コード例 #1
ファイル: notify.py プロジェクト: bsiebens/nerdlandbot
    async def my_lists(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        Show the lists the current user is subscribed to.
        :param ctx: The current context. (discord.ext.commands.Context)

        guild_data = await get_guild_data(ctx.message.guild.id)
        subbed_lists = []

        # Error if no lists exist yet
        if not guild_data.notification_lists:
            msg = translate("no_existing_lists", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        # Fetch the lists the author is subscribed to
        for list_name, list_data in guild_data.notification_lists.items():
            if ctx.author.id in list_data["users"]:

        # Error if the author is not subscribed to any lists
        if len(subbed_lists) < 1:
            msg = translate("no_subscriptions_error", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        # Show the user his lists
        msg = translate("your_lists_title", await
                        culture(ctx)) + "\n - " + "\n - ".join(
        await ctx.send(msg)
コード例 #2
ファイル: notify.py プロジェクト: bsiebens/nerdlandbot
    async def unsubscribe(self,
                          ctx: commands.Context,
                          list_name: str,
        Unsubscribes the user from the provided list
        :param ctx: The current context. (discord.ext.commands.Context)
        :param list_name: The list to unsubscribe from. (str)
        if not user_id:
            user_id = ctx.author.id

        # make sure list is lowercase
        list_name = list_name.lower()

        guild_data = await get_guild_data(ctx.message.guild.id)

        # Error if list does not exist
        if not guild_data.does_list_exist(list_name):
            msg = translate("list_err_does_not_exit", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        # Unsubscribe user and error if failed
        if not await guild_data.unsub_user(list_name, user_id):
            msg = translate("list_err_not_subscribed", await
                            culture(ctx)).format(str(user_id), list_name)
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        # Unsubscribe successful, show result to user
        msg = translate("list_unsubscribed", await
                        culture(ctx)).format(str(user_id), list_name)
        await ctx.send(msg)
コード例 #3
ファイル: help.py プロジェクト: bsiebens/nerdlandbot
async def command_help(ctx: commands.Context, command_name: str):
    Builds and sends the help info on the given command to the current context.
    :param ctx: The current context. (discord.ext.commands.Context)
    :param command_name: The command to request help on. (str)
    # TODO print aliases
    embed = discord.Embed()

    command = ctx.bot.get_command(str(command_name))

    title = ctx.prefix + command.name
    help_text = translate(command.help, await culture(ctx))

    if command.usage is None:
        title += '\n'
        embed.add_field(name=title, value=help_text, inline=False)
        return await send_embed(ctx, embed)

    title += '\u2000' + translate(command.usage, await culture(ctx)) + '\n'
    embed.add_field(name=title, value=help_text, inline=False)

    extra_info = translate("help_info_arguments", await culture(ctx))
    embed.add_field(name=empty, value=extra_info, inline=False)

    await send_embed(ctx, embed)
コード例 #4
ファイル: notify.py プロジェクト: bsiebens/nerdlandbot
    async def show_lists(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        Show all currently existing lists for this server
        :param ctx: The current context. (discord.ext.commands.Context)

        guild_data = await get_guild_data(ctx.message.guild.id)

        # Error if no lists exist yet
        if not guild_data.notification_lists:
            msg = translate("no_existing_lists", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        # Init text with title
        text = translate("lists", await culture(ctx))

        # Loop and append all lists
        for list_name, list_data in sorted(
            if list_data["is_custom_emoji"]:
                text += get_custom_emoji(ctx, int(list_data["emoji"]))
                text += list_data["emoji"]

            text += " - " + list_name + "\n"

        # Send lists to context
        msg = await ctx.send(text)

        # Add reactions
        for list_data in guild_data.notification_lists.values():
            await msg.add_reaction(
                list_data["emoji"] if not list_data["is_custom_emoji"] else ctx

