def scenario_offline_beta(self, *classes): options = [(t[0], float(t[1])) for t in (s.split(":") for s in classes)] for class_, offline_beta in options: if class_ == self.__class: self.__offline_beta = offline_beta dprint("choosing offline beta ", self.__offline_beta)
def on_votecast(self, messages): if self.integrate_with_tribler: votelist = [] for message in messages: if __debug__: dprint(message) dispersy_id = message.packet_id channel_id = getattr(message, "channel_id", 0) authentication_member = message.authentication.member if authentication_member == self._my_member: peer_id = None #if channel_id is not found, then this is a manual join #insert placeholder into database which will be replaced after channelmessage has been received if not channel_id: select_channel = "SELECT id FROM _Channels WHERE dispersy_cid = ?" channel_id = self._channelcast_db._db.fetchone(select_channel, (buffer(message.payload.cid),)) if not channel_id: insert_channel = "INSERT INTO _Channels (dispersy_cid, peer_id, name) VALUES (?, ?, ?); SELECT last_insert_rowid();" channel_id = self._channelcast_db._db.fetchone(insert_channel, (buffer(message.payload.cid), -1, '')) else: peer_id = self._peer_db.addOrGetPeerID(authentication_member.public_key) votelist.append((channel_id, peer_id, dispersy_id,, message.payload.timestamp)) if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, "AllChannelCommunity: got votecast message" self._votecast_db.on_votes_from_dispersy(votelist) # this might be a response to a dispersy-missing-message self._dispersy.handle_missing_messages(messages, MissingMessageCache)
def set(self, origin): """ """ assert isinstance(origin, float) assert self._origin <= origin difference = int((origin - self._origin) / CYCLE_SIZE) if __debug__: dprint("difference ", difference, " (", origin - self._origin, "s)") if difference: self._origin = origin # shift self._bits <<= difference # remove now obsolete bits self._bits &= (2**self._size - 1) # set last bit ACTIVE self._bits |= 1 return True else: if self._bits & 1: return False else: self._bits |= 1 return True
def _observation(self, candidate, member, now, update_record=True): if not isinstance(candidate, BootstrapCandidate): # try cache history = self._observations.get(member.database_id) if not history: # fetch from database try: timestamp, bytes_ = next(self._database.execute(u"SELECT timestamp, effort FROM observation WHERE member = ?", (member.database_id,))) except StopIteration: # first observation: create new history history = EffortHistory(now) else: history = EffortHistory(str(bytes_), float(timestamp)) # store in cache self._observations[member.database_id] = history if len(self._observations) > self._observations_length: key, value = self._observations.popitem(False) self._database.execute(u"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO observation (member, timestamp, effort) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (key, value.origin, buffer(value.bytes))) if update_record: changed = history.set(now) if changed: self.try_adding_to_slope(candidate, member, history) if __debug__: dprint("c", int(now / CYCLE_SIZE), " ", candidate) return history
def dispersy_cleanup_community(self, message): if __debug__: dprint() self._has_been_killed = True # remove all data from the local database self._database.cleanup() # re-classify to prevent loading return super(EffortCommunity, self).dispersy_cleanup_community(message)
def scenario_online_beta(self, *classes): options = [(t[0], float(t[1])) for t in (s.split(":") for s in classes)] for class_, online_beta in options: if class_ == self.__class: self.__online_beta = online_beta break dprint("choosing online beta ", self.__online_beta)
