def check_and_ban(update, user_id, should_message=True): chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] try: sw_ban = sw.get_ban(int(user_id)) except: sw_ban = None if sw_ban: update.effective_chat.kick_member(user_id) if should_message: update.effective_message.reply_text( f"<b>Alert</b>: this user is globally banned.\n" f"<code>*bans them from here*</code>.\n" f"<b>Appeal chat</b>: {SPAMWATCH_SUPPORT_CHAT}\n" f"<b>User ID</b>: <code>{}</code>\n" f"<b>Ban Reason</b>: <code>{html.escape(sw_ban.reason)}</code>", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) return if sql.is_user_gbanned(user_id): update.effective_chat.kick_member(user_id) if should_message: text = f"<b>Alert</b>: this user is globally banned.\n" \ f"<code>*bans them from here*</code>.\n" \ f"<b>Appeal chat</b>: @{SUPPORT_CHAT}\n" \ f"<b>User ID</b>: <code>{user_id}</code>" user = sql.get_gbanned_user(user_id) if user.reason: text += f"\n<b>Ban Reason:</b> <code>{html.escape(user.reason)}</code>" update.effective_message.reply_text(text, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
def __user_info__(user_id): is_gbanned = sql.is_user_gbanned(user_id) text = "Malicious: <b>{}</b>" if user_id in [777000, 1087968824]: return "" if user_id == return "" if int(user_id) in DRAGONS + TIGERS + WOLVES: return "" if is_gbanned: text = text.format("Yes") user = sql.get_gbanned_user(user_id) if user.reason: text += f"\n<b>Reason:</b> <code>{html.escape(user.reason)}</code>" text += f"\n<b>Appeal Chat:</b> @{SUPPORT_CHAT}" else: text = text.format("???") return text
def left_member(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): bot = chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user should_goodbye, cust_goodbye, goodbye_type = sql.get_gdbye_pref( if == return if should_goodbye: reply = update.message.message_id cleanserv = sql.clean_service( # Clean service welcome if cleanserv: try:, update.message.message_id) except BadRequest: pass reply = False left_mem = update.effective_message.left_chat_member if left_mem: # Thingy for spamwatched users if sw is not None: sw_ban = sw.get_ban( if sw_ban: return # Dont say goodbyes to gbanned users if is_user_gbanned( return # Ignore bot being kicked if == return # Give the owner a special goodbye if == OWNER_ID: update.effective_message.reply_text("Oi! Genos! He left..", reply_to_message_id=reply) return # Give the devs a special goodbye elif in DEV_USERS: update.effective_message.reply_text( "See you later at the Hero's Association!", reply_to_message_id=reply, ) return # if media goodbye, use appropriate function for it if goodbye_type != sql.Types.TEXT and goodbye_type != sql.Types.BUTTON_TEXT: ENUM_FUNC_MAP[goodbye_type](, cust_goodbye) return first_name = (left_mem.first_name or "PersonWithNoName" ) # edge case of empty name - occurs for some bugs. if cust_goodbye: if cust_goodbye == sql.DEFAULT_GOODBYE: cust_goodbye = random.choice( sql.DEFAULT_GOODBYE_MESSAGES).format( first=escape_markdown(first_name)) if left_mem.last_name: fullname = escape_markdown( f"{first_name} {left_mem.last_name}") else: fullname = escape_markdown(first_name) count = chat.get_members_count() mention = mention_markdown(, first_name) if left_mem.username: username = "******" + escape_markdown(left_mem.username) else: username = mention valid_format = escape_invalid_curly_brackets( cust_goodbye, VALID_WELCOME_FORMATTERS) res = valid_format.format( first=escape_markdown(first_name), last=escape_markdown(left_mem.last_name or first_name), fullname=escape_markdown(fullname), username=username, mention=mention, count=count, chatname=escape_markdown(chat.title),, ) buttons = sql.get_gdbye_buttons( keyb = build_keyboard(buttons) else: res = random.choice( sql.DEFAULT_GOODBYE_MESSAGES).format(first=first_name) keyb = [] keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyb) send( update, res, keyboard, random.choice( sql.DEFAULT_GOODBYE_MESSAGES).format(first=first_name), )
