def plot_list( list_file, directory, extension=EXTENSION, specific=None, title="No Title", scaling=SCALING, text_offset=TEXT_OFFSET, axis_offset=AXIS_OFFSET, ): file = open(list_file) # Formating for thicker figure for readability plt.rc("axes", linewidth=2.5) ax = plt.gca() ax.tick_params(width=2.5, size=5) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(19) # tick.label1.set_fontweight('bold') for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(19) # tick.label1.set_fontweight('bold') obj_red = [] for line in file: # Creates a list and appends all the objects with their redshifts as nested lists. (object, redshift) = line.split() obj_red.append([object, float(redshift)]) obj_red.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # Sorts the object list by the redshift full_list = lib_spec(directory, extension) # Now create the dictionary of spectra objects. # The obj_red list acts as the keys to the dictionary to the spectra in the full_list dictionary. final = full_list[obj_red[0][0].split(".")[0]] first = full_list[obj_red[-1][0].split(".")[0]] for spec in obj_red: # Reassigns all the redshifts to objects in the full_list. instance = full_list[spec[0].split(".")[0]] instance.redshift(spec[1]) # Assigning redshift i = 0 # Keep track of object number for spec in obj_red: # This iteration plots the spectra. instance = full_list[spec[0].split(".")[0]] instance.plot(i, scaling) # Plot this with the index number (for y translation) and with scaling coefficient. x = ( first.wavlist[0] / (1 + first.z) - text_offset ) # Plots the text relative to the lowest wavelength of the spectra y = i text = + ", z = " + str(round(instance.z, 3)) plt.rc("font", family="serif") plt.text(x, y, text, fontsize=13, family="Cambria") i += 1 # Assigns the axis of the plot. x_axis_low = first.wavlist[0] / (1 + first.z) - axis_offset x_axis_high = final.wavlist[-1] / (1 + final.z) + 200 y_axis_high = i + 1 y_axis_low = -1 # Plot the axis and the line labels. plt.axis([x_axis_low, x_axis_high, y_axis_low, y_axis_high]) plt.xlabel("$\mathrm{Rest \\ Wavelength \\ (\AA)}$", fontsize=25, fontweight="bold") plt.ylabel( "$\mathrm{Relative \\ Spectral \\ Flux \\ (erg \\ s^{-1} \\ cm^{-2} \\ \AA ^{-1}) \\ + \\ Constant}$", fontsize=25, fontweight="bold", ) # Will plot a specific spectra if asked to, not main point of the code. if specific is None: pass else: plt.clf() # Formating for thicker figure for readability plt.rc("axes", linewidth=3) ax = plt.gca() ax.tick_params(width=3, size=5) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(22) # tick.label1.set_fontweight('bold') for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(22) # tick.label1.set_fontweight('bold') plt.xlabel("$\mathrm{Rest \\ Wavelength \\ (\AA)}$", fontsize=30) plt.ylabel("$\mathrm{Relative \\ Spectral \\ Flux \\ (erg \\ s^{-1} \\ cm^{-2} \\ \AA ^{-1})}$", fontsize=30) full_list[specific].plot(0, scaling) y_axis_high = max(full_list[specific].data) * scaling / full_list[specific].norm + 0.9 plt.axis( [ (full_list[specific].wavlist[0] - 50) / (1 + full_list[specific].z), (full_list[specific].wavlist[-1] + 50) / (1 + full_list[specific].z), -0.5, y_axis_high - 0.3, ] ) plt.text( (full_list[specific].wavlist[0]) / (1 + full_list[specific].z), y_axis_high - 0.5, full_list[specific].name + ", $\mathrm{z} = $" + str(round(full_list[specific].z, 3)), horizontalalignment="left", fontsize=25, ) # Plots the relative lin labels. Some have extra whitespace due to closeness. # line_label(1400,"SiIV",y_axis_high) # line_label(1549,"CIV",y_axis_high) # line_label(1909,"CIII",y_axis_high) line_label(2798, "MgII", y_axis_high) line_label(3427, "[NeV]", y_axis_high) line_label(3729, "[OII] ", y_axis_high) line_label(3870, " [NeIII]", y_axis_high) line_label(4341, "H$\gamma$ ", y_axis_high) line_label(4386, " [OIII]", y_axis_high) line_label(4861, "H$\\beta$ ", y_axis_high) line_label(4959, "", y_axis_high) line_label(5007, " [OIII]", y_axis_high) line_label(6548, "[NII] ", y_axis_high) line_label(6563, "H$\\alpha$", y_axis_high) line_label(6584, " [NII]", y_axis_high) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, bottom=0.1) plt.close()