        # Setup listeners
        # TODO make reaction time configurable
        timeout = 60 * 5  # 5 minutes
        reaction_added_task = asyncio.create_task(
            self.wait_for_added_reactions(ctx, msg.id, guild_data, timeout))
        reaction_removed_task = asyncio.create_task(
            self.wait_for_removed_reactions(ctx, msg.id, guild_data, timeout))

        # Listen for reactions
        await reaction_added_task
        await reaction_removed_task

        # Delete message
        await msg.delete()
コード例 #5
ファイル: notify.py プロジェクト: bsiebens/nerdlandbot
    async def notify(self,
                     ctx: commands.Context,
                     list_name: str,
                     message: typing.Optional[str] = None):
        Notify all subscribers for the given list with the given message.
        :param ctx:The current context. (discord.ext.commands.Context)
        :param list_name: The name of the list to notify. (str)
        :param message: The message to send with the notification. (optional - str - default= None)

        guild_data = await get_guild_data(ctx.message.guild.id)

        # Error if list does not exist
        list_name = list_name.lower()
        if not guild_data.does_list_exist(list_name):
            msg = translate("list_err_does_not_exit", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        # Fetch users to notify
        users = guild_data.get_users_list(list_name)

        # Error if no users were found
        if len(users) < 1:
            msg = translate("list_err_empty", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        # build users mentioning string
        user_tags = []
        for user_id in users:

        users_str = ', '.join(user_tags)

        # Setup the announcement with the subject and caller
        message_text = translate("notifying", await culture(ctx)).format(
            list_name.capitalize(), ctx.message.author.id,

        # append the message if provided
        if message:
            second_line = translate("notify_message", await
                                    culture(ctx)).format(message) + '\n'
            message_text += second_line

        await ctx.send(message_text + '\n' + users_str)
コード例 #6
ファイル: random_user.py プロジェクト: bsiebens/nerdlandbot
    async def select_random_user(self,
                                 ctx: commands.Context,
                                 channel_name: str = None):
        Selects a random user from the server, channel, or online members.
        :param ctx: The current context. (discord.ext.commands.Context)
        :param channel_name: The channel to pick from, 'online' in order to pick an online member from the server. (str)

        # Error for missing parameter
        if channel_name is None:
            msg = translate("random_user_no_channel", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        # Choose from online members if requested
        if channel_name == "online":
            member = pick_random_online_member(ctx)
            msg = translate("random_user_chosen", await
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        # Sanitize channel name
        channel_name = parse_channel(channel_name)

        # Retrieve channel
        channel = discord.utils.get(ctx.channel.guild.channels,

        # Error if channel does not exist
        if channel is None:
            msg = translate("membercount_channel_nonexistant", await
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        # Error if channel empty
        if len(channel.members) < 1:
            msg = translate("membercount_empty_channel", await
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        # Pick a random user from channel, and report back to user
        member = random.choice(channel.members)
        msg = translate("random_user_chosen", await
        await ctx.send(msg)
コード例 #7
    async def add_admin(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        Add a new bot admin.
        :param ctx: The current context. (discord.ext.commands.Context)

        guild_data = await get_guild_data(ctx.guild.id)

        # Error if not admin
        if not guild_data.user_is_admin(ctx.author):
            gif = translate("not_admin_gif", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(gif)

        # Error if the command had no mention
        if not ctx.message.mentions:
            err = translate("mention_required", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(err)

        # Fetch user data
        user_id_to_add = ctx.message.mentions[0].id
        user_to_add = ctx.guild.get_member(int(user_id_to_add))
        user_name_to_add = user_to_add.display_name

        # Error if the user is a server admin (no point in giving him bot admin rights)
        if ctx.guild.get_member(
            err = translate("bot_admin_error_discord_admin", await
            return await ctx.send(err)

        # Error if the user already is a bot admin
        if ctx.message.mentions[0].id in guild_data.bot_admins:
            err = translate("bot_admin_error_already_admin", await
            return await ctx.send(err)

