コード例 #1
def tigger_src(src, idx):

    name = "SRC%d" % idx

    flux = ModelClasses.Polarization(src["Total_flux"],
    ra, ra_err = map(numpy.deg2rad, (src["RA"], src["E_RA"]))
    dec, dec_err = map(numpy.deg2rad, (src["DEC"], src["E_DEC"]))
    pos = ModelClasses.Position(ra, dec, ra_err=ra_err, dec_err=dec_err)
    ex, ex_err = map(numpy.deg2rad, (src["DC_Maj"], src["E_DC_Maj"]))
    ey, ey_err = map(numpy.deg2rad, (src["DC_Min"], src["E_DC_Min"]))
    pa, pa_err = map(numpy.deg2rad, (src["PA"], src["E_PA"]))

    if ex and ey:
        shape = ModelClasses.Gaussian(ex,
        shape = None
    source = SkyModel.Source(name, pos, flux, shape=shape)
    # Adding source peak flux (error) as extra flux attributes for sources,
    # and to avoid null values for point sources I_peak = src["Total_flux"]
    if shape:
        source.setAttribute("I_peak", src["Peak_flux"])
        source.setAttribute("I_peak_err", src["E_peak_flux"])
        source.setAttribute("I_peak", src["Total_flux"])
        source.setAttribute("I_peak_err", src["E_Total_flux"])

    if spi_do:
        # Check if start frequency is provided if not provided raise error.
        # It is used to define tigger source spectrum index frequency
        if freq0:
            spi, spi_err = (src['Spec_Indx'], src['E_Spec_Indx'])
            source.spectrum = ModelClasses.SpectralIndex(spi, freq0)
            source.setAttribute('spi_error', spi_err)
            raise RuntimeError("No start frequency (freq0) provided.")
    return source
コード例 #2
ファイル: NEWSTAR.py プロジェクト: ska-sa/tigger-lsm
def load(filename, import_src=True, import_cc=True, min_extent=0, **kw):
    """Imports a NEWSTAR MDL file.
    min_extent is minimal source extent (in radians), above which a source will be treated as a Gaussian rather than a point component.
    import_src=False causes source components to be omitted
    import_cc=False causes clean components to be omitted
    srclist = []
    dprint(1, "importing NEWSTAR file", filename)
    # build the LSM from a NewStar .MDL model file
    # if only_cleancomp=True, only clean components are used to build the LSM
    # if no_cleancomp=True, no clean components are used to build the LSM
    ff = open(filename, mode="rb")

    ### read GFH and MDH headers -- 512 bytes
        gfh = numpy.fromfile(ff, dtype=numpy.uint8, count=512)
        mdh = numpy.fromfile(ff, dtype=numpy.uint8, count=64)
        # parse headers
        ftype, fhlen, fver, crdate, crtime, rrdate, rrtime, rcount, nname = parseGFH(
        if ftype != ".MDL":
            raise TypeError
        maxlin, modptr, nsources, mtype, mepoch, ra0, dec0, freq0 = parseMDH(

        beam_const = 65 * 1e-9 * freq0

        ## temp dict to hold unique nodenames
        unamedict = {}
        ### Models -- 56 bytes
        for ii in range(0, nsources):
            mdl = numpy.fromfile(ff, dtype=numpy.uint8, count=56)

            ### source parameters
            sI, ll, mm, id, sQ, sU, sV, eX, eY, eP, SI, RM = struct.unpack(
                'fffiffffffff', mdl[0:48])
            ### type bits
            bit1, bit2 = struct.unpack('BB', mdl[52:54])

            # convert fluxes
            sI *= 0.005  # convert from WU to Jy (1WU=5mJy)
            sQ *= sI
            sU *= sI
            sV *= sI

            # Interpret bitflags 1: bit 0= extended; bit 1= Q|U|V <>0 and no longer used according to Wim
            fl_ext = bit1 & 1
            # Interpret bitflags 2: bit 0= clean component; bit 3= beamed
            fl_cc = bit2 & 1
            fl_beamed = bit2 & 8

