def main(): for i in range(p.Runs): clock = 0 # set clock to 0 at the start of the simulation if p.hasTrans: if p.Ttechnique == "Light": Transaction.create_transactions_light( ) # generate pending transactions elif p.Ttechnique == "Full": Transaction.create_transactions_full( ) # generate pending transactions Node.generate_gensis_block( ) # generate the gensis block for all miners Scheduler.initial_events() # initiate initial events to start with while not Queue.isEmpty() and clock <= p.simTime: next_event = Queue.get_next_event() clock = next_event.time # move clock to the time of the event Event.run_event(next_event) Queue.remove_event(next_event) Consensus.freshness_preferred( ) # apply the longest chain to resolve the forks Results.calculate( ) # calculate the simulation results (e.g., block statstics and miners' rewards) ########## reset all global variable before the next run ############# Results.reset() # reset all variables used to calculate the results Node.resetState( ) # reset all the states (blockchains) for all nodes in the network print("Percentage of blocks mined by the attacker: ", (p.attacker_blocks / float(p.Runs)))
def init_individual(self, ind_class, size): temp_jobs_list = copy.deepcopy(self.__jobs) temp_machines_list = copy.deepcopy(self.__machines) # 运行调度器 传递RGV配置 s = Scheduler(temp_machines_list, 1, temp_jobs_list, self.__rgv_config), verbose=True) # 搜索所有作业对象和完成的操作 list_activities = [] for temp_job in temp_jobs_list: for temp_activity in temp_job.activities_done: activity = self.__jobs[temp_activity.id_job - 1].get_activity( temp_activity.id_activity) operation = activity.get_operation( temp_activity.operation_done.id_operation) list_activities.append( (temp_activity.operation_done.time, activity, operation)) # print(str(list_activities)) # 以时间排序作业对象 list_activities = sorted(list_activities, key=lambda x: x[0]) individual = [(activity, operation) for (_, activity, operation) in list_activities] del temp_jobs_list, temp_machines_list return ind_class(individual)
def setUp(self): self.pcb1 = PCB(3, 5, 20, 40, 4) self.pcb2 = PCB(8, 10, 25, 42, 3) self.pcb3 = PCB(20, 30, 15, 45, 5) self.pcb4 = PCB(46, 49, 5, 6, 1) self.scheduler = Scheduler()
def configure(self, cfg_params): self.environment_unique_identifier = None self.cfg_params = cfg_params Scheduler.configure(self,cfg_params) self.jobtypeName = cfg_params['CRAB.jobtype'] name=string.upper( self.queue = cfg_params.get(name+'.queue',None) self.res = cfg_params.get(name+'.resource',None) # minimal padding time for jobs. For local schedulers is disabled. # Added for alignment purpose only (and for test) with Grid schedulers self.minimal_job_duration = 0 if (cfg_params.has_key('.env_id')): self.environment_unique_identifier = cfg_params['.env_id'] ## is this ok? localDomainName = getLocalDomain(self) localPSNs = getListOfPSNsForThisDomain(localDomainName) # turn list to a string as in crab.cfg localPSNs = ",".join(localPSNs) if not cfg_params.has_key('GRID.se_white_list'): cfg_params['GRID.se_white_list']=localPSNs"Your domain name is "+str(localDomainName)+": only local dataset will be considered") else:"Your se_white_list is set to "+str(cfg_params['GRID.se_white_list'])+": only local dataset will be considered") return
def __init__(self): ''' Args: --scheduler: type Scheduler, takes in the scheduler --task_list: type list of Task, takes in the tasks --partition_list, type dict of partitions, the index of a partition is its id --sch_util, type float, total utilization of tasks scheduled successfully ''' self._scheduler = Scheduler('best_fit') self._task_list = [] self._partition_list = [] #print type(self._partition_list) self._is_schedulable = True self._total_util = 0 self._sch_util = 0 self._total_num = 0 self._sch_num = 0 self._total_val = 0 self._sch_val = 0 self._state_now = [] self._critical_time = [] self._mapping = { } #mapping is used to record the map from task to partition self._to_leave_tasks = [ ] #records the tasks that will leave, it should be sorted by the leaving time self._task_counter = 0 self._leaving_counter = 0 self._time_now = 0 #did not consider the extreme conditions where no tasks are passed.
def _buildPackages(self, buildThreads): statusEvent = threading.Event() self._initializeScheduler(statusEvent) self._initializeThreadPool(statusEvent) for i in range(0, buildThreads): workerName = "WorkerThread" + str(i) ThreadPool.addWorkerThread(workerName) ThreadPool.startWorkerThread(workerName) statusEvent.wait() Scheduler.stopScheduling = True self.logger.debug("Waiting for all remaining worker threads") ThreadPool.join_all() setFailFlag = False allPackagesBuilt = False if Scheduler.isAnyPackagesFailedToBuild(): setFailFlag = True if Scheduler.isAllPackagesBuilt(): allPackagesBuilt = True if setFailFlag: self.logger.error("Some of the packages failed:") self.logger.error(Scheduler.listOfFailedPackages) raise Exception("Failed during building package") if not setFailFlag: if allPackagesBuilt: self.logger.debug("All packages built successfully") else: self.logger.error("Build stopped unexpectedly.Unknown error.") raise Exception("Unknown error")
def __init__(self): self.http = httplib2.Http() self.config = ConfigurationServer.get('AutoOn') if self.config == None: self.config = { 'lat': 0, 'long': 0, 'city': 'Enter a city here...', 'offset': 0, 'autoOnGroup': 'All Lights', 'groupBri': 255, } else: if not 'autoOnGroup' in self.config.keys(): self.config['autoOnGroup'] = 'All Lights' if not 'groupBri' in self.config.keys(): self.config['groupBri'] = 255 minute = random.randint(0,59) start_date = datetime.datetime.combine(, datetime.time(hour=12, minute=minute, second=0)) #added randomness to not break earthtools :) if start_date < # get the sunset for today, the get_sunset function will take care of the rest self.get_sunset() start_date += datetime.timedelta(days=1) Scheduler.add_interval_job(self.get_sunset, days=1, start_date=start_date)
def __init__(self): self._executors = [] self._num_executors = 0 self._collector_ready = False self._res_list= [] self._scheduler = Scheduler() self._logger = logging.getLogger("SparkContext")
def __init__(self, harness, params): Scheduler.__init__(self, harness, params) # json storage self.__session_data = {} # a set containing any launched jobs self.__jobs = set([]) # Open existing session file if os.path.exists(self.options.session_file): self.__status_check = True try: self.__session_file = open(self.options.session_file, 'r+') self.__session_data = json.load(self.__session_file) # Set some important things that affect findAndRunTests (input file, --re) json_args = self.getData('QUEUEMANAGER', options_regexp=True, options_input=True) self.options.reg_exp = json_args['options_regexp'] self.options.input_file_name = json_args['options_input'] except ValueError: raise QueueManagerError('Supplied session file: %s exists, but is not readable!' % (self.options.session_file)) # session file does not exists. Create one instead. else: self.__status_check = False self.__session_file = self.__createSessionFile() self.putData('QUEUEMANAGER', options_regexp=self.options.reg_exp, options_input=self.options.input_file_name) self.params = params
def configure(self, cfg_params): self.environment_unique_identifier = None self.cfg_params = cfg_params Scheduler.configure(self, cfg_params) self.jobtypeName = cfg_params['CRAB.jobtype'] name = string.upper( self.queue = cfg_params.get(name + '.queue', None) self.res = cfg_params.get(name + '.resource', None) # minimal padding time for jobs. For local schedulers is disabled. # Added for alignment purpose only (and for test) with Grid schedulers self.minimal_job_duration = 0 if (cfg_params.has_key( + '.env_id')): self.environment_unique_identifier = cfg_params[ + '.env_id'] ## is this ok? localDomainName = getLocalDomain(self) localPSNs = getListOfPSNsForThisDomain(localDomainName) # turn list to a string as in crab.cfg localPSNs = ",".join(localPSNs) if not cfg_params.has_key('GRID.se_white_list'): cfg_params['GRID.se_white_list'] = localPSNs"Your domain name is " + str(localDomainName) + ": only local dataset will be considered") else:"Your se_white_list is set to " + str(cfg_params['GRID.se_white_list']) + ": only local dataset will be considered") return
