コード例 #1
    def checkPayload(self, pclTag):

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
        # 2 --- Check for empty payloads (if the case exit)
        # list IOV
        # - if empty -> setEmpty Payload and continue
        # - if full quit check for uplaod in oracle and quit the loop
        connect    = "sqlite_file:" + self.completeFileName
        listiov_sqlite = gtTools.listIov(connect, pclTag, '')

        if listiov_sqlite[0] != 0:
            # the payload was not found in the sqlite -> look for the next file
            print colorTools.warning("Warning") +  " can not list IOV for this file -> no payload"
            self.isPayload  = False
            return False

        # FIXME: use pywrappers
        iovtable_sqlite = gtTools.IOVTable()
        self.isPayload = True
        self.iovTable = iovtable_sqlite
        #print "     sqlite contains a payload!"
        return True
コード例 #2
    def checkOracleExport(self, iovtable_oracle):
        # check if the IOVs of the sqlite are found in oracle and flip the corresponding flag in rRep
        missingIOV = False
        for iov in self.iovTable._iovList:
            iovOracle = gtTools.IOVEntry()
            if not iovtable_oracle.search(iov.since(), iovOracle):
                    print "    " + colorTools.warning("Warning:") + " IOV not found in Oracle for since: " + str(iov.since())
                    missingIOV = True

        if missingIOV:
            self.isInOracle = False
            return False
            self.isInOracle = True
            print "      All IOVs found in oracle: upload OK!"

        return True
コード例 #3
def getRunReport(runinfoTag, run, promptCalibDir, fileList, iovtableByRun_oracle, iovtableByLumi_oracle):
    #print run
    # input: runInfoTag, run, fileList, iovlist
    runInfo = None
        runInfo = RunInfo.getRunInfoStartAndStopTime(runinfoTag, '', run)

    except Exception as error:
        print "*** Error can not find run: " + str(run) + " in RunInfo: " + str(error)
        raise Exception("Error can not find run: " + str(run) + " in RunInfo: " + str(error))

    rRep = RunReport()

    deltaTRun = runInfo.stopTime() - runInfo.startTime()
    deltaTRunH = deltaTRun.days*24. + deltaTRun.seconds/(60.*60.)

    print "-- run #: " + colorTools.blue(runInfo.run())            
    print "   start: " + str(runInfo.startTime()) + " stop: " + str(runInfo.stopTime()) + " lenght (h): " + str(deltaTRunH)

    # --- status flags for this run
    isFileFound = False
    emptyPayload = True
    isOutOfOrder = False
    allLumiIOVFound = False

    # --- look for the file on AFS
    fileName = ""
    fileForRun = []
    # find the files associated to this run:
    for dbFile in fileList:
        if str(run) in dbFile:

    if len(fileForRun) == 0:
        print "   " + colorTools.warning("***Warning") + ": no sqlite file found!"
        isFileFound = False

    elif len(fileForRun) > 1:
        print "   " + colorTools.warning("***Warning") + ": more than one file for this run!"
        for dbFile in fileForRun:
            modifDate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(promptCalibDir + dbFile))
            print '       ',dbFile,'time-stamp:',modifDate

    for dbFile in fileForRun:
        isFileFound = True
        if isFileFound and not emptyPayload and isFileFound:
            # in this case the file was already identified
        print "   file: " + dbFile
        modifDate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(promptCalibDir + dbFile))

        #         # check this is not older than the one for the following run
        #         if isFirst or modifDate < lastDate:
        #             lastDate = modifDate
        #             isFirst = False
        #             isOutOfOrder = False

        #         else:
        #             print "   " + warning("Warning: ") + " this comes after the following run!!!"
        #             isOutOfOrder = True

        # delta-time from begin of run
        deltaTFromBegin = modifDate - runInfo.startTime()
        deltaTFromBeginH = deltaTFromBegin.days*24. + deltaTFromBegin.seconds/(60.*60.)