def unload_community(self): if __debug__: dprint() super(EffortCommunity, self).unload_community() # unsubscribe from events. 22/03/13 Boudewijn: Dispersy is not allowed to call swift # because it may cause database locks if people incorrectly keep the session locked. temp_thread = Callback() temp_thread.register(self._swift.set_subscribe_channel_close, ("ALL", False, self.i2ithread_channel_close)) temp_thread.register(temp_thread.stop) temp_thread.start("Temporary-EffortCommunity") # cancel outstanding pings for ping_candidate in self._slope.itervalues(): self._dispersy.callback.unregister(ping_candidate.callback_id) self._slope = {} # store all cached observations self._database.executemany(u"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO observation (member, timestamp, effort) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", [(database_id, history.origin, buffer(history.bytes)) for database_id, history in self._observations.iteritems()]) # update all up and download values self.download_state_callback([], closing=True) # store all cached bandwidth guesses self._database.executemany(u"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO bandwidth_guess (ip, member, timestamp, upload, download) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", [(unicode(ip), guess.member.database_id if guess.member else 0, guess.timestamp, int(guess.upload), int( for ip, guess in self._bandwidth_guesses.iteritems()])
def on_torrent_collect_request(self, messages): if __debug__: dprint(len(messages)) candidates = [message.candidate for message in messages] identifiers = [message.payload.identifier for message in messages] self._create_pingpong(u"torrent-collect-response", candidates, identifiers) self.on_torrent_collect_response(messages, verifyRequest = False)
def scenario_classes(self, *classes): options = [(t[0], float(t[1])) for t in (s.split(":") for s in classes)] value = random() * sum(weight for _, weight in options) for class_, weight in options: value -= weight if value <= 0.0: self.__class = class_ break dprint("choosing class ", self.__class)
def _get_channel_community(self, cid): assert isinstance(cid, str) assert len(cid) == 20 try: return self._dispersy.get_community(cid, True) except KeyError: if __debug__: dprint("join preview community ", cid.encode("HEX")) return PreviewChannelCommunity.join_community(DummyMember(cid), self._my_member, self.integrate_with_tribler)
def _channel_close(self, roothash_hex, address, raw_bytes_up, raw_bytes_down, cooked_bytes_up, cooked_bytes_down): assert self._dispersy.callback.is_current_thread, "Must be called on the dispersy.callback thread" dprint("swift channel close ", address[0], ":", address[1], " with +", cooked_bytes_up, " -", cooked_bytes_down, force=1) guess = self._get_bandwidth_guess_from_ip(address[0]) guess.upload += cooked_bytes_up / 1024.0 += cooked_bytes_down / 1024.0 guess.tmp_upload = 0.0 guess.tmp_download = 0.0
def set_online(self): """ Restore on_incoming_packets and _send functions of dispersy back to normal. This simulates a node coming online, since it's able to send and receive messages. """ dprint("Going online") self._dispersy.on_incoming_packets = self.original_on_incoming_packets self._dispersy._send = self.original_send
def create_effort_record(self, second_member, history, forward=True): """ Create a dispersy-signature-request that encapsulates an effort-record. """ if __debug__: dprint(second_member.mid.encode("HEX"), " = ", bin(history.long)) meta = self.get_meta_message(u"effort-record") record = meta.impl(authentication=([self._my_member, second_member],), distribution=(self.claim_global_time(),), payload=(history.origin, 0.0, history)) return self.create_dispersy_signature_request(record, self.on_signature_response, forward=forward)
def on_introduction_request(self, messages): try: return self._original_on_introduction_request(messages) finally: now = time() for message in messages: if not isinstance(message.candidate, BootstrapCandidate): for member in message.candidate.get_members(self): history = self._get_or_create_history(member, now) changed = history.set(now) if __debug__: dprint("introduction-request from ", message.candidate, " - ", bin(history.long))
def unload_preview(self): while True: yield 60.0 cleanpoint = time() - 300 inactive = [community for community in self.dispersy._communities.itervalues() if isinstance(community, PreviewChannelCommunity) and community.init_timestamp < cleanpoint] if __debug__: dprint("cleaning ", len(inactive), "/", len(self.dispersy._communities), " previewchannel communities") for community in inactive: community.unload_community()
def _watchdog(self): while True: try: yield 60.0 # flush changes to disk every 1 minutes self._database.commit() except GeneratorExit: bz2log("effort.log", "unload") if __debug__: dprint("shutdown") self._database.commit() break
