コード例 #1
 def fitSkewedGaussianAndComputeMaxLLH(self, n, bins, nbins, fileName, number, 
                                       latex=False, string=' ', plotFigures=False):
     # Read data from file
     data        = np.loadtxt(fileName)
     bestFits    = data[:, 1]
     lowLimit    = data[:, 2]
     highLimit   = data[:, 3]
     # Compute estimates
     best  = bestFits[number]
     lower = bestFits[number]  - lowLimit[number]
     upper = highLimit[number] - bestFits[number]
     # Initialise maximum likelihood parameters
     llhood = Stats()
     llhood.best  = -1000
     llhood.minus = 0
     llhood.plus  = 0
     # Fit skewed Gaussian distribution to the result
     # Note that the number of bins is one larger than the number of results, so we need to remove the last bin
     # Find approximate position of the maximum and the width of the curve to easy the fitting process
     curveInfo = (np.max(bins), np.argmax(n[1:-10]), 0, 0, 1)
     skewFits, skewCovar = opt.curve_fit(self.skewGaussian, bins[1:-10], n[1:-10], p0=curveInfo)
     ySkew = self.skewGaussian(bins, skewFits[0], skewFits[1], skewFits[2], skewFits[3], skewFits[4])
     # Determine maximum likelihood and its uncertainties based on skewed Gaussian fit
     llhood.likeLimits1D(ySkew, bins, 1)
     ## OUTPUT
     # Plot if wanted
     if (plotFigures == True):
         plt.plot(bins, ySkew, 'k--', linewidth=2, label="Skewed Gaussian fit")
         plt.legend(loc="center right", bbox_to_anchor=(1.018, 1.07), ncol=2)
     # End if-statement
     # Print distribution properties to screen
     if (latex==False):
         # Print in readable format
         print "~" * 60, "\n"
         print "\tstackResults"
         print "\tMaximum likelihood: tau0 =", llhood.best
         print "\tDifference to lower limit:", llhood.minus
         print "\tDifference to upper limit:", llhood.plus
         if (number != None):
             print "\tJavelin best fit value:", best
             print "\tDifference to Javelin lower limit:", lower
             print "\tDifference to Javelin upper limit:", upper
         # End if-statement
         print "\n", "~" * 60
         # Print in LaTeX format
         print(' ', string, '& $',round(llhood.best,1),'_{-',
               round(llhood.minus,1),'}^{+',round(llhood.plus,1),'} $ & $',
               round(best,1),'_{-',round(lower,1),'}^{+', round(upper,1),'} $ \\')
     # End if-statement
     # Decide what output to give from function
     if (number != None):
         return np.array([llhood.best, llhood.minus, llhood.plus, best, lower, upper])
         return np.array([llhood.best, llhood.minus, llhood.plus, -1000, 0, 0 ])
コード例 #2
def testingTFimpact():
    # These are the data we'll be using
    folder = '/Users/uqnsomme/Documents/Obelix/FakeAGN/TFs/'
    names  = ['0Phi', '001Phi', '010Phi', '025Phi', '01TH', 'Gamma', 'Gauss', 'Sphere']
    nn     = len(names)
    maxLag = 1000.0
    # Initialisation
    bins      = np.arange(0.0, maxLag, 10)      # Grid/x-axis for histograms
    binssmall = np.arange(0.0, maxLag)          # Grid/x-axis for accurate median calculation
    est    = np.zeros((nn, 1000))               # Array to hold all the time lag estimates from Javelin
    n      = np.zeros((nn, 99))                 # y-axis for hisograms
    nsmall = np.zeros((nn, 999))                # y-axis for accurate median calculation
    # We'll be making the same kind of plot for all of the TFs
    for i in range(nn):
        print 'About to start reading ' + names[i]
        # Import data
        lagMatrName = folder + 'TFs' + names[i] + '.dat'
        lagMatr     = np.loadtxt(lagMatrName)   # Load in results file
