def listBadAdcs(self, rosBeg=0, modBeg=0, rosEnd=5, modEnd=64): """ Print a formatted list of all ADCs with problems. """ self.log().info( "==============================================================") self.log().info( " Current list of affected ADCs ") self.log().info( "==============================================================") for ros in range(rosBeg, rosEnd): for mod in range(modBeg, min(modEnd, TileCalibUtils.getMaxDrawer(ros))): modName = TileCalibUtils.getDrawerString(ros, mod) for chn in range(TileCalibUtils.max_chan()): chnName = "channel %2i" % chn for adc in range(TileCalibUtils.max_gain()): gainName = "LG:" if adc: gainName = "HG:" prbs = self.getAdcProblems(ros, mod, chn, adc) for prbCode in sorted(prbs.keys()): prbDesc = prbs[prbCode] msg = "%s %s %s %2i (%s)" % ( modName, chnName, gainName, prbCode, prbDesc) self.log().info(msg) modName = " " * 5 chnName = " " * 10 gainName = " " * 3 self.log().info( "==============================================================")
def getModuleLabels(partition): ''' This function returns list of Tile module names for given partition. Arguments: partition -- Tile partition name (LBA, LBC, EBA, EBC) ''' if partition == 'AllPart': labels = [str(module) for module in range(1, Tile.MAX_DRAWER + 1)] else: ros = {'LBA': 1, 'LBC': 2, 'EBA': 3, 'EBC': 4} labels = [ Tile.getDrawerString(ros[partition], module) for module in range(0, Tile.MAX_DRAWER) ] return labels
def TileJetMonitoringConfig(flags, **kwargs): ''' Function to configure TileJetMonitorAlgorithm algorithm in the monitoring system.''' # Define one top-level monitoring algorithm. The new configuration # framework uses a component accumulator. from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator result = ComponentAccumulator() from TileGeoModel.TileGMConfig import TileGMCfg result.merge(TileGMCfg(flags)) from LArGeoAlgsNV.LArGMConfig import LArGMCfg result.merge(LArGMCfg(flags)) from TileConditions.TileCablingSvcConfig import TileCablingSvcCfg result.merge(TileCablingSvcCfg(flags)) from TileConditions.TileBadChannelsConfig import TileBadChanToolCfg badChanTool = result.popToolsAndMerge(TileBadChanToolCfg(flags)) # The following class will make a sequence, configure algorithms, and link # them to GenericMonitoringTools from AthenaMonitoring import AthMonitorCfgHelper helper = AthMonitorCfgHelper(flags, 'TileMonitoring') # Adding an TileJetMonitorAlgorithm algorithm to the helper from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory tileJetMonAlg = helper.addAlgorithm(CompFactory.TileJetMonitorAlgorithm, 'TileJetMonAlg') tileJetMonAlg.TileBadChanTool = badChanTool tileJetMonAlg.TriggerChain = '' for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(tileJetMonAlg, k, v) DoEnergyProfiles = kwargs.get( 'DoEnergyProfiles', tileJetMonAlg._descriptors['DoEnergyProfiles'].default) Do1DHistograms = kwargs.get( 'Do1DHistograms', tileJetMonAlg._descriptors['Do1DHistograms'].default) DoEnergyDiffHistograms = kwargs.get( 'DoEnergyDiffHistograms', tileJetMonAlg._descriptors['DoEnergyDiffHistograms'].default) if flags.DQ.DataType not in ('heavyioncollisions', 'cosmics'): jvtTool = CompFactory.JetVertexTaggerTool() jetContainer = kwargs.get( 'JetContainer', tileJetMonAlg._descriptors['JetContainer'].default) jvtTool.JetContainer = jetContainer tileJetMonAlg.JVT = jvtTool jetCleaningTool = CompFactory.JetCleaningTool() jetCleaningTool.CutLevel = "LooseBad" jetCleaningTool.DoUgly = False