def run(): s = Scheduler() for i in range(1, 11): s.add_task(dummy_test, (), {}, name='task_{}'.format(i)) output = s.wait_for_completion() LOG.debug("Total wait from individual threads %d", sum(output.values())) print output
def runInViSyBlE(): SIFTObjectDetector.loadDatabase("/home/venkat/Documents/Projects/InViSyBle/ObjectDatabase/") FaceRecognizer.loadDatabase("/home/venkat/Documents/Projects/InViSyBle/FaceDatabase/") #cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) #getFrame = GetFrame() #getBWFrame = GetBWFrame() scheduler = Scheduler() scheduler.updateComputationList([GetFrame, SIFTObjectDetector.SIFTObjectDetector, FaceDetector, FaceRecognizer.FaceRecognizer]) while(True):#cap.isOpened()): #ret, frame = #gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #frame = getFrame((0,0), None) #frame, frameId = getBWFrame(frame, None) res = scheduler.compute() if None in res: continue frame, frameId = res[0] detectedObjects = res[1] detectedFaces = res[3] #draw face rectangles faces = res[2] for (x,y,w,h) in faces: cv2.rectangle(frame,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(255,0,0),2) cv2.imshow('frame',frame) print detectedObjects, detectedFaces if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break #cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def configure(self, cfg_params): self.cfg_params = cfg_params self.jobtypeName = cfg_params.get('CRAB.jobtype', '') self.schedulerName = cfg_params.get('CRAB.scheduler', '') Scheduler.configure(self, cfg_params) #self.proxyValid=0 #self.dontCheckProxy=int(cfg_params.get("GRID.dont_check_proxy",0)) self.space_token = cfg_params.get("USER.space_token", None) self.proxyServer = '' = cfg_params.get("", None) #self.role = cfg_params.get("GRID.role", None) removeBList = cfg_params.get("GRID.remove_default_blacklist", 0) blackAnaOps = None if int(removeBList) == 0: blacklist = Downloader( "") result = blacklist.config("site_black_list.conf") if result != None: blackAnaOps = result common.logger.debug("Enforced black list: %s " % blackAnaOps) else:"WARNING: Skipping default black list!") self.EDG_ce_black_list = None if cfg_params.has_key( 'GRID.ce_black_list') and cfg_params['GRID.ce_black_list']: self.EDG_ce_black_list = cfg_params.get('GRID.ce_black_list') if int(removeBList) == 0 and blackAnaOps: self.EDG_ce_black_list += ",%s" % blackAnaOps elif int(removeBList) == 0 and blackAnaOps: self.EDG_ce_black_list = blackAnaOps if self.EDG_ce_black_list: self.EDG_ce_black_list = str(self.EDG_ce_black_list).split(',') self.EDG_ce_white_list = cfg_params.get('GRID.ce_white_list', None) if (self.EDG_ce_white_list): self.EDG_ce_white_list = str(self.EDG_ce_white_list).split(',') self.VO = cfg_params.get('GRID.virtual_organization', 'cms') self.EDG_clock_time = cfg_params.get('GRID.max_wall_clock_time', None) # Default minimum CPU time to >= 130 minutes self.EDG_cpu_time = cfg_params.get('GRID.max_cpu_time', '130') ## Add EDG_WL_LOCATION to the python path #if not self.CRAB_useServer and not self.CRAB_serverName: # if not os.environ.has_key('EDG_WL_LOCATION'): # msg = "Error: the EDG_WL_LOCATION variable is not set." # raise CrabException(msg) # path = os.environ['EDG_WL_LOCATION'] # libPath=os.path.join(path, "lib") # sys.path.append(libPath) # libPath=os.path.join(path, "lib", "python") # sys.path.append(libPath) self.checkProxy() return
def setOutputs(self): self.output.clear() self.output_list.clear() pList = copy.deepcopy(self.pro_list) if self.algorithm == "Priority" and self.preemptive: self.output = Scheduler().priority_preemptive(pList) elif self.algorithm == "Priority" and not self.preemptive: self.output = Scheduler().priority_nonpreemptive(pList) elif self.algorithm == "SJF" and self.preemptive: self.output = Scheduler().SJF_Preemptive(pList) elif self.algorithm == "SJF" and not self.preemptive: self.output = Scheduler().SJF_nonPreemptive(pList) elif self.algorithm == "Round Robin": self.output = Scheduler().roundRobin(pList, self.quatum) if len(self.output): prev_tSlot = self.output[0] duration = 0 for tSlot in self.output: if tSlot != prev_tSlot: self.output_list.append({ "Name": prev_tSlot, "duration": duration }) duration = 0 if tSlot != "NOP": duration += 1 prev_tSlot = tSlot if prev_tSlot != "NOP": self.output_list.append({ "Name": prev_tSlot, "duration": duration })
def __init__(self, controller, evtProcessor): ''' Constructor ''' self.controller = controller self.eventProcessor = evtProcessor self.scheduler = Scheduler()
def startup(self, bridge_ip): from Plugins import Plugins from HueBridge import HueBridge HueBridge.init(bridge_ip) HueBridge.update() self.plugins = Plugins #expose it for cherrypy # Automatically update every minute Scheduler.add_interval_job(HueBridge.update, minutes=1)
def _buildGivenPackages(self, listPackages, buildThreads): # Extend listPackages from ["name1", "name2",..] to ["name1-vers1", "name2-vers2",..] listPackageNamesAndVersions = [] for pkg in listPackages: for version in SPECS.getData().getVersions(pkg): listPackageNamesAndVersions.append(pkg + "-" + version) if constants.rpmCheck: listMakeCheckPackages = set() for pkg in listPackages: version = SPECS.getData().getHighestVersion(pkg) listMakeCheckPackages.add(pkg + "-" + version) alreadyBuiltRPMS = self._readAlreadyAvailablePackages() listPackageNamesAndVersions = (list( set(listPackageNamesAndVersions) | (listMakeCheckPackages - alreadyBuiltRPMS))) returnVal = self._calculateParams(listPackageNamesAndVersions) if not returnVal: self.logger.error( "Unable to set paramaters. Terminating the package manager.") raise Exception("Unable to set paramaters") statusEvent = threading.Event() self._initializeScheduler(statusEvent) self._initializeThreadPool(statusEvent) for i in range(0, buildThreads): workerName = "WorkerThread" + str(i) ThreadPool.addWorkerThread(workerName) ThreadPool.startWorkerThread(workerName) statusEvent.wait() Scheduler.stopScheduling = True"Waiting for all remaining worker threads") ThreadPool.join_all() setFailFlag = False allPackagesBuilt = False if Scheduler.isAnyPackagesFailedToBuild(): setFailFlag = True if Scheduler.isAllPackagesBuilt(): allPackagesBuilt = True if setFailFlag: self.logger.error("Some of the packages failed:") self.logger.error(Scheduler.listOfFailedPackages) raise Exception("Failed during building package") if not setFailFlag: if allPackagesBuilt:"All packages built successfully") else: self.logger.error("Build stopped unexpectedly.Unknown error.") raise Exception("Unknown error")"Terminated")
def __init__(self, name, layers_string): = name self.node_list = [] self.nova_client = NovaClient.get_instance() self.instance_list = [] self.protected_layers_string = layers_string self.config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()'/etc/hass.conf') self.scheduler = Scheduler()
