class dr3080(object): def __init__(self, **opts): self.opts = opts if self.setVariables(): self.mainProcess() self.opts["mf"].startLoop() def setVariables(self): self.sql = Sql( self.opts["mf"].dbm, ["ctlmes", "ctlmst", "drschn", "drsmst", "drstrn", "tplmst"], prog=self.__class__.__name__) if self.sql.error: return gc = GetCtl(self.opts["mf"]) drsctl = gc.getCtl("drsctl", self.opts["conum"]) if not drsctl: return self.chains = drsctl["ctd_chain"] self.stpl = drsctl["ctd_tplnam"] self.ageing = drsctl["ctd_ageing"] self.fromad = drsctl["ctd_emadd"] t = time.localtime() self.sysdtw = (t[0] * 10000) + (t[1] * 100) + t[2] if self.chains == "N": self.schn = 0 self.echn = 0 return True def mainProcess(self): tpm = { "stype": "R", "tables": ("tplmst", ), "cols": (("tpm_tname", "", 0, "Template"), ("tpm_title", "", 0, "Title", "Y")), "where": [("tpm_type", "=", "S"), ("tpm_system", "=", "DRS")], "order": "tpm_tname" } drc = { "stype": "R", "tables": ("drschn", ), "cols": (("chm_chain", "", 0, "Num"), ("chm_name", "", 0, "Name", "Y")), "where": [("chm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"])] } drm = { "stype": "R", "tables": ("drsmst", ), "cols": (("drm_acno", "", 0, "Acc-Num"), ("drm_name", "", 0, "Name", "Y"), ("drm_add1", "", 0, "Address Line 1")) } if self.chains == "Y": drm["where"] = [("drm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"])] drm["whera"] = [["C", "drm_chain", 0, 1]] else: drm["where"] = [("drm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("drm_chain", "=", 0)] mss = { "stype": "R", "tables": ("ctlmes", ), "cols": (("mss_message", "", 0, "Num"), ("mss_detail", "NA", 50, "Details")), "where": [("mss_system", "=", "STA")] } r1s = (("Yes", "Y"), ("No", "N")) r2s = (("Yes", "Y"), ("Range", "R"), ("Singles", "S")) r3s = (("Number", "N"), ("Name", "M"), ("Postal Code", "P")) fld = [[["T", 0, 0, 0], "INA", 20, "Template Name", "", self.stpl, "Y", self.doTplNam, tpm, None, None], [["T", 0, 1, 0], ("IRB", r1s), 0, "Open Item", "", "Y", "Y", self.doOItem, None, None, None], [["T", 0, 2, 0], "IUI", 2, "Maximum Pages", "", 1, "Y", self.doPages, None, None, None], [["T", 0, 3, 0], ("IRB", r2s), 0, "Whole File", "", "S", "Y", self.doWhole, None, None, None], [["T", 0, 4, 0], "IUI", 3, "From Chain", "", "", "Y", self.doChn, drc, None, None], [["T", 0, 5, 0], "INA", 7, "From Account", "", "", "Y", self.doAcc, drm, None, None], [["T", 0, 6, 0], "INA", 3, "To Chain", "", "", "Y", self.doChn, drc, None, None], [["T", 0, 7, 0], "INA", 7, "To Account", "", "", "Y", self.doAcc, drm, None, None], [["T", 0, 8, 0], ("IRB", r3s), 0, "Sort Order", "", "N", "Y", self.doSort, None, None, None], [["T", 0, 9, 0], ("IRB", r1s), 0, "Include Zero Balances", "", "N", "Y", self.doZeros, None, None, None], [["T", 0, 10, 0], ("IRB", r1s), 0, "Include Negative Balances", "", "N", "Y", self.doMinus, None, None, None], [["T", 0, 11, 0], ("IRB", r1s), 0, "Include Stopped Accounts", "", "N", "Y", self.doStops, None, None, None], [["T", 0, 12, 0], ("IRB", r1s), 0, "Include Redundant Accounts", "", "N", "Y", self.doRedu, None, None, None], [["T", 0, 13, 0], ("IRB", r1s), 0, "Include Allocated Transactions", "", "N", "Y", self.doAlloc, None, None, None], [["T", 0, 14, 0], "ID1", 10, "Statement Date", "", self.sysdtw, "Y", self.doDat, None, None, ("efld", )], [["T", 0, 15, 0], "IUI", 3, "Message Number", "", "", "Y", self.doMessno, mss, None, ("efld", )]] if self.chains != "Y": del fld[6] del fld[4] for n, f in enumerate(fld): fld[n][0][2] = n tnd = ((self.doEnd, "Y"), ) txt = (self.doExit, ) self.df = TartanDialog(self.opts["mf"], eflds=fld, tend=tnd, txit=txt, view=("N", "V"), mail=("B", "Y")) def doTplNam(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): acc = self.sql.getRec("tplmst", where=[("tpm_tname", "=", w), ("tpm_type", "=", "S"), ("tpm_system", "=", "DRS")], limit=1) if not acc: return "Invalid Template Name" self.tname = w self.sttyp = acc[self.sql.tplmst_col.index("tpm_sttp")] if self.sttyp == "N": self.oitem = "Y" self.pages = 0 self.df.loadEntry(frt, pag, p + 1, data=self.oitem) self.df.loadEntry(frt, pag, p + 2, data=self.pages) return "sk2" def doOItem(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.oitem = w if self.oitem == "N": self.pages = 0 self.df.loadEntry(frt, pag, p + 1, data=self.pages) return "sk1" def doPages(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.pages = w def doWhole(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.whole = w if self.whole in ("Y", "S"): self.schn = 0 self.echn = 0 self.sacc = "" self.eacc = "" if self.chains == "Y": self.df.loadEntry("T", 0, p + 1, data=self.schn) self.df.loadEntry("T", 0, p + 2, data=self.sacc) self.df.loadEntry("T", 0, p + 3, data=self.echn) self.df.loadEntry("T", 0, p + 4, data=self.eacc) return "sk4" else: self.df.loadEntry("T", 0, p + 1, data=self.sacc) self.df.loadEntry("T", 0, p + 2, data=self.eacc) return "sk2" def doChn(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): chk = self.sql.getRec("drschn", cols=["chm_name"], where=[("chm_chain", "=", w)], limit=1) if not chk: return "Invalid Chain Store" if c == 5: self.schn = w else: self.echn = w def doAcc(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): if self.chains == "Y" and c == 6: chk = self.schn self.sacc = w elif self.chains == "Y" and c == 8: chk = self.echn self.eacc = w elif c == 5: chk = self.schn self.sacc = w else: chk = self.echn self.eacc = w chk = self.sql.getRec("drsmst", cols=["drm_name"], where=[("drm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("drm_chain", "=", chk), ("drm_acno", "=", w)], limit=1) if not chk: return "Invalid