            ### extended source params: in arcsec, so multiply by ???
            if fl_ext:
                ## the procedure is NMOEXT in nscan/nmoext.for
                if eP == 0 and eX == eY:
                    r0 = 0
                    r0 = .5 * math.atan2(-eP, eY - eX)
                r1 = math.sqrt(eP * eP + (eX - eY) * (eX - eY))
                r2 = eX + eY
                eX = 2 * math.sqrt(abs(0.5 * (r2 + r1)))
                eY = 2 * math.sqrt(abs(0.5 * (r2 - r1)))
                eP = r0

            # NEWSTAR MDL lists might have same source twice if they are
            # clean components, so make a unique name for them
            bname = 'N' + str(id)
            if bname in unamedict:
                uniqname = bname + '_' + str(unamedict[bname])
                unamedict[bname] += 1
                uniqname = bname
                unamedict[bname] = 1
            # compose source information
            pos = ModelClasses.Position(*lm_ncp_to_radec(ra0, dec0, ll, mm))
            flux = ModelClasses.PolarizationWithRM(sI, sQ, sU, sV, RM, freq0)
            spectrum = ModelClasses.SpectralIndex(SI, freq0)
            tags = {}
            # work out beam gain and apparent flux
            tags['_lm_ncp'] = (ll, mm)
            tags['_newstar_r'] = tags['r'] = r = math.sqrt(ll * ll + mm * mm)
            tags['newstar_beamgain'] = bg = max(
                math.cos(beam_const * r)**6, .01)
            tags['newstar_id'] = id
            if fl_beamed:
                tags['Iapp'] = sI * bg
                tags['newstar_beamed'] = True
                tags['flux_intrinsic'] = True
                tags['flux_apparent'] = True
            # make some tags based on model flags
            if fl_cc:
                tags['newstar_cc'] = True
            # make shape if extended
            if fl_ext and max(eX, eY) >= min_extent:
                shape = ModelClasses.Gaussian(eX, eY, eP)
                shape = None
            # compute apparent flux
            src = SkyModel.Source(uniqname,
        raise TypeError("%s does not appear to be a valid NEWSTAR MDL file" %

    dprintf(2, "imported %d sources from file %s\n", len(srclist), filename)
    return ModelClasses.SkyModel(ra0=ra0,
コード例 #3
def load(filename, format=None, freq0=None, center_on_brightest=False, min_extent=0, verbose=0, **kw):
    """Imports an ASCII table
    The 'format' argument can be either a dict (such as the DefaultDMSFormat dict above), or a string such as DefaultDMSFormatString.
    (Other possible field names are "ra_d", "ra_rad", "dec_rad", "dec_sign".)
    If None is specified, DefaultDMSFormat is used.
    The 'freq0' argument supplies a default reference frequency (if one is not contained in the file.)
    If 'center_on_brightest' is True, the mpodel field center will be set to the brightest source.
    'min_extent' is minimal source extent (in radians), above which a source will be treated as a Gaussian rather than a point component.
    srclist = []
    dprint(1, "importing ASCII DMS file", filename)
    # brightest source and its coordinates
    maxbright = 0
    brightest_name = radec0 = None

    # Get column number associated with field from format dict, as well as the error
    # column number. Returns tuple of indices, with None index indicating no such column
    def get_field(name):
        return format.get(name, None), format.get(name + "_err", None)

    # Get column number associated with field from format dict, as well as the error
    # column number. Field is an angle thus will be suffixed with _{rad,d,h,m,s}.
    # Returns tuple of
    #     column,scale,err_column,err_scale
    # with None index indicating no such column. Scale is scaling factor to convert
    # quantity in column to radians
    def get_ang_field(name, units=ANGULAR_UNITS):
        column = err_column = colunit = errunit = None
        units = units or ANGULAR_UNITS
        for unit, scale in units.items():
            if column is None:
                column = format.get("%s_%s" % (name, unit))
                if column is not None:
                    colunit = scale
            if err_column is None:
                err_column = format.get("%s_err_%s" % (name, unit))
                if err_column is not None:
                    errunit = scale
        return column, colunit, err_column, errunit

