def index(): """index page""" _start = "<h1>Whois API Service v1.1 </h1>" _start += "<h3>author - h-j-13(@`13)</h3>" _start += "<h3>author - WUD(@wangjunx)</h3><br><b4>" _start += "<h3>Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai</h3>" _start += "system clk" + str(Static.get_local_time()) return _start
def SET_WHOIS_RAW_INFO(whois_dict): SQL = """REPLACE INTO `{table}` set """.format( table='WHOIS_raw_' + str(Static.get_table_num(whois_dict['domain']))) SQL += """`raw_whois` = '{Value}' ,""".format( Value=whois_dict['details']) SQL += """`domain` = '{Value}' """.format(Value=whois_dict['domain']) return SQL
def SET_DOMAIN(whois_dict): SQL = """UPDATE `{table}` set """.format( table='domain_' + str(Static.get_table_num(whois_dict['domain']))) SQL += """`TLD` = '{Value}', """.format(Value=whois_dict['tld']) SQL += """`top_whois_srv` = '{Value}' """.format( Value=whois_dict['top_whois_server']) SQL += """WHERE `domain` = '{Value}'""".format( Value=whois_dict['domain']) return SQL
def SET_WHOIS_INFO(whois_dict): if whois_dict['phone_type'] is None: whois_dict['phone_type'] = 0 SQL = """REPLACE INTO `{table}` set """.format( table='WHOIS_' + str(Static.get_table_num(whois_dict['domain']))) SQL += """`domain` = '{Value}', """.format(Value=whois_dict['domain']) SQL += """`domain_status` = '{Value}', """.format( Value=whois_dict['domain_status']) SQL += """`registrar` = '{Value}', """.format( Value=whois_dict['sponsoring_registrar']) SQL += """`sec_whois_srv` = '{Value}', """.format( Value=whois_dict['sec_whois_server']) SQL += """`reg_name` = '{Value}', """.format( Value=whois_dict['reg_name']) SQL += """`reg_phone` = '{Value}', """.format( Value=whois_dict['reg_phone']) SQL += """`phone_country_code` = '{Value}', """.format( Value=whois_dict['phone_country_code']) SQL += """`phone_position_code` = '{Value}', """.format( Value=whois_dict['phone_position_code']) SQL += """`phone_number` = '{Value}', """.format( Value=whois_dict['phone_number']) SQL += """`phone_type` = '{Value}', """.format( Value=whois_dict['phone_type']) SQL += """`reg_email` = '{Value}', """.format( Value=whois_dict['reg_email']) SQL += """`org_name` = '{Value}', """.format( Value=whois_dict['org_name']) if not whois_dict['creation_date'] == '': SQL += """`creation_date` = '{Value}', """.format( Value=whois_dict['creation_date']) if not whois_dict['expiration_date'] == '': SQL += """`expiration_date` = '{Value}', """.format( Value=whois_dict['expiration_date']) if not whois_dict['updated_date'] == '': SQL += """`updated_date` = '{Value}', """.format( Value=whois_dict['updated_date']) SQL += """`name_server` = '{Value}' """.format( Value=whois_dict['name_server']) return SQL
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding:utf-8 """ 获取whois服务器对应的提取函数 ================================== version : 1.0 author : @`13 time : 2017.1.19 """ from Setting.static import Static Static.static_value_init() class Func(object): """获取whois服务器对应的提取函数""" # Singleton _instance = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kw): if not cls._instance: cls._instance = super(Func, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kw) return cls._instance def __init__(self): """数据初始化""" self.server_func_dict = {} WhoisServiceFuncFile = open(Static.WHOIS_FUNC_FILE, 'r') for line in WhoisServiceFuncFile.readlines():
# encoding:utf-8 """ whois原始数据处理 ========================= version : 1.0 author : @`13 time : 2017.2.8 """ from whois_func import * # 提取函数 from Setting.static import Static # 静态变量,设置 from domain_status import get_status_value # 处理状态值函数 from WhoisConnect.whois_connect import GetWhoisInfo, WhoisConnectException # whois通信 Static.log_init() log_func = Static.LOGGER def get_result(domain_punycode, tld, whois_addr, func_name, data, flag): """ :param domain_punycode: punycode格式的域名 :param tld: 顶级域 :param whois_addr: whois服务器 :param func_name: 处理函数 :param data: 服务器返回数据 :param flag: 数据正确性标记位 :return: whois 信息字典 """ # 返回结果初始化 domain_whois = {
author : @`13 time : 2017.04.09 time_v1.1 : 2017.04.24 """ import Queue import urllib2 import threading import socket from time import sleep from Setting.static import Static # 静态变量,设置 from Database.db_opreation import DataBase # 数据库对象 from Database.SQL_generate import SQL_generate # SQL语句生成器 Static.init() global TaskQueue, ResultQueue TaskQueue = Queue.Queue() # 任务队列 ResultQueue = Queue.Queue() # 结果队列 def work(): """工作函数:获取域名的状态码以及解析情况,存入数据库""" global TaskQueue, ResultQueue while not TaskQueue.empty(): domain = TaskQueue.get() available, HTTPcode = GetURLStatusCode(domain) r = [domain, available, HTTPcode] # Test - > print 'TEST->' + domain + ':', print r