def set_offline(self): """ Replace on_incoming_packets and _sends functions of dispersy with dummies This simulates a node going offline, since it's not able to send or receive any messages """ def dummy_function(*params): return dprint("Going offline") self._dispersy.on_incoming_packets = dummy_function self._dispersy._send = dummy_function
def on_signature_response(self, old_message, new_message, changed): """ A dispersy-signature-response has been received. Return True or False to either accept or decline the message. """ if __debug__: dprint(new_message) if new_message: if old_message.meta == new_message.meta: return True, True, False return False, False, False
def on_signature_response(self, message, request, retry): """ Handle a newly created double signed message or a timeout while signing When request for signing times out I just return. When I receive the signature for the message that I created then I send it to myself and then store and forward it to others of the community """ if __debug__: dprint(message) if message: assert == u"barter-record" assert message.authentication.is_signed if __debug__: dprint(message) # store, update, and forward to the community self._dispersy.store_update_forward([message], True, True, self.barter_forward_record_on_creation) log("dispersy.log", "created-barter-record") # TODO: maybe move to barter.log elif retry < 5: # signature timeout # retry if __debug__: log("barter.log", "barter-community-signature-request-timeout", retry=retry) dprint("Signature request timeout. Retry!") self.create_dispersy_signature_request(request, self.on_signature_response, (request, retry + 1)) else: # close the transfer if __debug__: log("barter.log", "barter-community-signature-request-timeout", retry=retry) dprint("Signature request timeout")
def allow_signature_request(self, message): """ Decide whether to reply or not to a signature request Currently I always sign for testing proposes """ assert == u"barter-record" assert not message.authentication.is_signed if __debug__: dprint(message) is_signed, other_member = message.authentication.signed_members[0] if other_member == self._my_member: if __debug__: dprint("refuse signature: we should be the first signer", level="warning") return False if not is_signed: if __debug__: dprint("refuse signature: the other member did not sign it", level="warning") return False my_member = message.authentication.members[1] if not my_member == self._my_member: if __debug__: dprint("refuse signature: we should be the second signer") return False # todo: decide if we want to use add our signature to this # record if True: # recalculate the limits of what we want to upload to member.authentication.members[0] return True # we will not add our signature return False
def join_community(self, my_member): self.my_member = my_member master_key = "3081a7301006072a8648ce3d020106052b81040027038192000403cbbfd2dfb67a7db66c88988df56f93fa6e7f982f9a6a0fa8898492c8b8cae23e10b159ace60b7047012082a5aa4c6e221d7e58107bb550436d57e046c11ab4f51f0ab18fa8f58d0346cc12d1cc2b61fc86fe5ed192309152e11e3f02489e30c7c971dd989e1ce5030ea0fb77d5220a92cceb567cbc94bc39ba246a42e215b55e9315b543ddeff0209e916f77c0d747".decode("HEX") master = Member.get_instance(master_key) assert my_member.public_key assert my_member.private_key assert master.public_key assert not master.private_key dprint("-master- ", master.database_id, " ", id(master), " ", master.mid.encode("HEX"), force=1) dprint("-my member- ", my_member.database_id, " ", id(my_member), " ", my_member.mid.encode("HEX"), force=1) return AllChannelCommunity.join_community(master, my_member, my_member, integrate_with_tribler = False)
def on_introduction_response(self, messages): try: return self._original_on_introduction_response(messages) finally: now = time() for message in messages: if not isinstance(message.candidate, BootstrapCandidate): for member in message.candidate.get_members(self): history = self._get_or_create_history(member, now) changed = history.set(now) if __debug__: dprint("introduction-response from ", message.candidate, " - ", bin(history.long)) if changed: if __debug__: dprint("changed! (", member.mid.encode("HEX"), ", ", bin(self._histories[member].long), ")") self.create_effort_record(member, history)
