def __init__(self): #questions = QuestionPack4().questions pygame.init() self.plateau = Plateau(1280, 700, "./images") self.partie = None self.sound_manager = SoundManager("./audio")
class game: def __init__(self,surface,clock): self.loader = Loader() self.loader.init_map() self.sound = SoundManager() self.sound.init_sound_manager() self.clock = clock self.alive = True self.screen = surface self.width = surface.get_size()[0] self.height = surface.get_size()[1] self.screens = [AuthorScreen(3)] self.current_screen = 0 self.screens[self.current_screen].on_focus() def reset(self): self.current_screen = 0 self.screens[self.current_screen].on_focus() #self.layers.append(FPSScreen(self.clock)) def draw(self): # INCREDIBLY wasteful... self.screen.fill( (0,0,0) ) self.screens[self.current_screen].draw(self.screen) return True def handle_event(self,event): if event.type == QUIT: self.alive = False elif event.type == KEYDOWN: self.changed = True if event.key == K_ESCAPE: self.alive = False try: self.screens[self.current_screen].handle_event(event) except AttributeError: True def update(self): # If the current screen returns FALSE we should move to the next screen in the list. retval = self.screens[self.current_screen].update() if retval == False: if self.current_screen < len(self.screens)-1: self.current_screen += 1 self.screens[self.current_screen].on_focus() return True else: return False else: return True
def __init__(self, positions, main): self._players = [ Player("Ninja", "ninja", positions[1], self, 0), Player("Pirate", "pirate", positions[0], self, 1) ] self._collision = Collision(self._players[0], self._players[1]) self._eventOccured = [ False, False ] self._soundManager = SoundManager() self._elapsedTime = 0; self.main = main
class AuthorScreen(AbstractScreen): def __init__(self,ttl): AbstractScreen.__init__(self) self.loader = Loader() self.state = State() large_font = self.loader.load_font("slkscr",72) med_font = self.loader.load_font("slkscr",32) small_font = self.loader.load_font("slkscr",16) x = self.state.screen_size[0]/2 y = self.state.screen_size[1]/2 self.labels = [ Label("a rapid framework",med_font,(255,96,96),[x-280,y-30]), Label("Bebop",large_font,(255,255,255),[x-180,y-10]), Label("for game compos",small_font,(255,255,255),[x-70,y+50]) ] for label in self.labels: label.goal_alpha = 255 # Set up fade timer self.ttl = ttl self.sound = SoundManager() def on_focus(self): self.start = pygame.time.get_ticks() self.fade_out = self.start + self.ttl*1000 self.alive = True self.sound.start_music(0) def update(self): AbstractScreen.update(self) time = pygame.time.get_ticks() if time >= self.fade_out and self.alive: self.alive = False for label in self.labels: label.goal_alpha = 0 elif time >= self.fade_out and self.labels[0].alpha == 0: return False for label in self.labels: label.update() return True def handle_event(self,event): if event.type == pygame.locals.KEYDOWN or event.type == pygame.locals.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: self.fade_out = self.start def draw(self,screen): for label in self.labels: label.draw(screen) return True
def __init__(self): = SoundManager() self.qm = QuartzManager() # = Arduino() = QuartzScoreManager() = BuzzManager() = PerguntasManager() = ConsoleManager() self.scores = [0, 0, 0, 0] self.player_button_pool = []
def __init__(self,surface,clock): self.loader = Loader() self.loader.init_map() self.sound = SoundManager() self.sound.init_sound_manager() self.clock = clock self.alive = True self.screen = surface self.width = surface.get_size()[0] self.height = surface.get_size()[1] self.screens = [AuthorScreen(3)] self.current_screen = 0 self.screens[self.current_screen].on_focus()
def __init__(self, num_lanes, path, level, speed): Arbapp.__init__(self) self.num_lanes = num_lanes self.score = 0 self.speed = float(speed) self.rate = Rate(self.speed) self.grid = [['background']*num_lanes for h in range(self.height)] # The coming notes (last line included even if it will overwritten by the bottom bar) = ['idle']*num_lanes # The bottom bar, idle = not pressed, hit = pressed during a note, pressed = pressed outside a note # Threads creation and starting self.renderer = Renderer(self.model, self.grid,, self.height, num_lanes, self.width) self.reader = SongReader(path, num_lanes, level, speed) self.sound = SoundManager(path) self.hits = UserHits(self.num_lanes)