        # Actually add the user to the admins
        await guild_data.add_admin(user_id_to_add)

        # Display success
        msg = translate("bot_admin_add_success", await
        await ctx.send(msg)
コード例 #8
    async def set_language(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        Show the current language, and allow for updates.
        :param ctx: The current context. (discord.ext.commands.Context)

        # Get guild data
        guild_data = await get_guild_data(ctx.guild.id)

        # Error if not admin
        if not guild_data.user_is_admin(ctx.author):
            gif = translate("not_admin_gif", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(gif)

        # Get current language
        current_culture = await culture(ctx)

        # Show current language
        msg = translate("current_language", current_culture).format(
            translate(current_culture, current_culture))
        await ctx.send(msg)

        # Request new language
        confirmation_message = translate("pick_new_language", current_culture)
        confirmation_ref = await ctx.send(confirmation_message)
        for emoji in flags.values():
            await confirmation_ref.add_reaction(emoji)

        # Handle user reaction
            reaction, user = await ctx.bot.wait_for(
                check=lambda new_reaction, author: new_reaction.message.id ==
                confirmation_ref.id and author == ctx.message.author,

            # Parse reaction
            new_language = None
            for lan in flags.keys():
                if flags[lan] == reaction.emoji:
                    new_language = lan

            # Update language if found
            if new_language:
                await guild_data.update_language(new_language)
                await confirmation_ref.delete()
                msg = translate("picked_new_language", new_language).format(
                    translate(new_language, new_language))
                return await ctx.send(msg)

        # Handle timeout
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            await confirmation_ref.delete()
            msg = translate("snooze_lose", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(msg)
コード例 #9
    async def admins_bot(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        Show a list of all bot admins.
        :param ctx: The current context. (discord.ext.commands.Context)

        guild_data = await get_guild_data(ctx.guild.id)

        # Error if no admins found
        if not guild_data.bot_admins:
            msg = translate("bot_admin_err_no_admins", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        # Build list
        message = translate("bot_admin_list_prefix", await culture(ctx))
        for user_id in guild_data.bot_admins:
            message += f"\n- {ctx.guild.get_member(int(user_id)).display_name}"

        # Show list
        await ctx.send(message)
コード例 #10
    async def on_command_error(self, ctx: commands.Context, error: Any):
        Handles any errors thrown by the commands.
        :param ctx: The current context. (discord.ext.commands.Context)
        :param error: The current error. (Any)

        # Log the error

        # Notify user for MissingRequiredArgument errors
        if isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument):
            command_name = ctx.message.content.split(" ")[0]
            msg = translate("err_missing_parameter", await
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        # Notify user with general error
        msg = translate("err_unrecognized_command", await culture(ctx))
        await ctx.send(msg)
コード例 #11
ファイル: notify.py プロジェクト: bsiebens/nerdlandbot
    async def subscribe(self,
                        ctx: commands.Context,
                        list_name: typing.Optional[str] = None,
        If used with list_name, subscribes the user to that list if possible.
        If used without parameter it prints the existing lists, and allows users to subscribe by adding reactions.
        :param ctx: The current context (discord.ext.commands.Context)
        :param list_name: The list to subscribe to. (optional - str - default = None)

        if not user_id:
            user_id = ctx.author.id

        # Execute 'show_lists' if no parameter provided
        if not list_name:
            return await self.show_lists(ctx)

        # Make sure list is lowercase
        list_name = list_name.lower()

        guild_data = await get_guild_data(ctx.message.guild.id)

