コード例 #1
    def createNotchFilter(self,
                          size=(64, 64),

        Creates a disk shaped notch filter of given diameter at given center.


        * *dia1*       -  int - diameter of the disk shaped notch
                       - list - provide a list of three diameters to create
                               a 3 channel filter
        * *dia2*       -  int - outer diameter of the disk shaped notch
                                used for bandpass filter
                       - list - provide a list of three diameters to create
                               a 3 channel filter
        * *cen*        - tuple (x, y) center of the disk shaped notch
                         if not provided, it will be at the center of the 
        * *size*       - size of the filter (width, height)
        * *type*:      - lowpass or highpass filter

        DFT notch filter


        >>> notch = DFT.createNotchFilter(dia1=200, cen=(200, 200),
                                          size=(512, 512), type="highpass")
        >>> notch = DFT.createNotchFilter(dia1=200, dia2=300, cen=(200, 200),
                                          size=(512, 512))
        >>> img = Image('lenna')
        >>> notch.applyFilter(img).show()
        if isinstance(dia1, list):
            if len(dia1) != 3 and len(dia1) != 1:
                warnings.warn("diameter list must be of size 1 or 3")
                return None

            if isinstance(dia2, list):
                if len(dia2) != 3 and len(dia2) != 1:
                    warnings.warn("diameter list must be of size 3 or 1")
                    return None
                if len(dia2) == 1:
                    dia2 = [dia2[0]] * len(dia1)
                dia2 = [dia2] * len(dia1)

            if isinstance(cen, list):
                if len(cen) != 3 and len(cen) != 1:
                    warnings.warn("center list must be of size 3 or 1")
                    return None
                if len(cen) == 1:
                    cen = [cen[0]] * len(dia1)
                cen = [cen] * len(dia1)

            stackedfilter = DFT()
            for d1, d2, c in zip(dia1, dia2, cen):
                stackedfilter = stackedfilter._stackFilters(
                    self.createNotchFilter(d1, d2, c, size, type))
            image = Image(stackedfilter._numpy)
            retVal = DFT(numpyarray=stackedfilter._numpy,
                         dia=dia1 + dia2,
            return retVal

        w, h = size
        if cen is None:
            cen = (w / 2, h / 2)
        a, b = cen
        y, x = np.ogrid[-a:w - a, -b:h - b]
        r = dia1 / 2
        mask = x * x + y * y <= r * r
        flt = np.ones((w, h))
        flt[mask] = 255
        if type == "highpass":
            flt = 255 - flt
        if dia2 is not None:
            a, b = cen
            y, x = np.ogrid[-a:w - a, -b:h - b]
            r = dia2 / 2
            mask = x * x + y * y <= r * r
            flt1 = np.ones((w, h))
            flt1[mask] = 255
            flt1 = 255 - flt1
            flt = flt + flt1
            np.clip(flt, 0, 255)
            type = "bandpass"
        img = Image(flt)
        notchfilter = DFT(size=size,
        return notchfilter
コード例 #2
    def createBandpassFilter(self,
                             size=(64, 64)):

        Creates a banf filter of given size and order.


        * *xCutoffLow*    - int - horizontal lower cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
        * *xCutoffHigh*   - int - horizontal higher cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
        * *yCutoffLow*    - int - vertical lower cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
        * *yCutoffHigh*   - int - verical higher cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
                                   to create a 3 channel filter
        * *size*      - size of the filter (width, height)


        DFT filter.