def on_barter_record(self, messages): """ I handle received barter records I create or update a row in my database """ if __debug__: dprint("storing ", len(messages), " records") execute = self._database.execute for message in messages: if __debug__: log("dispersy.log", "handled-barter-record") # TODO: maybe move to barter.log # check if there is already a record about this pair try: first_member, second_member, global_time = \ execute(u"SELECT first_member, second_member, global_time FROM \ record WHERE (first_member = ? AND second_member = ?) OR \ (first_member = ? AND second_member = ?)", (message.authentication.members[0].database_id, message.authentication.members[1].database_id, message.authentication.members[1].database_id, message.authentication.members[0].database_id)).next() except StopIteration: global_time = -1 first_member = message.authentication.members[0].database_id second_member = message.authentication.members[1].database_id if global_time >= message.distribution.global_time: # ignore the message if __debug__: dprint("Ignoring older message") else: self._database.execute(u"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO \ record(community, global_time, first_member, second_member, \ upload_first_member, upload_second_member) \ VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (self._database_id, message.distribution.global_time, first_member, second_member, message.payload.first_upload, message.payload.second_upload)) if __debug__: peer1_id = self._peer_ids.get(message.authentication.members[0].public_key, -1) peer2_id = self._peer_ids.get(message.authentication.members[1].public_key, -1) peer1_upload = message.payload.first_upload peer2_upload = message.payload.second_upload if peer1_id > peer2_id: peer1_id, peer2_id = peer2_id, peer1_id peer1_upload, peer2_upload = peer2_upload, peer1_upload log("barter.log", "barter-record", first=peer1_id, second=peer2_id, first_upload=peer1_upload, second_upload=peer2_upload)
def _get_or_create_history(self, member, now): if __debug__: if member in self._histories: dprint("member in histories (", member.mid.encode("HEX"), ", ", bin(self._histories[member].long), ")") else: dprint("member NOT in histories") try: return self._histories[member] except KeyError: try: timestamp, bytes_ = self._database.execute(u"SELECT timestamp, effort FROM observation WHERE community = ? AND member = ?", (self._database_id, member.database_id)).next() except StopIteration: self._histories[member] = history = EffortHistory(8*64, now) else: self._histories[member] = history = EffortHistory(bytes_, len(bytes) * 8, float(timestamp)) return history
def unload_community(self): if __debug__: dprint() super(EffortCommunity, self).unload_community() # cancel outstanding pings for ping_candidate in self._slope.itervalues(): self._dispersy.callback.unregister(ping_candidate.callback_id) self._slope = {} # store all cached observations self._database.executemany(u"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO observation (member, timestamp, effort) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", [(database_id, history.origin, buffer(history.bytes)) for database_id, history in self._observations.iteritems()]) # update all up and download values self.download_state_callback([]) # store all cached bandwidth guesses self._database.executemany(u"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO bandwidth_guess (ip, member, timestamp, upload, download) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", [(unicode(ip), guess.member.database_id if guess.member else 0, guess.timestamp, int(guess.upload), int( for ip, guess in self._bandwidth_guesses.iteritems()])
def check_votecast(self, messages): with self._dispersy.database: communities = {} for cid in set([message.payload.cid for message in messages]): channel_id = self._get_channel_id(cid) if not channel_id: communities[cid] = self._get_channel_community(message.payload.cid) for message in messages: if __debug__: dprint(message) community = communities.get(message.payload.cid) if community: yield DelayMessageReqChannelMessage(message, community, includeSnapshot = > 0) #request torrents if positive vote else: yield message # ensure that no commits occur raise IgnoreCommits()