def configure(self, cfg_params): self.cfg_params = cfg_params self.jobtypeName = cfg_params.get('CRAB.jobtype','') self.schedulerName = cfg_params.get('CRAB.scheduler','') Scheduler.configure(self,cfg_params) #self.proxyValid=0 #self.dontCheckProxy=int(cfg_params.get("GRID.dont_check_proxy",0)) self.space_token = cfg_params.get("USER.space_token",None) self.proxyServer= '' = cfg_params.get("", None) #self.role = cfg_params.get("GRID.role", None) removeBList = cfg_params.get("GRID.remove_default_blacklist", 0 ) blackAnaOps = None if int(removeBList) == 0: blacklist = Downloader("") result = blacklist.config("site_black_list.conf") if result != None: blackAnaOps = result common.logger.debug("Enforced black list: %s "%blackAnaOps) else:"WARNING: Skipping default black list!") self.EDG_ce_black_list = None if cfg_params.has_key('GRID.ce_black_list') and cfg_params['GRID.ce_black_list']: self.EDG_ce_black_list = cfg_params.get('GRID.ce_black_list') if int(removeBList) == 0 and blackAnaOps: self.EDG_ce_black_list += ",%s"%blackAnaOps elif int(removeBList) == 0 and blackAnaOps: self.EDG_ce_black_list = blackAnaOps if self.EDG_ce_black_list: self.EDG_ce_black_list = str(self.EDG_ce_black_list).split(',') self.EDG_ce_white_list = cfg_params.get('GRID.ce_white_list',None) if (self.EDG_ce_white_list): self.EDG_ce_white_list = str(self.EDG_ce_white_list).split(',') self.VO = cfg_params.get('GRID.virtual_organization','cms') self.EDG_clock_time = cfg_params.get('GRID.max_wall_clock_time',None) # Default minimum CPU time to >= 130 minutes self.EDG_cpu_time = cfg_params.get('GRID.max_cpu_time', '130') ## Add EDG_WL_LOCATION to the python path #if not self.CRAB_useServer and not self.CRAB_serverName: # if not os.environ.has_key('EDG_WL_LOCATION'): # msg = "Error: the EDG_WL_LOCATION variable is not set." # raise CrabException(msg) # path = os.environ['EDG_WL_LOCATION'] # libPath=os.path.join(path, "lib") # sys.path.append(libPath) # libPath=os.path.join(path, "lib", "python") # sys.path.append(libPath) self.checkProxy() return
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('config') args = parser.parse_args() config = Config(args.config) scheduler = Scheduler() schedule_list = for Gp in schedule_list: Gp.view()
def start_scheduler_service(): """Starts the Scheduler component""" sched = Scheduler(maxJobs=MAX_JOBS, unitCPU=CPU_UNIT, unitMem=MEM_UNIT, maxCPU=MAX_CPU, portLower=PORT_RANGE_LOWER, portUpper=PORT_RANGE_UPPER, strategy=STRATEGY) sched.start()
def test_get_percent_observed_targets(): sen1 = Sensor(2, 2, Point(0, 0)) sen2 = Sensor(2, 2, Point(1, 0)) tar1 = Target(Point(1, 1)) tar2 = Target(Point(4, 4)) tar4 = Target(Point(5, 5)) tar3 = Target(Point(3, 0)) sensor_list = [sen1, sen2] targest_list = [tar1, tar2, tar3, tar4] a = Scheduler(sensor_list, targest_list, 2, 2) assert a.get_percent_observed_targets() == 50
def __init__(self, name): Scheduler.__init__(self,name) self.states = [ "Acl", "cancelReason", "cancelling","ce_node","children", \ "children_hist","children_num","children_states","condorId","condor_jdl", \ "cpuTime","destination", "done_code","exit_code","expectFrom", \ "expectUpdate","globusId","jdl","jobId","jobtype", \ "lastUpdateTime","localId","location", "matched_jdl","network_server", \ "owner","parent_job", "reason","resubmitted","rsl","seed",\ "stateEnterTime","stateEnterTimes","subjob_failed", \ "user tags" , "status" , "status_code","hierarchy"] return
def buildGivenPackages(self, listPackages): returnVal = self.calculateParams(listPackages) if not returnVal: self.logger.error( "Unable to set paramaters. Terminating the package manager.") return False statusEvent = threading.Event() numWorkerThreads = self.calculatePossibleNumWorkerThreads() if numWorkerThreads > 8: numWorkerThreads = 8 if numWorkerThreads == 0: return False self.initializeScheduler(statusEvent) self.initializeThreadPool(statusEvent) i = 0 while i < numWorkerThreads: workerName = "WorkerThread" + str(i) ThreadPool.addWorkerThread(workerName) ThreadPool.startWorkerThread(workerName) i = i + 1 statusEvent.wait() Scheduler.stopScheduling = True"Waiting for all remaining worker threads") listWorkerObjs = ThreadPool.getAllWorkerObjects() for w in listWorkerObjs: w.join() setFailFlag = False allPackagesBuilt = False if Scheduler.isAnyPackagesFailedToBuild(): setFailFlag = True if Scheduler.isAllPackagesBuilt(): allPackagesBuilt = True if setFailFlag: self.logger.error("Some of the packages failed:") self.logger.error(Scheduler.listOfFailedPackages) return False if not setFailFlag: if allPackagesBuilt:"All packages built successfully") else: self.logger.error("Build stopped unexpectedly.Unknown error.") return False"Terminated") return True
def __init__(self, name): Scheduler.__init__(self, name) self.states = [ "Acl", "cancelReason", "cancelling","ce_node","children", \ "children_hist","children_num","children_states","condorId","condor_jdl", \ "cpuTime","destination", "done_code","exit_code","expectFrom", \ "expectUpdate","globusId","jdl","jobId","jobtype", \ "lastUpdateTime","localId","location", "matched_jdl","network_server", \ "owner","parent_job", "reason","resubmitted","rsl","seed",\ "stateEnterTime","stateEnterTimes","subjob_failed", \ "user tags" , "status" , "status_code","hierarchy"] return
def main(self): scrape = Scraper(self.from_ct,, self.time) data = scrape.fetch_full() nj = NJParser(data[0]).parse_data() ct = CTParser(data[1]).parse_data() if self.from_ct: schedule = Scheduler(ct, nj, self.low, self.high).generate() else: schedule = Scheduler(nj, ct, self.low, self.high).generate() message = "Train schedules for " +'%Y-%m-%d') Emailer(self.password,, self.file).send_email(message + ":\n" + schedule, message)
def buildGivenPackages (self, listPackages): returnVal=self.calculateParams(listPackages) if not returnVal: self.logger.error("Unable to set paramaters. Terminating the package manager.") return False statusEvent=threading.Event() numWorkerThreads=self.calculatePossibleNumWorkerThreads() if numWorkerThreads > 8: numWorkerThreads = 8 if numWorkerThreads == 0: return False self.initializeScheduler(statusEvent) self.initializeThreadPool(statusEvent) i=0 while i < numWorkerThreads: workerName="WorkerThread"+str(i) ThreadPool.addWorkerThread(workerName) ThreadPool.startWorkerThread(workerName) i = i + 1 statusEvent.wait() Scheduler.stopScheduling=True"Waiting for all remaining worker threads") listWorkerObjs=ThreadPool.getAllWorkerObjects() for w in listWorkerObjs: w.join() setFailFlag=False allPackagesBuilt=False if Scheduler.isAnyPackagesFailedToBuild(): setFailFlag=True if Scheduler.isAllPackagesBuilt(): allPackagesBuilt=True if setFailFlag: self.logger.error("Some of the packages failed:") self.logger.error(Scheduler.listOfFailedPackages) return False if not setFailFlag: if allPackagesBuilt:"All packages built successfully") else: self.logger.error("Build stopped unexpectedly.Unknown error.") return False"Terminated") return True
def main(): temp_mon = TemperatureMonitor( error_temp=ERROR_TEMP, min_temp=MIN_TEMP, max_temp=MAX_TEMP, set_heating_below_max=SET_HEATING_ON_BELOW_MAX) heating_controller = HeatingController( gpio_output_downstairs=GPIO_OUTPUT_DOWNSTAIRS, gpio_output_upstairs=GPIO_OUTPUT_UPSTAIRS, temp_monitor=temp_mon) scheduler = Scheduler(heating_controller=heating_controller) scheduler.start()
def buildGivenPackages(self, listPackages, buildThreads): if constants.rpmCheck: alreadyBuiltRPMS = self.readAlreadyAvailablePackages() listPackages = list( set(listPackages) | (set(constants.listMakeCheckRPMPkgtoInstall) - set(alreadyBuiltRPMS))) returnVal = self.calculateParams(listPackages) if not returnVal: self.logger.error( "Unable to set paramaters. Terminating the package manager.") raise Exception("Unable to set paramaters") statusEvent = threading.Event() self.initializeScheduler(statusEvent) self.initializeThreadPool(statusEvent) i = 0 while i < buildThreads: workerName = "WorkerThread" + str(i) ThreadPool.addWorkerThread(workerName) ThreadPool.startWorkerThread(workerName) i = i + 1 statusEvent.wait() Scheduler.stopScheduling = True"Waiting for all remaining worker threads") listWorkerObjs = ThreadPool.getAllWorkerObjects() for w in listWorkerObjs: w.join() setFailFlag = False allPackagesBuilt = False if Scheduler.isAnyPackagesFailedToBuild(): setFailFlag = True if Scheduler.isAllPackagesBuilt(): allPackagesBuilt = True if setFailFlag: self.logger.error("Some of the packages failed:") self.logger.error(Scheduler.listOfFailedPackages) raise Exception("Failed during building package") if not setFailFlag: if allPackagesBuilt:"All packages built successfully") else: self.logger.error("Build stopped unexpectedly.Unknown error.") raise Exception("Unknown error")"Terminated")
def simulate_best_fit(self): tl = copy.deepcopy(self._task_list) pl = copy.deepcopy(self._partition_list) m = Model() m.reset(tl, pl) s = Scheduler('best_fit') for task in tl: action = s.schedule(task, pl) _, _, done, _ = m.step(action) if done: break return m.get_unit_ratio()
def main(): while True: if thread_active: data = camera_config switch_flag = 0 my_schedule = Scheduler(data)"Loaded Scheduler") sleep(3) while thread_active: my_schedule.update_current_time() slot = my_schedule.should_start() if switch_flag == 0:"Stop: " + str( switch_flag = 1
def process_gateway_transaction_pools(): tx_token_time = 0.0 # Loop processing all the transaction in the system while not BlockCommit.transcations_procesed(): tx_list_inserted = False # Randomly allocate transcation token to a gateway gateway_node = random.choice(p.NODES[0:p.Gn]) # Sort the transaction by receive time in ascending order gateway_node.transactionsPool.sort(key=lambda tx: tx.timestamp[1]) tx_pool_size = len(gateway_node.transactionsPool) tx_list = [] # Any transcations in the pool if tx_pool_size > 0: tx_count = min(p.txListSize, tx_pool_size) # Append any valid transaction to the transaction list for tx in gateway_node.transactionsPool[0:tx_count]: if tx.timestamp[1] <= tx_token_time: tx_list.append(tx) # If there are transactions in the list schedule append and propagation events if len(tx_list) > 0: Scheduler.append_tx_list_event(tx_list,, tx_token_time, 0) BlockCommit.schedule_event_prop_tx_list( tx_list, gateway_node.gatewayIds, tx_token_time) # Remove transactions from local transaction pool for tx in tx_list: gateway_node.transactionsPool.remove(tx) if p.maxTxListSize < len(tx_list): p.maxTxListSize = len(tx_list) tx_list_inserted = True # Release the transaction token if tx_list_inserted: tx_token_time = tx_token_time + Network.tx_list_prop_delay() + \ Network.tx_token_release_delay() else: tx_token_time = tx_token_time + Network.tx_token_release_delay( ) # Process all the transaction events in the queue BlockCommit.process_queue()
def run_main(): if cfg.RUNNING_ON_HEROKU: print "Starting in HEROKU mode" lg = logger.Logger() print "logging in reddit" bot = ParenthesesBot() bot.login() subreddit = bot.r.get_subreddit("+".join(cfg.WATCHED_SUBREDDITS)) sc = Scheduler() sc.set_job_interval("poster", cfg.TIMING_POSTER_CYCLE) sc.set_job_interval("check_config", cfg.TIMING_CONFIG_CHECK) sc.set_job_interval("report_stats", cfg.TIMING_REPORT_STATS) sc.set_job_interval("check_inbox", cfg.TIMING_CHECK_INBOX) while True: try: print "Starting cycle" run_mainloop(bot, subreddit, lg, sc) except Exception as e: lg.log(str(e), logger.CRITICAL) time.sleep(cfg.TIMING_ERROR_RESTART) return
def get_sunset(self): # 0,0 is a gps coordinate somewhere in the South Atlantic Ocean, hopefully nobody uses Hue there :) if self.config['lat'] != 0 and self.config['long'] != 0: now = request_url = "{}/{}/{}/{}/{}/99/1".format(EARTHTOOLS_URL, self.config['lat'], self.config['long'],, now.month) resp, content = self.http.request(request_url, method="GET") if int(resp['status']) == 200: xml = ElementTree.fromstring(content) sunset = xml.find(".//evening/sunset") sunset_time = time.strptime(sunset.text, "%H:%M:%S") sunset_datetime = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month,, sunset_time.tm_hour, sunset_time.tm_min, sunset_time.tm_sec) + datetime.timedelta(minutes=self.config['offset']) if sunset_datetime > cherrypy.log("AutoOn: Turning lights on @ {}".format(sunset_datetime)) Scheduler.add_date_job(self.turn_lights_on, sunset_datetime)
def buildGivenPackages (self, listPackages, buildThreads): if constants.rpmCheck: alreadyBuiltRPMS=self.readAlreadyAvailablePackages() listPackages=list(set(listPackages)|(set(constants.listMakeCheckRPMPkgtoInstall)-set(alreadyBuiltRPMS))) returnVal=self.calculateParams(listPackages) if not returnVal: self.logger.error("Unable to set paramaters. Terminating the package manager.") raise Exception("Unable to set paramaters") statusEvent=threading.Event() self.initializeScheduler(statusEvent) self.initializeThreadPool(statusEvent) i=0 while i < buildThreads: workerName="WorkerThread"+str(i) ThreadPool.addWorkerThread(workerName) ThreadPool.startWorkerThread(workerName) i = i + 1 statusEvent.wait() Scheduler.stopScheduling=True"Waiting for all remaining worker threads") listWorkerObjs=ThreadPool.getAllWorkerObjects() for w in listWorkerObjs: w.join() setFailFlag=False allPackagesBuilt=False if Scheduler.isAnyPackagesFailedToBuild(): setFailFlag=True if Scheduler.isAllPackagesBuilt(): allPackagesBuilt=True if setFailFlag: self.logger.error("Some of the packages failed:") self.logger.error(Scheduler.listOfFailedPackages) raise Exception("Failed during building package") if not setFailFlag: if allPackagesBuilt:"All packages built successfully") else: self.logger.error("Build stopped unexpectedly.Unknown error.") raise Exception("Unknown error")"Terminated")
def __init__(self, rho, seed=None): """Starts the simulator using 'rho' as its utilization. This parameter cannot be changed later""" self.__rho = rho self.__start_time = 0 # start_time of simulation rounds self.__current_time = 0 # current time of the simulator (state variable kept over function calls) self.__queue = [ ] # queue of the simulator (state variable kept over function calls) self.__server_idle = True # state of the server of the simulator (state variable kept over function calls) self.__scheduler = Scheduler( rho, seed) # Scheduler (state variable kept over function calls) self.__waiting_times = [ ] # list of waiting times of the costumers, for statistics self.__areas = [ ] # list of number of waiting costumers, for statistics
def notifyPackageBuildCompleted(): logger.disabled = False if 'status' not in flask.request.json or 'package' not in flask.request.json: return {'message', 'missing package or status in request'}, BAD_REQUEST if flask.request.json['status'] == 0: Scheduler.notifyPackageBuildCompleted(flask.request.json['package'])"Build Success %s"%flask.request.json['package']) elif flask.request.json['status'] == -1: Scheduler.notifyPackageBuildFailed(flask.request.json['package'])"Build Failed %s"%flask.request.json['package']) else: return {'message', 'wrong status'}, NOT_ACCEPTABLE logger.disabled = True return {'message': 'master notified successfully'}, SUCCESS
def __init__(self, justPlots = False): self.__name__ = "Core" self.configManager = ConfigurationManager() # These return True of False depending on whether loading the conf was a success. # It should be checked if the conf was loaded successfully and failures should be logged. self.configManager.loadConf(CONFIG_CORE, True) self.configManager.loadConf(CONFIG_SETTINGS, True) self.configManager.loadConf(CONFIG_FORMS, True) self.configManager.loadConf(CONFIG_URLMAP, True) self.configManager.loadConf(CONFIG_MESSAGES, True) self.moduleManager = ModuleManager(self) self.settingsManager = SettingsManager(self) self.clientManager = ClientManager(self) self.sensorManager = SensorManager(self) self.deviceManager = DeviceManager(self) self.taskManager = TaskManager(self) self.messageManager = MessageManager(self) self.logging = Logging(self) if self.settingsManager.equals("plottype", "matplotlib"): from Plot import Plot self.plot = Plot(self) self.protocol = Protocol(self) if not justPlots: self.connection = Connection(self) if not justPlots: self.scheduler = Scheduler() if not justPlots: self.webServer = WebServer(self.connection.getLocalIP(), self.settingsManager.getValueByName("listenport")) # Currently binds to localhost. But this needs to be fixed so other connections can be listened to too.
