def add_blackliststicker(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): bot = msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] words = msg.text.split(None, 1) bot = conn = connected(bot, update, chat, if conn: chat_id = conn chat_name = else: chat_id = if chat.type == "private": return else: chat_name = chat.title if len(words) > 1: text = words[1].replace('', '') to_blacklist = list( set(trigger.strip() for trigger in text.split("\n") if trigger.strip())) added = 0 for trigger in to_blacklist: try: get = bot.getStickerSet(trigger) sql.add_to_stickers(chat_id, trigger.lower()) added += 1 except BadRequest: send_message(update.effective_message, "Sticker `{}` can not be found!".format(trigger), parse_mode="markdown") if added == 0: return if len(to_blacklist) == 1: send_message( update.effective_message, "Sticker <code>{}</code> added to blacklist stickers in <b>{}</b>!" .format(html.escape(to_blacklist[0]), chat_name), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "<code>{}</code> stickers added to blacklist sticker in <b>{}</b>!" .format(added, chat_name), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) elif msg.reply_to_message: added = 0 trigger = msg.reply_to_message.sticker.set_name if trigger is None: send_message(update.effective_message, "Sticker is invalid!") return try: get = bot.getStickerSet(trigger) sql.add_to_stickers(chat_id, trigger.lower()) added += 1 except BadRequest: send_message(update.effective_message, "Sticker `{}` can not be found!".format(trigger), parse_mode="markdown") if added == 0: return send_message( update.effective_message, "Sticker <code>{}</code> added to blacklist stickers in <b>{}</b>!" .format(trigger, chat_name), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "Tell me what stickers you want to add to the blacklist.")
def unblackliststicker(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): bot = msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] words = msg.text.split(None, 1) bot = conn = connected(bot, update, chat, if conn: chat_id = conn chat_name = else: chat_id = if chat.type == "private": return else: chat_name = chat.title if len(words) > 1: text = words[1].replace('', '') to_unblacklist = list( set(trigger.strip() for trigger in text.split("\n") if trigger.strip())) successful = 0 for trigger in to_unblacklist: success = sql.rm_from_stickers(chat_id, trigger.lower()) if success: successful += 1 if len(to_unblacklist) == 1: if successful: send_message( update.effective_message, "Sticker <code>{}</code> deleted from blacklist in <b>{}</b>!" .format(html.escape(to_unblacklist[0]), chat_name), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: send_message(update.effective_message, "This sticker is not on the blacklist...!") elif successful == len(to_unblacklist): send_message( update.effective_message, "Sticker <code>{}</code> deleted from blacklist in <b>{}</b>!". format(successful, chat_name), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) elif not successful: send_message( update.effective_message, "None of these stickers exist, so they cannot be removed.". format(successful, len(to_unblacklist) - successful), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "Sticker <code>{}</code> deleted from blacklist. {} did not exist, so it's not deleted." .format(successful, len(to_unblacklist) - successful), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) elif msg.reply_to_message: trigger = msg.reply_to_message.sticker.set_name if trigger is None: send_message(update.effective_message, "Sticker is invalid!") return success = sql.rm_from_stickers(chat_id, trigger.lower()) if success: send_message( update.effective_message, "Sticker <code>{}</code> deleted from blacklist in <b>{}</b>!". format(trigger, chat_name), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "{} not found on blacklisted stickers...!".format(trigger)) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "Tell me what stickers you want to add to the blacklist.")
def blacklist_mode(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] bot, args =, context.args conn = connected(bot, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_id = conn chat_name = else: if == "private": send_message(update.effective_message, "You can do this command in groups, not PM") return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_id = chat_name = if args: if args[0].lower() == 'off' or args[0].lower( ) == 'nothing' or args[0].lower() == 'no': settypeblacklist = 'turn off' sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 0, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'del' or args[0].lower() == 'delete': settypeblacklist = 'left, the message will be deleted' sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 1, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'warn': settypeblacklist = 'warned' sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 2, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'mute': settypeblacklist = 'muted' sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 3, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'kick': settypeblacklist = 'kicked' sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 4, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'ban': settypeblacklist = 'banned' sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 5, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'tban': if len(args) == 1: teks = """It looks like you are trying to set a temporary value to blacklist, but has not determined the time; use `/blstickermode tban <timevalue>`. Examples of time values: 4m = 4 minute, 3h = 3 hours, 6d = 6 days, 5w = 5 weeks.""" send_message(update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return settypeblacklist = 'temporary banned for {}'.format(args[1]) sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 6, str(args[1])) elif args[0].lower() == 'tmute': if len(args) == 1: teks = """It looks like you are trying to set a temporary value to blacklist, but has not determined the time; use `/blstickermode tmute <timevalue>`. Examples of time values: 4m = 4 minute, 3h = 3 hours, 6d = 6 days, 5w = 5 weeks.""" send_message(update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return settypeblacklist = 'temporary muted for {}'.format(args[1]) sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 7, str(args[1])) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "I only understand off/del/warn/ban/kick/mute/tban/tmute!") return if conn: text = "Blacklist sticker mode changed, users will be `{}` at *{}*!".format( settypeblacklist, chat_name) else: text = "Blacklist sticker mode changed, users will be `{}`!".format( settypeblacklist) send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode="markdown") return "<b>{}:</b>\n" \ "<b>Admin:</b> {}\n" \ "Changed sticker blacklist mode. users will be {}.".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), settypeblacklist) else: getmode, getvalue = sql.get_blacklist_setting( if getmode == 0: settypeblacklist = "not active" elif getmode == 1: settypeblacklist = "hapus" elif getmode == 2: settypeblacklist = "warn" elif getmode == 3: settypeblacklist = "mute" elif getmode == 4: settypeblacklist = "kick" elif getmode == 5: settypeblacklist = "ban" elif getmode == 6: settypeblacklist = "temporarily banned for {}".format(getvalue) elif getmode == 7: settypeblacklist = "temporarily muted for {}".format(getvalue) if conn: text = "Blacklist sticker mode is currently set to *{}* in *{}*.".format( settypeblacklist, chat_name) else: text = "Blacklist sticker mode is currently set to *{}*.".format( settypeblacklist) send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return ""
def lock(update, context) -> str: args = context.args chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user if (can_delete(chat, or == "private"): if len(args) >= 1: ltype = args[0].lower() if ltype in LOCK_TYPES: # Connection check conn = connected(, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_id = conn chat_name = chat.title text = "Locked {} for non-admins in {}!".format( ltype, chat_name) else: if == "private": send_message( update.effective_message, "This command is meant to use in group not in PM", ) return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_id = chat_name = text = "Locked {} for non-admins!".format(ltype) sql.update_lock(, ltype, locked=True) send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode="markdown") return ("<b>{}:</b>" "\n#LOCK" "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" "\nLocked <code>{}</code>.".format( html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), ltype, )) elif ltype in LOCK_CHAT_RESTRICTION: # Connection check conn = connected(, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_id = conn chat_name = chat.title text = "Locked {} for all non-admins in {}!".format( ltype, chat_name) else: if == "private": send_message( update.effective_message, "This command is meant to use in group not in PM", ) return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_id = chat_name = text = "Locked {} for all non-admins!".format(ltype) current_permission = chat_id=chat_id, permissions=get_permission_list( eval(str(current_permission)), LOCK_CHAT_RESTRICTION[ltype.lower()], ), ) send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode="markdown") return ("<b>{}:</b>" "\n#Permission_LOCK" "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" "\nLocked <code>{}</code>.".format( html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), ltype, )) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "What are you trying to lock...? Try /locktypes for the list of lockables", ) else: send_message(update.effective_message, "What are you trying to lock...?") else: send_message( update.effective_message, "I am not administrator or haven't got enough rights.", ) return ""
def filters(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user msg = update.effective_message args = msg.text.split( None, 1) # use python's maxsplit to separate Cmd, keyword, and reply_text conn = connected(, update, chat, if not conn is False: chat_id = conn chat_name = else: chat_id = if chat.type == "private": chat_name = "local filters" else: chat_name = chat.title if not msg.reply_to_message and len(args) < 2: send_message( update.effective_message, "Bu sözə cavab vermək üçün bir söz/cümlə verməliydiniz!", ) return if msg.reply_to_message: if len(args) < 2: send_message( update.effective_message, "Filtrin işləməsi üçün arqumentlər tam olmalıdır!", ) return else: keyword = args[1] else: extracted = split_quotes(args[1]) if len(extracted) < 1: return # set trigger -> lower, so as to avoid adding duplicate filters with different cases keyword = extracted[0].lower() # Add the filter # Note: perhaps handlers can be removed somehow using sql.get_chat_filters for handler in dispatcher.handlers.get(HANDLER_GROUP, []): if handler.filters == (keyword, chat_id): dispatcher.remove_handler(handler, HANDLER_GROUP) text, file_type, file_id = get_filter_type(msg) if not msg.reply_to_message and len(extracted) >= 2: offset = len(extracted[1]) - len( msg.text) # set correct offset relative to command + notename text, buttons = button_markdown_parser( extracted[1], entities=msg.parse_entities(), offset=offset) text = text.strip() if not text: send_message( update.effective_message, "Qeyd mesajı yoxdur - sadəcə düymələr ola bilməz, onunla getmək üçün bir mesaja ehtiyacınız var!", ) return elif msg.reply_to_message and len(args) >= 2: if msg.reply_to_message.text: text_to_parsing = msg.reply_to_message.text elif msg.reply_to_message.caption: text_to_parsing = msg.reply_to_message.caption else: text_to_parsing = "" offset = len(text_to_parsing ) # set correct offset relative to command + notename text, buttons = button_markdown_parser( text_to_parsing, entities=msg.parse_entities(), offset=offset) text = text.strip() elif not text and not file_type: send_message( update.effective_message, "Cavab verə bilməyim üçün cavab mesajı verməlisiniz!", ) return elif msg.reply_to_message: if msg.reply_to_message.text: text_to_parsing = msg.reply_to_message.text elif msg.reply_to_message.caption: text_to_parsing = msg.reply_to_message.caption else: text_to_parsing = "" offset = len(text_to_parsing ) # set correct offset relative to command + notename text, buttons = button_markdown_parser( text_to_parsing, entities=msg.parse_entities(), offset=offset) text = text.strip() if (msg.reply_to_message.text or msg.reply_to_message.caption) and not text: send_message( update.effective_message, "Qeyd mesajı yoxdur - sadəcə düymələr ola bilməz, onunla getmək üçün bir mesaja ehtiyacınız var!", ) return else: send_message(update.effective_message, "Invalid filter!") return add = addnew_filter(update, chat_id, keyword, text, file_type, file_id, buttons) # This is an old method # sql.add_filter(chat_id, keyword, content, is_sticker, is_document, is_image, is_audio, is_voice, is_video, buttons) if add is True: send_message( update.effective_message, "*{}* qrupunda `{}` filtri əlavə olundu!".format(chat_name, keyword), parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN, ) raise DispatcherHandlerStop
def set_flood(update, context) -> str: chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] args = context.args conn = connected(, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat_id = conn chat_name = else: if == "private": send_message( update.effective_message, "This command is meant to use in group not in PM", ) return "" chat_id = chat_name = if len(args) >= 1: val = args[0].lower() if val in ["off", "no", "0"]: sql.set_flood(chat_id, 0) if conn: text = message.reply_text( "Antiflood has been disabled in {}.".format(chat_name) ) else: text = message.reply_text("Antiflood has been disabled.") elif val.isdigit(): amount = int(val) if amount <= 0: sql.set_flood(chat_id, 0) if conn: text = message.reply_text( "Antiflood has been disabled in {}.".format(chat_name) ) else: text = message.reply_text("Antiflood has been disabled.") return ( "<b>{}:</b>" "\n#SETFLOOD" "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" "\nDisable antiflood.".format( html.escape(chat_name), mention_html(, html.escape(user.first_name)), ) ) elif amount <= 3: send_message( update.effective_message, "Antiflood must be either 0 (disabled) or number greater than 3!", ) return "" else: sql.set_flood(chat_id, amount) if conn: text = message.reply_text( "Anti-flood has been set to {} in chat: {}".format( amount, chat_name ) ) else: text = message.reply_text( "Successfully updated anti-flood limit to {}!".format(amount) ) return ( "<b>{}:</b>" "\n#SETFLOOD" "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" "\nSet antiflood to <code>{}</code>.".format( html.escape(chat_name), mention_html(, html.escape(user.first_name)), amount, ) ) else: message.reply_text("Invalid argument please use a number, 'off' or 'no'") else: message.reply_text( ( "Use `/setflood number` to enable anti-flood.\nOr use `/setflood off` to disable antiflood!." ), parse_mode="markdown", ) return ""
def unblacklist(update, context): msg = update.effective_message chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user words = msg.text.split(None, 1) conn = connected(, update, chat, if conn: chat_id = conn chat_name = else: chat_id = if chat.type == "private": return else: chat_name = chat.title if len(words) > 1: text = words[1] to_unblacklist = list( set(trigger.strip() for trigger in text.split("\n") if trigger.strip())) successful = 0 for trigger in to_unblacklist: success = sql.rm_from_blacklist(chat_id, trigger.lower()) if success: successful += 1 if len(to_unblacklist) == 1: if successful: send_message( update.effective_message, "Removed <code>{}</code> from blacklist in <b>{}</b>!". format(html.escape(to_unblacklist[0]), html.escape(chat_name)), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, ) else: send_message(update.effective_message, "This is not a blacklist trigger!") elif successful == len(to_unblacklist): send_message( update.effective_message, "Removed <code>{}</code> from blacklist in <b>{}</b>!".format( successful, html.escape(chat_name)), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, ) elif not successful: send_message( update.effective_message, "None of these triggers exist so it can't be removed.".format( successful, len(to_unblacklist) - successful), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, ) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "Removed <code>{}</code> from blacklist. {} did not exist, " "so were not removed.".format(successful, len(to_unblacklist) - successful), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, ) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "Tell me which words you would like to remove from blacklist!", )
def unblackliststicker(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): bot = msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] words = msg.text.split(None, 1) bot = conn = connected(bot, update, chat, if conn: chat_id = conn chat_name = else: chat_id = if chat.type == "private": return else: chat_name = chat.title if len(words) > 1: text = words[1].replace('', '') to_unblacklist = list( set(trigger.strip() for trigger in text.split("\n") if trigger.strip())) successful = 0 for trigger in to_unblacklist: success = sql.rm_from_stickers(chat_id, trigger.lower()) if success: successful += 1 if len(to_unblacklist) == 1: if successful: send_message( update.effective_message, "<code>{}</code> stikeri <b>{}</b> qrupunda Qara siyahıdan silindi!" .format( html.escape(to_unblacklist[0]), html.escape(chat_name)), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: send_message(update.effective_message, "Bu stiker Qara siyahıda yoxdur...!") elif successful == len(to_unblacklist): send_message( update.effective_message, "<code>{}</code> stikeri <b>{}</b> qrupunda Qara siyahıdan silindi!" .format(successful, html.escape(chat_name)), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) elif not successful: send_message( update.effective_message, "Bu stikerlərdən heç biri mövcud olmadığından silinə bilmədi." .format(successful, len(to_unblacklist) - successful), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "<code>{}</code> stikeri Qara siyahıdan silindi. {} mövcud olmadığından silinə bilmədi." .format(successful, len(to_unblacklist) - successful), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) elif msg.reply_to_message: trigger = msg.reply_to_message.sticker.set_name if trigger is None: send_message(update.effective_message, "Stiker xətalıdır!") return success = sql.rm_from_stickers(chat_id, trigger.lower()) if success: send_message( update.effective_message, "<code>{}</code> stikeri <b>{}</b> qrupunda Qara siyahıdan silindi!" .format(trigger, chat_name), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "{} Qara siyahıda olan stikerlərdən biri deyil...!".format(trigger)) else: send_message(update.effective_message, "Qara siyahıya əlavə etmək istədiyin stikeri verməlisən.")
