コード例 #1
ファイル: Driver.py プロジェクト: DevelopersVietNam/slither
    def process( self ):
        """ Main method called by WebForm auto dispatcher to 
            begin processing. Handles locating and loading a project
            based on the URL call. """

        if self.driver_conf == None:
            self.__panic( "Missing DriverConf.py" , """Could not find module DriverConf.py in the slither directory.
            Please make sure that this file exists and has the appropriate permissions. """ )

        # attempt to get the project binding dict
        if not hasattr( self.driver_conf, "projects" ):
            self.__panic( "Missing 'projects' dictionary.", """Could not find the 'projects' directory in DriverConf.py.
            Please make sure that the dictionary exists and properly defined. """ )

        self.__project_dict = getattr( self.driver_conf, "projects" )
        self.logger.writeDebug( "Loaded base projects dictionary.\nproject_dict = %s"%( self.__project_dict ) )

        # parse the URL
        url_profile = self.__parse_url( os.environ.get( 'REQUEST_URI', '' ) )

        # attempt to load the project
        ( project_profile, load_msg, tb ) = self.__load_project( url_profile )
        if project_profile:
                self.logger.writeDebug( "Running project..." )

                # dispatch the project
                output = project_profile['project'].run()

                change_cwd( self.__driver_path )

                self.logger.writeDebug( "Printing result" )

                #self.logger.writeEntry( "OUTPUT: %s"%(output[:500]) )

                # output the results to the browser
                #sys.stdout.write( output )
                sys.stdout.write( output )

                # an error occured during dispatching
                sys.stdout = project_profile['project'].stdout_save
                error_msg = "Project '%s' experienced errors during execution.\n" % ( project_profile['project_name'] )
                self.logger.writeError( error_msg ) 
                change_cwd( self.__driver_path )
                self.__panic( "Fatal project execution error.", error_msg, traceBack() )
                sys.exit( 0 )

            #error_msg = "One more problems encountered when loading the requested project.\n%s"%( load_msg )
            self.logger.writeError( load_msg )
            self.__panic( "Could not load project.", load_msg, tb )
コード例 #2
    def __load_state( self, state_profile ):
        """ Loads a state and returns a reference to the
            state object. """

        # initialize the state to None
        state_profile[ 'state' ] = None
        error_msg = ''


            # check state properties
            if state_profile[ 'path' ] == '' or \
               state_profile[ 'state_name' ] == '':
                raise LoadException( "Invalid state path %s or state module/class name '%s'."%( state_profile['path'],
                                                                                                state_profile['state_name'] )

            # change to state directory
            ( chdir_result, chdir_msg) = change_cwd( state_profile[ 'full_path' ] )
            if not chdir_result:
                raise LoadException( "Full state path %s does not appear to be a valid or accessible directory. %s"%( state_profile['full_path'], chdir_msg ) )

            # add the state path to the execution path
            Path.path.addDir( state_profile['full_path'] )
            # import the state
            state_module = __import__( state_profile[ 'state_name' ] )

            # load the state
            instance_code = "state = state_module.%s()"%( state_profile['state_name'] )

            self.logger.writeEntry( "__load_state: Executing state instance code: %s"%( instance_code ), SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG )

            exec instance_code 

            self.logger.writeEntry( "__load_state: State %s.%s successfully instantiated."%( state_profile['state_name'],
                                                                                             state_profile['state_name'] ),
                                    SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG )

            # make sure that the class is a State instance
            if not isinstance( state, State ):
                raise LoadException( "Class %s.%s is not an instance of the State class."%( state_profile['state_name'] ,
                                                                                            state_profile['state_name'] ) )
            # change back to project directory
            change_cwd( self.project_profile[ 'webroot' ] )

            # init the project if necessary
            # (Note: this is a place holder for future expansion.)
            apply( state.init_state, (), state_profile )

            state_profile[ 'state' ] = state

            return ( state_profile, "Successfully loaded state %s.%s."%( state_profile['state_name'],
                                                                         state_profile['state_name'] )

        except LoadException, details:
            error_msg = "Invalid state properties.\nDetails: %s"%( details )
コード例 #3
    def __cookie_strategy( self, operation, user_profile=None ):
        """ Internal method that implements session management with cookies.
            It will use an ID stored in as a cookie to locate a UserProfile
            object. Oherwise, it will create a new UserProfile object and 
            store the assigned unique ID as a cookie. """

