コード例 #1
 def cachedTemplate(self,
     key = {
         "selection": selection,
         "weight": weight,
         "source": self.source_sample.name
     if (self.cache and self.cache.contains(key)) and not overwrite:
         result = self.cache.get(key)
         logger.info("Loaded MC PU profile from %s" %
         logger.debug("Key used: %s result: %r" % (key, result))
     elif self.cache:
         logger.info("Obtain PU profile for %s" % (key, ))
         result = self.makeTemplate(selection=selection, weight=weight)
         if result:
             result = self.cache.addData(key, result, overwrite=save)
             logger.info("Adding PU profile to cache for %s : %r" %
                         (key, result))
                 "Couldn't create PU profile to cache for %s : %r" %
                 (key, result))
         result = self.makeTemplate(selection=selection, weight=weight)
     return result
コード例 #2
    def cachedTemplate(self,

        key = {
            "selection": selection,
            "weight": weight,
            "source": self.source_sample.name,
            "target": self.target_sample.name
        #key =  self.uniqueKey( selection, weight, self.source_sample.name, self.target_sample.name)
        if (self.cache and self.cache.contains(key)) and not overwrite:
            result = self.cache.get(key)
            logger.info("Loaded reweighting template from %s for %s : %r" %
                        (self.cache.database_file, key, result))
            logger.debug("With properties %s : %s" % (key, result))
        elif self.cache:
            logger.info("Obtain template for %s" % (key, ))
            result = self.makeTemplate(selection=selection, weight=weight)
            if result:
                result = self.cache.addData(key, result, overwrite=save)
                #print "Adding template to cache for %s : %r" %( key, result)
                logger.info("Adding template to cache for %s : %r" %
                            (key, result))
                logger.info("Couldn't create template to cache for %s : %r" %
                            (key, result))
            result = self.makeTemplate(selection=selection, weight=weight)
        return result
コード例 #3
    def cachedTemplate( self, selection, weight = 'weight', save = True, overwrite = False):

        key =  self.uniqueKey( selection, weight, self.sample.name)
        if (self.cache and self.cache.contains(key)) and not overwrite:
            result = self.cache.get(key)
            logger.debug( "Loading cached template for %s : %s"%( key, result) )
        elif self.cache:
            logger.info( "Obtain template for %s"%( key, ) )
            result = self.makeTemplate( selection = selection, weight = weight)
            result = self.cache.add( key, result, save=save)
            #print "Adding template to cache for %s : %r" %( key, result)
            logger.debug( "Adding template to cache for %s : %r" %( key, result) )
            result = self.makeTemplate( selection = selection, weight = weight)
        return result
コード例 #4
def filler(event):

    event.run, event.lumi, event.evt = reader.evt

    if reader.position % 100 == 0:
        logger.info("At event %i/%i", reader.position, reader.nEvents)

    if args.addReweights:
        event.nrw = weightInfo.nid
        lhe_weights = reader.products['lhe'].weights()
        weights = []
        param_points = []
        for weight in lhe_weights:
            # Store nominal weight (First position!)
            if weight.id == 'rwgt_1': event.rw_nominal = weight.wgt
            if not weight.id in weightInfo.id: continue
            pos = weightInfo.data[weight.id]
            event.rw_w[pos] = weight.wgt
            interpreted_weight = interpret_weight(weight.id)
            for var in weightInfo.variables:
                getattr(event, "rw_" + var)[pos] = interpreted_weight[var]
            # weight data for interpolation
            if not hyperPoly.initialized:
                          for var in weightInfo.variables))

        # Initialize
        if not hyperPoly.initialized: hyperPoly.initialize(param_points)
        coeff = hyperPoly.get_parametrization(weights)

        # = HyperPoly(weight_data, args.interpolationOrder)
        event.np = hyperPoly.ndof
        event.chi2_ndof = hyperPoly.chi2_ndof(coeff, weights)
        #logger.debug( "chi2_ndof %f coeff %r", event.chi2_ndof, coeff )
        logger.debug("chi2_ndof %f", event.chi2_ndof)
        for n in xrange(hyperPoly.ndof):
            event.p_C[n] = coeff[n]

    # All gen particles
    gp = reader.products['gp']

    # for searching
    search = GenSearch(gp)

    # find heavy objects before they decay
    tops = map(lambda t: {var: getattr(t, var)()
                          for var in top_varnames},
               filter(lambda p: abs(p.pdgId()) == 6 and search.isLast(p), gp))

    tops.sort(key=lambda p: -p['pt'])
    fill_vector(event, "top", top_varnames, tops)

    gen_Zs = filter(lambda p: abs(p.pdgId()) == 23 and search.isLast(p), gp)
    gen_Zs.sort(key=lambda p: -p.pt())
    if len(gen_Zs) > 0:
        gen_Z = gen_Zs[0]
        for var in Z_read_varnames:
            setattr(event, "Z_" + var, getattr(gen_Z, var)())
        gen_Z = None

    if gen_Z is not None:

        d1, d2 = gen_Z.daughter(0), gen_Z.daughter(1)
        if d1.pdgId() > 0:
            lm, lp = d1, d2
            lm, lp = d2, d1
        event.Z_daughterPdg = lm.pdgId()
        event.Z_cosThetaStar = cosThetaStar(gen_Z.mass(), gen_Z.pt(),
                                            gen_Z.eta(), gen_Z.phi(), lm.pt(),
                                            lm.eta(), lm.phi())

    gen_Gammas = filter(lambda p: abs(p.pdgId()) == 22 and search.isLast(p),
    gen_Gammas.sort(key=lambda p: -p.pt())
    if len(gen_Gammas) > 0:
        gen_Gamma = gen_Gammas[0]
        for var in gamma_read_varnames:
            setattr(event, "gamma_" + var, getattr(gen_Gamma, var)())
        gen_Gamma = None

    # find all leptons
    leptons = [(search.ascend(l), l) for l in filter(
        lambda p: abs(p.pdgId()) in [11, 13] and search.isLast(p) and p.pt() >=
        0, gp)]
    leps = []
    for first, last in leptons:
        mother_pdgId = first.mother(
            0).pdgId() if first.numberOfMothers() > 0 else -1
        leps.append({var: getattr(last, var)() for var in lep_varnames})
        leps[-1]['motherPdgId'] = mother_pdgId

    leps.sort(key=lambda p: -p['pt'])
    fill_vector(event, "GenLep", lep_all_varnames, leps)

    # MET
    event.GenMet_pt = reader.products['genMET'][0].pt()
    event.GenMet_phi = reader.products['genMET'][0].phi()

    # jets
    jets = map(lambda t: {var: getattr(t, var)()
                          for var in jet_read_varnames},
               filter(lambda j: j.pt() > 30, reader.products['genJets']))

    # jet/lepton disambiguation
    jets = filter(
        lambda j: (min([999] + [deltaR2(j, l) for l in leps
                                if l['pt'] > 10]) > 0.3**2), jets)

    # find b's from tops:
    b_partons = [
        b for b in filter(
            lambda p: abs(p.pdgId()) == 5 and p.numberOfMothers() == 1 and abs(
                p.mother(0).pdgId()) == 6, gp)

    for jet in jets:
        jet['matchBParton'] = (min([999] + [
            deltaR2(jet, {
                'eta': b.eta(),
                'phi': b.phi()
            }) for b in b_partons
        ]) < 0.2**2)

    jets.sort(key=lambda p: -p['pt'])
    fill_vector(event, "GenJet", jet_write_varnames, jets)
コード例 #5
ファイル: splitLeptonFiles.py プロジェクト: llechner/TopEFT
    raise ValueError( "Could not load sample '%s' from %s "%( options.sample, module_ ) )

sample = lepton_heppy_mapper.from_heppy_samplename(heppy_sample.name, maxN = maxN)
if sample is None or len(sample.files)==0:
    logger.info( "Sample %r is empty. Exiting" % sample )
    logger.info( "Sample %s has %i files", sample.name, len(sample.files))

len_orig = len(sample.files)
sample = sample.split( n=options.nJobs, nSub=options.job)
logger.info( " Run over %i/%i files for job %i/%i."%(len(sample.files), len_orig, options.job, options.nJobs))
logger.debug( "Files to be run over:\n%s", "\n".join(sample.files) )