        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=75,
                                           xCutoffHigh=190, size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=[75],
                                           xCutoffHigh=[190], size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=[75, 120, 132],
                                           xCutoffHigh=[190, 210, 234],
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=75, xCutoffHigh=190,
                                           yCutoffLow=60, yCutoffHigh=210,
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=[75], xCutoffHigh=[190],
                                           yCutoffLow=[60], yCutoffHigh=[210],
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=[75, 120, 132],
                                           xCutoffHigh=[190, 210, 234], 
                                           yCutoffLow=[70, 110, 112], 
                                           yCutoffHigh=[180, 220, 220], 
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> img = Image('lenna')
        >>> flt.applyFilter(img).show()
        lowpass = self.createLowpassFilter(xCutoffLow, yCutoffLow, size)
        highpass = self.createHighpassFilter(xCutoffHigh, yCutoffHigh, size)
        lowpassnumpy = lowpass._numpy
        highpassnumpy = highpass._numpy
        bandpassnumpy = lowpassnumpy + highpassnumpy
        bandpassnumpy = np.clip(bandpassnumpy, 0, 255)
        img = Image(bandpassnumpy)
        bandpassFilter = DFT(size=size,
        return bandpassFilter
コード例 #3
    def createLowpassFilter(self, xCutoff, yCutoff=None, size=(64, 64)):

        Creates a lowpass filter of given size and order.


        * *xCutoff*       - int - horizontal cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
                                   to create a 3 channel filter
        * *yCutoff*       - int - vertical cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
                                   to create a 3 channel filter
        * *size*      - size of the filter (width, height)


        DFT filter.


        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=75, size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=[75], size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=[75, 100, 120],
                                          size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=75, yCutoff=35,
                                          size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=[75], yCutoff=[35],
                                          size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=[75, 100, 125], yCutoff=35,
                                          size=(320, 280))
        >>> # yCutoff will be [35, 35, 35]

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=[75, 113, 124],
                                          yCutoff=[35, 45, 90],
                                          size=(320, 280))

        >>> img = Image('lenna')
        >>> flt.applyFilter(img).show()
        if isinstance(xCutoff, list):
            if len(xCutoff) != 3 and len(xCutoff) != 1:
                warnings.warn("xCutoff list must be of size 3 or 1")
                return None
            if isinstance(yCutoff, list):
                if len(yCutoff) != 3 and len(yCutoff) != 1:
                    warnings.warn("yCutoff list must be of size 3 or 1")
                    return None
                if len(yCutoff) == 1:
                    yCutoff = [yCutoff[0]] * len(xCutoff)
                yCutoff = [yCutoff] * len(xCutoff)
            stackedfilter = DFT()
            for xfreq, yfreq in zip(xCutoff, yCutoff):
                stackedfilter = stackedfilter._stackFilters(
                    self.createLowpassFilter(xfreq, yfreq, size))
            image = Image(stackedfilter._numpy)
            retVal = DFT(numpyarray=stackedfilter._numpy,
            return retVal

        w, h = size
        xCutoff = np.clip(int(xCutoff), 0, w / 2)
        if yCutoff is None:
            yCutoff = xCutoff
        yCutoff = np.clip(int(yCutoff), 0, h / 2)
        flt = np.zeros((w, h))
        flt[0:xCutoff, 0:yCutoff] = 255
        flt[0:xCutoff, h - yCutoff:h] = 255
        flt[w - xCutoff:w, 0:yCutoff] = 255
        flt[w - xCutoff:w, h - yCutoff:h] = 255
        img = Image(flt)
        lowpassFilter = DFT(size=size,
        return lowpassFilter
コード例 #4
ファイル: DFT.py プロジェクト: AndersonYangOh/SimpleCV
    def createNotchFilter(self, dia1, dia2=None, cen=None, size=(64, 64), type="lowpass"):

        Creates a disk shaped notch filter of given diameter at given center.