        # Error if list does not exist
        if not guild_data.does_list_exist(list_name):
            msg = translate("list_err_does_not_exit", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        # Subscribe user and error if failed
        if not await guild_data.sub_user(list_name, user_id):
            msg = translate("list_err_already_subscribed", await
                            culture(ctx)).format(str(user_id), list_name)
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        # Subscription successful, show result to user
        msg = translate("list_subscribed", await
                        culture(ctx)).format(str(user_id), list_name)
        await ctx.send(msg)
コード例 #12
ファイル: notify.py プロジェクト: bsiebens/nerdlandbot
    async def remove_list(self, ctx: commands.Context, list_name: str):
        Removes the given list.
        :param ctx: The current contest. (discord.ext.commands.Context)
        :param list_name: The list to be removed. (str)

        guild_data = await get_guild_data(ctx.message.guild.id)

        # Error if not admin
        if not guild_data.user_is_admin(ctx.author):
            gif = translate("not_admin_gif", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(gif)

        # Make sure the list name is lowercase
        list_name = list_name.lower()

        # Error if list does not exist
        if not guild_data.does_list_exist(list_name):
            msg = translate("list_err_does_not_exit", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        # Ask user confirmation
        msg = translate("confirmation_question", await culture(ctx))
        confirmation_ref = await ctx.send(msg)
        await confirmation_ref.add_reaction(thumbs_up)
        await confirmation_ref.add_reaction(thumbs_down)

        # Handle user reaction
            reaction, user = await ctx.bot.wait_for(
                check=lambda emoji, author: emoji.message.id ==
                confirmation_ref.id and author == ctx.message.author,

            # Process emoji
            if reaction.emoji == thumbs_up:
                await guild_data.remove_notification_list(list_name)
                msg = translate("remove_list_success", await
                await ctx.send(msg)

            elif reaction.emoji == thumbs_down:
                msg = translate("remove_list_cancel", await
                await ctx.send(msg)

            # Delete message
            await confirmation_ref.delete()

        # Handle Timeout
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            await confirmation_ref.delete()
            msg = translate("snooze_lose", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(msg)
コード例 #13
ファイル: help.py プロジェクト: bsiebens/nerdlandbot
async def send_embed(ctx: commands.Context, embed: discord.Embed):
    Send embed to the current context
    :param ctx: The current context. (discord.ext.commands.Context)
    :param embed: the embed to send back to the current context. (discord.Embed)
    if len(embed) > 0:
        return await ctx.channel.send(embed=embed)

    # if we reach here, the embed is empty and we show an error
    name = empty
    value = translate("help_err_not_recognized", await
    embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=False)
    await ctx.channel.send(ctx, embed)
コード例 #14
ファイル: help.py プロジェクト: bsiebens/nerdlandbot
async def build_commands_message(cog: commands.Cog,
                                 current_culture: str) -> str:
    Builds the help info for a certain cog
    :param cog: The requested cog. (discord.ext.commands.Cog)
    :param current_culture: The culture in which the help should be generated (str)
    :return: The help info for the given cog (str)

    message = {}
    for command in cog.get_commands():
        if command.hidden:

        if command.brief is None:
            message[command.name] = translate(command.help, current_culture)
            message[command.name] = translate(command.brief, current_culture)

    strings = []
    for name in sorted(message):
        strings.append("*{0}*\n \u2003 {1}\n".format(name, message[name]))

    return ' '.join(strings)
コード例 #15
ファイル: help.py プロジェクト: bsiebens/nerdlandbot
async def general_help(ctx: commands.Context):
    Builds and sends the general help info to the current context.
    :param ctx: The current context. (discord.ext.commands.Context)
    embed = discord.Embed()

    for cog_name in ctx.bot.cogs:
        content = await build_commands_message(ctx.bot.get_cog(cog_name), await

        if len(content) == 0:

        title = build_title(cog_name)
        embed.add_field(name=title, value=content, inline=False)

    extra_info_command = translate("help_info_command", await
    extra_info_category = translate("help_info_category", await
    extra_info = f'{extra_info_command}\n{extra_info_category}'
    embed.add_field(name=empty, value=extra_info, inline=False)
    await send_embed(ctx, embed)
コード例 #16
ファイル: help.py プロジェクト: bsiebens/nerdlandbot
async def subject_help(ctx: commands.Context, cog_name: str):
    Builds and sends the help info for the given cog to the current context.
    :param ctx: The current context. (discord.ext.commands.Context)
    :param cog_name: The subject to request help on. (str)
    embed = discord.Embed()
    cog = ctx.bot.get_cog(cog_name)
    content = await build_commands_message(cog, await culture(ctx))

