def __init__(self, width, height, x, y, fontName='arial', fontSize=20, fontColor=(0, 0, 0), background=(255, 255, 255)): self.width = width #self.height = height self.x = x self.y = y self.text = '' self.fontName = fontName self.fontSize = fontSize self.fontColor = fontColor self.textLabel = TextLabel(self.text, self.x + 5, self.y + 2.5, self.fontName, self.fontSize, self.fontColor) self.height = self.textLabel.getHeight() + 5 self.surface = pygame.Surface([self.width, self.height]) self.rect = self.surface.get_rect(x=self.x, y=self.y) pygame.draw.rect(self.surface, (143, 142, 160), (0, 0, self.width, self.height)) # frame pygame.draw.rect(self.surface, background, (2, 2, self.width - 4, self.height - 4)) # white board in grey frame self.textLabelFlag = True
def generate_text(self): textLabel = TextLabel( int(self.height*0.7), (self.x + (self.width/2), self.y + (self.height/2)), self.text, self.surface)
def __init__(self, data, color_mapping): super(BeatMatchDisplay, self).__init__() self.objects = set() self.paused = True self.color_mapping = color_mapping self.gem_data = data.get_gems() self.bar_data = data.get_bars() self.time = 0 self.anim_group = AnimGroup() self.add(self.anim_group) self.diagrams = [] # creates gems self.gems = [] cur_chord = None cur_display = None last_time = None for gem_info in self.gem_data: gem = GemDisplay(gem_info, self.color_mapping) self.gems.append(gem) #self.add(gem) if cur_chord != gem_info[1]: if cur_display: cur_display.set_next(gem_info[0]) cur_chord = gem_info[1] cur_display = ChordDisplay(gem_info[1], gem_info[0], self.color_mapping[cur_chord]) self.diagrams.append(cur_display) #self.add(cur_display) last_time = gem_info[0] # creates bars self.bars = [] for bar_info in self.bar_data: bar = BarDisplay(bar_info) self.bars.append(bar) #self.add(bar) # creates buttons pos = (100, nowbar_height) self.button = ButtonDisplay(pos) self.add(self.button) self.score_label = TextLabel("Score: 0", pos=(Window.width / 2 - 125, Window.height - 100), font=40) self.add(self.score_label)
def __init__(self, choose_song): super(MainMenuDisplay, self).__init__() self.label = TextLabel( text="Click on a song to select it, and press ENTER to confirm", pos=(0, 0), font=Window.height / 30) self.add(self.label) self.buttons = [] self.choose_song = choose_song x = Window.width - 1 / 6 * Window.width y = 200 i = 0 label = CoreLabel(text="CHOOSE A SONG", font_size=Window.height / 10) label.refresh() text = label.texture title = Rectangle(texture=text, pos=(Window.width / 2 - text.size[0] / 2, Window.height * 3 / 4), size=text.size) self.add(title) for song in songs: button = SongButtons(y=y, song=song, start_end=start_end[i], key=keys[i]) self.buttons.append(button) self.add(button) i += 1 y += Window.height / 7
def generate_gameboard(self): self.app_objects = [] t = TextLabel(40, (self.window_width / 2, self.window_height * 0.05), "Welcome!", self._display_surf) self.app_objects.append(t) card = Card((50, 100), self._display_surf, 'S', 'A') self.app_objects.append(card)
def wrong(self): self.change_bg((1, 0, 0)) self.anim.add( TextLabel("Incorrect, try again!", pos=(400, 200), font=100, align='center', color=Color(1, 0, 0), anim=KFAnim((0, 40), (1.5, 60), (1.7, 0))))
def listenKeyboardEvents(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.locals.QUIT: pygame.quit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_BACKSPACE: self.text = self.text[: -1] # removing last char from string and replacing it with former print('BACKSPACE!') elif event.key == pygame.K_RETURN: # K_RETURN is an 'big' enter key name if self.text is not '': return True, True else: char = event.unicode self.text += char self.textLabel = TextLabel(self.text, self.x + 5, self.y + 2.5, self.fontName, self.fontSize, self.fontColor) return False, False
