def __init__(self): self.acronyms=self.load_obj("acronymsDict") self.emoticons=self.load_obj("SmileyDict") self.answer={} self.log = {} self.S = SentiHandle() self.catz = Categorize.Categorize()
class PyInterfaceServer: def __init__(self): self.log = {} self.S = SentiHandle() self.catz = Categorize.Categorize() def ping(self): print ("Ping Success !! :D") return def getSentimentScore(self, obj): ''' Arguments List: general -> mainText,textType = "general" microblogs -> mainText, textType = "microblogs" comments -> mainText, textType = "comments" reviews -> mainText, textType = "reviews", title = "" <optional>,topDomain,subDomain = "" <depends, not always optional, refer the list in> blogs_news -> mainText< or first paragraph>, title, textType="blogs_news",lastPara = "" <optional last paragraph>,middleParas = [] <optional middle paragraphs(separate each para with newline into string)> ''' try: S = self.S.getSentimentScore(obj.mainText,obj.textType,obj.title,obj.middleParas,obj.lastPara,obj.topDomain,obj.subDomain) print ("Sentiment Text : " + obj.mainText + " ||| SentimentScore[-5 to 5]: " + str(S)) return S except Exception as err: print(traceback.format_exc()) print(sys.exc_info()[0]) print err def getTopics(self, text): text=text.decode('utf-8') print text cat = self.catz.getCategory(text) print ("Topic Text : " + text + " ||| Topic: " + cat) res = cat.split('|') return res def getKeywords(self, text): text=text.decode('utf-8') print "Keyword Text",text keywords = self.catz.getKeywords(text) return keywords
class SentimentService: def __init__(self): self.log = {} self.S = SentiHandle() def getSentimentScore(self, text): ''' Arguments List: general -> mainText,textType = "general" microblogs -> mainText, textType = "microblogs" comments -> mainText, textType = "comments" reviews -> mainText, textType = "reviews", title = "" <optional>,topDomain,subDomain = "" <depends, not always optional, refer the list in> blogs_news -> mainText< or first paragraph>, title, textType="blogs_news",lastPara = "" <optional last paragraph>,middleParas = [] <optional middle paragraphs(separate each para with newline into string)> ''' try: S = self.S.getSentimentScore(text) # print ("Sentiment Text : " + text + " ||| SentimentScore[-5 to 5]: " + str(S)) return S except Exception as err: print err return 0
def __init__(self): self.log = {} self.S = SentiHandle() self.catz = Categorize.Categorize()
class PyInterfaceServer: def __init__(self): self.acronyms=self.load_obj("acronymsDict") self.emoticons=self.load_obj("SmileyDict") self.answer={} self.log = {} self.S = SentiHandle() self.catz = Categorize.Categorize() def ping(self): print ("Ping Success !! :D") return def load_obj(self,name): with open( path + name + '.pkl' , 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) def getSentimentScore(self, obj): ''' Arguments List: general -> mainText,textType = "general" microblogs -> mainText, textType = "microblogs" comments -> mainText, textType = "comments" reviews -> mainText, textType = "reviews", title = "" <optional>,topDomain,subDomain = "" <depends, not always optional, refer the list in> blogs_news -> mainText< or first paragraph>, title, textType="blogs_news",lastPara = "" <optional last paragraph>,middleParas = [] <optional middle paragraphs(separate each para with newline into string)> ''' try: S = self.S.getSentimentScore(obj.mainText,obj.textType,obj.title,obj.middleParas,obj.lastPara,obj.topDomain,obj.subDomain) print ("Sentiment Text : " + obj.mainText + " ||| SentimentScore[-5 to 5]: " + str(S)) return S except Exception as err: print(traceback.format_exc()) print(sys.exc_info()[0]) print err def getTopics(self, text): text=text.decode('utf-8') print text cat = self.catz.getCategory(text) print ("Topic Text : " + text + " ||| Topic: " + cat) res = cat.split('|') return res def getKeywords(self, text): text=text.decode('utf-8') print "Keyword Text",text keywords = self.catz.getKeywords(text) return keywords def ExEmo(self,text): emo_list=[] store_emo={} for word in twokenize.tokenize(text): if word !=" ": word=word.strip() try: score=self.emoticons[word] emo=emoticons.analyze_tweetHeavy(word) #emo_list.append(word)# #emo_list.append(emo) #d=dict(itertools.izip_longest(*[iter(emo_list)] * 2, fillvalue="")) store_emo[word]=emo except: if "@" in word: word="@user" self.answer=store_emo str1=str(self.answer) return str1 def ExAcro(self,text): acr_list=[] text=text.lower() store_acronyms={} for word in twokenize.tokenize(text): if word!="": word=word.strip() try: word_after=self.acronyms[word] #acr_list.append(word) store_acronyms[word]=word_after #self.answer['EXPANDED ACRONYMS']=acr_list except: if "@" in word: word="@user" self.answer=store_acronyms str2=str(self.answer) return str2
def __init__(self): self.log = {} self.S = SentiHandle()