コード例 #1
    def _fastInnerProductDeriv(self,
            :param str projType: 'E' or 'F'
            :param TensorType tensorType: type of the tensor
            :param bool invProp: inverts the material property
            :param bool invMat: inverts the matrix
            :rtype: function
            :return: dMdmu, the derivative of the inner product matrix
        assert projType in [
            'F', 'E'
        ], "projType must be 'F' for faces or 'E' for edges"
        tensorType = Utils.TensorType(self, prop)

        dMdprop = None

        if invMat:
            MI = self._fastInnerProduct(projType,

        if tensorType == 0:
            Av = getattr(self, 'ave' + projType + '2CC')
            V = Utils.sdiag(self.vol)
            ones = sp.csr_matrix(
                (np.ones(self.nC), (range(self.nC), np.zeros(self.nC))),
                shape=(self.nC, 1))
            if not invMat and not invProp:
                dMdprop = self.dim * Av.T * V * ones
            elif invMat and invProp:
                dMdprop = self.dim * Utils.sdiag(
                    MI.diagonal()**2) * Av.T * V * ones * Utils.sdiag(
                        1. / prop**2)

        if tensorType == 1:
            Av = getattr(self, 'ave' + projType + '2CC')
            V = Utils.sdiag(self.vol)
            if not invMat and not invProp:
                dMdprop = self.dim * Av.T * V
            elif invMat and invProp:
                dMdprop = self.dim * Utils.sdiag(
                    MI.diagonal()**2) * Av.T * V * Utils.sdiag(1. / prop**2)

        if tensorType == 2:  # anisotropic
            Av = getattr(self, 'ave' + projType + '2CCV')
            V = sp.kron(sp.identity(self.dim), Utils.sdiag(self.vol))
            if not invMat and not invProp:
                dMdprop = Av.T * V
            elif invMat and invProp:
                dMdprop = Utils.sdiag(MI.diagonal()**
                                      2) * Av.T * V * Utils.sdiag(1. / prop**2)

        if dMdprop is not None:

            def innerProductDeriv(v=None):
                if v is None:
                    print 'Depreciation Warning: TensorMesh.innerProductDeriv. You should be supplying a vector. Use: sdiag(u)*dMdprop'
                    return dMdprop
                return Utils.sdiag(v) * dMdprop

            return innerProductDeriv
            return None
コード例 #2
ファイル: TensorMesh.py プロジェクト: zyex1108/simpeg
    def _fastInnerProductDeriv(self, projType, prop, invProp=False,
            :param str projType: 'E' or 'F'
            :param TensorType tensorType: type of the tensor
            :param bool invProp: inverts the material property
            :param bool invMat: inverts the matrix
            :rtype: function
            :return: dMdmu, the derivative of the inner product matrix
        assert projType in ['F', 'E'], ("projType must be 'F' for faces or 'E'"
                                        " for edges")

        tensorType = Utils.TensorType(self, prop)

        dMdprop = None

        if invMat or invProp:
            MI = self._fastInnerProduct(projType, prop, invProp=invProp,

        # number of elements we are averaging (equals dim for regular
        # meshes, but for cyl, where we use symmetry, it is 1 for edge
        # variables and 2 for face variables)
        if self._meshType == 'CYL':
            n_elements = np.sum(getattr(self, 'vn'+projType).nonzero())
            n_elements = self.dim

        if tensorType == 0:  # isotropic, constant
            Av = getattr(self, 'ave'+projType+'2CC')
            V = Utils.sdiag(self.vol)
            ones = sp.csr_matrix((np.ones(self.nC), (range(self.nC),
                                 shape=(self.nC, 1))
            if not invMat and not invProp:
                dMdprop = n_elements * Av.T * V * ones
            elif invMat and invProp:
                dMdprop =  n_elements * (Utils.sdiag(MI.diagonal()**2) * Av.T *
                                         V * ones * Utils.sdiag(1./prop**2))
            elif invProp:
                dMdprop = n_elements * Av.T * V * Utils.sdiag(- 1./prop**2)
            elif invMat:
                dMdprop = n_elements * (Utils.sdiag(- MI.diagonal()**2) * Av.T
                                        * V)

        elif tensorType == 1:  # isotropic, variable in space
            Av = getattr(self, 'ave'+projType+'2CC')
            V = Utils.sdiag(self.vol)
            if not invMat and not invProp:
                dMdprop = n_elements * Av.T * V
            elif invMat and invProp:
                dMdprop =  n_elements * (Utils.sdiag(MI.diagonal()**2) * Av.T *
                                         V * Utils.sdiag(1./prop**2))
            elif invProp:
                dMdprop = n_elements * Av.T * V * Utils.sdiag(-1./prop**2)
            elif invMat:
                dMdprop = n_elements * (Utils.sdiag(- MI.diagonal()**2) * Av.T
                                        * V)

        elif tensorType == 2: # anisotropic
            Av = getattr(self, 'ave'+projType+'2CCV')
            V = sp.kron(sp.identity(self.dim), Utils.sdiag(self.vol))

            if self._meshType == 'CYL':
                Zero = sp.csr_matrix((self.nC, self.nC))
                Eye = sp.eye(self.nC)
                if projType == 'E':
                    P = sp.hstack([Zero, Eye, Zero])
                    # print P.todense()
                elif projType == 'F':
                    P = sp.vstack([sp.hstack([Eye, Zero, Zero]),
                                   sp.hstack([Zero, Zero, Eye])])
                    # print P.todense()
                P = sp.eye(self.nC*self.dim)

            if not invMat and not invProp:
                dMdprop = Av.T * P * V
            elif invMat and invProp:
                dMdprop = (Utils.sdiag(MI.diagonal()**2) * Av.T * P * V *
            elif invProp:
                dMdprop = Av.T * P * V * Utils.sdiag(-1./prop**2)
            elif invMat:
                dMdprop = Utils.sdiag(- MI.diagonal()**2) * Av.T * P * V

        if dMdprop is not None:
            def innerProductDeriv(v=None):
                if v is None:
                    warnings.warn("Depreciation Warning: "
                                  " You should be supplying a vector. "
                                  "Use: sdiag(u)*dMdprop", FutureWarning)
                    return dMdprop
                return Utils.sdiag(v) * dMdprop
            return innerProductDeriv
            return None