コード例 #1
def Run_2(_T, _J, _i, _j, Phase, n=None):
    This func calculate the system with Inversion Symmetry, which means that for the upper half and the lower half, the spin terms change signs.

    :para `n` defines how many layers (in upper half) contains the Spin term. In default, all of the upper half have the spin term.
    print("Start Calculation: Theta=%.3f , J=%.3f" % (_T, _J))
    _S = np.zeros([N, 3])
    layer = int(N/2) if n == None else min(int(n), int(N/2))
    for i in range(layer):
        _S[i, 0], _S[N-i-1, 0] = 1, -1
        _S[i, 1], _S[N-i-1, 1] = _T, _T
        # _S[N-i-1, 2] = np.pi
    S = np.array([([s[0]*np.sin(s[1])*np.cos(s[2]), s[0] *
                    np.sin(s[1]) * np.sin(s[2]), s[0]*np.cos(s[1])])for s in _S])
    # print(S)

    h = Hamiltonian(N=N, J=_J, S=S)
    res = TIC.Calc(h, CalcZ2=True, LogOut=False, settings=settings)
    Phase[_i][_j] = TIC.TopoOrder(res)
    # Phase[_i][_j] = _i*10+_j
    # print("(", _i, ",", _j, "),", end="")
    if Phase[_i][_j] != 0:
        print("=========================================\nNon Trivial Phase!")
        # sys.stderr.write("Theta=%.3f pi , J=%.3f, Result: C=%.4f , Z2=%s" %
        #                  (_T/np.pi, _J, res.Chern, str(res._Z2)))
    print("End Calculation: Theta=%.3f pi , J=%.3f, Result: C=%.4f , Z2=%s" %
          (_T/np.pi, _J, res.Chern, str(res._Z2)))
コード例 #2
ファイル: PD_N_J.py プロジェクト: MagShadow/Z2Pack-Code
def Run_0(_N, _J, _i, _j, Phase):
    This func calculate the system with uniform spin distribution in Z-direction.
    h = Hamiltonian(N=_N, J=_J)
    res = TIC.Calc(h, CalcZ2=True, LogOut=False, settings=settings)
    Phase[_i][_j] = TIC.TopoOrder(res)
コード例 #3
def Run_1(_N, _J, _i, _j, Phase):
    This func calculate the system with uniform spin distribution in Z-direction.
    print("Start Calc: N=%d, J=%.3f" % (int(_N), _J))
    h = Hamiltonian(N=int(_N), J=_J, Delta=3.333, **CONST_HJZ)
    res = Calc(h, CalcZ2=True, LogOut=False, settings=settings)
    Phase[_i][_j] = TopoOrder(res)
    print("End Calc: N=%d, J=%.3f; Res=%d" % (int(_N), _J, TopoOrder(res)))
コード例 #4
def Run_SpinZ(_N, _J, _i, _j, Phase, Delta=3, CONST=CONST_HZL):
    This func calculate the system with uniform spin distribution in Z-direction.
    Use default constants from Hai-Zhou Lu's paper.
    print("Start Calc: N=%d, J=%.3f" % (int(_N), _J))
    h = Hamiltonian(N=int(_N), J=_J, Delta=Delta, **CONST)
    res = Calc(h, CalcZ2=True, LogOut=False, settings=settings_strict)
    Phase[_i][_j] = TopoOrder(res)
    print("End Calc: N=%d, J=%.3f; Res=%d" % (int(_N), _J, TopoOrder(res)))

コード例 #5
def CalcGap():
    TEST_HJZ = {
        "A1": 2.26,
        "A2": 3.33,
        "C": -0.0083,
        "D1": 5.74,
        "D2": 30.4,
        "M": 0.28,
        "B1": 6.86,
        "B2": 44.5
    TEST_HZL = {  # Interesting!!!!!
        "A1": 3.3,
        "A2": 4.1,
        "C": -0.0068,
        "D1": 1.2,
        "D2": -30.1,
        "M": 0.28,
        "B1": 1.5,
        "B2": -54.1