#output directory

output_directory = os.path.join( skim_output_directory, options.version+('_small' if options.small else ''), str(options.year) ) 

leptonClasses  = [{'Name':'Prompt', 'Var': 'lep_isPromptId'}, {'Name':'NonPrompt', 'Var': 'lep_isNonPromptId'}, {'Name':'Fake', 'Var': 'lep_isFakeId'}]
leptonFlavours = [
                    {'Name':'muo', 'pdgId': 13},
                    {'Name':'ele', 'pdgId': 11}, 

#pt cuts
ptCuts = [[10,float("inf")]]

#make FileList
コード例 #6
    def _estimate(self, region, channel, setup):

        ''' Concrete implementation of abstract method 'estimate' as defined in Systematic

        logger.debug( "Obtain polarisation Estimate for channel %s region %s", channel, region )

        # Obtain fit template from an unbias Z sample. FIXME: Should be eta and pt reweighted
        #def_setup = setup.defaultClone() # Don't use systematic variations for templates
        sub_templates = []
        # Here, I assume the sample(!) is the same for all flavors
        template_maker = PolarisationTemplateMaker( setup.samples['TTZ']['3mu'], cacheDir = os.path.join( results_directory, 'PolarisationTemplateCache' ) )
        region_cut = region.cutString().replace('Z_pt','genZ_pt') # Make the template cut on genZ. Approximation. Don't uses sys. variations
        cuts = [region_cut]
        # If we know which Z flavor, then require it for the template
        if channel in ['3e', '2e1mu']:
            cuts.append( "genZ_daughter_flavor==11" )
        elif channel in  ['3mu', '2mu1e']:
            cuts.append( "genZ_daughter_flavor==13" )
        cut = "&&".join( cuts )

        logger.debug( "Making sub_template '%s' for polarisation fit using selection '%s' and weight '%s'", channel, cut, 'weight')
        templates = template_maker.cachedTemplate(cut, 'weight')

        # Obtain selection strings & weight from setup

        background_mc = {}
        background_mc_keys = []
        ttz_mc        = []
        data          = []
        for ch in ( [channel] if channel!='all' else channels):
            # Background MC
            for sample_name, sample in setup.samples.iteritems():
                if sample_name == 'Data':
                    pre_selection = setup.preselection('Data', channel=ch)
                    cut     = "&&".join( [ region.cutString(), pre_selection['cut'] ] )
                    weight  = pre_selection['weightStr']
                    pre_selection = setup.preselection('MC', channel=ch)
                    cut     = "&&".join( [ region.cutString(setup.sys['selectionModifier']), pre_selection['cut'] ] )
                    weight  = pre_selection['weightStr']
                    if sample_name not in background_mc_keys: background_mc_keys.append( sample_name )

                logger.info( "Get cosThetaStar histogram for sample %s channel %s cut %s weight %s" %( sample[ch].name, ch, cut, weight) )
                h = sample[ch].get1DHistoFromDraw( 'cosThetaStar', [20, -1, 1 ], selectionString = cut, weightString = weight )

