コード例 #1
ファイル: Models.py プロジェクト: davem22101/semanticscience
 def correlation(self, nsteps):
     @param nsteps: the number of time steps for which the autocorrelation
     function is to be evaluated
     @type nsteps: C{int}
     @returns: the autocorrelation function of the process as estimated
     from the AR model
     @rtype: L{Scientific.Functions.Interpolation.InterpolatingFunction}
     poles = self.poles()
     cpoles = N.conjugate(poles)
     x = 0.
     exponents = N.arange(self.order-1, nsteps+self.order-1)
     for i in range(len(poles)):
         pole = poles[i]
         factor = N.multiply.reduce((pole-poles)[:i]) * \
                  N.multiply.reduce((pole-poles)[i+1:]) * \
             x = x + pole**exponents / factor
         except OverflowError:
             # happens with some Python versions on some systems
             power = N.zeros(exponents.shape, N.Complex)
             for i in range(len(exponents)):
                     power[i] = pole**exponents[i]
                 except ValueError:
             x = x + power/factor
     cf = -self.sigsq*x/N.conjugate(self.coeff[0])
     if not _isComplex(self.coeff):
         cf = _realPart(cf)
     return InterpolatingFunction((self.delta_t*N.arange(nsteps),), cf)
コード例 #2
 def correlation(self, nsteps):
     @param nsteps: the number of time steps for which the autocorrelation
     function is to be evaluated
     @type nsteps: C{int}
     @returns: the autocorrelation function of the process as estimated
     from the AR model
     @rtype: L{Scientific.Functions.Interpolation.InterpolatingFunction}
     poles = self.poles()
     cpoles = N.conjugate(poles)
     x = 0.
     exponents = N.arange(self.order - 1, nsteps + self.order - 1)
     for i in range(len(poles)):
         pole = poles[i]
         factor = N.multiply.reduce((pole-poles)[:i]) * \
                  N.multiply.reduce((pole-poles)[i+1:]) * \
             x = x + pole**exponents / factor
         except OverflowError:
             # happens with some Python versions on some systems
             power = N.zeros(exponents.shape, N.Complex)
             for i in range(len(exponents)):
                     power[i] = pole**exponents[i]
                 except ValueError:
             x = x + power / factor
     cf = -self.sigsq * x / N.conjugate(self.coeff[0])
     if not _isComplex(self.coeff):
         cf = _realPart(cf)
     return InterpolatingFunction((self.delta_t * N.arange(nsteps), ), cf)
コード例 #3
ファイル: Analysis.py プロジェクト: zidan1128/nMOLDYN3
def correlation(inputSeries1, inputSeries2=None):
    """Returns the numerical correlation between two signals.

    @param inputSeries1: the first signal.
    @type inputSeries1: NumPy array   
    @param inputSeries2: if not None, the second signal otherwise the correlation will be an autocorrelation.
    @type inputSeries2: NumPy array or None
    @return: the result of the numerical correlation.
    @rtype: NumPy array

    @note: if |inputSeries1| is a multidimensional array the correlation calculation is performed on
    the first dimension.

    @note: The correlation is computed using the FCA algorithm.

    # The signal must not be empty.
    if len(inputSeries1) <= 0:
        raise Error('One or both time series are empty.')

    # The length of inputSeries1 is stored in inputSeries1Length
    inputSeries1Length = len(inputSeries1)

    # extendedLength = 2*len(inputSeries1)
    extendedLength = 2 * inputSeries1Length

    # The FCA algorithm:

    # 1) computation of the FFT of inputSeries1 zero-padded until extendedLength
    # The computation is done along the 0-axis
    FFTSeries1 = fft(inputSeries1, extendedLength, 0)

    if inputSeries2 is None:
        # Autocorrelation case
        FFTSeries2 = FFTSeries1
        # 2) computation of the FFT of inputSeries2 zero-padded until extendedLength
        # The computation is  done along the 0-axis
        FFTSeries2 = fft(inputSeries2, extendedLength, 0)

    # 3) Product between FFT(inputSeries1)* and FFT(inputSeries2)
    FFTSeries1 = N.conjugate(FFTSeries1) * FFTSeries2

    # 4) inverse FFT of the product
    # The computation is done along the 0-axis
    FFTSeries1 = inverse_fft(FFTSeries1, len(FFTSeries1), 0)

    # This refers to (1/(N-m))*Sab in the published algorithm.
    # This is the correlation function defined for positive indexes only.
    if len(FFTSeries1.shape) == 1:
        corr = FFTSeries1.real[:inputSeries1Length] / (
            inputSeries1Length - N.arange(inputSeries1Length))
        corr = N.add.reduce(FFTSeries1.real[:inputSeries1Length], 1) / (
            inputSeries1Length - N.arange(inputSeries1Length))

    return corr
コード例 #4
 def testRetrieval(self):
     x = N.arange(0., 1., 0.1)
     y = N.arange(0., 2., 0.1)
     v = x[:, N.NewAxis] * y[N.NewAxis, :]
     f = IF((x, y), v)
     for ix, xp in enumerate(x):
         for iy, yp in enumerate(y):
             self.assertEqual(f(xp, yp), v[ix, iy])
コード例 #5
 def testAxes(self):
     x = N.arange(0., 1., 0.1)
     y = N.arange(0., 2., 0.1)
     v = x[:, N.NewAxis] * y[N.NewAxis, :]
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: IF((x[:-2], y), v))
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: IF((x, y[1:]), v))
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: IF((x[:, N.NewAxis], y), v))
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: IF((x, y[::-1]), v))
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: IF((x, 0 * y), v))
コード例 #6
def AutoCorrelationFunction(series):
    Autocorrelation function calculated by FFT method
    if len(series.shape) == 1:
        return acf(series) / (len(series) - N.arange(len(series)))
        return acf(series) / (len(series) - N.arange(len(series)))[:,
コード例 #7
ファイル: Field.py プロジェクト: spirilaurentiu/mmtk_legacy
 def _setField(self, data):
     points = []
     values = []
     colors = []
     default_color = Color.ColorByName('black')
     for min, max, atoms in self.box.partitions():
         center = 0.5 * (min + max)
         v = data.zero()
         total_weight = 0.
         color = default_color
         for a in atoms:
             d = a.position() - center
             weight = N.exp(-d * d / self.box.partition_size**2)
             v = v + weight * data[a]
             total_weight = total_weight + weight
             c = default_color
                 c = a.color
             except AttributeError:
             if isinstance(c, basestring):
                 c = Color.ColorByName(c)
             color = color + c
         values.append(v / total_weight)
     min = N.minimum.reduce(points)
     max = N.maximum.reduce(points)
     axes = (N.arange(min[0], max[0] + 1, self.box.partition_size),
             N.arange(min[1], max[1] + 1, self.box.partition_size),
             N.arange(min[2], max[2] + 1, self.box.partition_size))
     array = N.zeros(
         tuple(map(len, axes)) + data.value_rank * (3, ), N.Float)
     inside = N.zeros(tuple(map(len, axes)), N.Float)
     for p, v in zip(points, values):
         indices = N.floor((p - min) / self.box.partition_size + 0.5)
         indices = tuple(indices.astype(N.Int))
         array[indices] = v
         inside[indices] = 1.
     self.field = self.field_class(axes, array, data.zero())
     inside = TensorAnalysis.ScalarField(axes, inside).gradient().length()
     self.points = []
     self.colors = []
     for i in range(len(points)):
         p = points[i]
         test = 0
             test = apply(inside, tuple(p)) > 1.e-10
         except ValueError:
         if test:
コード例 #8
ファイル: Field.py プロジェクト: davem22101/semanticscience
 def _setField(self, data):
     points = []
     values = []
     colors = []
     default_color = Color.ColorByName('black')
     for min, max, atoms in self.box.partitions():
         center = 0.5*(min+max)
         v = data.zero()
         total_weight = 0.
         color = default_color
         for a in atoms:
             d = a.position()-center
             weight = Numeric.exp(-d*d/self.box.partition_size**2)
             v = v + weight*data[a]
             total_weight = total_weight + weight
             c = default_color
             try: c = a.color
             except AttributeError: pass
             if type(c) == type(''):
                 c = Color.ColorByName(c)
             color = color + c
     min = Numeric.minimum.reduce(points)
     max = Numeric.maximum.reduce(points)
     axes = (Numeric.arange(min[0], max[0]+1, self.box.partition_size),
             Numeric.arange(min[1], max[1]+1, self.box.partition_size),
             Numeric.arange(min[2], max[2]+1, self.box.partition_size))
     array = Numeric.zeros(tuple(map(len, axes)) + data.value_rank*(3,),
     inside = Numeric.zeros(tuple(map(len, axes)), Numeric.Float)
     for p, v in zip(points, values):
         indices = Numeric.floor((p-min)/self.box.partition_size+0.5)
         indices = tuple(indices.astype(Numeric.Int))
         array[indices] = v
         inside[indices] = 1.
     self.field = self.field_class(axes, array, data.zero())
     inside = TensorAnalysis.ScalarField(axes, inside).gradient().length()
     self.points = []
     self.colors = []
     for i in range(len(points)):
         p = points[i]
         test = 0
             test = apply(inside, tuple(p)) > 1.e-10
         except ValueError: pass
         if test:
コード例 #9
def symmetricTensorBasis(cell, space_group):
    from CDTK.Crystal import UnitCell
    subspace = 1. * N.equal.outer(N.arange(6), N.arange(6))
    for tr in cartesianCoordinateSymmetryTransformations(cell, space_group):
        rot = symmetricTensorRotationMatrix(tr.tensor.array)
        ev, axes = LA.eigenvectors(rot)
        new_subspace = []
        for i in range(6):
            if abs(ev[i] - 1.) < 1.e-12:
                p = N.dot(N.transpose(subspace), N.dot(subspace, axes[i].real))
        m, s, subspace = LA.singular_value_decomposition(N.array(new_subspace))
        nb = N.sum(s / s[0] > 1.e-12)
        subspace = subspace[:nb]
    return [SymmetricTensor(a) for a in subspace]
コード例 #10
 def meanSquareDisplacement(self,
                            time_range=(0., None, None),
     """Returns the averaged mean-square displacement of the
     atoms in |subset| (default: all atoms) at time points
     defined by |time_range| using |weights| in the average
     (default: masses). |time_range| is a three element tuple
     (first, last, step). The defaults are first=0., last=
     three times the longest relaxation time, and step defined
     such that 300 points are used in total.
     if subset is None:
         subset = self.universe
     if weights is None:
         weights = self.universe.masses()
     weights = weights * subset.booleanMask()
     total = weights.sumOverParticles()
     weights = weights / (total * self.friction)
     first, last, step = (time_range + (None, None))[:3]
     if last is None:
         last = 3. / self.rawMode(first_mode).inv_relaxation_time
     if step is None:
         step = (last - first) / 300.
     time = N.arange(first, last, step)
     msd = N.zeros(time.shape, N.Float)
     for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
         mode = self.rawMode(i)
         rt = mode.inv_relaxation_time
         d = (weights * (mode * mode)).sumOverParticles()
         N.add(msd, d * (1. - N.exp(-rt * time)) / rt, msd)
     N.multiply(msd, 2. * Units.k_B * self.temperature, msd)
     return InterpolatingFunction((time, ), msd)
コード例 #11
    def EISF(self, q_range = (0., 15.), subset=None, weights = None,
             random_vectors = 15, first_mode = 6):
        if subset is None:
            subset = self.universe
        if weights is None:
            weights = self.universe.getParticleScalar('b_incoherent')
            weights = weights*weights
        weights = weights*subset.booleanMask()
        total = weights.sumOverParticles()
        weights = weights/total

