コード例 #1
ファイル: Storage.py プロジェクト: kytvi2p/i2p.pybit
 def __init__(self, config, btPersister, ident, torrent, pathprefix):
     self.config = config
     self.btPersister = btPersister
     self.torrent = torrent
     self.pathprefix = pathprefix
     self.loaded = False
     self.shouldAbortLoad = False
     self.loadLock = threading.Lock()
     shouldPersist = self.config.get('storage', 'persistPieceStatus')
     self.ownStatus = PersistentOwnStatus(btPersister, shouldPersist, self.torrent.getTotalAmountOfPieces())
     self.log = Logger('Storage', '%-6s - ', ident)
     self.lock = threading.Lock()
コード例 #2
ファイル: Storage.py プロジェクト: kytvi2p/i2p.pybit
class Storage:
    def __init__(self, config, btPersister, ident, torrent, pathprefix):
        self.config = config
        self.btPersister = btPersister
        self.torrent = torrent
        self.pathprefix = pathprefix
        self.loaded = False
        self.shouldAbortLoad = False
        self.loadLock = threading.Lock()
        shouldPersist = self.config.get('storage', 'persistPieceStatus')
        self.ownStatus = PersistentOwnStatus(btPersister, shouldPersist, self.torrent.getTotalAmountOfPieces())
        self.log = Logger('Storage', '%-6s - ', ident)
        self.lock = threading.Lock()
    ##internal functions - files
    def _getFilePath(self, filePath):
        realFilePath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.pathprefix, filePath))
        if not realFilePath.startswith(self.pathprefix):
            raise StorageException('Security violation: file "%s" is not inside base directory "%s" (original path: "%s")', realFilePath, self.pathprefix, os.path.join(self.pathprefix, filePath))
        return realFilePath
    ##internal functions - loading
    def _checkFile(self, filePath, wantedFileSize):
        #checks path to file and the size of the file itself,
        #may throw StorageException if the file path is not acceptable or a directory or file operation fails
        created = False
        modified = False
        #get file path
        realFilePath = self._getFilePath(filePath)
        #check directory
        dirPath = os.path.dirname(realFilePath)
        if not os.path.exists(dirPath):
            #directory doesn't exist, create it
            created = True
            self.log.debug('Creating Directory "%s"', dirPath)
            except OSError:
                raise StorageException('Failed to create directory "%s":\n%s' % (dirPath, logTraceback()))
        #check file
        if not os.path.exists(realFilePath):
            #file needs to be created
            fl = open(realFilePath, 'ab')
            created = True
        self.log.debug('Processing file "%s" (original name "%s"): new "%s", isdir "%s", isfile "%s", islink "%s", dirname "%s", basename "%s"',\
                       realFilePath, filePath, str(created), str(os.path.isdir(realFilePath)), str(os.path.isfile(realFilePath)),\
                       str(os.path.islink(realFilePath)), dirPath, os.path.basename(realFilePath))
            fl = open(realFilePath, 'rb+')
            with fl:
                #file opened
                fl.seek(0, 2)
                currentFileSize = fl.tell()
                if currentFileSize < wantedFileSize:
                    self.log.debug('File "%s" is %d bytes to short', realFilePath, wantedFileSize - currentFileSize)
                    modified = True
                    self.log.debug('File "%s" has the correct size', realFilePath)
                #fill if needed
                if (not self.shouldAbortLoad) and currentFileSize + 1045876 < wantedFileSize:
                    #large fill
                    start = time()
                    fl.seek(1048575, 1)
                    currentFileSize = fl.tell()
                    needed = time() - start
                        step = int(1048575 * 0.1 / needed)
                    except ZeroDivisionError:
                        step = wantedFileSize - currentFileSize - 1
                    step = max(1, step)
                    self.log.debug('Needed %f seconds for 1 Mb, step size %i', needed, step)
                    while (not self.shouldAbortLoad) and currentFileSize + step <= wantedFileSize - 1:
                        fl.seek(step, 1)
                        currentFileSize = fl.tell()
                        self.log.debug("Progress: %i / %i", currentFileSize, wantedFileSize)
                if (not self.shouldAbortLoad) and currentFileSize < wantedFileSize: 
                    #seek remaining bytes and write last byte
                    fl.seek((wantedFileSize - currentFileSize - 1), 1)
                    currentFileSize = fl.tell()
                    self.log.debug("Progress: %i / %i", currentFileSize, wantedFileSize)
        except IOError:
            #something failed
            raise StorageException('Failure while processing file "%s":\n%s' % (realFilePath, logTraceback()))
        return created, modified
    def _checkAllFiles(self):
        anyModified = False
        allCreated = True
        files = self.torrent.getFiles()
        place = 0
        while (not self.shouldAbortLoad) and place < len(files):
            fileSet = files[place]
            created, modified = self._checkFile(fileSet['path'], fileSet['size'])
            anyModified |= modified
            allCreated &= created
            place += 1
        return allCreated, anyModified
    def _checkPieceAvailability(self):
        #check which pieces are already finished
        #may throw StorageException if things go wrong
        piece = 0
        pieceAmount = self.torrent.getTotalAmountOfPieces()
        while (not self.shouldAbortLoad) and piece < pieceAmount:
            #check piece
            data = self.getData(piece, 0, self.torrent.getLengthOfPiece(piece))
            if sha1(data).digest() == self.torrent.getPieceHashByPieceIndex(piece):
                #hash matches, piece is finished
                self.ownStatus.setPieceStatus(piece, True)
                self.log.debug('Piece Nr. %d is finished', piece)
                #hash doesn't match, not finished
                self.ownStatus.setPieceStatus(piece, False)
                self.log.debug('Piece Nr. %d is  not finished', piece)
            piece += 1
    def _load(self, completionCallback):
        with self.loadLock:
            #inside lock
            self.log.info('Loading files of torrent')
            loadSuccess = False
                #check files of torrent
                if not self.config.get('storage', 'skipFileCheck'):
                    #skipping is not allowed
                    self.log.debug('Not allowed to skip file checking, starting check')
                    allCreated, anyModified = self._checkAllFiles()
                    self.btPersister.store('Storage-checkedFiles', True)
                elif not self.btPersister.get('Storage-checkedFiles', False):
                    #skipping would be allowed but we didn't check even once up to now
                    self.log.debug('Files were not checked up to now, starting check')
                    allCreated, anyModified = self._checkAllFiles()
                    self.btPersister.store('Storage-checkedFiles', True)
                    #skipping is allowed and files were already checked
                    self.log.debug('Skipping file checking')
                    allCreated = False
                    anyModified = False
                #check which pieces are already finished
                if allCreated:
                    #no need to check piece availability, all files were just written to disk
                    self.log.debug('Skipping hashing, files were just created')
                    #possibly need to check, some files already existed
                    if self.ownStatus.loadPersistedData():
                        #persisted status info existed
                        self.log.debug('Skipping hashing, managed to load persisted status data')
                        #there is no persisted data
                        self.log.debug('Checking which pieces are already finished')
                #check if loading wasn't aborted
                if not self.shouldAbortLoad:
                    loadSuccess = True
                    self.loaded = True
            except StorageException, se:
                self.log.error('Failure during load:\n%s', logTraceback())
            if not self.shouldAbortLoad: