コード例 #1
 def fillMETAndDiLeptonBranches(self, event, tau1, tau2, met, met_vars):
   """Help function to compute variable related to the MET and visible tau candidates,
    and fill the corresponding branches."""
   # PROPAGATE TES/LTF/JTF shift to MET (assume shift is already applied to object)
   if self.ismc and 't' in self.channel:
     if hasattr(tau1,'es') and tau1.es!=1:
       dp = tau1.tlv*(1.-1./tau1.es) # assume shift is already applied
     if hasattr(tau2,'es') and tau2.es!=1:
       dp = tau2.tlv*(1.-1./tau2.es)
       #print ">>> fillMETAndDiLeptonBranches: Correcting MET for es=%.3f, pt=%.3f, dpt=%.3f, gm=%d"%(tau2.es,tau2.pt,dp.Pt(),tau2.genPartFlav)
   tau1 = tau1.tlv # continue with TLorentzVector
   tau2 = tau2.tlv # continue with TLorentzVector
   # MET
   self.out.met[0]       = met.Pt()
   self.out.metphi[0]    = met.Phi()
   self.out.mt_1[0]      = sqrt( 2*self.out.pt_1[0]*met.Pt()*(1-cos(deltaPhi(self.out.phi_1[0],met.Phi()))) )
   self.out.mt_2[0]      = sqrt( 2*self.out.pt_2[0]*met.Pt()*(1-cos(deltaPhi(self.out.phi_2[0],met.Phi()))) )
   ###self.out.puppimetpt[0]             = event.PuppiMET_pt
   ###self.out.puppimetphi[0]            = event.PuppiMET_phi
   ###self.out.metsignificance[0]        = event.MET_significance
   ###self.out.metcov00[0]               = event.MET_covXX
   ###self.out.metcov01[0]               = event.MET_covXY
   ###self.out.metcov11[0]               = event.MET_covYY
   ###self.out.fixedGridRhoFastjetAll[0] = event.fixedGridRhoFastjetAll
   # PZETA
   leg1                  = TVector3(tau1.Px(),tau1.Py(),0.)
   leg2                  = TVector3(tau2.Px(),tau2.Py(),0.)
   zetaAxis              = TVector3(leg1.Unit()+leg2.Unit()).Unit() # bisector of visible tau candidates
   pzetavis              = leg1*zetaAxis + leg2*zetaAxis # bisector of visible ditau momentum onto zeta axis
   pzetamiss             = met.Vect()*zetaAxis # projection of MET onto zeta axis
   self.out.pzetamiss[0] = pzetamiss
   self.out.pzetavis[0]  = pzetavis
   self.out.dzeta[0]     = pzetamiss - 0.85*pzetavis
   for unc, met_var in met_vars.iteritems():
     getattr(self.out,"met_"+unc)[0]    = met_var.Pt()
     getattr(self.out,"metphi_"+unc)[0] = met_var.Phi()
     getattr(self.out,"mt_1_"+unc)[0]   = sqrt( 2 * self.out.pt_1[0] * met_var.Pt() * ( 1 - cos(deltaPhi(self.out.phi_1[0],met_var.Phi())) ))
     getattr(self.out,"dzeta_"+unc)[0]  = met_var.Vect()*zetaAxis - 0.85*pzeta_vis
   self.out.m_vis[0]     = (tau1 + tau2).M()
   self.out.pt_ll[0]     = (tau1 + tau2).Pt()
   self.out.dR_ll[0]     = tau1.DeltaR(tau2)
   self.out.dphi_ll[0]   = deltaPhi(self.out.phi_1[0], self.out.phi_2[0])
   self.out.deta_ll[0]   = abs(self.out.eta_1[0] - self.out.eta_2[0])
   self.out.chi[0]       = exp(abs(tau1.Rapidity() - tau2.Rapidity()))
コード例 #2
ファイル: ModuleEMu.py プロジェクト: yihui-lai/TauFW
  def analyze(self, event):
    """Process event, return True (pass, go to next module) or False (fail, go to next event)."""
    # NO CUT
    if not (event.HLT_IsoMu24 or event.HLT_IsoMu27): return False
    ##### MUON #######################################
    muons = [ ]
    veto_muons = [ ]
    for muon in Collection(event,'Muon'):
      good_muon = muon.mediumId and muon.pfRelIso04_all < 0.5 and abs(muon.eta) < 2.4
# and muon.dz<0.2 and muon.dxy<0.045
      signal_muon = good_muon and muon.pt > 25.0 
      veto_muon   = good_muon and muon.pt > 15.0 
      if signal_muon:
      if veto_muon: 
    if len(muons)==0: return False
    if len(veto_muons) > 1: return False