def initSounds(self): sounds = { "DetectionMode": QSound("resources/voices/detect_start.wav"), "SleepMode": QSound("resources/voices/sleep_mode.wav"), "Activation": QSound("resources/voices/activated.wav"), "Spotted": QSound("resources/voices/target_aquaired.wav"), "Shutdown": QSound("resources/voices/shutdown.wav"), "Searching": QSound("resources/voices/searching.wav"), "StartUp": QSound("resources/voices/startup.mp3"), "Login": QSound("resources/voices/login_sound.wav"), "Save": QSound("resources/voices/save_sound.wav"), "Error": QSound("resources/voices/error.wav"), "Moron": QSound("resources/voices/hey_moron.wav") } return SoundManager(sounds)
def __init__(self,ttl): AbstractScreen.__init__(self) self.loader = Loader() self.state = State() large_font = self.loader.load_font("slkscr",72) med_font = self.loader.load_font("slkscr",32) small_font = self.loader.load_font("slkscr",16) x = self.state.screen_size[0]/2 y = self.state.screen_size[1]/2 self.labels = [ Label("a rapid framework",med_font,(255,96,96),[x-280,y-30]), Label("Bebop",large_font,(255,255,255),[x-180,y-10]), Label("for game compos",small_font,(255,255,255),[x-70,y+50]) ] for label in self.labels: label.goal_alpha = 255 # Set up fade timer self.ttl = ttl self.sound = SoundManager()
def __init__(self): #Display setup self.resolution = ( ) #This is filled by ChooseResolution scene(further down this page) self.display = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 400)) self.fullScreen = False #Scene management self.scenes = {"ChooseRes": ChooseResolution()} self.currentScene = self.scenes["ChooseRes"] self.currentSceneKey = "ChooseRes" self.soundManager = SoundManager( ) #Plays the musics and used to call sounds in the game self.eventHandlers = GameEventHandlers( self ) #Stores event handlers that work with an event manager. So that an event manager does not have direct control of any of the scenes or game self.eventManager = GameEventManager( self.eventHandlers, self.soundManager.eventHandlers ) #Handles game wide events, like music volume and fullscreen toggle self.main() #Main game loop
from Sprite_Manager import Sprite_Sheet from SoundManager import SoundManager import Game import pygame import Time width = 1280 height = 720 all_sprites = Sprite_Sheet("Art").load_all() time = Time.Time() pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) screen_copied = screen.copy() main_loop_running = True game_manager = Game.Game() state = "START" sound_manager = SoundManager()
class GameController(): """GameController for Quizz Show""" def __init__(self): = SoundManager() self.qm = QuartzManager() # = Arduino() = QuartzScoreManager() = BuzzManager() = PerguntasManager() = ConsoleManager() self.scores = [0, 0, 0, 0] self.player_button_pool = [] def begin(self): """Game Begin""" n ="Qual o grupo de perguntas?") self.perguntas = n ) for x in self.perguntas.perguntas(): "%d: %s %s" % x) idx = 0 print self.scores idx ="Iniciar em que pergunta (0)?") pergunta = self.perguntas.get_pergunta( idx ) if idx > 0: cur_score ="Current score - (0,0,0,0): ") if len(cur_score) > 4: self.scores = [int(x) for x in cur_score.split(",")] print self.scores while pergunta: self.ask_pergunta( pergunta ) pergunta = self.perguntas.get_next() def show_scores(self): s = [] i = 1 for score in self.scores: if score == 1 : plural = "" else : plural = "s" s.append("Equipa %d - %d ponto%s" % (i, score, plural)) i += 1 self.qm.multiplas(s) def ask_pergunta(self, pergunta): self.qm.pontuacao( self.scores ) print self.scores self.qm.multiplas(" ") "%s: %s" % (pergunta.ordem, pergunta.pergunta) ) self.qm.perguntar(" Codebits Quiz Show ") # Show scores only if any team has already scored. if [x for x in self.scores if x > 0]: self.show_scores() ret ="Enviar (S/N)?", ("S", "N")) if ret == "N": return self.qm.multiplas(" ") player= self.timer_red_buzz(pergunta) if player != None: ret ="Red Buzz %s right? (S/N/(R)etry)" % player, ("S", "N", "I") ) self.qm.perguntar(pergunta.pergunta) if ret == "S": time.sleep(5) self.scores[player-1] += (2 * pergunta.multiplicador ) self.qm.pontuacao( self.scores ) return if ret == "R": return self.ask_pergunta(pergunta)"Enviar