        # check directory
        (chdir_result, chdir_msg) = change_cwd( self.__user_profile_dir, check_only=1 )
        if not chdir_result:
            self.logger.writeEntry( "User profile directory '%s' is not \
            valid or accessible.\n%s"%( self.__user_profile_dir, chdir_msg ), SYSTEM_LOG_ERROR )

            return UserProfile()

        self.logger.writeEntry("__cookie_strategy: cwd = %s"%( os.getcwd() ), SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG )

        cookie = self.Request.get_cookie( self.__user_profile_cookie_name )

        if operation == 'load' and cookie != None:

            self.logger.writeEntry( "__cookie_strategy: cookie : %s"%( cookie ), SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG )
            self.logger.writeEntry( "__cookie_strategy: cookie value : %s"%( cookie.value ), SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG )

            up_file_name = os.path.join( self.__user_profile_dir, cookie.value )

                user_profile_file  = open( up_file_name, 'r' )

                user_profile = cPickle.load( user_profile_file )

                self.logger.writeEntry( "__cookie_strategy: Successfully loaded user profile for session %s."%(cookie.value), SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG )

                return user_profile
                self.logger.writeEntry( "__cookie_strategy: Exceptions raised while loading user profile file '%s'. Details: %s"%(up_file_name,
                                                                                                               traceBack() ),
                                        SYSTEM_LOG_WARNING )
                self.logger.writeEntry( "__cookie_strategy: Creating and returning a fresh UserProfile." )
                return UserProfile()

        elif operation == 'load' and cookie == None:

            self.logger.writeEntry( "__cookie_strategy: First time that user has accessd project. Creating new UserProfile.",
                                    SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG )
            return UserProfile()

        elif operation == 'save' and isinstance( user_profile, UserProfile ) == 1:

            up_file_name =  os.path.join( self.__user_profile_dir, 'UserProfile.'+ user_profile.getId() )

                #save the file
                user_profile_file = open( up_file_name, 'w' )

                cPickle.dump( user_profile , user_profile_file )

                #cookie = self.get_new_cookie()
                #cookie[ self.__user_profile_cookie_name ] = 'UserProfile.'+ user_profile.getId()
                #cookie[ self.__user_profile_cookie_name ]['path']    = self.__session_access_path
                #cookie[ self.__user_profile_cookie_name ]['domain']  = self.__session_access_domain
                #cookie[ self.__user_profile_cookie_name ]['expires'] = self.__session_expiration

                self.Response.set_cookie( self.__user_profile_cookie_name,
                                          'UserProfile.'+ user_profile.getId(),
                                          self.__session_expiration )

                self.logger.writeEntry( "__cookie_strategy: User profile cookie set with name: UserProfile.%s"%( user_profile.getId() ),
                                        SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG )
                self.logger.writeEntry( "__vookie_strategy: Error occured while saving user profile file '%s'.\nDetails: %s"%( up_file_name,
                                                                                                                               traceBack() ),
                                        SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG )

            self.logger.writeEntry( "__cookie_strategy: Did not know how to handle operation '%s'. Nothing done."%( operation ),
                                    SYSTEM_LOG_WARNING )
            self.logger.writeEntry( "__cookie_strategy: user_profile = %s"%( user_profile ), SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG )
コード例 #4
    def run( self ):
        """ Main method called to dispatch stages and handle 
            stage exceptions. """

        # capture all data written to the standard output stream
        # so that it can be safely emitted
        #stdout_capture = StringIO.StringIO()
        stdout_capture = stdout_to_log( self.logger )
        self.stdout_save    = sys.stdout
        sys.stdout     = stdout_capture

        # load the session
        self.logger.writeEntry( "Loading session...", SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG )
        self.user_profile = self.session( 'load' )

        # bind the user profile to Request
        self.Request.session = self.user_profile

        self.state_exception = ( None, None )
        self.trace_back = ""