tileJetMonAlg.JetCleaningTool = jetCleaningTool result.addPublicTool(jetCleaningTool) jetPtMin = 20000 jetTrackingEtaLimit = 2.4 eventCleaningTool = CompFactory.ECUtils.EventCleaningTool() eventCleaningTool.JetCleaningTool = jetCleaningTool eventCleaningTool.PtCut = jetPtMin eventCleaningTool.EtaCut = jetTrackingEtaLimit eventCleaningTool.JvtDecorator = "passJvt" eventCleaningTool.OrDecorator = "passOR" eventCleaningTool.CleaningLevel = jetCleaningTool.CutLevel tileJetMonAlg.EventCleaningTool = eventCleaningTool tileJetMonAlg.JetTrackingEtaLimit = jetTrackingEtaLimit tileJetMonAlg.JetPtMin = jetPtMin tileJetMonAlg.DoEventCleaning = True tileJetMonAlg.DoJetCleaning = True else: tileJetMonAlg.DoEventCleaning = False tileJetMonAlg.DoJetCleaning = False # 1) Configure histogram with TileJetMonAlg algorithm execution time executeTimeGroup = helper.addGroup(tileJetMonAlg, 'TileJetMonExecuteTime', 'Tile/') executeTimeGroup.defineHistogram( 'TIME_execute', path='Jet', type='TH1F', title='Time for execute TileJetMonAlg algorithm;time [#mus]', xbins=300, xmin=0, xmax=300000) from TileMonitoring.TileMonitoringCfgHelper import addValueVsModuleAndChannelMaps, getPartitionName runNumber = flags.Input.RunNumber[0] # 2) Configure 2D histograms (profiles/maps) with Tile channel time vs module and channel per partion (DQ summary) channelTimeDQGroup = helper.addGroup(tileJetMonAlg, 'TileJetChanTimeDQ', 'Tile/Jet/') addValueVsModuleAndChannelMaps(channelTimeDQGroup, name='tileJetChanTime', title='Average time with jets', path='DQ', type='TProfile2D', value='time', run=str(runNumber)) gains = ['LG', 'HG'] partitions = ['LBA', 'LBC', 'EBA', 'EBC'] # 3a) Configure 1D histograms with Tile channel time per partition channelTimeGroup = helper.addGroup(tileJetMonAlg, 'TileJetChanTime', 'Tile/Jet/ChanTime/') for partition in partitions: title = 'Partition ' + partition + ': Tile Channel Time;time [ns];N' name = 'channelTime' + partition path = partition channelTimeGroup.defineHistogram(name, title=title, path=path, type='TH1F', xbins=600, xmin=-30.0, xmax=30.0) # 3b) Configure 1D histograms with Tile channel time per partition for extended barrels without scintillators for partition in ['EBA', 'EBC']: title = 'Partition ' + partition + ': Tile Channel Time (without scintillators);time [ns];N' name = 'channelTime' + partition + '_NoScint' path = partition channelTimeGroup.defineHistogram(name, title=title, path=path, type='TH1F', xbins=600, xmin=-30.0, xmax=30.0) # Energy upper limits of the cell-time histograms energiesHG = [ 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 10000, 13000, 16000, 20000 ] energiesLG = [25000, 30000, 40000, 50000, 65000, 80000] energiesALL = {'LG': energiesLG, 'HG': energiesHG} tileJetMonAlg.CellEnergyUpperLimitsHG = energiesHG tileJetMonAlg.CellEnergyUpperLimitsLG = energiesLG # 4) Configure histograms with Tile cell time in energy slices per partition and gain cellTimeGroup = helper.addGroup(tileJetMonAlg, 'TileJetCellTime', 'Tile/Jet/CellTime/') for partition in partitions: for gain in gains: index = 0 energies = energiesALL[gain] for index in range(0, len(energies) + 1): toEnergy = energies[index] if index < len(energies) else None fromEnergy = energies[index - 1] if index > 0 else None name = 'Cell_time_' + partition + '_' + gain + '_slice_' + str( index) title = 'Partition ' + partition + ': ' + gain + ' Tile Cell time in energy range' if not toEnergy: title += ' > ' + str(fromEnergy) + ' MeV; time [ns]' elif not fromEnergy: title += ' < ' + str(toEnergy) + ' MeV; time [ns]' else: title += ' [' + str(fromEnergy) + ' .. ' + str( toEnergy) + ') MeV; time [ns]' cellTimeGroup.defineHistogram(name, title=title, path=partition, type='TH1F', xbins=600, xmin=-30.0, xmax=30.0) if DoEnergyProfiles: # 5) Configure 1D histograms (profiles) with Tile cell energy profile in energy slices per partition and gain cellEnergyProfileGroup = helper.addGroup(tileJetMonAlg, 'TileJetCellEnergyProfile', 'Tile/Jet/CellTime/') for partition in partitions: for gain in gains: name = 'index_' + partition + '_' + gain name += ',energy_' + partition + '_' + gain name += ';Cell_ene_' + partition + '_' + gain + '_prof' title = 'Partition ' + partition + ': ' + gain + ' Tile Cell energy profile;Slice;Energy [MeV]' xmax = len(energiesALL[gain]) + 0.5 nbins = len(energiesALL[gain]) + 1 cellEnergyProfileGroup.defineHistogram(name, title=title, path=partition, type='TProfile', xbins=nbins, xmin=-0.5, xmax=xmax) else: # 6) Configure 1D histograms with Tile cell energy in energy slices per partition, gain and slice cellEnergyGroup = helper.addGroup(tileJetMonAlg, 'TileJetCellEnergy', 'Tile/Jet/CellTime/') for partition in partitions: for gain in gains: energies = energiesALL[gain] for index in range(0, len(energies) + 1): toEnergy = energies[index] if index < len( energies) else 2 * energies[index - 1] fromEnergy = energies[index - 1] if index > 0 else -1000 name = 'Cell_ene_' + partition + '_' + gain + '_slice_' + str( index) title = 'Partition ' + partition + ': ' + gain + ' Tile Cell Energy' title += ' in energy range [' + str( fromEnergy) + ' .. ' + str( toEnergy) + ') MeV;Energy [MeV]' cellEnergyGroup.defineHistogram(name, title=title, path=partition, type='TH1F', xbins=100, xmin=fromEnergy, xmax=toEnergy) from TileCalibBlobObjs.Classes import TileCalibUtils as Tile if Do1DHistograms: # 7) Configure 1D histograms with Tile channel time per channel channelTime1DGroup = helper.addGroup(tileJetMonAlg, 'TileJetChanTime1D', 'Tile/Jet/ChanTime/') for ros in range(1, Tile.MAX_ROS): for module in range(0, Tile.MAX_DRAWER): for channel in range(0, Tile.MAX_CHAN): moduleName = Tile.getDrawerString(ros, module) title = 'Time in ' + moduleName + ' channel ' + str( channel) + ';time [ns];N' name = moduleName + '_ch_' + str(channel) + '_1d' path = getPartitionName(ros) + '/' + moduleName channelTime1DGroup.defineHistogram(name, title=title, path=path, type='TH1F', xbins=600, xmin=-30.0, xmax=30.0) if DoEnergyDiffHistograms: # 7) Configure 1D histograms with Tile cell relative energy difference between two channels per even channel energyDiffGroup = helper.addGroup(tileJetMonAlg, 'TileJetEnergyDiff', 'Tile/Jet/EnergyDiff/') for ros in range(1, Tile.MAX_ROS): for module in range(0, Tile.MAX_DRAWER): for channel in range(0, Tile.MAX_CHAN): if not channel % 2: for gain in gains: moduleName = Tile.getDrawerString(ros, module) title = 'Tile Cell Energy difference in ' + moduleName + ' channel ' + str( channel) + ' ' + gain title += ';#frac{ene1 - ene2}{ene1 + ene2}' name = moduleName + '_enediff_' + gain + '_ch1_' + str( channel) path = getPartitionName(ros) + '/' + moduleName energyDiffGroup.defineHistogram(name, title=title, path=path, type='TH1F', xbins=100, xmin=-1.0, xmax=1.0) accumalator = helper.result() result.merge(accumalator) return result"Initializing folder %s with tag %s", folderPath, folderTag) iovAll = [] iovList = [] iovUntil = [] iovListMOD = [] iovListCMT = [] iovUntilCMT = [] blobReader = TileCalibTools.TileBlobReader(dbr, folderPath, folderTag) if iov: #=== filling the iovList"Looking for IOVs") if moduleList != ['CMT']: for ros in range(rosmin, 5): for mod in range(min(64, TileCalibUtils.getMaxDrawer(ros))): modName = TileCalibUtils.getDrawerString(ros, mod) if len( moduleList ) > 0 and modName not in moduleList and 'ALL' not in moduleList: iovAll += [[]] else: iovMod = blobReader.getIOVsWithinRange(ros, mod) iovAll += [iovMod] iovList += iovMod if 'ALL' in moduleList: moduleList.remove('ALL') else: for ros in range(rosmin, 5): iovAll += [[]] * min(64, TileCalibUtils.getMaxDrawer(ros)) if 'CMT' in moduleList: iovListMOD = iovList
def TileRawChannelNoiseMonitoringConfig(flags, **kwargs): ''' Function to configure TileRawChannelNoiseMonitorAlgorithm algorithm in the monitoring system.''' # Define one top-level monitoring algorithm. The new configuration # framework uses a component accumulator. from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator result = ComponentAccumulator() from TileRecUtils.TileDQstatusConfig import TileDQstatusAlgCfg result.merge(TileDQstatusAlgCfg(flags)) from TileGeoModel.TileGMConfig import TileGMCfg result.merge(TileGMCfg(flags)) from TileConditions.TileCablingSvcConfig import TileCablingSvcCfg result.merge(TileCablingSvcCfg(flags)) from TileConditions.TileBadChannelsConfig import TileBadChannelsCondAlgCfg result.merge(TileBadChannelsCondAlgCfg(flags, **kwargs)) if 'TileCondToolEmscale' not in kwargs: from TileConditions.TileEMScaleConfig import TileCondToolEmscaleCfg emScaleTool = result.popToolsAndMerge(TileCondToolEmscaleCfg(flags)) kwargs['TileCondToolEmscale'] = emScaleTool kwargs.setdefault('CheckDCS', flags.Tile.useDCS) if kwargs['CheckDCS']: from TileConditions.TileDCSConfig import TileDCSCondAlgCfg result.merge(TileDCSCondAlgCfg(flags)) #kwargs.setdefault('TriggerChain', 'HLT_noalg_cosmiccalo_L1RD1_EMPTY') #FIXME kwargs.setdefault('TriggerTypes', [0x82]) kwargs.setdefault('Gain', 1) kwargs.setdefault('TileRawChannelContainer', flags.Tile.RawChannelContainer) # The following class will make a sequence, configure algorithms, and link # them to GenericMonitoringTools from AthenaMonitoring import AthMonitorCfgHelper helper = AthMonitorCfgHelper(flags, 'TileRawChanNoiseMonitoring') # Adding an TileCellMonitorAlgorithm algorithm to the helper from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory TileRawChannelNoiseMonitorAlgorithm = CompFactory.TileRawChannelNoiseMonitorAlgorithm tileRawChanNoiseMonAlg = helper.addAlgorithm( TileRawChannelNoiseMonitorAlgorithm, 'TileRawChanNoiseMonAlg') for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(tileRawChanNoiseMonAlg, k, v) run = str(flags.Input.RunNumber[0]) # 1) Configure histogram with TileRawChanNoiseMonAlg algorithm execution time executeTimeGroup = helper.addGroup(tileRawChanNoiseMonAlg, 'TileRawChanNoiseMonExecuteTime', 'Tile/') executeTimeGroup.defineHistogram( 'TIME_execute', path='RawChannelNoise', type='TH1F', title='Time for execute TileRawChanNoiseMonAlg algorithm;time [#mus]', xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=100000) from TileCalibBlobObjs.Classes import TileCalibUtils as Tile from TileMonitoring.TileMonitoringCfgHelper import getPartitionName, getCellName, getGainName # 2) Configure histograms with Tile raw channel amplitude per channel gainName = getGainName(kwargs['Gain']) dimensions = [ int(Tile.MAX_ROS) - 1, int(Tile.MAX_DRAWER), int(Tile.MAX_CHAN) ] chanAmpArray = helper.addArray(dimensions, tileRawChanNoiseMonAlg, 'TileRawChannelNoise', topPath='Tile/RawChannelNoise') for postfix, tool in chanAmpArray.Tools.items(): ros, module, channel = [int(x) for x in postfix.split('_')[1:]] partition = getPartitionName(ros + 1) moduleName = Tile.getDrawerString(ros + 1, module) cellName = getCellName(partition, channel) title = 'Run %s %s: Tile cell %s / channel %s amplitude (%s);Amplitude [ADC]' title = title % (run, moduleName, cellName, str(channel), gainName) name = 'amplitude;TileRawChannelNoise_%s_%s_ch_%s_%s' % ( moduleName, cellName, str(channel), gainName) tool.defineHistogram(name, title=title, path=partition, type='TH1F', xbins=81, xmin=-20.25, xmax=20.25) accumalator = helper.result() result.merge(accumalator) return result
def commitToDb(self, db, folderPath, tag, bitPatVer, author, comment, since, until=(MAXRUN, MAXLBK), untilCmt=None, moduleList=[]): """ Commits the differences compared to the set of bad channels read in with the initialze function to the provided database. - author : author name (string) - comment : a comment (string) - sinceRun, sinceLbk : start of IOV for which bad channels are valid - untilRun, untilLbk : end of IOV for which bad channels are valid """ #=== check db status try: if not db.isOpen(): raise Exception("DB not open: ", db.databaseId()) except Exception as e: raise (e) multiVersion = self.__multiVersion writer = TileCalibTools.TileBlobWriter(db, folderPath, 'Bch', multiVersion) if len(comment) or isinstance(author, tuple): writer.setComment(author, comment) nUpdates = 0 goodComment = True #=== get latest state from db if moduleList != ['CMT']: if since != (MINRUN, MINLBK): justBefore = list(since) if justBefore[1] > MINLBK: justBefore[1] = justBefore[1] - 1 else: justBefore[0] = justBefore[0] - 1 justBefore[1] = MAXLBK justBefore = tuple(justBefore) if self.__mode != 2: self.log().info( "Reading db state just before %s, i.e. at %s", since, justBefore) self.__updateFromDb(db, folderPath, tag, justBefore, 0) else: self.log().info( "Using previous bad channel list from input DB") self.log().info( "And comparing it with new list of bad channels") else: if self.__mode != 2: reader = TileCalibTools.TileBlobReader(db, folderPath, tag) multiVersion = reader.folderIsMultiVersion() self.log().info( "Filling db from %s, resetting old status cache", list(since)) self.__oldStat = len(self.__oldStat) * [TileBchStatus()] #=== print status information self.log().info("Committing changes to DB \'%s\'", db.databaseId()) self.log().info( "... using tag \'%s\' and [run,lumi] range: [%i,%i] - [%i,%i]", tag, since[0], since[1], until[0], until[1]) if isinstance(author, tuple) and len(author) == 3: self.log().info("... author : \'%s\'", author[0]) self.log().info("... comment: \'%s\'", author[1]) else: self.log().info("... author : \'%s\'", author) self.log().info("... comment: \'%s\'", comment) #=== default for drawer initialization loGainDefVec = cppyy.gbl.std.vector('unsigned int')() loGainDefVec.push_back(0) hiGainDefVec = cppyy.gbl.std.vector('unsigned int')() hiGainDefVec.push_back(0) comChnDefVec = cppyy.gbl.std.vector('unsigned int')() comChnDefVec.push_back(0) cppyy.makeClass('std::vector<unsigned int>') defVec = cppyy.gbl.std.vector('std::vector<unsigned int>')() defVec.push_back(loGainDefVec) defVec.push_back(hiGainDefVec) defVec.push_back(comChnDefVec) #=== loop