                # Append & Scale
                if sample_name == 'Data':
                    data.append( h )
                elif sample_name == 'TTZ':
                    h.Scale( setup.lumi[ch]/1000. )
                    ttz_mc.append( h )
                    h.Scale( setup.lumi[ch]/1000. )
                    if background_mc.has_key(sample_name):
                        background_mc[sample_name] = [h]

        h_background_mc = []
        for sample_name in background_mc_keys:
            if sample_name=='TTZ': continue
            h_background_mc.append( sum_histos(background_mc[sample_name]) )
            h_background_mc[-1].style = styles.fillStyle( getattr(color, sample_name))
            h_background_mc[-1].legendText = sample_name

        h_ttz_mc        = sum_histos( ttz_mc )
        h_ttz_mc.style = styles.fillStyle( color.TTZtoLLNuNu  )
        h_ttz_mc.legendText = 'TTZ'

        h_data          = sum_histos(data)
        h_data.style = styles.errorStyle( ROOT.kBlack  )
        h_data.legendText = 'Data (%s)' % channel

        # Subtract MC from Data
        if self.usePseudoData:
            h_data_subtracted = h_ttz_mc.Clone()
            scale = h_data.Integral() / (sum( [h.Integral() for h in h_background_mc ]) + h_ttz_mc.Integral())

            for h in h_background_mc:
                h.Scale( 1./scale )
            h_ttz_mc.Scale( 1./scale )

            h_data_subtracted = sum_histos( h_background_mc )
            h_data_subtracted.Add( h_data )

        h_data.style = styles.errorStyle( ROOT.kBlack  )
        h_data.legendText = 'Data (%s)' % channel
        h_data_subtracted.style = styles.errorStyle( ROOT.kBlack  )
        h_data_subtracted.legendText = 'Data (%s) subtr %3.1f' % ( channel, h_data_subtracted.Integral() )

        # Perform Fit

        y_p, y_m, y_L = map( u_float, ZPolarisationFit( h_data_subtracted, [templates[p] for p in ['p','m','L']], \
            fit_plot_directory = os.path.join( plot_directory,  'polFits'),  
            fit_filename       = "fit_pseudoData_%s_%s_%s"%( self.usePseudoData,  channel, region),
            sumW2Error = False # predict stat error

        templates['p'].style = styles.lineStyle( ROOT.kRed, width=2 )
        templates['m'].style = styles.lineStyle( ROOT.kGreen, width=2 )
        templates['L'].style = styles.lineStyle( ROOT.kMagenta, width=2 )

        h_fitresults = sum_histos( templates.values() )
        h_fitresults.style = styles.lineStyle( ROOT.kBlue, width = 2 )
        h_fitresults.legendText = "TTZ fit (sum)"

        histos = [ h_background_mc + [h_ttz_mc], [templates['p']], [templates['m']], [templates['L']], [h_fitresults], [h_data]]

        plot = Plot.fromHisto(name = "fit_plot_pseudoData_%s_%s_%s"%( self.usePseudoData,  channel, region), histos =  histos , texX = "cos#theta^{*}", texY = "Events" )  
            plot_directory = os.path.join( plot_directory,  'polFits'), 
            logX = False, logY = False, sorting = True,
            legend      = ([0.15,0.7,0.90,0.90], 2)

        templates['p'].legendText  = 'pol(+) %3.1f #pm %3.1f'%( y_p.val, y_p.sigma ) 
        templates['m'].legendText  = 'pol(-) %3.1f #pm %3.1f'%( y_m.val, y_m.sigma ) 
        templates['L'].legendText  = 'pol(L) %3.1f #pm %3.1f'%( y_L.val, y_L.sigma )

        histos = [ [h_ttz_mc], [templates['p']], [templates['m']], [templates['L']], [h_fitresults], [h_data_subtracted]]

        plot = Plot.fromHisto(name = "fit_plot_subtracted_pseudoData_%s_%s_%s"%( self.usePseudoData,  channel, region), histos =  histos , texX = "cos#theta^{*}", texY = "Events" )  
            plot_directory = os.path.join( plot_directory,  'polFits'), 
            logX = False, logY = False, sorting = False,
            legend      = ([0.15,0.7,0.90,0.90], 2),
            yRange = (0, 30),
コード例 #7
ファイル: cmgPostProcessing.py プロジェクト: schoef/TopEFT
maxN = 2 if options.small else None
from TopEFT.samples.helpers import fromHeppySample

# select MC generation. For 2016, always use Summer16
MCgeneration = options.MCgeneration
if options.year == 2016:
    MCgeneration = "Summer16"

samples = [
                    MCgeneration=MCgeneration) for s in options.samples
logger.debug("Reading from CMG tuples: %s",
             ",".join(",".join(s.files) for s in samples))

if len(samples) == 0:
    logger.info("No samples found. Was looking for %s. Exiting" %

isData = False not in [s.isData for s in samples]
isMC = True not in [s.isData for s in samples]

# Check that all samples which are concatenated have the same x-section.
assert isData or len(set([
    s.heppy.xSection for s in samples
])) == 1, "Not all samples have the same xSection: %s !" % (",".join(
    [s.name for s in samples]))
assert isMC or len(samples) == 1, "Don't concatenate data samples"
コード例 #8
                           'TRACE', 'NOTSET'
                       help="Log level for logging")
                       help="make gridPack?")
                       help="calculate x-sec?")

args = argParser.parse_args()

logger = logger.get_logger(args.logLevel, logFile=None)

logger.debug("Coupling arguments: %r", args.couplings)

# Single argument -> interpret as file
if len(args.couplings) == 1 and os.path.isfile(args.couplings[0]):
    with open(args.couplings[0], 'r') as f:
        param_points = [line.rstrip().split() for line in f.readlines()]

# Interpret couplings
#elif len(args.couplings)>=2:
elif len(args.couplings) == 0 or len(args.couplings) >= 2:
    # make a list of the form [ ['c1', v1, v2, ...], ['c2', ...] ] so we can recurse in the couplings c1,c2,...
    coupling_list = []
    for a in args.couplings:
            val = float(a)
        except ValueError:
コード例 #9
                pYield      += res
                pError      += pYield.sigma**2

            #if not p == "signal":
            #    backgroundYield += pYield

            #totalYield += pYield

            if not options.postFit:
                postfix = "_%s"%year
                uncertainties = ['PU'+postfix, 'JEC'+postfix, 'btag_heavy'+postfix, 'btag_light'+postfix, 'trigger'+postfix, 'leptonSFSyst', 'leptonTracking', 'eleSFStat'+postfix, 'muSFStat'+postfix, 'scale', 'scale_sig', 'PDF', 'nonprompt', 'WZ_xsec', 'WZ_bb', 'WZ_powheg', 'WZ_njet', 'XG_xsec', 'ZZ_xsec', 'rare', 'ttX', 'Lumi'+postfix]
                for u in uncertainties:
                        unc = getPreFitUncFromCard(cardFile, proc, u, binName, )
                        logger.debug("No uncertainty %s for process %s"%(u, p))
                    if unc > 0:
                        pError += (unc*pYield.val)**2

            totalUncertainty += pError
            if not p == "signal":
                backgroundUncertainty += pError
        if not p == "signal":
            backgroundYield += pYield
        totalYield += pYield

        if pYield.val > 0:
コード例 #10
        os.remove( gen_file )
        logger.info( "Deleted, because I overwrite." )

# Produce the GEN file if needed
if not os.path.exists( gen_file ):
    logger.info( "Making gen file" )
    gen_dir = os.path.join( args.genSampleDir, gp )
    if not os.path.exists(gen_dir): os.makedirs( gen_dir )

    cfg_file = os.path.expandvars( args.cfg )
    if not os.path.exists( cfg_file ):
        logger.error( "cmsrun cfg %s not found. Exit.", cfg_file )
        sys.exit( 1 ) 

    command = "cd {gen_dir}; cmsRun {cfg_file} gridpack={gridpack} maxEvents={maxEvents} nJetMax={nJetMax} outputDir={gen_dir}".format( gen_dir=gen_dir, cfg_file=cfg_file, gridpack=args.gridpack,  maxEvents=args.maxEvents, nJetMax=args.nJetMax)
    logger.debug( "Executing %s", command )
    subprocess.call(command, shell=True)