def blacklist_mode(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] bot, args =, context.args conn = connected(bot, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_id = conn chat_name = else: if == "private": send_message(update.effective_message, "Bu əmr qruplarda işlədilə bilər.") return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_id = chat_name = if args: if args[0].lower() == 'off' or args[0].lower( ) == 'nothing' or args[0].lower() == 'no': settypeblacklist = 'turn off' sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 0, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'del' or args[0].lower() == 'delete': settypeblacklist = 'left, the message will be deleted' sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 1, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'warn': settypeblacklist = 'warned' sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 2, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'mute': settypeblacklist = 'muted' sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 3, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'kick': settypeblacklist = 'kicked' sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 4, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'ban': settypeblacklist = 'banned' sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 5, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'tban': if len(args) == 1: teks = """Görünür ki bir zaman dəyəri verməmisiniz; `/blstickermode tban <timevalue>` işlədin. Zaman dəyərləri: 4m = 4 dəqiqə, 3h = 3 saat, 6d = 6 gün, 5w = 5 həftə.""" send_message( update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return settypeblacklist = '{} müddətlik banlandı'.format(args[1]) sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 6, str(args[1])) elif args[0].lower() == 'tmute': if len(args) == 1: teks = """Görünür ki bir zaman dəyəri verməmisiniz; `/blstickermode tmute <timevalue>` işlədin. Zaman dəyərləri: 4m = 4 dəqiqə, 3h = 3 saat, 6d = 6 gün, 5w = 5 həftə.""" send_message( update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return settypeblacklist = 'temporary muted for {}'.format(args[1]) sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 7, str(args[1])) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "Mən yalnız off/del/warn/ban/kick/mute/tban/tmute başa düşürəm!") return if conn: text = "Qara siyahı (stiker) modu yenisi işlədin əvəz olundu.\nKöhnə: `{}`\nYeni: *{}*!".format( settypeblacklist, chat_name) else: text = " Qara siyahı (stiker) modu yenisi işlədin əvəz olundu: `{}`!".format( settypeblacklist) send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode="markdown") return "<b>{}:</b>\n" \ "<b>Admin:</b> {}\n" \ "Changed sticker blacklist mode. users will be {}.".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, html.escape(user.first_name)), settypeblacklist) else: getmode, getvalue = sql.get_blacklist_setting( if getmode == 0: settypeblacklist = "not active" elif getmode == 1: settypeblacklist = "delete" elif getmode == 2: settypeblacklist = "warn" elif getmode == 3: settypeblacklist = "mute" elif getmode == 4: settypeblacklist = "kick" elif getmode == 5: settypeblacklist = "ban" elif getmode == 6: settypeblacklist = "{} müddətlik ban".format(getvalue) elif getmode == 7: settypeblacklist = "{} müddətlik susdurulma".format(getvalue) if conn: text = "*{}* qrupunda Qara siyahı(stiker) modu: *{}*.".format( chat_name, settypeblacklist) else: text = "Qara siyahı(stiker) modu: *{}*.".format( settypeblacklist) send_message( update.effective_message, text, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return ""
def set_flood_mode(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] args = context.args conn = connected(, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_id = conn chat_name = else: if == "private": send_message( update.effective_message, "Lệnh này được sử dụng trong nhóm không dùng trong PM", ) return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_id = chat_name = if args: if args[0].lower() == "ban": settypeflood = "ban" sql.set_flood_strength(chat_id, 1, "0") elif args[0].lower() == "kick": settypeflood = "kick" sql.set_flood_strength(chat_id, 2, "0") elif args[0].lower() == "mute": settypeflood = "mute" sql.set_flood_strength(chat_id, 3, "0") elif args[0].lower() == "tban": if len(args) == 1: teks = """Có vẻ như bạn đã cố gắng đặt giá trị thời gian cho antiflood nhưng bạn không chỉ định thời gian; Thủ, `/setfloodmode tban <Giá trị thời gian>`. Ví dụ về giá trị thời gian: 4m = 4 phút, 3h = 3 giờ, 6d = 6 ngày, 5w = 5 tuần.""" send_message(update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return settypeflood = "tban for {}".format(args[1]) sql.set_flood_strength(chat_id, 4, str(args[1])) elif args[0].lower() == "tmute": if len(args) == 1: teks = ( update.effective_message, """Có vẻ như bạn đã cố gắng đặt giá trị thời gian cho antiflood nhưng bạn không chỉ định thời gian; Try, `/setfloodmode tmute <Giá trị thời gian>`. Ví dụ về giá trị thời gian: 4m = 4 phút, 3h = 3 giờ, 6d = 6 ngày, 5w = 5 tuần.""", ) send_message(update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return settypeflood = "tmute for {}".format(args[1]) sql.set_flood_strength(chat_id, 5, str(args[1])) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "Mình chỉ hiểu ban/kick/mute/tban/tmute thôi!", ) return if conn: text = msg.reply_text( "Vượt quá giới hạn antiflood liên tiếp sẽ dẫn đến{} trong {}!". format( settypeflood, chat_name, ), ) else: text = msg.reply_text( "Vượt quá giới hạn antiflood liên tiếp sẽ dẫn đến {}!".format( settypeflood, ), ) return ("<b>{}:</b>\n" "<b>Admin:</b> {}\n" "Đã thay đổi chế độ antiflood. Người dùng sẽ {}.".format( settypeflood, html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, html.escape(user.first_name)), )) else: getmode, getvalue = sql.get_flood_setting( if getmode == 1: settypeflood = "ban" elif getmode == 2: settypeflood = "kick" elif getmode == 3: settypeflood = "mute" elif getmode == 4: settypeflood = "tban for {}".format(getvalue) elif getmode == 5: settypeflood = "tmute for {}".format(getvalue) if conn: text = msg.reply_text( "Gửi nhiều tin nhắn hơn giới hạn antiflood sẽ dẫn đến{} trong {}." .format( settypeflood, chat_name, ), ) else: text = msg.reply_text( "Gửi nhiều tin nhắn hơn giới hạn antiflood sẽ dẫn đến {}.". format(settypeflood, ), ) return ""
def unlock(update, context) -> str: args = context.args chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message if is_user_admin(chat, if len(args) >= 1: ltype = args[0].lower() if ltype in LOCK_TYPES: # Connection check conn = connected(, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_id = conn chat_name = chat.title text = "{} qrupunda {} kilidi açıldı!".format( chat_name, ltype) else: if == "private": send_message( update.effective_message, "Bu əmri qrupda işlədin", ) return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_id = chat_name = text = "{} kilidi açıldı!".format(ltype) sql.update_lock(, ltype, locked=False) send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode="markdown") return ("<b>{}:</b>" "\n#UNLOCK" "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" "\nUnlocked <code>{}</code>.".format( html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), ltype, )) elif ltype in UNLOCK_CHAT_RESTRICTION: # Connection check conn = connected(, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_id = conn chat_name = chat.title text = "{} qrupunda {} kilidi açıldı!".format( chat_name, ltype) else: if == "private": send_message( update.effective_message, "Bu əmri qrupda işlədin", ) return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_id = chat_name = text = "{} kilidi açıldı!".format(ltype) current_permission = chat_id=chat_id, permissions=get_permission_list( eval(str(current_permission)), UNLOCK_CHAT_RESTRICTION[ltype.lower()], ), ) send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode="markdown") return ("<b>{}:</b>" "\n#UNLOCK" "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" "\nUnlocked <code>{}</code>.".format( html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), ltype, )) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "Nəyin kilidini açmaq istəyirsənki...? /locktypes yazaraq mövcud kilidlərə baxa bilərsən.", ) else: send_message(update.effective_message, "Nəyin kilidini açmaq istəyirsənki...?") return ""