    N_min, N_max, Step, J = 10, 35, 5, 0.00
    L = int((N_max - N_min) / Step + 1)
    Gap = np.zeros([
    ], dtype=float)
    X = np.linspace(N_min, N_max, num=L, endpoint=True, dtype=int)
    x = list(range(int(N_min / Step), int(N_max / Step + 1)))
    for i in range(L):
        # By Default it is Spin-Z
        N = X[i]
        h = Hamiltonian(N=N, J=J, Delta=1.9134, **TEST_HZL)
        eig = np.array([x.real for x in (linalg.eig(h(0, 0))[0])])
        Gap[i] = eig[2 * N] - eig[2 * N - 1]
        # print(Gap[i])

    plt.plot(x, Gap, label=r"$\Delta_H$")
    plt.scatter(x, Gap)

    J = np.array(read3("PT_D1.9134_HZL_SpinZ18-09-05-08-46-02.txt")) * 2
    plt.plot(x, J, color="red", label=r"$2\times J_c$")
    plt.scatter(x, J, color="red", marker="^")
    plt.legend(loc='upper right')
    plt.xlabel(r"$Thickness (\rm QL)$")
    plt.ylabel(r"$Gap(\rm eV)$")
    plt.title(r"Critical $J$ & Hybridization Gap vs Thickness")
コード例 #6
def PT_SpinZ(_N, _J_Max, _i, _j, Phase, _J_Min=0,  _J_tol=1e-4, Delta=3.189, CONST=CONST_HZL, settings=settings):
    assert _J_tol > 0, "_J_tol should >0!"

    print("Start Calc: N=%d" % (int(_N)))
    L, R = _J_Min, _J_Max

    print("===>Calculate N=%d, J=%.3f" % (int(_N), L))
    h = Hamiltonian(N=int(_N), J=L, Delta=Delta, **CONST)
    res = Calc(h, CalcZ2=True, LogOut=False, settings=settings)
    T_L = TopoOrder(res)

    print("Calculate N=%d, J=%.3f" % (int(_N), R))
    h = Hamiltonian(N=int(_N), J=R, Delta=Delta, **CONST)
    res = Calc(h, CalcZ2=True, LogOut=False, settings=settings)
    T_R = TopoOrder(res)

    if T_L == T_R:
        Phase[_i][_j] = -1
        print("===>End Calc: N=%d. No phase transition, Res=%d" %
              (int(_N), TopoOrder(res)))
        while (R-L) > _J_tol:
            M = (R+L)/2
            print("Calculate N=%d, J=%.3f" % (int(_N), M))
            h = Hamiltonian(N=int(_N), J=M, Delta=Delta, **CONST)
            res = Calc(h, CalcZ2=True, LogOut=False, settings=settings)
            T_M = TopoOrder(res)
            if T_M == T_R:
                R = M
            elif T_M == T_L:
                L = M
                Phase[_i][_j] = R
                raise Exception("Middle result different with either!")
        Phase[_i][_j] = R
        print("===>End Calc: N=%d, phase transition at %.3f" %
              (int(_N), R))
コード例 #7
def Run_HZL(_N, _J, _i, _j, Phase):
    This func calculate the system with uniform spin distribution in Z-direction.
    Use the Parameters from the Hai-Zhou Lu's paper.
    print("Start Calc: N=%d, J=%.3f" % (int(_N), _J))
    h = Hamiltonian(N=int(_N), J=_J, Delta=3.333, **CONST_HZL)
    res = Calc(h, CalcZ2=True, LogOut=False, settings=settings)
    Phase[_i][_j] = TopoOrder(res)

    print("End Calc: N=%d, J=%.3f; Res=%d" % (int(_N), _J, TopoOrder(res)))
    if TopoOrder(res) != 0:
        stderr.write("!!!!!!!!\nN=%d, J=%.3f; Res=%d\n!!!!!!!!!!\n" %
                     (int(_N), _J, TopoOrder(res)))
コード例 #8
ファイル: PD_N_J.py プロジェクト: MagShadow/Z2Pack-Code
def CalcGap():
    N_min, N_max, J = 6, 30, 0.00
    Gap = np.zeros([N_max + 1], dtype=float)
    for N in range(N_min, N_max + 1):
        h = Hamiltonian(N=N, J=J)  # By Default it is Spin-Z
        eig = np.array([x.real for x in (linalg.eig(h(0, 0))[0])])
        Gap[N] = eig[2 * N] - eig[2 * N - 1]