        first, last, step = (q_range+(None,))[:3]
        if step is None:
            step = (last-first)/50.
        q = N.arange(first, last, step)

        f = ParticleProperties.ParticleTensor(self.universe)
        for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
            mode = self.rawMode(i)
            f = f + (1./mode.inv_relaxation_time)*mode.dyadicProduct(mode)
        f = Units.k_B*self.temperature*f/self.friction

        eisf = N.zeros(q.shape, N.Float)
        random_vectors = Random.randomDirections(random_vectors)
        for v in random_vectors:
            for a in subset.atomList():
                exp = N.exp(-v*(f[a]*v))
                N.add(eisf, weights[a]*exp**(q*q), eisf)
        return InterpolatingFunction((q,), eisf/len(random_vectors))
コード例 #12
    def _dihedralTerm(self, n, phase, V):

        mod_file = self.mod_template % \
                   (V/(Units.kcal/Units.mol), phase/Units.deg, n)
        ff = Amber99ForceField(mod_files=[StringIO(mod_file)])

        param = self.universe.energyEvaluatorParameters()
        i1, i2, i3, i4, n_test, phase_test, V_test = \
        self.assertEqual(n_test, n)
        # The accuracy is no better than five digits because the
        # parameters pass through a text representation.
        self.assertAlmostEqual(phase_test, phase, 5)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(V_test, V, 5)

        two_pi = 2. * N.pi
        m = self.universe[0]
        for angle in N.arange(0., two_pi, 0.1):
            m.C4.setPosition(Vector(N.cos(angle), N.sin(angle), 1.))
            e = self.universe.energyTerms()['cosine dihedral angle']
            da = self.universe.dihedral(m.C1, m.C2, m.C3, m.C4)
            e_ref = V * (1. + N.cos(n * angle - phase))
            self.assertAlmostEqual(angle % two_pi, da % two_pi, 14)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(e, e_ref, 5)
コード例 #13
ファイル: qe2dos.py プロジェクト: danse-inelastic/vnf
def generateDos():
    "Generates DOS"
    temperature = TEMPERATURE

    # Defaults:
    begin = 0
    end = -1
    step = 1
    trajectoryPath = NCFILE

    log     = ""    # Starting log
    log     += "Using file %s as input...\n" % trajectoryPath

    trajectory = Trajectory(None, trajectoryPath, 'r')

    if end == -1:
       end = len(trajectory.time)

    timeinfo =  '%d:%d:%d' % (begin, end, step)
    log     += 'The complete trajectory size is %d elements\n' % len(trajectory.time)
    log     += "\nAnalysing trajectory from position %d to postion %d with step %d:\n" % (begin, end, step)
    log     += 'Temperature = %s\n' % temperature

    parameters = {
                   'trajectory': trajectory,
                   'timeinfo'  : timeinfo,
                   'differentiation': 0,
                   'projection': 'no',
                   'fftwindow' :    10.0,
                   'subset': 'all',
                   'deuteration': 'no',
                   'weights': 'equal',
                   'dos': 'dos.nc',
                   'pyroserver': 'monoprocessor',

    dos = CartesianDensityOfStates_serial( parameters = parameters, statusBar = None)
    frequencies = N.arange(dos.nFrames)/(2.0*dos.nFrames*dos.dt)

    DOS = dos.DOS/dos.DOS.sum()

    s = ''
    for f, g in zip(frequencies, DOS):
       s    += '%f    %f\n' % (f, g)
    open(DOSFILE, 'w').write(s)

    arg = frequencies[1:]/temperature/KelvinToTeraHz
    exponent = numpy.exp(arg)

    F = temperature*( 0.5*arg + numpy.log(1.0 - 1.0/exponent ))*DOS[1:]
    log     += 'Free Energy: %s\n' % F.sum()

    n = 1.0/(exponent - 1.0)
    s_osc =  (1.0 + n[:])*numpy.log(1.0 + n[:]) - n[:]*numpy.log(n[:])
    entropy1 = (DOS[1:]*(numpy.log(temperature*KelvinToTeraHz/frequencies[1:])+1.0)).sum()
    entropy2 = (DOS[1:]*s_osc).sum()
    log     += 'entropy = %s\n' % entropy2

    open(OUTPUT, 'w').write(log)    # Store log to output file
コード例 #14
    def reduceToRange(self, first, last):
        Discards all modes outside a given range of mode numbers.
        This is done to reduce memory requirements, especially before
        saving the modesto a file.

        :param first: the number of the first mode to be kept
        :param last: the number of the last mode to be kept - 1
        junk1 = list(self.sort_index[:first])
        junk2 = list(self.sort_index[last:])
        if junk1 == range(0, first) and \
           junk2 == range(last, len(self.sort_index)):
            # This is the most frequent case. It can be handled
            # without copying the mode array.
            for array in self._internal_arrays:
                setattr(self, array, getattr(self, array)[first:last])
            self.sort_index = self.sort_index[first:last] - first
            keep = self.sort_index[first:last]
            for array in self._internal_arrays:
                setattr(self, array, N.take(getattr(self, array), keep))
            self.sort_index = N.arange(0, last - first)
        self.nmodes = last - first
コード例 #15
 def meanSquareDisplacement(self, subset=None, weights=None,
                            time_range = (0., None, None),
                            first_mode = 6):
     """Returns the averaged mean-square displacement of the
     atoms in |subset| (default: all atoms) at time points
     defined by |time_range| using |weights| in the average
     (default: masses). |time_range| is a three element tuple
     (first, last, step). The defaults are first=0., last=
     three times the longest relaxation time, and step defined
     such that 300 points are used in total.
     if subset is None:
         subset = self.universe
     if weights is None:
         weights = self.universe.masses()
     weights = weights*subset.booleanMask()
     total = weights.sumOverParticles()
     weights = weights/(total*self.friction)
     first, last, step = (time_range + (None, None))[:3]
     if last is None:
         last = 3./self.rawMode(first_mode).inv_relaxation_time
     if step is None:
         step = (last-first)/300.
     time = N.arange(first, last, step)
     msd = N.zeros(time.shape, N.Float)
     for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
         mode = self.rawMode(i)
         rt = mode.inv_relaxation_time
         d = (weights*(mode*mode)).sumOverParticles()
         N.add(msd, d*(1.-N.exp(-rt*time))/rt, msd)
     N.multiply(msd, 2.*Units.k_B*self.temperature, msd)
     return InterpolatingFunction((time,), msd)
コード例 #16
    def staticStructureFactor(self,
                              q_range=(1., 15.),
        :param q_range: the range of angular wavenumber values
        :type q_range: tuple
        :param subset: the subset of the universe used in the calculation
                       (default: the whole universe)
        :type subset: :class:~MMTK.Collections.GroupOfAtoms
        :param weights: the weight to be given to each atom in the average
                        (default: coherent scattering lengths)
        :type weights: :class:~MMTK.ParticleProperties.ParticleScalar
        :param random_vectors: the number of random direction vectors
                               used in the orientational average
        :type random_vectors: int
        :param first_mode: the first mode to be taken into account for
                           the fluctuation calculation. The default value
                           of 6 is right for molecules in vacuum.
        :type first_mode: int
        :returns: the Static Structure Factor as a
                  function of angular wavenumber
        :rtype: Scientific.Functions.Interpolation.InterpolatingFunction
        if subset is None:
            subset = self.universe
        if weights is None:
            weights = self.universe.getParticleScalar('b_coherent')
        mask = subset.booleanMask()
        weights = N.repeat(weights.array, mask.array)
        weights = weights / N.sqrt(N.add.reduce(weights * weights))
        friction = N.repeat(self.friction.array, mask.array)
        r = N.repeat(self.universe.configuration().array, mask.array)

