def main() -> int: description = """usage: %(prog)s [options] file Scans a file for TIF markers or can copy a directory of files with TIF markers removed.""" print('Cmd: %s' % ' '.join(sys.argv)) parser = cmn_cmd_opts.path_in_out(description, prog='TotalDepth.DeTif.main', version=__version__, epilog=__rights__) cmn_cmd_opts.add_log_level(parser, level=20) # cmn_cmd_opts.add_multiprocessing(parser) parser.add_argument( '-n', '--nervous', action='store_true', help= 'Nervous mode, don\'t do anything but report what would be done. [default: %(default)s]', ) parser.add_argument('-o', '--over-write', help='Over write existing files, otherwise warns.', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() # print('args:', args) # return 0 cmn_cmd_opts.set_log_level(args) clk_start = time.perf_counter() # Your code here if args.path_out is None: tif_markers = tif_scan_path(args.path_in) print(f'Detected {len(tif_markers):,d} TIF Markers in {args.path_in}') if args.verbose: for t, tif_marker in enumerate(tif_markers): print(f'[{t:6,d}] {tif_marker}') else: print('Use -v option to see the actual TIF markers.') else: # Strip the TIF markers, respecting the nervous option. files_copied = tif_count = bytes_copied = 0 if os.path.isfile(args.path_in): files_copied, tif_count, bytes_copied = de_tif_file( args.path_in, args.path_out, args.nervous, args.over_write) else: for file_in_out in dirWalk(args.path_in, args.path_out, theFnMatch='', recursive=args.recurse, bigFirst=False): _files_copied, _tif_count, _byte_count = de_tif_file( file_in_out.filePathIn, file_in_out.filePathOut, args.nervous, args.over_write) files_copied += _files_copied tif_count += _tif_count bytes_copied += _byte_count print( f'Files: {files_copied:,d} 12 byte TIF markers removed: {tif_count:,d} bytes: {bytes_copied:,d}' ) clk_exec = time.perf_counter() - clk_start print('Execution time = %8.3f (S)' % clk_exec) print('Bye, bye!') return 0
def main() -> int: """Main CLI entry point.""" print(f'CMD:', ' '.join(sys.argv)) parser = cmn_cmd_opts.path_in( """Deletes duplicate files in the given tree.""", prog='TotalDepth.RP66V1.util.RemoveDupeFiles.main', version=__version__, epilog=__rights__) cmn_cmd_opts.add_log_level(parser, level=20) parser.add_argument( '-n', '--nervous', help= 'Nervous mode, does not do anything but report [default: %(default)s].', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() # print(args) cmn_cmd_opts.set_log_level(args) t_start = time.perf_counter() num_files, byte_count = remove_dupes(args.path_in, args.nervous) t_exec = time.perf_counter() - t_start print(f'Execution time: {t_exec:.3f} (s)') print( f' Removed Files: {num_files:8,d} rate {num_files / t_exec:,.1f} (files/s)' ) print( f' Removed Bytes: {byte_count:8,d} rate {byte_count / t_exec:,.1f} (bytes/s)' ) print('Bye, bye!') return 0
def main() -> int: description = """Summary analysis an archive of Log data. If a single path is given then the directory will be analysed or, if --expand-and-delete is given then all archives will be expanded and deleted. If two paths are given then the selected file types given by --file-types will be copied across.""" print(f'CMD:', ' '.join(sys.argv)) parser = cmn_cmd_opts.path_in_out( description, prog='TotalDepth.util.archive.main', version=__version__, epilog=__rights__ ) cmn_cmd_opts.add_log_level(parser, level=20) file_types = ', '.join(sorted(TotalDepth.util.bin_file_type.BINARY_FILE_TYPES_SUPPORTED)) parser.add_argument( '--file-type', default=[], action='append', help=f'Binary type(s) of file to list, additive. Supported files are: {file_types}', ) parser.add_argument('-b', '--bytes', help='Number of initial bytes to show.', type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument( '--expand-and-delete', help='Expand