    # helper function: returns element #num from the fields list, multiplied by scale, or None if no such field
    def getval(num, scale=1):
        return None if (num is None or len(fields) <= num) else float(fields[num]) * scale

    # now process file line-by-line
    linenum = 0
    format_str = ''
    for line in open(filename):
        # for the first line, figure out the file format
        if not linenum:
            if not format and line.startswith("#format:"):
                format = line[len("#format:"):].strip()
                dprint(1, "file contains format header:", format)
            # set default format
            if format is None:
                format = DefaultDMSFormatString
            # is the format a string rather than a dict? Turn it into a dict then
            if isinstance(format, str):
                format_str = format
                # make list of fieldname,fieldnumber tuples
                fields = [(field, i) for i, field in enumerate(format.split())]
                if not fields:
                    raise ValueError("illegal format string in file: '%s'" % format)
                # last fieldname can end with ... to indicate that it absorbs the rest of the line
                if fields[-1][0].endswith('...'):
                    fields[-1] = (fields[-1][0][:-3], slice(fields[-1][1], None))
                # make format dict
                format = dict(fields)
            elif not isinstance(format, dict):
                raise TypeError("invalid 'format' argument of type %s" % (type(format)))
                # nf = max(format.itervalues())+1
                # fields = ['---']*nf
                # for field,number in format.iteritems():
                #   fields[number] = field
                # format_str = " ".join(fields)
            # get list of custom attributes from format
            custom_attrs = []
            for name, col in format.items():
                if name.startswith(":"):
                    m = re.match("^:(bool|int|float|complex|str):([\w]+)$", name)
                    if not m:
                        raise TypeError("invalid field specification '%s' in format string" % name)
                    custom_attrs.append((eval(m.group(1)), m.group(2), col))
            # get minimum necessary fields from format
            name_field = format.get('name', None)
            # flux
            i_field, i_err_field = get_field("i")
            if i_field is None:
                raise ValueError("ASCII format specification lacks mandatory flux field ('i')")
            # main RA field
            ra_field, ra_scale, ra_err_field, ra_err_scale = get_ang_field('ra', ANGULAR_UNITS_RA)
            if ra_field is None:
                raise ValueError("ASCII format specification lacks mandatory Right Ascension field ('ra_h', 'ra_d' or 'ra_rad')")
            # main Dec field
            dec_field, dec_scale, dec_err_field, dec_err_scale = get_ang_field('dec', ANGULAR_UNITS_DEC)
            if dec_field is None:
                raise ValueError("ASCII format specification lacks mandatory Declination field ('dec_d' or 'dec_rad')")
            # polarization as QUV
            quv_fields = [get_field(x) for x in ['q', 'u', 'v']]
            # linear polarization as fraction and angle
            polfrac_field = format.get('pol_frac', None)
            if polfrac_field is not None:
                polpa_field, polpa_scale = format.get('pol_pa_d', None), (math.pi / 180)
                if not polpa_field is not None:
                    polpa_field, polpa_scale = format.get('pol_pa_rad', None), 1
            # fields for extent parameters
            extent_fields = [get_ang_field(x, ANGULAR_UNITS) for x in ('emaj', 'emin', 'pa')]
            # all three must be present, else ignore
            if any([x[0] is None for x in extent_fields]):
                extent_fields = None
            # fields for reference freq and RM and SpI
            freq0_field = format.get('freq0', None)
            rm_field, rm_err_field = get_field('rm')
            spi_fields = [get_field('spi')] + [get_field('spi%d' % i) for i in range(2, 10)]
            tags_slice = format.get('tags', None)
        # now go on to process the line
        linenum += 1
            # strip whitespace
            line = line.strip()
            dprintf(4, "%s:%d: read line '%s'\n", filename, linenum, line)
            # skip empty or commented lines
            if not line or line[0] == '#':
            # split (at whitespace) into fields
            fields = line.split()
            # get  name
            name = fields[name_field] if name_field is not None else str(len(srclist) + 1)
            i = getval(i_field)
            i_err = getval(i_err_field)
            # get position: RA
            ra = getval(ra_field)
            ra_err = getval(ra_err_field, ra_scale)
            if 'ra_m' in format:
                ra += float(fields[format['ra_m']]) / 60.
            if 'ra_s' in format:
                ra += float(fields[format['ra_s']]) / 3600.
            ra *= ra_scale
            # position: Dec. Separate treatment of sign
            dec = abs(getval(dec_field))
            dec_err = getval(dec_err_field, dec_scale)
            if 'dec_m' in format:
                dec += float(fields[format['dec_m']]) / 60.
            if 'dec_s' in format:
                dec += float(fields[format['dec_s']]) / 3600.
            if fields[format.get('dec_sign', dec_field)][0] == '-':
                dec = -dec
            dec *= dec_scale
            # for up position object
            pos = ModelClasses.Position(ra, dec, ra_err=ra_err, dec_err=dec_err)
            # see if we have freq0