def main(domain_list): """ 主流程函数,获取whois并更新到数据库中 :param Worktype: 工作方式 0 - 获取新增域名 1 - 重新获取所有域名数据 -1 - 获取失败域名 SQL - 特定获取域名的SQL语句 """ Static.init() log_main = Static.LOGGER # 全局变量声明 global whois_result_dict whois_result_dict = [] global DomainQueue, WhoisQueue DomainQueue = Queue.Queue() # 任务域名队列 WhoisQueue = Queue.Queue() # whois结果队列 global Process_Num, Ban_Setting Process_Num = Static.PROCESS_NUM # 获取进程数 Ban_Setting = False # 防Ban设置 # 初始化操作对象 DB = DataBase() DB.db_connect() # 填充域名队列 for domain in domain_list: # print domain DomainQueue.put(str(domain).strip()) # 开始多线程获取域名 thread_list = [] for i in range(Process_Num): get_whois_thread = threading.Thread(target=GetWhois) get_whois_thread.setDaemon(True) get_whois_thread.start() thread_list.append(get_whois_thread) # 开始域名字典,更新数据库 sleep(Static.SOCKS_TIMEOUT) # 等待队列填充 update_whois_thread = threading.Thread(target=WriteWhoisInfo(DB)) update_whois_thread.setDaemon(True) update_whois_thread.start() thread_list.append(update_whois_thread) # 挂起进程直到结束 for update_whois_thread in thread_list: update_whois_thread.join() log_main.error("结束") # 清空队列 while not WhoisQueue.empty(): whois_result_dict.append(WhoisQueue.get()) while not DomainQueue.empty(): DomainQueue.get() DB.db_commit() DB.db_close() return whois_result_dict # if __name__ == '__main__': # print "whois探测开始" # domain_list = [''] # result = main(domain_list) # # # print result
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding:utf-8 """ whois服务器通信 ===================== version : 1.0 author : @`13 time : 2017.1.18 """ import socks from Setting.static import Static Static().static_value_init() # 静态值初始化 TIMEOUT = Static.SOCKS_TIMEOUT # 超时设定 Proxy_Flag = Static.PROXY_SOCKS_FLAG # 使用代理标志 _proxy_socks = None # 获取代理ip if Proxy_Flag: from proxy_socks import ProxySocks _proxy_socks = ProxySocks() # socks代理 获取对象 class WhoisConnectException(Exception): """whois 信息通信错误""" def __init__(self, value): self.value = value
def Update(self, whois_dict, old_flag): """ 将 whois数据字典 更新至 数据库 中 :param whois_dict:whois信息字典 :param old_flag:之前获取域名的whois_flag """ # 2017.12.23 不再向WHOIS表中添加不存在的WHOIS记录,而把Domain表中的flag 置为-29 # flag 29 -> -29 old_flag = int(old_flag) self.commit_count += 1 # commit 设置 if self.commit_count >= self.commit_limit: self.DB.db_commit() self.commit_count = 0 if whois_dict['domain_status'].strip() == '29': # 只更新domain 表 whois_dict['flag'] = '-29' self.DB.execute_no_return(SQL_generate.SET_DOMAIN_INFO(whois_dict)) elif int(whois_dict['flag']) < 0: # 当前获取WHOIS 失败 只更新domain 表 self.DB.execute_no_return(SQL_generate.SET_DOMAIN(whois_dict)) elif old_flag == 0 and int(whois_dict['flag']) > 0: # 新增的数据 self.DB.execute_no_return(SQL_generate.SET_DOMAIN_INFO(whois_dict)) self.DB.execute_no_return(SQL_generate.SET_WHOIS_INFO(whois_dict)) self.DB.execute_no_return( SQL_generate.SET_WHOIS_RAW_INFO(whois_dict)) else: # 之前已有成功获取的数据 record_transform = False # whois 记录归档标志 table = 'WHOIS_' + str(Static.get_table_num(whois_dict['domain'])) get_whois_info_SQL = SQL_generate.GET_WHOIS_INFO( whois_dict['domain'], 'updated_date', table) origin_update_date = self.DB.execute(get_whois_info_SQL) if origin_update_date is None or str( old_flag) == '0': # 之前不存在的记录 : 单独插入更新whois pass # 之前不存在的记录 : 单独插入更新whois else: try: origin_update_date = origin_update_date[0][0] except Exception as error: update_log.error('提取whois更新时间->' + str(whois_dict['domain']) + 'unexpected error happen!' + str(error)) if str(origin_update_date) != str(whois_dict['updated_date']) \ and old_flag > 0 \ and whois_dict['updated_date'] \ and origin_update_date: update_log.error('whowas更新 : ' + str(whois_dict['domain'])) record_transform = True if record_transform: whowas_table = 'WHOWAS_' + str( Static.get_table_num(whois_dict['domain'])) whois_table = 'WHOIS_' + str( Static.get_table_num(whois_dict['domain'])) # whowas whowas_transform_SQL = SQL_generate.WHOWAS_TRANSFORM( whowas_table, whois_table, whois_dict['domain']) self.DB.execute_no_return(whowas_transform_SQL) set_whois_info_SQL = SQL_generate.SET_WHOIS_INFO( whois_dict) self.DB.execute_no_return(set_whois_info_SQL) self.DB.db_commit()
def index(): _result = "<h1>WHOIS api Service v0.1</h1>" _result += "<h3>author - h-j-13(@`13)</h5>" _result += "<h3>Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai</h5> <br></br><br></br>" _result += ("<h5>system clock -> " + Static.get_local_time() + "</h5>") return _result