def check_overfitting_valid_data(self, config, dataholder): if os.path.exists("checkpoints"): shutil.rmtree("checkpoints") graph = tf.Graph() network = DFN(graph, config) trainer = Trainer(graph, config, network, dataholder) non_trained_acc = trainer.get_valid_accuracy() trained_acc = trainer.get_valid_accuracy() condition = non_trained_acc < trained_acc msg = "Performance on valid data not better after training\n" msg += " non_trained_acc = {0:.6f}".format(non_trained_acc) msg += " | trained_acc = {0:.6f}".format(trained_acc) self.assertTrue(condition, msg=msg)
def optmizers_search(name_tfrecords, records, height, width, channels, architecture, activations, conv_architecture, kernel_sizes, pool_kernel, batch_size, epochs, num_steps, save_step, learning_rate, conv): """ Script to run optmizers search, the result is saved on the file optmizers_results.txt :param name_tfrecords: name of the used tfrecords :type name_tfrecords: str :param records: list of paths to train, test, and valid tfrecords :type records: list of str :param height: image height :type heights: int :param width: image width :type width: int :param channels: image channels :type channels: int :param architecture: network architecture :type architecture: list of int :param activations: list of different tf functions :type activations: list of tf.nn.sigmoid, tf.nn.relu, tf.nn.tanh :param conv_architecture: convolutional architecture :type conv_architecture: list of int :param kernel_sizes: filter sizes :type kernel_sizes: list of int :param pool_kernel: pooling filter sizes :type pool_kernel: list of int :param batch_size: batch size for training :type batch_size: int :param epochs: number of epochs :type epochs: int :param num_steps: number of iterations for each epoch :type num_steps: int :param save_step: when step % save_step == 0, the model parameters are saved. :type save_step: int :param learning_rate: learning rate for the optimizer :type learning_rate: float :param conv: param to control if the model will be a CNN or DFN :type conv: bool """ OT = [tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer, tf.train.AdadeltaOptimizer, tf.train.AdagradOptimizer, tf.train.AdamOptimizer, tf.train.FtrlOptimizer, tf.train.ProximalGradientDescentOptimizer, tf.train.ProximalAdagradOptimizer, tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer] OT_name = ["GradientDescentOptimizer", "AdadeltaOptimizer", "AdagradOptimizer", "AdamOptimizer", "FtrlOptimizer", "ProximalGradientDescentOptimizer", "ProximalAdagradOptimizer", "RMSPropOptimizer"] numeric_result = [] results = [] info = [] if conv: net_name = "CNN" else: net_name = "DFN" header = "\nSearching optimizer for the {} model in the {} data\n".format(net_name, # noqa name_tfrecords) # noqa print(header) for name, opt in zip(OT_name, OT): config = Config(height=height, width=width, channels=channels, architecture=architecture, activations=activations, conv_architecture=conv_architecture, kernel_sizes=kernel_sizes, pool_kernel=pool_kernel, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, num_steps=num_steps, save_step=save_step, learning_rate=learning_rate, optimizer=opt) data = DataHolder(config, records=records) print(name + ":\n") graph = tf.Graph() if conv: network = CNN(graph, config) else: network = DFN(graph, config) trainer = Trainer(graph, config, network, data) valid_acc = trainer.get_valid_accuracy() numeric_result.append(valid_acc) name += ': valid_acc = {0:.6f} | '.format(valid_acc) test_images, test_labels, _ = reconstruct_from_record(data.get_test_tfrecord()) # noqa test_images = test_images.astype(np.float32) / 255 test_pred = trainer.predict(test_images) acc_cat = accuracy_per_category(test_pred, test_labels, categories=3) for i, cat_result in enumerate(acc_cat): name += int2command[i] + ": = {0:.6f}, ".format(cat_result) results.append(name) if os.path.exists("checkpoints"): shutil.rmtree("checkpoints") info.append(str(config)) best_result = max(list(zip(numeric_result, OT_name, info))) result_string = """In an experiment with different optmizers the best one is {0} with valid accuracy of {1}. \nThe training uses the following params: \n{2}\n""".format(best_result[1], best_result[0], best_result[2]) file = open("optmizers_results.txt", "w") file.write(header) file.write("Results for different optmizers\n") for result in results: result += "\n" file.write(result) file.write("\n") file.write(result_string) file.close()
