def do(gts): """ Do our 15 minute interval thing """ rain = numpy.zeros( (642, 1020), 'f') for m in [-10,-5,0]: now = gts + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(minutes=m) fp = now.strftime("/mesonet/ARCHIVE/data/%Y/%m/%d/GIS/uscomp/n0r_%Y%m%d%H%M.png") if not os.path.isfile(fp): continue n0r = gdal.Open(fp, 0) n0rd = ((n0r.ReadAsArray())[y0:y1,x0:x1] - 6.0) * 5.0 rain += (0.036 * (10 ** (0.0625 * numpy.where(n0rd > 65, 65, n0rd))) / 12.0) # Now we back query, augh data = numpy.zeros((134,173), 'f') for x in range(173): for y in range(134): data[y,x] = rain[ n0r_y[y,x], n0r_x[y,x] ] fn = gts.strftime("../data/rainfall/product/%Y/%Y%m%d/IA%Y%m%d_%H%M.dat") writeArray(data, fn, 'w')
outfilename = sys.argv[2] except: print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "infile outfile" sys.exit(1) # read (x,y) data from file into a NumPy array data: from Scientific.IO.ArrayIO import readArray, writeArray data = readArray(infilename) # transform y values: def myfunc(y): # y is a NumPy array lt0_indices = less(y, 0) # find all indices where y<0 r = y**5 * exp(-y) # truncate, i.e., insert 0 for all indices where y<0: y = where(lt0_indices, 0.0, r) return y y = data[:, 1] y = myfunc(y) # create a two-dimensional NumPy array with (x,myfunc(y)): newdata = transpose(array([data[:, 0], y])) # dump the new data to file: writeArray(newdata, outfilename) # end
import sys, math from numpy import * """ As, but using Hinsen's Scientific.IO.ArrayIO module. """ try: infilename = sys.argv[1]; outfilename = sys.argv[2] except: print "Usage:",sys.argv[0], "infile outfile"; sys.exit(1) # read (x,y) data from file into a NumPy array data: from Scientific.IO.ArrayIO import readArray, writeArray data = readArray(infilename) # transform y values: def myfunc(y): # y is a NumPy array return where(y < 0, 0.0, y**5*exp(-y)) y = data[:,1] y = myfunc(y) # create a two-dimensional NumPy array with (x,myfunc(y)): newdata = array([data[:,0], y]).transpose() # dump the new data to file: writeArray(newdata, outfilename) # end