        first, last, step = (q_range + (None, ))[:3]
        if step is None:
            step = (last - first) / 50.
        q = N.arange(first, last, step)

        kT = Units.k_B * self.temperature
        natoms = subset.numberOfAtoms()
        sq = 0.
        random_vectors = Random.randomDirections(random_vectors)
        for v in random_vectors:
            sab = N.zeros((natoms, natoms), N.Float)
            for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
                irt = self.rawMode(i).inv_relaxation_time
                d = N.repeat((self.rawMode(i)*v).array, mask.array) \
                       / N.sqrt(friction)
                sab = sab + (d[N.NewAxis, :] - d[:, N.NewAxis])**2 / irt
            sab = sab[N.NewAxis, :, :] * q[:, N.NewAxis, N.NewAxis]**2
            phase = N.exp(-1.j*q[:, N.NewAxis]
                          * N.dot(r, v.array)[N.NewAxis, :]) \
                    * weights[N.NewAxis, :]
            temp = N.sum(phase[:, :, N.NewAxis] * N.exp(-0.5 * kT * sab), 1)
            temp = N.sum(N.conjugate(phase) * temp, 1)
            sq = sq + temp.real
        return InterpolatingFunction((q, ), sq / len(random_vectors))
コード例 #17
 def meanSquareDisplacement(self, subset=None, weights=None,
                            time_range = (0., None, None), tau=None,
                            first_mode = 6):
     """Returns the averaged mean-square displacement of the
     atoms in |subset| (default: all atoms) at time points
     defined by |time_range| using |weights| in the average
     (default: masses). |time_range| is a three element tuple
     (first, last, step). The defaults are first=0., last=
     20 times the longest vibration perdio, and step defined
     such that 300 points are used in total.
     if self.temperature is None:
         raise ValueError("no temperature available")
     if subset is None:
         subset = self.universe
     if weights is None:
         weights = self.universe.masses()
     weights = weights*subset.booleanMask()
     total = weights.sumOverParticles()
     weights = weights/total
     first, last, step = (time_range + (None, None))[:3]
     if last is None:
         last = 20./self[first_mode].frequency
     if step is None:
         step = (last-first)/300.
     time = N.arange(first, last, step)
     if tau is None: damping = 1.
     else: damping = N.exp(-(time/tau)**2)
     msd = N.zeros(time.shape, N.Float)
     for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
         mode = self[i]
         omega = 2.*N.pi*mode.frequency
         d = (weights*(mode*mode)).sumOverParticles()
         N.add(msd, d*(1.-damping*N.cos(omega*time)), msd)
     return InterpolatingFunction((time,), msd)
コード例 #18
    def EISF(self,
             q_range=(0., 15.),
        if self.temperature is None:
            raise ValueError("no temperature available")
        if subset is None:
            subset = self.universe
        if weights is None:
            weights = self.universe.getParticleScalar('b_incoherent')
            weights = weights * weights
        weights = weights * subset.booleanMask()
        total = weights.sumOverParticles()
        weights = weights / total

        first, last, step = (q_range + (None, ))[:3]
        if step is None:
            step = (last - first) / 50.
        q = N.arange(first, last, step)

        f = MMTK.ParticleTensor(self.universe)
        for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
            mode = self[i]
            f = f + mode.dyadicProduct(mode)

        eisf = N.zeros(q.shape, N.Float)
        for i in range(random_vectors):
            v = MMTK.Random.randomDirection()
            for a in subset.atomList():
                exp = N.exp(-v * (f[a] * v))
                N.add(eisf, weights[a] * exp**(q * q), eisf)
        return InterpolatingFunction((q, ), eisf / random_vectors)
コード例 #19
ファイル: energy_tests.py プロジェクト: acousticpants/mmtk
    def _dihedralTerm(self, n, phase, V):

        mod_file = self.mod_template % \
                   (V/(Units.kcal/Units.mol), phase/Units.deg, n)
        ff = Amber99ForceField(mod_files=[StringIO(mod_file)])

        param = self.universe.energyEvaluatorParameters()
        i1, i2, i3, i4, n_test, phase_test, V_test = \
        self.assertEqual(n_test, n)
        # The accuracy is no better than five digits because the
        # parameters pass through a text representation.
        self.assertAlmostEqual(phase_test, phase, 5)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(V_test, V, 5)

        two_pi = 2.*N.pi
        m = self.universe[0]
        for angle in N.arange(0., two_pi, 0.1):
            m.C4.setPosition(Vector(N.cos(angle), N.sin(angle), 1.))
            e = self.universe.energyTerms()['cosine dihedral angle']
            da = self.universe.dihedral(m.C1, m.C2, m.C3, m.C4)
            e_ref = V*(1.+N.cos(n*angle-phase))
            self.assertAlmostEqual(angle % two_pi, da % two_pi, 14)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(e, e_ref, 5)
コード例 #20
ファイル: ReciprocalSpace.py プロジェクト: zidan1128/nMOLDYN3
def Generate_QShells(qShells):

    genQShells = []

    if isinstance(qShells, (list, tuple)):

        genQShells = qShells

    elif isinstance(qShells, str):

        for qInter in [v.strip() for v in qShells.split(";")]:

            qMin, qMax, dQ = [float(v) for v in qInter.split(":")]

            temp = N.arange(qMin, qMax + 0.001 * dQ, dQ).tolist()

            if temp[-1] > qMax:
                del temp[-1]


        raise Error("%s: invalid format for qshells." % genQShells)

    genQShells = [v for v in sorted(set(genQShells)) if v > 0.0]

    if len(genQShells) == 0:
        raise Error("%s triggered emptry qshells generation." % genQShells)

    return genQShells
コード例 #21
ファイル: Core.py プロジェクト: acousticpants/mmtk
    def reduceToRange(self, first, last):
        Discards all modes outside a given range of mode numbers.
        This is done to reduce memory requirements, especially before
        saving the modesto a file.

        :param first: the number of the first mode to be kept
        :param last: the number of the last mode to be kept - 1
        junk1 = list(self.sort_index[:first])
        junk2 = list(self.sort_index[last:])
        if junk1 == range(0, first) and \
           junk2 == range(last, len(self.sort_index)):
            # This is the most frequent case. It can be handled
            # without copying the mode array.
            for array in self._internal_arrays:
                setattr(self, array, getattr(self, array)[first:last])
            self.sort_index = self.sort_index[first:last]-first
            keep = self.sort_index[first:last]
            for array in self._internal_arrays:
                setattr(self, array, N.take(getattr(self, array), keep))
            self.sort_index = N.arange(0, last-first)
        self.nmodes = last-first
コード例 #22
 def EISF(self, q_range = (0., 15.), subset=None, weights = None,
          random_vectors = 15, first_mode = 6):
     if self.temperature is None:
         raise ValueError("no temperature available")
     if subset is None:
         subset = self.universe
     if weights is None:
         weights = self.universe.getParticleScalar('b_incoherent')
         weights = weights*weights
     weights = weights*subset.booleanMask()
     total = weights.sumOverParticles()
     weights = weights/total
     first, last, step = (q_range+(None,))[:3]
     if step is None:
         step = (last-first)/50.
     q = N.arange(first, last, step)
     f = MMTK.ParticleTensor(self.universe)
     for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
         mode = self[i]
         f = f + mode.dyadicProduct(mode)
     eisf = N.zeros(q.shape, N.Float)
     for i in range(random_vectors):
         v = MMTK.Random.randomDirection()
         for a in subset.atomList():
             exp = N.exp(-v*(f[a]*v))
             N.add(eisf, weights[a]*exp**(q*q), eisf)
     return InterpolatingFunction((q,), eisf/random_vectors)
コード例 #23
    def EISF(self,
             q_range=(0., 15.),
        if subset is None:
            subset = self.universe
        if weights is None:
            weights = self.universe.getParticleScalar('b_incoherent')
            weights = weights * weights
        weights = weights * subset.booleanMask()
        total = weights.sumOverParticles()
        weights = weights / total

        first, last, step = (q_range + (None, ))[:3]
        if step is None:
            step = (last - first) / 50.
        q = N.arange(first, last, step)

        f = ParticleProperties.ParticleTensor(self.universe)
        for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
            mode = self.rawMode(i)
            f = f + (1. / mode.inv_relaxation_time) * mode.dyadicProduct(mode)
        f = Units.k_B * self.temperature * f / self.friction