Debtors Account" def doSort(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.sort = w def doZeros(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.zeros = w def doMinus(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.minus = w def doStops(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.stops = w def doRedu(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.redu = w if self.sttyp == "O": self.alloc = "Y" self.df.loadEntry(frt, pag, p + 1, data=self.alloc) return "sk1" def doAlloc(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.alloc = w def doMessno(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): if w: acc = self.sql.getRec("ctlmes", cols=["mss_detail"], where=[("mss_system", "=", "STA"), ("mss_message", "=", w)], limit=1) if not acc: return "Invalid Message Number" self.mess = w def doDat(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.datew = w self.dated = self.df.t_disp[pag][0][p] self.curdt = int(w / 100) def doEnd(self): self.df.closeProcess() self.emadd = self.df.repeml[2] if not self.echn: self.echn = 999 if not self.eacc: self.eacc = "zzzzzzz" whr = [("drm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("drm_chain", ">=", self.schn), ("drm_acno", ">=", self.sacc), ("drm_chain", "<=", self.echn), ("drm_acno", "<=", self.eacc)] if self.stops == "N": whr.append(("drm_stop", "<>", "Y")) if self.redu == "N": whr.append(("drm_stat", "<>", "X")) if self.whole == "S": recs = getSingleRecords(self.opts["mf"], "drsmst", ("drm_chain", "drm_acno", "drm_name"), where=whr) else: if self.sort == "N": odr = "drm_chain, drm_acno" elif self.sort == "M": odr = "drm_name" else: odr = "drm_pcod" recs = self.sql.getRec("drsmst", where=whr, order=odr) if not recs: showError(self.opts["mf"].body, "Error", "No Accounts Selected") else: self.form = DrawForm(self.opts["mf"].dbm, self.tname, wrkdir=self.opts["mf"].rcdic["wrkdir"]) self.doLoadStatic() self.form.doNewDetail() p = ProgressBar(self.opts["mf"].body, mxs=len(recs), esc=True) for num, rec in enumerate(recs): p.displayProgress(num) if p.quit: break self.doProcess(rec) p.closeProgress() if p.quit or not pass elif self.df.repeml[1] == "N" or self.emadd: self.df.repeml[2] = self.emadd self.doPrint() self.opts["mf"].closeLoop() def doLoadStatic(self): cmc = self.sql.ctlmst_col ctm = self.sql.getRec("ctlmst", where=[("ctm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"])], limit=1) for fld in cmc: dat = ctm[cmc.index(fld)] if fld in self.form.tptp: if fld == "ctm_logo": self.form.letterhead(cmc, ctm, fld, dat) continue self.form.tptp[fld][1] = dat if "letterhead" in self.form.tptp: self.form.letterhead(cmc, ctm, "letterhead", None) self.form.document_date(self.dated) self.form.bank_details(cmc, ctm, 0) def doProcess(self, drm): dmc = self.sql.drsmst_col dtc = self.sql.drstrn_col tdc = self.form.sql.tpldet_col self.chn = drm[dmc.index("drm_chain")] self.acc = drm[dmc.index("drm_acno")] eml = drm[dmc.index("drm_acc_email")] self.form.account_details("drm", dmc, drm, 1) if drm[dmc.index("drm_stames")]: self.mesno = drm[dmc.index("drm_stames")] else: self.mesno = self.mess for col in dmc: d = "%s_C00" % col if d in self.form.newdic: dat = drm[dmc.index(col)] self.form.newdic[d][tdc.index("tpd_text")] = dat bals = Balances(self.opts["mf"], "DRS", self.opts["conum"], self.curdt, (self.chn, self.acc)) if self.alloc == "Y": tt = "A" else: tt = "Y" obal, self.tbal, self.ages, trns = bals.doAllBals(trans=tt) if not trns[1]: return if self.sttyp == "O": self.tots = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] cmth = False tran = copyList(trns[1]) for t in tran: if t[dtc.index("drt_type")] not in (2, 6) and \ t[dtc.index("drt_curdt")] == self.curdt: self.tots[1] = float(ASD(self.tots[1]) + \ ASD(t[dtc.index("drt_tramt")])) if t[dtc.index("drt_taxamt")]: self.tots[1] = float(ASD(self.tots[1]) - \ ASD(t[dtc.index("drt_taxamt")])) self.tots[2] = float(ASD(self.tots[2]) + \ ASD(t[dtc.index("drt_taxamt")])) else: self.tots[0] = float(ASD(self.tots[0]) + \ ASD(t[dtc.index("drt_tramt")])) if t[dtc.index("drt_curdt")] == self.curdt: cmth = True elif self.oitem == "N": trns[1].remove(t) if self.zeros == "N" and not self.tbal and not cmth: return if self.minus == "N" and self.tbal < 0: return if self.oitem == "N" and obal: t[trns[0].index("drt_type")] = 3 t[trns[0].index("drt_ref1")] = "O/Bal" t[trns[0].index("drt_batch")] = "" t[trns[0].index("drt_trdt")] = (self.curdt * 100) + 1 t[trns[0].index("drt_ref2")] = "" t[trns[0].index("drt_tramt")] = obal t[trns[0].index("drt_taxamt")] = 0 t[trns[0].index("drt_desc")] = "Opening Balance" t[trns[0].index("drt_taxind")] = "" t[trns[0].index("drt_batind")] = "" trns[1].insert(0, t) if len(trns[1]) <= self.form.maxlines: self.doBody(trns[0], trns[1], tdc) else: pages = int(len(trns[1]) / self.form.maxlines) if len(trns[1]) % self.form.maxlines: pages += 1 if pages <= self.pages: self.doBody(trns[0], trns[1], tdc) else: bal = 0 lines = len( trns[1]) - (self.pages * self.form.maxlines) + 1 for _ in range(lines): trn = trns[1].pop(0) bal = float( ASD(bal) + ASD(trn[dtc.index("drt_tramt")])) trn[trns[0].index("drt_type")] = 3 trn[trns[0].index("drt_ref1")] = "B/FWD" trn[trns[0].index("drt_batch")] = "" trn[trns[0].index("drt_ref2")] = "" trn[trns[0].index("drt_tramt")] = bal trn[trns[0].index("drt_taxamt")] = 0 trn[trns[0].index("drt_desc")] = "Balance Brought Forward" trn[trns[0].index("drt_taxind")] = "" trn[trns[0].index("drt_batind")] = "" trns[1].insert(0, trn) self.doBody(trns[0], trns[1], tdc) else: if self.zeros == "N" and not self.tbal: return if self.minus == "N" and self.tbal < 0: return self.doBody(trns[0], trns[1], tdc) self.doTotal(tdc) self.doTail(tdc) if self.df.repeml[1] == "Y" and not self.emadd: self.df.repeml[2] = eml self.doPrint() def doPrint(self): if self.df.repeml[1] == "Y" and not self.emadd: key = "%s_%s_%s" % (self.opts["conum"], self.chn, self.acc) else: key = "%s_all_all" % self.opts["conum"] pdfnam = getModName(self.opts["mf"].rcdic["wrkdir"], self.