Multiplas? (S)", ("S") ) self.timer_multiplas( pergunta, player ) def timer_multiplas(self, pergunta, player=None, t=30): """controls clock and checks for multiple choice events from the buzz""" if player != None: player = int(player) self.clear_player_button_pool()" ")"Waiting for Multiplas.") self.qm.multiplas( [x[0] for x in pergunta.multiplas] ) playersStatus = playerHasResponded = [] if player: print "Ignoring %d" %(player,) playerHasResponded.append( player ) player ) try: while t >= 0: self.qm.relogio( "0:%.2d" % (t,) ) t -= 1 if len(playerHasResponded) == 4: self.qm.relogio(" ") break for x in range(10): time.sleep(0.1) ev = # No red buttons, nor the player who failed. if ev: if ev.color == "RED" or ev.player in playerHasResponded: continue print ev.multi if pergunta.options[ev.multi][1] == True: ev.player ) ev.player ) self.scores[ev.player-1] += (1 * pergunta.multiplicador) self.qm.pontuacao( self.scores ) print ev.player else: pergunta.add_wrong_player(ev.multi, ev.player) ev.player ) playersStatus[ev.player - 1][1] = True print "FAIL" print ev.player playerHasResponded.append(ev.player) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.qm.relogio(" ") # Timeout. No one pressed the Buzz. if t < 1:" Mostrar resposta certa? (S)", ["S"]) self.show_correct_answer(pergunta.options)"Continuar? (S)", ["S"]) def show_correct_answer(self, options): l = [] for x in options: if x[1] == True: l.append(x[0]) else: l_str = '' for p in x[2]: l_str += "(%s) " %(p) if len(l_str) > 2: l_str = "X " + l_str l_str += " %s" %(x[0]) l.append (l_str) else: l.append( " ") self.qm.multiplas( l ) def timer_red_buzz(self, pergunta, t=20, has_been_asked=False): """controls clock and checks for buzz events t is the start time for countdown.""" # Watch for events during the timer and during the time that the presenter # is reading the question. if has_been_asked == True: self.qm.multiplas(" ") self.qm.perguntar( pergunta.pergunta ) else: self.clear_player_button_pool() self.qm.perguntar("Podes responder com o botao vermelho.") if pergunta.multiplicador > 1: self.qm.multiplas(["Score Multiplier active: %dx" %(pergunta.multiplicador), "Straight answer is worth %d points." % (pergunta.multiplicador*2), "", ""])" ") )"Waiting RED Buzz.") try: someone_answered = False while t > 0: if has_been_asked == True: t -= 1 self.qm.relogio( "0:%.2d" % (t,) ) else: self.qm.relogio(" ") for x in range(10): time.sleep(0.1) if ev = if ev and ev[1] == 1: if has_been_asked == False: raise KeyboardInterrupt ev = if ev and ev.color == "RED": print "GOT %d" % (ev.player,) self.show_player_buttons(ev) self.qm.relogio(" ") someone_answered = True # Clear all other button requests # if there's more than one close player, # show them all. for x in range (20): time.sleep(0.1) ev = while ev: if ev and ev.pressed: self.show_player_buttons(ev) ev = # Return who won. return self.player_button_pool[3] except KeyboardInterrupt: self.qm.relogio(" ") if has_been_asked == False: if someone_answered == True: return self.player_button_pool[3] return self.timer_red_buzz( pergunta, 20, True) # Timeout. No one pressed the Buzz."Timeout. Continuar? (S)", ["S"]) return None def clear_player_button_pool(self): self.player_button_pool = [{},[], 0,-1] def show_player_buttons(self, ev): """Show buttons pressed in order""" bp = self.player_button_pool if ev.player not in bp[0]: player_str = "TEAM %d" % ev.player # Print timestamp against first player if bp[2]: player_str += " (%.3f seg)" % ((ev.timestamp + (float(random.randint(1,10)) / 1000)) - bp[2]) else: bp[2] = ev.timestamp bp[0][ev.player] = True bp[3] = ev.player bp[1].append(player_str) for x in bp[1]: print x self.qm.multiplas( bp[1] ) ev.player ) self.player_button_pool = bp