        eisf = N.zeros(q.shape, N.Float)
        random_vectors = Random.randomDirections(random_vectors)
        for v in random_vectors:
            for a in subset.atomList():
                exp = N.exp(-v * (f[a] * v))
                N.add(eisf, weights[a] * exp**(q * q), eisf)
        return InterpolatingFunction((q, ), eisf / len(random_vectors))
コード例 #24
 def __getitem__(self, item):
     if not isinstance(item, int):
         return SubVariable(self, N.arange(len(self)))[item]
     if item < 0:
         item = item + len(self.trajectory)
     if item >= len(self.trajectory):
         raise IndexError
     if self.name == 'configuration':
         if self.box_size is None:
             box = None
         elif len(self.box_size.shape) == 3:
             bs = self.trajectory.block_size
             box = self.box_size[item/bs, :, item%bs].astype(N.Float)
             box = self.box_size[item].astype(N.Float)
         array = ParticleProperties.Configuration(self.universe,
             self.trajectory.trajectory.readParticleVector(self.name, item),
     elif 'xyz' in self.var.dimensions:
         array = ParticleProperties.ParticleVector(self.universe,
             self.trajectory.trajectory.readParticleVector(self.name, item))
         array = ParticleProperties.ParticleScalar(self.universe,
             self.trajectory.trajectory.readParticleScalar(self.name, item))
     return array
コード例 #25
 def plotBox(self, name, data, data_range=None):
     box = Frame(self, border=2, relief=SUNKEN)
     box.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
     frame = Frame(box, background='grey')
     frame.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, expand=NO)
     Label(frame, text=string.capitalize(string.join(
                       string.split(name , '_'), ' ')),
     if data_range is None:
         min = Numeric.minimum.reduce(data[:,1])
         max = Numeric.maximum.reduce(data[:,1])
         min, max = plotRange(min, max)
         min, max = data_range
     plot_objects = []
     plot_data = data
     time = plot_data[:,0]
     jumps = Numeric.repeat(Numeric.arange(len(time)-1),
                            Numeric.less(time[1:], time[:-1]))+1
     for i in self.master.restarts:
         plot_objects.append(PolyLine([(self.time[i], min),
                                       (self.time[i], max)],
     plot_objects.insert(0, PolyLine(plot_data, color = 'red'))
     plot = PlotCanvas(box, 400, 100, zoom=1,
     plot.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
               'automatic', (min, max))
     plot.bind('<Double-Button-1>', lambda event, d=plot_data:
コード例 #26
 def __init__(self, master, trajectory):
     Tkwindow.__init__(self, master)
     self.filename = None
     if type(trajectory) == type(''):
         if string.find(trajectory, ':') >= 0 and tmanager is not None:
             self.filename = trajectory
             self.inspector = tmanager.trajectoryInspector(trajectory)
             self.filename = trajectory
             self.inspector = TrajectoryInspector(trajectory)
         self.inspector = TrajectoryInspector(trajectory)
     if self.filename is not None:
     self.description = self.inspector.description()
     self.universe = None
     self.categories = categorizeVariables(self.inspector.variableNames())
     step_number = Numeric.array(self.inspector.readScalarVariable('step'))
     jumps = Numeric.less(step_number[1:]-step_number[:-1], 0)
     self.restarts = Numeric.repeat(Numeric.arange(len(jumps)), jumps)+1
     self.restarts = list(self.restarts)
         self.time = \
         jumps = Numeric.repeat(Numeric.arange(len(self.time)-1),
         if len(jumps) > 0:
             for jump in jumps[::-1]:
                 dt = self.time[jump-1] + self.time[jump+1] \
                      - 2*self.time[jump]
                     # Numeric
                     typecode = self.time.typecode()
                 except AttributeError:
                     # numpy
                     typecode = self.time.dtype.char
                 self.time[jump:] = (self.time[jump:] + dt).astype(typecode)
     except KeyError:
         self.time = 1.*Numeric.arange(self.inspector.numberOfSteps())
     self.plotlist = []
     self.selection = None
コード例 #27
 def __init__(self, master, trajectory):
     Tkwindow.__init__(self, master)
     self.filename = None
     if type(trajectory) == type(''):
         if string.find(trajectory, ':') >= 0 and tmanager is not None:
             self.filename = trajectory
             self.inspector = tmanager.trajectoryInspector(trajectory)
             self.filename = trajectory
             self.inspector = TrajectoryInspector(trajectory)
         self.inspector = TrajectoryInspector(trajectory)
     if self.filename is not None:
     self.description = self.inspector.description()
     self.universe = None
     self.categories = categorizeVariables(self.inspector.variableNames())
     step_number = Numeric.array(self.inspector.readScalarVariable('step'))
     jumps = Numeric.less(step_number[1:] - step_number[:-1], 0)
     self.restarts = Numeric.repeat(Numeric.arange(len(jumps)), jumps) + 1
     self.restarts = list(self.restarts)
         self.time = \
         jumps = Numeric.repeat(Numeric.arange(len(self.time) - 1),
                                             self.time[:-1])) + 1
         if len(jumps) > 0:
             for jump in jumps[::-1]:
                 dt = self.time[jump-1] + self.time[jump+1] \
                      - 2*self.time[jump]
                     # Numeric
                     typecode = self.time.typecode()
                 except AttributeError:
                     # numpy
                     typecode = self.time.dtype.char
                 self.time[jump:] = (self.time[jump:] + dt).astype(typecode)
     except KeyError:
         self.time = 1. * Numeric.arange(self.inspector.numberOfSteps())
     self.plotlist = []
     self.selection = None
コード例 #28
def GaussianWindow(series, alpha=0.):

    series1 = N.zeros((2 * len(series) - 2, ), N.Float)
    res = series * N.exp(-0.5 * (alpha * N.arange(len(series)) /
                                 (len(series) - 1))**2)
    series1[:len(series)] = res
    series1[len(series):] = res[-2:0:-1]
    return series1
コード例 #29
ファイル: nmoldyn_code.py プロジェクト: MrTheodor/md_tools
def correlation(inputSeries1, inputSeries2 = None):
    """Returns the numerical correlation between two signals.

    @param inputSeries1: the first signal.
    @type inputSeries1: NumPy array   
    @param inputSeries2: if not None, the second signal otherwise the correlation will be an autocorrelation.
    @type inputSeries2: NumPy array or None
    @return: the result of the numerical correlation.
    @rtype: NumPy array

    @note: if |inputSeries1| is a multidimensional array the correlation calculation is performed on
    the first dimension.

    @note: The correlation is computed using the FCA algorithm.

    # The signal must not be empty.
    if len(inputSeries1) <= 0:
        raise Error('One or both time series are empty.')

    # The length of inputSeries1 is stored in inputSeries1Length
    inputSeries1Length = len(inputSeries1)

    # extendedLength = 2*len(inputSeries1)
    extendedLength = 2*inputSeries1Length

    # The FCA algorithm:

    # 1) computation of the FFT of inputSeries1 zero-padded until extendedLength
    # The computation is done along the 0-axis
    FFTSeries1 = fft(inputSeries1,extendedLength,0)        

    if inputSeries2 is None:
            # Autocorrelation case
        FFTSeries2 = FFTSeries1
        # 2) computation of the FFT of inputSeries2 zero-padded until extendedLength
        # The computation is  done along the 0-axis
        FFTSeries2 = fft(inputSeries2,extendedLength,0)

    # 3) Product between FFT(inputSeries1)* and FFT(inputSeries2)
    FFTSeries1 = N.conjugate(FFTSeries1)*FFTSeries2

    # 4) inverse FFT of the product
    # The computation is done along the 0-axis
    FFTSeries1 = inverse_fft(FFTSeries1,len(FFTSeries1),0)

    # This refers to (1/(N-m))*Sab in the published algorithm.
    # This is the correlation function defined for positive indexes only.
    if len(FFTSeries1.shape) == 1:
        corr = FFTSeries1.real[:inputSeries1Length] / (inputSeries1Length-N.arange(inputSeries1Length))
        corr = N.add.reduce(FFTSeries1.real[:inputSeries1Length],1) / (inputSeries1Length-N.arange(inputSeries1Length))