def set_flood(update, context) -> str: chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] args = context.args conn = connected(, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat_id = conn chat_name = else: if == "private": send_message( update.effective_message, "Lệnh này được sử dụng trong nhóm không phải trong PM", ) return "" chat_id = chat_name = if len(args) >= 1: val = args[0].lower() if val in ["off", "no", "0"]: sql.set_flood(chat_id, 0) if conn: text = message.reply_text( "Antiflood đã bị vô hiệu hóa trong {}.".format(chat_name), ) else: text = message.reply_text("Antiflood đã bị vô hiệu hóa.") elif val.isdigit(): amount = int(val) if amount <= 0: sql.set_flood(chat_id, 0) if conn: text = message.reply_text( "Antiflood đã bị vô hiệu hóa trong {}.".format( chat_name), ) else: text = message.reply_text("Antiflood đã bị vô hiệu hóa.") return ("<b>{}:</b>" "\n#SETFLOOD" "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" "\nĐã vô hiệu hóa antiflood.".format( html.escape(chat_name), mention_html(, html.escape(user.first_name)), )) elif amount <= 3: send_message( update.effective_message, "Antiflood phải là 0 (bị vô hiệu hóa) hoặc số lớn hơn 3!", ) return "" else: sql.set_flood(chat_id, amount) if conn: text = message.reply_text( "Antiflood đã được đặt thành {} trong trò chuyện: {}". format( amount, chat_name, ), ) else: text = message.reply_text( "Đã cập nhật thành công giới hạn Antiflood thành {}!". format(amount), ) return ("<b>{}:</b>" "\n#SETFLOOD" "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" "\nĐặt antiflood thành <code>{}</code>.".format( html.escape(chat_name), mention_html(, html.escape(user.first_name)), amount, )) else: message.reply_text( "Đối số không hợp lệ, vui lòng sử dụng một số, 'off' or 'no'") else: message.reply_text( ("Sử dụng `/setflood number` để kích hoạt anti-flood.\nHoặc sử dụng `/setflood off` để vô hiệu hóa antiflood!." ), parse_mode="markdown", ) return ""
def set_flood_mode(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] args = context.args conn = connected(, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_id = conn chat_name = else: if == "private": send_message(update.effective_message, "Bu əmri qrupda istifadə edin") return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_id = chat_name = if args: if args[0].lower() == 'ban': settypeflood = ('ban') sql.set_flood_strength(chat_id, 1, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'kick': settypeflood = ('kick') sql.set_flood_strength(chat_id, 2, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'mute': settypeflood = ('mute') sql.set_flood_strength(chat_id, 3, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'tban': if len(args) == 1: teks = """Görünür ki bir zaman verməmisiniz; `/setfloodmode tban <zaman dəyəri>` istifadə edin. Məsələn: 4m = 4 dəqiqə, 3h = 3 saat, 6d = 6 gün 5w = 5 həftə.""" send_message( update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return settypeflood = ("{} müddətlik banlandı".format(args[1])) sql.set_flood_strength(chat_id, 4, str(args[1])) elif args[0].lower() == 'tmute': if len(args) == 1: teks = update.effective_message, """Yanlış dəyər verdiniz; `/setfloodmode tmute <zaman dəyəri>` istifadə edin. Məsələn: 4m = 4 dəqiqə, 3h = 3 saat, 6d = 6 gün, 5w = 5 həftə.""" send_message( update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return settypeflood = ("{} müddətlik susduruldu".format(args[1])) sql.set_flood_strength(chat_id, 5, str(args[1])) else: send_message(update.effective_message, "Mən yalnız ban/kick/mute/tban/tmute başa düşürəm!") return if conn: text = msg.reply_text( "{} qrupunda flood limitinə çatanlar {} ilə cəzalandırılacaq!" .format(chat_name, settypeflood)) else: text = msg.reply_text( "Flood limitinə çatanlar {} ilə cəzalandırılacaq!".format( settypeflood)) return "<b>{}:</b>\n" \ "<b>Admin:</b> {}\n" \ "Has changed antiflood mode. User will {}.".format(settypeflood, html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, html.escape(user.first_name))) else: getmode, getvalue = sql.get_flood_setting( if getmode == 1: settypeflood = ('ban') elif getmode == 2: settypeflood = ('kick') elif getmode == 3: settypeflood = ('mute') elif getmode == 4: settypeflood = ('tban for {}'.format(getvalue)) elif getmode == 5: settypeflood = ('tmute for {}'.format(getvalue)) if conn: text = msg.reply_text( "{} qrupunda flood limitini keçənlər {} ilə cəzalandırılacaq." .format(chat_name, settypeflood)) else: text = msg.reply_text( "Flood limitini keçənlər {} ilə cəzalandırılacaq." .format(settypeflood)) return ""
def set_flood(update, context) -> str: chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] args = context.args conn = connected(, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat_id = conn chat_name = else: if == "private": send_message(update.effective_message, "Bu əmr qrupda işlədilə bilər PM-də yox") return "" chat_id = chat_name = if len(args) >= 1: val = args[0].lower() if val == "off" or val == "no" or val == "0": sql.set_flood(chat_id, 0) if conn: text = message.reply_text( "{} qrupunda antiflood aktiv edildi.".format(chat_name)) else: text = message.reply_text("Antiflood deaktiv edildi.") elif val.isdigit(): amount = int(val) if amount <= 0: sql.set_flood(chat_id, 0) if conn: text = message.reply_text( "{} qrupunda antiflood deaktiv edildi.".format(chat_name)) else: text = message.reply_text("Antiflood deaktiv edildi.") return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#SETFLOOD" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\nDisable antiflood.".format(html.escape(chat_name), mention_html(, html.escape(user.first_name))) elif amount <= 3: send_message( update.effective_message, "Antiflood ya 0 (qeyri aktiv) ya da 3-dən böyük olmalıdır!" ) return "" else: sql.set_flood(chat_id, amount) if conn: text = message.reply_text( "{} qrupunda antiflood ayarı {} edildi".format( chat_name, amount)) else: text = message.reply_text( "Antiflood ayarı {} edildi!".format( amount)) return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#SETFLOOD" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\nSet antiflood to <code>{}</code>.".format(html.escape(chat_name), mention_html(, html.escape(user.first_name)), amount) else: message.reply_text( "Yanlış arqument verildi. Yalnız ədədlər və ya 'off' 'no' istifadə edin") else: message.reply_text(( "Antiflood aktiv etmək üçün `/setflood ədəd` istifadə edin.\nDeaktiv etmək üçün `/setflood off` istifadə edin!." ), parse_mode="markdown") return ""