def architecture_search(name_tfrecords, records, height, width, channels, conv_architecture, kernel_sizes, pool_kernel, batch_size, epochs, num_steps, save_step, learning_rate, optimizer, experiments, deepest_net_size, conv): """ Script to search different architectures for a DFN, the result is saved on the file architecture_results.txt :param name_tfrecords: name of the used tfrecords :type name_tfrecords: str :param records: list of paths to train, test, and valid tfrecords :type records: list of str :param height: image height :type heights: int :param width: image width :type width: int :param channels: image channels :type channels: int :param conv_architecture: convolutional architecture :type conv_architecture: list of int :param kernel_sizes: filter sizes :type kernel_sizes: list of int :param pool_kernel: pooling filter sizes :type pool_kernel: list of int :param batch_size: batch size for training :type batch_size: int :param epochs: number of epochs :type epochs: int :param num_steps: number of iterations for each epoch :type num_steps: int :param save_step: when step % save_step == 0, the model parameters are saved. :type save_step: int :param learning_rate: learning rate for the optimizer :type learning_rate: float :param optimizer: a optimizer from tensorflow. :type optimizer: tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer, tf.train.AdadeltaOptimizer, tf.train.AdagradOptimizer, tf.train.AdagradDAOptimizer, tf.train.AdamOptimizer, tf.train.FtrlOptimizer, tf.train.ProximalGradientDescentOptimizer, tf.train.ProximalAdagradOptimizer, tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer :param experiments: number of experiments to be made :type experiments: int :param deepest_net_size: size of the deepest network :type deepest_net_size: int :param conv: param to control if the model will be a CNN or DFN :type conv: bool """ sizes = np.random.randint(1, deepest_net_size, experiments) hidden_layers, activations = get_random_architecture_and_activations( network_sizes=sizes) # noqa numeric_result = [] results = [] info = [] if conv: net_name = "CNN" else: net_name = "DFN" header = "\nSearching {} architecture in the {} data\n".format( net_name, name_tfrecords) # noqa print(header) for arch, act in zip(hidden_layers, activations): config = Config(height=height, width=width, channels=channels, architecture=arch, activations=act, conv_architecture=conv_architecture, kernel_sizes=kernel_sizes, pool_kernel=pool_kernel, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, num_steps=num_steps, save_step=save_step, learning_rate=learning_rate, optimizer=optimizer) data = DataHolder(config, records=records) name = str(arch) print(name + ":\n") graph = tf.Graph() if conv: network = CNN(graph, config) else: network = DFN(graph, config) trainer = Trainer(graph, config, network, data) valid_acc = trainer.get_valid_accuracy() numeric_result.append(valid_acc) name += ': valid_acc = {0:.6f} | '.format(valid_acc) valid_images, valid_labels, _ = reconstruct_from_record( data.get_valid_tfrecord()) # noqa valid_images = valid_images.astype(np.float32) / 255 valid_pred = trainer.predict(valid_images) acc_cat = accuracy_per_category(valid_pred, valid_labels, categories=3) for i, cat_result in enumerate(acc_cat): name += int2command[i] + ": = {0:.6f}, ".format(cat_result) results.append(name) if os.path.exists("checkpoints"): shutil.rmtree("checkpoints") info.append(str(config)) best_result = max(list(zip(numeric_result, hidden_layers, info))) result_string = """In an experiment with {0} architectures the best one is {1} with valid accuracy of {2}. \nThe training uses the following params: \n{3}\n""".format(experiments, best_result[1], best_result[0], best_result[2]) file = open("architecture_results.txt", "w") file.write(header) file.write("Results for different architectures\n") for result in results: result += "\n" file.write(result) file.write("\n") file.write(result_string) file.close()