over the whole detector bchDecoder = TileBchDecoder(bitPatVer) for ros in range(0, TileCalibUtils.max_ros()): for mod in range(TileCalibUtils.getMaxDrawer(ros)): modName = TileCalibUtils.getDrawerString(ros, mod) nChange = self.checkModuleForChanges(ros, mod) if nChange == 0 and (len(moduleList) == 0 or modName not in moduleList or 'ALL' not in moduleList): #=== do nothing if nothing changed continue if nChange == -1: nUpdates += 1 self.log().info("Drawer %s reset to GOOD", modName) if modName not in comment and not ( "ONL" not in folderPath or "syncALL" not in comment): goodComment = False self.log().error( "Comment string - '%s' - doesn't contain drawer %s", comment, modName) writer.zeroBlob(ros, mod) else: nUpdates += 1 self.log().info("Applying %2i changes to drawer %s", nChange, modName) if modName not in comment and ("ONL" not in folderPath or "syncALL" not in comment): goodComment = False self.log().error( "Comment string - '%s' - doesn't contain drawer %s", comment, modName) drawer = writer.getDrawer(ros, mod) drawer.init(defVec, TileCalibUtils.max_chan(), bitPatVer) for chn in range(TileCalibUtils.max_chan()): #=== get low gain bit words wordsLo = bchDecoder.encode( self.getAdcStatus(ros, mod, chn, 0)) chBits = wordsLo[0] loBits = wordsLo[1] #=== get high gain bit words wordsHi = bchDecoder.encode( self.getAdcStatus(ros, mod, chn, 1)) chBits = wordsHi[0] | chBits hiBits = wordsHi[1] #=== set low, high and common channel word in calibDrawer drawer.setData(chn, 0, 0, loBits) drawer.setData(chn, 1, 0, hiBits) drawer.setData(chn, 2, 0, chBits) #=== synchronizing channel status in low and high gain if wordsLo[0] != chBits: self.log().info( "Drawer %s ch %2d - sync LG status with HG ", modName, chn) status = TileBchStatus( bchDecoder.decode(chBits, loBits)) self.setAdcStatus(ros, mod, chn, 0, status) if wordsHi[0] != chBits: self.log().info( "Drawer %s ch %2d - sync HG status with LG ", modName, chn) status = TileBchStatus( bchDecoder.decode(chBits, hiBits)) self.setAdcStatus(ros, mod, chn, 1, status) #=== register if nUpdates > 0 or moduleList == ['CMT']: if goodComment: self.log().info( "Attempting to register %i modified drawers...", nUpdates) if untilCmt is not None and untilCmt != until: if moduleList != ['CMT'] and until > since: writer.register(since, until, tag, 1) if untilCmt > since: writer.register(since, untilCmt, tag, -1) else: writer.register(since, until, tag) else: self.log().error( "Aborting update due to errors in comment string") else: self.log().warning( "No drawer modifications detected, ignoring commit request")
def TileRawChannelTimeMonitoringConfig(flags, **kwargs): ''' Function to configure TileRawChannelTimeMonitorAlgorithm algorithm in the monitoring system.''' # Define one top-level monitoring algorithm. The new configuration # framework uses a component accumulator. from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator result = ComponentAccumulator() from TileRecUtils.TileDQstatusConfig import TileDQstatusAlgCfg result.merge(TileDQstatusAlgCfg(flags)) from TileGeoModel.TileGMConfig import TileGMCfg result.merge(TileGMCfg(flags)) from TileConditions.TileCablingSvcConfig import TileCablingSvcCfg result.merge(TileCablingSvcCfg(flags)) from TileConditions.TileBadChannelsConfig import TileBadChannelsCondAlgCfg result.merge(TileBadChannelsCondAlgCfg(flags, **kwargs)) kwargs.setdefault('CheckDCS', flags.Tile.useDCS) if kwargs['CheckDCS']: from TileConditions.TileDCSConfig