate_inertial_horizontal_position
        finalize.post_process.stability = Methods.Common.Aerodynamics.update_stability

コード例 #50
    def evaluate_thrust(self, state):
        """ Calculate thrust given the current state of the vehicle
            state [state()]
            results.thrust_force_vector [newtons]
            results.vehicle_mass_rate   [kg/s]
                rpm                  [radians/sec]
                propeller_torque     [N-M]
                power                [W]
            Properties Used:
            Defaulted values
        # unpack
        conditions = state.conditions
        engine = self.engine
        propeller = self.propeller
        num_engines = self.number_of_engines

        # Throttle the engine
        engine.inputs.speed = state.conditions.propulsion.rpm * Units.rpm
        conditions.propulsion.combustion_engine_throttle = conditions.propulsion.throttle

        # Run the engine
        power_output = engine.outputs.power
        sfc = engine.outputs.power_specific_fuel_consumption
        mdot = engine.outputs.fuel_flow_rate
        torque = engine.outputs.torque

        # link
        propeller.inputs.omega = state.conditions.propulsion.rpm * Units.rpm
        propeller.thrust_angle = self.thrust_angle

        # step 4
        F, Q, P, Cp, outputs, etap = propeller.spin(conditions)

        # Check to see if magic thrust is needed
        eta = conditions.propulsion.throttle
        P[eta > 1.0] = P[eta > 1.0] * eta[eta > 1.0]
        F[eta > 1.0] = F[eta > 1.0] * eta[eta > 1.0]

        # link
        propeller.outputs = outputs

        # Pack the conditions for outputs
        a = conditions.freestream.speed_of_sound
        R = propeller.tip_radius
        rpm = engine.inputs.speed / Units.rpm

        conditions.propulsion.rpm = rpm
        conditions.propulsion.propeller_torque = Q
        conditions.propulsion.power = P
        conditions.propulsion.propeller_tip_mach = (R * rpm * Units.rpm) / a
        conditions.propulsion.motor_torque = torque

        # noise
        outputs.number_of_engines = num_engines
        conditions.noise.sources.propeller = outputs

        # Create the outputs
        F = num_engines * F * [
            np.cos(self.thrust_angle), 0, -np.sin(self.thrust_angle)
        F_mag = np.atleast_2d(np.linalg.norm(F, axis=1))
        conditions.propulsion.disc_loading = (F_mag.T) / (
            num_engines * np.pi * (R / Units.feet)**2)  # N/m^2
        conditions.propulsion.power_loading = (F_mag.T) / (P)  # N/W

        results = Data()
        results.thrust_force_vector = F
        results.vehicle_mass_rate = mdot

        return results
コード例 #51
def setup():

    nexus = Nexus()
    problem = Data()
    nexus.optimization_problem = problem

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Inputs
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------

    #   [ tag                            , initial, (lb,ub)             , scaling , units ]
    problem.inputs = np.array([
        ['wing_area', 95, (90., 130.), 100., Units.meter**2],
        ['cruise_altitude', 11, (9, 14.), 10., Units.km],

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Objective
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------

    # throw an error if the user isn't specific about wildcards
    # [ tag, scaling, units ]
    problem.objective = np.array([['fuel_burn', 10000, Units.kg]])

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Constraints
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------

    # [ tag, sense, edge, scaling, units ]
    problem.constraints = np.array([
        ['design_range_fuel_margin', '>', 0., 1E-1,
         Units.less],  #fuel margin defined here as fuel 

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Aliases
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------

    # [ 'alias' , ['data.path1.name','data.path2.name'] ]

    problem.aliases = [
        ['cruise_altitude', 'missions.base.segments.climb_5.altitude_end'],
        ['fuel_burn', 'summary.base_mission_fuelburn'],
        ['design_range_fuel_margin', 'summary.max_zero_fuel_margin'],

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Vehicles
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    nexus.vehicle_configurations = Vehicles.setup()

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Analyses
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    nexus.analyses = Analyses.setup(nexus.vehicle_configurations)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Missions
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    nexus.missions = Missions.setup(nexus.analyses)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Procedure
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    nexus.procedure = Procedure.setup()

