def random_people(cx, cy, dstx, dsty, cluster_size, interval, people): def random_position(): range = cluster_size * (pi * Person.radius**2 + 0.2) offset = range / 2 return random() * range - offset for ii in range(0, cluster_size): p = Person(interval) p.behaviors = [Arrive(), Separation()] try_again = True while try_again: px, py = cx + random_position(), cy + random_position() try_again = False for person in people: jx, jy, unused_z = person.position if sqrt((jx-px)**2 + (jy-py)**2) < Person.radius*2.5: try_again = True p.position = vec3(px, py) p.destination = vec3(dstx, dsty) activate(p, p.move(), 0.0) people.append(p)
def person(self, railcar, yy, railcar_waypoints): columns = self.columns compactness = self.compactness for ii in range(0, columns): xx = self.rail_x + (ii - (float(columns) - 1.0) / 2.0) * (Person.average_radius * 2.0 * compactness) p = Person(interval=interval) p.behaviors = [Containment(), Separation(), FollowWaypoints(), InterpenetrationConstraint()] p.steering_mind = queue_steering_mind p.position = vec3(xx, yy) p.waypoints = railcar_waypoints[0:] if self.mode == 'straight': if p.waypoints[0].y - self.waypoint_high.y > 3: p.waypoints.append(self.waypoint_high) if self.waypoint_low.y - p.waypoints[0].y > 3: p.waypoints.append(self.waypoint_low) elif self.mode == 'doorway': if p.waypoints[0].y > self.platform_center_y: p.waypoints.append(self.waypoint_high) if p.waypoints[0].y <= self.platform_center_y: p.waypoints.append(self.waypoint_low) p.waypoints.append(vec3(p.waypoints[-1])) p.waypoints[-1].x -= 7.0 elif self.mode == 'stair': p.waypoints.append(self.waypoint_low) p.waypoints.append(vec3(self.waypoint_low)) p.waypoints[-1].x -= self.doorway_width * 0.75 p.waypoints.append(self.waypoint_prt_door) p.waypoints.append(vec3(self.waypoint_prt_door)) p.waypoints[-1].x -= 1.0 p.manager = self.prt_station.person_at_station railcar.departing.append(p)
def generate(self, interval, waypoints): people = [] rate = 0.5 #while True: for k in range(10): start = uniform(0, 5) p = Person(interval=interval) #p.destination= vec3(12.5,uniform(2,20)) p.behaviors = [Containment(), Separation(), Queuing(), FollowWaypoints(), InterpenetrationConstraint()] #p.behaviors = [FollowWaypoints(),InterpenetrationConstraint()] #p.behaviors = [Seek(),InterpenetrationConstraint()] p.steering_mind = queue_steering_mind p.position = vec3(start, 0.0) p.waypoints = waypoints[0:] activate(p, p.move(), 0.0) people.append(p) count = 0 for p in people: if p.position[1] > 25: self.cancel(p) people.remove(p) if p.position[1] < 7: count += 1 if count > 30: rate = 1.5 elif count < 20: rate = 0.5 yield hold, self, rate
def main(cluster_size=20): interval = 0.1 the_world = world(width=25, height=25, scale=25) initialize() xx = 12.5 p = Person(interval) p.behaviors = [Wander(), Separation(), Containment()] p.position = vec3(12.5, 12.5) p.destination = vec3(-100, 100) activate(p, p.move(), 0.0) people = [p] tk = canvas, x_, y_ = tk.canvas, tk.x_, tk.y_ canvas.create_rectangle(x_(-1), y_(-1), x_(100), y_(100), fill='moccasin') for wall in ( ( (-100, 14.5), (10.5, 14.5), (10.5, 100) ), ( (10.5, -100), (10.5, 8.5), (8.5, 10.5), (-100, 10.5) ), ( (14.5, 100), (14.5, 14.5), ( 100, 14.5) ), ( ( 100, 10.5), (16.5, 10.5), (14.5, 8.5), (14.5, -100) ), ): points = [] for point in wall: points.append(x_(point[0])) points.append(y_(point[1])) canvas.create_polygon(points, fill='gray', outline='black') for ii in range(0, len(wall)-1): the_world.add_wall(wall[ii], wall[ii+1]) restarter = Restarter(people) activate(restarter, restarter.execute(), 0.0) u = Updater(interval) activate(u, u.execute(), 0.0) simulate(until=10000)
def generate(self): while True: start = uniform(5, 40) p = Person(interval=interval) p.behaviors = [Seek(), Separation()] p.position = vec3(100.0, start) platform_position = start * 8 / 199 p.destination = self.destination1.copy() p.manager = self.station1.person_at_station p.manager_args = [] activate(p, p.move(), 0.0) yield hold, self, 3.5