        # load exception and plugin tables
            self.logger.writeEntry( "Loading exception and plugin tables...", SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG  )
            self.logger.writeEntry( "Error while loading plugins and/or exceptions.", SYSTEM_LOG_ERROR )
            self.logger.writeEntry( "Attempting to continue executing the request.\nDetails: %s"%( traceBack() ), SYSTEM_LOG_ERROR )
            self.trace_back = traceBack()

        # begin execution of call

        #error_flag = 0

        if self.trace_back == "":
                self.logger.writeEntry( "Calling preprocess...", SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG )
                self.logger.writeEntry( "Error occured executing project's preprocess method.", SYSTEM_LOG_ERROR )
                self.logger.writeEntry( "No states will be loaded.\nDetails: %s"%( traceBack() ), SYSTEM_LOG_ERROR )
                self.trace_back = traceBack()

        # run loop paramters
        loop_control = 'run' 
        out = ''
        first_state_profile = self.parse_state_path( self.project_profile[ 'project_state_path' ] )
        call_path = first_state_profile[ 'call_path' ]
        load_path = self.project_profile[ 'project_state_path' ]
        last_call_path = ''
        state_profile = None
        load_msg = ''
        loop_count = -1 # must start at -1 because it is called at teh top of the loop

        while( loop_control=='run' and self.trace_back == "" ):

            loop_count = loop_count + 1

            # check loop count to make sure we are not in a cycle
            if loop_count > self.__max_transitions:
                self.logger.writeEntry( "Loop count exceeded maximum count.", SYSTEM_LOG_ERROR )
                self.logger.writeEntry( "You might thave a cycle in your code. Calling project's render().", SYSTEM_LOG_ERROR )
                out = self.render()

            # set params. for loading the state
            if last_call_path != call_path:
                self.logger.writeEntry( "Loading state: call_path '%s', last_call_path '%s'"%( call_path, last_call_path ),
                                        SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG )

                state_profile = self.load_state_module( load_path )

            if state_profile == None:
                self.logger.writeEntry( "Could not load state; calling default project render().",
                                        SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG )
                out = self.render()
            elif state_profile[ 'method' ][0] == "_":
                # attempted to load a protectedor private method
                # reject and call default render
                self.logger.writeEntry( "Attempted to call protected/private method %s; \
                default project render() called."%(state_profile[ 'method' ]),
                                        SYSTEM_LOG_WARNING )
                out = self.render()

                # change cwd to the state object directory
                change_cwd( state_profile['full_path'] ) 

                # capture the state profile prior to run
                # used later to detect state changes
                last_call_path = state_profile[ 'call_path' ]

                self.logger.writeEntry( "Setting last_call_path to %s."%( last_call_path ),
                                        SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG )

                self.logger.writeEntry( "Calling method %s()..."%(state_profile[ 'method' ]),
                                        SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG )

                # get a handle to the funtion (exceptions are raised if the function does not exist)
                func = getattr( state_profile[ 'state' ], state_profile[ 'method' ] )

                # call the function
                out = apply( func, [], {} )

                # cahnge cwd to back to project
                change_cwd( self.project_profile['webroot'] ) 

                # no exeptions raised; clear last exception
                self.state_exception = ( None, None )
            except StageProcessException, details:

                self.logger.writeEntry( "State %s raised StageProcessException."%( state_profile['state_name'] ),
                                        SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG )
                out = details

コード例 #5
                            self.logger.writeEntry( "State %s scheduled; restarting call loop."%(state_profile['state'].getNextCallPath() ),
                                                    SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG ) 
                            # restart the loop to process new state
                            self.logger.writeEntry( "Nothing else to do; retruning default render page.",
                                                    SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG )
                            out = self.render()

        # change cwd back to project
        change_cwd( self.project_profile['webroot'] ) 

        #if error_flag == 0:
        if self.trace_back == "":
            # call postprocess
                # reset the context
                self.logger.writeEntry( "Calling postprocess...", SYSTEM_LOG_DEBUG )
                self.logger.writeEntry( "Error occured while executing project's postprocess method. Renderig default page.\
                \nDetails: %s"%( traceBack() ),
                                        SYSTEM_LOG_ERROR )
                self.trace_back = traceBack()
コード例 #6
ファイル: Driver.py プロジェクト: DevelopersVietNam/slither
    def __load_project( self, url_profile ):
        """ Internal method used to load the properties of 
            a project so that the project can be dispatched. """
            tb = ""
            project_name = url_profile[ 'project_name' ]

            if project_name == "":
                raise LoadException( "No project name specified." )