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Summary
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    nexus.summary = Data()
    nexus.total_number_of_iterations = 0
    return nexus
コード例 #52
def windmilling_drag(geometry, state):
    """Computes windmilling drag for turbofan engines


      max_mach_operational        [Unitless]
      reference_area              [m^2]
      wings.sref                  [m^2]
        areas.wetted              [m^2]
        nacelle_diameter          [m^2]
        engine_length             [m^2]

    windmilling_drag_coefficient  [Unitless]

    Properties Used:
    # ==============================================
    # Unpack
    # ==============================================
    vehicle = geometry

    # Defining reference area
    if vehicle.reference_area:
        reference_area = vehicle.reference_area
        n_wing = 0
        for wing in vehicle.wings:
            if not isinstance(wing, Wings.Main_Wing): continue
            n_wing = n_wing + 1
            reference_area = wing.sref
        if n_wing > 1:
                ' More than one Main_Wing in the vehicle. Last one will be considered.'
        elif n_wing == 0:
            print('No Main_Wing defined! Using the 1st wing found')
            for wing in vehicle.wings:
                if not isinstance(wing, Wings.Wing): continue
                reference_area = wing.sref

    # getting geometric data from engine (estimating when not available)
    for idx, propulsor in enumerate(vehicle.propulsors):
            swet_nac = propulsor.areas.wetted
                D_nac = propulsor.nacelle_diameter
                if propulsor.engine_length != 0.:
                    l_nac = propulsor.engine_length
                        MMO = vehicle.max_mach_operational
                        MMO = 0.84
                    D_nac_in = D_nac / Units.inches
                    l_nac = (2.36 * D_nac_in - 0.01 *
                             (D_nac_in * MMO)**2) * Units.inches
            except AttributeError:
                    'Error calculating windmilling drag. Engine dimensions missing.'
            swet_nac = 5.62 * D_nac * l_nac

    # Compute
    windmilling_drag_coefficient = 0.007274 * swet_nac / reference_area

    # dump data to state
    windmilling_result = Data(
    state.conditions.aerodynamics.drag_breakdown.windmilling_drag = windmilling_result

    return windmilling_drag_coefficient
コード例 #53
    def evaluate_thrust(self, state):
        """ Calculate thrust given the current state of the vehicle
            state [state()]
            results.thrust_force_vector [newtons]
            results.vehicle_mass_rate   [kg/s]
                rpm                  [radians/sec]
                propeller_torque     [N-M]
                power                [W]
            Properties Used:
            Defaulted values
        # unpack
        conditions = state.conditions
        engines = self.engines
        propellers = self.propellers
        num_engines = self.number_of_engines
        rpm = conditions.propulsion.rpm

        # Unpack conditions
        a = conditions.freestream.speed_of_sound

        # How many evaluations to do
        if self.identical_propellers:
            n_evals = 1
            factor = num_engines * 1
            n_evals = int(num_engines)
            factor = 1.

        # Setup conditions
        ones_row = conditions.ones_row
        conditions.propulsion.disc_loading = ones_row(n_evals)
        conditions.propulsion.power_loading = ones_row(n_evals)
        conditions.propulsion.propeller_torque = ones_row(n_evals)
        conditions.propulsion.propeller_tip_mach = ones_row(n_evals)
        conditions.propulsion.combustion_engine_throttle = ones_row(n_evals)

        # Setup numbers for iteration
        total_thrust = 0. * state.ones_row(3)
        total_power = 0.
        mdot = 0.
        for ii in range(n_evals):

            # Unpack the engine and props
            engine_key = list(engines.keys())[ii]
            prop_key = list(propellers.keys())[ii]
            engine = self.engines[engine_key]
            prop = self.propellers[prop_key]

            # Run the propeller to get the power
            prop.inputs.pitch_command = conditions.propulsion.throttle - 0.5
            prop.inputs.omega = rpm

            # step 4
            F, Q, P, Cp, outputs, etap = prop.spin(conditions)

            # Run the engine to calculate the throttle setting and the fuel burn
            engine.inputs.power = P

            # Create the outputs
            R = prop.tip_radius
            mdot = mdot + engine.outputs.fuel_flow_rate * factor
            F_mag = np.atleast_2d(np.linalg.norm(F, axis=1))
            engine_throttle = engine.outputs.throttle
            total_thrust = total_thrust + F * factor
            total_power = total_power + P * factor