import TileDCSCondAlgCfg result.merge(TileDCSCondAlgCfg(flags)) kwargs.setdefault('TriggerChain', '') # Partition pairs to monitor average time difference between partitions (ROS - 1) partitionPairs = [[0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3], [1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 3]] kwargs.setdefault('PartitionTimeDiffferncePairs', partitionPairs) # The following class will make a sequence, configure algorithms, and link # them to GenericMonitoringTools from AthenaMonitoring import AthMonitorCfgHelper helper = AthMonitorCfgHelper(flags, 'TileRawChannelTimeMonitoring') # Adding an TileCellMonitorAlgorithm algorithm to the helper from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory TileRawChannelTimeMonitorAlgorithm = CompFactory.TileRawChannelTimeMonitorAlgorithm tileRawChanTimeMonAlg = helper.addAlgorithm( TileRawChannelTimeMonitorAlgorithm, 'TileRawChanTimeMonAlg') for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(tileRawChanTimeMonAlg, k, v) run = str(flags.Input.RunNumber[0]) # 1) Configure histogram with TileRawChannelTimeMonAlg algorithm execution time executeTimeGroup = helper.addGroup(tileRawChanTimeMonAlg, 'TileRawChanTimeMonExecuteTime', 'Tile/') executeTimeGroup.defineHistogram( 'TIME_execute', path='RawChannelTime', type='TH1F', title='Time for execute TileRawChanTimeMonAlg algorithm;time [#mus]', xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=100000) from TileMonitoring.TileMonitoringCfgHelper import addTileModuleChannelMapsArray # 2) Configure histograms with status of Tile channel time per partition addTileModuleChannelMapsArray(helper, tileRawChanTimeMonAlg, name='TileAverageTime', title='Tile average time', path='Tile/RawChannelTime/Summary', type='TProfile2D', value='time', run=run) from TileMonitoring.TileMonitoringCfgHelper import addTile2DHistogramsArray # 3) Configure histograms with Tile partition average time vs luminosity block per partition addTile2DHistogramsArray( helper, tileRawChanTimeMonAlg, name='TileAverageTimeLB', xvalue='lumiBlock', yvalue='time', type='TH2D', title='Tile Average time vs LumiBlock;LumiBlock;t [ns]', path='Tile/RawChannelTime/Summary', run=run, perPartition=True, xbins=3000, xmin=-0.5, xmax=2999.5, ybins=149, ymin=-74.5, ymax=74.5) from TileMonitoring.TileMonitoringCfgHelper import getPartitionName # 4) Configure histograms with Tile partition average time difference vs luminosity block partitionPairs = kwargs['PartitionTimeDiffferncePairs'] partTimeDiffVsLBArray = helper.addArray([len(partitionPairs)], tileRawChanTimeMonAlg, 'TileAverageTimeDifferenceLB', topPath='Tile/RawChannelTime') for postfix, tool in partTimeDiffVsLBArray.Tools.items(): pairIdx = int(postfix.split('_').pop()) partitionName1, partitionName2 = [ getPartitionName(ros + 1) for ros in partitionPairs[pairIdx] ] title = 'Run %s: Average time between %s and %s' % ( run, partitionName1, partitionName2) title += ' vs luminosity block;LumiBlock;t [ns]' name = 'lumiBlock,time;TileAverageTimeDifferenceLB_%s-%s' % ( partitionName1, partitionName2) tool.defineHistogram(name, title=title, path='Summary', type='TProfile', xbins=1000, xmin=-0.5, xmax=999.5, opt='kAddBinsDynamically') from TileCalibBlobObjs.Classes import TileCalibUtils as Tile # 5) Configure histograms with Tile digitizer time vs luminosity block per digitizer maxDigitizer = 8 digiTimeVsLBArray = helper.addArray( [int(Tile.MAX_ROS - 