        # delta-time from end of run
        deltaTFromEndH = 0.01
        if(modifDate > runInfo.stopTime()): 
            deltaTFromEnd = modifDate - runInfo.stopTime()
            deltaTFromEndH = deltaTFromEnd.days*24. + deltaTFromEnd.seconds/(60.*60.)

        print "   file time: " + str(modifDate) + " Delta_T begin (h): " + str(deltaTFromBeginH) + " Delta_T end (h): " + str(deltaTFromEndH)


        # check the file size
        fileSize = os.path.getsize(promptCalibDir + dbFile)
        if fileSize == 1 or fileSize == 32768:
            emptyPayload = True
            print "   " + colorTools.warning("***Warning") + ": no payload in sqlite file!"
            emptyPayload = False

            # list the iov in the tag
            connect    = "sqlite_file:" + promptCalibDir + dbFile
            listiov_run_sqlite = gtTools.listIov(connect, tagRun, '')
            if listiov_run_sqlite[0] == 0:
                iovtableByRun_sqlite = gtTools.IOVTable()
                for iov in iovtableByRun_sqlite._iovList:
                    iovOracle = gtTools.IOVEntry()
                    if iovtableByRun_oracle.search(iov.since(), iovOracle):
                        print "    runbased IOV found in Oracle!"
                        #print iovOracle
                        print "    " + colorTools.warning("Warning:") + " runbased IOV not found in Oracle"

            missingIOV = False
            listiov_lumi_sqlite = gtTools.listIov(connect, tagLumi, '')
            if listiov_lumi_sqlite[0] == 0:
                iovtableByLumi_sqlite = gtTools.IOVTable()
                counterbla = 0
                for iov in iovtableByLumi_sqlite._iovList:
                    iovOracle = gtTools.IOVEntry()
                    if not iovtableByLumi_oracle.search(iov.since(), iovOracle):
                        #print "    Lumi based IOV found in Oracle:"
                        #print iovOracle
                        counterbla += 1
                        print "    " + colorTools.warning("Warning:") + " lumibased IOV not found in Oracle for since: " + str(iov.since())
                        missingIOV = True
                raise Exception("Error can not list IOV for file",connect)
            if not missingIOV:
                allLumiIOVFound = True
                print "    All lumibased IOVs found in oracle!"
                allLumiIOVFound = False
                print "    " + colorTools.warning("Warning:") + " not all lumibased IOVs found in Oracle!!!"

    # fill the run-report for this run
    if not isFileFound:
        if isOutOfOrder:

        if emptyPayload:

        if not allLumiIOVFound:

    return rRep
コード例 #4
ファイル: o2oMonitor.py プロジェクト: cerminar/UserCode
def runBackEnd():

    # this will store the exit status for the json report
    retValues = 0, "OK"
    # flag in case we miss the info for some runs 
    unknownRun = False
    unknownRunMsg = ""

    tier0Das = tier0DasInterface.Tier0DasInterface(tier0DasSrc) 
        nextPromptRecoRun = tier0Das.firstConditionSafeRun()
        print "Tier0 DAS next run for prompt reco:",nextPromptRecoRun
        gtFromPrompt = tier0Das.promptGlobalTag(referenceDataset)
        print "      GT for dataset: ", referenceDataset, "run:", str(nextPromptRecoRun), ":", gtFromPrompt
    except Exception as error:
        print '*** Error: Tier0-DAS query has failed'
        print error
        return 102, "Error: Tier0-DAS query has failed: " + str(error)

    print len(gtFromPrompt) 
    if(len(gtFromPrompt) == 0):
        return 202, "No " + referenceDataset + " datset for run: " + str(nextPromptRecoRun) + " -> failed to get the GT name"
    gtName = gtFromPrompt.split('::')[0]
    gtConfFile = gtName + '.conf'

    if not gtTools.confFileFromDB(gtName, gtConfFile, gtconnstring, passwdfile):
        return 201, "GT: " + gtFromPrompt + " could not be found in ORACLE!"

    # create the collection of tags
    tagCollection = gtTools.GTEntryCollection()
    gtTools.fillGTCollection(gtName+'.conf', gtName, tagCollection)
    tagsTomonitor = []

    print "Tags to be monitored: "
    for record in monitoredrecords.split(','):
        label = ''
        if ':' in record:
            label = record.split(':')[1]
            record = record.split(':')[0]
        rcdId =  gtTools.RcdID([record, label])
        if not tagCollection.hasRcdID(rcdId):
            print "Error: rcd: " + rcdIdn + " not found in GT: " + gtName
            print '   ', tagCollection.getByRcdID(rcdId)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # --- read the cache
    allCachedRuns = o2oMonitoringTools.readCache(cacheFileName)
    cachedRuns = allCachedRuns[0]
    runReports = allCachedRuns[1]

    unknownRun = False # this is set to true only if one run can not be processed
    unknownRunMsg = ''
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # --- get the last cached run
    if len(cachedRuns) != 0:

    lastCachedRun = cachedRuns[len(cachedRuns)-1]
    #lastCachedRun = 191419
    print "last cached run #: " + str(lastCachedRun)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # --- get the list of collision runs from RR (only for the runs not yet cached)
    runList = []
        # FIXME: do we need to restrict to Collision12?
        #runList = RunRegistryTools.getRunListRR3(lastCachedRun+1,"Online", "Commissioning12")
        runList = RunRegistryTools.getRunListRR3(lastCachedRun+1, rrDatasetName, rrRunClassName)