def download_state_callback(self, states): assert self._dispersy.callback.is_current_thread, "Must be called on the dispersy.callback thread" assert isinstance(states, list) timestamp = int(time()) # get all swift downloads that have peers active = dict((state.get_download().get_def().get_id(), state) for state in states if state.get_download().get_def().get_def_type() == "swift" and state.get_peerlist()) # get global up and download for swift for state in active.itervalues(): stats = state.stats["stats"] self._swift_raw_bytes_up = stats.rawUpTotal self._swift_raw_bytes_down = stats.rawDownTotal # OLD is used to determine stopped downloads and peers that left. NEW will become the next OLD old = self._download_states new = self._download_states = dict() # find downloads that stopped for identifier in set(old.iterkeys()).difference(set(active.iterkeys())): for ip, (up, down) in old[identifier].iteritems(): if __debug__: dprint(identifier.encode("HEX"), "] ", ip, " +", up, " +", down) guess = self._get_bandwidth_guess_from_ip(ip) guess.timestamp = timestamp guess.upload += up += down for identifier, state in active.iteritems(): if identifier in old: # find peers that left for ip in set(old[identifier]).difference(set(peer["ip"] for peer in state.get_peerlist())): up, down = old[identifier][ip] if __debug__: dprint(identifier.encode("HEX"), "] ", ip, " +", up, " +", down) guess = self._get_bandwidth_guess_from_ip(ip) guess.timestamp = timestamp guess.upload += up += down # set OLD for the next call to DOWNLOAD_STATE_CALLBACK new[identifier] = dict((peer["ip"], (peer["utotal"], peer["dtotal"])) for peer in state.get_peerlist() if peer["utotal"] > 0.0 or peer["dtotal"] > 0.0)
def on_effort_record(self, messages): def ordering(message): # print "RAW_RECORD_IN", message.packet.encode("HEX") # print \ # "RECORD_IN", \ # bin(message.payload.history.long), \ # message.distribution.global_time, \ # int(message.payload.history.origin / CYCLE_SIZE), \ # message.payload.first_timestamp, \ # message.payload.second_timestamp, \ # message.authentication.members[0].mid.encode("HEX"), \ # message.authentication.members[1].mid.encode("HEX") if message.authentication.members[0].database_id < message.authentication.members[1].database_id: return (message.packet_id, message.distribution.global_time, message.authentication.members[0].database_id, message.authentication.members[1].database_id, int(message.payload.first_timestamp), int(message.payload.second_timestamp), buffer(message.payload.history.bytes), message.payload.first_up, message.payload.first_down, message.payload.second_up, message.payload.second_down) else: return (message.packet_id, message.distribution.global_time, message.authentication.members[1].database_id, message.authentication.members[0].database_id, int(message.payload.second_timestamp), int(message.payload.first_timestamp), buffer(message.payload.history.bytes), message.payload.first_up, message.payload.first_down, message.payload.second_up, message.payload.second_down) if __debug__: dprint("storing ", len(messages), " effort records") self._database.executemany(u"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO record (sync, global_time, first_member, second_member, first_timestamp, second_timestamp, effort, first_upload, first_download, second_upload, second_download) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ,?, ?, ?, ?)", (ordering(message) for message in messages))
def create_effort_record(self, second_member, history): """ Create a dispersy-signature-request that encapsulates an effort-record. """ if __debug__: dprint("asking ", second_member.mid.encode("HEX"), " to sign ", bin(history.long)) guess = self._try_bandwidth_guess_from_member(second_member) if guess: first_up = int(guess.upload) first_down = int( else: first_up = 0 first_down = 0 self._statistic_outgoing_signature_request += 1 meta = self.get_meta_message(u"effort-record") record = meta.impl(authentication=([self._my_member, second_member],), distribution=(self.claim_global_time(),), payload=(history.origin, history.origin, history, first_up, first_down, 0, 0), sign=False) return self.create_dispersy_signature_request(record, self.on_signature_response)