    plt.plot(list(range(N_min, N_max + 1)), Gap[N_min:N_max + 1] * 1000)
    plt.ylabel(r"$Gap(\rm meV)$")
    plt.title("Gap vs Thickness, No Spin")
コード例 #9
ファイル: runfunc.py プロジェクト: MagShadow/Z2Pack-Code
def Run_Inv(_T, _J, _i, _j, Phase, N=20, n=None, Delta=3, CONST=CONST_HZL):
    This func calculate the system with Mirror Symmetry,   which means that for the upper half and the lower half,the parallel components changes sign while the perpendicular term keep unchanged
    :para `n` defines how many layers (in upper half) contains the Spin term. In default, all of the upper half have the spin term.
    print("Start Calculation: Theta=%.3f , J=%.3f" % (_T, _J))
    _S = np.zeros([N, 3])
    layer = int(N / 2) if n == None else min(int(n), int(N / 2))
    for i in range(layer):
        _S[i, 0], _S[N - i - 1, 0] = 1, 1
        _S[i, 1], _S[N - i - 1, 1] = _T, _T
    S = convertSpin(_S)

    h = Hamiltonian(N=N, J=_J, S=S, Delta=Delta, **CONST)
    res = Calc(h, CalcZ2=True, LogOut=False, settings=settings)
    Phase[_i][_j] = TopoOrder(res)

    print("End Calculation: Theta=%.3f pi , J=%.3f, Result: C=%.4f , Z2=%s" %
          (_T / np.pi, _J, res.Chern, str(res._Z2)))
コード例 #10
ファイル: PD_N_J.py プロジェクト: MagShadow/Z2Pack-Code
def Run_1(_N, _J, _i, _j, Phase):
    This func calculate the system with spin distribution: +z in the upper half and -z in the lower half.
    If the # of layers is odd, then the layer in the very middle will have no spin to make sure the total spin in Z direction of this system to be ZERO.
    print("Start Calculation: N=%d , J=%.3f" % (_N, _J))
    _S = np.zeros([_N, 3])
    for i in range(int(_N / 2)):
        _S[i, 0], _S[_N - i - 1, 0] = 1, -1
    S = np.array([([
        s[0] * np.sin(s[1]) * np.cos(s[2]), s[0] * np.sin(s[1]) * np.sin(s[2]),
        s[0] * np.cos(s[1])
    ]) for s in _S])
    h = Hamiltonian(N=_N, J=_J, S=S)
    res = TIC.Calc(h, CalcZ2=True, LogOut=False, settings=settings)
    Phase[_i][_j] = TIC.TopoOrder(res)
    print("End Calculation: N=%d , J=%.3f, Result: C=%.4f , Z2=%s" %
          (_N, _J, res.Chern, str(res._Z2)))
    # Phase[_i][_j] = _i*10+_j

コード例 #11
ファイル: PD_N_J.py プロジェクト: MagShadow/Z2Pack-Code
def Run_4(_N, _J, _i, _j, Phase, n=1):
    This func calculate the system with spin distribution: +z in the first $n$ layer and the last $n$ layer.