and delete archive files, implies --recurse.', action='store_true' ) parser.add_argument('--histogram', help='Include size histogram.', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-n', '--nervous', help='Nervous mode, does not do anything but report.', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-o', '--over-write', help='Over write existing files, otherwise warns.', action='store_true') # parser.add_argument('copy-to', help='Location to copy the files to.', nargs='?') args = parser.parse_args() # print(args) # print(args.path_out) # return 0 cmn_cmd_opts.set_log_level(args) t_start = time.perf_counter() FileBase.XXD_NUM_BYTES = max(FileBase.XXD_NUM_BYTES, int(args.bytes)) num_files = 0 byte_count = 0 if args.path_out: print('Copying tree.') copy_dict, byte_count = copy_tree( args.path_in, args.path_out, args.recurse, args.file_type, args.nervous, args.over_write ) print(f'File types copied [{sum(copy_dict.values())}]:') pprint.pprint(copy_dict) num_files = sum(copy_dict.values()) else: if args.expand_and_delete: print('Expanding and deleting archive.') num_files, byte_count = expand_and_delete_archives(args.path_in, args.nervous) else: print('Analysing archive.') files: typing.List[FileBase] = explore_tree(args.path_in, args.recurse) analyse_archive(files, args.file_type, args.bytes, args.histogram) num_files = len(files) byte_count = sum(len(f.bytes) for f in files) t_exec = time.perf_counter() - t_start print(f'Execution time: {t_exec:.3f} (s)') print(f' Files: {num_files:,d} rate {num_files / t_exec:,.1f} (files/s)') print(f' Bytes: {byte_count:,d} rate {byte_count / t_exec:,.1f} (bytes/s)') print('Bye, bye!') return 0
def main() -> int: """Main entry point.""" description = """usage: %(prog)s [options] file Reads RP66V1 file(s) and writes them out as LAS files.""" print('Cmd: %s' % ' '.join(sys.argv)) parser = cmn_cmd_opts.path_in_out( description, prog='TotalDepth.RP66V1.ToLAS.main', version=__version__, epilog=__rights__ ) cmn_cmd_opts.add_log_level(parser, level=20) cmn_cmd_opts.add_multiprocessing(parser) Slice.add_frame_slice_to_argument_parser(parser, use_what=True) process.add_process_logger_to_argument_parser(parser) gnuplot.add_gnuplot_to_argument_parser(parser) parser.add_argument( '--array-reduction', type=str, help='Method to reduce multidimensional channel data to a single value. [default: %(default)s]', default='first', choices=list(sorted(ARRAY_REDUCTIONS)), ) parser.add_argument( '--channels', type=str, help='Comma separated list of channels to write out (X axis is always included).' ' Use \'?\' to see what channels exist without writing anything. [default: "%(default)s"]', default='', ) parser.add_argument('--field-width', type=int, help='Field width for array data [default: %(default)s].', default=16) parser.add_argument('--float-format', type=str, help='Floating point format for array data [default: "%(default)s"].', default='.3f') args = parser.parse_args() cmn_cmd_opts.set_log_level(args) # print('args:', args) # return 0 # Your code here clk_start = time.perf_counter() ret_val = 0 result: typing.Dict[str, LASWriteResult] = {} # if os.path.isfile(args.path_in) and (args.frame_slice.strip() == '?' or args.channels.strip() == '?'): if args.frame_slice.strip() == '?' or args.channels.strip() == '?': dump_frames_and_or_channels(args.path_in, args.recurse, args.frame_slice.strip(), args.channels.strip()) else: channel_set = set() for ch in args.channels.strip().split(','): if ch.strip() != '': channel_set.add(ch.strip()) if cmn_cmd_opts.multiprocessing_requested(args) and os.path.isdir(args.path_in): result = convert_rp66v1_dir_or_file_to_las_multiprocessing( args.path_in, args.path_out, args.recurse, args.array_reduction, Slice.create_slice_or_sample(args.frame_slice), channel_set, args.field_width, args.float_format,, ) else: if args.log_process > 0.0: with process.log_process(args.log_process): result = convert_rp66v1_dir_or_file_to_las( args.path_in, args.path_out, args.recurse, args.array_reduction, Slice.create_slice_or_sample(args.frame_slice), channel_set, args.field_width, args.float_format, ) else: result = convert_rp66v1_dir_or_file_to_las( args.path_in, args.path_out, args.recurse, args.array_reduction, Slice.create_slice_or_sample(args.frame_slice), channel_set, args.field_width, args.float_format, ) clk_exec = time.perf_counter() - clk_start # Report output if result: size_index = size_input = 0 files_processed = 0 table = [ ['Input', 'Output', 'LAS Count', 'Time', 'Ratio', 'ms/Mb', 'Exception', 'Path'] ] for path in sorted(result.keys()): las_result = result[path] # print('TRACE: las_result', las_result) if las_result.size_input > 0: ms_mb = las_result.time * 1000 / (las_result.size_input / 1024 ** 2) ratio = las_result.size_output / las_result.size_input out = [ f'{las_result.size_input:,d}', f'{las_result.size_output:,d}', f'{las_result.las_count:,d}', f'{las_result.time:.3f}', f'{ratio:.1%}', f'{ms_mb:.1f}', f'{str(las_result.exception)}', f'"{path}"', ] table.append(out) # print(' '.join(out)) size_input += result[path].size_input size_index += result[path].size_output files_processed += 1 if las_result.exception: ret_val = 1 for row in data_table.format_table(table, pad=' ', heading_underline='-'): print(row) try: if args.gnuplot: plot_gnuplot(result, args.gnuplot) except Exception as err: # pragma: no cover logger.exception(str(err)) ret_val = 2 print('Execution time = %8.3f (S)' % clk_exec) if size_input > 0: ms_mb = clk_exec * 1000 / (size_input/ 1024**2) ratio = size_index / size_input else: ms_mb = 0.0 ratio = 0.0 print(f'Out of {len(result):,d} processed {files_processed:,d} files of total size {size_input:,d} input bytes') print(f'Wrote {size_index:,d} output bytes, ratio: {ratio:8.3%} at {ms_mb:.1f} ms/Mb') else: print(f'Execution time: {clk_exec:.3f} (s)') print('Bye, bye!') return ret_val
def main() -> int: """Main entry point.""" description = """usage: %(prog)s [options] file Scans a RP66V1 file or directory and indexes the files with a LogicalRecordIndex.""" print('Cmd: %s' % ' '.join(sys.argv)) parser = cmn_cmd_opts.path_in_out( description, prog='TotalDepth.RP66V1.LogRecIndex.main', version=__version__, epilog=__rights__) cmn_cmd_opts.add_log_level(parser, level=20) cmn_cmd_opts.add_multiprocessing(parser) process.add_process_logger_to_argument_parser(parser) gnuplot.add_gnuplot_to_argument_parser(parser) parser.add_argument( '--read-back', action='store_true', help= 'Read the pickled index and time it (requires path_out). [default: %(default)s]', ) parser.add_argument( '--validate', action='store_true', help='Perform validation checks on the index.. [default: %(default)s]', ) args = parser.parse_args() # print('args:', args) # return 0 cmn_cmd_opts.set_log_level(args) # Your code here exec_timer = ExecTimer.Timer('LogRecIndex') if os.path.isdir( args.path_in) and cmn_cmd_opts.multiprocessing_requested(args): result: typing.Dict[str, IndexResult] = index_dir_multiprocessing( args.path_in, args.path_out,, args.recurse, args.read_back, args.validate, ) else: if args.log_process > 0.0: with process.log_process(args.log_process): result: typing.Dict[str, IndexResult] = index_dir_or_file( args.path_in, args.path_out, args.recurse, args.read_back, args.validate, ) else: result: typing.Dict[str, IndexResult] = index_dir_or_file( args.path_in, args.path_out, args.recurse, args.read_back, args.validate, ) size_index = size_input = 0 files_processed = 0 if os.path.isdir(args.path_in): len_path = len(args.path_in) if not args.path_in.endswith(os.sep): len_path += 1 else: len_path = 0 ret_value = 0 try: header = ( f'{"Size In":>16}', f'{"Size Out":>16}', f'{"Time (ms)":>10}', f'{"Ratio %":>8}', f'{"ms/Mb":>8}', f'{"Fail?":5}', f'{"Write (ms)":>10}', f'{"Read (ms)":>10}', f'Path', ) print(' '.join(header)) print(' '.join('-' * len(v) for v in header)) for path in sorted(result.keys()): idx_result = result[path] if idx_result.size_input > 0: ms_mb = idx_result.index_time * 1000 / (idx_result.size_input / 1024**2) ratio = idx_result.size_index / idx_result.size_input print( f'{idx_result.size_input:16,d} {idx_result.size_index:16,d}' f' {1000*idx_result.index_time:10.1f} {ratio:8.3%} {ms_mb:8.1f} {str(idx_result.exception):5}' f' {1000*idx_result.time_write:10.1f} {1000*idx_result.time_read_back:10.1f}' f' "{path[len_path:]}"') size_input += result[path].size_input size_index += result[path].size_index files_processed += 1 exec_timer.add_work_done(idx_result.size_input) if args.gnuplot: try: plot_gnuplot(result, args.gnuplot) except Exception: # pragma: no cover logger.exception('gunplot failed') ret_value = 1 except Exception as err: # pragma: no cover logger.exception(str(err)) ret_value = 2 print(f'Number of jobs: {}') print('Execution:') print(exec_timer.long_str) if size_input > 0: ratio = size_index / size_input else: ratio = 0.0 print( f'Out of {len(result):,d} processed {files_processed:,d} files of total size {size_input:,d} input bytes' ) print( f'Wrote {size_index:,d} output bytes, ratio: {ratio:8.3%} at {exec_timer.ms_mb:.1f} ms/Mb' ) print(f'Processed: {size_input:,d} bytes at {exec_timer.ms_mb:.1f} ms/Mb') print('Bye, bye!') return ret_value
def main() -> int: description = """usage: %(prog)s [options] file Scans a RP66V1 file or directory and writes out the index(es) in XML.""" print('Cmd: %s' % ' '.join(sys.argv)) parser = cmn_cmd_opts.path_in_out(description, prog='TotalDepth.RP66V1.IndexXML.main', version=__version__, epilog=__rights__) cmn_cmd_opts.add_log_level(parser, level=20) cmn_cmd_opts.add_multiprocessing(parser) parser.add_argument( '-e', '--encrypted', action='store_true', help='Output encrypted Logical Records as well. [default: %(default)s]', ) process.add_process_logger_to_argument_parser(parser) gnuplot.add_gnuplot_to_argument_parser(parser) parser.add_argument( '-p', '--private', action='store_true', help='Also write out private EFLRs. [default: %(default)s]', ) args = parser.parse_args() # print('args:', args) # return 0 cmn_cmd_opts.set_log_level(args) # Your code here clk_start = time.perf_counter() ret_val = 0 if os.path.isdir( args.path_in) and cmn_cmd_opts.multiprocessing_requested(args): result: typing.Dict[str, IndexResult] = index_dir_multiprocessing( args.path_in, args.path_out, args.private,, ) else: if args.log_process > 0.0: with process.log_process(args.log_process): result: typing.Dict[str, IndexResult] = index_dir_or_file( args.path_in, args.path_out, args.recurse, args.private, ) else: result: typing.Dict[str, IndexResult] = index_dir_or_file( args.path_in, args.path_out, args.recurse, args.private, ) clk_exec = time.perf_counter() - clk_start size_index = size_input = 0 files_processed = 0 try: header = ( f'{"Size In":>16}', f'{"Size Out":>16}', f'{"Time":>8}', f'{"Ratio %":>8}', f'{"ms/Mb":>8}', f'{"Fail?":5}', f'Path', ) print(' '.join(header)) print(' '.join('-' * len(v) for v in header)) for path in sorted(result.keys()): idx_result = result[path] if idx_result.size_input > 0: ms_mb = idx_result.time * 1000 / (idx_result.size_input / 1024**2) ratio = idx_result.size_index / idx_result.size_input print( f'{idx_result.size_input:16,d} {idx_result.size_index:16,d}' f' {idx_result.time:8.3f} {ratio:8.3%} {ms_mb:8.1f} {str(idx_result.exception):5}' f' "{path}"') size_input += result[path].size_input size_index += result[path].size_index files_processed += 1 if args.gnuplot: try: plot_gnuplot(result, args.gnuplot) except Exception: # pragma: no cover logger.exception('gunplot failed') ret_val = 1 except Exception as err: # pragma: no cover logger.exception(str(err)) ret_val = 2 print('Execution time = %8.3f (S)' % clk_exec) if size_input > 0: ms_mb = clk_exec * 1000 / (size_input / 1024**2) ratio = size_index / size_input else: # pragma: no cover ms_mb = 0.0 ratio = 0.0 print( f'Out of {len(result):,d} processed {files_processed:,d} files of total size {size_input:,d} input bytes' ) print( f'Wrote {size_index:,d} output bytes, ratio: {ratio:8.3%} at {ms_mb:.1f} ms/Mb' ) print('Bye, bye!') return ret_val
def main() -> int: description = """usage: %(prog)s [options] file Scans a RP66V1 file or directory and saves the index as a pickled file.""" print('Cmd: %s' % ' '.join(sys.argv)) parser = cmn_cmd_opts.path_in_out( description, prog='TotalDepth.RP66V1.IndexPickle.main', version=__version__, epilog=__rights__ ) cmn_cmd_opts.add_log_level(parser, level=20) cmn_cmd_opts.add_multiprocessing(parser) parser.add_argument('--read-back', action='store_true', help='Read and time the output. [default: %(default)s]') process.add_process_logger_to_argument_parser(parser) gnuplot.add_gnuplot_to_argument_parser(parser) args = parser.parse_args() # print('args:', args) # return 0 cmn_cmd_opts.set_log_level(args) # Your code here clk_start = time.perf_counter() ret_val = 0 if cmn_cmd_opts.multiprocessing_requested(args) and os.path.isdir(args.path_in): result: typing.Dict[str, IndexResult] = index_dir_multiprocessing( args.path_in, args.path_out,, args.recurse, args.read_back, ) else: if args.log_process > 0.0: with process.log_process(args.log_process): result: typing.Dict[str, IndexResult] = index_dir_or_file( args.path_in, args.path_out, args.recurse, args.read_back, ) else: result: typing.Dict[str, IndexResult] = index_dir_or_file( args.path_in, args.path_out, args.recurse, args.read_back, ) clk_exec = time.perf_counter() - clk_start size_index = size_input = 0 files_processed = 0 try: path_prefix = os.path.commonpath(result.keys()) len_path_prefix = len(path_prefix) table: typing.List[typing.List[str]] = [ [ 'Size (b)', 'Index (b)', 'Ratio (%)', 'Index (s)', 'Index (ms/Mb)', 'Write (s)', 'Write (ms/Mb)', 'Read (s)', 'Read (ms/Mb)', 'Except', 'Path', ] ] for path in sorted(result.keys()): idx_result = result[path] if not idx_result.ignored and idx_result.size_input > 0: ms_mb_index = idx_result.time_index * 1000 / (idx_result.size_input / 1024 ** 2) ms_mb_write = idx_result.time_write * 1000 / (idx_result.size_input / 1024 ** 2) ms_mb_read = idx_result.time_read * 1000 / (idx_result.size_input / 1024 ** 2) ratio = idx_result.size_index / idx_result.size_input table.append( [ f'{idx_result.size_input:,d}', f'{idx_result.size_index:,d}', f'{ratio:.3%}', f'{idx_result.time_index:.3f}', f'{ms_mb_index:.1f}', f'{idx_result.time_write:.3f}', f'{ms_mb_write:.1f}', f'{idx_result.time_read:.3f}', f'{ms_mb_read:.2f}', f'{str(idx_result.exception):5}', f'{path[len_path_prefix+1:]}', ] ) size_input += result[path].size_input size_index += result[path].size_index files_processed += 1 if idx_result.exception: # pragma: no cover ret_val = 1 print(f'Common path prefix: {path_prefix}') print('\n'.join(data_table.format_table(table, pad=' | ', heading_underline='-'))) if args.gnuplot: try: plot_gnuplot(result, args.gnuplot) except IOError: # pragma: no cover logger.exception('Plotting with gnuplot failed.') ret_val = 2 except Exception as err: # pragma: no cover logger.exception(str(err)) ret_val = 3 print('Execution time = %8.3f (S)' % clk_exec) if size_input > 0: ms_mb = clk_exec * 1000 / (size_input/ 1024**2) ratio = size_index / size_input else: # pragma: no cover ms_mb = 0.0 ratio = 0.0 print(f'Out of {len(result):,d} processed {files_processed:,d} files of total size {size_input:,d} input bytes') print(f'Wrote {size_index:,d} output bytes, ratio: {ratio:8.3%} at {ms_mb:.1f} ms/Mb') print('Bye, bye!') return ret_val