            # Use explicitly provided reference frequency for this source if available
            f0 = None
            if freq0_field is not None:
                    f0 = float(fields[freq0_field])
                    # If no default reference frequency for the model was supplied,
                    # initialise from first source with a reference frequency
                    if freq0 is None:
                        freq0 = f0
                        dprint(0, "Set default freq0 to %s "
                                  "from source on line %s." % (f0, linenum))

                except IndexError:
                    f0 = None

            # Otherwise use default reference frequency (derived from args
            # or first reference frequency found in source)
            if f0 is None and freq0 is not None:
                f0 = freq0

            # see if we have Q/U/V
            (q, q_err), (u, u_err), (v, v_err) = [(getval(x), getval(x_err)) for x, x_err in quv_fields]
            if polfrac_field is not None:
                pf = fields[polfrac_field]
                pf = float(pf[:-1]) / 100 if pf.endswith("%") else float(pf)
                ppa = float(fields[polpa_field]) * polpa_scale if polpa_field is not None else 0
                q = i * pf * math.cos(2 * ppa)
                u = i * pf * math.sin(2 * ppa)
                v = 0
            # see if we have RM as well. Create flux object (unpolarized, polarized, polarized w/RM)
            rm, rm_err = getval(rm_field), getval(rm_err_field)
            if q is None:
                flux = ModelClasses.Polarization(i, 0, 0, 0, I_err=i_err)
            elif f0 is None or rm is None:
                flux = ModelClasses.Polarization(i, q, u, v, I_err=i_err, Q_err=q_err, U_err=u_err, V_err=v_err)
                flux = ModelClasses.PolarizationWithRM(i, q, u, v, rm, f0, I_err=i_err, Q_err=q_err, U_err=u_err,
                                                       V_err=v_err, rm_err=rm_err)
            # see if we have a spectral index
            if f0 is None:
                spectrum = None
                spi = [getval(x) for x, xerr in spi_fields]
                spi_err = [getval(xerr) for x, xerr in spi_fields]
                dprint(4, name, "spi is", spi, "err is", spi_err)
                # if any higher-order spectral terms are specified, include them here but trim off all trailing zeroes
                while spi and not spi[-1]:
                    del spi[-1]
                    del spi_err[-1]
                if not spi:
                    spectrum = None
                elif len(spi) == 1:
                    spectrum = ModelClasses.SpectralIndex(spi[0], f0)
                    if spi_err[0] is not None:
                        spectrum.spi_err = spi_err[0]
                    spectrum = ModelClasses.SpectralIndex(spi, f0)
                    if any([x is not None for x in spi_err]):
                        spectrum.spi_err = spi_err
            # see if we have extent parameters
            ex = ey = pa = 0
            if extent_fields:
                ex, ey, pa = [(getval(x[0], x[1]) or 0) for x in extent_fields]
                extent_errors = [getval(x[2], x[3]) for x in extent_fields]
            # form up shape object
            if (ex or ey) and max(ex, ey) >= min_extent:
                shape = ModelClasses.Gaussian(ex, ey, pa)
                for ifield, field in enumerate(['ex', 'ey', 'pa']):
                    if extent_errors[ifield] is not None:
                        shape.setAttribute(field + "_err", extent_errors[ifield])
                shape = None
