コード例 #1
ファイル: Network.py プロジェクト: task-master98/DQNSlice
    def base_stations_init(cls, bs_params, slice_params):
        base_stations = []
        i = 0
        usage_patterns = {}
        for name, s in slice_params.items():
            usage_patterns[name] = Distributor(
                name, get_dist(s['usage_pattern']['distribution']),

        for bs in bs_params:
            slices = []
            ratios = bs['ratios']
            capacity = bs['capacity_bandwidth']
            for name, s in slice_params.items():
                s_cap = capacity * ratios[name]

                s = Slice(name, ratios[name], 0, s['client_weight'],
                          s['delay_tolerance'], s['qos_class'],
                          s['bandwidth_guaranteed'], s['bandwidth_max'], s_cap,
                s.capacity = Container(init=s_cap, capacity=s_cap)
            base_station = BaseStation(
                i, Coverage((bs['x'], bs['y']), bs['coverage']), capacity,
            i += 1
        return base_stations
コード例 #2
ファイル: Entity.py プロジェクト: nemaload/Blender2NeuroML
 def findCenterOfSoma(self):
     Method find start point for work main algorithm
     first point should be in soma. Soma is the 
     biggest segment of cell. 
     iter = 0
     temp_points = []
     slices = []
     for p in range(len(self.vertices)):
     slice = Slice(temp_points,self.faces)
     while len(slice) != 0:
         temp_points = filter(lambda p: not slice.__contains__(p), temp_points)
         slice = None
         slice = Slice(temp_points,self.faces)
         if len(slice) != 0:
             print len(temp_points)
             #print slice.getPerimetr(self.vertices)
     perimiter_coll = sorted(slices,key=lambda slice:slice.getPerimetr(self.vertices), reverse=True)
     startSlice = Slice(perimiter_coll[0],self.faces)
     self.start_center_point = self.__getCenterPoint(startSlice)
     self.start_center_point.diametr = 2 * self.start_center_point.len_between_point(self.vertices[perimiter_coll[0][0].point])
コード例 #3
 def solve(self):
     self.iteration = 1
     while self.iteration < 100:
         for Slice in self.slices:
         # don't update representation of slices until all slices are evaluated
         for Slice in self.slices:
         self.iteration += 1
コード例 #4
 def setSlice(self, x, y, name, width, brightness):
     if (not (self.flag == 'Photoplot')):
         raise InvalidFlagException(
             "This function is for Photoplot flag only")
     if ((not isinstance(x, int)) or (not isinstance(y, int))
             or (not isinstance(width, int))
             or (not isinstance(brightness, float))):
         raise IncorrectTypeException(
             'x, y and width must be integers and brightness must be float')
     self.currSlice = Slice(x, y, name, width, brightness)
コード例 #5
    def __init__(self, rows, columns):
        self.width = len(columns)
        self.height = len(rows)

        self.Grid = Grid(self.width, self.height)

        self.rows = rows
        self.columns = columns


        self.slices = []
        self.slices += [Slice(self, 'h', i) for i, row in enumerate(rows)]
        self.slices += [
            Slice(self, 'v', i) for i, column in enumerate(columns)

        self.iteration = 0
コード例 #6
    def testObjectCreation(self):
        slice = Slice(2000, 2500, "Star 1", 30, 20000)