        * *dia1*       -  int - diameter of the disk shaped notch
                       - list - provide a list of three diameters to create
                               a 3 channel filter
        * *dia2*       -  int - outer diameter of the disk shaped notch
                                used for bandpass filter
                       - list - provide a list of three diameters to create
                               a 3 channel filter
        * *cen*        - tuple (x, y) center of the disk shaped notch
                         if not provided, it will be at the center of the 
        * *size*       - size of the filter (width, height)
        * *type*:      - lowpass or highpass filter

        DFT notch filter


        >>> notch = DFT.createNotchFilter(dia1=200, cen=(200, 200),
                                          size=(512, 512), type="highpass")
        >>> notch = DFT.createNotchFilter(dia1=200, dia2=300, cen=(200, 200),
                                          size=(512, 512))
        >>> img = Image('lenna')
        >>> notch.applyFilter(img).show()
        if isinstance(dia1, list):
            if len(dia1) != 3 and len(dia1) != 1:
                warnings.warn("diameter list must be of size 1 or 3")
                return None

            if isinstance(dia2, list):
                if len(dia2) != 3 and len(dia2) != 1:
                    warnings.warn("diameter list must be of size 3 or 1")
                    return None
                if len(dia2) == 1:
                    dia2 = [dia2[0]]*len(dia1)
                dia2 = [dia2]*len(dia1)

            if isinstance(cen, list):
                if len(cen) != 3 and len(cen) != 1:
                    warnings.warn("center list must be of size 3 or 1")
                    return None
                if len(cen) == 1:
                    cen = [cen[0]]*len(dia1)
                cen = [cen]*len(dia1)

            stackedfilter = DFT()
            for d1, d2, c in zip(dia1, dia2, cen):
                stackedfilter = stackedfilter._stackFilters(self.createNotchFilter(d1, d2, c, size, type))
            image = Image(stackedfilter._numpy)
            retVal = DFT(numpyarray=stackedfilter._numpy, image=image,
                         dia=dia1+dia2, channels = len(dia1), size=size,
            return retVal

        w, h = size
        if cen is None:
            cen = (w/2, h/2)
        a, b = cen
        y, x = np.ogrid[-a:w-a, -b:h-b]
        r = dia1/2
        mask = x*x + y*y <= r*r
        flt = np.ones((w, h))
        flt[mask] = 255
        if type == "highpass":
            flt = 255-flt
        if dia2 is not None:
            a, b = cen
            y, x = np.ogrid[-a:w-a, -b:h-b]
            r = dia2/2
            mask = x*x + y*y <= r*r
            flt1 = np.ones((w, h))
            flt1[mask] = 255
            flt1 = 255 - flt1
            flt = flt + flt1
            np.clip(flt, 0, 255)
            type = "bandpass"
        img = Image(flt)
        notchfilter = DFT(size=size, numpyarray=flt, image=img, dia=dia1,
                          type="Notch", frequency=type)
        return notchfilter
コード例 #5
ファイル: DFT.py プロジェクト: AndersonYangOh/SimpleCV
    def createBandpassFilter(self, xCutoffLow, xCutoffHigh, yCutoffLow=None,
                             yCutoffHigh=None, size=(64, 64)):

        Creates a banf filter of given size and order.


        * *xCutoffLow*    - int - horizontal lower cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
        * *xCutoffHigh*   - int - horizontal higher cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
        * *yCutoffLow*    - int - vertical lower cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
        * *yCutoffHigh*   - int - verical higher cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
                                   to create a 3 channel filter
        * *size*      - size of the filter (width, height)


        DFT filter.