            # Pack the conditions
            conditions.propulsion.propeller_torque[:, ii] = Q[:, 0]
            conditions.propulsion.propeller_tip_mach[:, ii] = (
                R * rpm[:, 0] * Units.rpm) / a[:, 0]
            conditions.propulsion.disc_loading[:, ii] = (F_mag[:, 0]) / (
                np.pi * (R**2))  # N/m^2
            conditions.propulsion.power_loading[:, ii] = (F_mag[:, 0]) / (
                P[:, 0])  # N/W
            conditions.propulsion.combustion_engine_throttle = engine_throttle
            conditions.propulsion.propeller_efficiency = etap[:, 0]

            conditions.noise.sources.propellers[prop.tag] = outputs

        # Create the outputs
        conditions.propulsion.power = total_power

        results = Data()
        results.thrust_force_vector = F
        results.vehicle_mass_rate = mdot

        return results
コード例 #54
ファイル: Optimize.py プロジェクト: nevesgeovana/TCC
def setup():

    nexus = Nexus()
    problem = Data()
    nexus.optimization_problem = problem

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Inputs
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------

    #   [ tag          , initial, (lb,ub)             , scaling ,    units]
    problem.inputs = np.array([
        ['wing_area', 61., (61., 61.), 61., Units.meter**2],
        ['aspect_ratio', 12., (12., 12.), 12.0, Units.less],
        ['taper_ratio', 0.53, (0.53, 0.53), 0.53, Units.less],
        ['t_c_ratio', 0.15, (0.15, 0.15), 0.15, Units.less],
        ['sweep_angle', 3., (3.0, 3.0), 3.0, Units.deg],
            'cruise_range', 331.5017418, (310., 350.), 331.3,
        ['MTOW', 23009.2657571, (21000., 25000.), 23000., Units.kg],
        ['MZFW_ratio', 0.912696041, (0.8, 0.98), 1., Units.less],

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Objective
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------

    # throw an error if the user isn't specific about wildcards
    # [ tag, scaling, units ]
    problem.objective = np.array([
        # ['objective', 1., Units.less],
        ['Nothing', 1., Units.less],

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Constraints
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------

    # [ tag, sense, edge, scaling, units ]
    # CONSTRAINTS ARE SET TO BE BIGGER THAN ZERO, SEE PROCEDURE (SciPy's SLSQP optimization algorithm assumes this form)
    problem.constraints = np.array([
        ['mzfw_consistency', '=', 0., 1000., Units.kg],  # MZFW consistency
        ['fuel_margin', '=', 0., 1000.,
         Units.kg],  # fuel margin defined here as fuel
        # ['Throttle_min',             '>', 0., 1.,   Units.less],
        # ['Throttle_max',             '>', 0., 1.,   Units.less],
        # ['tofl_mtow_margin',         '>', 0., 100.,    Units.m],           # take-off field length
        ['design_range_ub', '>', 0., 10.,
         Units.nautical_miles],  # Range consistency
        ['design_range_lb', '>', 0., 10.,
         Units.nautical_miles],  # Range consistency
        # ['time_to_climb',            '>', 0., 10.,  Units.min],            # Time to climb consistency
        # ['climb_gradient',           '>', 0., 1.,  Units.less],            # second segment climb gradient
        # ['lfl_mlw_margin',           '>', 0., 100.,   Units.m],            # landing field length
        # ['max_fuel_margin',          '>', 0., 100.,  Units.kg],            # max fuel margin
        # ['TOW_HH_margin',            '>', 0., 100.,  Units.kg],            # TOW for Hot and High

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Aliases
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------

    # [ 'alias' , ['data.path1.name','data.path2.name'] ]
    problem.aliases = [
        ['cruise_range', 'missions.base.segments.cruise.distance'],
        ['fuel_margin', 'summary.fuel_margin'],
        ['Throttle_min', 'summary.throttle_min'],
        ['Throttle_max', 'summary.throttle_max'],
        ['tofl_mtow_margin', 'summary.takeoff_field_length_margin'],
        ['mzfw_consistency', 'summary.mzfw_consistency'],
        ['design_range_ub', 'summary.design_range_ub'],
        ['design_range_lb', 'summary.design_range_lb'],
        ['time_to_climb', 'summary.time_to_climb'],
        ['climb_gradient', 'summary.climb_gradient'],
        ['lfl_mlw_margin', 'summary.lfl_mlw_margin'],
        ['max_fuel_margin', 'summary.max_fuel_margin'],
        ['TOW_HH_margin', 'summary.TOW_HH_margin'],
        ['MZFW_ratio', 'summary.MZFW_ratio'],
        ['beta', 'vehicle_configurations.base.wings.main_wing.beta'],
        ['objective', 'summary.objective'],
        ['Nothing', 'summary.nothing'],
        ['taper_ratio', 'vehicle_configurations.*.wings.main_wing.taper'],