    except Exception as error:
        print '*** Error 1: RR query has failed'
        print error
        return 101, "Error: failed to get collision runs from RunRegistry: " + str(error)

    print runList

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # --- check O2O and DB tag status for each record
    threshold = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(thresholdLastWrite))
    thresholdSince = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(thresholdLastSince))

    today = datetime.datetime.today()
    fromUTCToLocal = datetime.timedelta(hours=2)
    recordandlastsince = {}

    tableTitle = ["# run", "start-time", "end-time"]

    rcdJson = o2oMonitoringTools.O2ORecordJson("o2oMonitor")

    for entry in tagsTomonitor:
        print "- Tag:", entry
        tagName = entry.tagName()
        accountName = entry.account()
        recordName = entry.record()


        # create the report for this given record
        rcdRep = o2oMonitoringTools.RecordReport(recordName)
        rcdRep.setTagAndAccount(tagName, accountName)

        nDays = 1
        nSec = nDays*24*60*60
        popLog = popConLog.PopCon_Monitoring_last_updates(interval=nSec)

        # 0. get the last time the O2O run
        o2oLogfiles = {}

        for rcdEntry in o2oLogfileList.split(','):
            key = rcdEntry.split(':')[0]
            logFileForKey = rcdEntry.split(':')[1]
            o2oLogfiles[key] = logFileForKey
        jobData = popLog.PopConJobRunTime(authfile=passwdfile + "/authentication.xml",

        if len(jobData) != 0:
            lastO2ORun = jobData[0][0] + fromUTCToLocal
            previouO2ORun = jobData[0][1] + fromUTCToLocal
            runO2OAge = today - lastO2ORun

            statusForRpt = "OK"

            print "  - Last O2O run on: " + str(lastO2ORun) + " (" + str(runO2OAge) + " ago)"
            if  runO2OAge > 2*(lastO2ORun - previouO2ORun):
                print "      " + colorPrintTools.error("Error") + ": the O2O for rcd " + recordName + " is not running since a while (" + str(runO2OAge) + ")"
                statusForRpt = "ERROR"
                if 2050 > retValues[0]:
                    retValues = 2050, "Error: the O2O for rcd " + recordName + " is not running since a while (" + str(runO2OAge) + ")"

            rcdRep.setLastO2ORun(lastO2ORun, runO2OAge, statusForRpt)
            print "Error: No O2O job logs for tag: " + tagName + " in account: " + accountName + " could be found in the PopConLogs"
            if 2051 > retValues[0]:
                retValues = 2051, "Error: no O2O job logs found for rcd: " + recordName

        # 1. get the last updates from PopConLogger
        # FIXME: the auth.xml can it be read from a central place?
        logData = popLog.PopConRecentActivityRecorded(authfile=passwdfile + "/authentication.xml",


        if len(logData['data']) != 0:
            datestring = logData['data'][0][1]
            status = logData['data'][0][6]
            token =  logData['data'][0][8]
            #datelastupdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(datestring,"%B, %dnd %Y  %H:%M:%S") + fromUTCToLocal
            datelastupdate = dateutil.parser.parse(datestring) + fromUTCToLocal

            updateage = today - datelastupdate
            statusForRpt = "OK"
            print "  - Last O2O wrote on: " + str(datelastupdate) + " (" +  str(updateage) + " ago)"
            print "    status:",status, "payload token:", token.split("<br>")[4]
            if updateage > threshold:
                print "      " + colorPrintTools.warning("Warning") + ": O2O is not writing since a while!"
                statusForRpt = "OLD"
                if 2001 > retValues[0]:
                    retValues = 2001, "Warning: the O2O for rcd: " + recordName + " is not writing since a while!"
            if status != 'OK':
                print "      Warning: O2O status is: " + status + "!"
                statusForRpt = "ERROR"
                if 2002 > retValues[0]:
                    retValues = 2002, "Error: the O2O status for rcd: " + recordName + " is " + status + "!"
            rcdRep.setLastO2OWrite(datelastupdate, updateage, statusForRpt)
            print "Error: No O2O updates to tag: " + tagName + " in account: " + accountName + " could be found in the PopConLogs"
            if 2010 > retValues[0]:
                retValues = 2010, "Error: no O2O updates logged for rcd: " + recordName

            #rcdRep.setLastO2OWrite(datelastupdate, updateage, "ERROR")