        self.assertEqual(slice.getX(), 2000)
        self.assertEqual(slice.getY(), 2500)
        self.assertEqual(slice.getName(), "Star 1")
        self.assertEqual(slice.getWidth(), 30)
        self.assertEqual(slice.getActualBrightness(), 20000)
コード例 #7
ファイル: Entity.py プロジェクト: nemaload/Blender2NeuroML
 def __checkDendrite(self, slice, center_point, vector_len, current_point):
     Private Method.
     Check if soma has other output processes
     if it's contain than run find_point for it.
     iteration = 1
     vector_len = filter(lambda p: slice.__contains__(p) == False 
                             and self.checked_points.__contains__(p.point) == False, vector_len)
     vector_len = sorted(vector_len,key=lambda p:p.lenght)
     for i in range(5):
         slice2 = Slice(vector_len,self.faces)
         if (len(slice2) == 4 and
             int(slice.getPerimetr(self.vertices) / slice2.getPerimetr(self.vertices)) <= 1 and 
             int(slice2.getPerimetr(self.vertices) / slice.getPerimetr(self.vertices)) <= 1):
             new_center_point = self.__getCenterPoint(slice2) 
             iteration += 1
             self.find_point(new_center_point,iteration,parentPoint=current_point,isNeurite=False,isBrunchStart=False, _slice=slice2)
         vector_len = filter(lambda p: slice2.__contains__(p) == False 
                             and self.checked_points.__contains__(p.point) == False, vector_len)
         vector_len = sorted(vector_len, key=lambda p:p.lenght)    
コード例 #8
ファイル: Entity.py プロジェクト: nemaload/Blender2NeuroML
 def __more4AdjacentPointCase(self, adjacentPoints, slice, isBrunch,iteration, current_point, center_point):
     Work when algorithm find more that 4 adjacent points 
     branchesCollection = self.__fillUpBrachesCollection(adjacentPoints, slice)
     if len(branchesCollection) >= 2 :
         center_points = {}
         thirdBrunchCollection = []
         for branch in branchesCollection:
             branch_center_point = self.__getCenterPoint(branch) 
             center_points[branch_center_point] = branch
         for branch_center_point,branch in center_points.items():
             self.find_point(branch_center_point,iteration,current_point,True,True, _slice=branch)
             if len(adjacentPoints) > 6:
         thirdBrunchPoints = [HelpPoint(p.point,self.vertices[p.point].len_between_point(center_point)) \
                    for p in thirdBrunchCollection if not slice.__contains__(p)]
         slice_t = Slice(thirdBrunchPoints, self.faces)
         if len(slice_t) == 4:
             third_brunch_center_point = self.__getCenterPoint(slice_t)
             self.find_point(third_brunch_center_point,iteration, current_point,True,True, _slice=slice_t)
         return True
     elif len(branchesCollection) == 0 or (len(branchesCollection) == 1 and not isBrunch):
             sortedadjacentPoints = sorted(adjacentPoints,key=lambda p:p.lenght)
             first_slice = Slice(sortedadjacentPoints,self.faces)
             second_slice = Slice(filter(lambda p: first_slice.__contains__(p) == False, sortedadjacentPoints),self.faces)
             perimeter_1 = first_slice.getPerimetr(self.vertices)
             perimeter_2 = second_slice.getPerimetr(self.vertices)
             if perimeter_1 > perimeter_2 and perimeter_2 != 0:
                 new_center_point = self.__getCenterPoint(second_slice)
                 self.find_point(new_center_point,iteration, current_point,False,False, _slice=second_slice)
                 return True
             elif perimeter_1 < perimeter_2 or perimeter_2 == 0:
                 if perimeter_1 == 0:
                     if len(branchesCollection) == 1:
                         first_slice = branchesCollection[0] 
                     new_center_point = self.__getCenterPoint(first_slice)
                     self.find_point(new_center_point,iteration, current_point,isBrunch,False, _slice=first_slice)
                     new_center_point = self.__getCenterPoint(first_slice)
                     self.find_point(new_center_point,iteration, current_point,False,False, _slice=first_slice)
                 return True
     elif len(branchesCollection) == 1 and isBrunch:
         slice = branchesCollection[0]
         if len(slice) == 0:
             slice = slice.getFaceFromColl(adjacentPoints,self.faces)
         new_center_point = self.__getCenterPoint(slice)
         self.find_point(new_center_point,iteration, parentPoint=current_point,isNeurite=True,isBrunchStart=False, _slice=slice)
         return True
     return False
コード例 #9
 def testPhotoplotOutput(self):
     dataObject = MockDataObject.DataObject(self.fileLocation)
     sliceOne = Slice(2905, 562, "Test star 1", 50, 1.2)
     sliceTwo = Slice(2986, 1514, "Test star 2", 30, 1.6)
     figure = DataOutput.newImage(dataObject.getImageData(), 6500, 6700)
     DataOutput.outputDataToFile(dataObject, "PhotoplotTest", self.saveLocation)
コード例 #10
class DataObject:
    def __init__(self, fitFile, flag, snr):
        #Initially sets values to None
        self.img = None
        self.imgHeader = None
        self.flag = None
        self.snr = None