def show_options(self, chord, color): if self.move_on: self.remove(self.move_on) self.move_on = None self.options.add(chord) # print(self.allchords) # print("ALL CHORDS") while len(self.options) < 3: self.options.add(random.choice(self.allchords)) x = 70 y = Window.height / 2 if self.label is None: self.label = TextLabel( "Which chord is the %s chord? Strum the correct chord to move on." % color, pos=(x, y - 50), font=20, color=Color(*to_rgb[color])) self.add(self.label) else: self.label.update_text( "Which chord is the %s chord? Strum the correct chord to move on." % color, to_rgb[color]) self.diags = [] # self.diag_labels = [] for option in self.options: # label = TextLabel(option, pos=(x,y - 50), font= 20) # self.add(self.label) # self.diag_labels.append(label) diag = ChordDiagram(self.diagramHeight, (x, y), chord=option, color=self.color_mapping[chord]) x += self.diagramWidth + self.diagramWidth / 2 self.add(diag) self.optiondiags.append(diag) self.diags.append(diag)
def correct(self, chord, right): self.change_bg((0, 1, 0)) self.anim.add( TextLabel("Correct!", pos=(400, 200), font=100, align='center', color=Color(0, 1, 0), anim=KFAnim((0, 40), (1, 60), (1.2, 0)))) if chord not in self.chords and right: self.draw_chord(chord) self.chords.append(chord)
def __init__(self, return_to_menu, replay_song, quit_app): super(EndMenuDisplay, self).__init__() self.label = TextLabel( "You finished the song! What would you like to do next?", pos=(Window.width / 2, Window.height * 3 / 4), font=Window.height / 30, align='center') self.add(self.label) = GeneralButton(Window.height * 1 / 3, "Return to Main Menu", return_to_menu) self.add( self.replay = GeneralButton(Window.height * 10 / 21, "Replay Song", replay_song) self.add(self.replay) self.quit = GeneralButton(Window.height * 13 / 21, "Quit", quit_app) self.add(self.quit) self.buttons = [, self.replay, self.quit]
def setGUI(self, whichGUI): self.TextFieldLabels.clear() if whichGUI is 0: triangleText = TextLabel('TRIANGLE', 0, 0, 'comic', 80, (255, 255, 255)) triangleText.setPosition( self.width / 2 - triangleText.getWidth() / 2, 100) self.TextFieldLabels.append(triangleText) invadersText = TextLabel('INVADERS', 0, 0, 'comic', 80, (255, 255, 255)) invadersText.setPosition( self.width / 2 - invadersText.getWidth() / 2, triangleText.getPosition()[1] + triangleText.getHeight()) self.TextFieldLabels.append(invadersText) gameText = TextLabel('GAME', 0, 0, 'comic', 80, (255, 255, 255)) gameText.setPosition( self.width / 2 - gameText.getWidth() / 2, invadersText.getPosition()[1] + invadersText.getHeight()) self.TextFieldLabels.append(gameText) enter = TextLabel('Please enter your name', 0, 0, 'comic', 30, (255, 255, 255)) enter.setPosition( self.width / 2 - enter.getWidth() / 2, gameText.getPosition()[1] + gameText.getHeight() * 2) self.TextFieldLabels.append(enter) self.textBoxEnter = TextBox( triangleText.getWidth(), None, self.width / 2 - triangleText.getWidth() / 2, enter.getPosition()[1] + enter.getHeight() * 2) # checkbox info here elif whichGUI is 1 or whichGUI is 2: gameOver = TextLabel('GAME OVER!', 0, 0, 'comic', 80, (255, 255, 255)) gameOver.setPosition(self.width / 2 - gameOver.getWidth() / 2, 100) self.TextFieldLabels.append(gameOver) score = TextLabel('Your score: {}'.format(self.level), 0, 0, 'comic', 80, (255, 255, 255)) score.setPosition(self.width / 2 - score.getWidth() / 