def main() -> int: description = """Scans a RP66V1 file or directory and writes HTML version of the data.""" print('Cmd: %s' % ' '.join(sys.argv)) parser = cmn_cmd_opts.path_in_out(description, prog='TotalDepth.RP66V1.ScanHTML.main', version=__version__, epilog=__rights__) cmn_cmd_opts.add_log_level(parser, level=20) cmn_cmd_opts.add_multiprocessing(parser) parser.add_argument( '-e', '--encrypted', action='store_true', help='Output encrypted Logical Records as well. [default: %(default)s]', ) Slice.add_frame_slice_to_argument_parser(parser) process.add_process_logger_to_argument_parser(parser) gnuplot.add_gnuplot_to_argument_parser(parser) args = parser.parse_args() cmn_cmd_opts.set_log_level(args) # print('args:', args) # return 0 clk_start = time.perf_counter() # Your code here if args.log_process > 0.0: with process.log_process(args.log_process): result: typing.Dict[str, HTMLResult] = scan_dir_or_file( args.path_in, args.path_out, args.recurse, label_process=True, frame_slice=Slice.create_slice_or_sample(args.frame_slice), ) else: if cmn_cmd_opts.multiprocessing_requested(args) and os.path.isdir( args.path_in): result: typing.Dict[str, HTMLResult] = scan_dir_multiprocessing( args.path_in, args.path_out,, frame_slice=Slice.create_slice_or_sample(args.frame_slice), ) else: result: typing.Dict[str, HTMLResult] = scan_dir_or_file( args.path_in, args.path_out, args.recurse, label_process=False, frame_slice=Slice.create_slice_or_sample(args.frame_slice), ) if args.log_process > 0.0: process.add_message_to_queue('Processing HTML Complete.') clk_exec = time.perf_counter() - clk_start # print('Execution time = %8.3f (S)' % clk_exec) size_scan = size_input = 0 files_processed = 0 header = ( f'{"Size In":>16}', f'{"Size Out":>10}', f'{"Time":>8}', f'{"Ratio %":>8}', f'{"ms/Mb":>8}', f'{"Fail?":5}', f'Path', ) print(' '.join(header)) print(' '.join('-' * len(v) for v in header)) for path in sorted(result.keys()): idx_result = result[path] if idx_result.size_input > 0: ms_mb = idx_result.time * 1000 / (idx_result.size_input / 1024**2) ratio = idx_result.size_output / idx_result.size_input print( f'{idx_result.size_input:16,d} {idx_result.size_output:10,d}' f' {idx_result.time:8.3f} {ratio:8.3%} {ms_mb:8.1f} {str(idx_result.exception):5}' f' "{path}"') size_input += result[path].size_input size_scan += result[path].size_output files_processed += 1 if args.gnuplot: try: plot_gnuplot(result, args.gnuplot) except IOError: logger.exception('Plotting with gnuplot failed.') if size_input > 0: ms_mb = clk_exec * 1000 / (size_input / 1024**2) else: ms_mb = 0.0 print( f'Processed {len(result):,d} files and {size_input:,d} bytes in {clk_exec:.3f} s, {ms_mb:.1f} ms/Mb' ) print('Bye, bye!') return 0
def main() -> int: description = """usage: %(prog)s [options] file Reads a RP66V1 index XML file and all the data.""" print('Cmd: %s' % ' '.join(sys.argv)) parser = cmn_cmd_opts.path_in(desc=description, epilog=__rights__, prog=sys.argv[0]) # parser.add_argument( # 'archive', type=str, # help='Path to the root directory of the archive.', # default='', # # nargs='?', # ) # Add arguments that control what we read and report on parser.add_argument( "--eflr-set-type", action='append', default=[], help="List of IFLR Set Types to output, additive, if absent then dump all. [default: %(default)s]", ) cmn_cmd_opts.add_log_level(parser, 