def __init__(self, portTypes = {} ): Scheduler.__init__(self) self.motors = { 'A': Motor(BP.PORT_A, self), 'B': Motor(BP.PORT_B, self), 'C': Motor(BP.PORT_C, self), 'D': Motor(BP.PORT_D, self) } self.sensors = { } BP.BrickPiSetup() # setup the serial port for communication for port, sensorType in portTypes.items(): if isinstance(sensorType, int): sensor = Sensor(port, sensorType) else: sensor = sensorType(port) self.sensors[sensor.idChar] = sensor BP.BrickPi.SensorType[sensor.port] = sensor.type BP.BrickPiSetupSensors() #Send the properties of sensors to BrickPi self.setUpdateCoroutine( self.updaterCoroutine() )
def __start(self, month=None, year=None): ''' Does basic configuration from user input ''' if (month == None or year == None) or (month not in range(1,13) and year <= 0): self.printTitle() print("Let's get started by filling out some basic information:") self.year = self.getInputOfType("Enter the current year: ", 'int', range(0,2500)) self.month = self.getInputOfType("Enter the current month (numeric): ", 'int', range(1,13)) self.scheduler = Scheduler(self.month, self.year) name = self.getInputOfType("[Optional] Enter name of your restaurant: ", "str", range(0,20), True) if name != "skip": self.schedName = name self.printTitle() print("Scheduler configured for %s %s"%(self.monthNames[self.month], self.year)) print("") print("Here is an overview of the month:") self.printCalendar() print("") print("You should start by adding Employees and then specifying availability/rules for each employee. " + "Then set shifts for each day/week of the month.") print("") print("Type help at any time for help using this app.\n")
def __init__(self, harness, params): Scheduler.__init__(self, harness, params) # json storage self.__session_data = {} # Open existing session file if os.path.exists(self.options.session_file): self.__status_check = True try: self.__session_file = open(self.options.session_file, 'r+') self.__session_data = json.load(self.__session_file) # Set some important things that affect findAndRunTests (input file, --re) json_args = self.getData('QUEUEMANAGER', options_regexp=True, options_input=True, options_timing=True) self.options.input_file_name = json_args['options_input'] # Honor any new reg_exp supplied by the user if self.options.reg_exp: pass else: self.options.reg_exp = json_args['options_regexp'] # Only allow timing if user is asking, and user supplied those options # during initial launch phase (otherwise perflog will not be available). if not json_args['options_timing'] and self.options.timing: self.options.timing = False except ValueError: print('Supplied session file: %s exists, but is not readable!' % (self.options.session_file)) sys.exit(1) # session file does not exists. Create one instead. elif not self.options.queue_cleanup: self.__status_check = False self.__session_file = self.__createSessionFile() self.putData('QUEUEMANAGER', options_regexp=self.options.reg_exp, options_input=self.options.input_file_name, options_timing=self.options.timing) self.params = params
def _buildGivenPackages(self, listPackages, buildThreads): # Extend listPackages from ["name1", "name2",..] to ["name1-vers1", "name2-vers2",..] listPackageNamesAndVersions=set() for pkg in listPackages: base = SPECS.getData().getSpecName(pkg) for version in SPECS.getData().getVersions(base): listPackageNamesAndVersions.add(base+"-"+version) returnVal = self._calculateParams(listPackageNamesAndVersions) if not returnVal: self.logger.error("Unable to set parameters. Terminating the package manager.") raise Exception("Unable to set parameters") statusEvent = threading.Event() self._initializeScheduler(statusEvent) self._initializeThreadPool(statusEvent) for i in range(0, buildThreads): workerName = "WorkerThread" + str(i) ThreadPool.addWorkerThread(workerName) ThreadPool.startWorkerThread(workerName) statusEvent.wait() Scheduler.stopScheduling = True self.logger.debug("Waiting for all remaining worker threads") ThreadPool.join_all() setFailFlag = False allPackagesBuilt = False if Scheduler.isAnyPackagesFailedToBuild(): setFailFlag = True if Scheduler.isAllPackagesBuilt(): allPackagesBuilt = True if setFailFlag: self.logger.error("Some of the packages failed:") self.logger.error(Scheduler.listOfFailedPackages) raise Exception("Failed during building package") if not setFailFlag: if allPackagesBuilt: self.logger.debug("All packages built successfully") else: self.logger.error("Build stopped unexpectedly.Unknown error.") raise Exception("Unknown error")
def __init__(self, conn): super(CPU, self).__init__() self.conn = conn self.pid_count = 0 self.count = 0 Memory.set_up() self.scheduler = Scheduler() self.current_process = None
def __init__(self): configStream = file('config.yaml', 'r') config = yaml.load(configStream) self.libraryDB = psycopg2.connect(host = config['music_database']['host'], user = config['music_database']['user'], password = config['music_database']['password'], database = config['music_database']['database']) try: self.messageDB = psycopg2.connect(host = config['msg_database']['host'], user = config['msg_database']['user'], password = config['msg_database']['password'], database = config['msg_database']['database']) self.messages = MessageLibrary(self.messageDB) self.messages.setStingCategories(config['messages']['sting_categories']) PlayItem.Message.basePath = config['file_manager']['message_base_path'] except TypeError: self.messages = None if config['file_manager']['mode'] == "external": = ExternalFileManager(config['file_manager']['user_id'], config['file_manager']['password'], config['file_manager']['httpUser'], config['file_manager']['httpPass']) elif config['file_manager']['mode'] == 'local': = LocalFileManager(config['file_manager']['music_base_path']) self.library = MusicLibrary(self.libraryDB) self.library.setAustralianNames(config['music']['aus_names']) self.library.setMaxSongLength(config['music']['max_song_length']) PlayItem.Song.ausNames = config['music']['aus_names'] self.logger = PlaylistLogger(config['logger']['auth'], config['logger']['baseURL'],config['logger']['showID']) self.playQueue = Queue(5) self.scheduler = Scheduler(self.library, self.messages,, self.playQueue) self.scheduler.setDemoQuota(config['scheduler']['quotas']['demo']) self.scheduler.setLocalQuota(config['scheduler']['quotas']['local']) self.scheduler.setAusQuota(config['scheduler']['quotas']['aus']) self.scheduler.setFemaleQuota(config['scheduler']['quotas']['female']) self.scheduler.setConsecutiveSongs(config['scheduler']['consecutive_songs']['min'], config['scheduler']['consecutive_songs']['max']) self.scheduler.addListener(self) self.player = Player.Player() self.playThread = Player.PlayThread(self.player, self.playQueue) self.playThread.addListener(self) self.paused = False self.listeners = list()
def configure(self, cfg_params): self.cfg_params = cfg_params self.jobtypeName = cfg_params.get('CRAB.jobtype','') self.schedulerName = cfg_params.get('CRAB.scheduler','') Scheduler.configure(self,cfg_params) self.proxyValid=0 self.dontCheckProxy=int(cfg_params.get("GRID.dont_check_proxy",0)) self.space_token = cfg_params.get("USER.space_token",None) try: self.proxyServer = Downloader("").config("myproxy_server.conf") self.proxyServer = self.proxyServer.strip() if self.proxyServer is None: raise CrabException("myproxy_server.conf retrieved but empty") except Exception, e:"Problem setting myproxy server endpoint: using") common.logger.debug(e) self.proxyServer= ''