2, gameOver.getPosition()[1] + gameOver.getHeight()) self.TextFieldLabels.append(score) if whichGUI is 2: pressSpace = TextLabel('Press SPACE to restart game', 0, 0, 'comic', 50, (255, 255, 255)) pressSpace.setPosition( self.width / 2 - pressSpace.getWidth() / 2, self.height / 2) self.TextFieldLabels.append(pressSpace) pressTab = TextLabel('Hold TAB to see best scores', 0, 0, 'comic', 50, (255, 255, 255)) pressTab.setPosition( self.width / 2 - pressTab.getWidth() / 2, pressSpace.getPosition()[1] + pressSpace.getHeight() * 2) self.TextFieldLabels.append(pressTab) elif whichGUI is 3: bestScores = TextLabel('BEST SCORES:', 0, 0, 'comic', 60, (255, 255, 255)) bestScores.setPosition(self.width / 2 - bestScores.getWidth() / 2, 50) self.TextFieldLabels.append(bestScores) # connecting to database and reading TOP 10 scores! self.db.connect() rows = self.db.getTop10('scoresTable') self.db.close() fakeName = TextLabel(str(rows[0][1]), 0, 0, 'comic', 30, (255, 255, 255)) fakeName.setPosition( bestScores.getPosition()[0], bestScores.getPosition()[1] + bestScores.getHeight() * 2) self.TextFieldLabels.append(fakeName) fakeScore = TextLabel(str(rows[0][2]), 0, 0, 'comic', 30, (255, 255, 255)) fakeScore.setPosition( bestScores.getPosition()[0] + bestScores.getWidth() - fakeScore.getWidth(), bestScores.getPosition()[1] + bestScores.getHeight() * 2) self.TextFieldLabels.append(fakeScore) for x in range(1, len(rows)): previousName = fakeName previousScore = fakeScore fakeName = TextLabel(str(rows[x][1]), 0, 0, 'comic', 30, (255, 255, 255)) fakeName.setPosition( bestScores.getPosition()[0], previousName.getPosition()[1] + previousName.getHeight() * 2) self.TextFieldLabels.append(fakeName) fakeScore = TextLabel(str(rows[x][2]), 0, 0, 'comic', 30, (255, 255, 255)) fakeScore.setPosition( bestScores.getPosition()[0] + bestScores.getWidth() - fakeScore.getWidth(), previousScore.getPosition()[1] + previousScore.getHeight() * 2) self.TextFieldLabels.append(fakeScore)
class TextBox: def __init__(self, width, height, x, y, fontName='arial', fontSize=20, fontColor=(0, 0, 0), background=(255, 255, 255)): self.width = width #self.height = height self.x = x self.y = y self.text = '' self.fontName = fontName self.fontSize = fontSize self.fontColor = fontColor self.textLabel = TextLabel(self.text, self.x + 5, self.y + 2.5, self.fontName, self.fontSize, self.fontColor) self.height = self.textLabel.getHeight() + 5 self.surface = pygame.Surface([self.width, self.height]) self.rect = self.surface.get_rect(x=self.x, y=self.y) pygame.draw.rect(self.surface, (143, 142, 160), (0, 0, self.width, self.height)) # frame pygame.draw.rect(self.surface, background, (2, 2, self.width - 4, self.height - 4)) # white board in grey frame self.textLabelFlag = True def getWidth(self): return self.width def getHeight(self): return self.height def drawOn(self, surface): surface.blit(self.surface, self.rect) surface.blit(self.textLabel.textLabel, self.textLabel.rect) def getRect(self): return self.rect def setPosition(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y # when I want to change the position i need to override the rect property self.rect = self.surface.get_rect(x=self.x, y=self.y) def getPosition(self): return self.x, self.y def getText(self): return self.text def listenKeyboardEvents(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.locals.QUIT: pygame.quit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_BACKSPACE: self.text = self.text[: -1] # removing last char from string and replacing it with former print('BACKSPACE!') elif event.key == pygame.K_RETURN: # K_RETURN is an 'big' enter key name if self.text is not '': return True, True else: char = event.unicode self.text += char self.textLabel = TextLabel(self.text, self.x + 5, self.y + 2.5, self.fontName, self.fontSize, self.fontColor) return False, False