__class__.__name__, key, ext="pdf") self.form.output(pdfnam, "F") doPrinter(mf=self.opts["mf"], conum=self.opts["conum"], pdfnam=pdfnam, header="%s Statement for %s as at %s" % (self.opts["conam"], self.acc, self.dated), repprt=self.df.repprt, fromad=self.fromad, repeml=self.df.repeml) if self.df.repeml[1] == "Y": self.form = DrawForm(self.opts["mf"].dbm, self.tname, wrkdir=self.opts["mf"].rcdic["wrkdir"]) self.doLoadStatic() self.form.doNewDetail() def doBody(self, dtc, drt, tdc): page = 0 count = 0 rbal = 0 text = tdc.index("tpd_text") for trans in drt: if not count: page += 1 count = self.doHeader(page) if count == self.form.maxlines: page = self.doCfwd(page) count = self.doHeader(page) for cod in self.form.body: if cod == "type_code": c = "drt_type" elif cod == "line_paid": c = "paid" elif cod == "line_balance": c = "balance" else: c = cod d = "%s_C%02i" % (cod, count) if cod == "type_code": ttyp = trans[dtc.index(c)] self.form.newdic[d][text] = drtrtp[ttyp - 1][0] elif self.sttyp == "O" and cod == "running_balance": self.form.newdic[d][text] = rbal else: self.form.newdic[d][text] = trans[dtc.index(c)] if self.sttyp == "O" and cod == "drt_tramt": rbal = float(ASD(rbal) + ASD(trans[dtc.index(c)])) self.form.doDrawDetail(self.form.newdic[d]) count += 1 for x in range(count, self.form.maxlines): for cod in self.form.body: d = "%s_C%02i" % (cod, x) self.form.newdic[d][tdc.index("tpd_text")] = "BLANK" self.form.doDrawDetail(self.form.newdic[d]) def doHeader(self, page): self.form.add_page() tdc = self.form.sql.tpldet_col for key in self.form.newkey: nl = copyList(self.form.newdic[key]) if nl[tdc.index("tpd_place")] != "A": continue if nl[tdc.index("tpd_detseq")] == "drm_acno_C00": nl[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = self.acc elif nl[tdc.index("tpd_detseq")] == "page_number_C00": nl[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = str(page) self.form.doDrawDetail(nl) return 0 def doCfwd(self, page): if "carried_forward" in self.form.tptp: tdc = self.form.sql.tpldet_col line = copyList(self.form.cfwd) line[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = "Continued on Page %i" % (page + 1) self.form.doDrawDetail(line) return page + 1 def doTotal(self, tdc): for c in if self.ageing == "N" and c != "total_balance": continue t = "%s_T00" % c if c in self.form.newdic: self.form.doDrawDetail(self.form.newdic[c]) elif t in self.form.newdic: self.form.doDrawDetail(self.form.newdic[t]) d = "%s_C00" % c if d in self.form.newdic: line = self.form.newdic[d] if c == "120_day_balance": line[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = self.ages[4] elif c == "90_day_balance": line[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = self.ages[3] elif c == "60_day_balance": line[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = self.ages[2] elif c == "30_day_balance": line[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = self.ages[1] elif c == "current_balance": line[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = self.ages[0] elif c == "total_arrears": line[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = self.tots[0] elif c == "month_exclusive": line[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = self.tots[1] elif c == "month_tax": line[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = self.tots[2] elif c == "total_balance": line[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = self.tbal self.form.doDrawDetail(line) def doTail(self, tdc): for c in self.form.tail: if c == "message" and not self.mesno: continue t = "%s_T00" % c if c in self.form.newdic: self.form.doDrawDetail(self.form.newdic[c]) elif t in self.form.newdic: self.form.doDrawDetail(self.form.newdic[t]) d = "%s_C00" % c if d in self.form.newdic: if d == "message_C00" and self.mesno: mes = self.sql.getRec("ctlmes", cols=["mss_detail"], where=[("mss_system", "=", "STA"), ("mss_message", "=", self.mesno)], limit=1) self.form.newdic[d][tdc.index("tpd_text")] = mes[0] self.form.doDrawDetail(self.form.newdic[d]) def doExit(self): self.df.closeProcess() self.opts["mf"].closeLoop()
class cr3080(object): def __init__(self, **opts): self.opts = opts if self.setVariables(): self.mainProcess() if "wait" in self.opts: self.df.mstFrame.wait_window() else: self.opts["mf"].startLoop() def setVariables(self): gc = GetCtl(self.opts["mf"]) crsctl = gc.getCtl("crsctl", self.opts["conum"]) if not crsctl: return t = time.localtime() self.sysdtw = (t[0] * 10000) + (t[1] * 100) + t[2] self.sql = Sql(self.opts["mf"].dbm, [ "ctlctl", "ctlmst", "crsctl", "crsmst", "crstrn", "crsage", "gentrn", "tplmst" ], prog=self.__class__.