def run(self): view = self.window.active_view() if not view = createView(view.window()) items = [basename(projectRoot(view))] depsdDir = join(projectRoot(view), 'deps.d') if not isdir(depsdDir): self._changeDir(items[0], view) return for f in listdir(depsdDir): items.append(f) if len(items) == 1: self._changeDir(items[0], view) return self.window.show_quick_panel(items, lambda x: self._changeDir(items[x], view) if x != -1 else None)
def _changeDir(self, name, view): rootDir = projectRoot(view) if name == basename(rootDir): directory = rootDir else: directory = join(rootDir, 'deps.d', name) view.run_command('remote_git_set_root_dir', args=dict(rootDir=directory))
def run(self, edit, **kwargs): args = kwargs view = self.view filename, commands = findFilenameAndCommands(view) if 'filename' in kwargs: filename = kwargs['filename'] elif filename is None: filename = view.file_name() if filename is None: command, args = lastCommand(1, remove=False) if command == self.__class__.__name__ and args and 'filename' in args: filename = args['filename'] if filename: args['filename'] = filename if 'deps.d' in filename: root, depsd = filename.rsplit('deps.d', 1) view.rootDir = "%sdeps.d/%s" % (root, depsd.split('/')[1]) else: view.rootDir = projectRoot(view) if view.rootDir in filename: filename = filename.split(view.rootDir)[1][1:] logCommand(view, self.__class__.__name__, args) command = GitCommand(GIT_LOG, filename) if kwargs.get('patch') == True: command.addOption('-p') if filename: command.addOption('--follow') result = remoteCommand(view, command) view = maybeCreateView(self.view) view.run_command("replace_view_content", args=dict(content=result, name=LOG_VIEW_NAME)) if hasattr(view, "lastloglineno"): gotoLine(view, view.lastloglineno, atTop=True) else: gotoNextCommit(view, up=False, currentLine=-1),
def remoteCommand(view, command): rootDir = view.rootDir if hasattr(view, 'rootDir') else projectRoot(view) args = ["bash", "", rootDir] + ['"' + command + '"'] proc = Popen(' '.join(args), cwd=mydir, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, shell=True) try: stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(timeout=2) except TimeoutExpired: proc = Popen(' '.join(args), cwd=mydir, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, shell=True) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(timeout=2) return stdout.decode('utf-8')
def run(self, edit, presetMessage=""): GIT_COMMIT_OPTIONS["options"] = self.options remoteCommand(self.view, GitCommand("git commit")) rootDir = self.view.rootDir if hasattr(self.view, "rootDir") else projectRoot(self.view) GIT_COMMIT_OPTIONS["rootDir"] = rootDir result = open(join(rootDir, ".git", "COMMIT_EDITMSG")).read().rstrip() command = GitCommand(GIT_DIFF) command.addOption("--staged") stagedDiff = remoteCommand(self.view, command) if not stagedDiff.strip(): message_dialog("You have nothing staged for commit") return commitRegion = Region(len(presetMessage), len(result)) result += "\n" + stagedDiff.strip() view = replaceView(self.view, edit, presetMessage + result, name=COMMIT_EDITMSG_VIEW_NAME) view.sel().clear() view.sel().add(Region(0, 0)) view.set_read_only(False) view.add_regions(COMMIT_EDITMSG_VIEW_NAME, [commitRegion])
def _checkoutProject(self, i, projects): if i == -1: return depsDdir = join(projectRoot(self.view), "deps.d") isdir(depsDdir) or makedirs(depsDdir) executeCommand(view=self.view, args=["seecr-git-clone {}".format(projects[i])], projectCwd="deps.d")
def run(self, edit): currentLine = currentLineText(self.view) filename, lineno, _ = currentLine.split(":", 2) filepath = "{0}/{1}:{2}".format(projectRoot(self.view), filename, lineno) self.view.window().open_file(filepath, ENCODED_POSITION)