            # get tags
            tagdict = {}
            if tags_slice:
                    tags = fields[tags_slice]
                except IndexError:
                for tagstr1 in tags:
                    for tagstr in tagstr1.split(","):
                        if tagstr[0] == "+":
                            tagname, value = tagstr[1:], True
                        elif tagstr[0] == "-":
                            tagname, value = tagstr[1:], False
                        elif "=" in tagstr:
                            tagname, value = tagstr.split("=", 1)
                            if value[0] in "'\"" and value[-1] in "'\"":
                                value = value[1:-1]
                                    value = float(value)
                            tagname, value = tagstr, True
                        tagdict[tagname] = value
            # OK, now form up the source object
            # now create a source object
            dprint(3, name, ra, dec, i, q, u, v)
            src = SkyModel.Source(name, pos, flux, shape=shape, spectrum=spectrum, **tagdict)
            # get custom attributes
            for type_, attr, column in custom_attrs:
                if column is not None and len(fields) > column:
                    src.setAttribute(attr, type_(fields[column]))
            # add to source list
            # check if it's the brightest
            brightness = src.brightness()
            if brightness > maxbright:
                maxbright = brightness
                brightest_name = src.name
                radec0 = ra, dec
            dprintf(0, "%s:%d: %s, skipping\n", filename, linenum, str(sys.exc_info()[1]))
            if verbose:
    dprintf(2, "imported %d sources from file %s\n", len(srclist), filename)
    # create model
    model = ModelClasses.SkyModel(*srclist)
    if freq0 is not None:
    # set model format
    model.setAttribute("ASCII_Format", format_str)
    # setup model center
    if center_on_brightest and radec0:
        dprintf(2, "brightest source is %s (%g Jy) at %f,%f\n", brightest_name, maxbright, *radec0)
    # setup radial distances
    projection = Coordinates.Projection.SinWCS(*model.fieldCenter())
    for src in model.sources:
        l, m = projection.lm(src.pos.ra, src.pos.dec)
        src.setAttribute('r', math.sqrt(l * l + m * m))
    return model
コード例 #4
def load(filename, freq0=None, center_on_brightest=False, **kw):
    """Imports an BBS catalog file
    The 'format' argument can be either a dict (such as the DefaultDMSFormat dict above), or a string such as DefaultDMSFormatString.
    (Other possible field names are "ra_d", "ra_rad", "dec_rad", "dec_sign".)
    If None is specified, DefaultDMSFormat is used.
    The 'freq0' argument supplies a default reference frequency (if one is not contained in the file.)
    If 'center_on_brightest' is True, the mpodel field center will be set to the brightest source,
    else to the center of the first patch.
    srclist = []
    dprint(1, "importing BBS source table", filename)
    # read file
    ff = open(filename)
    # first line must be a format string: extract it
    line0 = ff.readline().strip()
    match = re.match("#\s*\((.+)\)\s*=\s*format", line0)
    if not match:
        raise ValueError("line 1 is not a valid format specification")
    format_str = match.group(1)
    # create format parser from this string
    parser = CatalogParser(format_str)

    # check for mandatory fields
    for field in "Name", "Type":
        if not parser.defines(field):
            raise ValueError("Table lacks mandatory field '%s'" % field)