__name__) if self.sql.error: return self.glint = crsctl["ctc_glint"] self.bestac = crsctl["ctc_bestac"] self.besttp = crsctl["ctc_besttp"] self.bankac = crsctl["ctc_bankac"] self.tplnam = crsctl["ctc_tplnam"] self.fromad = crsctl["ctc_emadd"] if self.glint == "Y": ctlctl = gc.getCtl("ctlctl", self.opts["conum"]) if not ctlctl: return if gc.chkRec(self.opts["conum"], ctlctl, ["crs_ctl"]): return self.crsctl = ctlctl["crs_ctl"] acc = self.sql.getRec("crstrn", cols=["max(crt_ref1)"], where=[("crt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("crt_type", "=", 5), ("crt_ref1", "like", "EFT______")], limit=1) try: self.cats = int(acc[0][3:]) self.refs = int(acc[0][3:]) + 1 except: self.cats = 0 self.refs = 1 self.etotal = 0 return True def mainProcess(self): tpm = { "stype": "R", "tables": ("tplmst", ), "cols": (("tpm_tname", "", 0, "Template"), ("tpm_title", "", 0, "Title", "Y")), "where": [("tpm_type", "=", "R"), ("tpm_system", "=", "CRS")], "order": "tpm_tname" } crm = { "stype": "R", "tables": ("crsmst", ), "cols": (("crm_acno", "", 0, "Acc-Num"), ("crm_name", "", 0, "Name", "Y")), "where": [("crm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("crm_stat", "<>", "X")] } r1s = (("Yes", "Y"), ("Range", "R"), ("Singles", "S")) r2s = (("Yes", "Y"), ("No", "N")) r3s = (("Number", "N"), ("Name", "M"), ("Postal Code", "P")) r4s = (("Monthly", "M"), ("Daily", "D")) fld = ((("T", 0, 0, 0), "INA", 20, "Template Name", "", self.tplnam, "Y", self.doTplNam, tpm, None, None), (("T", 0, 1, 0), ("IRB", r1s), 0, "Whole File", "", "S", "Y", self.doWhole, None, None, None), [["T", 0, 2, 0], "INA", 7, "From Account", "", "", "Y", self.doAcc, crm, None, None], [["T", 0, 3, 0], "INA", 7, "To Account", "", "", "Y", self.doAcc, crm, None, None], (("T", 0, 4, 0), ("IRB", r3s), 0, "Sort Order", "", "N", "Y", self.doSort, None, None, None), (("T", 0, 5, 0), ("IRB", r4s), 0, "Terms Base", "", "M", "Y", self.doFrequency, None, None, None), (("T", 0, 6, 0), ("IRB", r2s), 0, "Exceptions", "", "N", "Y", self.doExcepts, None, None, None), (("T", 0, 7, 0), "ID1", 10, "Due Date", "", self.sysdtw, "Y", self.doDuedat, None, None, ("efld", )), (("T", 0, 8, 0), "ID1", 10, "Payment Date", "", self.sysdtw, "Y", self.doPaydat, None, None, ("efld", ))) tnd = ((self.doEnd, "Y"), ) txt = (self.doExit, ) self.df = TartanDialog(self.opts["mf"], eflds=fld, tend=tnd, txit=txt, view=("N", "V"), mail=("B", "Y")) def doTplNam(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): acc = self.sql.getRec("tplmst", where=[("tpm_tname", "=", w), ("tpm_type", "=", "R"), ("tpm_system", "=", "CRS")], limit=1) if not acc: return "Invalid Template Name" self.tname = w def doWhole(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.whole = w if self.whole in ("Y", "S"): self.sacc = "" self.eacc = "" self.df.loadEntry("T", 0, p + 1, data=self.sacc) self.df.loadEntry("T", 0, p + 2, data=self.eacc) return "sk2" def doAcc(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): chk = self.sql.getRec("crsmst", cols=["crm_name", "crm_stat"], where=[("crm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("crm_acno", "=", w)], limit=1) if not chk: return "Invalid Creditors Account" if not chk[1] == "X": return "Invalid Account, Redundant" if c == 3: self.sacc = w else: self.eacc = w def doSort(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.sort = w def doFrequency(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.freq = w def doExcepts(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.excepts = w def doDuedat(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.duedtw = w self.duedtd = self.df.t_disp[pag][0][p] def doPaydat(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.paydtw = w self.paydtd = self.df.t_disp[pag][0][p] self.curdt = int(self.paydtw / 100) self.batno = "E%s" % self.curdt def doEnd(self): self.df.closeProcess() if self.excepts == "Y": self.doExceptions() self.emadd = self.df.repeml[2] if self.bestac: self.export = open( os.path.join( self.opts["mf"].rcdic["wrkdir"], "best%03d_%s.txt" % (self.opts["conum"], self.paydtw)), "w") # Header for BEST self.export.write("%1s%4s%-40s%8s%1s%8s%-15s%1s%2s%1s%9s%2s%4s"\ "\r\n" % ("*", self.bestac, self.opts["conam"], self.paydtw, "Y", "", "CREDITORS EFT", "+", self.besttp, 0, "", "01", "LIVE")) else: self.export = None if self.whole == "S": recs = getSingleRecords(self.opts["mf"], "crsmst", ("crm_acno", "crm_name"), where=[("crm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("crm_termsb", "=", self.freq), ("crm_pyind", "<>", "N"), ("crm_stat", "<>", "X")]) else: if not self.eacc: self.eacc = "zzzzzzz" whr = [("crm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("crm_acno", "between", self.sacc, self.eacc), ("crm_termsb", "=", self.freq), ("crm_pyind", "<>", "N"), ("crm_stat", "<>", "X")] if self.sort == "N": odr = "crm_acno" elif self.sort == "M": odr = "crm_name" else: odr = "crm_pcod" recs = self.sql.getRec("crsmst", where=whr, order=odr) if not recs: showError(self.opts["mf"].body, "Error", "No Accounts Selected") if recs: self.form = DrawForm(self.opts["mf"].dbm, self.tname, wrkdir=self.opts["mf"].rcdic["wrkdir"]) self.doLoadStatic() self.form.doNewDetail() p = ProgressBar(self.opts["mf"].body, mxs=len(recs), esc=True) for num, rec in enumerate(recs): p.displayProgress(num) if p.quit: self.opts["mf"].dbm.rollbackDbase() break self.doProcess(rec) p.closeProgress() if p.quit or not pass elif self.df.repeml[1] == "N" or self.emadd: self.df.repeml[2] = self.emadd self.doPrint() if self.bestac: # Trailer for BEST value = int(round((self.etotal * 100), 0)) self.export.write("%1s%4s%1s%30s%013u%47s\r\n" % \ (2, self.bestac, "T", "", value, "")) self.export.close() if self.glint == "Y" and self.etotal: # Create total transactions in GL data = [ self.opts["conum"], self.crsctl, self.curdt, self.paydtw, 2, self.refno, self.batno, self.etotal, 0.0, "Payment EFT%06i to EFT%06i" % (self.refs, self.cats), "", "", 0, self.opts["capnm"], self.sysdtw, 0 ] self.sql.insRec("gentrn", data=data) data[1] = self.bankac data[7] = float(ASD(0) - ASD(self.etotal)) self.sql.insRec("gentrn", data=data) self.opts["mf"].dbm.commitDbase( ask=True, mess="""Would you like to commit all elecronic