        #Initialises fields for candidate data
        self.candGt = ()  #Initialises tuples to being empty
        self.candLt = ()
        self.imgStd = None
        self.diffImg = None

        #validates snr
        if (not isinstance(snr, float)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException("snr must be of type float")
        self.snr = snr

        #reads fit file
            with fits.open(
            ) as imghdul:  #using the with keyword means that the file will be closed even if an exception is thrown
                self.img = imghdul[0].data
                self.imgHeader = imghdul[0].header
        except ValueError:
            raise EmptyFileException('Img filename is empty')
        except OSError:
            raise EmptyFileException(
                'Img file is not the correct format or is corrupted')

        if self.img is None:
            raise EmptyFileException('Img is null')

        #validates flag
        if (not ((flag == 'Photoplot') or (flag == 'Publication') or
                 (flag == 'CheckPixels') or (flag == 'Simulate') or
                 (flag == 'Zoomed') or (flag == 'Orbits'))):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "Flag must be Photoplot, Publication, CheckPixels, Simulate, Zoomed or Orbits"
        self.flag = flag

        #Initialises fields for selected flag
        if (self.flag == 'Photoplot'):
            #Initialise Photoplot fields
            self.Slices = []  #Initialises slice list to an empty list
            self.currSlice = None
            self.meanCalibrationFactor = 0.0  #Will be used for the output of the Photometry component
            self.photoImage = None  #Will be used for image with slices marked
        elif (self.flag == 'Publication'):
            #Initialise Publication fields
            self.annotated = None  #Output for Publication component
        elif (self.flag == 'CheckPixels'):
            self.checkX = -1  #Data for CheckPixels component, initialised to invalid values
            self.checkY = -1
            self.checkFactor = 0.0  #Zoom factor to use, named this to avoid confusion with that of the zoomed image component
            self.pixelImage = None  #Output for CheckPixels component
            self.padTop = 0
            self.padBottom = 0
            self.padLeft = 0
            self.padRight = 0
            self.height = 0
            self.width = 0
        elif (self.flag == 'Simulate'):
            self.simulateImage = None  #Output for Simulate component
        elif (self.flag == 'Zoomed'):
            #Initialise Zoomed fields
            self.zoomFactor = 0.0  #Data for CheckPixels component, initialised to invalid values
            self.zoomedImages = None  #Output from CreateZoomedImage component
        elif (self.flag == 'Orbits'):
            #Initialise Orbits fields
            self.tleData = None  #Initialises input
            self.tleLength = None
            self.wcsinfo = None
            self.orbitPlot = None  #Output from Orbits component

#Getters for input data

    def getImageData(self):
        return self.img

    def getImageData16(self):
        return (self.img).astype(np.int16)

    def getImageHeader(self):
        return self.imgHeader

    def getFlag(self):
        return self.flag

    def getSNR(self):
        return self.snr

#Setters and getters for generic data

    def setCandGt(self, incandGt):
        if (not isinstance(incandGt, tuple)):  #checks that input is a tuple
            raise IncorrectTypeException('Value must be a tuple')
        if (not len(incandGt) == 2):  #Checks that tuple has exactly 2 elements
            raise InvalidSizeException('Size must be 2')
        if (not isinstance(incandGt[0], np.ndarray)
                and not isinstance(incandGt[1], np.ndarray)
            ):  #Checks that tuple elements are ndarrays
            raise IncorrectTypeException('Tuple elements must be ndarrays')
            if (not isinstance(incandGt[0][0], np.int64)
                ):  #Checks that the array elements are of type int64
                raise IncorrectTypeException(
                    'Values in tuple must be of type int64')
        except IndexError:
            pass  #There were no candidates detected
        if (not len(incandGt[0]) == len(incandGt[1])):
            raise InvalidSizeException('Arrays must be of equal size')
        self.candGt = incandGt