    maxbright = 0
    patches = []
    ref_freq = freq0

    # now process file line-by-line
    linenum = 1
    for line in ff:
        linenum += 1
            # parse one line
            dprint(4, "read line:", line)
            catline = parser.parse(line, linenum)
            if not catline:
            dprint(5, "line %d: " % linenum, catline.__dict__)
            # is it a patch record?
            patchname = getattr(catline, 'Patch', '')
            if not catline.Name:
                dprintf(2, "%s:%d: patch %s\n", filename, linenum, patchname)
                patches.append((patchname, catline.ra_rad, catline.dec_rad))
            # form up name
            name = "%s:%s" % (patchname, catline.Name) if patchname else catline.Name
            # check source type
            stype = catline.Type.upper()
            if stype not in ("POINT", "GAUSSIAN"):
                raise ValueError("unsupported source type %s" % stype)
            # see if we have freq0
            if freq0:
                f0 = freq0
            elif hasattr(catline, 'ReferenceFrequency'):
                f0 = float(catline.ReferenceFrequency or '0')
                f0 = None
            # set model refrence frequency
            if f0 is not None and ref_freq is None:
                ref_freq = f0
            # see if we have Q/U/V
            i, q, u, v = [float(getattr(catline, stokes, '0') or '0') for stokes in "IQUV"]
            # see if we have RM as well. Create flux object (unpolarized, polarized, polarized w/RM)
            if f0 is not None and hasattr(catline, 'RotationMeasure'):
                flux = ModelClasses.PolarizationWithRM(i, q, u, v, float(catline.RotationMeasure or '0'), f0)
                flux = ModelClasses.Polarization(i, q, u, v)
            # see if we have a spectral index
            if f0 is not None and hasattr(catline, 'SpectralIndex:0'):
                spectrum = ModelClasses.SpectralIndex(float(getattr(catline, 'SpectralIndex:0') or '0'), f0)
                spectrum = None
            # see if we have extent parameters
            if stype == "GAUSSIAN":
                ex = float(getattr(catline, "MajorAxis", "0") or "0")
                ey = float(getattr(catline, "MinorAxis", "0") or "0")
                pa = float(getattr(catline, "Orientation", "0") or "0")
                shape = ModelClasses.Gaussian(ex, ey, pa)
                shape = None
            # create tags
            tags = {}
            for field in "Patch", "Category":
                if hasattr(catline, field):
                    tags['BBS_%s' % field] = getattr(catline, field)
            # OK, now form up the source object
            # position
            pos = ModelClasses.Position(catline.ra_rad, catline.dec_rad)
            # now create a source object
            src = SkyModel.Source(name, pos, flux, shape=shape, spectrum=spectrum, **tags)
            # check if it's the brightest
            brightness = src.brightness()
            if brightness > maxbright:
                maxbright = brightness
                brightest_name = src.name
                radec0 = catline.ra_rad, catline.dec_rad
            dprintf(0, "%s:%d: %s, skipping\n", filename, linenum, str(sys.exc_info()[1]))
    dprintf(2, "imported %d sources from file %s\n", len(srclist), filename)
    # create model
    model = ModelClasses.SkyModel(*srclist)
    if ref_freq is not None:
    # setup model center
    if center_on_brightest and radec0:
        dprintf(2, "setting model centre to brightest source %s (%g Jy) at %f,%f\n", brightest_name, maxbright,
    elif patches:
        name, ra, dec = patches[0]
        dprintf(2, "setting model centre to first patch %s at %f,%f\n", name, ra, dec)
        model.setFieldCenter(ra, dec)
    # map patches to model tags
    model.setAttribute("BBS_Patches", patches)
    model.setAttribute("BBS_Format", format_str)
    # setup radial distances
    projection = Coordinates.Projection.SinWCS(*model.fieldCenter())
    for src in model.sources:
        l, m = projection.lm(src.pos.ra, src.pos.dec)
        src.setAttribute('r', math.sqrt(l * l + m * m))
    return model
コード例 #5
def load(filename,
    """Imports an ASCII table
  The 'format' argument can be either a dict (such as the DefaultDMSFormat dict above), or a string such as DefaultDMSFormatString.
  (Other possible field names are "ra_d", "ra_rad", "dec_rad", "dec_sign".)
  If None is specified, DefaultDMSFormat is used.
  The 'freq0' argument supplies a default reference frequency (if one is not contained in the file.)
  If 'center_on_brightest' is True, the mpodel field center will be set to the brightest source.
  'min_extent' is minimal source extent (in radians), above which a source will be treated as a Gaussian rather than a point component.
    srclist = []
    dprint(1, "importing ASCII DMS file", filename)
    # brightest source and its coordinates
    maxbright = 0
    brightest_name = radec0 = None

