def setUp(self): url = '' cloudfiles = [ 'MagData.obs', 'Gaussian.topo', 'Mesh_10m.msh', 'ModelStart.sus', 'SimPEG_Mag_Input.inp' ] self.basePath = io_utils.remoteDownload(url, cloudfiles)
def downloadStoredResults(self): # download the results from where they are stored on google app engine return os.path.abspath( remoteDownload( self.url, [self.cloudfile], basePath=self.filepath+os.path.sep ) )
def setUp(self): url = '' cloudfiles = ['MagData.obs', 'Gaussian.topo', 'Mesh_10m.msh', 'ModelStart.sus', 'SimPEG_Mag_Input.inp'] self.basePath = io_utils.remoteDownload(url, cloudfiles)
def setUp(self): url = '' cloudfiles = ['currents.npy'] self.basePath = io_utils.remoteDownload(url, cloudfiles)
def run(plotIt=True): """ PF: Gravity: Laguna del Maule Bouguer Gravity ============================================= This notebook illustrates the SimPEG code used to invert Bouguer gravity data collected at Laguna del Maule volcanic field, Chile. Refer to Miller et al 2016 EPSL for full details. We run the inversion in two steps. Firstly creating a L2 model and then applying an Lp norm to produce a compact model. Craig Miller """ # Start by downloading files from the remote repository url = "" cloudfiles = [ 'LdM_grav_obs.grv', 'LdM_mesh.mesh', 'LdM_topo.topo', 'LdM_input_file.inp' ] basePath = os.path.sep.join( os.path.abspath(os.getenv('HOME')).split(os.path.sep) + ['Downloads'] + ['SimPEGtemp']) basePath = os.path.abspath( remoteDownload(url, cloudfiles, basePath=basePath + os.path.sep)) input_file = basePath + os.path.sep + 'LdM_input_file.inp' # %% User input # Plotting parameters, max and min densities in g/cc vmin = -0.6 vmax = 0.6 # weight exponent for default weighting wgtexp = 3. # %% # Read in the input file which included all parameters at once # (mesh, topo, model, survey, inv param, etc.) driver = PF.GravityDriver.GravityDriver_Inv(input_file) # %% # Now we need to create the survey and model information. # Access the mesh and survey information mesh = driver.mesh survey = driver.survey # define gravity survey locations rxLoc = survey.srcField.rxList[0].locs # define gravity data and errors d = survey.dobs wd = survey.std # Get the active cells active = driver.activeCells nC = len(active) # Number of active cells # Create active map to go from reduce set to full activeMap = Maps.InjectActiveCells(mesh, active, -100) # Create static map static = driver.staticCells dynamic = driver.dynamicCells staticCells = Maps.InjectActiveCells(None, dynamic, driver.m0[static], nC=nC) mstart = driver.m0[dynamic] # Get index of the center midx = int(mesh.nCx / 2) # %% # Now that we have a model and a survey we can build the linear system ... # Create the forward model operator prob = PF.Gravity.GravityIntegral(mesh, rhoMap=staticCells, actInd=active) prob.solverOpts['accuracyTol'] = 1e-4 # Pair the survey and problem survey.pair(prob) # Apply depth weighting wr = PF.Magnetics.get_dist_wgt(mesh, rxLoc, active, wgtexp, np.min(mesh.hx) / 4.) wr = wr**2. # %% Create inversion objects reg = Regularization.Sparse(mesh, indActive=active, mapping=staticCells) reg.mref = driver.mref[dynamic] reg.cell_weights = wr * mesh.vol[active] # Specify how the optimization will proceed opt = Optimization.ProjectedGNCG(maxIter=150, lower=driver.bounds[0], upper=driver.bounds[1], maxIterLS=20, maxIterCG=20, tolCG=1e-3) # Define misfit function (obs-calc) dmis = DataMisfit.l2_DataMisfit(survey) dmis.Wd = 1. / wd # create the default L2 inverse problem from the above objects invProb = InvProblem.BaseInvProblem(dmis, reg, opt) # Specify how the initial beta is found betaest = Directives.BetaEstimate_ByEig() # IRLS sets up the Lp inversion problem # Set the eps parameter parameter in Line 11 of the # input file based on the distribution of model (DEFAULT = 95th %ile) IRLS = Directives.Update_IRLS(norms=driver.lpnorms, eps=driver.eps, f_min_change=1e-2, maxIRLSiter=20, minGNiter=5) # Preconditioning refreshing for each IRLS iteration update_Jacobi = Directives.Update_lin_PreCond() # Create combined the L2 and Lp problem inv = Inversion.BaseInversion(invProb, directiveList=[IRLS, update_Jacobi, betaest]) # %% # Run L2 and Lp inversion mrec = # %% if