def export_data(update, context): chat_data = context.chat_data msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] chat_id = chat = update.effective_chat current_chat_id = conn = connected(, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_id = conn # chat_name = else: if == "private": update.effective_message.reply_text( "This is a group only command!") return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_id = # chat_name = jam = time.time() new_jam = jam + 10800 checkchat = get_chat(chat_id, chat_data) if checkchat.get("status"): if jam <= int(checkchat.get("value")): timeformatt = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y", time.localtime(checkchat.get("value"))) update.effective_message.reply_text( "You can only backup once a day!\nYou can backup again in about `{}`" .format(timeformatt), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, ) return else: if != OWNER_ID: put_chat(chat_id, new_jam, chat_data) else: if != OWNER_ID: put_chat(chat_id, new_jam, chat_data) note_list = sql.get_all_chat_notes(chat_id) backup = {} # button = "" buttonlist = [] namacat = "" isicat = "" rules = "" count = 0 countbtn = 0 # Notes for note in note_list: count += 1 # getnote = sql.get_note(chat_id, namacat += "{}<###splitter###>".format( if note.msgtype == 1: tombol = sql.get_buttons(chat_id, # keyb = [] for btn in tombol: countbtn += 1 if btn.same_line: buttonlist.append( ("{}".format(, "{}".format(btn.url), True)) else: buttonlist.append( ("{}".format(, "{}".format(btn.url), False)) isicat += "###button###: {}<###button###>{}<###splitter###>".format( note.value, str(buttonlist)) buttonlist.clear() elif note.msgtype == 2: isicat += "###sticker###:{}<###splitter###>".format(note.file) elif note.msgtype == 3: isicat += "###file###:{}<###TYPESPLIT###>{}<###splitter###>".format( note.file, note.value) elif note.msgtype == 4: isicat += "###photo###:{}<###TYPESPLIT###>{}<###splitter###>".format( note.file, note.value) elif note.msgtype == 5: isicat += "###audio###:{}<###TYPESPLIT###>{}<###splitter###>".format( note.file, note.value) elif note.msgtype == 6: isicat += "###voice###:{}<###TYPESPLIT###>{}<###splitter###>".format( note.file, note.value) elif note.msgtype == 7: isicat += "###video###:{}<###TYPESPLIT###>{}<###splitter###>".format( note.file, note.value) elif note.msgtype == 8: isicat += "###video_note###:{}<###TYPESPLIT###>{}<###splitter###>".format( note.file, note.value) else: isicat += "{}<###splitter###>".format(note.value) notes = { "#{}".format(namacat.split("<###splitter###>")[x]): "{}".format(isicat.split("<###splitter###>")[x]) for x in range(count) } # Rules rules = rulessql.get_rules(chat_id) # Blacklist bl = list(blacklistsql.get_chat_blacklist(chat_id)) # Disabled command disabledcmd = list(disabledsql.get_all_disabled(chat_id)) # Filters (TODO) """ all_filters = list(filtersql.get_chat_triggers(chat_id)) export_filters = {} for filters in all_filters: filt = filtersql.get_filter(chat_id, filters) # print(vars(filt)) if filt.is_sticker: tipefilt = "sticker" elif filt.is_document: tipefilt = "doc" elif filt.is_image: tipefilt = "img" elif filt.is_audio: tipefilt = "audio" elif filt.is_voice: tipefilt = "voice" elif filt.is_video: tipefilt = "video" elif filt.has_buttons: tipefilt = "button" buttons = filtersql.get_buttons(, filt.keyword) print(vars(buttons)) elif filt.has_markdown: tipefilt = "text" if tipefilt == "button": content = "{}#=#{}|btn|{}".format(tipefilt, filt.reply, buttons) else: content = "{}#=#{}".format(tipefilt, filt.reply) print(content) export_filters[filters] = content print(export_filters) """ # Welcome (TODO) # welc = welcsql.get_welc_pref(chat_id) # Locked curr_locks = locksql.get_locks(chat_id) curr_restr = locksql.get_restr(chat_id) if curr_locks: locked_lock = { "sticker": curr_locks.sticker, "audio":, "voice": curr_locks.voice, "document": curr_locks.document, "video":, "contact":, "photo":, "gif": curr_locks.gif, "url": curr_locks.url, "bots": curr_locks.bots, "forward": curr_locks.forward, "game":, "location": curr_locks.location, "rtl": curr_locks.rtl, } else: locked_lock = {} if curr_restr: locked_restr = { "messages": curr_restr.messages, "media":, "other": curr_restr.other, "previews": curr_restr.preview, "all": all([ curr_restr.messages,, curr_restr.other, curr_restr.preview, ]), } else: locked_restr = {} locks = {"locks": locked_lock, "restrict": locked_restr} # Warns (TODO) # warns = warnssql.get_warns(chat_id) # Backing up backup[chat_id] = { "bot":, "hashes": { "info": { "rules": rules }, "extra": notes, "blacklist": bl, "disabled": disabledcmd, "locks": locks, }, } baccinfo = json.dumps(backup, indent=4) with open("KaiBot{}.backup".format(chat_id), "w") as f: f.write(str(baccinfo)), "upload_document") tgl = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S - %d/%m/%Y", time.localtime(time.time())) try: JOIN_LOGGER, "*Successfully imported backup:*\nChat: `{}`\nChat ID: `{}`\nOn: `{}`" .format(chat.title, chat_id, tgl), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, ) except BadRequest: pass current_chat_id, document=open("KaiBot{}.backup".format(chat_id), "rb"), caption= "*Successfully Exported backup:*\nChat: `{}`\nChat ID: `{}`\nOn: `{}`\n\nNote: This `SaitamaRobot-Backup` was specially made for notes." .format(chat.title, chat_id, tgl), timeout=360, reply_to_message_id=msg.message_id, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, ) os.remove("KaiBot{}.backup".format(chat_id)) # Cleaning file
def add_blackliststicker(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): bot = msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] words = msg.text.split(None, 1) bot = conn = connected(bot, update, chat, if conn: chat_id = conn chat_name = else: chat_id = if chat.type == "private": return else: chat_name = chat.title if len(words) > 1: text = words[1].replace('', '') to_blacklist = list( set(trigger.strip() for trigger in text.split("\n") if trigger.strip())) added = 0 for trigger in to_blacklist: try: get = bot.getStickerSet(trigger) sql.add_to_stickers(chat_id, trigger.lower()) added += 1 except BadRequest: send_message( update.effective_message, "`{}` stkeri tapılmadı!".format(trigger), parse_mode="markdown") if added == 0: return if len(to_blacklist) == 1: send_message( update.effective_message, "<code>{}</code> stikeri <b>{}</b> qrupunda Qara siyahıya əlavə edildi!" .format(html.escape(to_blacklist[0]), html.escape(chat_name)), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "<code>{}</code> stiker <b>{}</b> qrupunda Qara siyahıya əlavə edildi!" .format(added, html.escape(chat_name)), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) elif msg.reply_to_message: added = 0 trigger = msg.reply_to_message.sticker.set_name if trigger is None: send_message(update.effective_message, "Sticker xətalıdır!") return try: get = bot.getStickerSet(trigger) sql.add_to_stickers(chat_id, trigger.lower()) added += 1 except BadRequest: send_message( update.effective_message, "`{}` stikeri tapılmadı!".format(trigger), parse_mode="markdown") if added == 0: return send_message( update.effective_message, "<code>{}</code> stikeri <b>{}</b> qrupunda Qara siyahıya əlavə edildi!" .format(trigger, html.escape(chat_name)), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: send_message(update.effective_message, "Qara siyahıya əlavə etmək istədiyin stiker verməlisən.")
