コード例 #1
ファイル: IR.py プロジェクト: ssolanki/php-python-mips-1
    def emitUjump(self, _target=None):
        tac = TAC(InstrType.ujump, "goto")
        tac.target = _target

        # make the target a string (for printing purpose only)
        _target = _target if _target != None else ""
        self.addTac(tac, "goto "+ str(_target))
コード例 #2
ファイル: IR.py プロジェクト: ssolanki/php-python-mips-1
    def emitUjump(self, _target=None):
        tac = TAC(InstrType.ujump, "goto")
        tac.target = _target

        # make the target a string (for printing purpose only)
        _target = _target if _target != None else ""
        self.addTac(tac, "goto " + str(_target))
コード例 #3
ファイル: IR.py プロジェクト: ssolanki/php-python-mips-1
    def emitRet(self, _src=None):
        tac = TAC(InstrType.ret, "ret")
        tac.src1 =_src

        # make the _src a string (for printing purpose only)
        _src = _src if _src != None else {"place": ""}
        self.addTac( tac,  "ret "+str(_src["place"]))
コード例 #4
ファイル: IR.py プロジェクト: ssolanki/php-python-mips-1
    def emitAssgn(self, _op, _dest, _src1, _src2):
        tac = TAC(InstrType.assgn, _op)
        tac.dest = _dest
        tac.src1 = _src1
        tac.src2 = _src2

        self.addTac(tac, tac.dest["place"] + " = " + tac.src1["place"] + " " + tac.op +" " + tac.src2["place"])
コード例 #5
ファイル: IR.py プロジェクト: ssolanki/php-python-mips-1
    def emitRet(self, _src=None):
        tac = TAC(InstrType.ret, "ret")
        tac.src1 = _src

        # make the _src a string (for printing purpose only)
        _src = _src if _src != None else {"place": ""}
        self.addTac(tac, "ret " + str(_src["place"]))
コード例 #6
ファイル: IR.py プロジェクト: ssolanki/php-python-mips-1
    def emitCjump(self, _op, _src1, _src2, _target=None):
        tac = TAC(InstrType.cjump, _op)
        tac.src1 = _src1
        tac.src2 = _src2
        tac.target = _target

        # make the target a string (for printing purpose only)
        _target = _target if _target != None else ""
        self.addTac(tac, "if " + tac.src1["place"] + " " + tac.op +" " + tac.src2["place"] + " goto " + str(_target))
コード例 #7
ファイル: IR.py プロジェクト: ssolanki/php-python-mips-1
 def emitCall(self, _target, _nParams = None, _returnVal = None):
     tac = TAC(InstrType.call, "call")
     tac.target = _target
     tac.src1 = _nParams
     tac.src2 = _returnVal
     # make the target a string (for printing purpose only)
     _nParams = _nParams if _nParams != None else ""
     _returnVal = _returnVal if _returnVal != None else {"place": ""}
     self.addTac(tac, "call "+ str(_target) + " "+str(_nParams) + " " + str(_returnVal["place"]))
コード例 #8
ファイル: IR.py プロジェクト: ssolanki/php-python-mips-1
 def emitParams(self, _src):
     tac = TAC(InstrType.params, "params")
     tac.src1 = _src
     self.addTac(tac, "params " + str(_src["place"]))
コード例 #9
ファイル: IR.py プロジェクト: ssolanki/php-python-mips-1
 def emitPrintStr(self):
     tac = TAC(InstrType.libFn, "printStr")
     tac.target = "printStr"
     self.addTac(tac, "printStr")
コード例 #10
ファイル: IR.py プロジェクト: ssolanki/php-python-mips-1
 def emitCopy(self, _dest, _src):
     tac = TAC(InstrType.copy, "=")
     tac.dest = _dest
     tac.src1 = _src
     self.addTac(tac, tac.dest["place"] + " = " + tac.src["place"])
コード例 #11
ファイル: IR.py プロジェクト: ssolanki/php-python-mips-1
    def emitParams(self, _src):
        tac = TAC(InstrType.params, "params")
        tac.src =_src

        self.addTac( tac,  "params "+str(_src["place"]))
コード例 #12
ファイル: IR.py プロジェクト: ssolanki/php-python-mips-1
 def emitEcho(self):
     tac = TAC(InstrType.libFn, "echo")
     self.addTac(tac, "echo")
コード例 #13
ファイル: IR.py プロジェクト: ssolanki/php-python-mips-1
 def emitCopy(self, _dest, _src):
     tac = TAC(InstrType.copy, "=")
     tac.dest = _dest
     tac.src1 = _src
     self.addTac(tac, tac.dest["place"] + " = " + tac.src["place"])
コード例 #14
    def parseLine(self, irLine):
        # split the line and get the parts
        irParts = map(lambda x: x.strip(), irLine.split(","))
        # the first part is line number
        ln = irParts[0]