    return corr
コード例 #30
 def _addData(self, data):
     data = N.array(data, N.Float)
     data = N.repeat(data, N.logical_and(N.less_equal(data, self.max),
                                         N.greater_equal(data, self.min)))
     data = N.floor((data - self.min)/self.bin_width).astype(N.Int)
     nbins = self.array.shape[0]
     histo = N.int_sum(N.equal(N.arange(nbins)[:,N.NewAxis], data), -1)
     histo[-1] = histo[-1] + N.int_sum(N.equal(nbins, data))
     self.array[:, 1] =  self.array[:, 1] + histo
コード例 #31
 def _addData(self, data):
     data = N.array(data, N.Float)
     data = N.repeat(data, N.logical_and(N.less_equal(data, self.max),
                                         N.greater_equal(data, self.min)))
     data = N.floor((data - self.min)/self.bin_width).astype(N.Int)
     nbins = self.array.shape[0]
     histo = N.int_sum(N.equal(N.arange(nbins)[:,N.NewAxis], data), -1)
     histo[-1] = histo[-1] + N.int_sum(N.equal(nbins, data))
     self.array[:, 1] =  self.array[:, 1] + histo
コード例 #32
ファイル: BrownianModes.py プロジェクト: acousticpants/mmtk
    def staticStructureFactor(self, q_range = (1., 15.), subset=None,
                              weights=None, random_vectors=15,
                              first_mode = 6):
        :param q_range: the range of angular wavenumber values
        :type q_range: tuple
        :param subset: the subset of the universe used in the calculation
                       (default: the whole universe)
        :type subset: :class:`~MMTK.Collections.GroupOfAtoms`
        :param weights: the weight to be given to each atom in the average
                        (default: coherent scattering lengths)
        :type weights: :class:`~MMTK.ParticleProperties.ParticleScalar`
        :param random_vectors: the number of random direction vectors
                               used in the orientational average
        :type random_vectors: int
        :param first_mode: the first mode to be taken into account for
                           the fluctuation calculation. The default value
                           of 6 is right for molecules in vacuum.
        :type first_mode: int
        :returns: the Static Structure Factor as a
                  function of angular wavenumber
        :rtype: Scientific.Functions.Interpolation.InterpolatingFunction
        if subset is None:
            subset = self.universe
        if weights is None:
            weights = self.universe.getParticleScalar('b_coherent')
        mask = subset.booleanMask()
        weights = N.repeat(weights.array, mask.array)
        weights = weights/N.sqrt(N.add.reduce(weights*weights))
        friction = N.repeat(self.friction.array, mask.array)
        r = N.repeat(self.universe.configuration().array, mask.array)

        first, last, step = (q_range+(None,))[:3]
        if step is None:
            step = (last-first)/50.
        q = N.arange(first, last, step)

        kT = Units.k_B*self.temperature
        natoms = subset.numberOfAtoms()
        sq = 0.
        random_vectors = Random.randomDirections(random_vectors)
        for v in random_vectors:
            sab = N.zeros((natoms, natoms), N.Float)
            for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
                irt = self.rawMode(i).inv_relaxation_time
                d = N.repeat((self.rawMode(i)*v).array, mask.array) \
                       / N.sqrt(friction)
                sab = sab + (d[N.NewAxis,:]-d[:,N.NewAxis])**2/irt
            sab = sab[N.NewAxis,:,:]*q[:, N.NewAxis, N.NewAxis]**2
            phase = N.exp(-1.j*q[:, N.NewAxis]
                          * N.dot(r, v.array)[N.NewAxis, :]) \
                    * weights[N.NewAxis, :]
            temp = N.sum(phase[:, :, N.NewAxis]*N.exp(-0.5*kT*sab), 1)
            temp = N.sum(N.conjugate(phase)*temp, 1)
            sq = sq + temp.real
        return InterpolatingFunction((q,), sq/len(random_vectors))
コード例 #33
 def meanSquareDisplacement(self,
                            time_range=(0., None, None),
     :param subset: the subset of the universe used in the calculation
                    (default: the whole universe)
     :type subset: :class:~MMTK.Collections.GroupOfAtoms
     :param weights: the weight to be given to each atom in the average
                     (default: atomic masses)
     :type weights: :class:~MMTK.ParticleProperties.ParticleScalar
     :param time_range: the time values at which the mean-square
                        displacement is evaluated, specified as a
                        range tuple (first, last, step).
                        The defaults are first=0, last=
                        20 times the longest vibration perdiod,
                        and step defined such that 300 points are
                        used in total.
     :type time_range: tuple
     :param tau: the relaxation time of an exponential damping factor
                 (default: no damping)
     :type tau: float
     :param first_mode: the first mode to be taken into account for
                        the fluctuation calculation. The default value
                        of 6 is right for molecules in vacuum.
     :type first_mode: int
     :returns: the averaged mean-square displacement of the
               atoms in subset as a function of time
     :rtype: Scientific.Functions.Interpolation.InterpolatingFunction
     if self.temperature is None:
         raise ValueError("no temperature available")
     if subset is None:
         subset = self.universe
     if weights is None:
         weights = self.universe.masses()
     weights = weights * subset.booleanMask()
     total = weights.sumOverParticles()
     weights = weights / total
     first, last, step = (time_range + (None, None))[:3]
     if last is None:
         last = 20. / self[first_mode].frequency
     if step is None:
         step = (last - first) / 300.
     time = N.arange(first, last, step)
     if tau is None: damping = 1.
     else: damping = N.exp(-(time / tau)**2)
     msd = N.zeros(time.shape, N.Float)
     for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
         mode = self[i]
         omega = 2. * N.pi * mode.frequency
         d = (weights * (mode * mode)).sumOverParticles()
         N.add(msd, d * (1. - damping * N.cos(omega * time)), msd)
     return InterpolatingFunction((time, ), msd)
コード例 #34
 def CorrelationFunction(series1, series2, lock=None):
     n = 1
     while n < 2 * len(series1):
         n = n * 2
     FFTSeries1 = fft(series1, n, 0)
     FFTSeries2 = fft(series2, n, 0)
     FFTSeries1 = N.conjugate(FFTSeries1) * FFTSeries2
     FFTSeries1 = inverse_fft(FFTSeries1, len(FFTSeries1), 0)
     return FFTSeries1.real[:len(series1)] / \
コード例 #35
def timePrepare(traj, timeInfo=None):
    just preparing a time axis basing on timeInfo given
    or the size of a trajectory
    if timeInfo is None:
        timeInfo = (0, len(traj) - 1, 1)
    time = traj.time[timeInfo[0]:timeInfo[1]:timeInfo[2]]
    dt = time[1] - time[0]
    return dt * N.arange(len(time))
コード例 #36
 def _setup(self, data, nbins, range):
     if range is None:
         self.min = N.minimum.reduce(data)
         self.max = N.maximum.reduce(data)
         self.min, self.max = range
     self.min = self.min+0.
     self.max = self.max+0.
     self.bin_width = (self.max-self.min)/nbins
     self.array = N.zeros((nbins, 2), N.Float)
     self.array[:, 0] = self.min + self.bin_width*(N.arange(nbins)+0.5)
コード例 #37
 def _setup(self, data, nbins, range):
     if range is None:
         self.min = N.minimum.reduce(data)
         self.max = N.maximum.reduce(data)
         self.min, self.max = range
     self.min = self.min+0.
     self.max = self.max+0.
     self.bin_width = (self.max-self.min)/nbins
     self.array = N.zeros((nbins, 2), N.Float)
     self.array[:, 0] = self.min + self.bin_width*(N.arange(nbins)+0.5)
コード例 #38
    def EISF(self,
             q_range=(0., 15.),
        :param q_range: the range of angular wavenumber values
        :type q_range: tuple
        :param subset: the subset of the universe used in the calculation
                       (default: the whole universe)
        :type subset: :class:~MMTK.Collections.GroupOfAtoms
        :param weights: the weight to be given to each atom in the average
                        (default: incoherent scattering lengths)
        :type weights: :class:~MMTK.ParticleProperties.ParticleScalar
        :param random_vectors: the number of random direction vectors
                               used in the orientational average
        :type random_vectors: int
        :param first_mode: the first mode to be taken into account for
                           the fluctuation calculation. The default value
                           of 6 is right for molecules in vacuum.
        :type first_mode: int
        :returns: the Elastic Incoherent Structure Factor (EISF) as a
                  function of angular wavenumber
        :rtype: Scientific.Functions.Interpolation.InterpolatingFunction
        if self.temperature is None:
            raise ValueError("no temperature available")
        if subset is None:
            subset = self.universe
        if weights is None:
            weights = self.universe.getParticleScalar('b_incoherent')
            weights = weights * weights
        weights = weights * subset.booleanMask()
        total = weights.sumOverParticles()
        weights = weights / total

        first, last, step = (q_range + (None, ))[:3]
        if step is None:
            step = (last - first) / 50.
        q = N.arange(first, last, step)

        f = MMTK.ParticleTensor(self.universe)
        for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
            mode = self[i]
            f = f + mode.dyadicProduct(mode)

        eisf = N.zeros(q.shape, N.Float)
        for i in range(random_vectors):
            v = MMTK.Random.randomDirection()
            for a in subset.atomList():
                exp = N.exp(-v * (f[a] * v))
                N.add(eisf, weights[a] * exp**(q * q), eisf)
        return InterpolatingFunction((q, ), eisf / random_vectors)
コード例 #39
def getMeanSquareDisplacement(series):