20) args = parser.parse_args() # print('args:', args) # return 0 # Set log level cmn_cmd_opts.set_log_level(args) # Your code here clk_start = time.perf_counter() result: typing.Dict[str, IndexResult] = read_index_dir_or_file( args.path_in, args.recurse, args.eflr_set_type, ) clk_exec = time.perf_counter() - clk_start size_index = size_input = 0 files_processed = 0 try: for path in sorted(result.keys()): idx_result = result[path] if idx_result.size_input > 0: ms_mb = idx_result.time * 1000 / (idx_result.size_input / 1024 ** 2) ratio = idx_result.size_index / idx_result.size_input print( f'{idx_result.size_input:16,d} {idx_result.size_index:10,d}' f' {idx_result.time:8.3f} {ratio:8.3%} {ms_mb:8.1f} {str(idx_result.exception):5}' f' "{path}"' ) size_input += result[path].size_input size_index += result[path].size_index files_processed += 1 except Exception as err: logger.exception(str(err)) analyse_result(result) print('Execution time = %8.3f (S)' % clk_exec) if size_input > 0: ms_mb = clk_exec * 1000 / (size_input/ 1024**2) ratio = size_index / size_input else: ms_mb = 0.0 ratio = 0.0 print(f'Out of {len(result):,d} processed {files_processed:,d} files of total size {size_input:,d} input bytes') print(f'Wrote {size_index:,d} output bytes, ratio: {ratio:8.3%} at {ms_mb:.1f} ms/Mb') print('Bye, bye!') return 0
def main(): print('Cmd: %s' % ' '.join(sys.argv)) # TODO: Option to treat files with -f, --format as LAS, LIS, AUTO # TODO: Depth scale overrides -s, --scale ? parser = cmn_cmd_opts.path_in_out( 'Generates SVG plot(s) from input LIS & LAS file/directory to an output file/directory.', prog=None, version=__version__, ) cmn_cmd_opts.add_log_level(parser) cmn_cmd_opts.add_multiprocessing(parser) parser.add_argument( "-A", "--API", action="store_true", dest="apiHeader", default=False, help="Put an API header on each plot. [default: False]") parser.add_argument("-x", "--xml", action="append", dest="LgFormat", default=[], help="Use XML LgFormat UniqueId to use for plotting (additive)." \ +" Use -x? to see what LgFormats (UniqueID+Description) are available." \ +" Use -x?? to see what curves each format can plot. See also -X. [default: []]") parser.add_argument( "-X", "--XML", type=int, dest="LgFormat_min", default=0, help= "Use any LgFormat XML plots that use n or more outputs. If -x option present limited by those LgFormats [default: 0]" ) parser.add_argument("-g", "--glob", action="store_true", dest="glob", default=None, help="File match pattern. Default: %(default)s.") # parser.add_argument("-f", "--file-type", choices=['LAS', 'LIS', 'AUTO'], # help="File format to assume for the input, AUTO will do it's best. [default: \"AUTO\"].") parser.add_argument( "-s", "--scale", action="append", type=int, dest="scale", default=0, help="Scale of X axis to use (an integer). [default: 0].") args = parser.parse_args() # Initialise logging etc. cmn_cmd_opts.set_log_level(args) # print('args', args) # return 0 start_clock = time.clock() start_time = time.time() # Your code here if '?' in ''.join(args.LgFormat): # Handle -x? here and exit myFg = FILMCfgXML.FilmCfgXMLRead() print('XML LgFormats available: [{:d}]'.format(len(myFg.keys()))) print(myFg.longStr(''.join(args.LgFormat).count('?'))) return 1 if cmn_cmd_opts.multiprocessing_requested(args): myPlp = PlotLogPasses( args.path_in, args.path_out, args, ) myResult = myPlp.plotLogInfo else: myResult = plotLogPassesMP( args.path_in, args.path_out, args, ) if os.path.isdir(args.path_out): myResult.writeHTML(os.path.join(args.path_out, 'index.html'), args.path_in) print('plotLogInfo', str(myResult)) print(' CPU time = %8.3f (S)' % (time.clock() - start_clock)) print('Exec. time = %8.3f (S)' % (time.time() - start_time)) print('Bye, bye!') return 0