def compspectra(list_file, directory, cutoffs, regions, extension=EXTENSION): file = open(list_file) obj_red = [] for line in file: # Creates a list and appends all the objects with their redshifts as nested lists. (object, redshift) = line.split() obj_red.append([object, float(redshift)]) obj_red.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # Sorts the object list by the redshift full_list = lib_spec(directory, extension) # Now create the dictionary of spectra objects. # The obj_red list acts as the keys to the dictionary to the spectra in the full_list dictionary. for spec in obj_red: # Reassigns all the redshifts to objects in the full_list. instance = full_list[spec[0].split(".")[0]] instance.redshift(spec[1]) # Assigning redshift final = full_list[obj_red[0][0].split(".")[0]].wavlist[-1] / (1 + full_list[obj_red[0][0].split(".")[0]].z) first = full_list[obj_red[-1][0].split(".")[0]].wavlist[0] / (1 + full_list[obj_red[-1][0].split(".")[0]].z) interpgrid = arange( math.floor(first), math.ceil(final) - 0.5, 0.5 ) # Make the grid we are going to interpolate over. regiondat = [] regionsigma = [] regioncount = [] regionspectralists = [] # Creating composite spectra components for j in range(len(regions)): comp_spectras = [] for spec in obj_red: instance = full_list[spec[0].split(".")[0]] if j == 0: if instance.z > cutoffs[0]: comp_spectras.append( CompSpecCpnt(instance.wavlist,, interpgrid, instance.z,, regions[0]) ) else: pass elif j == len(regions) - 1: if instance.z < cutoffs[j - 1]: comp_spectras.append( CompSpecCpnt(instance.wavlist,, interpgrid, instance.z,, regions[j]) ) else: pass else: if (instance.z < cutoffs[j - 1]) and (instance.z > cutoffs[j]): comp_spectras.append( CompSpecCpnt(instance.wavlist,, interpgrid, instance.z,, regions[j]) ) else: pass compdat = [] # Flux Data compsigma = [] # Sigma Data countdat = [] # Number Data # Creating Composite Spectra for i in range(len(interpgrid)): candidates = [] for spec in comp_spectras: if not (spec.fluxlist[i] == 0): candidates.append(spec.fluxlist[i]) if len(candidates) > 1: nooutliers = stats.sigmaclip(candidates)[0] else: nooutliers = candidates if len(nooutliers) > 0: compdat.append(sum(nooutliers) / len(nooutliers)) compsigma.append(std(nooutliers)) else: compdat.append(0) compsigma.append(0) countdat.append(len(nooutliers)) regiondat.append(compdat) regionsigma.append(compsigma) regioncount.append(countdat) regionspectralists.append(comp_spectras) centerregion = regions[int(math.floor(len(regions) / 2))] comp_spectras = [] for i in range(len(regiondat)): for j in range(len(regionspectralists[i])): regionspectralists[i][j].fluxlist = regionspectralists[i][j].fluxlist / sum( regiondat[i][centerregion[0] : centerregion[1]] ) comp_spectras = comp_spectras + regionspectralists[i] compdat = [] # Flux Data compsigma = [] # Sigma Data countdat = [] # Number Data # Creating Composite Spectra for i in range(len(interpgrid)): candidates = [] for spec in comp_spectras: if not (spec.fluxlist[i] == 0): candidates.append(spec.fluxlist[i]) if len(candidates) > 1: nooutliers = stats.sigmaclip(candidates)[0] else: nooutliers = candidates if len(nooutliers) > 0: compdat.append(sum(nooutliers) / len(nooutliers)) compsigma.append(std(nooutliers) / math.sqrt(len(nooutliers))) else: compdat.append(0) compsigma.append(0) countdat.append(len(nooutliers)) return [interpgrid, compdat, compsigma, countdat]