def execute(self): station = self.station platform = station.platform while True: for berth in range(0, len(station.berth_queues)): queue = station.berth_queues[berth] if len(queue) is 0: p = Person(interval=interval) p.behaviors = [Arrive()] p.position = vec3(platform[0].x + 2, platform[0].y - PRT.berth_length / 2 - berth * PRT.berth_length) p.destination = vec3(platform[0].x + 0.5, platform[0].y - PRT.berth_length / 2 - berth * PRT.berth_length) p.velocity = vec3(-0.1, 0.0) activate(p, p.move(), 0.0) queue.append(p) yield hold, self, 0.01
def random_people(cx, cy, waypoints, cluster_size, interval, people): def random_position(): range = cluster_size * (pi * Person.average_radius**2 + 0.2) offset = range / 2 return uniform(0.0, range) - offset for ii in range(0, cluster_size): p = Person(interval) p.behaviors = [Containment(), Separation(), Queuing(), FollowWaypoints()] p.steering_mind = queue_steering_mind try_again = True while try_again: px, py = cx + random_position(), cy + random_position() if py > (21.0 - Person.radius): continue try_again = False for person in people: jx, jy, unused_z = person.position if sqrt((jx-px)**2 + (jy-py)**2) < Person.average_radius*2.5: try_again = True p.position = vec3(px, py) p.waypoints = waypoints[0:] activate(p, p.move(), 0.0) people.append(p) return people
def generate(self): while True: start = uniform(1, 199) if not prts_only: p = Person(interval=interval) p.behaviors = [Seek(), Separation()] p.position = vec3(0.0, start) platform_position = start * 54 / 199 - 27 p.destination = vec3(28, 100 + platform_position) p.manager = self.rail_station.person_at_platform activate(p, p.move(), 0.0) p = Person(interval=interval) p.behaviors = [Seek(), Separation()] p.position = vec3(100.0, start) platform_position = start * 8 / 199 if start < 100: p.destination = self.destination1.copy() p.manager = self.station1.person_at_station p.manager_args = [] else: p.destination = self.destination2.copy() p.manager = self.station2.person_at_station p.manager_args = [] activate(p, p.move(), 0.0) yield hold, self, 7
def main(testing='two_clumps', cluster_size=20): interval = 0.1 world(width=25, height=25, scale=25) initialize() xx = 12.5 people = [] p = Person(interval) p.behaviors = [Arrive(), Separation()] p.position = vec3(xx, 4.0) p.destination = vec3(xx, 21.0) people.append(p) activate(p, p.move(), 0.0) if testing == 'solo': pass if testing == 'immovable object': p = Person(interval) p.behaviors = [Arrive(), Separation()] p.position = vec3(xx - 0.08, 14.0) p.destination = vec3(xx - 0.08, 14.0) people.append(p) p.update() world().update_boid(p) # DON'T activate(p, p.move(), 0.0) if testing in ('clump', 'two clumps'): random_people(xx, 21.0, xx, 4.0, cluster_size, interval, people) if testing == 'two clumps': random_people(xx, 4.0, xx, 21.0, cluster_size, interval, people) u = Updater(interval) activate(u, u.execute(), 0.0) simulate(until=240)
def generate(self): """ creates a Person at the same time and same relative place on each of the PRT and LRT lines. """ prt_platform_length = self.p1_y2 - self.p1_y1 rail_platform_length = self.r_y2 - self.r_y1 people = 0 # event_max = 5000 while people < event_max: people += 1 if (people % 100) == 0: print "people: ", people start = uniform(0, 100) if start < 33.33: p = Person(interval=interval) p.behaviors = [Seek(), Separation()] p.manager_args = [] if start < 16.66: p_start = self.p1_y1 + start * 6 * prt_platform_length / 100 p.position = vec3(self.p1_x, p_start) platform_position = (p_start - self.p1_y1) * 0.7 p.destination = vec3(28., self.p1_y1 + 4 + platform_position) p.manager = self.prt_station1.person_at_station else: p_start = self.p2_y1 + (start - 16.66) * 6 * prt_platform_length / 100 p.position = vec3(self.p2_x, p_start) platform_position = (p_start - self.p2_y1) * 0.7 p.destination = vec3(28., self.p2_y1 + 4 + platform_position) p.manager = self.prt_station2.person_at_station activate(p, p.move(), 0.0) p = Person(interval=interval) p.behaviors = [Seek(), Separation()] p.position = vec3(self.r_x, self.r_y1 + 12 + start * 0.6 * rail_platform_length / 100) platform_position = start * (self.r_y2 - self.r_y1) / 100 p.destination = vec3(78., self.r_y1 + platform_position) p.manager = self.rail_station.person_at_platform p.manager_args = [] activate(p, p.move(), 0.0) yield hold, self, 0.25 yield passivate, self