# Now it should be here either way
if not os.path.exists( gen_file ):
    logger.error( "Edm gen file %s not found. Exit.", gen_file)

# Run genpostprocessing

command = "python {genPostprocessingScript} --targetDir={outDir} --inputFiles={gen_file} --targetSampleName={gp} --logLevel={logLevel}".format( 
        outDir = args.outDir,
        gen_file = gen_file,
        gp = gp,
        logLevel = args.logLevel
コード例 #11
        postProcessing_directory = "TopEFT_PP_2016_mva_v21/trilep/"
        data_directory           = "/afs/hephy.at/data/dspitzbart02/cmgTuples/"
        from TopEFT.samples.cmgTuples_ttZ0j_Summer16_mAODv2_postProcessed import *

        source_reco = ttZ0j_ll
        #target_reco = ttZ0j_ll_DC1A_0p600000_DC1V_m0p240000_DC2A_0p176700_DC2V_0p176700
        #target_reco = ttZ0j_ll_DC2A_0p200000_DC2V_0p200000
        target_reco = ttZ0j_ll_DC1A_0p500000_DC1V_0p500000
        #target_reco = ttZ0j_ll_DC1A_1p000000
        #target_reco = ttZ0j_ll_DC1A_0p600000_DC1V_m0p240000_DC2V_m0p250000

        # cutInterpreter & selectionString
        from TopEFT.Tools.cutInterpreter import cutInterpreter
        #reco_selection = cutInterpreter.cutString( 'trilep-lepSelTTZ-njet3p-btag1p-onZ')
        reco_selection = 'nJetSelected>=3&&nBTag>=1&&min_dl_mass>=12&&abs(Z_mass - 91.1876)<=10&&Z_fromTight>0&&nLeptons_tight_3l==3&&nLeptons_tight_3l==3&&Sum$((lep_tight_3l*(lep_pt - lep_ptCorr) + lep_ptCorr)>40&&lep_tight_3l>0)>0&&Sum$((lep_tight_3l*(lep_pt - lep_ptCorr) + lep_ptCorr)>20&&lep_tight_3l>0)>1&&Sum$((lep_tight_3l*(lep_pt - lep_ptCorr) + lep_ptCorr)>10&&lep_tight_3l>0)>2&&!(nLeptons_tight_4l>=4)&&Flag_goodVertices&&Flag_HBHENoiseIsoFilter&&Flag_HBHENoiseFilter&&Flag_globalTightHalo2016Filter&&Flag_EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFilter&&Flag_badChargedHadronSummer2016&&Flag_badMuonSummer2016&&((HLT_TripleMu_12_10_5||HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ||HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_TkMu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ)||(HLT_Ele16_Ele12_Ele8_CaloIdL_TrackIdL||HLT_Ele23_Ele12_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_DZ)||(HLT_Mu23_TrkIsoVVL_Ele8_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL||HLT_Mu23_TrkIsoVVL_Ele8_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_DZ||HLT_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_Ele23_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL||HLT_Mu8_TrkIsoVVL_Ele23_CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL_DZ||HLT_Mu8_DiEle12_CaloIdL_TrackIdL||HLT_DiMu9_Ele9_CaloIdL_TrackIdL)||(HLT_SingleMuTTZ)||(HLT_SingleEleTTZ))'
        logger.debug("Setting selectionString %s for reco samples", reco_selection)
        source_reco.setSelectionString( reco_selection )
        target_reco.setSelectionString( reco_selection )

