def grab_data(self, folder, server, channel, num_comments=1000, isdm=False): """Scan and grab the attachments. Default number of comments to extract is 1000 :param folder: The folder name. :param server: The server name. :param channel: The channel name. :param isdm: A flag to check whether we're in a DM or not. """ date = while date.year >= 2015 and num_comments > 0: request = SimpleRequest(self.headers).request today = get_day(, date.month, date.year) if not isdm: request.set_header( 'referer', '' % (server, channel)) content = request.grab_page( '' % (self.api, server, channel, today['00:00'], today['23:59'], self.query)) else: request.set_header( 'referer', '' % channel) content = request.grab_page( '' % (self.api, channel, today['00:00'], today['23:59'], self.query)) try: if content['messages'] is not None: for messages in content['messages']: for message in messages: # self.check_config_mimetypes(message, folder) if self.types['text'] is True: if len(message['content']) > 0: self.insert_text(server, channel, message) if num_comments % 100 == 0: print( f"adding {num_comments}th comment to database" ) num_comments -= 1 except TypeError: continue date += timedelta(days=-1)
def grab_data(self, folder, server, channel, isdm=False): """Scan and grab the attachments. :param folder: The folder name. :param server: The server name. :param channel: The channel name. :param isdm: A flag to check whether we're in a DM or not. """ tzdata = gmtime(time()) try: for year in range(tzdata.tm_year, 2015, -1): for month in range(12, 1, -1): for day in range(31, 1, -1): if month > tzdata.tm_mon and year == tzdata.tm_year: continue if month == tzdata.tm_mon and day > tzdata.tm_mday: continue request = SimpleRequest(self.headers).request today = get_day(day, month, year) if not isdm: request.set_header('referer', '' % (server, channel)) content = request.grab_page( '' % (self.api, server, channel, today['00:00'], today['23:59'], self.query) ) else: request.set_header('referer', '' % channel) content = request.grab_page( '' % (self.api, channel, today['00:00'], today['23:59'], self.query) ) try: if content['messages'] is not None: for messages in content['messages']: for message in messages: self.check_config_mimetypes(message, folder) if self.types['text'] is True: if len(message['content']) > 0: self.insert_text(server, channel, message) except TypeError: continue except ValueError: pass
def get_channel_name(self, channelid, isdm=False): """Get the channel name by its ID. :param channelid: The channel ID. :param isdm: A flag to check whether we're in a DM or not. """ if isdm: return channelid request = SimpleRequest(self.headers).request channel = request.grab_page('' % (self.api, channelid)) if channel is not None and len(channel) > 0: return '%s_%s' % (channelid, safe_name(channel['name'])) else: error('Unable to fetch channel name from id, generating one instead.') return '%s_%s' % (channelid, random_str(12))
def get_server_name(self, serverid, isdm=False): """Get the server name by its ID. :param serverid: The server ID. :param isdm: A flag to check whether we're in a DM or not. """ if isdm: return serverid request = SimpleRequest(self.headers).request server = request.grab_page('' % (self.api, serverid)) if server is not None and len(server) > 0: return '%s_%s' % (serverid, safe_name(server['name'])) else: error('Unable to fetch server name from id, generating one instead.') return '%s_%s' % (serverid, random_str(12))