class BeatMatchDisplay(InstructionGroup): def __init__(self, data, color_mapping): super(BeatMatchDisplay, self).__init__() self.objects = set() self.paused = True self.color_mapping = color_mapping self.gem_data = data.get_gems() self.bar_data = data.get_bars() self.time = 0 self.anim_group = AnimGroup() self.add(self.anim_group) self.diagrams = [] # creates gems self.gems = [] cur_chord = None cur_display = None last_time = None for gem_info in self.gem_data: gem = GemDisplay(gem_info, self.color_mapping) self.gems.append(gem) #self.add(gem) if cur_chord != gem_info[1]: if cur_display: cur_display.set_next(gem_info[0]) cur_chord = gem_info[1] cur_display = ChordDisplay(gem_info[1], gem_info[0], self.color_mapping[cur_chord]) self.diagrams.append(cur_display) #self.add(cur_display) last_time = gem_info[0] # creates bars self.bars = [] for bar_info in self.bar_data: bar = BarDisplay(bar_info) self.bars.append(bar) #self.add(bar) # creates buttons pos = (100, nowbar_height) self.button = ButtonDisplay(pos) self.add(self.button) self.score_label = TextLabel("Score: 0", pos=(Window.width / 2 - 125, Window.height - 100), font=40) self.add(self.score_label) def set_player(self, player): self.player = player def reset(self): for gem in self.gems: gem.reset() for object in self.gems + self.bars + self.diagrams: object.added = False object.removed = False # called by Player. Causes the right thing to happen def gem_hit(self, gem_idx): self.gems[gem_idx].on_hit() # called by Player. Causes the right thing to happen def gem_pass(self, gem_idx): self.gems[gem_idx].on_pass() # called by Player. Causes the right thing to happen def on_button_down(self, color, hit): self.button.on_down(color, hit) # called by Player. Causes the right thing to happen def on_button_up(self): self.button.on_up() # call every frame to make gems and barlines flow down the screen def on_update(self, time): dt = time - self.time self.time = time continue_flag = True for object in self.gems + self.bars + self.diagrams: #object.on_update(time) if not object.removed: flag = object.on_update(time) if isinstance(flag, bool): continue_flag = flag if object.on_screen and not object.added: self.add(object) self.objects.add(object) object.added = True elif object.added and not object.removed and not object.on_screen: self.remove(object) self.objects.remove(object) object.removed = True for object in self.objects | {self.button}: if self.paused: object.darken() else: object.brighten() self.anim_group.on_update() self.button.on_update(dt) self.score_label.update_text("Score: " + str(self.player.get_score()), (1, 1, 1)) return continue_flag def toggle(self): self.paused = not self.paused
def __init__(self, color_mapping, data, controller, start, end, key): super(ChordMatchDisplay, self).__init__() self.key = key self.diags = [] self.label = None self.color_mapping = color_mapping = data self.controller = controller self.start = start self.end = end self.chords = [] self.diagrams = [] self.diagramWidth = Window.width / (len(self.color_mapping) + 1) self.diagramHeight = self.diagramWidth / 1.6 self.x = 70 self.y = 0 self.progress_bar = ProgressBar(, start, end, self.color_mapping, self.controller) self.add(self.progress_bar) self.chord_order = self.progress_bar.chord_order # Text Labels self.color = Color(1, 1, 