def __init__(self, \ species_tree_structure,\ gene_trees_file_location,\ penalty_dict,\ output_directory,\ spr_search_width,\ nni_search_width,\ max_iterations,\ job_queue,\ erase_previous_run = True,\ correct_tree_structure = None,\ use_darwin = True,\ use_albertyw = True,\ use_mitmunc = True,\ species_trees_per_job = 2,\ ): """ Initialize Variables then check if there is already previous run data species_tree_structure - the structure of the species tree gene_trees_file_location - the location of the Gene Trees File penalty_dict - A dictionary of AnGST penalties output_directory - The directory to output all data to spr_search_width - The max number of sprs to try per iteration nni_search_width - The max number of nnis to try per iteration max_iterations - The maximum number of iterations to run Crank erase_previous_run - Whether to erase data from previous runs correct_tree_structure - The structure of the correct tree to compare to """ self.gene_trees = GenesFile(gene_trees_file_location) self.species_tree = SpeciesTree(species_tree_structure) self.penalty_dict = penalty_dict self.output_directory = output_directory self.spr_search_width = spr_search_width self.nni_search_width = nni_search_width self.iteration_number = 1 self.max_iterations = max_iterations self.max_operations_per_iteration = 2 self.reverse_spr = True self.species_tree_history = [str(self.species_tree)] self.log_file_location = self.output_directory+"/output.txt" self.shell_file_directory = self.output_directory +"/shell/" self.scheduler = Scheduler(job_queue, \ self.shell_file_directory,\ use_darwin,\ use_albertyw,\ use_mitmunc,\ gene_trees_file_location,\ species_trees_per_job) if correct_tree_structure == None: self.true_tree = None else: self.true_tree = SpeciesTree(correct_tree_structure) self.statistics = CrankStatistics(self.gene_trees, \ self.output_directory+"/stats", self.true_tree) self.memtest_location = self.output_directory+"/meminfo.txt" self.__load_run_data(erase_previous_run)
def reserveSlots(self, job): """ Inherited method which controls when jobs are allowed to execute, depending on available resources. QueueManager only executes third party queueing commands. So modify every job to only require 1 process. """ job.setSlots(1) return Scheduler.reserveSlots(self, job)
def listMatch(self, dest, full): matching='fast' ces=Scheduler.listMatch(self, dest, full) sites=[] for ce in ces: site=ce.split(":")[0] if site not in sites: sites.append(site) pass if full == True: matching='full' common.logger.debug("list of available site ( "+str(matching) +" matching ) : "+str(sites)) return sites
def test6(self): self.initScheduler() dummyCourse = self.genDummyCourse() data = "CS", "53" oldAllCourses = Scheduler.allCourses Scheduler.allCourses = [dummyCourse] try: found = Scheduler.getCourse(data, [dummyCourse]) except: assert False, "test 7 failed: exception" finally: Scheduler.allCourses = oldAllCourses if found.ID != data[1] or found.major != data[0]: print "getCourse() expected: ",data[0],data[1] print "getCourse() actual: ",found.major,found.ID assert False, "test 7 failed: getCourse error"
class TestScheduler(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.pcb1 = PCB(3, 5, 20, 40, 4) self.pcb2 = PCB(8, 10, 25, 42, 3) self.pcb3 = PCB(20, 30, 15, 45, 5) self.pcb4 = PCB(46, 49, 5, 6, 1) self.scheduler = Scheduler() def test_scheduler_with_fifo(self): self.scheduler.set_as_fifo() self.scheduler.add_pcb(self.pcb1) self.scheduler.add_pcb(self.pcb2) self.scheduler.add_pcb(self.pcb3) self.scheduler.add_pcb(self.pcb4) result = self.scheduler.get_pcb() self.assertEqual(self.pcb1, result)
def __init__(self,cycle_length,scheduler_length): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.folder = BotConfig.KeeperFolder self.folderpath = "" self.configfile = BotConfig.KeeperConfigFile self.cycle_length=cycle_length if self.folder: try: os.mkdir(self.folder) except: pass self.folderpath = self.folder + "/" self.configfile = self.folderpath+self.configfile self.chans = BotConfig.Chans self.threads = {} self.threadcnt = {} self.threadfiles = {} self.threadstates = {} self.threadLock = threading.Lock() self.scheduler = Scheduler(scheduler_length) self.scheduler.start() self.Restore()
def test5(self): self.initScheduler() stu = Student("patrick.txt") maj = Major("CS.req") sched = Scheduler() sched.populateCourseData() Scheduler.student = stu Scheduler.major = maj taken = [Scheduler.getCourse(data) for data in stu.classesTaken] try: sched.syncMajorWithStudent() ## this is being tested except: assert False, "Failed test 6: exception" for req in Scheduler.major.getRequirements(): for course in req.getCourses(): if course in taken: print, "not removed from major" assert False, "Failed test 6: sync error"
def __init__(self, bot): self.math_parser = NumericStringParser() self.pprinter = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) = bot self.enable_bot = False self.last_msg = long(str(time.time()).split('.')[0]) self.scheduler = Scheduler() self.scheduler.start() self.command_dict = dict() self.help_dict = dict() self.command_admin_permission = dict() self.command_enable_permission = dict() # add commands as needed self.register_command('enable', self.enable_bot_cmd, admin_only=True, enable_independent=True) self.register_command('disable', self.disable_bot_cmd, admin_only=True) self.register_command('join', self.join_cmd, admin_only=True) self.register_command('help', self.help_cmd, help='Display this message') self.register_command('math', MathHandler.MathHandler(, self.math_parser).handle, help='Executes basic mathematics statements') google_engine_id ='Authentication', 'google_search_engine_id') google_auth_token ='Authentication', 'google_search_api_token') self.register_command('image', ImageSearch.ImageSearch(, google_auth_token, google_engine_id).handle, help='Finds and displays the requested image from the internet. \n' 'You can specify filetype:gif for animated images.\n' 'Limited to 1 query per second.') self.register_command('gif', GifSearch.GifSearch(, google_auth_token, google_engine_id).handle, help='Finds and displays the requested gif image from the internet. \n' 'Limited to 1 query per second.') self.register_command('mtg', MagicHandler.MagicTheGatheringHandler(, help='Finds and displays the requested Magic: The Gathering card.') self.register_command('wiki', WikipediaHandler.WikipediaHandler(, help='Finds and displays the requested wikipedia article, if it exists.') self.register_command('netrunner', NetrunnerHandler.NetrunnerHandler(, help='Finds and displays the requested Android: Netrunner card.') self.register_command('remind', self.remindme_cmd, help='Reminds the user after the requested time period.') self.register_command('similarartist', SimilarArtist.SimilarArtist(, help='Displays a similar artist to the listed one.') self.register_command('lenny', LennyFaceHandler.LennyFaceHandler(, help='Finds and displays a random Lenny Face.') self.register_command('roll', RollHandler.RollHandler(, help='Rolls Y X-sided dice with the phrasing !roll YdX') self.register_command('translate', TranslateHandler.TranslateHandler(, help='Translates a phrase from one language to another. \nUse ' ' phrase|from_language|to_language \n' 'OR phrase|to_language to translate to another language and trust in language auto-detection\n' 'OR just phrase if you want to translate to English and still trust auto-detection. \n') wolfram_alpha_api_token ='Authentication', 'wolfram_alpha_api_token') self.wolfram_alpha_client = WolframAlphaClient(wolfram_alpha_api_token) self.register_command('wolfram', WolframBasicQuery.WolframAlphaBasicQueryHandler(, self.wolfram_alpha_client).handle, help='Queries WolframAlpha!') imgur_id ='Authentication', 'imgur_client_id') imgur_secret ='Authentication', 'imgur_client_secret') self.imgur_client = ImgurClient(imgur_id, imgur_secret) self.register_command('dankify', Dankify.Dankify(, self.imgur_client).handle, help='Can be used to produce a dankified image! \n' 'Use: !dankify [url]') print('Bot started')