1), int(Tile.MAX_DRAWER), maxDigitizer], tileRawChanTimeMonAlg, 'TileDigitizerTimeLB', topPath='Tile/RawChannelTime') for postfix, tool in digiTimeVsLBArray.Tools.items(): ros, module, digitizer = [int(x) for x in postfix.split('_')[1:]] moduleName = Tile.getDrawerString(ros + 1, module) title = 'Run ' + run + ' ' + moduleName + ' Digitizer ' + str( digitizer) title += ': Time vs luminosity block;LumiBlock;t [ns]' name = 'lumiBlock,time;TileDigitizerTimeLB_' + moduleName + '_DIGI_' + str( digitizer) path = getPartitionName(ros + 1) + '/' + moduleName tool.defineHistogram(name, title=title, path=path, type='TProfile', xbins=1000, xmin=-0.5, xmax=999.5, opt='kAddBinsDynamically') accumalator = helper.result() result.merge(accumalator) return result
folder1 = "/TILE/ONL01/NOISE/SAMPLE" folder2 = "/TILE/ONL01/NOISE/OFNI" if 'COMP200' in schema: folder1 = "/TILE/OFL01/NOISE/SAMPLE""Initializing ros %d, drawer %d for run %d, lumiblock %d", ros, drawer, run, lumi) for folderPath in [folder1, folder2]: folderTag = TileCalibTools.getFolderTag(db, folderPath, tag)"Initializing folder %s with tag %s", folderPath, folderTag) blobReader = TileCalibTools.TileBlobReader(db, folderPath, folderTag)"... %s", blobReader.getComment((run, lumi))) blob = blobReader.getDrawer(ros, drawer, (run, lumi)) if folderPath.find("SAMPLE") != -1: ped = blob.getData(channel, adc, 0) hfn = blob.getData(channel, adc, 1) lfn = blob.getData(channel, adc, 2) else: rms = blob.getData(channel, adc, 0) plp = blob.getData(channel, adc, 1)"\n") print( "%s ch %i gn %i : PED = %f HFN = %f LFN = %f OF_RMS = %f PILEUP = %f" % (TileCalibUtils.getDrawerString( ros, drawer), channel, adc, ped, hfn, lfn, rms, plp)) #=== close DB db.closeDatabase()
#=== get drawer with status at given run"Initializing ros %d, drawer %d for run %d, lumiblock %d", ros, drawer, run, lumi)"... %s", blobReader.getComment((run, lumi))) ofc = blobReader.getDrawer(ros, drawer, (run, lumi)) #=== get other OFC parameters nchann = ofc.getNChans() nfields = ofc.getNFields() nsamples = ofc.getNSamples() nphases = ofc.getNPhases()"")"nchann = %d", nchann)"nfields = %d", nfields)"nphases = %d", nphases)"nsamples = %d", nsamples)"")"OFC for %s channel %d adc %d field %d\n", TileCalibUtils.getDrawerString(ros, drawer), channel, adc, field) #=== get OFC field for given adc, sample and phase for iphase in range(abs(nphases)): phase = ofc.getPhase(channel, adc, iphase) msg = "phase %6.1f ns :" % phase for smp in range(0, nsamples): msg += " %f" % ofc.getOfc(field, channel, adc, phase, smp) print(msg) #=== close DB db.closeDatabase()
comment = blobReader.getComment(pointInTime) print("Comment: \"%s\"" % comment) #=== Loop over the whole detector #--- including default drawers with ros = [0,...,19] for ros in range(TileCalibUtils.max_ros()): for mod in range(TileCalibUtils.getMaxDrawer(ros)): #=== get the TileCalibDrawerFlt correcponding to module drawer = blobReader.getDrawer(ros, mod, pointInTime) #=== loop over all the channels for chn in range(TileCalibUtils.max_chan()): for adc in range(TileCalibUtils.max_gain()): ped = drawer.getData(chn, adc, 0) hfn = drawer.getData(chn, adc, 1) #=== currently lfn is not filled, but should be in the future lfn = 0. if drawer.getObjSizeUint32() > 2: lfn = drawer.getData(chn, adc, 2) print( "%s, channel=%2i, gain=%i -> ped=%5.4f\thfn=%5.4f\tlfn=%5.4f" % (TileCalibUtils.getDrawerString( ros, mod), chn, adc, ped, hfn, lfn)) #=== close the database connection db.closeDatabase()