コード例 #1
  def __init__(self,messageHandler,**kwargs):
      PolyExponential constructor
      @ In, messageHandler, MessageHandler.MessageUser, a MessageHandler object in charge of raising errors,
                           and printing messages
      @ In, kwargs, dict, an arbitrary dictionary of keywords and values

    self.availCoeffRegressors               = ['nearest','poly','spline']                   # avail coeff regressors
    self.printTag                           = 'PolyExponential'                             # Print tag
    self.pivotParameterID                   = kwargs.get("pivotParameter","time")           # Pivot parameter ID
    self._dynamicHandling                   = True                                          # This ROM is able to manage the time-series on its own
    self.polyExpParams                      = {}                                            # poly exponential options' container
    self.polyExpParams['expTerms']          = int(kwargs.get('numberExpTerms',3))           # the number of exponential terms
    self.polyExpParams['coeffRegressor']    = kwargs.get('coeffRegressor','spline').lower() # which regressor to use for interpolating the coefficient
    self.polyExpParams['polyOrder']         = int(kwargs.get('polyOrder',3))                # the polynomial order
    self.polyExpParams['tol']               = float(kwargs.get('tol',0.001))                # optimization tolerance
    self.polyExpParams['maxNumberIter']     = int(kwargs.get('maxNumberIter',5000))         # maximum number of iterations in optimization
    self.aij                                = None                                          # a_ij coefficients of the exponential terms {'target1':ndarray(nsamples, self.polyExpParams['expTerms']),'target2',ndarray,etc}
    self.bij                                = None                                          # b_ij coefficients of the exponent of the exponential terms {'target1':ndarray(nsamples, self.polyExpParams['expTerms']),'target2',ndarray,etc}
    self.model                              = None                                          # the surrogate model itself {'target1':model,'target2':model, etc.}
    # check if the pivotParameter is among the targetValues
    if self.pivotParameterID not in self.target:
      self.raiseAnError(IOError,"The pivotParameter "+self.pivotParameterID+" must be part of the Target space!")
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
      DMD constructor
      @ In, kwargs, dict, an arbitrary dictionary of keywords and values
        supervisedLearning.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        self.availDmdAlgorithms = [
            'dmd', 'hodmd'
        ]  # available dmd types: basic dmd and high order dmd
        self.dmdParams = {}  # dmd settings container
        self.printTag = 'DMD'  # print tag
        self.pivotParameterID = kwargs.get("pivotParameter",
                                           "time")  # pivot parameter
        self._dynamicHandling = True  # This ROM is able to manage the time-series on its own. No need for special treatment outside
        self.dmdParams['rankSVD'] = kwargs.get(
            'rankSVD', None
        )  # -1 no truncation, 0 optimal rank is computed, >1 truncation rank
        self.dmdParams['energyRankSVD'] = kwargs.get(
            'energyRankSVD', None
        )  #  0.0 < float < 1.0, computed rank is the number of the biggest sv needed to reach the energy identified by "energyRankSVD"
        self.dmdParams['rankTLSQ'] = kwargs.get(
            'rankTLSQ', None)  # truncation rank for total least square
        self.dmdParams['exactModes'] = kwargs.get(
            'exactModes', True
        )  # True if the exact modes need to be computed (eigs and eigvs), otherwise the projected ones (using the left-singular matrix)
        self.dmdParams['optimized'] = kwargs.get(
            'optimized', False
        )  # amplitudes computed minimizing the error between the mods and all the timesteps (True) or 1st timestep only (False)
        self.dmdParams['dmdType'] = kwargs.get(
            'dmdType', 'dmd'
        )  # the dmd type to be applied. Currently we support dmd and hdmd (high order dmd)
        # variables filled up in the training stages
        self._amplitudes = {
        }  # {'target1': vector of amplitudes,'target2':vector of amplitudes, etc.}
        self._eigs = {
        }  # {'target1': vector of eigenvalues,'target2':vector of eigenvalues, etc.}
        self._modes = {
        }  # {'target1': matrix of dynamic modes,'target2':matrix of dynamic modes, etc.}
        self.__Atilde = {
        }  # {'target1': matrix of lowrank operator from the SVD,'target2':matrix of lowrank operator from the SVD, etc.}
        self.pivotValues = None  # pivot values (e.g. time)
        self.KDTreeFinder = None  # kdtree weighting model
        self.timeScales = {
        }  # time-scales (training and dmd). {'training' and 'dmd':{t0:float,'dt':float,'intervals':int}}

        # some checks
        if self.dmdParams['rankSVD'] is not None and self.dmdParams[
                'energyRankSVD'] is not None:
                'Both "rankSVD" and "energyRankSVD" have been inputted. "energyRankSVD" is predominant and will be used!'
        if self.dmdParams['dmdType'] not in self.availDmdAlgorithms:
                IOError, 'dmdType(s) available are "' +
                ', '.join(self.availDmdAlgorithms) + '"!')
        # check if the pivotParameter is among the targetValues
        if self.pivotParameterID not in self.target:
                IOError, "The pivotParameter " + self.pivotParameterID +
                " must be part of the Target space!")