def eval_genome(genome, config): net = neat.nn.FeedForwardNetwork.create(genome, config) fitnesses = [] for runs in range(runs_per_net): sim = Simulator(testNum=runs) # Run the given simulation for up to num_steps time steps. while sim.shouldContinue(): inputs = sim.getInputActivations() action = net.activate(inputs) # Apply action to the simulated cart-pole sim.update(action[0], action[1]) fitnesses.append(sim.getFitness()) # The genome's fitness is its worst performance across all runs. return statistics.mean(fitnesses)
class SimulationRenderer(arcade.Window): def __init__(self, isTeleop, neuralNet=None): super().__init__(500, 500, title="Sim", resizable=False) self.isTeleop = isTeleop self.neuralNet = neuralNet self.robotPos = 0 self.targetPos = 0 self.moveRight = 0 self.moveLeft = 0 self.simulator = Simulator(testNum=0) arcade.set_background_color(arcade.color.WHITE) self.setup() def on_draw(self): """ Render the screen. """ arcade.start_render() arcade.draw_text("Sim Time: " + str(round(self.simulator.simTime, 1)), 500, 500, arcade.color.BLACK, 9, width=130, align="left", anchor_x="right", anchor_y="top", font_name="Monaco") arcade.draw_text( "Right Motor: " + str(round(self.simulator.rightMotor.getPercentOutput(), 2)) + "%", 500, 480, arcade.color.BLACK, 9, width=130, align="left", anchor_x="right", anchor_y="top", font_name="Monaco") arcade.draw_text( "Left Motor: " + str(round(self.simulator.leftMotor.getPercentOutput(), 2)) + "%", 500, 460, arcade.color.BLACK, 9, width=130, align="left", anchor_x="right", anchor_y="top", font_name="Monaco") #draw the robot arcade.draw_rectangle_filled( self.simulator.robotPosAbsolute[0] + 150, self.simulator.robotPosAbsolute[1] + 150, #x,y,width,height self.simulator.robotWheelBase * 2, self.simulator.robotWheelBase * 2, arcade.color.GRAY, tilt_angle=math.degrees(self.simulator.robotPosAbsolute[2])) arcade.draw_rectangle_filled( self.simulator.robotPosAbsolute[0] + 150 + 10 * math.cos(self.simulator.robotPosAbsolute[2]), self.simulator.robotPosAbsolute[1] + 150 + 10 * math.sin(self.simulator.robotPosAbsolute[2]), #x,y,width,height 10, 10, arcade.color.LIGHT_GRAY, tilt_angle=math.degrees(self.simulator.robotPosAbsolute[2])) #draw the target arcade.draw_rectangle_filled( self.simulator.targetPosAbsolute[0] + 150, self.simulator.targetPosAbsolute[1] + 150, #x,y,width,height self.simulator.robotWheelBase * 2, self.simulator.robotWheelBase * 2, arcade.color.GREEN, tilt_angle=math.degrees(self.simulator.targetPosAbsolute[2])) arcade.draw_rectangle_filled( self.simulator.targetPosAbsolute[0] + 150 + 10 * math.cos(self.simulator.targetPosAbsolute[2]), self.simulator.targetPosAbsolute[1] + 150 + 10 * math.sin(self.simulator.targetPosAbsolute[2]), #x,y,width,height 10, 10, arcade.color.LIGHT_GREEN, tilt_angle=math.degrees(self.simulator.targetPosAbsolute[2])) def on_key_press(self, key, modifiers): """ Called whenever a key is pressed. """ if (modifiers == arcade.key.MOD_CTRL or modifiers == arcade.key.MOD_COMMAND) and (key == arcade.key.Q or key == arcade.key.W): sys.exit( ) # make command + Q work so the program can be quit more easily if not self.isTeleop: #ignore keypresses if teleop is disabled return if key == arcade.key.A: self.moveRight = 1 self.moveLeft = 0 elif key == arcade.key.S: self.moveRight = 1 self.moveLeft = 1 elif key == arcade.key.D: self.moveRight = 0 self.moveLeft = 1 def on_key_release(self, key, modifiers): """Called when the user releases a key. """ if not self.isTeleop: #ignore keypresses if teleop is disabled return if key == arcade.key.A or key == arcade.key.S or key == arcade.key.D: self.moveRight = 0 self.moveLeft = 0 def setMovement(self, right, left): self.moveRight = right self.moveLeft = left self.simulator.update(self.moveRight, self.moveLeft) def getInputActivations(self): return self.simulator.getInputActivations() def setup(self): # Set up your game here pass def update(self, delta_time): if self.isTeleop: #update automatically when it is teleop mode self.simulator.update(self.moveRight, self.moveLeft) elif self.neuralNet != None: cmd = self.neuralNet.activate(self.getInputActivations()) self.setMovement(cmd[0], cmd[1]) def sigmoid(self, x): return 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x)) def stopRender(self): arcade.close_window() def startTeleop(): window = SimulationRenderer(True) def startAI(): local_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) with open(local_dir + '/winner-net', 'rb') as f: print(f) winner_net = pickle.load(f) simWindow = SimulationRenderer(False, winner_net)