def import_data(update, context): msg = update.effective_message chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user # TODO: allow uploading doc with command, not just as reply # only work with a doc conn = connected(, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_name = else: if == "private": update.effective_message.reply_text( "This is a group only command!") return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_name = if msg.reply_to_message and msg.reply_to_message.document: try: file_info = msg.reply_to_message.document.file_id) except BadRequest: msg.reply_text( "Try downloading and uploading the file yourself again, This one seem broken to me!" ) return with BytesIO() as file: data = json.load(file) # only import one group if len(data) > 1 and str( not in data: msg.reply_text( "There are more than one group in this file and the is not same! How am i supposed to import it?" ) return # Check if backup is this chat try: if data.get(str( is None: if conn: text = "Backup comes from another chat, I can't return another chat to chat *{}*".format( chat_name) else: text = "Backup comes from another chat, I can't return another chat to this chat" return msg.reply_text(text, parse_mode="markdown") except Exception: return msg.reply_text( "There was a problem while importing the data!") # Check if backup is from self try: if str( != str(data[str(]["bot"]): return msg.reply_text( "Backup from another bot that is not suggested might cause the problem, documents, photos, videos, audios, records might not work as it should be." ) except Exception: pass # Select data source if str( in data: data = data[str(]["hashes"] else: data = data[list(data.keys())[0]]["hashes"] try: for mod in DATA_IMPORT: mod.__import_data__(str(, data) except Exception: msg.reply_text( f"An error occurred while recovering your data. The process failed. If you experience a problem with this, please take it to @{SUPPORT_CHAT}" ) LOGGER.exception( "Imprt for the chat %s with the name %s failed.", str(, str(chat.title), ) return # TODO: some of that link logic # NOTE: consider default permissions stuff? if conn: text = "Backup fully restored on *{}*.".format(chat_name) else: text = "Backup fully restored" msg.reply_text(text, parse_mode="markdown")
def unblacklist(update, context): msg = update.effective_message chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user words = msg.text.split(None, 1) conn = connected(, update, chat, if conn: chat_id = conn chat_name = else: chat_id = if chat.type == "private": return else: chat_name = chat.title if len(words) > 1: text = words[1] to_unblacklist = list( set(trigger.strip() for trigger in text.split("\n") if trigger.strip())) successful = 0 for trigger in to_unblacklist: success = sql.rm_from_blacklist(chat_id, trigger.lower()) if success: successful += 1 if len(to_unblacklist) == 1: if successful: send_message( update.effective_message, "<code>{}</code> sözü(cümləsi) <b>{}</b> qrupunda qara siyahıdan silindi!" .format( html.escape(to_unblacklist[0]), html.escape(chat_name)), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, ) else: send_message(update.effective_message, "Bu onsuz da qara siyahıda yoxdur!") elif successful == len(to_unblacklist): send_message( update.effective_message, "<code>{}</code> sözü(cümləsi) <b>{}</b> qrupunda qara siyahıdan silindi!".format( successful, html.escape(chat_name)), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, ) elif not successful: send_message( update.effective_message, "Qara siyahıda olmadığına görə silmək uğursuz oldu.".format( successful, len(to_unblacklist) - successful), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, ) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "<code>{}</code> qara siyahıdan silindi. {} mövcud olmadığından, " "silinə bilmədi.".format(successful, len(to_unblacklist) - successful), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, ) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "Qara siyahıdan silmək istədiyin sözləri verməlisən!", )
def set_flood_mode(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] args = context.args conn = connected(, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_id = conn chat_name = else: if == "private": send_message( update.effective_message, "This command is meant to use in group not in PM", ) return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_id = chat_name = if args: if args[0].lower() == "ban": settypeflood = "ban" sql.set_flood_strength(chat_id, 1, "0") elif args[0].lower() == "kick": settypeflood = "kick" sql.set_flood_strength(chat_id, 2, "0") elif args[0].lower() == "mute": settypeflood = "mute" sql.set_flood_strength(chat_id, 3, "0") elif args[0].lower() == "tban": if len(args) == 1: teks = """It looks like you tried to set time value for antiflood but you didn't specified time; Try, `/setfloodmode tban <timevalue>`. Examples of time value: 4m = 4 minutes, 3h = 3 hours, 6d = 6 days, 5w = 5 weeks.""" send_message(update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return settypeflood = "tban for {}".format(args[1]) sql.set_flood_strength(chat_id, 4, str(args[1])) elif args[0].lower() == "tmute": if len(args) == 1: teks = ( update.effective_message, """It looks like you tried to set time value for antiflood but you didn't specified time; Try, `/setfloodmode tmute <timevalue>`. Examples of time value: 4m = 4 minutes, 3h = 3 hours, 6d = 6 days, 5w = 5 weeks.""", ) send_message(update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return settypeflood = "tmute for {}".format(args[1]) sql.set_flood_strength(chat_id, 5, str(args[1])) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "I only understand ban/kick/mute/tban/tmute!" ) return if conn: text = msg.reply_text( "Exceeding consecutive flood limit will result in {} in {}!".format( settypeflood, chat_name ) ) else: text = msg.reply_text( "Exceeding consecutive flood limit will result in {}!".format( settypeflood ) ) return ( "<b>{}:</b>\n" "<b>Admin:</b> {}\n" "Has changed antiflood mode. User will {}.".format( settypeflood, html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, html.escape(user.first_name)), ) ) else: getmode, getvalue = sql.get_flood_setting( if getmode == 1: settypeflood = "ban" elif getmode == 2: settypeflood = "kick" elif getmode == 3: settypeflood = "mute" elif getmode == 4: settypeflood = "tban for {}".format(getvalue) elif getmode == 5: settypeflood = "tmute for {}".format(getvalue) if conn: text = msg.reply_text( "Sending more messages than flood limit will result in {} in {}.".format( settypeflood, chat_name ) ) else: text = msg.reply_text( "Sending more message than flood limit will result in {}.".format( settypeflood ) ) return ""
def blacklist_mode(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user msg = update.effective_message args = context.args conn = connected(, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_id = conn chat_name = else: if == "private": send_message( update.effective_message, "Bu əmr qrupda işlədilə bilər", ) return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_id = chat_name = if args: if (args[0].lower() == "off" or args[0].lower() == "nothing" or args[0].lower() == "no"): settypeblacklist = "do nothing" sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 0, "0") elif args[0].lower() == "del" or args[0].lower() == "delete": settypeblacklist = "delete blacklisted message" sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 1, "0") elif args[0].lower() == "warn": settypeblacklist = "warn the sender" sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 2, "0") elif args[0].lower() == "mute": settypeblacklist = "mute the sender" sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 3, "0") elif args[0].lower() == "kick": settypeblacklist = "kick the sender" sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 4, "0") elif args[0].lower() == "ban": settypeblacklist = "ban the sender" sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 5, "0") elif