    def getCandGt(self):
        return self.candGt

    def setCandLt(self, incandLt):
        if (not isinstance(incandLt, tuple)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException('Value must be a tuple')
        if (not len(incandLt) == 2):
            raise InvalidSizeException('Size must be 2')
        if (not isinstance(incandLt[0], np.ndarray)
                and not isinstance(incandLt[1], np.ndarray)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException('Tuple elements must be ndarrays')
            if (not isinstance(incandLt[0][0], np.int64)):
                raise IncorrectTypeException(
                    'Values in tuple must be of type int64')
        except IndexError:
            pass  #There were no candidates detected
        if (not len(incandLt[0]) == len(incandLt[1])):
            raise InvalidSizeException('Arrays must be of equal size')
        self.candLt = incandLt

    def getCandLt(self):
        return self.candLt

    def setImgStd(self, inImgStd):
        if (not isinstance(inImgStd, np.float64)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException('Value must be a float64')
        self.imgStd = inImgStd

    def getImgStd(self):
        return self.imgStd

    def setDiffImg(self, inDiffImg):
        if (not isinstance(inDiffImg, np.ndarray)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException('Value must be an ndarray')
        self.diffImg = inDiffImg

    def getDiffImg(self):
        return self.diffImg

#Setters and getters for Photoplot
#Initial slice input to add a slice to the list

    def setSlice(self, x, y, name, width, brightness):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Photoplot')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for Photoplot flag only")
        if ((not isinstance(x, int)) or (not isinstance(y, int))
                or (not isinstance(width, int))
                or (not isinstance(brightness, float))):
            raise IncorrectTypeException(
                'x, y and width must be integers and brightness must be float')
        self.currSlice = Slice(x, y, name, width, brightness)

    #Retrieves the current slice
    def getCurrSlice(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Photoplot')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for Photoplot flag only")
        return self.currSlice

    #The next three functions are used to set slice output
    def setSliceYl(self, yl):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Photoplot')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for Photoplot flag only")
        if (self.currSlice == None):
            raise NoSliceException('No slice to set data for')
        if (not isinstance(yl, int)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException('Value must be an Integer')

    def setSliceYh(self, yh):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Photoplot')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for Photoplot flag only")
        if (self.currSlice == None):
            raise NoSliceException('No slice to set data for')
        if (not isinstance(yh, int)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException('Value must be an Integer')

    def setSliceBrightnessDiff(self, brightnessDiff):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Photoplot')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for Photoplot flag only")
        if (self.currSlice == None):
            raise NoSliceException('No slice to set data for')
        if (not isinstance(brightnessDiff, int)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException('Value must be an Integer')

    #Used by the Data Output component to retrieve the slice list details
    def getSliceList(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Photoplot')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for Photoplot flag only")
        return self.Slices

    def setMeanCalibrationFactor(self, meanCalibrationFactor):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Photoplot')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for Photoplot flag only")
        if (not isinstance(meanCalibrationFactor, float)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException(
                'Mean Calibration Factor must be a float')
        self.meanCalibrationFactor = meanCalibrationFactor

    def getMeanCalibrationFactor(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Photoplot')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for Photoplot flag only")
        return self.meanCalibrationFactor

    def setPhotoplotImage(self, inPhotoImage):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Photoplot')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                'This function is for Photoplot flag only')
        if (not isinstance(inPhotoImage, plt.figure.Figure)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException(
                "Photoplot Image must be a matplotlib.figure.Figure")
        self.photoImage = inPhotoImage

    def getPhotoplotImage(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Photoplot')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                'This function is for Photoplot flag only')
        return self.photoImage

#Setters and getters for Publication

    def setAnnotatedImage(self, inAnnotatedImage):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Publication')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for Publication flag only")
        if (not isinstance(inAnnotatedImage, plt.figure.Figure)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException(
                "Annotated Image must be a matplotlib.figure.Figure")
        self.annotated = inAnnotatedImage

    def getAnnotatedImage(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Publication')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for Publication flag only")
        return self.annotated