class LightsHero(Arbapp): def __init__(self, num_lanes, path, level, speed): Arbapp.__init__(self) self.num_lanes = num_lanes self.score = 0 self.speed = float(speed) self.rate = Rate(self.speed) self.grid = [['background']*num_lanes for h in range(self.height)] # The coming notes (last line included even if it will overwritten by the bottom bar) = ['idle']*num_lanes # The bottom bar, idle = not pressed, hit = pressed during a note, pressed = pressed outside a note # Threads creation and starting self.renderer = Renderer(self.model, self.grid,, self.height, num_lanes, self.width) self.reader = SongReader(path, num_lanes, level, speed) self.sound = SoundManager(path) self.hits = UserHits(self.num_lanes) def next_line(self): # Delete the last line leaving the grid # Note : The bottom bar will overwrite the last line but the latter needs to be kept to draw the bottom bar for l in range(self.height-1, 0, -1): for w in range(self.num_lanes): self.grid[l][w] = self.grid[l-1][w] # Ask for a new line to the song reader and fill the top of the grid with it new_line = for lane in range(self.num_lanes): self.grid[0][lane] = new_line[lane] def process_user_hits(self): """ Read user inputs, update the bottom bar with key states and warn the UserHits class to update the score """ for lane in range(self.num_lanes): must_press = self.grid[self.height-1][lane] == 'active' or self.grid[self.height-1][lane] == 'bump' pressed = self.hits.get_pressed_keys()[lane] if must_press and pressed: status = 'hit' elif pressed: status = 'pressed' else: status = 'idle'[lane] = status # warn the user hits class whether the note has to be played self.hits.set_note(lane, self.grid[self.height-1][lane] in ['bump', 'active']) def run(self): countdown = self.height # Countdown triggered after Midi's EOF start = time() # We loop while the end countdown is not timed out # it starts decreasing only when EOF is returned by the song reader while countdown>0: self.next_line() self.process_user_hits() self.renderer.update_view() if self.reader.eof: countdown -= 1 # delayed sound playing while the first notes are reaching the bottom bar if not self.sound.started and time()-start > (self.height-2)/self.speed: self.sound.start() self.rate.sleep() print "You scored", int((100.*self.hits.score)/self.hits.max_score), '% with', self.hits.score, 'hits over', self.hits.max_score
class LightsHero(Arbapp): def __init__(self, num_lanes, path, level, speed): Arbapp.__init__(self) self.num_lanes = num_lanes self.score = 0 self.speed = float(speed) self.rate = Rate(self.speed) self.grid = [['background']*num_lanes for h in range(self.height)] # The coming notes (last line included even if it will overwritten by the bottom bar) = ['idle']*num_lanes # The bottom bar, idle = not pressed, hit = pressed during a note, pressed = pressed outside a note # Threads creation and starting self.renderer = Renderer(self.model, self.grid,, self.height, num_lanes, self.width) self.reader = SongReader(path, num_lanes, level, speed) self.sound = SoundManager(path) self.hits = UserHits(self.num_lanes) def next_line(self): # Delete the last line leaving the grid # Note : The bottom bar will overwrite the last line but the latter needs to be kept to draw the bottom bar for l in range(self.height-1, 0, -1): for w in range(self.num_lanes): self.grid[l][w] = self.grid[l-1][w] # Ask for a new line to the song reader and fill the top of the grid with it new_line = for lane in range(self.num_lanes): self.grid[0][lane] = new_line[lane] def process_user_hits(self): """ Read user inputs, update the bottom bar with key states and warn the UserHits class to update the score """ for lane in range(self.num_lanes): must_press = self.grid[self.height-1][lane] == 'active' or self.grid[self.height-1][lane] == 'bump' pressed = self.hits.get_pressed_keys()[lane] if must_press and pressed: status = 'hit' elif pressed: status = 'pressed' else: status = 'idle'[lane] = status # warn the user hits class whether the note has to be played self.hits.set_note(lane, self.grid[self.height-1][lane] in ['bump', 'active']) def display_score(self): levels = [15, 40, 60, 80, 90, 101] sentences = ["did you really play?", "you need to practice...", "I'm pretty sure you can do better...", "that's a fair score!", "awesome, you're a master!", "incredible, did you cheat?"] colors = ['darkred', 'orange', 'gold', 'yellowgreen', 'green', 'white'] score = int((100.*self.hits.score)/self.hits.max_score) for i, level in enumerate(levels): if score<level: sentence = sentences[i] color = colors[i] break print "You scored", score, '% with', self.hits.score, 'hits over', self.hits.max_score if self.hits.score>0: self.model.write("You scored {}%, {}".format(score, sentence), color) def run(self): countdown = self.height # Countdown triggered after Midi's EOF start = time() # We loop while the end countdown is not timed out # it starts decreasing only when EOF is returned by the song reader while countdown>0: self.next_line() self.process_user_hits() self.renderer.update_view() if self.reader.eof: countdown -= 1 # delayed sound playing while the first notes are reaching the bottom bar if not self.sound.started and time()-start > (self.height-2)/self.speed: self.sound.start() self.rate.sleep() self.display_score()