    MSD = N.zeros((len(series)), N.Float)
    dsq = series[:, 0]**2 + series[:, 1]**2 + series[:, 2]**2
    sum_dsq1 = N.add.accumulate(dsq)
    sum_dsq2 = N.add.accumulate(dsq[::-1])
    sumsq = 2. * sum_dsq1[-1]
    msd = sumsq - N.concatenate(([0.], sum_dsq1[:-1])) \
                - N.concatenate(([0.], sum_dsq2[:-1]))
    Sab = 2. * N.add.reduce(acf(series, 0), 1)
    MSD = MSD + (msd - Sab) / (len(series) - N.arange(len(series)))
    return MSD
コード例 #40
 def meanSquareDisplacement(self, subset=None, weights=None,
                            time_range = (0., None, None), tau=None,
                            first_mode = 6):
     :param subset: the subset of the universe used in the calculation
                    (default: the whole universe)
     :type subset: :class:`~MMTK.Collections.GroupOfAtoms`
     :param weights: the weight to be given to each atom in the average
                     (default: atomic masses)
     :type weights: :class:`~MMTK.ParticleProperties.ParticleScalar`
     :param time_range: the time values at which the mean-square
                        displacement is evaluated, specified as a
                        range tuple (first, last, step).
                        The defaults are first=0, last=
                        20 times the longest vibration perdiod,
                        and step defined such that 300 points are
                        used in total.
     :type time_range: tuple
     :param tau: the relaxation time of an exponential damping factor
                 (default: no damping)
     :type tau: float
     :param first_mode: the first mode to be taken into account for
                        the fluctuation calculation. The default value
                        of 6 is right for molecules in vacuum.
     :type first_mode: int
     :returns: the averaged mean-square displacement of the
               atoms in subset as a function of time
     :rtype: Scientific.Functions.Interpolation.InterpolatingFunction
     if self.temperature is None:
         raise ValueError("no temperature available")
     if subset is None:
         subset = self.universe
     if weights is None:
         weights = self.universe.masses()
     weights = weights*subset.booleanMask()
     total = weights.sumOverParticles()
     weights = weights/total
     first, last, step = (time_range + (None, None))[:3]
     if last is None:
         last = 20./self[first_mode].frequency
     if step is None:
         step = (last-first)/300.
     time = N.arange(first, last, step)
     if tau is None: damping = 1.
     else: damping = N.exp(-(time/tau)**2)
     msd = N.zeros(time.shape, N.Float)
     for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
         mode = self[i]
         omega = 2.*N.pi*mode.frequency
         d = (weights*(mode*mode)).sumOverParticles()
         N.add(msd, d*(1.-damping*N.cos(omega*time)), msd)
     return InterpolatingFunction((time,), msd)
コード例 #41
ファイル: ARMP.py プロジェクト: zidan1128/nMOLDYN3
 def memoryFunction(self, nsteps):
     mz = self.memoryFunctionZ()
     mem = mz.divide(nsteps - 1)[0].coeff[:]
     if len(mem) == nsteps + 1:
         mem = mem[1:]
     if isComplex(self.coeff[0]):
         mem = N.array([complex(m.real, m.imag) for m in mem])
         mem = N.array([float(m) for m in mem])
     mem[0] = 2. * realPart(mem[0])
     time = self.delta_t * N.arange(nsteps)
     return InterpolatingFunction((time, ), mem)
コード例 #42
 def EISF(self, q_range = (0., 15.), subset=None, weights = None,
          random_vectors = 15, first_mode = 6):
     :param q_range: the range of angular wavenumber values
     :type q_range: tuple
     :param subset: the subset of the universe used in the calculation
                    (default: the whole universe)
     :type subset: :class:`~MMTK.Collections.GroupOfAtoms`
     :param weights: the weight to be given to each atom in the average
                     (default: incoherent scattering lengths)
     :type weights: :class:`~MMTK.ParticleProperties.ParticleScalar`
     :param random_vectors: the number of random direction vectors
                            used in the orientational average
     :type random_vectors: int
     :param first_mode: the first mode to be taken into account for
                        the fluctuation calculation. The default value
                        of 6 is right for molecules in vacuum.
     :type first_mode: int
     :returns: the Elastic Incoherent Structure Factor (EISF) as a
               function of angular wavenumber
     :rtype: Scientific.Functions.Interpolation.InterpolatingFunction
     if self.temperature is None:
         raise ValueError("no temperature available")
     if subset is None:
         subset = self.universe
     if weights is None:
         weights = self.universe.getParticleScalar('b_incoherent')
         weights = weights*weights
     weights = weights*subset.booleanMask()
     total = weights.sumOverParticles()
     weights = weights/total
     first, last, step = (q_range+(None,))[:3]
     if step is None:
         step = (last-first)/50.
     q = N.arange(first, last, step)
     f = MMTK.ParticleTensor(self.universe)
     for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
         mode = self[i]
         f = f + mode.dyadicProduct(mode)
     eisf = N.zeros(q.shape, N.Float)
     for i in range(random_vectors):
         v = MMTK.Random.randomDirection()
         for a in subset.atomList():
             exp = N.exp(-v*(f[a]*v))
             N.add(eisf, weights[a]*exp**(q*q), eisf)
     return InterpolatingFunction((q,), eisf/random_vectors)
コード例 #43
 def meanSquareDisplacement(self,
                            time_range=(0., None, None),
     :param subset: the subset of the universe used in the calculation
                    (default: the whole universe)
     :type subset: :class:~MMTK.Collections.GroupOfAtoms
     :param weights: the weight to be given to each atom in the average
                     (default: atomic masses)
     :type weights: :class:~MMTK.ParticleProperties.ParticleScalar
     :param time_range: the time values at which the mean-square
                        displacement is evaluated, specified as a
                        range tuple (first, last, step).
                        The defaults are first=0, last=
                        20 times the longest vibration perdiod,
                        and step defined such that 300 points are
                        used in total.
     :type time_range: tuple
     :param first_mode: the first mode to be taken into account for
                        the fluctuation calculation. The default value
                        of 6 is right for molecules in vacuum.
     :type first_mode: int
     :returns: the averaged mean-square displacement of the
               atoms in subset as a function of time
     :rtype: Scientific.Functions.Interpolation.InterpolatingFunction
     if subset is None:
         subset = self.universe
     if weights is None:
         weights = self.universe.masses()
     weights = weights * subset.booleanMask()
     total = weights.sumOverParticles()
     weights = weights / (total * self.friction)
     first, last, step = (time_range + (None, None))[:3]
     if last is None:
         last = 3. / self.rawMode(first_mode).inv_relaxation_time
     if step is None:
         step = (last - first) / 300.
     time = N.arange(first, last, step)
     msd = N.zeros(time.shape, N.Float)
     for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
         mode = self.rawMode(i)
         rt = mode.inv_relaxation_time
         d = (weights * (mode * mode)).sumOverParticles()
         N.add(msd, d * (1. - N.exp(-rt * time)) / rt, msd)
     N.multiply(msd, 2. * Units.k_B * self.temperature, msd)
     return InterpolatingFunction((time, ), msd)
コード例 #44
ファイル: Refinement.py プロジェクト: khinsen/CDTK
 def _precomputeArrays(self, mask):
     # S vectors, their squared length, and the phase factors for
     # structure calculation.
     sv, p = self.reflection_set.sVectorArrayAndPhasesForASU()
     self.sv = N.repeat(sv, mask, axis=1)
     self.p = N.repeat(p, mask, axis=1)
     self.ssq = N.add.reduce(self.sv[0]*self.sv[0], axis=1)
     # Symmetry factors and centricity for all reflections
     sm = self.reflection_set.symmetryAndCentricityArrays()
     self.epsilon = N.repeat(sm[:, 0], mask)
     self.centric = N.repeat(sm[:, 1], mask)
     self.working_centric_indices = \
     self.working_acentric_indices = \
     # Atomic scattering factors for the atoms in the model
     from CDTK.AtomicScatteringFactors import atomic_scattering_factors
     e_indices = {}
     for i in range(self.natoms):
         e_indices.setdefault(self.elements[i], len(e_indices))
     self.element_indices = N.array([e_indices[self.elements[i]]
                                     for i in range(self.natoms)],
     f_atom = N.zeros((len(e_indices), self.nreflections), N.Float)
     for i in range(self.natoms):
         a, b = atomic_scattering_factors[self.elements[i]]
         f_atom[self.element_indices[i], :] = \
               N.sum(a[:, N.NewAxis] * N.exp(-b[:, N.NewAxis]
                                             * self.ssq[N.NewAxis, :]))
     self.f_atom = f_atom
コード例 #45
ファイル: Analysis.py プロジェクト: zidan1128/nMOLDYN3
def factorial(n):
    """Returns n!
    @param n: n.
    @type: integer
    @return: n!.
    @rtype: integer

    # 0! = 1! = 1
    if n < 2:
        return 1
        # multiply is a ufunc of Numeric module
        return N.multiply.reduce(N.arange(2, n + 1, typecode=N.Float))
コード例 #46
ファイル: Models.py プロジェクト: davem22101/semanticscience
 def memoryFunction(self, nsteps):
     @param nsteps: the number of time steps for which the memory
     function is to be evaluated
     @type nsteps: C{int}
     @returns: the memory function of the process as estimated
     from the AR model
     @rtype: L{Scientific.Functions.Interpolation.InterpolatingFunction}
     mz = self.memoryFunctionZapprox(nsteps+self.order)
     mem = mz.divide(nsteps-1)[0].coeff[::-1]
     if len(mem) == nsteps+1:
         mem = mem[1:]
     mem[0] = 2.*_realPart(mem[0])
     time = self.delta_t*N.arange(nsteps)
     return InterpolatingFunction((time,), mem)
コード例 #47
 def memoryFunction(self, nsteps):
     @param nsteps: the number of time steps for which the memory
     function is to be evaluated
     @type nsteps: C{int}
     @returns: the memory function of the process as estimated
     from the AR model
     @rtype: L{Scientific.Functions.Interpolation.InterpolatingFunction}
     mz = self.memoryFunctionZapprox(nsteps + self.order)
     mem = mz.divide(nsteps - 1)[0].coeff[::-1]
     if len(mem) == nsteps + 1:
         mem = mem[1:]
     mem[0] = 2. * _realPart(mem[0])
     time = self.delta_t * N.arange(nsteps)
     return InterpolatingFunction((time, ), mem)
コード例 #48
    def resolutionShells(self, shells):
        Partition the reflections into resolution shells.