class MessageHandler: def __init__(self, bot): self.math_parser = NumericStringParser() self.pprinter = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) = bot self.enable_bot = False self.last_msg = long(str(time.time()).split('.')[0]) self.scheduler = Scheduler() self.scheduler.start() self.command_dict = dict() self.help_dict = dict() self.command_admin_permission = dict() self.command_enable_permission = dict() # add commands as needed self.register_command('enable', self.enable_bot_cmd, admin_only=True, enable_independent=True) self.register_command('disable', self.disable_bot_cmd, admin_only=True) self.register_command('join', self.join_cmd, admin_only=True) self.register_command('help', self.help_cmd, help='Display this message') self.register_command('math', MathHandler.MathHandler(, self.math_parser).handle, help='Executes basic mathematics statements') google_engine_id ='Authentication', 'google_search_engine_id') google_auth_token ='Authentication', 'google_search_api_token') self.register_command('image', ImageSearch.ImageSearch(, google_auth_token, google_engine_id).handle, help='Finds and displays the requested image from the internet. \n' 'You can specify filetype:gif for animated images.\n' 'Limited to 1 query per second.') self.register_command('gif', GifSearch.GifSearch(, google_auth_token, google_engine_id).handle, help='Finds and displays the requested gif image from the internet. \n' 'Limited to 1 query per second.') self.register_command('mtg', MagicHandler.MagicTheGatheringHandler(, help='Finds and displays the requested Magic: The Gathering card.') self.register_command('wiki', WikipediaHandler.WikipediaHandler(, help='Finds and displays the requested wikipedia article, if it exists.') self.register_command('netrunner', NetrunnerHandler.NetrunnerHandler(, help='Finds and displays the requested Android: Netrunner card.') self.register_command('remind', self.remindme_cmd, help='Reminds the user after the requested time period.') self.register_command('similarartist', SimilarArtist.SimilarArtist(, help='Displays a similar artist to the listed one.') self.register_command('lenny', LennyFaceHandler.LennyFaceHandler(, help='Finds and displays a random Lenny Face.') self.register_command('roll', RollHandler.RollHandler(, help='Rolls Y X-sided dice with the phrasing !roll YdX') self.register_command('translate', TranslateHandler.TranslateHandler(, help='Translates a phrase from one language to another. \nUse ' ' phrase|from_language|to_language \n' 'OR phrase|to_language to translate to another language and trust in language auto-detection\n' 'OR just phrase if you want to translate to English and still trust auto-detection. \n') wolfram_alpha_api_token ='Authentication', 'wolfram_alpha_api_token') self.wolfram_alpha_client = WolframAlphaClient(wolfram_alpha_api_token) self.register_command('wolfram', WolframBasicQuery.WolframAlphaBasicQueryHandler(, self.wolfram_alpha_client).handle, help='Queries WolframAlpha!') imgur_id ='Authentication', 'imgur_client_id') imgur_secret ='Authentication', 'imgur_client_secret') self.imgur_client = ImgurClient(imgur_id, imgur_secret) self.register_command('dankify', Dankify.Dankify(, self.imgur_client).handle, help='Can be used to produce a dankified image! \n' 'Use: !dankify [url]') print('Bot started') def register_command(self, command_string, message_handler, help=None, admin_only=False, enable_independent=False): self.command_dict[command_string] = message_handler if not admin_only: self.help_dict[command_string] = help if admin_only: self.command_admin_permission[command_string] = admin_only else: self.command_admin_permission[command_string] = False if enable_independent: self.command_enable_permission[command_string] = enable_independent else: self.command_enable_permission[command_string] = False def handle(self, msg): time_stamp_str = msg.xml.attrib['ts'].split('.')[0] time_stamp = long(time_stamp_str) if time_stamp < self.last_msg: return None elif msg['type'] == 'groupchat': # self.last_msg = time_stamp message_body = msg['body'] from_name_full = msg['mucnick'] split_str = message_body.split(' ') if len(split_str[0]) <= len(COMMAND_CHAR) or not split_str[0].startswith(COMMAND_CHAR): return None command = split_str[0].replace(COMMAND_CHAR, "", 1) handler = self.command_dict[command] admin_permission = self.command_admin_permission[command] enable_independent_permission = self.command_enable_permission[command] if handler is None or \ (admin_permission and not from_name_full == or \ (not enable_independent_permission and not self.enable_bot): return None reply_msg = handler(split_str, from_name_full, msg) print("command %s by %s" % (command, from_name_full)) if reply_msg is not None:, reply_msg) def enable_bot_cmd(self, message, from_name_full, msg_obj): self.enable_bot = True return "Functions Enabled" def disable_bot_cmd(self, message, from_name_full, msg_obj): self.enable_bot = False return "Functions Disabled" def join_cmd(self, message, from_name_full, msg_obj): room_name = ' '.join(message[1:]) if, "Joining room '%s'" % room_name) else:, "Could not find room") def help_cmd(self, message, from_name_full, msg_obj): returned_message = "" for help_message in self.help_dict.items(): returned_message = returned_message + help_message[0] + ' : ' + help_message[1] + '\n' return returned_message def remindme_cmd(self, message, from_name_full, msg_obj): remind_date_text = ' '.join(message[1:]) self.scheduler.schedule_job(remind_date_text, RemindMeHandler.RemindMeHandler(, from_name_full, msg_obj).job)
def n_map(tg, ag, noc_rg, critical_rg, non_critical_rg, shm, logging): """ Performs NMap Mapping algorithm :param tg: Task Graph :param ag: Architecture Graph :param noc_rg: NoC Routing Graph :param critical_rg: NoC Routing Graph for Critical Region :param non_critical_rg: NoC Routing Graph for Non-Critical Region :param shm: System Health Map :param logging: logging File :return: TG and AG """ print ("===========================================") print ("STARTING N-MAP MAPPING...