#Setters and getters for CheckPixels

    def setCheckX(self, inCheckX):
        if (not (self.flag == 'CheckPixels')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for Check Pixels flag only")
        if (not isinstance(inCheckX, int)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException("Coordinate must be int")
        yMax, xMax = self.img.shape
        if (not ((inCheckX > 0) and (inCheckX < xMax))):
            raise InvalidCoordException(
                "x Coordinate is out of bounds. Must be from 0 to {}.".format(
        self.checkX = inCheckX

    def getCheckX(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'CheckPixels')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for Check Pixels flag only")
        return self.checkX

    def setCheckY(self, inCheckY):
        if (not (self.flag == 'CheckPixels')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for Check Pixels flag only")
        if (not isinstance(inCheckY, int)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException("Coordinate must be int")
        yMax, xMax = self.img.shape
        if (not ((inCheckY > 0) and (inCheckY < yMax))):
            raise InvalidCoordException(
                "y Coordinate is out of bounds. Must be from 0 to {}.".format(
        self.checkY = inCheckY

    def getCheckY(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'CheckPixels')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for Check Pixels flag only")
        return self.checkY

    def setCheckFactor(self, inCheckFactor):
        if (not (self.flag == 'CheckPixels')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for Check Pixels flag only")
        if (not isinstance(inCheckFactor, float)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException("Check Zoom Factor must be float")
        if (not inCheckFactor > 0.0):
            raise InvalidZoomFactorException(
                "Check Zoom Factor must be positive")
        self.checkFactor = inCheckFactor

    def getCheckFactor(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'CheckPixels')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for Check Pixels flag only")
        return self.checkFactor

    def setPixelImage(self, inPixelImage):
        if (not (self.flag == 'CheckPixels')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for Check Pixels flag only")
        if (not isinstance(inPixelImage, plt.figure.Figure)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException("Pixel image must be a Figure")
        self.pixelImage = inPixelImage

    def getPixelImage(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'CheckPixels')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for Check Pixels flag only")
        return self.pixelImage

    def setPadTop(self, inPadTop):
        if (not (self.flag == 'CheckPixels')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for CheckPixels flag only")
        if (not isinstance(inPadTop, int)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException("inPadTop must be an int")
        self.padTop = inPadTop

    def getPadTop(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'CheckPixels')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for CheckPixels flag only")
        return self.padTop

    def setPadBottom(self, inPadBottom):
        if (not (self.flag == 'CheckPixels')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for CheckPixels flag only")
        if (not isinstance(inPadBottom, int)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException("inPadTop must be an int")
        self.padBottom = inPadBottom

    def getPadBottom(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'CheckPixels')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for CheckPixels flag only")
        return self.padBottom

    def setPadLeft(self, inPadLeft):
        if (not (self.flag == 'CheckPixels')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for CheckPixels flag only")
        if (not isinstance(inPadLeft, int)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException("inPadTop must be an int")
        self.padLeft = inPadLeft

    def getPadLeft(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'CheckPixels')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for CheckPixels flag only")
        return self.padLeft

    def setPadRight(self, inPadRight):
        if (not (self.flag == 'CheckPixels')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for CheckPixels flag only")
        if (not isinstance(inPadRight, int)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException("inPadTop must be an int")
        self.padRight = inPadRight

    def getPadRight(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'CheckPixels')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for CheckPixels flag only")
        return self.padRight

    def setHeight(self, inHeight):
        if (not (self.flag == 'CheckPixels')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for CheckPixels flag only")
        if (not isinstance(inHeight, int)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException("inHeight must be an int")
        self.height = inHeight

    def getHeight(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'CheckPixels')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for CheckPixels flag only")
        return self.height

    def setWidth(self, inWidth):
        if (not (self.flag == 'CheckPixels')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for CheckPixels flag only")
        if (not isinstance(inWidth, int)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException("inWidth must be an int")
        self.width = inWidth

    def getWidth(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'CheckPixels')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for CheckPixels flag only")
        return self.width