        :param shells: the resolution shell specification, either a sequence of
                       s values delimiting the shells (one more value than
                       there will be shells), or an integer indicating the
                       number of shells into which the total resolution range
                       will be divided.
        :type shells:  int or sequence of float
        :return: the resolution shells, each of which has its average
                 s value stored in the attribute 's_avg'. The average is
                 None if the subset is empty.
        :rtype: sequence of ReflectionSubset
        if isinstance(shells, int):
            assert shells > 0
            s_min, s_max = self.sRange()
            nshells = shells
            shells = s_min + N.arange(nshells+1)*((s_max-s_min)/nshells)
            shells[0] *= 0.99
            shells[-1] *= 1.01
            shells = N.array(shells)
            nshells = len(shells)-1
            assert nshells > 0
            assert ((shells[1:]-shells[:-1]) > 0.).all()
        reflections = [[] for i in range(nshells)]
        s_sum = N.zeros((nshells,), N.Float)
        for reflection in self:
            s = reflection.sVector().length()
            n = N.sum(s >= shells)-1
            if n >= 0 and n < nshells:
                s_sum[n] += s
        subsets = []
        for i in range(nshells):
            subset = ReflectionSubset(self, reflections[i])
            subset.s_min = shells[i]
            subset.s_max = shells[i+1]
            subset.s_middle = 0.5*(shells[i]+shells[i+1])
            if reflections[i]:
                subset.s_avg = s_sum[i]/len(reflections[i])
                subset.s_avg = None
        return subsets
コード例 #49
ファイル: BrownianModes.py プロジェクト: acousticpants/mmtk
 def meanSquareDisplacement(self, subset=None, weights=None,
                            time_range = (0., None, None),
                            first_mode = 6):
     :param subset: the subset of the universe used in the calculation
                    (default: the whole universe)
     :type subset: :class:`~MMTK.Collections.GroupOfAtoms`
     :param weights: the weight to be given to each atom in the average
                     (default: atomic masses)
     :type weights: :class:`~MMTK.ParticleProperties.ParticleScalar`
     :param time_range: the time values at which the mean-square
                        displacement is evaluated, specified as a
                        range tuple (first, last, step).
                        The defaults are first=0, last=
                        20 times the longest vibration perdiod,
                        and step defined such that 300 points are
                        used in total.
     :type time_range: tuple
     :param first_mode: the first mode to be taken into account for
                        the fluctuation calculation. The default value
                        of 6 is right for molecules in vacuum.
     :type first_mode: int
     :returns: the averaged mean-square displacement of the
               atoms in subset as a function of time
     :rtype: Scientific.Functions.Interpolation.InterpolatingFunction
     if subset is None:
         subset = self.universe
     if weights is None:
         weights = self.universe.masses()
     weights = weights*subset.booleanMask()
     total = weights.sumOverParticles()
     weights = weights/(total*self.friction)
     first, last, step = (time_range + (None, None))[:3]
     if last is None:
         last = 3./self.rawMode(first_mode).inv_relaxation_time
     if step is None:
         step = (last-first)/300.
     time = N.arange(first, last, step)
     msd = N.zeros(time.shape, N.Float)
     for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
         mode = self.rawMode(i)
         rt = mode.inv_relaxation_time
         d = (weights*(mode*mode)).sumOverParticles()
         N.add(msd, d*(1.-N.exp(-rt*time))/rt, msd)
     N.multiply(msd, 2.*Units.k_B*self.temperature, msd)
     return InterpolatingFunction((time,), msd)
コード例 #50
    def coherentScatteringFunction(self, q, time_range = (0., None, None),
                                   subset=None, weights=None,
                                   random_vectors=15, first_mode = 6):
        if subset is None:
            subset = self.universe
        if weights is None:
            weights = self.universe.getParticleScalar('b_coherent')
        mask = subset.booleanMask()
        weights = N.repeat(weights.array, mask.array)
        weights = weights/N.sqrt(N.add.reduce(weights*weights))
        friction = N.repeat(self.friction.array, mask.array)
        r = N.repeat(self.universe.configuration().array, mask.array)

        first, last, step = (time_range + (None, None))[:3]
        if last is None:
            last = 3./self.rawMode(first_mode).inv_relaxation_time
        if step is None:
            step = (last-first)/300.
        time = N.arange(first, last, step)

        natoms = subset.numberOfAtoms()
        kT = Units.k_B*self.temperature
        fcoh = N.zeros((len(time),), N.Complex)
        random_vectors = Random.randomDirections(random_vectors)
        for v in random_vectors:
            phase = N.exp(-1.j*q*N.dot(r, v.array))
            for ai in range(natoms):
                fbt = N.zeros((natoms, len(time)), N.Float)
                for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
                    irt = self.rawMode(i).inv_relaxation_time
                    d = q * N.repeat((self.rawMode(i)*v).array, mask.array) \
                        / N.sqrt(friction)
                    ft = N.exp(-irt*time)/irt
                          d[ai] * d[:, N.NewAxis] * ft[N.NewAxis, :],
                          (-0.5/irt) * (d[ai]**2 + d[:, N.NewAxis]**2),
                      * N.dot(weights*N.conjugate(phase),
        return InterpolatingFunction((time,), fcoh.real/len(random_vectors))
コード例 #51
    def coherentScatteringFunction(self,
                                   time_range=(0., None, None),
        if subset is None:
            subset = self.universe
        if weights is None:
            weights = self.universe.getParticleScalar('b_coherent')
        mask = subset.booleanMask()
        weights = N.repeat(weights.array, mask.array)
        weights = weights / N.sqrt(N.add.reduce(weights * weights))
        friction = N.repeat(self.friction.array, mask.array)
        r = N.repeat(self.universe.configuration().array, mask.array)

        first, last, step = (time_range + (None, None))[:3]
        if last is None:
            last = 3. / self.rawMode(first_mode).inv_relaxation_time
        if step is None:
            step = (last - first) / 300.
        time = N.arange(first, last, step)

        natoms = subset.numberOfAtoms()
        kT = Units.k_B * self.temperature
        fcoh = N.zeros((len(time), ), N.Complex)
        random_vectors = Random.randomDirections(random_vectors)
        for v in random_vectors:
            phase = N.exp(-1.j * q * N.dot(r, v.array))
            for ai in range(natoms):
                fbt = N.zeros((natoms, len(time)), N.Float)
                for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
                    irt = self.rawMode(i).inv_relaxation_time
                    d = q * N.repeat((self.rawMode(i)*v).array, mask.array) \
                        / N.sqrt(friction)
                    ft = N.exp(-irt * time) / irt
                    N.add(fbt, d[ai] * d[:, N.NewAxis] * ft[N.NewAxis, :], fbt)
                    N.add(fbt, (-0.5 / irt) * (d[ai]**2 + d[:, N.NewAxis]**2),
                    fcoh, weights[ai] * phase[ai] *
                    N.dot(weights * N.conjugate(phase), N.exp(kT * fbt)), fcoh)
        return InterpolatingFunction((time, ), fcoh.real / len(random_vectors))
コード例 #52
    def incoherentScatteringFunction(self, q, time_range = (0., None, None),
                                     subset=None, random_vectors=15,
                                     first_mode = 6):
        if subset is None:
            subset = self.universe
        mask = subset.booleanMask()
        weights_inc = self.universe.getParticleScalar('b_incoherent')
        weights_inc = N.repeat(weights_inc.array**2, mask.array)
        weights_inc = weights_inc/N.add.reduce(weights_inc)
        friction = N.repeat(self.friction.array, mask.array)
        mass = N.repeat(self.universe.masses().array, mask.array)
        r = N.repeat(self.universe.configuration().array, mask.array)

        first, last, step = (time_range + (None, None))[:3]
        if last is None:
            last = 3./self.weighedMode(first_mode).inv_relaxation_time
        if step is None:
            step = (last-first)/300.
        time = N.arange(first, last, step)

        natoms = subset.numberOfAtoms()
        kT = Units.k_B*self.temperature
        finc = N.zeros((len(time),), N.Float)
        eisf = 0.
        random_vectors = Random.randomDirections(random_vectors)
        for v in random_vectors:
            phase = N.exp(-1.j*q*N.dot(r, v.array))
            faat = N.zeros((natoms, len(time)), N.Float)
            eisf_sum = N.zeros((natoms,), N.Float)
            for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
                irt = self.rawMode(i).inv_relaxation_time
                d = q * N.repeat((self.rawMode(i)*v).array, mask.array) \
                    / N.sqrt(friction)
                ft = (N.exp(-irt*time)-1.)/irt
                      d[:, N.NewAxis]**2 * ft[N.NewAxis, :],
                N.add(eisf_sum, -d**2/irt, eisf_sum)
                  N.sum(weights_inc[:, N.NewAxis]
                        * N.exp(kT*faat), 0),
            eisf = eisf + N.sum(weights_inc*N.exp(kT*eisf_sum))
        return InterpolatingFunction((time,), finc/len(random_vectors))
コード例 #53
ファイル: nmoldyn_code.py プロジェクト: MrTheodor/md_tools
def calc_msd(series):
        """Calculates the atomic term.
        @param atomIndex: the index of the selected atom.
        @type atomIndex: integer
        @param trajectory: the trajectory.
        @type trajectory: MMTK.Trajectory.Trajectory object
        # series = 2D Numeric array. The positions of the selected atom |at| from the first step to the
        # last step with the selected step increment.
        # series = trajectory.readParticleTrajectory(atomIndex, first = self.first, last = self.last, skip = self.skip).array
        # dsq is the squared norm of the position for each time step
        # dsq refers to DSQ(k) in the published algorithm
        dsq = N.add.reduce(series * series,1)