        # second part is operator
        op = irParts[1]

        # depending upon operator, src, dest and target will be determined
        instrType = Operators[op]

        # create the new tac object for this line
        tac = TAC(instrType, op, ln)

        # switch case for instruction types and determine src, dest and targets
        dest = srcs = src1 = src2 = destST = srcST = src1ST = src2ST = None
        if instrType == InstrType.copy:
            # for destination
            # check if it's already declared, else create a new entry for it
            dest = irParts[2]
            destST = self._st.lookup(dest)
            if destST == None:
                destST = self._st.insert(dest, "ID")

            # for source
            src1 = irParts[3]
            # look into the symbol table for this lexeme
            src1ST = self._st.lookup(src1)
            if src1ST == None:
                if IsInt(src1):
                    src1ST = self._st.insert(src1, "INT")
                    print "IR.py:59:: " + src1 + " not declared in"
                    print irLine

            # update the tc
            tac._destST = destST
            tac._src1ST = src1ST
        elif instrType == InstrType.assgn:
            # for destination
            dest = irParts[2]
            destST = self._st.lookup(dest)
            if destST == None:
                destST = self._st.insert(dest, "ID")

            # for sources
            srcs = irParts[3:]
            i = 0
            for src in srcs:
                srcST = self._st.lookup(src)
                if srcST == None:
                    if IsInt(src):
                        srcST = self._st.insert(src, "INT")
                        print "IR.py:80:: " + src + " not declared in"
                        print irLine
                if i == 0:
                    src1ST = srcST
                    src2ST = srcST
                i += 1

            # update the tc
            tac._destST = destST
            tac._src1ST = src1ST
            tac._src2ST = src2ST

        elif instrType == InstrType.label:
            # update the label. It'll be just after label operator
            tac._target = irParts[2]
        elif instrType == InstrType.ujump:
            # update the target, it will be last on line
            tac._target = irParts[-1]

        elif instrType == InstrType.cjump:
            # get the srcs
            srcs = [irParts[2], irParts[4]]
            i = 0
            for src in srcs:
                srcST = self._st.lookup(src)
                if srcST == None:
                    if IsInt(src):
                        srcST = self._st.insert(src, "INT")
                        print "IR.py:110:: " + src + " not declared in"
                        print irLine
                if i == 0:
                    src1ST = srcST
                    src2ST = srcST
                i += 1
            # get the relational operator
            relop = irParts[3]
            # get the target
            target = irParts[-1]

            # update the tac
            tac._src1ST = src1ST
            tac._src2ST = src2ST
            tac._op = relop
            tac._target = target

        elif instrType == InstrType.params:
            # get the src
            src1 = irParts[2]
            # look into the symbol table for this lexeme
            src1ST = self._st.lookup(src1)
            if src1ST == None:
                if IsInt(src1):
                    src1ST = self._st.insert(src1, "INT")
                    print "IR:137:: " + src1 + " not declared in"
                    print irLine
            # update the tac
            tac._src1ST = src1ST

        elif instrType == InstrType.call:
            # get the return val
            if len(irParts) >= 4:
                dest = irParts[3]
                # look into the symbol table for this lexeme
                destST = self._st.lookup(dest)
                if destST == None:
                    destST = self._st.insert(dest, "ID")

            # get the target label
            target = irParts[2]

            # update the tac
            tac._destST = destST
            tac._target = target

        elif instrType == InstrType.ret:
            # get the return val
            src1 = irParts[2]
            # look into the symbol table for this lexeme
            src1ST = self._st.lookup(src1)
            if src1ST == None:
                if IsInt(src1):
                    src1ST = self._st.insert(src1, "INT")
                    print src1 + " not declared in"
                    print irLine

            # update the tac
            tac._src1ST = src1ST

        elif instrType == InstrType.libFn:
            # get the return val
            if len(irParts) >= 3:
                dest = irParts[2]
                # look into the symbol table for this lexeme
                destST = self._st.lookup(dest)
                if destST == None:
                    destST = self._st.insert(dest, "ID")

            # get the target label
            target = irParts[1]

            # update the tac
            tac._destST = destST
            tac._target = target
            tac._typ = InstrType.libFn

コード例 #15
ファイル: IR.py プロジェクト: ssolanki/php-python-mips-1
 def emitExit(self):
     tac = TAC(InstrType.libFn, "exit")
     tac.target = "exit"
     self.addTac(tac, "exit")
コード例 #16
ファイル: IR.py プロジェクト: ssolanki/php-python-mips-1
 def emitExit(self):
     tac = TAC(InstrType.libFn, "exit")
     tac.target = "exit"
     self.addTac(tac, "exit")
コード例 #17
ファイル: IR.py プロジェクト: ssolanki/php-python-mips-1
 def emitPrintStr(self):
     tac = TAC(InstrType.libFn, "printStr")
     tac.target = "printStr"
     self.addTac(tac, "printStr")