    ##### ELECTRON ###################################
    electrons = [ ]
    veto_electrons = [ ]
    for electron in Collection(event,'Electron'):
      good_electron = electron.mvaFall17V2noIso_WPL and electron.pfRelIso03_all < 0.5 and abs(electron.eta) < 2.3 
#and electron.convVeto and electron.lostHits<=1 and electron.dz<0.2 and electron.dxy<0.045
      signal_electron = good_electron and electron.pt > 15.0
      veto_electron   = good_electron and electron.pt > 10.0
      if signal_electron:
      if veto_electron:
    if len(electrons) == 0: return False
    if len(veto_electrons) > 1: return False

    ##### eMu PAIR #################################
    dileps = [ ]
    for electron in electrons:
      for muon in muons:
        if muon.DeltaR(electron)<0.5: continue
        ltau = LeptonPair(electron,electron.pfRelIso03_all,muon,muon.pfRelIso04_all)
    if len(dileps)==0:
      return False
    electron, muon = max(dileps).pair
    #electron.tlv   = electron.p4()
    #muon.tlv       = muon.p4()

    # SELECT Jets
    jets = []
    bjets = []
    for jet in Collection(event,'Jet'):
      veto_jet = jet.pt > 20.0 and abs(jet.eta) < 4.7 and jet.puId>0 and jet.jetId>1
      if veto_jet and jet.DeltaR(muon)>=0.5 and jet.DeltaR(electron)>=0.5:
        veto_basic_jet = jet.pt > 30.0 
        if veto_basic_jet:
        veto_bjet = jet.btagDeepFlavB > 0.2770 and abs(jet.eta) < 2.5
        if veto_bjet:
    if self.jetnumber[0]>0:
      jet = max(jets,key=lambda p: p.pt)
    if self.jetnumber[0]>1:
      new_jets = set(jets)
      new_jets.remove(max(jets,key=lambda p: p.pt)) 
      jet = max(new_jets,key=lambda p: p.pt)
    if self.bjetnumber[0]>0:
      bjet = max(bjets,key=lambda p: p.pt)
    if self.bjetnumber[0]>1:
      new_bjets = set(bjets)
      new_bjets.remove(max(bjets,key=lambda p: p.pt))
      bjet = max(new_bjets,key=lambda p: p.pt)

    # CHOOSE MET definition
    # TODO section 4: compare the PuppiMET and (PF-based) MET in terms of mean, resolution and data/expectation agreement of their own distributions and of related quantities
    # and choose one of them for the refinement of Z to tautau selection.
    puppimet = Met(event, 'PuppiMET')
    met = Met(event, 'MET')

    self.metpt[0] = met.pt
    self.metphi[0] = met.phi
    self.metsumEt[0] = met.sumEt
    self.puppimetpt[0] = puppimet.pt
    self.puppimetphi[0] = puppimet.phi
    self.puppimetsumEt[0] = puppimet.sumEt
    self.pt_1[0]        = muon.pt
    self.eta_1[0]       = muon.eta
    self.q_1[0]         = muon.charge
    self.id_1[0]        = muon.mediumId
    self.iso_1[0]       = muon.pfRelIso04_all # keep in mind: the SMALLER the value, the more the muon is isolated
    self.pt_2[0]        = electron.pt
    self.eta_2[0]       = electron.eta
    self.q_2[0]         = electron.charge
    self.iso_2[0]       = electron.pfRelIso03_all # keep in mind: the HIGHER the value of the discriminator, the more the tau is isolated
    self.m_vis[0]       = (muon.p4()+electron.p4()).M()