payments? If you decide to do this, you must remember to upload the BEST file to the Bank otherwise you are NOT going to Reconcile!""", default="no") if "wait" not in self.opts: self.opts["mf"].closeLoop() def doExceptions(self): crm = { "stype": "R", "tables": ("crsmst", ), "cols": (("crm_acno", "", 0, "Acc-Num"), ("crm_name", "", 0, "Name", "Y")), "where": [("crm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("crm_termsb", "=", self.freq), ("crm_stat", "<>", "X")] } crt = { "stype": "R", "tables": ("crstrn", ), "cols": (("crt_ref1", "", 0, "Reference", "Y"), ("crt_type", ("XX", crtrtp), 3, "Typ"), ("crt_trdt", "", 0, "Date"), ("crt_tramt", "", 0, " Amount"), ("paid", "SD", 13.2, " Paid"), ("balance", "SD", 13.2, " Balance"), ("crt_paydt", "", 0, "Pay-Date"), ("crt_payind", "", 0, "I"), ("crt_payamt", "", 0, " Pay-Amnt")), "wtype": "D", "where": [], "order": "crt_ref1" } types = [] for x in range(1, len(crtrtp) + 1): types.append((x, crtrtp[x - 1][1])) typ = { "stype": "C", "titl": "Select the Required Type", "head": ("C", "Type"), "data": types } fld = ((("T", 0, 0, 0), "I@crm_acno", 0, "", "", "", "N", self.doExAcNo, crm, None, ("notblank", )), (("T", 0, 0, 0), "O@crm_name", 0, ""), (("C", 0, 0, 1), "I@crt_type", 0, "", "", "", "N", self.doExTrnTyp, typ, None, ("in", (1, 2, 3, 4, 5))), (("C", 0, 0, 0), "I@crt_ref1", 0, "", "", "", "N", self.doExTrnRef, crt, None, ("notblank", )), (("C", 0, 0, 2), "O@crt_trdt", 0, ""), (("C", 0, 0, 3), "OSD", 13.2, "Balance"), (("C", 0, 0, 4), "I@crt_payind", 0, "", "", "", "N", self.doExInd, None, None, ("in", ("Y", "N"))), (("C", 0, 0, 5), "I@crt_paydt", 0, "", "", "", "N", self.doExDte, None, None, ("efld", )), (("C", 0, 0, 6), "I@crt_payamt", 0, "", "", "", "N", self.doExAmt, None, None, ("efld", ))) tnd = ((self.doExEndTop, "n"), ) txt = (self.doExExitTop, ) cnd = ((self.doExEndCol, "y"), ) cxt = (self.doExExitCol, ) self.ex = TartanDialog(self.opts["mf"], eflds=fld, tend=tnd, txit=txt, cend=cnd, cxit=cxt) self.ex.mstFrame.wait_window() def doExAcNo(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): acc = self.sql.getRec( "crsmst", cols=["crm_name", "crm_termsb", "crm_pyind", "crm_stat"], where=[("crm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("crm_acno", "=", w)], limit=1) if not acc: return "Invalid Account Number" if acc[1] != self.freq: return "Invalid Terms Base" if acc[2] == "N": return "Invalid Payment Indicator" if acc[3] == "X": return "Invalid Account, Redundant" self.exacc = w self.ex.loadEntry(frt, pag, p + 1, data=acc[0]) def doExEndTop(self): self.ex.focusField("C", 0, 1) def doExExitTop(self): self.opts["mf"].dbm.commitDbase( ask=True, mess="Would you like to commit these exceptions?") self.ex.closeProcess() def doExTrnTyp(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.extyp = w data = [] # Build the data for the F1 choice selection col, dat = getTrn(self.opts["mf"].dbm, "crs", whr=[("crt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("crt_acno", "=", self.exacc), ("crt_type", "=", w)], zer="N") if dat: cols = ("crt_ref1", "crt_type", "crt_trdt", "crt_tramt", "paid", "balance", "crt_paydt", "crt_payind", "crt_payamt") for d in dat: rec = [] for cc in cols: rec.append(d[col.index(cc)]) data.append(rec) self.ex.colf[0][1][8]["where"] = data def doExTrnRef(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): col = ["crt_trdt", "balance", "crt_payind", "crt_paydt", "crt_payamt"] whr = [("crt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("crt_acno", "=", self.exacc), ("crt_type", "=", self.extyp), ("crt_ref1", "=", w)] c, d = getTrn(self.opts["mf"].dbm, "crs", whr=whr, lim=1) if not d: return "Invalid Transaction Number" if not d[0][c.index("balance")]: return "Transaction Has No Balance" self.exref = w self.exdte = d[0][c.index("crt_paydt")] self.examt = d[0][c.index("crt_payamt")] for pos, fld in enumerate(col): self.ex.loadEntry(frt, pag, p + 1 + pos, data=d[0][c.index(fld)]) def doExInd(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.exind = w if self.exind == "N": return "nd" def doExDte(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.exdte = w def doExAmt(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.examt = w def doExEndCol(self): # Update Transaction" self.sql.updRec("crstrn", cols=["crt_payind", "crt_paydt", "crt_payamt"], data=[self.exind, self.exdte, self.examt], where=[("crt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("crt_acno", "=", self.exacc), ("crt_type", "=", self.extyp), ("crt_ref1", "=", self.exref)]) self.ex.advanceLine(0) def doExExitCol(self): self.ex.focusField("T", 0, 1) def doLoadStatic(self): cmc = self.sql.ctlmst_col ctm = self.sql.getRec("ctlmst", where=[("ctm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"])], limit=1) for fld in cmc: dat = ctm[cmc.index(fld)] if fld in self.form.tptp: if fld == "ctm_logo": self.form.letterhead(cmc, ctm, fld, dat) continue self.form.tptp[fld][1] = dat if "letterhead" in self.form.tptp: self.form.letterhead(cmc, ctm, "letterhead", None) self.form.document_date(self.duedtd) def doProcess(self, crm): cmc = self.sql.crsmst_col tdc = self.form.sql.tpldet_col self.acno = crm[cmc.index("crm_acno")] eml = crm[cmc.index("crm_acc_email")] self.form.account_details("crm", cmc, crm, 1) for col in cmc: d = "%s_C00" % col if d in self.form.newdic: dat = crm[cmc.index(col)] self.form.newdic[d][tdc.index("tpd_text")] = dat jon = "cra_curdt <= %s" % self.curdt whr = [("crt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("crt_acno", "=", self.acno), ("crt_payind", "=", "Y"), ("crt_paydt", "<=", self.duedtw)] ctc, crt = getTrn(self.opts["mf"].dbm, "crs", jon=jon, whr=whr, zer="N") if not crt: return bal = 0 = 0 for d in crt: if d[ctc.index("balance")] < 0: d[ctc.index("crt_payamt")] = d[ctc.index("balance")] bal = float(ASD(bal) + ASD(d[ctc.index("balance")])) = float(ASD( + ASD(d[ctc.index("crt_payamt")])) if > bal: = bal if > 0: self.bname = crm[cmc.index("crm_bname")] self.bibt = crm[cmc.index("crm_bibt")] self.bacc = crm[cmc.index("crm_bacc")] if self.bname and self.bibt and self.bacc: self.ptype = "E" # Electronic test = False while not test: self.cats += 1 self.refno = "EFT%06i" % self.cats # Check if Reference Number Already Exists chk = self.sql.getRec("crstrn", where=[("crt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("crt_acno", "=", self.acno), ("crt_type", "=", 5), ("crt_ref1", "=", self.refno) ]) if not chk: test = True else: self.ptype = "C" # Cheque self.doBody(ctc, crt, tdc) self.doTotal(tdc) self.doTail(tdc) if self.df.repeml[1] == "Y" and not self.emadd: self.df.repeml[2] = eml self.doPrint() def doPrint(self): if self.df.repeml[1] == "Y" and not self.emadd: key = "%s_%s" % (self.opts["conum"], self.acno) else: key = "%s_all" % self.opts["conum"] pdfnam = getModName(self.opts["mf"].rcdic["wrkdir"], self.__class__.__name__, key, ext="pdf") self.form.output(pdfnam, "F") doPrinter(mf=self.opts["mf"], conum=self.opts["conum"], pdfnam=pdfnam, header="%s Remittance Advice" % self.opts["conam"], repprt=self.df.repprt, fromad=self.fromad, repeml=self.df.repeml) if self.df.repeml[1] == "Y": self.form = DrawForm(self.opts["mf"].dbm, self.tname, wrkdir=self.opts["mf"].rcdic["wrkdir"]) self.doLoadStatic() self.form.doNewDetail() def doBody(self, ctc, crt, tdc): page = 0 count = 0 text = self.form.sql.tpldet_col.index("tpd_text") for trans in crt: trbal = trans[ctc.index("balance")] payamt = trans[ctc.index("crt_payamt")] if payamt > trbal: payamt = trbal trans[ctc.index("balance")] = payamt if not count: page += 1 count = self.doHeader(page) if count == self.form.maxlines: page = self.doCfwd(page) count = self.doHeader(page) for cod in self.form.body: if cod == "type_code": c = "crt_type" elif cod == "line_paid": c = "paid" elif cod == "line_balance": c = "balance" else: c = cod d = "%s_C%02i" % (cod, count) if cod == "type_code": ttyp = trans[ctc.index(c)] self.form.newdic[d][text] = crtrtp[ttyp - 1][0] else: self.form.newdic[d][text] = trans[ctc.index(c)] self.form.doDrawDetail(self.form.newdic[d]) if self.ptype == "E" and self.bestac: trtp = trans[ctc.index("crt_type")] ref1 = trans[ctc.index("crt_ref1")] # Create Ageing Transaction self.sql.insRec("crsage", data=[ self.opts["conum"], self.acno, trtp, ref1, self.curdt, 5, self.refno, payamt, 0 ]) count += 1 for x in range(count, self.form.maxlines): for cod in self.form.body: d = "%s_C%02i" % (cod, x) self.form.newdic[d][tdc.index("tpd_text")] = "BLANK" self.form.doDrawDetail(self.form.newdic[d]) def doHeader(self, page): tdc = self.form.sql.tpldet_col self.form.add_page() for key in self.form.newkey: nl = copyList(self.form.newdic[key]) if nl[tdc.index("tpd_place")] != "A": continue if nl[tdc.index("tpd_detseq")] == "crm_acno_C00": nl[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = self.acno elif nl[tdc.index("tpd_detseq")] == "page_number_C00": nl[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = str(page) self.form.doDrawDetail(nl) return 0 def doCfwd(self, page): if "carried_forward" in self.form.tptp: tdc = self.form.sql.tpldet_col line = copyList(self.form.cfwd) line[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = "Continued on Page %i" % (page + 1) self.form.doDrawDetail(line) return page + 1 def doTotal(self, tdc): for c in t = "%s_T00" % c if c in self.form.newdic: self.form.doDrawDetail(self.form.newdic[c]) elif t in self.form.newdic: self.form.doDrawDetail(self.form.newdic[t]) d = "%s_C00" % c if d in self.form.newdic: line = self.form.newdic[d] if c == "total_payment": line[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = self.form.doDrawDetail(line) if self.ptype == "E" and self.bestac: value = int(round(( * 100), 0)) self.export.write("%1s%4s%06u%-7s%019u%1s%1s%011u%-20s%10s"\ "%-15s%1s\r\n" % (2, self.bestac, self.bibt, self.acno, int(self.bacc), "", "1", value, self.bname, "", self.opts["conam"][:15], "")) self.etotal = float(ASD(self.etotal) + ASD( # Create Payment and Ageing Transaction p = float(ASD(0) - ASD( self.sql.insRec("crstrn", data=[ self.opts["conum"], self.acno, 5, self.refno, self.batno, self.paydtw, "", p, 0.0, 0.0, self.curdt, 0, "", 0.0, "Electronic Payment", "", "", self.opts["capnm"], self.sysdtw, 0 ]) self.sql.insRec("crsage", data=[ self.opts["conum"], self.acno, 5, self.refno, self.curdt, 5, self.refno, p, 0 ]) def doTail(self, tdc): for c in self.form.tail: t = "%s_T00" % c if c in self.form.newdic: self.form.doDrawDetail(self.form.newdic[c]) elif t in self.form.newdic: self.form.doDrawDetail(self.form.newdic[t]) d = "%s_C00" % c if d in self.form.newdic: line = self.form.newdic[d] if c == "eft_message" and self.ptype == "E" and self.bestac: line[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = "ELECTRONIC TRANSFER AT %s "\ "REFERENCE %s" % (self.paydtd, self.refno) self.form.doDrawDetail(line) def doExit(self): self.df.closeProcess() if "wait" not in self.opts: self.opts["mf"].closeLoop()
