コード例 #1
def profit_psi(p, photo='Farquhar', res='low', inf_gb=False, deriv=False):
    Finds the instateneous profit maximization, following the
    optmization criterion for which, at each instant in time, the
    stomata regulate canopy gas exchange and pressure to achieve the
    maximum profit, which is the maximum difference between the
    normalized photosynthetic gain (gain) and the hydraulic cost
    function (cost). That is when d(gain)/dP = d(cost)/dP.

    p: recarray object or pandas series or class containing the data
        time step's met data & params

    photo: string
        either the Farquhar model for photosynthesis, or the Collatz

    res: string
        either 'low' (default), 'med', or 'high' to run the optimising

    onopt: boolean
        if True, the optimisation is performed. If Fall, fall back on
        previously performed optimisation for the value of the maximum

    inf_gb: bool
        if True, gb is prescrived and very large

    E_can: float
        transpiration [mmol m-2 s-1] at maximum profit across leaves

    gs_can: float
        stomatal conductance [mol m-2 s-1] at maximum profit across

    An_can: float
        net photosynthetic assimilation rate [umol m-2 s-1] at maximum
        profit across leaves

    Ci_can: float
        intercellular CO2 concentration [Pa] at maximum profit across

    rublim_can: string
        'True' if the C assimilation is rubisco limited, 'False'


    # hydraulics
    P, trans = hydraulics(p, res=res)
    cost, __ = hydraulic_cost(p, P)

    # look for the most net profit
    gain, Ci, mask = photo_gain(p, trans, photo, res, inf_gb=inf_gb)
    expr = gain - cost[mask]

    if deriv:
        expr = np.abs(np.gradient(expr, P[mask]))

    # deal with edge cases by rebounding the solution
    gc, gs, gb, __ = leaf_energy_balance(p, trans[mask], inf_gb=inf_gb)

        if inf_gb:  # check on valid range
            check = expr[gc > cst.zero]

        else:  # further constrain the realm of possible gs
            check = expr[np.logical_and(gc > cst.zero, gs < 1.5 * gb)]

        idx = np.isclose(expr, max(check))

        if deriv:
            idx = np.isclose(expr, min(check))

        idx = [list(idx).index(e) for e in idx if e]

        if inf_gb:  # check for algo. "overshooting" due to inf. gb
            while Ci[idx[0]] < 2. * p.gamstar25:

                idx[0] -= 1

                if idx[0] < 3:

        # optimized where Ci for both photo models are close
        Ci = Ci[idx[0]]
        trans = trans[mask][idx[0]]  # mol.m-2.s-1
        gs = gs[idx[0]]
        Pleaf = P[mask][idx[0]]

        # rubisco- or electron transport-limitation?
        An, Aj, Ac = calc_photosynthesis(p, trans, Ci, photo, inf_gb=inf_gb)
        rublim = rubisco_limit(Aj, Ac)

        # leaf temperature?
        Tleaf, __ = leaf_temperature(p, trans, inf_gb=inf_gb)

        if (np.isclose(trans, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero) and
            (An > 0.)) or (idx[0] == len(P) - 1) or any(
                np.isnan([An, Ci, trans, gs, Tleaf, Pleaf])):
            An, Ci, trans, gs, gb, Tleaf, Pleaf = (9999., ) * 7

        elif not np.isclose(trans, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero):
            trans *= conv.MILI  # mmol.m-2.s-1

        return An, Ci, rublim, trans, gs, gb, Tleaf, Pleaf

    except ValueError:  # no opt

        return (9999., ) * 8
コード例 #2
             (abs(Tleaf - new_Tleaf) <= threshold_conv)
             and not np.isclose(gs, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero))):

        # no convergence, iterate on leaf temperature
        Tleaf = new_Tleaf
        iter += 1

    if case == 1:  # infer leaf water potential, MPa
        Pleaf = P[bn.nanargmin(np.abs(E - trans))]

        Pleaf = P[iopt]
        ksc = p.kmaxS2 * cost[iopt]

    rublim = rubisco_limit(Aj, Ac)  # lim?

    if ((np.isclose(trans, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero) and
         (An > 0.)) or np.isclose(Ci, 0., rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero)
            or (Ci < 0.) or np.isclose(Ci, p.CO2, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero)
            or (Ci > p.CO2) or (real_zero is None) or (not real_zero)
            or any(np.isnan([An, Ci, trans, gs, new_Tleaf, Pleaf]))):
        An, Ci, trans, gs, gb, new_Tleaf, Pleaf = (9999., ) * 7

    elif not np.isclose(trans, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero):
        trans *= conv.MILI  # mmol.m-2.s-1

    if case == 1:

        return An, Ci, rublim, trans, gs, gb, new_Tleaf, Pleaf
コード例 #3
def Tuzet(p, photo='Farquhar', res='low', inf_gb=False):