args[0].lower() == "tban": if len(args) == 1: teks = """Görünür ki bir səhvə yol vermisiniz;, `/blacklistmode tban <zaman dəyəri>` işlədin. Zaman dəyərləri: 4m = 4 dəqiqə, 3h = 3 saat, 6d = 6 gün, 5w = 5 həftə.""" send_message( update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return "" restime = extract_time(msg, args[1]) if not restime: teks = """Yalnış zaman dəyəri! Zaman dəyərləri: 4m = 4 dəqiqə, 3h = 3 saat, 6d = 6 gün, 5w = 5 həftə.""" send_message( update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return "" settypeblacklist = "{} müddətlik ban".format(args[1]) sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 6, str(args[1])) elif args[0].lower() == "tmute": if len(args) == 1: teks = """Görünür ki, bir səhvə yol vermisiniz. `/blacklistmode tmute <timevalue>` işlədin. Zaman dəyərləri: 4m = 4 dəqiqə, 3h = 3 saat, 6d = 6 gün, 5w = 5 həftə.""" send_message( update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return "" restime = extract_time(msg, args[1]) if not restime: teks = """Yalnız zaman dəyəri! Zaman dəyərləri: 4m = 4 dəqiqə, 3h = 3 saat, 6d = 6 gün, 5w = 5 həftə.""" send_message( update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return "" settypeblacklist = "{} müddətlik susdurmaq".format(args[1]) sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 7, str(args[1])) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "Mən yalnız off/del/warn/ban/kick/mute/tban/tmute başa düşürəm!", ) return "" if conn: text = "Qara siyahı nodu yenisi ilə əvəz olundu\nKöhnə: `{}`\nYeni: *{}*!".format( settypeblacklist, chat_name) else: text = "Qara siyahı modu `{}` ilə əvəz olundu!".format(settypeblacklist) send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode="markdown") return ("<b>{}:</b>\n" "<b>Admin:</b> {}\n" "Changed the blacklist mode. will {}.".format( html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, html.escape(user.first_name)), settypeblacklist, )) else: getmode, getvalue = sql.get_blacklist_setting( if getmode == 0: settypeblacklist = "do nothing" elif getmode == 1: settypeblacklist = "delete" elif getmode == 2: settypeblacklist = "warn" elif getmode == 3: settypeblacklist = "mute" elif getmode == 4: settypeblacklist = "kick" elif getmode == 5: settypeblacklist = "ban" elif getmode == 6: settypeblacklist = "{} müddətlik ban".format(getvalue) elif getmode == 7: settypeblacklist = "{} müddətlik susdurma".format(getvalue) if conn: text = "*{}* qrupunda qara siyahı modu: `{}`.".format( chat_name, settypeblacklist) else: text = "Qara siyahı modu: *{}*.".format(settypeblacklist) send_message( update.effective_message, text, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return ""
def blacklist_mode(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user msg = update.effective_message args = context.args conn = connected(, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_id = conn chat_name = else: if == "private": send_message( update.effective_message, "This command can be only used in group not in PM", ) return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_id = chat_name = if args: if (args[0].lower() == "off" or args[0].lower() == "nothing" or args[0].lower() == "no"): settypeblacklist = "do nothing" sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 0, "0") elif args[0].lower() == "del" or args[0].lower() == "delete": settypeblacklist = "delete blacklisted message" sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 1, "0") elif args[0].lower() == "warn": settypeblacklist = "warn the sender" sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 2, "0") elif args[0].lower() == "mute": settypeblacklist = "mute the sender" sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 3, "0") elif args[0].lower() == "kick": settypeblacklist = "kick the sender" sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 4, "0") elif args[0].lower() == "ban": settypeblacklist = "ban the sender" sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 5, "0") elif args[0].lower() == "tban": if len(args) == 1: teks = """It looks like you tried to set time value for blacklist but you didn't specified time; Try, `/blacklistmode tban <timevalue>`. Examples of time value: 4m = 4 minutes, 3h = 3 hours, 6d = 6 days, 5w = 5 weeks.""" send_message(update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return "" restime = extract_time(msg, args[1]) if not restime: teks = """Invalid time value! Example of time value: 4m = 4 minutes, 3h = 3 hours, 6d = 6 days, 5w = 5 weeks.""" send_message(update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return "" settypeblacklist = "temporarily ban for {}".format(args[1]) sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 6, str(args[1])) elif args[0].lower() == "tmute": if len(args) == 1: teks = """It looks like you tried to set time value for blacklist but you didn't specified time; try, `/blacklistmode tmute <timevalue>`. Examples of time value: 4m = 4 minutes, 3h = 3 hours, 6d = 6 days, 5w = 5 weeks.""" send_message(update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return "" restime = extract_time(msg, args[1]) if not restime: teks = """Invalid time value! Examples of time value: 4m = 4 minutes, 3h = 3 hours, 6d = 6 days, 5w = 5 weeks.""" send_message(update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return "" settypeblacklist = "temporarily mute for {}".format(args[1]) sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 7, str(args[1])) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "I only understand: off/del/warn/ban/kick/mute/tban/tmute!", ) return "" if conn: text = "Changed blacklist mode: `{}` in *{}*!".format( settypeblacklist, chat_name) else: text = "Changed blacklist mode: `{}`!".format(settypeblacklist) send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode="markdown") return ("<b>{}:</b>\n" "<b>Admin:</b> {}\n" "Changed the blacklist mode. will {}.".format( html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, html.escape(user.first_name)), settypeblacklist, )) else: getmode, getvalue = sql.get_blacklist_setting( if getmode == 0: settypeblacklist = "do nothing" elif getmode == 1: settypeblacklist = "delete" elif getmode == 2: settypeblacklist = "warn" elif getmode == 3: settypeblacklist = "mute" elif getmode == 4: settypeblacklist = "kick" elif getmode == 5: settypeblacklist = "ban" elif getmode == 6: settypeblacklist = "temporarily ban for {}".format(getvalue) elif getmode == 7: settypeblacklist = "temporarily mute for {}".format(getvalue) if conn: text = "Current blacklistmode: *{}* in *{}*.".format( settypeblacklist, chat_name) else: text = "Current blacklistmode: *{}*.".format(settypeblacklist) send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return ""
def filters(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user msg = update.effective_message args = msg.text.split( None, 1) # use python's maxsplit to separate Cmd, keyword, and reply_text conn = connected(, update, chat, if not conn is False: chat_id = conn chat_name = else: chat_id = if chat.type == "private": chat_name = "local filters" else: chat_name = chat.title if not msg.reply_to_message and len(args) < 2: send_message( update.effective_message, "Please provide keyboard keyword for this filter to reply with!", ) return if msg.reply_to_message: if len(args) < 2: send_message( update.effective_message, "Please provide keyword for this filter to reply with!", ) return else: keyword = args[1] else: extracted = split_quotes(args[1]) if len(extracted) < 1: return # set trigger -> lower, so as to avoid adding duplicate filters with different cases keyword = extracted[0].lower() # Add the filter # Note: perhaps handlers can be removed somehow using sql.get_chat_filters for handler in dispatcher.handlers.get(HANDLER_GROUP, []): if handler.filters == (keyword, chat_id): dispatcher.remove_handler(handler, HANDLER_GROUP) text, file_type, file_id = get_filter_type(msg) if not msg.reply_to_message and len(extracted) >= 2: offset = len(extracted[1]) - len( msg.text) # set correct offset