def getT2ttSignalWeight(sample, lumi): '''Get a dictionary for T2tt signal weights ''' from import xSecSusy xSecSusy_ = xSecSusy() channel = 'stop13TeV' signalWeight = {} mMax = 1500 bStr = str(mMax) + ',' + str(mMax) sample.chain.Draw( "GenSusyMScan2:GenSusyMScan1>>hNEvents(" + ','.join([bStr, bStr]) + ")", "", "goff") hNEvents = ROOT.gDirectory.Get("hNEvents") for i in range(mMax): for j in range(mMax): n = hNEvents.GetBinContent(hNEvents.FindBin(i, j)) if n > 0: signalWeight[(i, j)] = { 'weight': lumi * xSecSusy_.getXSec(channel=channel, mass=i, sigma=0) / n, 'xSecFacUp': xSecSusy_.getXSec(channel=channel, mass=i, sigma=1) / xSecSusy_.getXSec(channel=channel, mass=i, sigma=0), 'xSecFacDown': xSecSusy_.getXSec(channel=channel, mass=i, sigma=-1) / xSecSusy_.getXSec(channel=channel, mass=i, sigma=0) } # "Found mStop %5i mNeu %5i Number of events: %6i, xSec: %10.6f, weight: %6.6f (+1 sigma rel: %6.6f, -1 sigma rel: %6.6f)", i,j,n, xSecSusy_.getXSec(channel=channel,mass=i,sigma=0), signalWeight[(i,j)]['weight'], signalWeight[(i,j)]['xSecFacUp'], signalWeight[(i,j)]['xSecFacDown'] ) del hNEvents return signalWeight
def getT2ttSignalWeight(sample, lumi): """Get a dictionary for T2tt signal weights """ from import xSecSusy xSecSusy_ = xSecSusy() channel = "stop13TeV" signalWeight = {} mMax = 1500 bStr = str(mMax) + "," + str(mMax) sample.chain.Draw("GenSusyMScan2:GenSusyMScan1>>hNEvents(" + ",".join([bStr, bStr]) + ")", "", "goff") hNEvents = ROOT.gDirectory.Get("hNEvents") for i in range(mMax): for j in range(mMax): n = hNEvents.GetBinContent(hNEvents.FindBin(i, j)) if n > 0: signalWeight[(i, j)] = { "weight": lumi * xSecSusy_.getXSec(channel=channel, mass=i, sigma=0) / n, "xSecFacUp": xSecSusy_.getXSec(channel=channel, mass=i, sigma=1) / xSecSusy_.getXSec(channel=channel, mass=i, sigma=0), "xSecFacDown": xSecSusy_.getXSec(channel=channel, mass=i, sigma=-1) / xSecSusy_.getXSec(channel=channel, mass=i, sigma=0), } # "Found mStop %5i mNeu %5i Number of events: %6i, xSec: %10.6f, weight: %6.6f (+1 sigma rel: %6.6f, -1 sigma rel: %6.6f)", i,j,n, xSecSusy_.getXSec(channel=channel,mass=i,sigma=0), signalWeight[(i,j)]['weight'], signalWeight[(i,j)]['xSecFacUp'], signalWeight[(i,j)]['xSecFacDown'] ) del hNEvents return signalWeight
if doTopPtReweighting: print "Computing top pt average weight...", c = ROOT.TChain("tree") for chunk in chunks: c.Add(chunk['file']) # print getTopPtDrawString() topScaleF = getYieldFromChain(c, cutString="(1)", weight=getTopPtDrawString()) topScaleF /= c.GetEntries() c.IsA().Destructor(c) del c print "found a top pt average correction factor of %f" % topScaleF if options.signal: from import xSecSusy xSecSusy_ = xSecSusy() channel = 'stop13TeV' signalWeight = {} c = ROOT.TChain("tree") for chunk in chunks: c.Add(chunk['file']) print "Fetching signal weights..." mMax = 1500 bStr = str(mMax) + ',' + str(mMax) c.Draw("GenSusyMScan2:GenSusyMScan1>>hNEvents(" + ','.join([bStr, bStr]) + ")") hNEvents = ROOT.gDirectory.Get("hNEvents") for i in range(mMax): for j in range(mMax): n = hNEvents.GetBinContent(hNEvents.FindBin(i, j)) if n > 0:
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(ofilename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(ofilename)) T2tt_exp = getObjFromFile(options.filename, "T2tt_exp") T2tt_exp_up = getObjFromFile(options.filename, "T2tt_exp_up") T2tt_exp_down = getObjFromFile(options.filename, "T2tt_exp_down") T2tt_obs = getObjFromFile(options.filename, "T2tt_exp").Clone('T2tt_obs') #FIXME!!! This is just for now... T2tt_obs_UL = T2tt_obs.Clone("T2tt_obs_UL") #theory uncertainty on observed limit T2tt_obs_up = T2tt_obs.Clone("T2tt_obs_up") T2tt_obs_down = T2tt_obs.Clone("T2tt_obs_down") T2tt_obs_up .Reset() T2tt_obs_down.Reset() from import xSecSusy xSecSusy_ = xSecSusy() for ix in range(T2tt_obs.GetNbinsX()): for iy in range(T2tt_obs.GetNbinsY()): mStop = T2tt_obs.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(ix) mNeu = T2tt_obs.GetYaxis().GetBinLowEdge(iy) v = T2tt_obs.GetBinContent(T2tt_obs.FindBin(mStop, mNeu)) if v>0: scaleup = xSecSusy_.getXSec(channel='stop13TeV',mass=mStop,sigma=1)/xSecSusy_.getXSec(channel='stop13TeV',mass=mStop,sigma=0) scaledown = xSecSusy_.getXSec(channel='stop13TeV',mass=mStop,sigma=-1)/xSecSusy_.getXSec(channel='stop13TeV',mass=mStop,sigma=0) T2tt_obs_UL.SetBinContent(T2tt_obs.FindBin(mStop, mNeu), v*xSecSusy_.getXSec(channel='stop13TeV',mass=mStop,sigma=0)) T2tt_obs_up.SetBinContent(T2tt_obs.FindBin(mStop, mNeu), v*scaleup) T2tt_obs_down.SetBinContent(T2tt_obs.FindBin(mStop, mNeu), v*scaledown) T2tt_obs_int = interpolate(T2tt_obs) T2tt_obs_UL_int = interpolate(T2tt_obs_UL) T2tt_obs_up_int = interpolate(T2tt_obs_up)