def checkEvent(self, event): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: elif event.type == pygame.USEREVENT: SoundManager.getInstance().stopMusic() SoundManager.getInstance().playMusic(SoundManager.getInstance().CURRENTSONG+1)
class Main: def __init__(self): #questions = QuestionPack4().questions pygame.init() self.plateau = Plateau(1280, 700, "./images") self.partie = None self.sound_manager = SoundManager("./audio") # Call public -> P # Call friend -> J # 50/50 -> L # Reset -> R # Next question -> N # A B C D -> SELECT RESPONSE # ENTER -> Show result # ESCAPE -> Quit game # def reset(self): filename = FileChooser().get_filename() questions = Reader(filename).get_questions() if questions is None: return False self.partie = Partie(questions) # reset game self.partie.reset() self.plateau.reset() self.sound_manager.reset() self.sound_manager.play_generic() return True def start_game(self): question = self.partie.get_current_question() index = self.partie.current_question_index self.sound_manager.start_party_jingle() self.plateau.fill_question_area(question) self.sound_manager.play_ongoing_question(index) def select_response(self, letter): question = self.partie.get_current_question() index = self.partie.current_question_index self.partie.select_response(letter) self.plateau.select_answer(question, letter) self.sound_manager.play_last_word(index) def show_response(self): question = self.partie.get_current_question() index = self.partie.current_question_index good = self.partie.response_is_good() if good: self.sound_manager.play_good_response(index) winned_price = self.partie.gains[index] self.plateau.good_response(question, winned_price, self.partie.letter_selected) else: self.sound_manager.play_wrong_answer() self.plateau.wrong_response(question, question.good_letter) def run(self): self.reset() self.running = True while self.running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: print("key") print(event.key) if event.key == pygame.K_q: print("press A") # answer a self.select_response("A") elif event.key == pygame.K_b: print("press B") # answer b self.select_response("B") elif event.key == pygame.K_c: print("press C") # answer c self.select_response("C") elif event.key == pygame.K_d: print("press D") # answer d self.select_response("D") elif event.key == pygame.K_p: print("press P") # public vote # DISABLED elif event.key == pygame.K_j: print("press J") # call friend if self.partie.call_friend_available > 0: self.partie.call_friend_available = self.partie.call_friend_available - 1 index = self.partie.current_question_index self.sound_manager.play_call_friend(index) if self.partie.call_friend_available == 0: self.plateau.update_call_friend(False) elif event.key == pygame.K_l: print("press L") # 50/50 if self.partie.fiftyfifty_available > 0: self.partie.fiftyfifty_available = self.partie.fiftyfifty_available - 1 index = self.partie.current_question_index question = self.partie.get_current_question() choices = ["A", "B", "C", "D"] choices.remove(question.good_letter) first_answer_removed = choices[randint( 0, len(choices) - 1)] choices.remove(first_answer_removed) second_answer_removed = choices[randint( 0, len(choices) - 1)] self.sound_manager.play_fifty_fifty() self.plateau.hide_answers( [first_answer_removed, second_answer_removed]) if self.partie.fiftyfifty_available == 0: self.plateau.update_fifty_fifty(False) elif event.key == pygame.K_r: print("press R") if self.reset(): pass else: self.running = False pygame.quit() return elif event.key == pygame.K_s: print("press S") # start game self.start_game() elif event.key == pygame.K_n: print("press N") # next question question = self.partie.next_question() index = self.partie.current_question_index self.plateau.fill_question_area(question) self.sound_manager.play_ongoing_question(index) elif event.key == pygame.K_RETURN: print("press ENTER") # enter show response self.show_response() elif event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: print("press ESCAPE") self.running = False pygame.quit() return