\n") if len(tg.nodes()) > len(ag.nodes()): raise ValueError("Number of tasks should be smaller or equal to number of PEs") mapped_tasks = [] unmapped_tasks = copy.deepcopy(tg.nodes()) allocated_nodes = [] unallocated_nodes = copy.deepcopy(ag.nodes()) # remove all broken nodes from unallocated_nodes list for node in unallocated_nodes: if not shm.node[node]['NodeHealth']: unallocated_nodes.remove(node) print ("REMOVED BROKEN NODE "+str(node)+" FROM UN-ALLOCATED NODES") print ("------------------") print ("STEP 1:") # step 1: find the task with highest weighted communication volume tasks_com_dict = TG_Functions.tasks_communication_weight(tg) sorted_tasks_com = sorted(tasks_com_dict, key=tasks_com_dict.get, reverse=True) print ("\t SORTED TASKS BY COMMUNICATION WEIGHT:\n"+"\t "+str(sorted_tasks_com)) print ("\t -------------") chosen_task = sorted_tasks_com[0] print ("\t CHOSEN TASK: "+str(chosen_task)) mapped_tasks.append(chosen_task) print ("\t ADDED TASK "+str(chosen_task)+"TO MAPPED TASKS LIST") unmapped_tasks.remove(chosen_task) print ("\t REMOVED TASK "+str(chosen_task)+"FROM UN-MAPPED TASKS LIST") print ("------------------") print ("STEP 2:") node_neighbors_dict = AG_Functions.node_neighbors(ag, shm) sorted_node_neighbors = sorted(node_neighbors_dict, key=node_neighbors_dict.get, reverse=True) max_neighbors_node = AG_Functions.max_node_neighbors(node_neighbors_dict, sorted_node_neighbors) print ("\t SORTED NODES BY NUMBER OF NEIGHBOURS:\n"+"\t "+str(sorted_node_neighbors)) print ("\t -------------") print ("\t NODES WITH MAX NEIGHBOURS:\t"+str(max_neighbors_node)) chosen_node = random.choice(max_neighbors_node) print ("\t CHOSEN NODE: "+str(chosen_node)) allocated_nodes.append(chosen_node) print ("\t ADDED NODE "+str(chosen_node)+" TO ALLOCATED NODES LIST") unallocated_nodes.remove(chosen_node) print ("\t REMOVED NODE "+str(chosen_node)+" FROM UN-ALLOCATED NODES LIST") # Map Chosen Task on Chosen Node... if Mapping_Functions.map_task_to_node(tg, ag, shm, noc_rg, critical_rg, non_critical_rg, chosen_task, chosen_node, logging): print ("\t \033[32m* NOTE::\033[0mTASK "+str(chosen_task)+" MAPPED ON NODE "+str(chosen_node)) else: raise ValueError("Mapping task on node failed...") print ("------------------") print ("STEP 3:") while len(unmapped_tasks) > 0: print ("\033[33m==>\033[0m UN-MAPPED TASKS #: "+str(len(unmapped_tasks))) print ("\t -------------") print ("\t STEP 3.1:") # find the unmapped task which communicates most with mapped_tasks max_com = 0 unmapped_tasks_com = {} tasks_with_max_com_to_mapped = [] for Task in unmapped_tasks: task_weight = 0 for mapped_task in mapped_tasks: if (Task, mapped_task) in tg.edges(): task_weight += tg.edge[Task][mapped_task]["ComWeight"] if (mapped_task, Task) in tg.edges(): task_weight += tg.edge[mapped_task][Task]["ComWeight"] unmapped_tasks_com[Task] = task_weight if max_com < task_weight: max_com = task_weight tasks_with_max_com_to_mapped = [Task] elif max_com == task_weight: tasks_with_max_com_to_mapped.append(Task) print ("\t MAX COMMUNICATION WITH THE MAPPED TASKS: "+str(max_com)) print ("\t TASK(S) WITH MAX COMMUNICATION TO MAPPED TASKS: "+str(tasks_with_max_com_to_mapped)) if len(tasks_with_max_com_to_mapped) > 1: # multiple tasks with same comm to mapped # Find the one that communicate most with Un-mapped takss... candid_task_with_max_com_to_unmapped = [] max_com = 0 for CandidateTask in tasks_with_max_com_to_mapped: task_weight = 0 for unmapped_task in unmapped_tasks: if (Task, unmapped_task) in tg.edges(): task_weight += tg.edge[Task][unmapped_task]["ComWeight"] if (unmapped_task, Task) in tg.edges(): task_weight += tg.edge[unmapped_task][Task]["ComWeight"] if task_weight > max_com: candid_task_with_max_com_to_unmapped = [CandidateTask] elif task_weight == max_com: candid_task_with_max_com_to_unmapped.append(CandidateTask) print ("\t CANDIDATE TASK(S) THAT COMMUNICATE MOST WITH UN_MAPPED: " + str(candid_task_with_max_com_to_unmapped)) if len(candid_task_with_max_com_to_unmapped) > 1: # if multiple tasks with the same com to unmmaped also, # choose randomly chosen_task = random.choice(candid_task_with_max_com_to_unmapped) else: chosen_task = candid_task_with_max_com_to_unmapped[0] else: chosen_task = tasks_with_max_com_to_mapped[0] print ("\t CHOSEN TASK: "+str(chosen_task)) # Find the unallocated tile with lowest communication cost to/from the allocated_tiles_set. print ("\t -------------") print ("\t STEP 3.2:") min_cost = float("inf") node_candidates = [] for unallocated_node in unallocated_nodes: cost = 0 reachable = True for mapped_task in mapped_tasks: com_weight = 0 if (chosen_task, mapped_task) in tg.edges(): # print ("TASK CONNECTED TO MAPPED TASK:", mapped_task) com_weight += tg.edge[chosen_task][mapped_task]["ComWeight"] destination_node = tg.node[mapped_task]['task'].node # here we check if this node is even reachable from the chosen node? if Calculate_Reachability.is_destination_reachable_from_source(noc_rg, unallocated_node, destination_node): manhatan_distance = AG_Functions.manhattan_distance(unallocated_node, destination_node) cost += manhatan_distance * com_weight else: reachable = False elif (mapped_task, chosen_task) in tg.edges(): # print ("TASK CONNECTED TO MAPPED TASK:", mapped_task) com_weight += tg.edge[mapped_task][chosen_task]["ComWeight"] destination_node = tg.node[mapped_task]['task'].node # here we check if this node is even reachable from the chosen node? if Calculate_Reachability.is_destination_reachable_from_source(noc_rg, destination_node, unallocated_node): manhatan_distance = AG_Functions.manhattan_distance(unallocated_node, destination_node) cost += manhatan_distance * com_weight else: reachable = False if reachable: if cost < min_cost: node_candidates = [unallocated_node] min_cost = cost elif cost == min_cost: node_candidates.append(unallocated_node) else: print ("\t \033[33m* NOTE::\033[0m NODE "+str(unallocated_node)+" CAN NOT REACH...") pass print ("\t CANDIDATE NODES: "+str(node_candidates)+" MIN COST: "+str(min_cost)) if len(node_candidates) == 0: raise ValueError("COULD NOT FIND A REACHABLE CANDIDATE NODE...") elif len(node_candidates) > 1: chosen_node = random.choice(node_candidates) elif len(node_candidates) == 1: chosen_node = node_candidates[0] else: # this means that the chosen task is not connected to any other task... so its cost is infinity chosen_node = random.choice(unallocated_nodes) mapped_tasks.append(chosen_task) print ("\t ADDED TASK "+str(chosen_task)+" TO MAPPED TASKS LIST") unmapped_tasks.remove(chosen_task) print ("\t REMOVED TASK "+str(chosen_task)+" FROM UN-MAPPED TASKS LIST") allocated_nodes.append(chosen_node) print ("\t ADDED NODE "+str(chosen_node)+" TO ALLOCATED NODES LIST") unallocated_nodes.remove(chosen_node) print ("\t REMOVED NODE "+str(chosen_node)+" FROM UN-ALLOCATED NODES LIST") if Mapping_Functions.map_task_to_node(tg, ag, shm, noc_rg, critical_rg, non_critical_rg, chosen_task, chosen_node, logging): print ("\t \033[32m* NOTE::\033[0mTASK "+str(chosen_task)+" MAPPED ON NODE "+str(chosen_node)) else: raise ValueError("Mapping task on node failed...") # Added by Behrad (Still under development) # Swapping phase print "-----------------------" print "PHASE ONE IS DONE... STARTING SWAP PROCESS..." for node_id_1 in range(0, len(ag.nodes())-1): for node_id_2 in range(node_id_1+1, len(ag.nodes())-1): pass # Save current mapping in an array # Also save the mapping's csomm_cost in a variable comm_cost = calculate_com_cost(tg) # Swap (node_id_1 , node_id_2) swap_nodes(tg, ag, shm, noc_rg, critical_rg, non_critical_rg, node_id_1, node_id_2, logging) # Check and calculate communication cost for all communication flows in the task graph # (which is equal to the total number of edges in the application graph # starting from the communication flow with the largest communication volume first comm_cost_new = calculate_com_cost(tg) # If comm_cost of current mapping is the same or bigger than the previous mapping, discard mapping # Revert back to previous mapping with better comm_cost # Else # Save new mapping as better mapping with less comm_cost if comm_cost_new < comm_cost: print "\033[32m* NOTE::\033[0m BETTER SOLUTION FOUND WITH COST:", comm_cost_new else: pass # print "Reverting to old solution" swap_nodes(tg, ag, shm, noc_rg, critical_rg, non_critical_rg, node_id_2, node_id_1, logging) # Reset the comm_cost after each swapping # End of Swapping phase print "SWAP PROCESS FINISHED..." Scheduler.schedule_all(tg, ag, shm, True, logging) return tg, ag
def __init__(self): Scheduler.__init__(self,"SGE") self.datasetPath = None self.selectNoInput = None self.OSBsize = None return