    print("Start Calculation: N=%d , J=%.3f" % (_N, _J))
    _S = np.zeros([_N, 3])
    assert n <= int(_N / 2), "n should be less than half of the layer #。"
    for i in range(n):
        _S[i, 0], _S[_N - i - 1, 0] = 1, 1
    S = np.array([([
        s[0] * np.sin(s[1]) * np.cos(s[2]), s[0] * np.sin(s[1]) * np.sin(s[2]),
        s[0] * np.cos(s[1])
    ]) for s in _S])
    # print(S)
    h = Hamiltonian(N=_N, J=_J, S=S)
    res = TIC.Calc(h, CalcZ2=True, LogOut=False, settings=settings)
    Phase[_i][_j] = TIC.TopoOrder(res)
    print("End Calculation: N=%d , J=%.3f, Result: C=%.4f , Z2=%s" %
          (_N, _J, res.Chern, str(res._Z2)))
コード例 #12
ファイル: PD_N_J.py プロジェクト: MagShadow/Z2Pack-Code
def Run_5(_N, _J, _i, _j, Phase):
    This func calculate the system with uniform spin distribution in Z-direction.
    print("Start Calculation: N=%d , J=%.3f" % (_N, _J))
    _S = np.zeros([_N, 3])
    for i in range(_N):
        _S[i, 0] = 1
        _S[i, 1] = np.pi / 2
    S = np.array([([
        s[0] * np.sin(s[1]) * np.cos(s[2]), s[0] * np.sin(s[1]) * np.sin(s[2]),
        s[0] * np.cos(s[1])
    ]) for s in _S])
    # print(S)
    h = Hamiltonian(N=_N, J=_J, S=S)
    res = TIC.Calc(h, CalcZ2=True, LogOut=False, settings=settings)
    Phase[_i][_j] = TIC.TopoOrder(res)
    print("End Calculation: N=%d , J=%.3f, Result: C=%.4f , Z2=%s" %
          (_N, _J, res.Chern, str(res._Z2)))
    # Phase[_i][_j] = _i*10+_j

コード例 #13
    z2pack.plot.wcc(result, axis=ax)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    N, J = 20, 0.00
    S_ = np.zeros([N, 3])
    # S_[0, 0], S_[-1, 0] = 1, 1
    # S_[1, 0], S_[-2, 0] = 1, 1
    # S_[2, 0], S_[-3, 0] = 1, 1
    layer = int(N/2)
    _S = np.zeros([N, 3])
    for i in range(layer):
        _S[i, 0], _S[N-i-1, 0] = 1, 1
        _S[i, 1], _S[N-i-1, 1] = 0.47124, 0.47124
        _S[N-i-1, 2] = np.pi
    S = np.array([([s[0]*np.sin(s[1])*np.cos(s[2]), s[0]*np.sin(s[1])
                    * np.sin(s[2]), s[0]*np.cos(s[1])])for s in S_])
    h = Hamiltonian(N=N, J=J)

    from TI_Film import plotLine
    plotLine(h, 2*N-2, 2*N+2)
    # e = Eig(h)
    # plotBS(e, 2*N-2, 2*N+2, title="TI Film: z&-z in 3 layers, J=0.01, 4 bands")
    # h = Ham_Small(0.02, 0.02)
    # bands=[2*N-2, 2*N],
    # res = Calc(h,  KScale=1, CalcZ2=False, LogOut=True)
    # # print("Chern=", res.Chern)
    # res.plotChern()
コード例 #14
ファイル: BS_Para.py プロジェクト: MagShadow/Z2Pack-Code
import numpy as np
# import matplotlib as mpl
# # mpl.use("Agg")
# from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from PhaseDiagram import PhaseDiag
from _utils import nt, convertSpin, settings, settings_strict, CONST_HJZ, CONST_HZL
from TI_Film import Hamiltonian, plotLine
from TopoInvCalc import Calc, TopoOrder

if __name__ == '__main__':
    N, J = 25, 0.00
    h = Hamiltonian(N=N, J=J, Delta=1.9134, **CONST_HZL)
    res = Calc(h, CalcZ2=False, KScale=2, settings=settings_strict)
    res.plotChern(title="N=25 (5 QLs), J=0.00 eV, Spin-Z",
    # xRange, yRange, Nx, Ny = 0.05, 0.05, 50, 50
    # plotLine(h, 2*N-4, 2*N+4, xRange=xRange, Nx=Nx,
    #          title="Band Structure(8 bands), N=30, Delta=$1.9134\AA$, No Spin\nParameters from Hai-Zhou Lu's paper.", filename="N30_J0_D1.9134")
コード例 #15
ファイル: MTI_PT_Calc.py プロジェクト: MagShadow/Z2Pack-Code
def is_Chern(J0, c_tol=0.1):
    h = Hamiltonian(N=N, J=J0, S=S)
    res = TIC.Calc(h, CalcZ2=False)
    return abs(res.Chern) > c_tol