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Vehicles
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    nexus.vehicle_configurations = Vehicles.setup()

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Analyses
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    nexus.analyses = Analyses.setup(nexus.vehicle_configurations)
    nexus.analyses.vehicle = Data()
    nexus.analyses.vehicle = nexus.vehicle_configurations.base
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Missions
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    nexus.missions = Missions.setup(nexus.analyses)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Procedure
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    nexus.procedure = Procedure.setup()

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Summary
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    nexus.summary = Data()
    nexus.total_number_of_iterations = 0

    nexus.beta = Data()
    nexus.beta = 1.

    return nexus
コード例 #55
        # store to outputs
        self.outputs.power = output_power
        self.outputs.power_specific_fuel_consumption = BSFC
        self.outputs.fuel_flow_rate = fuel_flow_rate
        self.outputs.torque = torque

        return self.outputs

if __name__ == '__main__':

    import numpy as np
    import pylab as plt
    import SUAVE
    from SUAVE.Core import Units, Data
    conditions = Data()
    atmo = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()
    ICE = Internal_Combustion_Engine()
    ICE.sea_level_power = 250.0 * Units.horsepower
    ICE.flat_rate_altitude = 5000. * Units.ft
    ICE.speed = 2200.  # rpm
    ICE.throttle = 1.0
    PSLS = 1.0
    delta_isa = 0.0
    i = 0
    altitude = list()
    rho = list()
    sigma = list()
    Pavailable = list()
    torque = list()
    for h in range(0, 25000, 500):
コード例 #56
def estimate_take_off_field_length(vehicle,
    """ Computes the takeoff field length for a given vehicle configuration in a given airport.
    Also optionally computes the second segment climb gradient.

    For second segment climb gradient:
    One engine inoperative
    Only validated for two engine aircraft


    analyses.base.atmosphere               [SUAVE data type]
      altitude                             [m]
      delta_isa                            [K]
      mass_properties.takeoff              [kg]
      reference_area                       [m^2]
      V2_VS_ratio (optional)               [Unitless]
      maximum_lift_coefficient (optional)  [Unitless]
      propulsors.*.number_of_engines       [Unitless]

    takeoff_field_length                   [m]

    Properties Used:

    # ==============================================
    # Unpack
    # ==============================================
    atmo = analyses.atmosphere
    altitude = airport.altitude * Units.ft
    delta_isa = airport.delta_isa
    weight = vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff
    reference_area = vehicle.reference_area
        V2_VS_ratio = vehicle.V2_VS_ratio
        V2_VS_ratio = 1.20

    # ==============================================
    # Computing atmospheric conditions
    # ==============================================
    atmo_values = atmo.compute_values(altitude, delta_isa)
    conditions = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.Aerodynamics()

    p = atmo_values.pressure
    T = atmo_values.temperature
    rho = atmo_values.density
    a = atmo_values.speed_of_sound
    mu = atmo_values.dynamic_viscosity
    sea_level_gravity = atmo.planet.sea_level_gravity

    # ==============================================
    # Determining vehicle maximum lift coefficient
    # ==============================================
    # Condition to CLmax calculation: 90KTAS @ airport
    state = Data()
    state.conditions = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.Aerodynamics(
    state.conditions.freestream = Data()
    state.conditions.freestream.density = rho
    state.conditions.freestream.velocity = 90. * Units.knots
    state.conditions.freestream.dynamic_viscosity = mu

    settings = analyses.aerodynamics.settings

    maximum_lift_coefficient, induced_drag_high_lift = compute_max_lift_coeff(
        state, settings, vehicle)

    # ==============================================
    # Computing speeds (Vs, V2, 0.7*V2)
    # ==============================================
    stall_speed = (2 * weight * sea_level_gravity /
                   (rho * reference_area * maximum_lift_coefficient))**0.5
    V2_speed = V2_VS_ratio * stall_speed
    speed_for_thrust = 0.70 * V2_speed

