コード例 #1
 def __init__(self):
   Default Constructor that will initialize member variables with reasonable
   defaults or empty lists/dictionaries where applicable.
   @ In, None
   @ Out, None
     self._initialValues = {
     }  # dict stores the user provided initial values, i.e. {var: val}
     self._updateValues = {
     }  # dict stores input variables values for the current MCMC iteration, i.e. {var:val}
     self._proposal = {
     }  # dict stores the proposal distributions for input variables, i.e. {var:dist}
     self._priorFuns = {
     }  # dict stores the prior functions for input variables, i.e. {var:fun}
     self._burnIn = 0  # integers indicate how many samples will be discarded
     self._likelihood = None  # stores the output from the likelihood
     self._logLikelihood = False  # True if the user provided likelihood is in log format
     self._availProposal = {
         'normal': Distributions.Normal(0.0, 1.0),
         'uniform': Distributions.Uniform(-1.0, 1.0)
     }  # available proposal distributions
     self._acceptDist = Distributions.Uniform(
         0.0, 1.0)  # uniform distribution for accept/rejection purpose
     self.toBeCalibrated = {}  # parameters that will be calibrated
     # assembler objects
コード例 #2
ファイル: Optimizer.py プロジェクト: dylanjm/raven
  def __init__(self):
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
    ## Instance Variable Initialization
    # public
    # _protected
    self._seed = None           # random seed to apply
    self._minMax = 'min'        # maximization or minimization?
    self._activeTraj = []       # tracks live trajectories
    self._cancelledTraj = {}    # tracks cancelled trajectories, and reasons
    self._convergedTraj = {}    # tracks converged trajectories, and values obtained
    self._numRepeatSamples = 1  # number of times to repeat sampling (e.g. denoising)
    self._objectiveVar = None   # objective variable for optimization
    self._initialValues = None  # initial variable values (trajectory starting locations), list of dicts
    self._variableBounds = None # dictionary of upper/lower bounds for each variable (may be inf?)
    self._trajCounter = 0       # tracks numbers to assign to trajectories
    self._initSampler = None    # sampler to use for picking initial seeds
    self._constraintFunctions = [] # list of constraint functions
    self._impConstraintFunctions = [] # list of implicit constraint functions
    # __private
    # additional methods
    self.addAssemblerObject('Constraint', '-1')      # Explicit (input-based) constraints
    self.addAssemblerObject('ImplicitConstraint', '-1')      # Implicit constraints
    self.addAssemblerObject('Sampler', '-1')          # This Sampler can be used to initialize the optimization initial points (e.g. partially replace the <initial> blocks for some variables)

    # register adaptive sample identification criteria
    self.registerIdentifier('traj') # the trajectory of interest
コード例 #3
 def __init__(self):
     Default Constructor that will initialize member variables with reasonable
     defaults or empty lists/dictionaries where applicable.
     @ In, None
     @ Out, None
   self.onlySampleAfterCollecting = True
   self._initialValues = {} # dict stores the user provided initial values, i.e. {var: val}
   self._updateValues = {} # dict stores input variables values for the current MCMC iteration, i.e. {var:val}
   self._proposal = {} # dict stores the proposal distributions for input variables, i.e. {var:dist}
   self._proposalDist = {} # dist stores the input variables for each proposal distribution, i.e. {distName:[(var,dim)]}
   self._priorFuns = {} # dict stores the prior functions for input variables, i.e. {var:fun}
   self._burnIn = 0      # integers indicate how many samples will be discarded
   self._likelihood = None # stores the output from the likelihood
   self._logLikelihood = False # True if the user provided likelihood is in log format
   self._availProposal = {'normal': Distributions.Normal,
                          'multivariateNormal': Distributions.MultivariateNormal} # available proposal distributions
   self._acceptDist = Distributions.Uniform(0.0, 1.0) # uniform distribution for accept/rejection purpose
   self.toBeCalibrated = {} # parameters that will be calibrated
   self._correlated = False # True if input variables are correlated else False
   self.netLogPosterior = 0.0 # log-posterior vs iteration
   self._localReady = True # True if the submitted job finished
   self._currentRlz = None # dict stores the current realizations, i.e. {var: val}
   self._acceptRate = 1. # The accept rate for MCMC
   self._acceptCount = 1 # The total number of accepted samples
   self._tune = True # Tune the scaling parameter if True
   self._tuneInterval = 100 # the number of sample steps for each tuning of scaling parameter
   self._scaling = 1.0 # The initial scaling parameter
   self._countsUntilTune = self._tuneInterval # The remain number of sample steps until the next tuning
   self._acceptInTune = 0 # The accepted number of samples for given tune interval
   self._accepted = False # The indication of current samples, True if accepted otherwise False
   self._stdProposalDefault = 0.2 # the initial scaling of the std of proposal distribution (only apply to default)
   # assembler objects
   self.addAssemblerObject('proposal', InputData.Quantity.zero_to_infinity)
   self.addAssemblerObject('probabilityFunction', InputData.Quantity.zero_to_infinity)