######### add high level variables #########
    self.z_vis_pt[0]    = (muon.p4()+electron.p4()).Pt()
    self.z_full_pt[0]   = (puppimet.p4()+muon.p4()+electron.p4()).Pt()
    self.dphi[0]        = deltaPhi(muon.phi , puppimet.phi )
    self.mt[0]          = math.sqrt( 2*muon.pt*puppimet.pt*(1 - math.cos(self.dphi[0])) ) 
    bisec = (muon.phi + electron.phi)/2.0
    self.miss_Dzeta[0]  = puppimet.pt * math.cos(bisec - puppimet.phi)
    self.vis_Dzeta[0]   = muon.pt*math.cos(bisec - muon.phi) + electron.pt*math.cos(bisec - muon.phi)
    self.deltaR_mu_e[0]  = muon.DeltaR(electron)
    self.pu_rho[0]         = event.fixedGridRhoFastjetAll
    self.npvs[0]           = event.PV_npvs

    if self.ismc:
      self.genmatch_1[0]  = muon.genPartFlav # in case of muons: 1 == prompt muon, 15 == muon from tau decay, also other values available for muons from jets
      self.genmatch_2[0]  = electron.genPartFlav #Flavour of genParticle for MC matching to status==1 electrons or photons: 1 = prompt electron (including gamma*->mu mu), 15 = electron from prompt tau, 22 = prompt photon (likely conversion), 5 = electron from b, 4 = electron from c, 3 = electron from light or unknown, 0 = unmatched
      self.genWeight[0]   = event.genWeight
      self.gennpus[0]        = event.Pileup_nPU
    return True
コード例 #3
    def fillMETAndDiLeptonBranches(self, event, tau1, tau2, met, met_vars):
        """Help function to compute variable related to the MET and visible tau candidates,
    (passed as TLorentzVectors) and fill the corresponding branches."""

        # PROPAGATE LTF/JTF shift to MET (assume shift is already applied to object)
        if self.ismc and 'tau' in self.channel:
            # TODO: TES as well
            if self.ltf != 1.0:
                dp = tau2 * (1. - 1. / self.ltf)
                if self.channel == 'tautau':
                    dp += tau1 * (1. - 1. / self.ltf)
                correctmet(met, dp)
            elif self.jtf != 1.0:
                dp = tau2 * (1. - 1. / self.jtf)
                if self.channel == 'tautau':
                    dp += tau1 * (1. - 1. / self.jtf)
                correctmet(met, dp)

        # MET
        self.out.met[0] = met.Pt()
        self.out.metphi[0] = met.Phi()
        self.out.mt_1[0] = sqrt(
            2 * self.out.pt_1[0] * met.Pt() *
            (1 - cos(deltaPhi(self.out.phi_1[0], met.Phi()))))
        self.out.mt_2[0] = sqrt(
            2 * self.out.pt_2[0] * met.Pt() *
            (1 - cos(deltaPhi(self.out.phi_2[0], met.Phi()))))
        ###self.out.puppimetpt[0]             = event.PuppiMET_pt
        ###self.out.puppimetphi[0]            = event.PuppiMET_phi
        ###self.out.metsignificance[0]        = event.MET_significance
        ###self.out.metcov00[0]               = event.MET_covXX
        ###self.out.metcov01[0]               = event.MET_covXY
        ###self.out.metcov11[0]               = event.MET_covYY
        ###self.out.fixedGridRhoFastjetAll[0] = event.fixedGridRhoFastjetAll