1) self.add(self.color) self.instrucions1 = TextLabel( "Each colored section in the bar above represents a different chord. Press P to play/pause the song!", pos=(50, 475), font=15, color=Color(1, 1, 1)) self.add(self.instrucions1) self.instructions2 = TextLabel( "Press R to replay the current section!", pos=(50, 450), font=15, color=Color(1, 1, 1)) self.add(self.instructions2) self.instrucions1 = TextLabel( "Click anywhere on the bar to set the cursor. This song is in %s." % self.key, pos=(50, 425), font=15, color=Color(1, 1, 1)) self.add(self.instrucions1) self.move_on = TextLabel( "When you are ready, press the space bar to guess the chords in the song!", pos=(50, 375), font=15, color=Color(1, 1, 1)) self.add(self.move_on) self.anim = AnimGroup() self.add(self.anim) self.options = set() self.optiondiags = [] self.allchords = [ 'G', 'A', 'am', 'bm', 'C', 'D', 'D7', 'em', 'Fmaj7', 'em7' ]
class ChordMatchDisplay(InstructionGroup): def __init__(self, color_mapping, data, controller, start, end, key): super(ChordMatchDisplay, self).__init__() self.key = key self.diags = [] self.label = None self.color_mapping = color_mapping = data self.controller = controller self.start = start self.end = end self.chords = [] self.diagrams = [] self.diagramWidth = Window.width / (len(self.color_mapping) + 1) self.diagramHeight = self.diagramWidth / 1.6 self.x = 70 self.y = 0 self.progress_bar = ProgressBar(, start, end, self.color_mapping, self.controller) self.add(self.progress_bar) self.chord_order = self.progress_bar.chord_order # Text Labels self.color = Color(1, 1, 1) self.add(self.color) self.instrucions1 = TextLabel( "Each colored section in the bar above represents a different chord. Press P to play/pause the song!", pos=(50, 475), font=15, color=Color(1, 1, 1)) self.add(self.instrucions1) self.instructions2 = TextLabel( "Press R to replay the current section!", pos=(50, 450), font=15, color=Color(1, 1, 1)) self.add(self.instructions2) self.instrucions1 = TextLabel( "Click anywhere on the bar to set the cursor. This song is in %s." % self.key, pos=(50, 425), font=15, color=Color(1, 1, 1)) self.add(self.instrucions1) self.move_on = TextLabel( "When you are ready, press the space bar to guess the chords in the song!", pos=(50, 375), font=15, color=Color(1, 1, 1)) self.add(self.move_on) self.anim = AnimGroup() self.add(self.anim) self.options = set() self.optiondiags = [] self.allchords = [ 'G', 'A', 'am', 'bm', 'C', 'D', 'D7', 'em', 'Fmaj7', 'em7' ] def show_options(self, chord, color): if self.move_on: self.remove(self.move_on) self.move_on = None self.options.add(chord) # print(self.allchords) # print("ALL CHORDS") while len(self.options) < 3: self.options.add(random.choice(self.allchords)) x = 70 y = Window.height / 2 if self.label is None: self.label = TextLabel( "Which chord is the %s chord? Strum the correct chord to move on." % color, pos=(x, y - 50), font=20, color=Color(*to_rgb[color])) self.add(self.label) else: self.label.update_text( "Which chord is the %s chord? Strum the correct chord to move on." % color, to_rgb[color]) self.diags = [] # self.diag_labels = [] for option in self.options: # label = TextLabel(option, pos=(x,y - 50), font= 20) # self.add(self.label) # self.diag_labels.append(label) diag = ChordDiagram(self.diagramHeight, (x, y), chord=option, color=self.color_mapping[chord]) x += self.diagramWidth + self.diagramWidth / 2 self.add(diag) self.optiondiags.append(diag) self.diags.append(diag) def on_update_diagram(self, string, fret): # print(string) # print(fret) for diag in self.diags: diag.on_update(string, fret) def