#Setters and getters for Simulate

    def setSimulateImage(self, inSimulateImage):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Simulate')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for Simulate flag only")
        if (not isinstance(inSimulateImage, np.ndarray)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException(
                "Simulate Image must be a numpy.ndarray")
        if (not (inSimulateImage.ndim == 2)):
            raise InvalidSizeException("Must be 2d")
        self.simulateImage = inSimulateImage

    def getSimulateImage(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Simulate')):
            raise InvalidFlagException(
                "This function is for Simulate flag only")
        return self.simulateImage

#Setters and getters for Zoomed

    def setZoomFactor(self, inZoomFactor):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Zoomed')):
            raise InvalidFlagException("This function is for Zoomed flag only")
        if (not isinstance(inZoomFactor, float)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException("Zoom Factor must be float")
        if (not inZoomFactor > 0.0):
            raise InvalidZoomFactorException("Zoom Factor must be positive")
        self.zoomFactor = inZoomFactor

    def getZoomFactor(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Zoomed')):
            raise InvalidFlagException("This function is for Zoomed flag only")
        return self.zoomFactor

    def setZoomedImages(self, inZoomedImages):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Zoomed')):
            raise InvalidFlagException("This function is for Zoomed flag only")
        if (not isinstance(inZoomedImages, list)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException(
                "ZoomedImages must be a list of zoomed images")
            if (not isinstance(inZoomedImages[0], ZoomObject)):
                raise IncorrectTypeException(
                    "Individual list elements must be ZoomObjects")
            self.zoomedImages = inZoomedImages
        except IndexError:
            self.zoomedImages = []

    def getZoomedImages(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Zoomed')):
            raise InvalidFlagException("This function is for Zoomed flag only")
        return self.zoomedImages

#Setters and getters for Orbits

    def setTle(self, tleFile):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Orbits')):
            raise InvalidFlagException("This function is for Orbits flag only")
        #reads tle file
            if (not os.path.isfile(tleFile)):
                raise EmptyFileException('Tle file does not exist')
            if (not validateTle(tleFile)):
                raise EmptyFileException('Tle file is not correctly formatted')
            with open(tleFile) as tle:
                self.tleData = tle.readlines()
                self.tleLength = len(self.tleData)
        except ValueError:
            raise EmptyFileException('Tle filename is empty')

        if ((self.tleData is None) | (self.tleLength is None)):
            raise EmptyFileException('Tle is null')

    def getTleData(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Orbits')):
            raise InvalidFlagException("This function is for Orbits flag only")
        return self.tleData

    def getTleLength(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Orbits')):
            raise InvalidFlagException("This function is for Orbits flag only")
        return self.tleLength

    def setFits(self, fitsFile):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Orbits')):
            raise InvalidFlagException("This function is for Orbits flag only")
        #reads fits file
            with fits.open(fitsFile):
                self.wcsinfo = wcs.WCS(fitsFile)
        except ValueError:
            raise EmptyFileException('Wcs filename is empty')
        except OSError:
            raise EmptyFileException(
                'Wcs file is not the correct format or is corrupted')

        if self.wcsinfo is None:
            raise EmptyFileException('Wcs is null')

    def getWcsInfo(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Orbits')):
            raise InvalidFlagException("This function is for Orbits flag only")
        return self.wcsinfo

    def setOrbitPlot(self, inOrbitPlot):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Orbits')):
            raise InvalidFlagException("This function is for Orbits flag only")
        if (not isinstance(inOrbitPlot, plt.figure.Figure)):
            raise IncorrectTypeException(
                "OrbitPlot must be of type matplotlib.figure.Figure")
        self.orbitPlot = inOrbitPlot

    def getOrbitPlot(self):
        if (not (self.flag == 'Orbits')):
            raise InvalidFlagException("This function is for Orbits flag only")
        return self.orbitPlot
コード例 #11
    def testEqualsMethod(self):
        sliceOne = Slice(2000, 2500, "Star 1", 50, 20000)
        sliceTwo = Slice(2000, 2500, "Star 1", 50, 20000)

コード例 #12
    def testBrightnessChange(self):
        slice = Slice(2000, 2500, "Star 1", 50, 20000)


        self.assertEqual(slice.getActualBrightness(), 22000)