    # now process file line-by-line
    linenum = 0
    format_str = ''
    for line in file(filename):
        # for the first line, firgure out the file format
        if not linenum:
            if not format and line.startswith("#format:"):
                format = line[len("#format:"):].strip()
                dprint(1, "file contains format header:", format)
            # set default format
            if format is None:
                format = DefaultDMSFormatString
            # is the format a string rather than a dict? Turn it into a dict then
            if isinstance(format, str):
                format_str = format
                # make list of fieldname,fieldnumber tuples
                fields = [(field, i) for i, field in enumerate(format.split())]
                if not fields:
                    raise ValueError, "illegal format string in file: '%s'" % format
                # last fieldname can end with ... to indicate that it absorbs the rest of the line
                if fields[-1][0].endswith('...'):
                    fields[-1] = (fields[-1][0][:-3],
                                  slice(fields[-1][1], None))
                # make format dict
                format = dict(fields)
            elif not isinstance(format, dict):
                raise TypeError, "invalid 'format' argument of type %s" % (
                nf = max(format.itervalues()) + 1
                fields = ['---'] * nf
                for field, number in format.iteritems():
                    fields[number] = field
                format_str = " ".join(fields)
            # get minimum necessary fields from format
            name_field = format.get('name', None)
            # flux
                i_field = format['i']
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError, "ASCII format specification lacks mandatory flux field ('i')"
            # main RA field
            if 'ra_h' in format:
                ra_field, ra_scale = format['ra_h'], (math.pi / 12)
            elif 'ra_d' in format:
                ra_field, ra_scale = format['ra_d'], (math.pi / 180)
            elif 'ra_rad' in format:
                ra_field, ra_scale = format['ra_rad'], 1.
                raise ValueError, "ASCII format specification lacks mandatory Right Ascension field ('ra_h', 'ra_d' or 'ra_rad')"
            # main Dec field
            if 'dec_d' in format:
                dec_field, dec_scale = format['dec_d'], (math.pi / 180)
            elif 'dec_rad' in format:
                dec_field, dec_scale = format['dec_rad'], 1.
                raise ValueError, "ASCII format specification lacks mandatory Declination field ('dec_d' or 'dec_rad')"
            # polarization as QUV
                quv_fields = [format[x] for x in ['q', 'u', 'v']]
            except KeyError:
                quv_fields = None
            # linear polarization as fraction and angle
            polfrac_field = format.get('pol_frac', None)
            if polfrac_field is not None:
                polpa_field, polpa_scale = format.get('pol_pa_d',
                                                      None), (math.pi / 180)
                if not polpa_field is not None:
                    polpa_field, polpa_scale = format.get('pol_pa_rad',
                                                          None), 1
            # fields for extent parameters
            ext_fields = []
            for ext in 'emaj', 'emin', 'pa':
                for field, scale in (ext, 1.), (ext + "_rad",
                                                1.), (ext + '_d',
                                                      DEG), (ext + '_m', DEG /
                                                             60), (ext + '_s',
                                                                   DEG / 3600):
                    if field in format:
                        ext_fields.append((format[field], scale))
            # if not all three accumulated, ignore
            if len(ext_fields) != 3:
                ext_fields = None
            # fields for reference freq and RM and SpI
            freq0_field = format.get('freq0', None)
            rm_field = format.get('rm', None)
            spi_field = format.get('spi', None)
            spi2_field = [format.get('spi%d' % i, None) for i in range(2, 10)]
            tags_slice = format.get('tags', None)
        # now go on to process the line
        linenum += 1
            # strip whitespace
            line = line.strip()
            dprintf(4, "%s:%d: read line '%s'\n", filename, linenum, line)
            # skip empty or commented lines
            if not line or line[0] == '#':
            # split (at whitespace) into fields
            fields = line.split()
            # get  name
            name = fields[name_field] if name_field is not None else str(
                len(srclist) + 1)
            i = float(fields[i_field])
            # get position: RA
            ra = float(fields[ra_field])
            if 'ra_m' in format:
                ra += float(fields[format['ra_m']]) / 60.
            if 'ra_s' in format:
                ra += float(fields[format['ra_s']]) / 3600.
            ra *= ra_scale
            # position: Dec. Separate treatment of sign
            dec = abs(float(fields[dec_field]))
            if 'dec_m' in format:
                dec += float(fields[format['dec_m']]) / 60.
            if 'dec_s' in format:
                dec += float(fields[format['dec_s']]) / 3600.
            if fields[format.get('dec_sign', dec_field)][0] == '-':
                dec = -dec
            dec *= dec_scale
            # see if we have freq0
                f0 = freq0 or (freq0_field and float(fields[freq0_field]))
            except IndexError:
                f0 = None
            # set model refrence frequency
            if f0 is not None and freq0 is None:
                freq0 = f0
            # see if we have Q/U/V
            q = u = v = None
            if quv_fields:
                    q, u, v = map(float, [fields[x] for x in quv_fields])
                except IndexError:
            if polfrac_field is not None:
                pf = fields[polfrac_field]
                pf = float(pf[:-1]) / 100 if pf.endswith("%") else float(pf)
                ppa = float(fields[polpa_field]
                            ) * polpa_scale if polpa_field is not None else 0
                q = i * pf * math.cos(2 * ppa)
                u = i * pf * math.sin(2 * ppa)
                v = 0
            # see if we have RM as well. Create flux object (unpolarized, polarized, polarized w/RM)
            if q is None:
                flux = ModelClasses.Polarization(i, 0, 0, 0)
            elif f0 is None or rm_field is None or rm_field >= len(fields):
                flux = ModelClasses.Polarization(i, q, u, v)
                flux = ModelClasses.PolarizationWithRM(i, q, u, v,
            # see if we have a spectral index
            if f0 is None or spi_field is None or spi_field >= len(fields):
                spectrum = None
                spi = [ float(fields[spi_field]) ] + \
                      [ (float(fields[x]) if x is not None else 0) for x in spi2_field ]
                # if any higher-order spectral terms are specified, include them here
                # but trim off all trailing zeroes
                while len(spi) > 1 and not spi[-1]:
                    del spi[-1]
                if len(spi) == 1:
                    spi = spi[0]
                spectrum = ModelClasses.SpectralIndex(spi, f0)
            # see if we have extent parameters
            ex = ey = pa = 0
            if ext_fields:
                    ex, ey, pa = [
                        float(fields[num]) * scale for num, scale in ext_fields
                except IndexError:
            # form up shape object
            if (ex or ey) and max(ex, ey) >= min_extent:
                shape = ModelClasses.Gaussian(ex, ey, pa)
                shape = None
            # get tags
            tagdict = {}
            if tags_slice:
                    tags = fields[tags_slice]
                except IndexError:
                for tagstr1 in tags:
                    for tagstr in tagstr1.split(","):
                        if tagstr[0] == "+":
                            tagname, value = tagstr[1:], True
                        elif tagstr[0] == "-":
                            tagname, value = tagstr[1:], False
                        elif "=" in tagstr:
                            tagname, value = tagstr.split("=", 1)
                            if value[0] in "'\"" and value[-1] in "'\"":
                                value = value[1:-1]
                                    value = float(value)
                            tagname, value = tagstr, True
                        tagdict[tagname] = value

            # OK, now form up the source object
            # position
            pos = ModelClasses.Position(ra, dec)
            # now create a source object
            dprint(3, name, ra, dec, i, q, u, v)
            src = SkyModel.Source(name,
            # check if it's the brightest
            brightness = src.brightness()
            if brightness > maxbright:
                maxbright = brightness
                brightest_name = src.name
                radec0 = ra, dec
            dprintf(0, "%s:%d: %s, skipping\n", filename, linenum,
    dprintf(2, "imported %d sources from file %s\n", len(srclist), filename)
    # create model
    model = ModelClasses.SkyModel(*srclist)
    if freq0 is not None:
    # set model format
    model.setAttribute("ASCII_Format", format_str)
    # setup model center
    if center_on_brightest and radec0:
        dprintf(2, "brightest source is %s (%g Jy) at %f,%f\n", brightest_name,
                maxbright, *radec0)
    # setup radial distances
    projection = Coordinates.Projection.SinWCS(*model.fieldCenter())
    for src in model.sources:
        l, m = projection.lm(src.pos.ra, src.pos.dec)
        src.setAttribute('r', math.sqrt(l * l + m * m))
    return model