        true        = lagMatr[:, 0]             # Time lag, as created by me
        est[i,:]    = lagMatr[:, 1]             # Estimates found by Javelin
        # Depending on what physical scenario we're considering, choose appropriate axes and labels for figure
        if (i==0):
            maxN = 4e-2
            ymal = 1e-2
            ymil = 5e-3
            maxN = 1e-2
            ymal = 2e-3
            ymil = 1e-3
        # End if-statement
        # Calculate histograms to do some maths
        n[i,:], _      = np.histogram(est, bins=bins, normed=True)
        nsmall[i,:], _ = np.histogram(est, bins=binssmall, normed=True)
        # Fit skewed Gaussian distribution to the result to later calculate median
        skewFits, skewCovar = opt.curve_fit(Stacking.skewGaussian, bins[0:-1], n[i,:], p0=(1./np.std(n[i,:]), np.argmax(n[i,:]), 0, 0, 1))
        ySkew = Stacking.skewGaussian(binssmall, skewFits[0], skewFits[1], skewFits[2], skewFits[3], skewFits[4])
        # Determine maximum likelihood and its uncertainties
        llhood = Stats()
        llhood.best  = -1000
        llhood.minus = 0
        llhood.plus  = 0
        llhood.likeLimits1D(ySkew, binssmall, 1)
        # Determine median and error estimates
        median, minus, plus = Stats.getMedianEstimates(binssmall, nsmall[i,:])
        # Print distribution properties to screen
        print "=" * 60, "\n"
        print "\tMaximum likelihood: tau0 =", llhood.best
        print "\tDifference to lower limit:", llhood.minus
        print "\tDifference to upper limit:", llhood.plus
        print "\tMedian:", median
        print "\tMedian lower:", minus
        print "\tMedian upper:", plus
        print "\n", "=" * 60
        # Create figure showing the distribution of estimates for a particular TF
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,10))
        plt.hist(est, bins=bins, normed=True, label='JAVELIN estimates')
        plt.plot(binssmall, ySkew, linewidth=2, label="Best skewed Gaussian fit")
        plt.plot([true[i], true[i]], [0, maxN], linewidth=2, label='True lag')
        # Specify figure properties
        plt.axis([0, maxLag, 0, maxN])
        plt.xlabel('Time lag [days]', fontsize='large')
        plt.ylabel('Number of instances', fontsize='large')
        ax = plt.axes()
        plt.savefig(folder+names[i]+'.png', dpi=500, bbox_inches='tight')
    # End for-loop
    # Create plot showing the different estimate distributions for all of the TFs
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,10))
    plt.hist(est[4,:], bins=bins, normed=True, histtype='step', color='darkblue', label=r'$\mathrm{Face-on\ ring}$')
    plt.hist(est[7,:], bins=bins, normed=True, histtype='step', color='paleturquoise', label=r'$\mathrm{Sphere}$')
    plt.hist(est[1,:], bins=bins, normed=True, histtype='step', color='mediumorchid', label=r'$\phi=\pi/100$')
    plt.hist(est[2,:], bins=bins, normed=True, histtype='step', color='darkgreen', label=r'$\phi=\pi/10$')
    plt.hist(est[3,:], bins=bins, normed=True, histtype='step', color='black', label=r'$\phi=\pi/4$')
    plt.hist(est[5,:], bins=bins, normed=True, histtype='step', color='olivedrab', label=r'$\mathrm{Gamma}$')
    plt.hist(est[4,:], bins=bins, normed=True, histtype='step', color='pink', label=r'$\mathrm{Gauss}$')
    plt.plot([true[i], true[i]], [0, maxN], 'r', label=r'$\mathrm{True\ lag}$')
    # Specify figure properties
    plt.axis([0, maxLag, 0, 0.009])
    plt.xlabel(r'$\mathrm{Time\ lag\ [days]}$', fontsize='large')
    plt.ylabel(r'$N_{norm}$', fontsize='large')
    ax = plt.axes()
    plt.savefig('/Users/uqnsomme/Documents/ManyHists.png', dpi=500, bbox_inches='tight')