コード例 #1
class Bu2MuNuConf( LineBuilder ) :

    __configuration_keys__ = ( 'PrescaleSignal',
    def __init__( self, name, config ) :

        LineBuilder.__init__( self, name, config )

        self._myname = name
        self._config = config
        self.useNN = config["useNN"]        
        # Define the initial selection for the signal muons
        _cutMu = "(MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)> %(IPchi2Mu)s)&(TRCHI2DOF < %(TrChi2Mu)s ) &"\
                 " (PT < %(pTmaxMu)s*GeV) & (P < %(pmaxMu)s*GeV) & (PT>%(pTminMu)s*GeV)" %config

        _cutMuControl = "(MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)> %(IPchi2MuControl)s) &"\
                        "(PT>%(pTminMuControl)s*GeV)" %config
        if self.useNN:
            self.selMuonsControl = FilterDesktop(self._myname + '_MuForBu2MuNuControl',
                                                 Preambulo = [ "from LoKiTracks.decorators import *"],
                                                 Code      = _cutMuControl,
                                                 Inputs = ["Phys/StdTightANNMuons/Particles"]
            self.selMuons = FilterDesktop(self._myname + '_MuForBu2MuNu',
                                          Preambulo = [ "from LoKiTracks.decorators import *"],
                                          Code      = _cutMu,
                                          Inputs = ["Phys/StdTightANNMuons/Particles"]

            self.selMuonsControl = FilterDesktop(self._myname + '_MuForBu2MuNuControl',
                                                 Preambulo = [ "from LoKiTracks.decorators import *"],
                                                 Code      = _cutMuControl,
                                                 Inputs = ["Phys/StdTightANNMuons/Particles"]

            self.selMuons = FilterDesktop(self._myname + '_MuForBu2MuNu',
                                          Preambulo = [ "from LoKiTracks.decorators import *"],
                                          Code      = _cutMu,
                                          Inputs = ["Phys/StdTightMuons/Particles"]

        self.selMuonsLocationControl = updateDoD(self.selMuonsControl)
        self.selMuonsLocationControl = self.selMuonsLocationControl.keys()[0]
        self.selMuonsLocation = updateDoD(self.selMuons)
        self.selMuonsLocation = self.selMuonsLocation.keys()[0]
        # filter high multiplicity events        
        self.filterTracks = " ( CONTAINS('Rec/Track/Best')< %(maxNTracks)s ) " %self._config

        # configure related infos!
        stdjets_name_noban = "StdJetsNoJetIDNoBan"
        # jet variables for control
        stdjets_name_ban_control = "StdJetsNoJetIDBanControl"
        RelatedInfoToolsControl = [{'Type' : 'RelInfoJetsVariables',
                                    'Location': 'JetVariables',
                                    'Variables': relInfoJetsVars,
                                    'UseVarsJetsWithB' : False,
                                    'LocationJetsNoMu' : "Phys/"+stdjets_name_ban_control+"/Particles",
                                    'LocationJetsNoRemove' : "Phys/"+stdjets_name_noban+"/Particles"}]
        # jet variables for signal
        stdjets_name_ban_signal = "StdJetsNoJetIDBanSignal"
        RelatedInfoToolsSignal = [{'Type' : 'RelInfoJetsVariables',
                                   'Location': 'JetVariables',
                                   'Variables': relInfoJetsVars,
                                   'UseVarsJetsWithB' : False,
                                   'LocationJetsNoMu' : "Phys/"+stdjets_name_ban_signal+"/Particles",
                                   'LocationJetsNoRemove' : "Phys/"+stdjets_name_noban+"/Particles"}]
        ## these are common for both lines!
        otherRelatedInfos = [
            # cone variables
            {'Type' : 'RelInfoConeVariables',
             'Location': 'ConeVariables1',
             'ConeAngle' : 1.0},
            {'Type' : 'RelInfoConeVariables',
             'Location': 'ConeVariables2',
             'ConeAngle' : 1.5},
            {'Type' : 'RelInfoConeVariables',
             'Location': 'ConeVariables3',
             'ConeAngle' : 2.0},

            # cylinder variables
            {'Type' : 'RelInfoCylVariables',
             'Location': "CylVariables1",
             'cylSize': 7.5},
            {'Type' : 'RelInfoCylVariables',
             'Location': "CylVariables2",
             'cylSize': 15},
            {'Type' : 'RelInfoCylVariables',
             'Location': "CylVariables3",
             'trackQuality': False,
             'samePV': False,
             'cylSize': 15},
            {'Type' : 'RelInfoCylVariables',
             'Location': "CylVariables4",
             'trackQuality': False,
             'samePV': True,
             'cylSize': 15},
            {'Type' : 'RelInfoCylVariables',
             'Location': "CylVariables5",
             'cylSize': 22.5},

            # PF variables
            {'Type' : 'RelInfoPFVariables',
             'Location': 'PFVariables'}]

        #control line (prescaled!)
        self.ControlLine = StrippingLine( self._myname + 'ControlLine',
                                          prescale  = config[ 'PrescaleControl' ],
                                          postscale = config[ 'PostscaleControl' ],
                                          selection = DataOnDemand( self.selMuonsLocationControl ),
                                          RelatedInfoTools = RelatedInfoToolsControl,
                                          RequiredRawEvents = ["Calo"],
                                          MDSTFlag = False                                         
        # signal line (no prescale)
        self.SignalLine = StrippingLine( self._myname + 'SignalLine',
                                         prescale  = config[ 'PrescaleSignal'],
                                         postscale = config[ 'PostscaleSignal'],                                    
                                         FILTER = self.filterTracks,
                                         selection = DataOnDemand( self.selMuonsLocation ),
                                         RelatedInfoTools = RelatedInfoToolsSignal,
                                         RequiredRawEvents = ["Calo"],
                                         MDSTFlag = False
        self.registerLine( self.ControlLine)
        self.registerLine( self.SignalLine)

        # This is for the relatedinfos based on jets
        StdJetsNoJetIDNoBan = JetMakerConf(stdjets_name_noban,
                                           R = 0.7 ,
                                           PtMin = 500.,
                                           JetIDCut = False).algorithms[0]
        ## configure Data-On-Demand service                                                               
        locations = updateDoD ( StdJetsNoJetIDNoBan )
        ## add the jets with the specific banning