コード例 #1
    def testLoadPDB(self):
        """ Check that we can load a pdb and convert it to a dict. """

        # Setup path to pdb file.
        pdb_path = generateTestFilePath("2nip.pdb")


        # Attempt to load it.
        return_dict = IOUtilities.loadPDB(pdb_path)

        # Check items on dict.
        self.assertIsInstance( return_dict['Z'], numpy.ndarray )
        self.assertIsInstance( return_dict['r'], numpy.ndarray )
        self.assertIsInstance( return_dict['selZ'], dict )
        self.assertIsInstance( return_dict['N'], int )
        self.assertEqual( return_dict['Z'].shape, (4728,) )
        self.assertEqual( return_dict['r'].shape, (4728,3) )

        # Check that return type is a dict.
        self.assertIsInstance( return_dict, dict )

        # Check exception on wrong input type.
        self.assertRaises( IOError, IOUtilities.loadPDB, [1,2] )

        # Check exception on wrong file type.
        self.assertRaises( IOError, IOUtilities.loadPDB, generateTestFilePath("sample.h5") )
コード例 #2
    def testLoadPDB(self):
        """ Check that we can load a pdb and convert it to a dict. """

        # Setup path to pdb file.
        pdb_path = generateTestFilePath("2nip.pdb")


        # Attempt to load it.
        return_dict = IOUtilities.loadPDB(pdb_path)

        # Check items on dict.
        self.assertIsInstance( return_dict['Z'], numpy.ndarray )
        self.assertIsInstance( return_dict['r'], numpy.ndarray )
        self.assertIsInstance( return_dict['selZ'], dict )
        self.assertIsInstance( return_dict['N'], int )
        self.assertEqual( return_dict['Z'].shape, (4728,) )
        self.assertEqual( return_dict['r'].shape, (4728,3) )

        # Check that return type is a dict.
        self.assertIsInstance( return_dict, dict )

        # Check exception on corrupt file.
        # does not raise due to highly tolerant default acceptance levels in Bio.PDB.
        #self.assertRaises( IOError, IOUtilities.loadPDB, generateTestFilePath("2nip_corrupt.pdb" ) )

        # Check exception on wrong input type.
        self.assertRaises( IOError, IOUtilities.loadPDB, [1,2] )

        # Check exception on wrong file type.
        self.assertRaises( IOError, IOUtilities.loadPDB, generateTestFilePath("sample.h5") )
コード例 #3
    def notestQueryPDB(self):
        """ Check that we can query a non-existing pdb from pdb.org and convert it to a dict. """

        # Setup path to pdb file.
        pdb_path = '2nip.pdb'

        # Attempt to load it.
        return_dict = IOUtilities.loadPDB(pdb_path)

        # Check items on dict.
        self.assertIsInstance( return_dict['Z'], numpy.ndarray )
        self.assertIsInstance( return_dict['r'], numpy.ndarray )
        self.assertIsInstance( return_dict['selZ'], dict )
        self.assertIsInstance( return_dict['N'], int )
        self.assertEqual( return_dict['Z'].shape, (4728,) )
        self.assertEqual( return_dict['r'].shape, (4728,3) )

        # Check that return type is a dict.
        self.assertIsInstance( return_dict, dict )

        # Check exception on wrong input type.
        self.assertRaises( IOError, IOUtilities.loadPDB, 'xyz.pdb' )
コード例 #4
    def testQueryPDBDirectory(self):
        """ Check that if the pdb does not exist in the local database, it is queried from pdb.org, save in a dir, and convert it to a dict. """

        # Setup path to pdb file.
        pdb_path = 'pdb/2nip.pdb'


        # Attempt to load it.
        return_dict = IOUtilities.loadPDB(pdb_path)

        # Check items on dict.
        self.assertIsInstance( return_dict['Z'], numpy.ndarray )
        self.assertIsInstance( return_dict['r'], numpy.ndarray )
        self.assertIsInstance( return_dict['selZ'], dict )
        self.assertIsInstance( return_dict['N'], int )
        self.assertEqual( return_dict['Z'].shape, (4728,) )
        self.assertEqual( return_dict['r'].shape, (4728,3) )

        # Check that return type is a dict.
        self.assertIsInstance( return_dict, dict )
    def backengine(self):
        """ This method drives the backengine code."""
        status = 0
        input_files = []
        if os.path.isfile(self.input_path):
            input_files = [self.input_path]

        elif os.path.isdir(self.input_path):
            input_files = [ os.path.join( self.input_path, f) for f in os.listdir( self.input_path ) if f.split('.')[-1] == 'h5' and f.split('.')[-2] != 'opmd' ]

            raise IOError("Input file %s does not exist or cannot be read." % (self.input_path) )

        # Create output directory if not existing yet.
        if not os.path.isdir( self.output_path ):
            os.mkdir( self.output_path )
        elif os.path.isfile( self.output_path ):
            raise IOError( "Output file %s already exists, cowardly refusing to overwrite." % (self.output_path) )

        # Generate formatted output files (i.e. attach history to output file).
        for i,input_file in enumerate(input_files):
            tail = input_file.split( 'prop' )[-1]
            output_file = os.path.join( self.output_path , 'pmi_out_%07d.h5' % (i+1) )
            pmi_script.f_h5_out2in( input_file, output_file)

            # Get the backengine calculator.
            pmi_demo = PMIDemo()

            # Transfer some parameters.
            pmi_demo.g_s2e['prj'] = ''
            pmi_demo.g_s2e['id'] = tail.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0]
            pmi_demo.g_s2e['prop_out'] = input_file
            pmi_demo.g_s2e['setup'] = dict()
            pmi_demo.g_s2e['sys'] = dict()
            pmi_demo.g_s2e['setup']['num_digits'] = 7

            if 'number_of_steps' in self.parameters.keys():
                pmi_demo.g_s2e['steps'] = self.parameters['number_of_steps']
                pmi_demo.g_s2e['steps'] = 100

            pmi_demo.g_s2e['maxZ'] = 100

            pmi_demo.g_s2e['setup']['pmi_out'] = output_file
            # Setup the database.

            # Go through the pmi workflow.
            pmi_demo.f_load_pulse( pmi_demo.g_s2e['prop_out'] )

            # Check if sample is a h5 file. Horrible hack.
                h5 = h5py.File(self.__sample_path)
                # Assume it's a pdb file. Will raise if not.
                atoms_dict = IOUtilities.loadPDB(self.__sample_path)
                pmi_demo.g_s2e['sample'] = atoms_dict


            # Perform the trajectories for this pulse and orientation.
            for traj in range( self.parameters['number_of_trajectories'] ):

        return status