remove_options(self): self.options = set() for option in self.optiondiags: self.remove(option) self.optiondiags.clear() def draw_chord(self, chord): if self.x >= Window.width - self.diagramHeight: self.y += self.diagramHeight + 20 self.x = 70 diag = ChordDiagram(self.diagramHeight, (self.x, self.y), chord=chord, color=self.color_mapping[chord]) self.add(diag) self.diagrams.append(diag) self.x += self.diagramWidth + self.diagramWidth / ( len(self.color_mapping) - 1) #what happens when a note is correct, called by ChordPlayer def correct(self, chord, right): self.change_bg((0, 1, 0)) self.anim.add( TextLabel("Correct!", pos=(400, 200), font=100, align='center', color=Color(0, 1, 0), anim=KFAnim((0, 40), (1, 60), (1.2, 0)))) if chord not in self.chords and right: self.draw_chord(chord) self.chords.append(chord) #What happens when a chord is incorrect, called by Chord Player def wrong(self): self.change_bg((1, 0, 0)) self.anim.add( TextLabel("Incorrect, try again!", pos=(400, 200), font=100, align='center', color=Color(1, 0, 0), anim=KFAnim((0, 40), (1.5, 60), (1.7, 0)))) #changes background to current color def change_bg(self, color): self.color.s = 1 self.color.rgb = color def on_update(self, frame): #self.color.s -= .01 self.progress_bar.on_update(frame / 44100) self.anim.on_update() #erases everything from its canvas def cleanup(self): self.remove(self.color) self.progress_bar.cleanup() self.remove(self.progress_bar) for diag in self.diagrams: self.remove(diag) def on_touch_down(self, touch): self.progress_bar.set_cursor(touch.pos)
def run(self): """ Main loop """ self.setGUI(0) while not self.gameFlag: # self.handleEvents() self.gameFlag, self.timerFlag = self.textBoxEnter.listenKeyboardEvents( ) self.board.drawGUI( self.TextFieldLabels, self.textBoxEnter, ) self.board.updateScreen() self.clock.tick(60) # 60 fps if self.textBoxEnter.getText() is not '': self.playerName = self.textBoxEnter.getText() pygame.time.set_timer( pygame.USEREVENT + 1, 1000) # timer that calls user event nr 25 that can be handled self.enemiesMovementThread = threading.Thread( target=self.startEnemiesMovement) self.enemiesMovementThread.start() while self.gameFlag: self.handleEvents() self.ammoCheck() self.currFps = self.clock.get_fps() self.board.drawGame( self.enemies, self.player, self.bulletToDisplay + self.ammoToDisplay, [ # I dont addd dependency between text size and their position on the screen coz # I want to dynamic change the text inside these text fields and I would need another method to doit TextLabel('Level: {}'.format(self.level), 10, 10, 'comic', 20, (222, 127, 233)), TextLabel('Time: {} s'.format(self.gameTime), self.width - 80, self.height - 30, 'comic', 20, (222, 127, 233)), TextLabel('Fps: {}'.format(int( self.currFps)), self.width - 60, 10, 'comic', 20, (222, 127, 233)) ], ) self.board.updateScreen() self.gameLogic() self.clock.tick(60) # 60 fps self.db.connect() bestScoreRow = self.db.getRowsWhereNameIs('scoresTable', self.playerName) if len(bestScoreRow) > 0: if self.level > bestScoreRow[0][2]: self.db.updateRow('scoresTable', self.playerName, (self.playerName, self.level)) else: self.db.addRow('scoresTable', (self.playerName, self.level)) self.db.close() self.cleanAfterDeath() while not self.gameFlag: self.handleEvents() self.board.drawGUI(self.TextFieldLabels, ) self.board.updateScreen() self.clock.tick(60) # 60 fps