        # PZETA
        leg1 = TVector3(tau1.Px(), tau1.Py(), 0.)
        leg2 = TVector3(tau2.Px(), tau2.Py(), 0.)
        zetaAxis = TVector3(leg1.Unit() + leg2.Unit()).Unit()
        pzetavis = leg1 * zetaAxis + leg2 * zetaAxis
        pzetamiss = met.Vect() * zetaAxis
        self.out.pzetamiss[0] = pzetamiss
        self.out.pzetavis[0] = pzetavis
        self.out.dzeta[0] = pzetamiss - 0.85 * pzetavis

        for unc, met_var in met_vars.iteritems():
            getattr(self.out, "met_" + unc)[0] = met_var.Pt()
            getattr(self.out, "metphi_" + unc)[0] = met_var.Phi()
            getattr(self.out, "mt_1_" + unc)[0] = sqrt(
                2 * self.out.pt_1[0] * met_var.Pt() *
                (1 - cos(deltaPhi(self.out.phi_1[0], met_var.Phi()))))
            getattr(self.out, "dzeta_" +
                    unc)[0] = met_var.Vect() * zetaAxis - 0.85 * pzeta_vis

        # DILEPTON
        self.out.m_vis[0] = (tau1 + tau2).M()
        self.out.pt_ll[0] = (tau1 + tau2).Pt()
        self.out.dR_ll[0] = tau1.DeltaR(tau2)
        self.out.dphi_ll[0] = deltaPhi(self.out.phi_1[0], self.out.phi_2[0])
        self.out.deta_ll[0] = abs(self.out.eta_1[0] - self.out.eta_2[0])
        self.out.chi[0] = exp(abs(tau1.Rapidity() - tau2.Rapidity()))
コード例 #4
    def analyze(self, event):
        """Process event, return True (pass, go to next module) or False (fail, go to next event)."""

        # NO CUT

        # TRIGGER
        if not event.HLT_IsoMu27: return False

        # SELECT MUON
        muons = []
        # TODO section 4: extend with a veto of additional muons. Veto muons should have the same quality selection as signal muons (or even looser),
        # but with a lower pt cut, e.g. muon.pt > 15.0
        veto_muons = []

        for muon in Collection(event, 'Muon'):
            good_muon = muon.mediumId and muon.pfRelIso04_all < 0.5 and abs(
                muon.eta) < 2.5
            signal_muon = good_muon and muon.pt > 28.0 and muon.pfIsoId >= 4  # add tight pfIsoId for signal muons, eff ~ 0.95 according to https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/SWGuideMuonIdRun2#Muon_Isolation
            veto_muon = good_muon and muon.pt > 15.0  # TODO section 4: introduce a veto muon selection here
            if signal_muon:
            if veto_muon:  # CAUTION: that's NOT an elif here and intended in that way!

        if len(muons) == 0: return False
        # TODO section 4: What should be the requirement to veto events with additional muons?
        if len(veto_muons) > len(muons): return False

        # SELECT TAU
        # TODO section 6: Which decay modes of a tau should be considered for an analysis? Extend tau selection accordingly
        taus = []
        for tau in Collection(event, 'Tau'):
            good_tau = tau.pt > 18.0 and tau.idDeepTau2017v2p1VSe >= 1 and tau.idDeepTau2017v2p1VSmu >= 1 and tau.idDeepTau2017v2p1VSjet >= 1
            if good_tau:
        if len(taus) < 1: return False

        # TODO section 4: extend the selection of veto electrons: pt > 15.0,
        # with loose WP of the mva based ID (Fall17 training without isolation),
        # and a custom isolation cut on PF based isolation using all PF candidates.
        electrons = []
        for electron in Collection(event, 'Electron'):
            veto_electron = electron.mvaFall17V2Iso_WPL and electron.pt > 15.0 and electron.pfRelIso03_all < 0.5  # TODO section 4: introduce a veto electron selection here
            if veto_electron:
        if len(electrons) > 0: return False

        # PAIR
        # TODO section 4 (optional): the mutau pair is constructed from a muon with highest pt and a tau with highest pt.
        # However, there is also the possibility to select the mutau pair according to the isolation.
        # If you like, you could try to implement mutau pair building algorithm, following the instructions on
        # https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/HiggsToTauTauWorking2017#Pair_Selection_Algorithm, but using the latest isolation quantities/discriminators
        muon = max(muons, key=lambda p: p.pt)
        tau = max(taus, key=lambda p: p.pt)
        if muon.DeltaR(tau) < 0.4: return False