        # Histos
        pt_bins = [(0,100), (100,200), (200,400), (400,-1), (-1,-1)]
        h_pt = {s:ROOT.TH1F('h_pt', 'h_pt', 10, 0, 500) for s in ['source', 'target', 'source_reweighted']}

        h_pt['source']              .legendText = "SM (reco)"
        h_pt['source']              .style = styles.lineStyle( ROOT.kBlue, errors = True, width=2) 
        h_pt['target']              .legendText = "BSM (reco)"
        h_pt['target']              .style = styles.lineStyle( ROOT.kGreen+1, errors = True, width=2) 
        h_pt['source_reweighted']   .legendText = "SM (reco, reweighted)"
        h_pt['source_reweighted']   .style = styles.lineStyle( ROOT.kRed+1, errors = True, width=2) 

        h_g_pt = {s:ROOT.TH1F('h_g_pt', 'h_g_pt', 10, 0, 500) for s in ['source', 'target', 'source_reweighted']}
コード例 #12
ファイル: submitBatch.py プロジェクト: tommytschida/TopEFT
def make_batch_job(batch_job_file, batch_job_title, batch_output_dir, command):
    # If X509_USER_PROXY is set, use existing proxy.
    if options.dpm:
        if host == 'lxplus':
            from StopsDilepton.Tools.user import cern_proxy_certificate
            proxy_location = cern_proxy_certificate
            proxy_location = None

        from RootTools.core.helpers import renew_proxy
        proxy = renew_proxy(proxy_location)

        logger.info("Using proxy certificate %s", proxy)
        proxy_cmd = "export X509_USER_PROXY=%s" % proxy
        proxy_cmd = ""

    import subprocess

    if host == 'heplx':
        template =\
#!/bin/sh -x
#SBATCH -J {batch_job_title}
#SBATCH -D {pwd}
#SBATCH -o {batch_output_dir}batch-test.%j.out

voms-proxy-info -all
eval \`"scram runtime -sh"\` 
echo CMSSW_BASE: {cmssw_base} 
echo Executing user command  
echo "{command}"

voms-proxy-info -all

                command          = command,
                cmssw_base       = os.getenv("CMSSW_BASE"),
                batch_output_dir = batch_output_dir,
                batch_job_title  = batch_job_title,
                pwd              = os.getenv("PWD"),
                proxy_cmd = proxy_cmd
    elif host == 'lxplus':
        template =\
export CMSSW_PROJECT_SRC={cmssw_base}/src

eval `scramv1 ru -sh`

alias python={python_release}
which python
python --version

voms-proxy-info -all
cd {pwd}
echo Executing user command while in $PWD
echo "{command}"

voms-proxy-info -all

                command          = command,
                cmssw_base       = os.getenv("CMSSW_BASE"),
                #batch_output_dir = batch_output_dir,
                #batch_job_title  = batch_job_title,
                pwd              = os.getenv("PWD"),
                proxy_cmd = proxy_cmd,
                python_release = subprocess.check_output(['which', 'python']).rstrip(),

    batch_job = file(batch_job_file, "w")

    logger.debug("Local batch job file: %s", batch_job_file)
    logger.debug("Batch job:\n%s", template)

コード例 #13
ファイル: plot_ewkDM.py プロジェクト: tommytschida/TopEFT
                            fixedPoints[0]: v,
                            fixedPoints[1]: w,
                            comb[0]: x,
                            comb[1]: y

                        #logger.info("Couplings:    %s", ", ".join( [ "%s=%5.4f" % c for c in modified_couplings.items()] ))

                        # Create configuration class
                        config = Configuration(model_name=model_name)

                        p = Process(process=proc, nEvents=50000, config=config)
                        if p.hasXSec(modified_couplings=modified_couplings):
                                "Couplings:    %s", ", ".join([
                                    "%s=%5.4f" % c
                                    for c in modified_couplings.items()
                            xsec_val = p.xsec(
                            ratio = xsec_val / SM_xsec[proc]
                            ratio = u_float(-1.)

                if interpolate:
                    a = toGraph2D(nameStr, nameStr, len(x_list), x_list,
                                  y_list, z_list)