def __init__(self, file_dict, apply_callback): QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.apply_callback = apply_callback self.uncheckableColumns = 2 self.settings = QSettings("Exile", "StatusView") self.settings.beginGroup("status_view") self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.restoreGeometry(self.settings.value("geometry").toByteArray()) self.tree = self.ui.treeWidget # Last column should not be the one stretching on resize, first one should self.tree.header().setStretchLastSection(False) self.tree.header().setResizeMode(0, QHeaderView.Stretch) self.resize_headers_to_minimum() # highlighting is distracting and buggy with checkboxes self.tree.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.NoSelection) self.ui.applyButton.clicked.connect(self.apply_clicked) self.ui.closeButton.clicked.connect(self.close_clicked) self.process_dict(file_dict, self.tree) self.tree.expandAll()
class StatusView(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, file_dict, apply_callback): QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.apply_callback = apply_callback self.uncheckableColumns = 2 self.settings = QSettings("Exile", "StatusView") self.settings.beginGroup("status_view") self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.restoreGeometry(self.settings.value("geometry").toByteArray()) self.tree = self.ui.treeWidget # Last column should not be the one stretching on resize, first one should self.tree.header().setStretchLastSection(False) self.tree.header().setResizeMode(0, QHeaderView.Stretch) self.resize_headers_to_minimum() # highlighting is distracting and buggy with checkboxes self.tree.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.NoSelection) self.ui.applyButton.clicked.connect(self.apply_clicked) self.ui.closeButton.clicked.connect(self.close_clicked) self.process_dict(file_dict, self.tree) self.tree.expandAll() def closeEvent(self, event): self.settings.setValue("geometry", self.saveGeometry()); def resize_headers_to_minimum(self): maxWidth = 0 header = self.tree.headerItem() for i in range(self.uncheckableColumns, self.tree.columnCount()+1): fm = QFontMetrics(header.font(i)) width = fm.width(header.text(i)) if width > maxWidth: maxWidth = width maxWidth = maxWidth + 20 for i in range(self.uncheckableColumns, self.tree.columnCount()+1): self.tree.setColumnWidth(i, maxWidth) def tree_item_radio_clicked(self, button): self.uncheck_parents(button.treeItem) id = if id == 1 or id == 2: # ignore columns self.enable_children(button.treeItem, False) else: self.enable_children(button.treeItem, True) self.check_children(button.treeItem, id) def apply_clicked(self): new_file_dict = self.apply_callback(self.harvest_form()) self.tree.clear() self.process_dict(new_file_dict, self.tree) self.tree.expandAll() return def close_clicked(self): self.close() return def attach_data(self, item, data): item.my_data = data def retrieve_data(self, item): try: return item.my_data except: return None def process_dict(self, file_dict, parent_item): if file_dict == None: return for k,v in sorted(file_dict.items()): if isinstance(v, dict): item = self.add_node(parent_item, k, "DIR") self.process_dict(v, item) elif isinstance(v, basestring): self.add_node(parent_item, k, v) def uncheck_parents(self, item): parent = item.parent() while parent != None: parentFirstButton = self.tree.itemWidget(parent, self.uncheckableColumns + 1) group = self.uncheck_group(group) parent = parent.parent() def check_children(self, item, id): child_count = item.childCount() for i in range(child_count): childItem = item.child(i) firstButton = self.tree.itemWidget(childItem, self.uncheckableColumns + 1) group = buttonToCheck = group.button(id) if buttonToCheck != None: if buttonToCheck.isEnabled(): buttonToCheck.setChecked(True) else: self.uncheck_group(group) self.check_children(childItem, id) def enable_children(self, item, enabled): child_count = item.childCount() for i in range(child_count): childItem = item.child(i) firstButton = self.tree.itemWidget(childItem, self.uncheckableColumns + 1) group = if not enabled: self.uncheck_group(group) all_buttons = group.buttons() for button in all_buttons: button.setEnabled(enabled) self.enable_children(childItem, enabled) def uncheck_group(self, group): checkedButton = group.checkedButton() if checkedButton != None: group.setExclusive(False); group.checkedButton().setChecked(False); group.setExclusive(True); def add_node(self, parentItem, path, type): item = QTreeWidgetItem(parentItem) item.setText(0, path_leaf(path)) buttonGroup = QButtonGroup() isNewFile = type is "UNTRACKED" isModifiedFile = type is "MODIFIED" isMissing = type is "MISSING" isDirectory = type is "DIR" if isNewFile: item.setText(1, type) item.setForeground(1, QBrush(QColor(0, 255, 0))) if isModifiedFile: item.setText(1, type) item.setForeground(1, QBrush(QColor(0, 0, 255))) if isMissing: item.setText(1, type) item.setForeground(1, QBrush(QColor(255, 0, 0))) if isDirectory: for i in range(self.tree.columnCount()): item.setBackground(i, QBrush(QColor(230, 230, 255))) # must keep reference to buttonGroup for its callback to work parent_data = self.retrieve_data(parentItem) if parent_data != None: path = os.path.join(parent_data[0], path) self.attach_data(item, (path, buttonGroup, type)) for i in range(self.uncheckableColumns, self.tree.columnCount()): if i == self.tree.columnCount() - 7 and isMissing: continue # option to add not enabled for missing files if i == self.tree.columnCount() - 4 and isNewFile: continue # option to resolve not enabled for new files if i == self.tree.columnCount() - 3 and not isMissing: continue # option to stop tracking enabled only for missing files if i == self.tree.columnCount() - 2 and not isNewFile: continue # option to delete enabled only for untracked files if i == self.tree.columnCount() - 2 and isDirectory: continue # option to delete not enabled for directories, too dangerous button = QRadioButton() buttonGroup.addButton(button, i - self.uncheckableColumns) # id is the index button.treeItem = item self.tree.setItemWidget(item, i, button) buttonGroup.buttonClicked.connect(self.tree_item_radio_clicked) return item def harvest_form(self): result = {} result["add"] = [] result["ignore_glob"] = [] result["ignore_loc"] = [] result["resolve"] = [] result["stop_track"] = [] result["delete"] = [] result_map = [] # lookup of button index to value result_map.append("add") result_map.append("ignore_glob") result_map.append("ignore_loc") result_map.append("resolve") result_map.append("stop_track") result_map.append("delete") root = self.tree.invisibleRootItem() self.harvest_node(result, result_map, root) return result def harvest_node(self, result, result_map, item): child_count = item.childCount() for i in range(child_count): childItem = item.child(i) firstButton = self.tree.itemWidget(childItem, self.uncheckableColumns + 1) group = checkedId = group.checkedId() if checkedId >= 0 and checkedId < len(result_map): path = self.retrieve_data(childItem)[0] type = self.retrieve_data(childItem)[2] result[result_map[checkedId]].append((path,type)) self.harvest_node(result, result_map, childItem)