def __init_sound(self): "Initialize SoundManager" self.sound = SoundManager(self.soundFiles)
class Pong: """ Handles drawing of all components. players -> Players[] list of players ball -> Ball ball to be bouncing in Pong scoreboard -> TextHandler scoreboard displayed on screen state -> boolean[] a list of booleans representing each state of the game MAX_POINTS -> the max points by default """ SETTINGS = { "MAX_POINTS": 8, "players": [{ "name": "Player 1", "color": (255, 9, 9) }, { "name": "Player 2", "color": (40, 40, 255) }] } DEFAULT_SIZE = width, height = 600, 600 FONT_SIZE = 52 MAX_POINTS = 2 soundFiles = ["paddle.wav", "point.wav", "winning_song.wav"] def __init__(self): pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption("Pong: Leon") self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.DEFAULT_SIZE, pygame.RESIZABLE) self.__init_players() self.__init_sound() self.__init_menus() self.ball = Ball(self, self.players, speed=9) self.scoreboard = TextHandler(self, self.players) self.state = [False for state in GameState.states.keys()] self.set_game_state_to(GameState.states["START"]) #menus def __init_menus(self): "Setups menus" startMenu = Menu(self, "Start Menu") startOption = MenuOption(self, "Start", self.start_game) exitOption = MenuOption(self, "Exit", quit) startMenu.addOption(startOption) startMenu.addOption(exitOption) self.set_current_menu(startMenu) def __init_players(self): "Initializes players" self.players = [ Player("Player 1", self, Player.PLAYER_1, color=(255, 9, 9), controls={ 'up': pygame.K_w, 'down': pygame.K_s }), Player("Player 2", self, Player.PLAYER_2) ] self.currentWinner = None def __init_sound(self): "Initialize SoundManager" self.sound = SoundManager(self.soundFiles) def draw(self): """ Draws all components of the game. """ self.screen.fill(black) if (self.state[GameState.states["PLAY"]]): self.__draw_players() self.__draw_middle_lines() self.scoreboard.draw() self.ball.draw() #middle line elif (self.state[GameState.states["PAUSE"]]): self.scoreboard.draw_pause() elif (self.state[GameState.states["START"]]): self.draw_current_menu() elif (self.state[GameState.states["WINNER"]]): self.scoreboard.draw_winner(self.currentWinner) self.event_check() self.check_option_hover() pygame.display.flip() self.__control_handler() def __draw_players(self): "draws players in game" for player in self.players: player.draw() def __draw_middle_lines(self): """Draws middle white lines and colored player lines Colored player lines represent how far the player is from winning. """ screenHeight = self.screen.get_height() screenWidth = self.screen.get_width() screenCenterX = self.get_screen_center(X=True) #player1 progress player1 = self.players[Player.PLAYER_1] percentageToMaxPoints = float(Pong.MAX_POINTS - player1.points) / Pong.MAX_POINTS pygame.draw.line( self.screen, player1["color"], (screenCenterX - 3, screenHeight * percentageToMaxPoints), (screenCenterX - 3, self.screen.get_height()), 3) #middleline pygame.draw.line( self.screen, white, (self.get_screen_center(X=True), 0), (self.get_screen_center(X=True), self.screen.get_height())) #player2 progress player2 = self.players[Player.PLAYER_2] percentageToMaxPoints = float(Pong.MAX_POINTS - player2.points) / Pong.MAX_POINTS pygame.draw.line( self.screen, player2["color"], (screenCenterX + 3, screenHeight * percentageToMaxPoints), (screenCenterX + 3, screenHeight), 3) def set_game_state_to(self, gameState): "Sets the game state" #set all to false for i, state in enumerate(self.state): self.state[i] = False self.state[gameState] = True def __control_handler(self): keyDown = pygame.key.get_pressed() if (keyDown[pygame.K_p]): self.pause() elif (keyDown[pygame.K_RETURN]): if (self.state[GameState.states["START"]]): self.ball.start_count_down() if (self.state[GameState.states["WINNER"]]): self.restart() elif (keyDown[pygame.K_ESCAPE] and not self.state[GameState.states["PLAY"]]): quit() def pause(self): "Pauses the game" self.set_game_state_to(GameState.states["PAUSE"]) def play(self): "Continues the game" self.set_game_state_to(GameState.states["PLAY"]) def start_game(self): "Starts game from beginning" self.set_game_state_to(GameState.states["PLAY"]) self.ball.start_count_down() def get_screen_center(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a tuple of the screen center by default if X is set it returns just the widths middle if Y is set it returns just the widths middle if X and Y are set to True it returns the default tuple """ widthCenter = self.screen.get_width() / 2 heightCenter = self.screen.get_height() / 2 if ("X" in kwargs and "Y" in kwargs): return (widthCenter, heightCenter) if ("X" in kwargs): return widthCenter if ("Y" in kwargs): return heightCenter return (widthCenter, heightCenter) def set_current_menu(self, menu): "Sets the current menu to be drawn" self.currentMenu = menu def draw_current_menu(self): "Draws the current menu" title = self.currentMenu.title options = self.currentMenu.options #draw menu title if (pygame.font): font = pygame.font.Font(None, self.FONT_SIZE) text = font.render(title, 1, (255, 255, 255)) textpos = text.get_rect(centerx=self.get_screen_center(X=True), centery=self.get_screen_center(Y=True) / 4) self.screen.blit(text, textpos) #draw menu options for i, option in enumerate(options): if (pygame.font): font = pygame.font.Font(None, self.FONT_SIZE) text = font.render(option.text, 1, option.color, option.background) xPosition = self.get_screen_center(X=True) yPosition = (self.get_screen_center(Y=True) / 2) + (self.FONT_SIZE + 10) * i option.set_rect(text.get_rect(centerx=xPosition, centery=yPosition)) self.screen.blit(text, option.get_rect()) def event_check(self): for e in pygame.event.get(): if (e.type == pygame.QUIT): self.close() if (e.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP): self.check_option_clicked() if (e.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE): self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(e.size, pygame.RESIZABLE) self.update() def check_option_hover(self): "Checks if a menu option is hovered and does a hover effect if true" mousePos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() for option in self.currentMenu.options: if (option.get_rect().collidepoint(mousePos)): option.hover(True) else: option.hover(False) def check_option_clicked(self): "Checks if a menu option in the currentMenu is clicked and performs action if so" mousePos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() for option in self.currentMenu.options: if (option.get_rect().collidepoint(mousePos)): option.action() def check_for_winner(self): "Checks if there is a winner and sets game state to winner is so" for player in self.players: if (player.points == Pong.MAX_POINTS): self.currentWinner = player self.play_sound(Sounds.WIN) self.set_game_state_to(GameState.states["WINNER"]) def update(self): "Calls update methods for when window resizes" for player in self.players: player.update() self.ball.update() def play_sound(self, sound):[sound]) def restart(self): "Reset the game points and players" for player in self.players: player.reset() self.ball.reset() self.currentWinner = None self.set_game_state_to(GameState.states["START"]) def close(self): "Closes application and does cleanup if needed" quit()
class Scene: def __init__(self, positions, main): self._players = [ Player("Ninja", "ninja", positions[1], self, 0), Player("Pirate", "pirate", positions[0], self, 1) ] self._collision = Collision(self._players[0], self._players[1]) self._eventOccured = [ False, False ] self._soundManager = SoundManager() self._elapsedTime = 0; self.main = main def _decelerate(self, playerIndex, elapsedTime, ratio=1.0): player = self._players[playerIndex] for i in range(0,2): speed = player.speed()[i] if speed < epsilon and speed > -epsilon: speed = 0 else: if speed > 0: speed -= (acceleration + deceleration) * elapsedTime * ratio else: speed += (acceleration + deceleration) * elapsedTime * ratio player.setSpeed(speed, i) def newFrame(self, elapsedTime): for playerIndex in range(0, 2): player = self._players[playerIndex] if not self._eventOccured[playerIndex]: if player.isJumping: ratio = 0.5 else: ratio = 1.0 self._decelerate(playerIndex, elapsedTime, ratio) self._eventOccured = [ False, False ] self._elapsedTime = elapsedTime for player in self._players: player.update(elapsedTime) for playerIndex in range(0, 