    Checks the energy balance by looking for convergence of the new leaf
    temperature with the leaf temperature predicted by the previous
    iteration. Then returns the corresponding An, E, Ci, etc.

    p: recarray object or pandas series or class containing the data
        time step's met data & params

    photo: string
        either the Farquhar model for photosynthesis, or the Collatz

    threshold_conv: float
        convergence threshold for the new leaf temperature to be in
        energy balance

    iter_max: int
        maximum number of iterations allowed on the leaf temperature
        before reaching the conclusion that the system is not energy

    inf_gb: bool
        if True, gb is prescrived and very large

    trans_can: float
        transpiration rate of canopy [mmol m-2 s-1] across leaves

    gs_can: float
        stomatal conductance of canopy [mol m-2 s-1] across leaves

    An_can: float
        C assimilation rate of canopy [umol m-2 s-1] across leaves

    Ci_can: float
        average intercellular CO2 concentration of canopy [Pa] across

    rublim_can: string
        'True' if the C assimilation is rubisco limited, 'False'


    # stability pre-requisites
    fw = fLWP_stable(p, photo=photo, res=res, inf_gb=inf_gb)

    # run the energy balance sub-routine
    An, Aj, Ac, Ci, trans, gs, gb, Tleaf, Pleaf = gas_exchange(p, fw,
    rublim = rubisco_limit(Aj, Ac)  # lim?

    if not np.isclose(trans, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero):
        trans *= conv.MILI  # mmol.m-2.s-1

    return An, Ci, rublim, trans, gs, gb, Tleaf, Pleaf
コード例 #4
def Cmax_gs(p, photo='Farquhar', res='low', inf_gb=False):
    Finds the instantaneous optimal C gain for a given C cost.
    First, the C gain equation is derived for gs, beta, Ci unknown.
    Then, the derived form of the equation is solved for Ci over a range of
    possible betas, gs, all of which are directly or indirectly leaf
    water potential P dependent.
    A check (check_solve) is performed to verify that the optimization satisfies
    the zero equality criteria and, finally, results are bound via a range of
    physically possible Ci values.
    N.B.: there can be several possible optimizations

    p: recarray object or pandas series or class containing the data
        time step's met data & params

    photo: string
        either the Farquhar model for photosynthesis, or the Collatz model

    inf_gb: bool
        if True, gb is prescrived and very large

    gsOPT: float
        stomatal conductance [mol.m-2.s-1] for which the A(gs) is maximized

    AnOPT: float
        maximum C assimilation rate [μmol.m-2.s-1] given by the diffusive supply
        of CO2

    transOPT: float
        transpiration rate [mmol.m-2.s-1] for which the A(gs) is maximized

    CiOPT: float
        intercellular CO2 concentration [Pa] for which the A(gs) is maximized


    # energy balance
    P, trans = hydraulics(p, res=res, kmax=p.kmaxCM)

    # expression of optimization
    Ci, mask = Ci_sup_dem(p, trans, photo=photo, res=res, inf_gb=inf_gb)
    gc, gs, gb, __ = leaf_energy_balance(p, trans[mask], inf_gb=inf_gb)
    expr = np.abs(
        np.gradient(A_trans(p, trans[mask], Ci, inf_gb=inf_gb), P[mask]) -
        dcost_dpsi(p, P[mask], gs))

        if inf_gb:  # check on valid range
            check = expr[gc > cst.zero]

        else:  # further constrain the realm of possible gs
            check = expr[np.logical_and(gc > cst.zero, gs < 1.5 * gb)]

        idx = np.isclose(expr, min(check))
        idx = [list(idx).index(e) for e in idx if e]

        if inf_gb:  # check for algo. "overshooting" due to inf. gb
            while Ci[idx[0]] < 2. * p.gamstar25:

                idx[0] -= 1

                if idx[0] < 3:

        # optimized where Ci for both photo models are close
        Ci = Ci[idx[0]]
        trans = trans[mask][idx[0]]  # mol.m-2.s-1
        gs = gs[idx[0]]
        Pleaf = P[mask][idx[0]]

        # rubisco limitation or electron transport-limitation?
        An, Aj, Ac = calc_photosynthesis(p,
        rublim = rubisco_limit(Aj, Ac)

        # leaf temperature?
        Tleaf, __ = leaf_temperature(p, trans, inf_gb=inf_gb)

        if (np.isclose(trans, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero) and
            (An > 0.)) or (idx[0] == len(P) - 1) or any(
                np.isnan([An, Ci, trans, gs, Tleaf, Pleaf])):
            An, Ci, trans, gs, gb, Tleaf, Pleaf = (9999., ) * 7

        elif not np.isclose(trans, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero):
            trans *= conv.MILI  # mmol.m-2.s-1

        return An, Ci, rublim, trans, gs, gb, Tleaf, Pleaf

    except ValueError:  # no opt
        return (9999., ) * 8
コード例 #5
def solve_std(p, sw, photo='Farquhar', res='low', iter_max=40,
              threshold_conv=0.1, inf_gb=False):