        # SELECT Jets
        # TODO section 4: Jets are not used directly in our analysis, but it can be good to have a look at least the number of jets (and b-tagged jets) of your selection.
        # Therefore, collect at first jets with pt > 20, |eta| < 4.7, passing loose WP of Pileup ID, and tight WP for jetID.
        # The collected jets are furthermore not allowed to overlap with the signal muon and signal tau in deltaR, so selected them to have deltaR >= 0.5 w.r.t. the signal muon and signal tau.
        jets = []
        bjets = []
        for jet in Collection(event, 'Jet'):
            good_jet = jet.pt > 20.0 and abs(
            ) < 4.7 and jet.puId >= 4 and jet.jetId >= 2 and jet.DeltaR(
                tau) >= 0.5 and jet.DeltaR(muon) >= 0.5
            # Then, select for this collection "usual" jets, which have pt > 30 in addition, count their number, and store pt & eta of the leading and subleading jet.
            if good_jet and jet.pt > 30.0:
        # For b-tagged jets, require additionally DeepFlavour b+bb+lepb tag with medium WP and |eta| < 2.5, count their number, and store pt & eta of the leading and subleading b-tagged jet.
            if good_jet and jet.btagDeepFlavB > 0.2770 and abs(
            ) < 2.5:  # btag WP from: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/BtagRecommendation102X
        jets.sort(key=lambda p: p.pt, reverse=True)
        bjets.sort(key=lambda p: p.pt, reverse=True)
        self.njets[0] = len(jets)
        self.nbjets[0] = len(bjets)
        if len(jets) > 0:
            self.jet_pt_1[0] = jets[0].pt
            self.jet_eta_1[0] = jets[0].eta
            self.jet_pt_1[0] = -1.
            self.jet_eta_1[0] = -10.
        if len(jets) > 1:
            self.jet_pt_2[0] = jets[1].pt
            self.jet_eta_2[0] = jets[1].eta
            self.jet_pt_2[0] = -1.
            self.jet_eta_2[0] = -10.

        if len(bjets) > 0:
            self.bjet_pt_1[0] = bjets[0].pt
            self.bjet_eta_1[0] = bjets[0].eta
            self.bjet_pt_1[0] = -1.
            self.bjet_eta_1[0] = -10.
        if len(bjets) > 1:
            self.bjet_pt_2[0] = bjets[1].pt
            self.bjet_eta_2[0] = bjets[1].eta
            self.bjet_pt_2[0] = -1.
            self.bjet_eta_2[0] = -10.
        # Then, select for this collection "usual" jets, which have pt > 30 in addition, count their number, and store pt & eta of the leading and subleading jet.
        # For b-tagged jets, require additionally DeepFlavour b+bb+lepb tag with medium WP and |eta| < 2.5, count their number, and store pt & eta of the leading and subleading b-tagged jet.

        # CHOOSE MET definition
        # TODO section 4: compare the PuppiMET and (PF-based) MET in terms of mean, resolution and data/expectation agreement of their own distributions and of related quantities
        # and choose one of them for the refinement of Z to tautau selection.
        puppimet = Met(event, 'PuppiMET')
        met = Met(event, 'MET')