def gban(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): bot, args =, context.args message = update.effective_message user = update.effective_user chat = update.effective_chat log_message = "" user_id, reason = extract_user_and_text(message, args) if not user_id: message.reply_text( "You don't seem to be referring to a user or the ID specified is incorrect.." ) return if int(user_id) in DEV_USERS: message.reply_text( "That user is part of the Association\nI can't act against our own." ) return if int(user_id) in DRAGONS: message.reply_text( "I spy, with my little eye... a disaster! Why are you guys turning on each other?" ) return if int(user_id) in DEMONS: message.reply_text( "OOOH someone's trying to gban a Demon Disaster! *grabs popcorn*") return if int(user_id) in TIGERS: message.reply_text("That's a Tiger! They cannot be banned!") return if int(user_id) in WOLVES: message.reply_text("That's a Wolf! They cannot be banned!") return if user_id == message.reply_text("You uhh...want me to punch myself?") return if user_id in [777000, 1087968824]: message.reply_text("Fool! You can't attack Telegram's native tech!") return try: user_chat = bot.get_chat(user_id) except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "User not found": message.reply_text("I can't seem to find this user.") return "" else: return if user_chat.type != 'private': message.reply_text("That's not a user!") return if sql.is_user_gbanned(user_id): if not reason: message.reply_text( "This user is already gbanned; I'd change the reason, but you haven't given me one..." ) return old_reason = sql.update_gban_reason( user_id, user_chat.username or user_chat.first_name, reason) if old_reason: message.reply_text( "This user is already gbanned, for the following reason:\n" "<code>{}</code>\n" "I've gone and updated it with your new reason!".format( html.escape(old_reason)), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: message.reply_text( "This user is already gbanned, but had no reason set; I've gone and updated it!" ) return message.reply_text("On it!") start_time = time.time() datetime_fmt = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M" current_time = datetime.utcnow().strftime(datetime_fmt) if chat.type != 'private': chat_origin = "<b>{} ({})</b>\n".format(html.escape(chat.title), else: chat_origin = "<b>{}</b>\n".format( log_message = ( f"#GBANNED\n" f"<b>Originated from:</b> <code>{chat_origin}</code>\n" f"<b>Admin:</b> {mention_html(, user.first_name)}\n" f"<b>Banned User:</b> {mention_html(, user_chat.first_name)}\n" f"<b>Banned User ID:</b> <code>{}</code>\n" f"<b>Event Stamp:</b> <code>{current_time}</code>") if reason: if chat.type == chat.SUPERGROUP and chat.username: log_message += f"\n<b>Reason:</b> <a href=\"{chat.username}/{message.message_id}\">{reason}</a>" else: log_message += f"\n<b>Reason:</b> <code>{reason}</code>" if EVENT_LOGS: try: log = bot.send_message(EVENT_LOGS, log_message, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) except BadRequest as excp: log = bot.send_message( EVENT_LOGS, log_message + "\n\nFormatting has been disabled due to an unexpected error.") else: send_to_list(bot, DRAGONS + DEMONS, log_message, html=True) sql.gban_user(user_id, user_chat.username or user_chat.first_name, reason) chats = get_user_com_chats(user_id) gbanned_chats = 0 for chat in chats: chat_id = int(chat) # Check if this group has disabled gbans if not sql.does_chat_gban(chat_id): continue try: bot.kick_chat_member(chat_id, user_id) gbanned_chats += 1 except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message in GBAN_ERRORS: pass else: message.reply_text(f"Could not gban due to: {excp.message}") if EVENT_LOGS: bot.send_message(EVENT_LOGS, f"Could not gban due to {excp.message}", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: send_to_list(bot, DRAGONS + DEMONS, f"Could not gban due to: {excp.message}") sql.ungban_user(user_id) return except TelegramError: pass if EVENT_LOGS: log.edit_text(log_message + f"\n<b>Chats affected:</b> <code>{gbanned_chats}</code>", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: send_to_list( bot, DRAGONS + DEMONS, f"Gban complete! (User banned in <code>{gbanned_chats}</code> chats)", html=True) end_time = time.time() gban_time = round((end_time - start_time), 2) if gban_time > 60: gban_time = round((gban_time / 60), 2) message.reply_text("Done! Gbanned.", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: message.reply_text("Done! Gbanned.", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) try: bot.send_message( user_id, "#EVENT" "You have been marked as Malicious and as such have been banned from any future groups we manage." f"\n<b>Reason:</b> <code>{html.escape(user.reason)}</code>" f"</b>Appeal Chat:</b> @{SUPPORT_CHAT}", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) except: pass # bot probably blocked by user
def ungban(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): bot, args =, context.args message = update.effective_message user = update.effective_user chat = update.effective_chat log_message = "" user_id = extract_user(message, args) if not user_id: message.reply_text( "You don't seem to be referring to a user or the ID specified is incorrect.." ) return user_chat = bot.get_chat(user_id) if user_chat.type != 'private': message.reply_text("That's not a user!") return if not sql.is_user_gbanned(user_id): message.reply_text("This user is not gbanned!") return message.reply_text( f"I'll give {user_chat.first_name} a second chance, globally.") start_time = time.time() datetime_fmt = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M" current_time = datetime.utcnow().strftime(datetime_fmt) if chat.type != 'private': chat_origin = f"<b>{html.escape(chat.title)} ({})</b>\n" else: chat_origin = f"<b>{}</b>\n" log_message = ( f"#UNGBANNED\n" f"<b>Originated from:</b> <code>{chat_origin}</code>\n" f"<b>Admin:</b> {mention_html(, user.first_name)}\n" f"<b>Unbanned User:</b> {mention_html(, user_chat.first_name)}\n" f"<b>Unbanned User ID:</b> <code>{}</code>\n" f"<b>Event Stamp:</b> <code>{current_time}</code>") if EVENT_LOGS: try: log = bot.send_message(EVENT_LOGS, log_message, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) except BadRequest as excp: log = bot.send_message( EVENT_LOGS, log_message + "\n\nFormatting has been disabled due to an unexpected error.") else: send_to_list(bot, DRAGONS + DEMONS, log_message, html=True) chats = get_user_com_chats(user_id) ungbanned_chats = 0 for chat in chats: chat_id = int(chat) # Check if this group has disabled gbans if not sql.does_chat_gban(chat_id): continue try: member = bot.get_chat_member(chat_id, user_id) if member.status == 'kicked': bot.unban_chat_member(chat_id, user_id) ungbanned_chats += 1 except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message in UNGBAN_ERRORS: pass else: message.reply_text(f"Could not un-gban due to: {excp.message}") if EVENT_LOGS: bot.send_message( EVENT_LOGS, f"Could not un-gban due to: {excp.message}", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: bot.send_message( OWNER_ID, f"Could not un-gban due to: {excp.message}") return except TelegramError: pass sql.ungban_user(user_id) if EVENT_LOGS: log.edit_text(log_message + f"\n<b>Chats affected:</b> {ungbanned_chats}", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: send_to_list(bot, DRAGONS + DEMONS, "un-gban complete!") end_time = time.time() ungban_time = round((end_time - start_time), 2) if ungban_time > 60: ungban_time = round((ungban_time / 60), 2) message.reply_text( f"Person has been un-gbanned. Took {ungban_time} min") else: message.reply_text( f"Person has been un-gbanned. Took {ungban_time} sec")