relative to command + notename text, buttons = button_markdown_parser( extracted[1], entities=msg.parse_entities(), offset=offset) text = text.strip() if not text: send_message( update.effective_message, "There is no note message - You can't JUST have buttons, you need a message to go with it!", ) return elif msg.reply_to_message and len(args) >= 2: if msg.reply_to_message.text: text_to_parsing = msg.reply_to_message.text elif msg.reply_to_message.caption: text_to_parsing = msg.reply_to_message.caption else: text_to_parsing = "" offset = len(text_to_parsing ) # set correct offset relative to command + notename text, buttons = button_markdown_parser( text_to_parsing, entities=msg.parse_entities(), offset=offset) text = text.strip() elif not text and not file_type: send_message( update.effective_message, "Please provide keyword for this filter reply with!", ) return elif msg.reply_to_message: if msg.reply_to_message.text: text_to_parsing = msg.reply_to_message.text elif msg.reply_to_message.caption: text_to_parsing = msg.reply_to_message.caption else: text_to_parsing = "" offset = len(text_to_parsing ) # set correct offset relative to command + notename text, buttons = button_markdown_parser( text_to_parsing, entities=msg.parse_entities(), offset=offset) text = text.strip() if (msg.reply_to_message.text or msg.reply_to_message.caption) and not text: send_message( update.effective_message, "There is no note message - You can't JUST have buttons, you need a message to go with it!", ) return else: send_message(update.effective_message, "Invalid filter!") return add = addnew_filter(update, chat_id, keyword, text, file_type, file_id, buttons) # This is an old method # sql.add_filter(chat_id, keyword, content, is_sticker, is_document, is_image, is_audio, is_voice, is_video, buttons) if add is True: send_message( update.effective_message, "Saved filter '{}' in *{}*!".format(keyword, chat_name), parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN, ) raise DispatcherHandlerStop
def unlock(update, context) -> str: args = context.args chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user message = update.effective_message if is_user_admin(chat, if len(args) >= 1: ltype = args[0].lower() if ltype in LOCK_TYPES: # Connection check conn = connected(, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_id = conn chat_name = chat.title text = "Unlocked {} for everyone in {}!".format( ltype, chat_name) else: if == "private": send_message( update.effective_message, "This command is meant to use in group not in PM", ) return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_id = chat_name = text = "Unlocked {} for everyone!".format(ltype) sql.update_lock(, ltype, locked=False) send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode="markdown") return ("<b>{}:</b>" "\n#UNLOCK" "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" "\nUnlocked <code>{}</code>.".format( html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), ltype, )) elif ltype in UNLOCK_CHAT_RESTRICTION: # Connection check conn = connected(, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_id = conn chat_name = chat.title text = "Unlocked {} for everyone in {}!".format( ltype, chat_name) else: if == "private": send_message( update.effective_message, "This command is meant to use in group not in PM", ) return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_id = chat_name = text = "Unlocked {} for everyone!".format(ltype) can_change_info = chat.get_member( if not can_change_info: send_message( update.effective_message, "I don't have permission to change group info.", parse_mode="markdown") return current_permission = chat_id=chat_id, permissions=get_permission_list( eval(str(current_permission)), UNLOCK_CHAT_RESTRICTION[ltype.lower()], ), ) send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode="markdown") return ("<b>{}:</b>" "\n#UNLOCK" "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" "\nUnlocked <code>{}</code>.".format( html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), ltype, )) else: send_message( update.effective_message, "What are you trying to unlock...? Try /locktypes for the list of lockables.", ) else: send_message(update.effective_message, "What are you trying to unlock...?") return ""
def blacklist_mode(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]): chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] conn = connected(bot, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_id = conn chat_name = else: if == "private": send_message(update.effective_message, "Bu komutu PM değil gruplar halinde yapabilirsiniz") return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_id = chat_name = if args: if args[0].lower() == 'off' or args[0].lower() == 'nothing' or args[0].lower() == 'no': settypeblacklist = 'turn off' sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 0, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'del' or args[0].lower() == 'delete': settypeblacklist = 'left, the message will be deleted' sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 1, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'warn': settypeblacklist = 'warned' sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 2, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'mute': settypeblacklist = 'muted' sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 3, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'kick': settypeblacklist = 'kicked' sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 4, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'ban': settypeblacklist = 'banned' sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 5, "0") elif args[0].lower() == 'tban': if len(args) == 1: teks = """Kara listeye geçici bir değer ayarlamaya çalıştığınız anlaşılıyor, ama zamanı belirlemedi; kullan `/blstickermode tban <timevalue>`. Examples of time values: 4m = 4 minute, 3h = 3 hours, 6d = 6 days, 5w = 5 weeks.""" send_message(update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return settypeblacklist = 'temporary banned for {}'.format(args[1]) sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 6, str(args[1])) elif args[0].lower() == 'tmute': if len(args) == 1: teks = """Kara listeye geçici bir değer ayarlamaya çalıştığınız anlaşılıyor, ama zamanı belirlemedi; kullan `/blstickermode tmute <timevalue>`. Examples of time values: 4m = 4 minute, 3h = 3 hours, 6d = 6 days, 5w = 5 weeks.""" send_message(update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return settypeblacklist = tl(update.effective_message, 'geçici olarak kapatıldı {}').format(args[1]) sql.set_blacklist_strength(chat_id, 7, str(args[1])) else: send_message(update.effective_message, "Sadece anlıyorum off/del/warn/ban/kick/mute/tban/tmute!") return if conn: text = "Kara liste çıkartma modu değişti, kullanıcılar olacak `{}` at *{}*!".format(settypeblacklist, chat_name) else: text = "Kara liste çıkartma modu değişti, kullanıcılar olacak `{}`!".format(settypeblacklist) send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode="markdown") return "<b>{}:</b>\n" \ "<b>Admin:</b> {}\n" \ "Etiket kara listesi modunu değiştirdi. kullanıcılar olacak {}.".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), settypeblacklist) else: getmode, getvalue = sql.get_blacklist_setting( if getmode == 0: settypeblacklist = "not active" elif getmode == 1: settypeblacklist = "hapus" elif getmode == 2: settypeblacklist = "warn" elif getmode == 3: settypeblacklist = "mute" elif getmode == 4: settypeblacklist = "kick" elif getmode == 5: settypeblacklist = "ban" elif getmode == 6: settypeblacklist = "geçici olarak yasaklandı {}".format(getvalue) elif getmode == 7: settypeblacklist = "geçici olarak susturuldu {}".format(getvalue) if conn: text = "Kara liste çıkartma modu şu anda olarak ayarlanmış *{}* in *{}*.".format(settypeblacklist, chat_name) else: text = "Kara liste çıkartma modu şu anda olarak ayarlanmış *{}*.".format(settypeblacklist) send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return ""