2): self._collision.moveForward(playerIndex, self._players[playerIndex].speed()[0] * self._elapsedTime) self._collision.moveSide(playerIndex, self._players[playerIndex].speed()[1] * self._elapsedTime) def _move(self, playerIndex, elapsedTime, axe, delta): self._eventOccured[playerIndex] = True accel = delta * elapsedTime * acceleration decel = delta * elapsedTime * deceleration self._decelerate(playerIndex, elapsedTime, 0.08) consMaxSpeed = maxSpeed if axe == 1: dist = 0.5 + (self._collision.getDistance() / maxDist) / 2 consMaxSpeed *= dist if delta * self._players[playerIndex].speed()[axe] < 0: if axe == 0: self._players[playerIndex].incrementSpeed(accel + decel, 0) else: self._players[playerIndex].incrementSpeed(0, decel + accel) if delta * self._players[playerIndex].speed()[axe] < consMaxSpeed: if axe == 0: self._players[playerIndex].incrementSpeed(accel, 0) else: self._players[playerIndex].incrementSpeed(0, accel) if delta * self._players[playerIndex].speed()[axe] > consMaxSpeed: self._players[playerIndex].setSpeed(delta * consMaxSpeed, axe) def moveForward(self, playerIndex, elapsedTime): isJumping = self._players[playerIndex].isJumping() if isJumping: self._decelerate(playerIndex, elapsedTime, 0.15) elapsedTime /= 1.8 self._move(playerIndex, elapsedTime, 0, 1) def moveBackward(self, playerIndex, elapsedTime): isJumping = self._players[playerIndex].isJumping() if isJumping: self._decelerate(playerIndex, elapsedTime, 0.15) elapsedTime /= 1.8 self._move(playerIndex, elapsedTime, 0, -1) def moveRight(self, playerIndex, elapsedTime): isJumping = self._players[playerIndex].isJumping() if isJumping: self._decelerate(playerIndex, elapsedTime, 0.25) elapsedTime /= 2.5 self._move(playerIndex, elapsedTime, 1, 1) def moveLeft(self, playerIndex, elapsedTime): isJumping = self._players[playerIndex].isJumping() if isJumping: self._decelerate(playerIndex, elapsedTime, 0.25) elapsedTime /= 2.5 self._move(playerIndex, elapsedTime, 1, -1) def jump(self, playerIndex, elapsedTime): self._players[playerIndex].jump(elapsedTime) def attack(self, playerIndex, elapsedTime): self._players[playerIndex].attack(elapsedTime, self._collision.getDistance()) def getOtherPlayer(self, player): if player == self._players[0]: return self._players[1] else: return self._players[0] def getPlayer(self, playerId): """ retourne le joueur playerId. playerId vaut 0 ou 1 """ return self._players[playerId] def getCollision(self): return self._collision def introEnd(self): self._soundManager.introEnd() def getSoundManager(self): return self._soundManager;
def on_close(self): if not in clients: return del clients[] def get_buttons(self, device_id): return all_buttons[(device_id-1)*BUTTONS_NUM:device_id*BUTTONS_NUM] app = tornado.web.Application([ (r'/', IndexHandler), (r'/dashboard', DashboardHandler), (r'/socket', WebSocketHandler), ], static_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static"), autoreload=True, ) if __name__ == '__main__': parse_command_line() app.listen(options.port) sound_manager = SoundManager() sound_manager.daemon = True sound_manager.start() quest_room = QuestRoom(clients) quest_room.sound_manager = sound_manager quest_room.start() tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
# artist = "hichkas", # genre = "Rap", # duration = 150.5, # url = "") songs_list = [ SongModel(id=50, name="ye mosht sarbaz", artist="hichkas", genre="Rap", duration=150.5, url=""), SongModel(id=51, name="ye mosht sarbaz", artist="ho3ein", genre="Rap", duration=150.5, url=""), SongModel(id=52, name="ye mosht sarbaz", artist="sadegh", genre="Rap", duration=150.5, url="") ] SoundManager.get_instance().play_songs(songs_list, 1) SoundManager.get_instance().next_song() SoundManager.get_instance().previous_song() SoundManager.get_instance().pause_song()
import BuzzManager, time #import QuartzScoreManager from SoundManager import SoundManager import sys, time bm = BuzzManager.BuzzManager() #qsm = QuartzScoreManager.QuartzScoreManager() sm = SoundManager() qs_red = "1,0.3,0.3,1" qs_white = "1,1,1,1" qs_black = "0,0,0,0" colors = { 'A Blue': '0,0,1,1', 'B Orange': '1,0.5,0,1', 'C Green': '0,1,0,1', 'D Yellow': '1,1,0,1', 'RED': '1,0,0,1' } """ for e in[26:len(]: print e for x in [0,2,4,255]: time.sleep(0.5) try: e.write(x) print " - wrote OK" sys.exit(0)