        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=75,
                                           xCutoffHigh=190, size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=[75],
                                           xCutoffHigh=[190], size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=[75, 120, 132],
                                           xCutoffHigh=[190, 210, 234],
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=75, xCutoffHigh=190,
                                           yCutoffLow=60, yCutoffHigh=210,
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=[75], xCutoffHigh=[190],
                                           yCutoffLow=[60], yCutoffHigh=[210],
                                           size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createBandpassFilter(xCutoffLow=[75, 120, 132],
                                           xCutoffHigh=[190, 210, 234], 
                                           yCutoffLow=[70, 110, 112], 
                                           yCutoffHigh=[180, 220, 220], 
                                           size=(320, 280))
        >>> img = Image('lenna')
        >>> flt.applyFilter(img).show()
        lowpass = self.createLowpassFilter(xCutoffLow, yCutoffLow, size)
        highpass = self.createHighpassFilter(xCutoffHigh, yCutoffHigh, size)
        lowpassnumpy = lowpass._numpy
        highpassnumpy = highpass._numpy
        bandpassnumpy = lowpassnumpy + highpassnumpy
        bandpassnumpy = np.clip(bandpassnumpy, 0, 255)
        img = Image(bandpassnumpy)
        bandpassFilter = DFT(size=size, image=img,
                             numpyarray=bandpassnumpy, type="bandpass",
                             xCutoffLow=xCutoffLow, yCutoffLow=yCutoffLow,
                             xCutoffHigh=xCutoffHigh, yCutoffHigh=yCutoffHigh,
                             frequency="bandpass", channels=lowpass.channels)
        return bandpassFilter
コード例 #6
ファイル: DFT.py プロジェクト: AndersonYangOh/SimpleCV
    def createLowpassFilter(self, xCutoff, yCutoff=None, size=(64, 64)):

        Creates a lowpass filter of given size and order.


        * *xCutoff*       - int - horizontal cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
                                   to create a 3 channel filter
        * *yCutoff*       - int - vertical cut off frequency
                          - list - provide a list of three cut off frequencies
                                   to create a 3 channel filter
        * *size*      - size of the filter (width, height)


        DFT filter.


        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=75, size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=[75], size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=[75, 100, 120],
                                          size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=75, yCutoff=35,
                                          size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=[75], yCutoff=[35],
                                          size=(320, 280))

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=[75, 100, 125], yCutoff=35,
                                          size=(320, 280))
        >>> # yCutoff will be [35, 35, 35]

        >>> flt = DFT.createLowpassFilter(xCutoff=[75, 113, 124],
                                          yCutoff=[35, 45, 90],
                                          size=(320, 280))
        >>> img = Image('lenna')
        >>> flt.applyFilter(img).show()
        if isinstance(xCutoff, list):
            if len(xCutoff) != 3 and len(xCutoff) != 1:
                warnings.warn("xCutoff list must be of size 3 or 1")
                return None
            if isinstance(yCutoff, list):
                if len(yCutoff) != 3 and len(yCutoff) != 1:
                    warnings.warn("yCutoff list must be of size 3 or 1")
                    return None
                if len(yCutoff) == 1:
                    yCutoff = [yCutoff[0]]*len(xCutoff)
                yCutoff = [yCutoff]*len(xCutoff)
            stackedfilter = DFT()
            for xfreq, yfreq in zip(xCutoff, yCutoff):
                stackedfilter = stackedfilter._stackFilters(self.createLowpassFilter(xfreq, yfreq, size))
            image = Image(stackedfilter._numpy)
            retVal = DFT(numpyarray=stackedfilter._numpy, image=image,
                         xCutoffLow=xCutoff, yCutoffLow=yCutoff,
                         channels=len(xCutoff), size=size,
                         type=stackedfilter._type, order=self._order,
            return retVal

        w, h = size
        xCutoff = np.clip(int(xCutoff), 0, w/2)
        if yCutoff is None:
            yCutoff = xCutoff
        yCutoff = np.clip(int(yCutoff), 0, h/2)
        flt = np.zeros((w, h))
        flt[0:xCutoff, 0:yCutoff] = 255
        flt[0:xCutoff, h-yCutoff:h] = 255
        flt[w-xCutoff:w, 0:yCutoff] = 255
        flt[w-xCutoff:w, h-yCutoff:h] = 255
        img = Image(flt)
        lowpassFilter = DFT(size=size, numpyarray=flt, image=img,
                            type="Lowpass", xCutoffLow=xCutoff,
                            yCutoffLow=yCutoff, frequency="lowpass")
        return lowpassFilter