        # TODO section 4: extend the variable list with more quantities (also high level ones). Compute at least:
        # - visible pt of the Z boson candidate
        # - best-estimate for pt of Z boson candidate (now including contribution from neutrinos)
        # - transverse mass of the system composed from the muon and MET vectors. Definition can be found in doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-6146-9.
        #   Caution: use ROOT DeltaPhi for difference in phi and check that deltaPhi is between -pi and pi.Have a look at transverse mass with both versions of MET
        # - Dzeta. Definition can be found in doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-6146-9. Have a look at the variable with both versions of MET
        # - Separation in DeltaR between muon and tau candidate
        # - global event quantities like the proper definition of pileup density rho, number of reconstructed vertices,
        # - in case of MC: number of true (!!!) pileup interactions
        self.pt_1[0] = muon.pt
        self.eta_1[0] = muon.eta
        self.q_1[0] = muon.charge
        self.id_1[0] = muon.mediumId
            0] = muon.pfRelIso04_all  # keep in mind: the SMALLER the value, the more the muon is isolated
        self.decayMode_1[0] = self.default_int  # not needed for a muon
        self.pt_2[0] = tau.pt
        self.eta_2[0] = tau.eta
        self.q_2[0] = tau.charge
        self.id_2[0] = tau.idDeepTau2017v2p1VSjet
        self.anti_e_2[0] = tau.idDeepTau2017v2p1VSe
        self.anti_mu_2[0] = tau.idDeepTau2017v2p1VSmu
            0] = tau.rawDeepTau2017v2p1VSjet  # keep in mind: the HIGHER the value of the discriminator, the more the tau is isolated
        self.decayMode_2[0] = tau.decayMode
        self.m_vis[0] = (muon.p4() + tau.p4()).M()
        self.pt_vis[0] = (muon.p4() + tau.p4()).Pt()
        self.met_puppimet[0] = puppimet.pt
        self.met_PFmet[0] = met.pt
        self.pt_Z_puppimet[0] = (muon.p4() + tau.p4() + puppimet.p4()).Pt()
        self.pt_Z_PFmet[0] = (muon.p4() + tau.p4() + met.p4()).Pt()
        self.mt_1_puppimet[0] = sqrt(
            2 * muon.pt * puppimet.pt *
            (1 - cos(deltaPhi(muon.phi, puppimet.phi))))
        self.mt_1_PFmet[0] = sqrt(2 * muon.pt * met.pt *
                                  (1 - cos(deltaPhi(muon.phi, met.phi))))
        self.mt_2_puppimet[0] = sqrt(
            2 * tau.pt * puppimet.pt *
            (1 - cos(deltaPhi(tau.phi, puppimet.phi))))
        self.mt_2_PFmet[0] = sqrt(2 * tau.pt * met.pt *
                                  (1 - cos(deltaPhi(tau.phi, met.phi))))

        # calculate dZeta
        leg1 = TVector3(muon.p4().Px(), muon.p4().Py(), 0.)
        leg2 = TVector3(tau.p4().Px(), tau.p4().Py(), 0.)
        zetaAxis = TVector3(leg1.Unit() + leg2.Unit()).Unit()
        pzetavis = leg1 * zetaAxis + leg2 * zetaAxis
        pzetamiss_puppi = puppimet.p4().Vect() * zetaAxis
        pzetamiss_PF = met.p4().Vect() * zetaAxis
        self.dzeta_puppimet[0] = pzetamiss_puppi - 0.85 * pzetavis
        self.dzeta_PFmet[0] = pzetamiss_PF - 0.85 * pzetavis
        self.dR_ll[0] = muon.DeltaR(tau)
        self.rho[0] = event.fixedGridRhoFastjetAll
        self.npv[0] = event.PV_npvs
        self.npv_good[0] = event.PV_npvsGood

        if self.ismc:
                0] = muon.genPartFlav  # in case of muons: 1 == prompt muon, 15 == muon from tau decay, also other values available for muons from jets
                0] = tau.genPartFlav  # in case of taus: 0 == unmatched (corresponds then to jet),
            #                  1 == prompt electron, 2 == prompt muon, 3 == electron from tau decay,
            #                  4 == muon from tau decay, 5 == hadronic tau decay
            self.genWeight[0] = event.genWeight
            self.npu[0] = event.Pileup_nPU
            self.npu_true[0] = event.Pileup_nTrueInt
            # get corrections
            self.mu_isoSF_weight[0] = self.muiso_tool.getSF(muon.pt, muon.eta)
            self.mu_idSF_weight[0] = self.muid_tool.getSF(muon.pt, muon.eta)
            self.puweight[0] = self.puWeight_tool.getPUweight(
            if self.dozpt:
                truthZ = []
                for genPart in Collection(event, 'GenPart'):
                    truthZboson = (genPart.pdgId == 23) and (genPart.status
                                                             == 62)
                    if truthZboson:
                if len(truthZ) == 1:
                    self.zptweight[0] = self.zpt_tool.getSF(
                        truthZ[0].p4().M(), truthZ[0].p4().Pt())

        return True