    # ==============================================
    # Determining vehicle number of engines
    # ==============================================
    engine_number = 0.
    for propulsor in vehicle.propulsors:  # may have than one propulsor
        engine_number += propulsor.number_of_engines
    if engine_number == 0:
        raise ValueError("No engine found in the vehicle")

    # ==============================================
    # Getting engine thrust
    # ==============================================
    state = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.State()
    conditions = state.conditions

    conditions.freestream.dynamic_pressure = np.array(
        np.atleast_1d(0.5 * rho * speed_for_thrust**2))
    conditions.freestream.gravity = np.array(
    conditions.freestream.velocity = np.array(np.atleast_1d(speed_for_thrust))
    conditions.freestream.mach_number = np.array(
        np.atleast_1d(speed_for_thrust / a))
    conditions.freestream.speed_of_sound = np.array(a)
    conditions.freestream.temperature = np.array(np.atleast_1d(T))
    conditions.freestream.pressure = np.array(np.atleast_1d(p))
    conditions.propulsion.throttle = np.array(np.atleast_2d([1.]))

    results = vehicle.propulsors.evaluate_thrust(state)  # total thrust

    thrust = results.thrust_force_vector

    # ==============================================
    # Calculate takeoff distance
    # ==============================================

    # Defining takeoff distance equations coefficients
        takeoff_constants = vehicle.takeoff_constants  # user defined
    except:  # default values
        takeoff_constants = np.zeros(3)
        if engine_number == 2:
            takeoff_constants[0] = 857.4
            takeoff_constants[1] = 2.476
            takeoff_constants[2] = 0.00014
        elif engine_number == 3:
            takeoff_constants[0] = 667.9
            takeoff_constants[1] = 2.343
            takeoff_constants[2] = 0.000093
        elif engine_number == 4:
            takeoff_constants[0] = 486.7
            takeoff_constants[1] = 2.282
            takeoff_constants[2] = 0.0000705
        elif engine_number > 4:
            takeoff_constants[0] = 486.7
            takeoff_constants[1] = 2.282
            takeoff_constants[2] = 0.0000705
                'The vehicle has more than 4 engines. Using 4 engine correlation. Result may not be correct.'
            takeoff_constants[0] = 857.4
            takeoff_constants[1] = 2.476
            takeoff_constants[2] = 0.00014
                'Incorrect number of engines: {0:.1f}. Using twin engine correlation.'

    # Define takeoff index   (V2^2 / (T/W)
    takeoff_index = V2_speed**2. / (thrust[0][0] / weight)
    # Calculating takeoff field length
    takeoff_field_length = 0.
    for idx, constant in enumerate(takeoff_constants):
        takeoff_field_length += constant * takeoff_index**idx
    takeoff_field_length = takeoff_field_length * Units.ft

    # calculating second segment climb gradient, if required by user input
    if compute_2nd_seg_climb:
        # Getting engine thrust at V2 (update only speed related conditions)
        state.conditions.freestream.dynamic_pressure = np.array(
            np.atleast_1d(0.5 * rho * V2_speed**2))
        state.conditions.freestream.velocity = np.array(
        state.conditions.freestream.mach_number = np.array(
            np.atleast_1d(V2_speed / a))
        state.conditions.freestream.dynamic_viscosity = np.array(
        state.conditions.freestream.density = np.array(np.atleast_1d(rho))
        results = vehicle.propulsors['turbofan'].engine_out(state)
        thrust = results.thrust_force_vector[0][0]

        # Compute windmilling drag
        windmilling_drag_coefficient = windmilling_drag(vehicle, state)

        # Compute asymmetry drag
        asymmetry_drag_coefficient = asymmetry_drag(
            state, vehicle, windmilling_drag_coefficient)

        # Compute l over d ratio for takeoff condition, NO engine failure
        l_over_d = estimate_2ndseg_lift_drag_ratio(state, settings, vehicle)

        # Compute L over D ratio for takeoff condition, WITH engine failure
        clv2 = maximum_lift_coefficient / (V2_VS_ratio)**2
        cdv2_all_engine = clv2 / l_over_d
        cdv2 = cdv2_all_engine + asymmetry_drag_coefficient + windmilling_drag_coefficient
        l_over_d_v2 = clv2 / cdv2