        # 2. check the status of the tag
        outputAndStatus = gtTools.listIov(entry.getOraclePfn(False), tagName, passwdfile)
        iovtable = gtTools.IOVTable()
        datesince = iovtable.lastIOV().sinceDate()
        sinceage = today - datesince
        print "  - Last IOV since:", datesince, "(" + str(sinceage),"ago)"
        print "    with token: [" + iovtable.lastIOV().token() +"]"#.split("][")[4]
        recordandlastsince[recordName] = datesince
        #print iovtable.lastIOV()
        stat = "OK"
        if sinceage > thresholdSince:
            stat = "OLD"
            if 2101 > retValues[0]:
                retValues = 2101, "Error: the last IOV of rcd: " + recordName + " is OLD (since: " + str(datesince) + ")!"
        rcdRep.setLastSince(datesince, sinceage, stat)

        rcdJson.addRcd(gtTools.RcdID([recordName,""]), rcdRep)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # --- Write the Rcd status to cache

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # --- check the status for each of the Collision runs
    for run in runList:
        if run == 167551:continue
        print "-- run #: " + colorPrintTools.blue(str(run))            
        #print run
        # get the information from runInfo
        runInfo = None
            runInfo = RunInfo.getRunInfoStartAndStopTime(runinfoTag, "", run)
        except Exception as error:
            print '*** Error XXX: RunInfo query failed!'
            print error
            unknownRun = True
            unknownRunMsg = "Error: can not get report for run: " + str(run) + ", since run-info query failed: " + str(error)
            print unknownRunMsg
        rRep = o2oMonitoringTools.RunReportTagCheck()
        deltaTRun = runInfo.stopTime() - runInfo.startTime()
        deltaTRunH = deltaTRun.seconds/(60.*60.)

        print "   start: " + str(runInfo.startTime()) + " stop: " + str(runInfo.stopTime()) + " lenght (h): " + str(deltaTRunH)
        #pageWriter.setNextPromptReco(runInfo.run(), runInfo.startTime(), runInfo.stopTime(), deltaTRunH)
        for entry in tagsTomonitor:
            recordName = entry.record()
            datesince = recordandlastsince[recordName]
            if runInfo.stopTime() <= datesince:
                print "   rcd: ", recordName,":",colorPrintTools.ok("OK")
                rRep.addRecordAndStatus(recordName, 0)
            elif runInfo.startTime()  < datesince and runInfo.stopTime() > datesince:
                print "   rcd: ", recordName,":",colorPrintTools.warning("partially covered!")
                rRep.addRecordAndStatus(recordName, 0.5)
                print "   rcd: ", recordName,":",colorPrintTools.error("not covered!")
                rRep.addRecordAndStatus(recordName, 1)

        # print "---------------------------------------------------------"
        #print gtEntry,
        #print "  # of updates:", len(logData['data'])
        #if gtEntry.updateType() != 1:
        #    listofchanges.append(str(gtEntry) +  "  # of updates: " + str(len(logData['data'])))
        #    listofchangesO2O.append(str(gtEntry) +  "  # of updates: " + str(len(logData['data'])))

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # --- write to cache and to log
    runReports.sort(key=lambda rr: rr._runnumber)

    tableForCache =[]
    tableForLog =[]

    for rep in runReports:
        if int(rep.runNumber()) < int(nextPromptRecoRun):

    #out = sys.stdout
    print "writing cache file: " + cacheFileName
    cacheFile = file(cacheFileName,"w")
    tableWriter.pprint_table(cacheFile, tableForCache)

    out = sys.stdout
    logFile = file(webArea + "log.txt","w")
    tableWriter.pprint_table(logFile, tableForLog)

    status = retValues[0]
    message = retValues[1]
    if status == 0 and unknownRun:
        status = 10
        message = unknownRunMsg
    return status, message
コード例 #5
def getRunReport(pclTag, run, runInfo, fileList, oracleTables, lastUploadDate):

    if int(run) != int(runInfo.run()):
        print "*** Error can not find run: " + str(run) + " in RunInfo!"
        raise Exception("Error can not find run: " + str(run) + " in RunInfo!")

