コード例 #1
# ============= Define the Mission ====================== #
This section is rather convoluted and should be cleaned up.
# If you do a propagation, then you need to worry about dtval!
propagationParamFile = []                       # Points to thrust profile for doing propagations
precomputedParamFile = 'AntaresNominalTrajectory.txt'                       # Points to file with precomputed profile for nominal trajectory
pathToMissionFiles = curFilePath                # Kind of a holdover from a previous file structure

# Planet info
omegaE = 7.2921158494529352e-05             # rad/s
planetModel = 0                             # 0 means spherical, 1 means elliptical

curMission = dict(propagationParamFile = propagationParamFile, precomputedParamFile = precomputedParamFile,
                pathToMissionFiles = pathToMissionFiles, omegaE = omegaE, planetModel = planetModel)
curMission = TJC.InitializeMission(curMission)
TJC.SetupOutputFolders(curMission, tempDir, outputDir, vehicleName, launchLocation)

# If we're propagating trajectories, this needs to be set.  Should do it in the input file, but this is fine for now.
curMission['useLoverD'] = False
curMission['loverd']    = 0.

# These hold files that need to be read in
# curMission['debrisCatPath']           = curMission['pathToMissionFiles'] + 'DebrisCatalog/'
# curMission['debrisCatFile']           = 'testAntaresCatalog.txt'
# curMission['debrisCatFile']           = 'Halcon9_1stNEW.txt'
curMission['debrisCatPath']           = debrisPath + 'Falcon9/'
curMission['debrisCatFile']           = 'Falcon9_FTS.txt'
curMission['atmospherePickle'] = rootDir + "data/AtmoProfiles/WallopsOverOcean.pkl"
コード例 #2
# ============= Define the Mission ====================== #
This section is rather convoluted and should be cleaned up.
# If you do a propagation, then you need to worry about dtval!
propagationParamFile = []                   # Points to thrust profile for doing propagations
precomputedParamFile = 'HTHLwCarrier_Abridged.txt'  # Points to file with precomputed profile for nominal trajectory
pathToMissionFiles = curFilePath            # Kind of a holdover from a previous file structure

# Planet info
omegaE = 7.2921158494529352e-05             # rad/s
planetModel = 0                             # 0 means spherical, 1 means elliptical

curMission = dict(propagationParamFile = propagationParamFile, precomputedParamFile = precomputedParamFile,
                pathToMissionFiles = pathToMissionFiles, omegaE = omegaE, planetModel = planetModel)
curMission = TJC.InitializeMission(curMission)
TJC.SetupOutputFolders(curMission, tempDir, outputDir, vehicleName, launchLocation)

# If we're propagating trajectories, this needs to be set.  Should do it in the input file, but this is fine for now.
curMission['useLoverD'] = False
curMission['loverd']    = 0.

# # These hold files that need to be read in
curMission['debrisCatPath']           = curMission['pathToMissionFiles'] + 'DebrisCatalog/'
curMission['debrisCatFile']           = 'LynxDebrisCatalog.txt'
curMission['atmospherePickle']  = rootDir + "data/AtmoProfiles/SpaceportAmerica.pkl"