コード例 #1
ファイル: Game.py プロジェクト: breppert/forbidden_desert
 def __init__(self, num_players, difficulty):
     self.board = Board()
     self.storm = Storm(num_players, difficulty)
     self.players = []
     equipment_deck = EquipmentDeck()
     for i in range(num_players):
         self.players.append(Player(self.abilities[i], self.board, equipment_deck))
     self.finishing_pieces = [] #When all 4 are collected, the game can be won
コード例 #2
ファイル: Game.py プロジェクト: breppert/forbidden_desert
class Game:

    abilities = ["Navigator", "Water Carrier", "Explorer", "Climber",  "Archaeologist", "Climber"]

    def __init__(self, num_players, difficulty):
        self.board = Board()
        self.storm = Storm(num_players, difficulty)
        self.players = []
        equipment_deck = EquipmentDeck()
        for i in range(num_players):
            self.players.append(Player(self.abilities[i], self.board, equipment_deck))
        self.finishing_pieces = [] #When all 4 are collected, the game can be won

    def __set_players_starting_spaces__(self):
        starting_tile = self.board.get_starting_tile()
        for player in self.players:
            player.current_tile = starting_tile
            starting_tile.players_on = self.players

    def run_game(self):
            for player in self.players:
                print "STARTING PLAYER TURN: %s" % player.ability

    def play_turn(self, player):
        player.solar_shielded = False
        actions_remaining = 4
        while actions_remaining > 0:

            self._print_player_info(player, actions_remaining)
            action, direction = self.get_action(player)
            valid, sand_removed, additional_actions = player.make_action(action, direction, self.players, self.storm)
            self.storm.sand += sand_removed
            if valid:
                actions_remaining -= 1
            actions_remaining += additional_actions

    def _print_player_info(self, player, actions_remaining):
        print "Storm Level: %d, Sand Remaining: %d, Cards in Storm Deck: %d" % (self.storm.storm_level, self.storm.sand, len(self.storm.face_down_storm_cards))
        print "Player: %s, Water: %d, Actions Remaining: %d" % (player.ability, player.water, actions_remaining)
        print "Equipment cards: " + str(player.equipment)

    def draw_cards(self):
        storm_increments = 0
        for i in range(self.storm.this_turn_storm_level):
            to_use = "init"
            while to_use != "":
                to_use = raw_input("Press ENTER to Draw Card... (E[Q]uipment, [D]isplay info, [S]hare) ").lower().strip()
                if to_use == "q":
                    self.players[0].use_equipment(self.players, during_storm_cards=True)
                elif to_use == "d":
                    self.players[0].display(self.storm, self.players)
                elif to_use == "s":

            card = self.storm.draw_card()
            if card == "Sun beats down":
                print card
                for player in self.players:
                    if (not player.current_tile.tunnel or not player.current_tile.excavated) and not player.is_solar_shielded():
                        player.water -= 1
                    print "%s: %d water remaining." % (player.ability, player.water)
                    if player.water < 0:
                        print "\n\nYou have lost! %s has run out of water!" % player.ability
            elif card == "Storm picks up":
                print card
                storm_increments += 1
            else: #Move stuff
                move_direction = card[0]
                move_amount = card[1]
                storm_center_tile = get_storm_center(self.board.tiles)
                print move_amount,
                if move_direction == "n":
                        print "v"
                elif move_direction == "s":
                        print "^"
                elif move_direction == "w":
                        print "->"
                elif move_direction == "e":
                        print "<-"
                for i in range(move_amount):
                    x_delta = 0
                    y_delta = 0
                    if move_direction == "n":
                        y_delta = -1
                    elif move_direction == "s":
                        y_delta = 1
                    elif move_direction == "w":
                        x_delta = -1
                    elif move_direction == "e":
                        x_delta = 1
                    if storm_center_tile.position["row"] + x_delta < 0 or storm_center_tile.position["col"] + y_delta < 0:
                    if storm_center_tile.position["row"] + x_delta > 4 or storm_center_tile.position["col"] + y_delta > 4:
                        card_to_move = get_tile(self.board.tiles, [storm_center_tile.position["row"] + x_delta, storm_center_tile.position["col"] + y_delta])
                        self.board.switch_tile_positions(storm_center_tile, card_to_move)
                        self.storm.sand -= 1
        #  Raise storm level
        for i in range(storm_increments):
            if self.storm.storm_level == "Death":
                print "\n\nYou have lost! Storm level has reached max storm!"
        self.storm.this_turn_storm_level = self.storm.structure[self.storm.storm_pointer]

    def check_for_victory(self):
        num_parts = 0
        for player in self.players:
            if not player.current_tile.is_escape_point:
                return False
            num_parts += len(player.ship_parts)
        if num_parts == 4:
            print "Vroom! You have won!"
            return False

    def get_action(self, player):
        direction_list = "n/s/e/w"
        if player.ability == "Explorer":
            direction_list = "n/s/e/w/nw/ne/se/sw"

        tunnel_travel = ""
        if player.current_tile.tunnel and player.current_tile.excavated:
            tunnel_travel = "/t"

        player_ability = ""
        if player.ability != "Archaeologist" and player.ability != "Climber" and player.ability != "Explorer":
            player_ability = ", [U]se ability"

        print "Options: [E]xcavate, [C][%s/c]lear sand, [M][%s%s]ove, [P]ickup, E[Q]uipment, [D]isplay info, [S]hare%s" % (direction_list, direction_list, tunnel_travel, player_ability)
        user_input = raw_input("Select your move: ").lower()
        action = None
        if len(user_input) > 0:
            action = user_input[0]
        direction = None
        if len(user_input) > 1:
            direction = user_input[1:]
        return action, direction