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 0 --- print the timing information about this run
    if(type(runInfo.stopTime()) == datetime.datetime):
        deltaTRun = runInfo.stopTime() - runInfo.startTime()
        deltaTRunH = deltaTRun.days*24. + deltaTRun.seconds/(60.*60.)

        print "-- run #: " + colorTools.blue(str(runInfo.run()))            
        print "   start: " + str(runInfo.startTime()) + " stop: " + str(runInfo.stopTime()) + " lenght (h): " + str(deltaTRunH)
        print "-- run #: " + colorTools.blue(str(runInfo.run()))            
        print "   start: " + str(runInfo.startTime()) + " is ongoing according to RunInfo" 

    # print '   -- Creating runReport for tag: ' + colorTools.blue(pclTag)
    rRep = RunReport(runInfo.run())

    # set the info about the run from RunInfo

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 1 --- look for the file on AFS
    for dbFile in fileList:
        if '.db' in dbFile:
            if str(run) in dbFile:
                if pclTag in dbFile:
                    rRep.addFile(PCLOutputFiles(config.promptCalibDir + dbFile, False))

    if not rRep.pclRun:
        print "   " + colorTools.warning("***Warning") + ": no sqlite file found!"

    elif rRep.multipleFiles:
        print "   " + colorTools.warning("***Warning") + ": more than one file for this run!"
        # print timestamps of all files
        for dbFile in rRep.fileList:
            print '       ',dbFile.fileName ,'time-stamp (creation):',dbFile.creationTime,' (upload)',dbFile.uploadTime

    # pick the most meaningful file (the first one? and run checks
    for dbFile in rRep.fileList:
        print "     file: " + dbFile.fileName

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
        # 2 --- Check for empty payloads (if the case exit)
        # list IOV
        # - if empty -> setEmpty Payload and continue
        # - if full quit check for uplaod in oracle and quit the loop
        connect    = "sqlite_file:" + dbFile.fileName
        listiov_sqlite = gtTools.listIov(connect, pclTag, '')


        if listiov_sqlite[0] != 0:
            # the payload was not found in the sqlite -> look for the next file
            print colorTools.warning("Warning") +  " can not list IOV for this file -> no payload"

        # FIXME: use pywrappers
        iovtable_sqlite = gtTools.IOVTable()
        rRep.hasPayload = True
        print "     sqlite contains a payload!"

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
        # 3 --- check if upload was tried (if not exit)
        if not dbFile.isUploaded():
            print colorTools.warning("      Warning") +  " upload not yet tried!",connect
        rRep.hasUpload = True

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
        # 4 --- check for out-of-order upload
        if not lastUploadDate == None:
            # make sure this is not the first run to be checked...
            # FIXME: check
            if lastUploadDate <  dbFile.uploadTime:
                print "     " + warning("Warning: ") + " this comes after the following run!!!"
                rRep.isOutofOrder = True
        lastUploadDate = dbFile.uploadTime

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
        # 5 --- check for the IOVs in ORACLE
        # get the target tag in oracle from the Drop-Box metadata
        metadatamap = getDropBoxMetadata(dbFile)
        #print metadatamap
        targetOracleTag = metadatamap['destinationTags'].keys()[0]
        targetOracleConnect = metadatamap['destinationDatabase']
        # check for online connection strings
        if 'oracle://cms_orcon_prod' in targetOracleConnect:
            targetOracleConnect = 'oracle://cms_orcon_adg/CMS_COND_'+metadatamap['destinationDatabase'].split('CMS_COND_')[1]

        print "     Target tag in Oracle:",targetOracleTag,'in account',targetOracleConnect

        # list IOV for the target tag (cache the list of IOV by pclTag: in case has not changed there is no need to re-run listIOv)
        iovtable_oracle = gtTools.IOVTable()
        if not targetOracleTag in oracleTables:
            # IOV for this tag in ORACLE has not yet been cached -> will now list IOV
            listiov_oracle = gtTools.listIov(targetOracleConnect, targetOracleTag, config.passwdfile)
            print "      listing IOV..."
            if listiov_oracle[0] == 0:
                oracleTables[targetOracleTag] = iovtable_oracle
            # get the IOV from the cache dictionary
            print "      getting IOV list from cache..."
            iovtable_oracle = oracleTables[targetOracleTag]

        # check if the IOVs of the sqlite are found in oracle and flip the corresponding flag in rRep
        missingIOV = False
        for iov in iovtable_sqlite._iovList:
            iovOracle = gtTools.IOVEntry()
            if not iovtable_oracle.search(iov.since(), iovOracle):
                    print "    " + colorTools.warning("Warning:") + " lumibased IOV not found in Oracle for since: " + str(iov.since())
                    missingIOV = True

        if missingIOV:
            print "      " + colorTools.warning("Warning:") + " not all IOVs found in Oracle!!!"
            print "      All IOVs found in oracle: upload OK!"

        rRep.uploadSucceeded = not missingIOV

        # no need to check the following files

    return rRep