        # Compute 2nd segment climb gradient
        second_seg_climb_gradient = thrust / (
            weight * sea_level_gravity) - 1. / l_over_d_v2

        return takeoff_field_length[0][0], second_seg_climb_gradient[0][0]

        # return only takeoff_field_length
        return takeoff_field_length[0][0]
コード例 #57
ファイル: Stability.py プロジェクト: rreis/SUAVE
 def __defaults__(self):
     self.tag = 'stability'
     self.geometry = Data()
     self.settings = Data()
コード例 #58
ファイル: Vectored_Thrust.py プロジェクト: themrdjj/SUAVE
    def evaluate_thrust(self, state):
        """ Calculate thrust given the current state of the vehicle
            Caps the throttle at 110% and linearly interpolates thrust off that
            state [state()]
            results.thrust_force_vector [newtons]
            results.vehicle_mass_rate   [kg/s]
                rpm                  [radians/sec]
                current              [amps]
                battery_draw         [watts]
                battery_energy       [joules]
                voltage_open_circuit [volts]
                voltage_under_load   [volts]
                motor_torque         [N-M]
                propeller_torque     [N-M]
            Properties Used:
            Defaulted values

        # unpack
        conditions = state.conditions
        numerics = state.numerics
        motor = self.motor
        rotor = self.rotor
        esc = self.esc
        avionics = self.avionics
        payload = self.payload
        battery = self.battery
        num_engines = self.number_of_engines
        t_nondim = state.numerics.dimensionless.control_points

        # Set battery energy
        battery.current_energy = conditions.propulsion.battery_energy

        volts = state.unknowns.battery_voltage_under_load * 1.
        volts[volts > self.voltage] = self.voltage

        # ESC Voltage
        esc.inputs.voltagein = volts

        # Step 2

        # link
        motor.inputs.voltage = esc.outputs.voltageout

        # Run the motor

        # Define the thrust angle
        thrust_angle = self.thrust_angle

        # link
        rotor.inputs.omega = motor.outputs.omega
        rotor.thrust_angle = thrust_angle
        rotor.pitch_command = self.pitch_command

        # Run the rotor
        F, Q, P, Cp, outputs, etap = rotor.spin(conditions)

        # Check to see if magic thrust is needed, the ESC caps throttle at 1.1 already
        eta = conditions.propulsion.throttle[:, 0, None]
        P[eta > 1.0] = P[eta > 1.0] * eta[eta > 1.0]
        F[eta > 1.0] = F[eta > 1.0] * eta[eta > 1.0]

        # Run the avionics

        # Run the payload

        # Run the motor for current
        i, etam = motor.current(conditions)

        # Fix the current for the throttle cap
            eta > 1.0] = motor.outputs.current[eta > 1.0] * eta[eta > 1.0]

        # link
        esc.inputs.currentout = motor.outputs.current

        # Run the esc

        # Calculate avionics and payload power
        avionics_payload_power = avionics.outputs.power + payload.outputs.power

        # Calculate avionics and payload current
        avionics_payload_current = avionics_payload_power / self.voltage

        # link
        propeller_current = esc.outputs.currentin * num_engines
        total_current = propeller_current + avionics_payload_current
        battery.inputs.current = total_current
        battery.inputs.power_in = -(
            esc.outputs.voltageout * esc.outputs.currentin * num_engines +

        # Pack the conditions for outputs
        rpm = motor.outputs.omega / Units.rpm
        a = conditions.freestream.speed_of_sound
        R = rotor.tip_radius
        current = esc.outputs.currentin
        battery_draw = battery.inputs.power_in
        battery_energy = battery.current_energy
        voltage_open_circuit = battery.voltage_open_circuit
        voltage_under_load = battery.voltage_under_load
        state_of_charge = battery.state_of_charge

        conditions.propulsion.rpm = rpm
        conditions.propulsion.current = current
        conditions.propulsion.battery_draw = battery_draw
        conditions.propulsion.battery_energy = battery_energy
        conditions.propulsion.voltage_open_circuit = voltage_open_circuit
        conditions.propulsion.voltage_under_load = voltage_under_load
        conditions.propulsion.state_of_charge = state_of_charge
        conditions.propulsion.motor_torque = motor.outputs.torque
        conditions.propulsion.propeller_torque = Q
        conditions.propulsion.motor_efficiency = etam
        conditions.propulsion.acoustic_outputs[rotor.tag] = outputs
        conditions.propulsion.battery_specfic_power = -battery_draw / battery.mass_properties.mass  #Wh/kg
        conditions.propulsion.electronics_efficiency = -(
            P * num_engines) / battery_draw
        conditions.propulsion.propeller_tip_mach = (R * rpm * Units.rpm) / a
        conditions.propulsion.battery_current = total_current
        conditions.propulsion.battery_efficiency = (
            battery_draw + battery.resistive_losses) / battery_draw
        conditions.propulsion.payload_efficiency = (
            battery_draw +
            (avionics.outputs.power + payload.outputs.power)) / battery_draw
        conditions.propulsion.propeller_power = P * num_engines
        conditions.propulsion.propeller_thrust_coefficient = Cp
        conditions.propulsion.propeller_efficiency = etap
        conditions.propulsion.propeller_thrust_coefficient = outputs.thrust_coefficient

        # Compute force vector
        F_vec = self.number_of_engines * F * [
            np.cos(self.thrust_angle), 0, -np.sin(self.thrust_angle)

        F_mag = np.atleast_2d(np.linalg.norm(F_vec, axis=1))

        conditions.propulsion.disc_loading = (F_mag.T) / (num_engines * np.pi *
                                                          (R)**2)  # N/m^2
        conditions.propulsion.power_loading = (F_mag.T) / (P)  # N/W

        mdot = state.ones_row(1) * 0.0

        results = Data()
        results.thrust_force_vector = F_vec
        results.vehicle_mass_rate = mdot

        return results
コード例 #59
def compute_propeller_wake_velocities(prop,

    x_plane = prop.origin[1, 0]  #second propeller, x-location

    # generate the propeller wake distribution for the upstream propeller
    prop_copy = copy.deepcopy(prop)
    VD = Data()
    cpts = 1  # only testing one condition
    number_of_wake_timesteps = 100
    init_timestep_offset = 0
    time = 10

    props = SUAVE.Core.Container()

    identical_props = True
    WD, dt, ts, B, Nr = generate_propeller_wake_distribution(
        props, identical_props, cpts, VD, init_timestep_offset, time,
        number_of_wake_timesteps, conditions)
    prop.start_angle = prop_copy.start_angle

    # compute the wake induced velocities:
    VD.YC = grid_points.ymesh
    VD.ZC = grid_points.zmesh
    VD.XC = x_plane * np.ones_like(VD.YC)
    VD.n_cp = np.size(VD.YC)
    V_ind = compute_wake_induced_velocity(WD, VD, cpts)
    u = V_ind[0, :, 0]
    v = V_ind[0, :, 1]
    w = V_ind[0, :, 2]

    propeller_wake = Data()
    propeller_wake.u_velocities = u
    propeller_wake.v_velocities = v
    propeller_wake.w_velocities = w
    propeller_wake.VD = VD

    if plot_velocities:
        # plot the velocities input to downstream propeller
        plot_propeller_disc_inflow(prop, propeller_wake, grid_points)

    return propeller_wake
コード例 #60
class Segment(Lofted_Body.Segment):
    def __defaults__(self):
        """This sets the default for wing segments in SUAVE.





        Properties Used:
        self.tag = 'segment'
        self.percent_span_location = 0.0
        self.twist = 0.0
        self.root_chord_percent = 0.0
        self.dihedral_outboard = 0.0
        self.sweeps = Data()
        self.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0
        self.sweeps.leading_edge = None
        self.areas = Data()
        self.areas.reference = 0.0
        self.areas.exposed = 0.0
        self.areas.wetted = 0.0
        self.Airfoil = SUAVE.Core.ContainerOrdered()

        self.control_surfaces = Data()

    def append_airfoil(self, airfoil):
        """ Adds an airfoil to the segment





        Properties Used:
        # assert database type
        if not isinstance(airfoil, Data):
            raise Exception('input component must be of type Data()')

        # store data

    def append_control_surface(self, control_surface):
        """ Adds an control_surface to the segment
        Properties Used:
        # assert database type
        if not isinstance(control_surface, Data):
            raise Exception('input component must be of type Data()')

        # store data