            # read proeprty from conf file
            project_profile = self.__project_dict.get( project_name, None )

            if project_profile == None:
                raise LoadException( "No registration found for project name '%s'."%( project_name ) )
                # at this point we have a prety good chance of loading the project
                project_profile[ 'project_name' ] = project_name
                project_profile[ 'project_state_path' ] = url_profile[ 'state_path' ]
                project_profile[ 'base_url' ] = url_profile[ 'base_url' ]

            # check project properties
            if project_profile.get( 'webroot', '' ) == '' or \
               project_profile.get( 'project_module' , '' ) == '':

                raise LoadException( "Project '%s' missing valid entries for 'webroot' \
                                      or 'project_module'  properties."%( project_name ) )

            # we assume that the project_class has the same name as the
            # project_module if the project_class property is not supplied. 
            project_profile[ 'project_class' ] = project_profile.get( 'project_class', project_profile[ 'project_module' ] )

            ( chdir_result, chdir_msg ) = change_cwd( project_profile.get( 'webroot', '' ) )
            if not chdir_result:
                raise LoadException( "The registered path '%s' for project '%s' does \
                not appear to be a valid or accessible. %s"%( project_profile[ 'webroot' ], 
                                                              project_name, chdir_msg ) )

            self.logger.writeDebug( "cwd = %s"%(os.getcwd() ) )
            #for p in sys.path:
            #  self.logger.writeDebug( "%s"%(p) )
            sys.path = [ "." ] + sys.path

            # add to the project profile some useful information
            project_profile[ "slither_driver_path" ] = self.__driver_path

            # import the Project file
            project_module = __import__( project_profile[ 'project_module' ] )

            self.logger.writeDebug( "Imported project module!" )

            # create new instance of the project
            project = None
            instance_code = "project = project_module.%s()"%( project_profile['project_class'] ) 

            self.logger.writeDebug( "Executing instance_code : %s"%( instance_code ) ) 

            exec instance_code 

            self.logger.writeDebug( "Project '%s' successfully instantiated."%( project_name ) )

            # make sure that this class is an instance of Project
            if not isinstance( project, Project ):
                raise LoadException( "Class %s.%s is not an instance of the Project class."%( project_profile['project_module'],
                                                                                              project_profile['project_class'] ) ) 

            project.init_project( project_profile = project_profile, argv = self.__argv[1:] )

            # call the project's init method

            project_profile[ 'project' ] = project

            return ( project_profile , "Successfully loaded project '%s'."%( project_name ), "" )

        except LoadException, details:
            error_msg = "Invalid project properties. %s" % ( details )

            tb = ""
コード例 #7
ファイル: Driver.py プロジェクト: DevelopersVietNam/slither
        except AttributeError, details :
            error_msg = "Could not instantiate class '%s' for project \n \
            name '%s'. Make sure the class name is correct in module '%s'."%( project_profile['project_class'],
            tb = traceBack()

            error_msg = "Unexpected error while loading project '%s'."%( project_name )
            tb =  traceBack()

        # post exception processing
        self.logger.writeError( error_msg + "Traceback: " + tb )

        change_cwd( self.__driver_path )

        return ( None, error_msg, tb )

    def __parse_url( self, url ):
        """ Internal method used to parse the calling URL into
            sub pieces used to load the project and later the
            requested state. """

        self.logger.writeDebug( "Parsing URL: %s"%( url ) )

        url_property = {}
        url_property[ 'project_name' ] = ''
コード例 #8
    def process(self):
        """ Main method called by WebForm auto dispatcher to 
            begin processing. Handles locating and loading a project
            based on the URL call. """

        if self.driver_conf == None:
                "Missing DriverConf.py",
                """Could not find module DriverConf.py in the slither directory.
            Please make sure that this file exists and has the appropriate permissions. """

        # attempt to get the project binding dict
        if not hasattr(self.driver_conf, "projects"):
                "Missing 'projects' dictionary.",
                """Could not find the 'projects' directory in DriverConf.py.
            Please make sure that the dictionary exists and properly defined. """

        self.__project_dict = getattr(self.driver_conf, "projects")

            "Loaded base projects dictionary.\nproject_dict = %s" %

        # parse the URL
        url_profile = self.__parse_url(os.environ.get('REQUEST_URI', ''))

        # attempt to load the project
        (project_profile, load_msg, tb) = self.__load_project(url_profile)

        if project_profile:
                self.logger.writeDebug("Running project...")