    # add subject title
    title = f'**{cog_name}**\n'
    embed.add_field(name=title, value=content, inline=False)

    # add extra info
    extra_info = translate("help_info_command", await
    embed.add_field(name=empty, value=extra_info, inline=False)

    await send_embed(ctx, embed)
コード例 #17
ファイル: onmemberjoin.py プロジェクト: bsiebens/nerdlandbot
    async def on_member_join(self, member: discord.Member):
        This function is executed on every member_join event, and logs a message if a certain threshold is passed.
        :param member: The member that just joined. (discord.Member)
        # Fetch server
        guild = member.guild

        # Get member count
        member_count = len(guild.members)

        # Return if count is no multiple of threshold
        if member_count % member_notification_trigger != 0:

        # Send message to dedicated channel
        channel = discord.utils.get(guild.channels, name=notification_channel_name)
        culture = (await get_guild_data(member.guild.id)).culture
        msg = translate("member_join_count", culture).format(member.guild, member_count)
        await channel.send(msg)
コード例 #18
    async def count(self, ctx, channel_name=None):
        Count the members in a given channel, the members in the current server, or the online members in the current server.
        :param ctx: The current context. (discord.ext.commands.Context)
        :param channel_name: The name of the channel to count, 'online' to count online members, or nothing to count the entire server. (optional - str - default = None)
        if channel_name == "online":
            online_member_count = count_online_members(ctx)
            msg = translate("membercount_online_result", await culture(ctx)).format(online_member_count)
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        if not channel_name:
            msg = translate("membercount_server_result", await culture(ctx)).format(len(ctx.guild.members),
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        # Sanitize channel name
        channel_name = parse_channel(channel_name)

        # Retrieve channel
        channel = discord.utils.get(ctx.channel.guild.channels, name=channel_name)

        if channel is None:
            msg = translate("membercount_channel_nonexistant", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        if len(channel.members) < 1:
            msg = translate("membercount_empty_channel", await culture(ctx)).format(channel.id)
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        if len(channel.members) == 1:
            msg = translate("membercount_single_person", await culture(ctx)).format(channel.id)
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        msg = translate("membercount_channel_result", await culture(ctx)).format(len(channel.members), channel.id)
        await ctx.send(msg)
コード例 #19
    async def remove_admin(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        Remove a bot admin.
        :param ctx: The current context. (discord.ext.commands.Context)

        guild_data = await get_guild_data(ctx.guild.id)

        # Error if not admin
        if not guild_data.user_is_admin(ctx.author):
            gif = translate("not_admin_gif", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(gif)

        # Error if the command had no mention
        if not ctx.message.mentions:
            err = translate("mention_required", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(err)

        # Fetch user data
        user_id_to_remove = ctx.message.mentions[0].id
        user_to_remove = ctx.guild.get_member(int(user_id_to_remove))
        user_name_to_remove = user_to_remove.display_name

        # Error if the user is not a bot admin
        if user_id_to_remove not in guild_data.bot_admins:
            err = translate("bot_admin_error_not_admin", await
            return await ctx.send(err)

        # User is trying to revoke his own rights
        if ctx.author.id == user_id_to_remove:
            # Ask confirmation
            confirmation_text = translate("bot_admin_confirm_remove_self",
                                          await culture(ctx))
            confirmation_ref = await ctx.send(confirmation_text)
            await confirmation_ref.add_reaction(thumbs_up)
            await confirmation_ref.add_reaction(thumbs_down)