class ln3040(object): def __init__(self, **opts): self.opts = opts if self.setVariables(): self.mainProcess() self.opts["mf"].startLoop() def setVariables(self): gc = GetCtl(self.opts["mf"]) lonctl = gc.getCtl("lonctl", self.opts["conum"]) if not lonctl: return self.capb = lonctl["cln_capb"] self.capf = lonctl["cln_capf"] self.lint = lonctl["cln_last"] self.stpl = lonctl["cln_tplnam"] self.fromad = lonctl["cln_emadd"] t = time.localtime() self.sysdtw = (t[0] * 10000) + (t[1] * 100) + t[2] self.curdt = int(self.sysdtw / 100) self.sper = int(self.opts["period"][1][0] / 100) self.eper = int(self.opts["period"][2][0] / 100) self.sql = Sql(self.opts["mf"].dbm, [ "ctlmes", "ctlmst", "ctlynd", "lonmf1", "lonmf2", "lontrn", "tplmst" ], prog=self.__class__.__name__) if self.sql.error: return return True def mainProcess(self): tpm = { "stype": "R", "tables": ("tplmst", ), "cols": (("tpm_tname", "", 0, "Template"), ("tpm_title", "", 0, "Title", "Y")), "where": [("tpm_type", "=", "S"), ("tpm_system", "=", "LON")], "order": "tpm_tname" } r1s = (("Yes", "Y"), ("No", "N")) r2s = (("Number", "A"), ("Name", "N")) fld = ((("T", 0, 0, 0), "INA", 20, "Template Name", "", self.stpl, "Y", self.doTplNam, tpm, None, None), (("T", 0, 1, 0), "Id2", 7, "Start Period", "", self.sper, "N", self.doSPer, None, None, None), (("T", 0, 2, 0), "ID2", 7, "End Period", "", self.eper, "N", self.doEPer, None, None, None), (("T", 0, 3, 0), ("IRB", r1s), 0, "Whole File", "", "N", "N", self.doWhole, None, None, None), (("T", 0, 4, 0), ("IRB", r2s), 0, "Sort Order", "", "A", "N", self.doSort, None, None, None), (("T", 0, 5, 0), ("IRB", r1s), 0, "Include Zero Balances", "", "N", "N", self.doZeros, None, None, None), (("T", 0, 6, 0), ("IRB", r1s), 0, "Include Pending Interest", "", "N", "N", self.doPend, None, None, None), (("T", 0, 7, 0), ("IRB", r1s), 0, "Interest Totals Only", "", "Y", "N", self.doITots, None, None, None)) tnd = ((self.doEnd, "Y"), ) txt = (self.doExit, ) self.df = TartanDialog(self.opts["mf"], eflds=fld, tend=tnd, txit=txt, view=("N", "V"), mail=("B", "Y")) def doTplNam(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): acc = self.sql.getRec("tplmst", where=[("tpm_tname", "=", w), ("tpm_type", "=", "S"), ("tpm_system", "=", "LON")], limit=1) if not acc: return "Invalid Template Name" self.tname = w def doSPer(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.sperw = w self.sperd = self.df.t_disp[pag][0][p] def doEPer(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.eperw = w self.eperd = self.df.t_disp[pag][0][p] = CCD(mthendDate((w * 100) + 1), "D1", 10) def doWhole(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.whole = w def doSort(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.sort = w def doZeros(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.zeros = w def doPend(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.pend = w def doITots(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.itot = w def doEnd(self): self.df.closeProcess() self.emadd = self.df.repeml[2] if self.whole == "N": recs = getSingleRecords(self.opts["mf"], "lonmf1", ("lm1_acno", "lm1_name"), where=[("lm1_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"])]) else: whr = [("lm1_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"])] if self.sort == "A": odr = "lm1_acno" else: odr = "lm1_name" recs = self.sql.getRec("lonmf1", where=whr, order=odr) if not recs: showError(self.opts["mf"].body, "Error", "No Accounts Selected") else: self.form = DrawForm(self.opts["mf"].dbm, self.tname, wrkdir=self.opts["mf"].rcdic["wrkdir"]) self.doLoadStatic() self.form.doNewDetail() p = ProgressBar(self.opts["mf"].body, mxs=len(recs), esc=True) for num, rec in enumerate(recs): p.displayProgress(num) if p.quit: break self.doProcess(rec) p.closeProgress() if p.quit or not pass elif self.df.repeml[1] == "N" or self.emadd: self.df.repeml[2] = self.emadd self.doPrint() self.opts["mf"].closeLoop() def doLoadStatic(self): cmc = self.sql.ctlmst_col ctm = self.sql.getRec("ctlmst", where=[("ctm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"])], limit=1) for fld in cmc: dat = ctm[cmc.index(fld)] if fld in self.form.tptp: if fld == "ctm_logo": self.form.letterhead(cmc, ctm, fld, dat) continue self.form.tptp[fld][1] = dat if "letterhead" in self.form.tptp: self.form.letterhead(cmc, ctm, "letterhead", None) self.form.document_date( self.form.bank_details(cmc, ctm, 0) def doProcess(self, lm1): l1c = self.sql.lonmf1_col tdc = self.form.sql.tpldet_col self.acno = lm1[l1c.index("lm1_acno")] self.emlto = lm1[l1c.index("lm1_email")] self.form.account_details("lm1", l1c, lm1, 1) for col in l1c: d = "%s_C00" % col if d in self.form.newdic: dat = lm1[l1c.index(col)] self.form.newdic[d][tdc.index("tpd_text")] = dat lonmf2 = self.sql.getRec("lonmf2", where=[("lm2_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("lm2_acno", "=", self.acno)], order="lm2_loan") for loan in lonmf2: self.doStatement(tdc, loan) def doStatement(self, tdc, lm2): l2c = self.sql.lonmf2_col ltc = copyList(self.sql.lontrn_col) = lm2[l2c.index("lm2_loan")] for col in l2c: d = "%s_C00" % col if d in self.form.newdic: dat = lm2[l2c.index(col)] self.form.newdic[d][tdc.index("tpd_text")] = dat if self.pend == "Y": # Raise Pending Interest LoanInterest("L", self.opts["mf"].dbm, lm2, update="Y",, batch="Pending", curdt=self.curdt, capnm="") # Get Transactions whr = [("lnt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("lnt_acno", "=", self.acno), ("lnt_loan", "=",, ("lnt_curdt", "<=", self.eperw)] odr = "lnt_curdt, lnt_trdt, lnt_type, lnt_refno" if self.itot == "Y": w = whr[:] w.append(("lnt_type", "<>", 4)) trns = self.sql.getRec("lontrn", where=w, order=odr) if self.capb == "A": # Anniversary fcap = [lm2[l2c.index("lm2_start")], 0] if self.capf == "A": fcap[1] = projectDate(fcap[0], 1, typ="years") else: fcap[1] = projectDate(fcap[0], 6, typ="months") else: # Financial periods = self.sql.getRec( "ctlynd", cols=["cye_period", "cye_start", "cye_end"], where=[("cye_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"])], order="cye_period") fcap = [periods[0][1], periods[0][2]] if self.capf == "B": # Bi-Annual fcap[1] = projectDate(fcap[1], -6, typ="months") capdt = [copyList(fcap)] while fcap[1] < if self.capf == "A": fcap[0] = projectDate(fcap[0], 1, typ="years") fcap[1] = projectDate(fcap[1], 1, typ="years") else: fcap[0] = projectDate(fcap[0], 6, typ="months") fcap[1] = projectDate(fcap[1], 6, typ="months") if fcap[1] <= capdt.append(copyList(fcap)) for capd in capdt: w = whr[:] w.append(("lnt_type", "=", 4)) w.append(("lnt_trdt", "between", capd[0], capd[1])) ints = self.sql.getRec("lontrn", where=w, order=odr) if not ints: continue ddes = "Dr Int %s to %s" cdes = "Cr Int %s to %s" dbal = 0 cbal = 0 for trn in ints: amt = trn[ltc.index("lnt_tramt")] if amt < 0: cbal = float(ASD(cbal) + ASD(amt)) else: dbal = float(ASD(dbal) + ASD(amt)) if dbal: trn[ltc.index("lnt_tramt")] = dbal trn[ltc.index("lnt_desc")] = ddes % (CCD( int(capd[0] / 100), "D2", 7).disp, CCD(int(capd[1] / 100), "D2", 7).disp) trns.append(copyList(trn)) if cbal: trn[ltc.index("lnt_tramt")] = cbal trn[ltc.index("lnt_desc")] = cdes % (CCD( int(capd[0] / 100), "D2", 7).disp, CCD(int(capd[1] / 100), "D2", 7).disp) trns.append(copyList(trn)) trns = sorted(trns, key=itemgetter(5)) else: trns = self.sql.getRec("lontrn", where=whr, order=odr) if not trns: return self.bal = 0 self.tots = 0 if self.sperw: obal = 0 trans = copyList(trns) for trn in trans: tramt = trn[self.sql.lontrn_col.index("lnt_tramt")] if trn[self.sql.lontrn_col.index("lnt_curdt")] < self.sperw: obal = float(ASD(obal) + ASD(tramt)) trns.remove(trn) trn[ltc.index("lnt_type")] = 3 trn[ltc.index("lnt_trdt")] = (self.sperw * 100) + 1 trn[ltc.index("lnt_refno")] = "O/Bal" trn[ltc.index("lnt_batch")] = "" trn[ltc.index("lnt_tramt")] = obal trn[ltc.index("lnt_desc")] = "Opening Balance" trn[ltc.index("lnt_batind")] = "" trns.insert(0, trn) trans = [] for trn in trns: tramt = trn[ltc.index("lnt_tramt")] self.tots = float(ASD(self.tots) + ASD(tramt)) if tramt < 0: trn.extend([0, tramt]) else: trn.extend([tramt, 0]) trans.append(trn) ltc.extend(["line_debit", "line_credit"]) if self.zeros == "N" and not self.tots: return self.doBody(ltc, trans, tdc) self.doTotal(tdc) self.doTail(tdc) if self.pend == "Y": self.opts["mf"].dbm.rollbackDbase() if self.df.repeml[1] == "Y" and not self.emadd: self.df.repeml[2] = self.emlto self.doPrint() def doPrint(self): if self.df.repeml[1] == "Y" and not self.emadd: key = "%s_%s_%s" % (self.opts["conum"], self.acno, else: key = "%s_all_all" % self.opts["conum"] pdfnam = getModName(self.opts["mf"].rcdic["wrkdir"], self.__class__.__name__, key, ext="pdf") self.form.output(pdfnam, "F") doPrinter(mf=self.opts["mf"], conum=self.opts["conum"], pdfnam=pdfnam, header="%s Statement at %s" % (self.opts["conam"],, repprt=self.df.repprt, fromad=self.fromad, repeml=self.df.repeml) if self.df.repeml[1] == "Y": self.form = DrawForm(self.opts["mf"].dbm, self.tname, wrkdir=self.opts["mf"].rcdic["wrkdir"]) self.doLoadStatic() self.form.doNewDetail() def doBody(self, ltc, lnt, tdc): page = 0 count = 0 text = tdc.index("tpd_text") for trans in lnt: if not count: page += 1 count = self.doHeader(page) if count == self.form.maxlines: page = self.doCfwd(page) count = self.doHeader(page) for cod in self.form.body: if cod == "type_code": c = "lnt_type" elif cod == "line_paid": c = "paid" else: c = cod d = "%s_C%02i" % (cod, count) if cod == "type_code": ttyp = trans[ltc.index(c)] self.form.newdic[d][text] = lntrtp[ttyp - 1][0] elif c in ("line_debit", "line_credit"): tramt = trans[ltc.index(c)] self.bal = float(ASD(self.bal) + ASD(tramt)) self.form.newdic[d][text] = trans[ltc.index(c)] elif c == "line_balance": self.form.newdic[d][text] = self.bal else: self.form.newdic[d][text] = trans[ltc.index(c)] self.form.doDrawDetail(self.form.newdic[d]) count += 1 for x in range(count, self.form.maxlines): for cod in self.form.body: d = "%s_C%02i" % (cod, x) self.form.newdic[d][tdc.index("tpd_text")] = "BLANK" self.form.doDrawDetail(self.form.newdic[d]) def doHeader(self, page): self.form.add_page() tdc = self.form.sql.tpldet_col for key in self.form.newkey: nl = copyList(self.form.newdic[key]) if nl[tdc.index("tpd_place")] != "A": continue if nl[tdc.index("tpd_detseq")] == "lm1_acno_C00": nl[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = self.acno elif nl[tdc.index("tpd_detseq")] == "page_number_C00": nl[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = str(page) self.form.doDrawDetail(nl) return 0 def doCfwd(self, page): if "carried_forward" in self.form.tptp: tdc = self.form.sql.tpldet_col line = copyList(self.form.cfwd) line[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = "Continued on Page %i" % (page + 1) self.form.doDrawDetail(line) return page + 1 def doTotal(self, tdc): for c in t = "%s_T00" % c if c in self.form.newdic: self.form.doDrawDetail(self.form.newdic[c]) elif t in self.form.newdic: self.form.doDrawDetail(self.form.newdic[t]) d = "%s_C00" % c if d in self.form.newdic: line = self.form.newdic[d] if c == "total_balance": line[tdc.index("tpd_text")] = self.tots self.form.doDrawDetail(line) def doTail(self, tdc): for c in self.form.tail: t = "%s_T00" % c if c in self.form.newdic: self.form.doDrawDetail(self.form.newdic[c]) elif t in self.form.newdic: self.form.doDrawDetail(self.form.newdic[t]) d = "%s_C00" % c if d in self.form.newdic: self.form.doDrawDetail(self.form.newdic[d]) def doExit(self): self.df.closeProcess() self.opts["mf"].closeLoop()