        # sum_dsq1 is the cumulative sum of dsq
        sum_dsq1 = N.add.accumulate(dsq)

        # sum_dsq1 is the reversed cumulative sum of dsq
        sum_dsq2 = N.add.accumulate(dsq[::-1])

        # sumsq refers to SUMSQ in the published algorithm
        sumsq = 2.*sum_dsq1[-1]

        # this line refers to the instruction SUMSQ <-- SUMSQ - DSQ(m-1) - DSQ(N - m) of the published algorithm
        # In this case, msd is an array because the instruction is computed for each m ranging from 0 to len(traj) - 1
        # So, this single instruction is performing the loop in the published algorithm
        Saabb  = sumsq - N.concatenate(([0.], sum_dsq1[:-1])) - N.concatenate(([0.], sum_dsq2[:-1]))

        # Saabb refers to SAA+BB/(N-m) in the published algorithm
        # Sab refers to SAB(m)/(N-m) in the published algorithm
        Saabb = Saabb / (len(dsq) - N.arange(len(dsq)))
        Sab   = 2.*correlation(series)

        atomicMSD = Saabb - Sab
        return atomicMSD
コード例 #54
ファイル: Core.py プロジェクト: davem22101/semanticscience
 def reduceToRange(self, first, last):
     """Discards all modes except for those whose numbers are between
     |first| (inclusive) and |last| (exclusive). This is done to
     reduce memory requirements, especially before saving the modes
     to a file."""
     junk1 = list(self.sort_index[:first])
     junk2 = list(self.sort_index[last:])
     if junk1 == range(0, first) and \
        junk2 == range(last, len(self.sort_index)):
         # This is the most frequent case. It can be handled
         # without copying the mode array.
         for array in self._internal_arrays:
             setattr(self, array, getattr(self, array)[first:last])
         self.sort_index = self.sort_index[first:last]-first
         keep = self.sort_index[first:last]
         for array in self._internal_arrays:
             setattr(self, array, N.take(getattr(self, array), keep))
         self.sort_index = N.arange(0, last-first)
     self.nmodes = last-first
コード例 #55
    def staticStructureFactor(self, q_range = (1., 15.), subset=None,
                              weights=None, random_vectors=15,
                              first_mode = 6):
        if subset is None:
            subset = self.universe
        if weights is None:
            weights = self.universe.getParticleScalar('b_coherent')
        mask = subset.booleanMask()
        weights = N.repeat(weights.array, mask.array)
        weights = weights/N.sqrt(N.add.reduce(weights*weights))
        friction = N.repeat(self.friction.array, mask.array)
        r = N.repeat(self.universe.configuration().array, mask.array)

        first, last, step = (q_range+(None,))[:3]
        if step is None:
            step = (last-first)/50.
        q = N.arange(first, last, step)

        kT = Units.k_B*self.temperature
        natoms = subset.numberOfAtoms()
        sq = 0.
        random_vectors = Random.randomDirections(random_vectors)
        for v in random_vectors:
            sab = N.zeros((natoms, natoms), N.Float)
            for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
                irt = self.rawMode(i).inv_relaxation_time
                d = N.repeat((self.rawMode(i)*v).array, mask.array) \
                       / N.sqrt(friction)
                sab = sab + (d[N.NewAxis,:]-d[:,N.NewAxis])**2/irt
            sab = sab[N.NewAxis,:,:]*q[:, N.NewAxis, N.NewAxis]**2
            phase = N.exp(-1.j*q[:, N.NewAxis]
                          * N.dot(r, v.array)[N.NewAxis, :]) \
                    * weights[N.NewAxis, :]
            temp = N.sum(phase[:, :, N.NewAxis]*N.exp(-0.5*kT*sab), 1)
            temp = N.sum(N.conjugate(phase)*temp, 1)
            sq = sq + temp.real
        return InterpolatingFunction((q,), sq/len(random_vectors))
コード例 #56
 def incoherentScatteringFunction(self, q, time_range = (0., None, None),
                                  subset=None, weights=None, tau=None,
                                  random_vectors=15, first_mode = 6):
     if self.temperature is None:
         raise ValueError("no temperature available")
     if subset is None:
         subset = self.universe
     if weights is None:
         weights = self.universe.getParticleScalar('b_incoherent')
         weights = weights*weights
     weights = weights*subset.booleanMask()
     total = weights.sumOverParticles()
     weights = weights/total
     first, last, step = (time_range + (None, None))[:3]
     if last is None:
         last = 20./self[first_mode].frequency
     if step is None:
         step = (last-first)/400.
     time = N.arange(first, last, step)
     if tau is None:
         damping = 1.
         damping = N.exp(-(time/tau)**2)
     finc = N.zeros(time.shape, N.Float)
     random_vectors = MMTK.Random.randomDirections(random_vectors)
     for v in random_vectors:
         for a in subset.atomList():
             msd = 0.
             for i in range(first_mode, self.nmodes):
                 mode = self[i]
                 d = (v*mode[a])**2
                 omega = 2.*N.pi*mode.frequency
                 msd = msd+d*(1.-damping*N.cos(omega*time))
             N.add(finc, weights[a]*N.exp(-q*q*msd), finc)
     return InterpolatingFunction((time,), finc/len(random_vectors))
コード例 #57
 def __getitem__(self, item):
     if not isinstance(item, int):
         return SubTrajectory(self, N.arange(len(self)))[item]
     if item < 0:
         item += len(self)
     if item >= len(self):
         raise IndexError
     data = {}
     for name, var in self.trajectory.file.variables.items():
         if 'step_number' not in var.dimensions:
         if 'atom_number' in var.dimensions:
             if 'xyz' in var.dimensions:
                 array = ParticleProperties.ParticleVector(self.universe,
                             self.trajectory.readParticleVector(name, item))
                 array = ParticleProperties.ParticleScalar(self.universe,
                             self.trajectory.readParticleScalar(name, item))
             bs = self.block_size
             if bs == 1:
                 array = var[item]
                 if len(var.shape) == 2:
                     array = var[item/bs, item%bs]
                     array = var[item/bs, ..., item%bs]
         data[name] = 0.+array
     if data.has_key('configuration'):
         box = data.get('box_size', None)
         if box is not None:
             box = box.astype(N.Float)
         conf = data['configuration']
         data['configuration'] = \
            ParticleProperties.Configuration(conf.universe, conf.array, box)
     return data
コード例 #58
ファイル: energy_tests.py プロジェクト: acousticpants/mmtk
 def test_dihedral(self):
     for n in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
         for phase in N.arange(0., 6., 0.5):
             for V in [-10., 2.]:
                 self._dihedralTerm(n, phase, V)
コード例 #59

    def _showValue(self, x, y):
        scale, shift = self.transformation
        point = N.array([x, y])
        point = (point-shift)/scale
        self.value_label.setText(" x = %f\n y = %f" % tuple(point))

    def _hideValue(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':

    data1 = 2.*N.pi*N.arange(200)/200.
    data1.shape = (100, 2)
    data1[:,1] = N.sin(data1[:,0])
    lines1 = PolyLine(data1, color='green')

    pi = N.pi
    lines2 = PolyLine([(0., 0.), (pi/2., 1.), (pi, 0.), (3.*pi/2., -1),
                       (2.*pi, 0.)], color='red')

    markers = PolyMarker([(0., 0.), (pi/2., 1.), (pi, 0.), (3.*pi/2., -1),
                          (2.*pi, 0.)], color='blue', fillcolor='blue', 

    object = PlotGraphics([lines1, lines2, markers])

    def display(value):
コード例 #60
ファイル: mode_analysis.py プロジェクト: acousticpants/mmtk
modes = load('~/proteins/lysozyme/lysozyme.umodes')
universe = modes.universe

protein = universe.protein
protein.model = 'all'
protein[0].model = 'all'

helices = []
for chain in protein:
    dihedrals = chain.phiPsi()[1:-1]
    dihedrals_with_index = zip(range(1, 1+len(dihedrals)), dihedrals)
    helix_indices = [index for index, (phi, psi) in dihedrals_with_index
                           if 4.5 < phi < 5.8 and 5. < psi < 6.]
    helix_indices = N.array(helix_indices)
    breaks = N.repeat(N.arange(len(helix_indices)-1),
                      (helix_indices[1:]-helix_indices[:-1]) > 1)
    breaks = N.concatenate(([0], breaks + 1))
    backbone = chain.backbone()
    for i in range(len(breaks)-1):
        residues = N.take(backbone, helix_indices[breaks[i]:breaks[i+1]])
helices = [h for h in helices if len(h) > 4]


residue_motion_vectors = []
helix_motion_vectors = []
for helix in helices:
    end_to_end = helix[0].centerOfMass()-helix[-1].centerOfMass()
    cms, inertia = helix.centerAndMomentOfInertia()