                # dispatch the project
                output = project_profile['project'].run()


                self.logger.writeDebug("Printing result")

                #self.logger.writeEntry( "OUTPUT: %s"%(output[:500]) )

                # output the results to the browser
                #sys.stdout.write( output )

                # an error occured during dispatching
                sys.stdout = project_profile['project'].stdout_save
                error_msg = "Project '%s' experienced errors during execution.\n" % (
                self.__panic("Fatal project execution error.", error_msg,

            #error_msg = "One more problems encountered when loading the requested project.\n%s"%( load_msg )
            self.__panic("Could not load project.", load_msg, tb)
コード例 #9
    def __load_project(self, url_profile):
        """ Internal method used to load the properties of 
            a project so that the project can be dispatched. """

            tb = ""

            project_name = url_profile['project_name']

            if project_name == "":
                raise LoadException("No project name specified.")

            # read proeprty from conf file
            project_profile = self.__project_dict.get(project_name, None)

            if project_profile == None:
                raise LoadException(
                    "No registration found for project name '%s'." %
                # at this point we have a prety good chance of loading the project
                project_profile['project_name'] = project_name
                project_profile['project_state_path'] = url_profile[
                project_profile['base_url'] = url_profile['base_url']

            # check project properties
            if project_profile.get( 'webroot', '' ) == '' or \
               project_profile.get( 'project_module' , '' ) == '':

                raise LoadException(
                    "Project '%s' missing valid entries for 'webroot' \
                                      or 'project_module'  properties." %

            # we assume that the project_class has the same name as the
            # project_module if the project_class property is not supplied.
            project_profile['project_class'] = project_profile.get(
                'project_class', project_profile['project_module'])

             chdir_msg) = change_cwd(project_profile.get('webroot', ''))
            if not chdir_result:
                raise LoadException(
                    "The registered path '%s' for project '%s' does \
                not appear to be a valid or accessible. %s" %
                    (project_profile['webroot'], project_name, chdir_msg))

            self.logger.writeDebug("cwd = %s" % (os.getcwd()))
            #for p in sys.path:
            #  self.logger.writeDebug( "%s"%(p) )
            sys.path = ["."] + sys.path

            # add to the project profile some useful information
            project_profile["slither_driver_path"] = self.__driver_path

            # import the Project file
            project_module = __import__(project_profile['project_module'])

            self.logger.writeDebug("Imported project module!")

            # create new instance of the project
            project = None
            instance_code = "project = project_module.%s()" % (

            self.logger.writeDebug("Executing instance_code : %s" %

            exec instance_code

            self.logger.writeDebug("Project '%s' successfully instantiated." %

            # make sure that this class is an instance of Project
            if not isinstance(project, Project):
                raise LoadException(
                    "Class %s.%s is not an instance of the Project class." %


            # call the project's init method

            project_profile['project'] = project

            return (project_profile,
                    "Successfully loaded project '%s'." % (project_name), "")

        except LoadException, details:
            error_msg = "Invalid project properties. %s" % (details)

            tb = ""
コード例 #10
            name '%s'. Make sure the class name is correct in module '%s'." % (
            tb = traceBack()

            error_msg = "Unexpected error while loading project '%s'." % (
            tb = traceBack()

        # post exception processing
        self.logger.writeError(error_msg + "Traceback: " + tb)


        return (None, error_msg, tb)

    def __parse_url(self, url):
        """ Internal method used to parse the calling URL into
            sub pieces used to load the project and later the
            requested state. """

        self.logger.writeDebug("Parsing URL: %s" % (url))

        url_property = {}
        url_property['project_name'] = ''
        url_property['state_path'] = ''

        # split url based '/'