    Checks the energy balance by looking for convergence of the new leaf
    temperature with the leaf temperature predicted by the previous
    iteration. Then returns the corresponding An, E, Ci, etc.

    p: recarray object or pandas series or class containing the data
        time step's met data & params

    sw: float
        mean volumetric soil moisture content [m3 m-3]

    photo: string
        either the Farquhar model for photosynthesis, or the Collatz

    threshold_conv: float
        convergence threshold for the new leaf temperature to be in
        energy balance

    iter_max: int
        maximum number of iterations allowed on the leaf temperature
        before reaching the conclusion that the system is not energy

    inf_gb: bool
        if True, gb is prescrived and very large

    trans_can: float
        transpiration rate of canopy [mmol m-2 s-1] across leaves

    gs_can: float
        stomatal conductance of canopy [mol m-2 s-1] across leaves

    An_can: float
        C assimilation rate of canopy [umol m-2 s-1] across leaves

    Ci_can: float
        average intercellular CO2 concentration of canopy [Pa] across

    rublim_can: string
        'True' if the C assimilation is rubisco limited, 'False'


    # initial state
    Cs = p.CO2  # Pa
    Tleaf = p.Tair  # deg C
    Dleaf = np.maximum(0.05, p.VPD)  # gs model not valid < 0.05

    # hydraulics
    P, E = hydraulics(p, res=res)

    if sw >= p.fc:
        g1 = p.g1

        g1 = p.g1 * fwWP(p, p.Ps)

    # initialise gs over A
    g0 = 1.e-9  # g0 ~ 0, removing it entirely introduces errors
    Cs_umol_mol = Cs * conv.MILI / p.Patm  # umol mol-1
    gsoA = g0 + (1. + g1 / (Dleaf ** 0.5)) / Cs_umol_mol

    # iter on the solution until it is stable enough
    iter = 0

    while True:

        An, Aj, Ac, Ci = calc_photosynthesis(p, 0., Cs, photo, Tleaf=Tleaf,

        # stomatal conductance, with moisture stress effect
        gs = np.maximum(cst.zero, conv.GwvGc * gsoA * An)

        # calculate new trans, gw, gb, mol.m-2.s-1
        trans, real_zero, gw, gb, Dleaf = calc_trans(p, Tleaf, gs,
        new_Tleaf, __ = leaf_temperature(p, trans, Tleaf=Tleaf, inf_gb=inf_gb)

        # update Cs (Pa)
        boundary_CO2 = p.Patm * conv.FROM_MILI * An / (gb * conv.GbcvGb)
        Cs = np.maximum(cst.zero, np.minimum(p.CO2, p.CO2 - boundary_CO2))
        Cs_umol_mol = Cs * conv.MILI / p.Patm

        # new leaf-air vpd, kPa
        if (np.isclose(trans, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero) or
            np.isclose(gw, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero) or
            np.isclose(gs, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero)):
            Dleaf = np.maximum(0.05, p.VPD)  # kPa

        # update gs over A
        gsoA = g0 + (1. + g1 / (Dleaf ** 0.5)) / Cs_umol_mol

        # force stop when atm. conditions yield E < 0. (non-physical)
        if (iter < 1) and (not real_zero):
            real_zero = None

        # check for convergence
        if ((real_zero is None) or (iter >= iter_max) or ((iter >= 1) and
            real_zero and (abs(Tleaf - new_Tleaf) <= threshold_conv) and not
            np.isclose(gs, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero))):

        # no convergence, iterate on leaf temperature
        Tleaf = new_Tleaf
        iter += 1

    Pleaf = P[bn.nanargmin(np.abs(trans - E))]
    rublim = rubisco_limit(Aj, Ac)  # lim?

    if ((np.isclose(trans, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero) and
        (An > 0.)) or np.isclose(Ci, 0., rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero) or
        (Ci < 0.) or np.isclose(Ci, p.CO2, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero) or
        (Ci > p.CO2) or (real_zero is None) or (not real_zero) or
       any(np.isnan([An, Ci, trans, gs, new_Tleaf, Pleaf]))):
        An, Ci, trans, gs, gb, new_Tleaf, Pleaf = (9999.,) * 7

    elif not np.isclose(trans, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero):
        trans *= conv.MILI  # mmol.m-2.s-1

    return An, Ci, rublim, trans, gs, gb, new_Tleaf, Pleaf