コード例 #1
 def __init__(self, sp, port, timelen, method='estimated'):
     @param sp instance of class SParameters of the device
     @param port integer 1 based port to calculate
     @param timelen float time to peel
     @param method string determining method for computing impedance profile
     @remark methods include:
     'estimated' (default) estimate the impedance profile from simulated step response.
     'approximate' use the approximation based on the simulated step response.
     'exact' use the impedance peeling algorithm.
     # pragma: silent exclude
     if timelen == 0.0:
         # if the time length is zero, make a zero length transmission line
             self, sp.m_f,
             [TLineTwoPortLossless(50., 0, f) for f in sp.m_f])
     # pragma: include
     ip = ImpedanceProfileWaveform(sp, port, method, includePortZ=False)
     Ts = 1. / ip.td.Fs
     sections = int(math.floor(timelen / Ts + 0.5))
     tp1 = [identity(2) for n in range(len(sp.f()))]
     for k in range(sections):
         tp1 = [
                 array(S2T(TLineTwoPortLossless(ip[k], Ts, sp.m_f[n]))))
             for n in range(len(sp.m_f))
     SParameters.__init__(self, sp.m_f, [T2S(tp.tolist()) for tp in tp1])
コード例 #2
ファイル: WElement.py プロジェクト: jdpatt/SignalIntegrity
 def __getitem__(self,n):
     """overloads [n]
     @return list of list s-parameter matrix for the nth frequency element
     for ds in self.m_spdl: self.m_sspn.AssignSParameters(ds[0],ds[1][n])
     if sp == 1: return sp
     lp=[w+1 for w in range(len(sp)//2)]; rp=[w+len(sp)//2+1 for w in range(len(sp)//2)]
     return T2S(linalg.matrix_power(S2T(sp,lp,rp),self.m_K),lp,rp)
コード例 #3
 def __getitem__(self, n):
     """overloads [n]
     @return list of list s-parameter matrix for the nth frequency element
     # pragma: silent exclude
     from numpy import linalg
     from SignalIntegrity.Lib.Conversions import S2T
     from SignalIntegrity.Lib.Conversions import T2S
     # pragma: include
     for ds in self.m_spdl:
         self.m_sspn.AssignSParameters(ds[0], ds[1][n])
     sp = self.m_sspn.SParameters()
     return T2S(linalg.matrix_power(S2T(sp), self.m_K))
コード例 #4
 def SParameters(self,f):
     @param f list of frequencies for the s-parameters
     @return instance of class SParameters calculated by aggregating the list of rho
     values using lossless transmission line sections with the rho calculated for each
     N = len(f)-1
     Gsp=[None for n in range(N+1)]
     gamma=[1j*2.*math.pi*f[n]*self.m_Td for n in range(N+1)]
     for n in range(N+1):
         for m in range(len(self)):
     sp = SParameters(f,Gsp,self.m_Z0)
     return sp