def __init__(self, size=400, pos=(0, 0), chord='G', color="black"): super(ChordDiagram, self).__init__() self.colors = [] self.add(PushMatrix()) self.translate = Translate(*pos) self.add(self.translate) self.size = size self.x, self.y = (0, 0) # fretboard x = self.x + self.size * .1 y1 = self.y + self.size * .2 y2 = self.y + self.size * .8 fretboard = InstructionGroup() board_color = Color(139 / 255, 69 / 255, 19 / 255) fretboard.add(board_color) self.colors.append(board_color) background = Rectangle(pos=(x, y1), size=(self.size * 1.4, self.size * .6)) fretboard.add(background) self.add(fretboard) # frets last_x = x self.finger_placements = [x] scale_length = self.size * 6 for i in range(4): fret = InstructionGroup() fret_color = Color(238 / 255, 238 / 255, 224 / 255) fret.add(fret_color) self.colors.append(fret_color) x = last_x + scale_length / 17.817 self.finger_placements.append((last_x + x) / 2) last_x = x line = Line(points=[x, y1, x, y2], width=self.size / 100, cap='round') fret.add(line) self.add(fret) scale_length = scale_length - scale_length / 17.817 # fret marker x_dot = self.finger_placements[3] dot = InstructionGroup() dot_color = Color(1, 1, 1) dot.add(dot_color) self.colors.append(dot_color) circle = CEllipse(cpos=(x_dot, self.y + self.size / 2), csize=(self.size * .06, self.size * .06)) dot.add(circle) self.add(dot) # strings self.string_heights = [] for i in range(6): string = InstructionGroup() if i < 3: # brass strings string_color = Color(181 / 255, 166 / 255, 66 / 255) string.add(string_color) self.colors.append(string_color) width = size / 100 else: string_color = Color(180 / 255, 180 / 255, 180 / 255) string.add(string_color) self.colors.append(string_color) width = size / 200 y = self.y + self.size * (.25 + .1 * i) self.string_heights.append(y) line = Line(points=[ self.x + self.size * .1, y, self.x + self.size * 1.5, y ], width=width, cap='round') string.add(line) self.add(string) #print(self.string_heights) # nut x = self.x + self.size * .1 nut = InstructionGroup() nut_color = Color(238 / 255, 238 / 255, 224 / 255) nut.add(nut_color) self.colors.append(nut_color) line = Line(points=[x, y1, x, y2], width=self.size / 50, cap='square') nut.add(line) self.add(nut) # chord fingering # if chord is hard-coded, get the frets from the dict. else, use the passed-in list of frets self.indices = self.Chords[chord] for index, fret in enumerate(self.indices): finger = InstructionGroup() finger_color = Color(*to_rgb[color]) finger.add(finger_color) self.colors.append(finger_color) # TO DO: handle muted strings if fret == -1: mute_color = Color(*to_rgb[color]) self.colors.append(mute_color) x = Mute(size=self.size * .07, pos=(self.finger_placements[0], self.string_heights[index]), color=mute_color) finger.add(x) else: dot = CEllipse(cpos=(self.finger_placements[fret], self.string_heights[index]), csize=(self.size * .1, self.size * .1)) finger.add(dot) self.add(finger) # border border = InstructionGroup() self.color = to_rgb[color] border_color = Color(*self.color) border.add(border_color) self.colors.append(border_color) line = Line(points=[ self.x, self.y, self.x, self.y + self.size, self.x + self.size * 1.6, self.y + self.size, self.x + self.size * 1.6, self.y ], width=self.size / 100, joint='miter', close=True) border.add(line) self.add(border) font_size = 20 - 2 * len(chord) self.label = TextLabel(chord, pos=(self.x - 40, self.y + self.size / 3), font=font_size, color=border_color) self.add(self.label) self.fingers = [] self.finger_colors = Color(*self.color) self.finger_colors.a = .3 self.add(self.finger_colors) self.colors.append(self.finger_colors) for i in range(6): dot = CEllipse(cpos=(self.finger_placements[0], self.string_heights[i]), csize=(self.size * .1, self.size * .1)) self.fingers.append(dot) self.add(dot) self.add(PopMatrix())