plotIt: # Plot observed data PF.Magnetics.plot_obs_2D(rxLoc, d, 'Observed Data') # %% # Write output model and data files and print misft stats. # reconstructing l2 model mesh with air cells and active dynamic cells L2out = activeMap * reg.l2model # reconstructing lp model mesh with air cells and active dynamic cells Lpout = activeMap * mrec # %% # Plot out sections and histograms of the smooth l2 model. # The ind= parameter is the slice of the model from top down. yslice = midx + 1 L2out[L2out == -100] = np.nan # set "air" to nan plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7)) plt.suptitle('Smooth Inversion: Depth weight = ' + str(wgtexp)) ax = plt.subplot(221) dat1 = mesh.plotSlice(L2out, ax=ax, normal='Z', ind=-16, clim=(vmin, vmax), pcolorOpts={'cmap': 'bwr'}) plt.plot(np.array([mesh.vectorCCx[0], mesh.vectorCCx[-1]]), np.array([mesh.vectorCCy[yslice], mesh.vectorCCy[yslice]]), c='gray', linestyle='--') plt.scatter(rxLoc[0:, 0], rxLoc[0:, 1], color='k', s=1) plt.title('Z: ' + str(mesh.vectorCCz[-16]) + ' m') plt.xlabel('Easting (m)') plt.ylabel('Northing (m)') plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') cb = plt.colorbar(dat1[0], orientation="vertical", ticks=np.linspace(vmin, vmax, 4)) cb.set_label('Density (g/cc$^3$)') ax = plt.subplot(222) dat = mesh.plotSlice(L2out, ax=ax, normal='Z', ind=-27, clim=(vmin, vmax), pcolorOpts={'cmap': 'bwr'}) plt.plot(np.array([mesh.vectorCCx[0], mesh.vectorCCx[-1]]), np.array([mesh.vectorCCy[yslice], mesh.vectorCCy[yslice]]), c='gray', linestyle='--') plt.scatter(rxLoc[0:, 0], rxLoc[0:, 1], color='k', s=1) plt.title('Z: ' + str(mesh.vectorCCz[-27]) + ' m') plt.xlabel('Easting (m)') plt.ylabel('Northing (m)') plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') cb = plt.colorbar(dat1[0], orientation="vertical", ticks=np.linspace(vmin, vmax, 4)) cb.set_label('Density (g/cc$^3$)') ax = plt.subplot(212) mesh.plotSlice(L2out, ax=ax, normal='Y', ind=yslice, clim=(vmin, vmax), pcolorOpts={'cmap': 'bwr'}) plt.title('Cross Section') plt.xlabel('Easting(m)') plt.ylabel('Elevation') plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') cb = plt.colorbar(dat1[0], orientation="vertical", ticks=np.linspace(vmin, vmax, 4), cmap='bwr') cb.set_label('Density (g/cc$^3$)') # %% # Make plots of Lp model yslice = midx + 1 Lpout[Lpout == -100] = np.nan # set "air" to nan plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7)) plt.suptitle('Compact Inversion: Depth weight = ' + str(wgtexp) + ': $\epsilon_p$ = ' + str(round(reg.eps_p[0], 1)) + ': $\epsilon_q$ = ' + str(round(reg.eps_q[0], 2))) ax = plt.subplot(221) dat = mesh.plotSlice(Lpout, ax=ax, normal='Z', ind=-16, clim=(vmin, vmax), pcolorOpts={'cmap': 'bwr'}) plt.plot(np.array([mesh.vectorCCx[0], mesh.vectorCCx[-1]]), np.array([mesh.vectorCCy[yslice], mesh.vectorCCy[yslice]]), c='gray', linestyle='--') plt.scatter(rxLoc[0:, 0], rxLoc[0:, 1], color='k', s=1) plt.title('Z: ' + str(mesh.vectorCCz[-16]) + ' m') plt.xlabel('Easting (m)') plt.ylabel('Northing (m)') plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') cb = plt.colorbar(dat[0], orientation="vertical", ticks=np.linspace(vmin, vmax, 4)) cb.set_label('Density (g/cc$^3$)') ax = plt.subplot(222) dat = mesh.plotSlice(Lpout, ax=ax, normal='Z', ind=-27, clim=(vmin, vmax), pcolorOpts={'cmap': 'bwr'}) plt.plot(np.array([mesh.vectorCCx[0], mesh.vectorCCx[-1]]), np.array([mesh.vectorCCy[yslice], mesh.vectorCCy[yslice]]), c='gray', linestyle='--') plt.scatter(rxLoc[0:, 0], rxLoc[0:, 1], color='k', s=1) plt.title('Z: ' + str(mesh.vectorCCz[-27]) + ' m') plt.xlabel('Easting (m)') plt.ylabel('Northing (m)') plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') cb = plt.colorbar(dat[0], orientation="vertical", ticks=np.linspace(vmin, vmax, 4)) cb.set_label('Density (g/cc$^3$)') ax = plt.subplot(212) dat = mesh.plotSlice(Lpout, ax=ax, normal='Y', ind=yslice, clim=(vmin, vmax), pcolorOpts={'cmap': 'bwr'}) plt.title('Cross Section') plt.xlabel('Easting (m)') plt.ylabel('Elevation (m)') plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') cb = plt.colorbar(dat[0], orientation="vertical", ticks=np.linspace(vmin, vmax, 4)) cb.set_label('Density (g/cc$^3$)')