            # Handle user reaction
                reaction, user = await ctx.bot.wait_for(
                    check=lambda new_reaction, author: new_reaction.message.id
                    == confirmation_ref.id and author == ctx.message.author,

                # Process thumbs up
                if reaction.emoji == thumbs_up:
                    await guild_data.remove_admin(user_id_to_remove)
                    msg = translate("bot_admin_remove_success", await
                    return await ctx.send(msg)

                # Process thumbs down
                if reaction.emoji == thumbs_down:
                    msg = translate("bot_admin_remove_cancel", await
                    return await ctx.send(msg)

                # If we reach here, an invalid emoji was used
                await confirmation_ref.delete()

                # Handle timeout
            except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                await confirmation_ref.delete()
                msg = translate("snooze_lose", await culture(ctx))
                return await ctx.send(msg)

        # Authorized user wants to remove another bot admin
        # Ask confirmation
        confirmation_text = translate("bot_admin_confirm_remove", await
        confirmation_ref = await ctx.send(confirmation_text)
        await confirmation_ref.add_reaction(thumbs_up)
        await confirmation_ref.add_reaction(thumbs_down)

        # Handle user reaction
            reaction, user = await ctx.bot.wait_for(
                check=lambda new_reaction, author: new_reaction.message.id ==
                confirmation_ref.id and author == ctx.message.author,

            # Process thumbs up
            if reaction.emoji == thumbs_up:
                await guild_data.remove_admin(user_id_to_remove)
                msg = translate("bot_admin_remove_success", await
                return await ctx.send(msg)

            # Process thumbs down
            elif reaction.emoji == thumbs_down:
                msg = translate("bot_admin_remove_cancel", await
                return await ctx.send(msg)

            # If we reach here, an invalid emoji was used
            await confirmation_ref.delete()

        # Handle timeout
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            await confirmation_ref.delete()
            msg = translate("snooze_lose", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(msg)
コード例 #20
ファイル: notify.py プロジェクト: bsiebens/nerdlandbot
    async def add_list(self, ctx: commands.Context, list_name: str):
        Adds a new notification list with the given name.
        :param ctx: The current context. (discord.ext.commands.Context)
        :param list_name: The name to be used for the list. (str)

        guild_data = await get_guild_data(ctx.message.guild.id)

        # Error if not admin
        if not guild_data.user_is_admin(ctx.author):
            gif = translate("not_admin_gif", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(gif)

        # Make sure the list name is lowercase
        list_name = list_name.lower()

        # Error if list already exists
        if guild_data.does_list_exist(list_name):
            msg = translate("list_already_exists", await
            return await ctx.send(msg)

        # Request emoji from user
        msg = await ctx.send("What emoji do you want to use for " + list_name +
                             " ?")

        # Handle user reaction
            reaction, user = await ctx.bot.wait_for(
                check=lambda emoji, author: emoji.message.id == msg.id and
                author == ctx.message.author,

            # Process emoji
            if reaction.custom_emoji:
                    reaction_emoji = reaction.emoji.id
                    emoji_to_print = get_custom_emoji(ctx, reaction_emoji)
                    custom_emoji = True
                except AttributeError:
                    msg = translate("unknown_emoji", await culture(ctx))
                    return await ctx.send(msg)
                reaction_emoji = reaction.emoji
                emoji_to_print = str(reaction_emoji)
                custom_emoji = False

            # Error if emoji is being used already on this server
            for data in guild_data.notification_lists.values():
                if reaction_emoji == data["emoji"]:
                    msg = translate("emoji_already_in_use", await culture(ctx))
                    return await ctx.send(msg)

            # Add list to GuildData
            await guild_data.add_notification_list(list_name, reaction_emoji,

            # Show success message to user
            await ctx.send("The list `" + list_name +
                           "` is saved with the emoji " + emoji_to_print)

        # Handle timeout
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            await msg.delete()
            msg = translate("snooze_lose", await culture(ctx))
            return await ctx.send(msg)