def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): super(WalktestCommunity, self).__init__(*args, **kargs) if __debug__: dprint("cid: ", self.cid.encode("HEX"), force=1) dprint("mid: ", self.my_member.mid.encode("HEX"), force=1) try: hostname = open("/etc/hostname", "r").readline().strip() except: hostname = "unknown" bz2log("walktest.log", "load", mid=self.my_member.mid, hostname=hostname, **self._default_log()) # redirect introduction-response timeout self._origional__introduction_response_timeout = self._dispersy.introduction_response_timeout self._dispersy.introduction_response_timeout = self._replacement__introduction_response_timeout
def create_effort_record(self, second_member, history): """ Create a dispersy-signature-request that encapsulates an effort-record. """ if __debug__: dprint("asking ", second_member.mid.encode("HEX"), " to sign ", bin(history.long)) guess = self._try_bandwidth_guess_from_member(second_member) if guess: first_up = int(guess.upload + guess.tmp_upload) first_down = int( + guess.tmp_download) else: first_up = 0 first_down = 0 self._statistic_outgoing_signature_request += 1 meta = self.get_meta_message(u"effort-record") record = meta.impl(authentication=([self._my_member, second_member],), distribution=(self.claim_global_time(),), payload=(history.origin, history.origin, history, first_up, first_down, 0, 0), sign=False) return self.create_dispersy_signature_request(record, self.on_signature_response)
def on_signature_response(self, cache, new_message, changed): """ A dispersy-signature-response has been received. Return True or False to either accept or decline the message. """ if __debug__: dprint(new_message) # TODO: we should ensure that new_message is correct (i.e. all checks made above) if new_message: self._statistic_outgoing_signature_request_success += 1 self._observation(new_message.candidate, cache.members[0], time()) assert cache.request.payload.message.meta == new_message.meta return True else: self._statistic_outgoing_signature_request_timeout += 1 self.remove_from_slope(cache.members[0]) return False
def on_torrent_collect_response(self, messages, verifyRequest = True): if __debug__: dprint(len(messages)) toInsert = {} toCollect = {} toPopularity = {} for message in messages: if verifyRequest: pong_request = self._dispersy.request_cache.pop(message.payload.identifier, SearchCommunity.PingRequestCache) if __debug__: dprint("pop", pong_request.helper_candidate if pong_request else " (unknown)") else: if __debug__: dprint("no-pop") pong_request = True if pong_request and message.payload.hashtype == SWIFT_INFOHASHES: for roothash, infohash, seeders, leechers, ago in message.payload.torrents: toInsert[infohash] = [infohash, roothash] toPopularity[infohash] = [seeders, leechers, time() - (ago * 60)] toCollect.setdefault(infohash, []).append(message.candidate) if len(toInsert) > 0: self._torrent_db.on_torrent_collect_response(toInsert.values()) hashes = [hash_ for hash_ in toCollect.keys() if hash_] if hashes: hashesToCollect = self._torrent_db.selectSwiftTorrentsToCollect(hashes) for infohash, roothash in hashesToCollect[:5]: for candidate in toCollect[infohash]: if DEBUG: from Tribler.Core.CacheDB.sqlitecachedb import bin2str print >> sys.stderr, "SearchCommunity: requesting .torrent after receiving ping/pong ", candidate, bin2str(infohash), bin2str(roothash) self._rtorrent_handler.download_torrent(candidate, infohash, roothash, prio = LOW_PRIO_COLLECTING, timeout = CANDIDATE_WALK_LIFETIME)
def allow_signature_request(self, message): """ A dispersy-signature-request has been received. Return None or a Message.Implementation. """ assert == u"effort-record" assert not message.authentication.is_signed if __debug__: dprint(message) _, first_member = message.authentication.signed_members[0] _, second_member = message.authentication.signed_members[1] global_time = message.distribution.global_time if message.distribution.global_time <= self.global_time else self.claim_global_time() if first_member == self._my_member: local_history = self._get_or_create_history(second_member, time()) first_timestamp = local_history.origin second_timestamp = message.payload.second_timestamp else: assert second_member == self._my_member local_history = self._get_or_create_history(first_member, time()) first_timestamp = message.payload.first_timestamp second_timestamp = local_history.origin if __debug__: dprint("time diff:", abs(first_timestamp - second_timestamp), "; bits diff:", local_history.long ^ message.payload.history.long) # TODO shift history and origin for a match history = EffortHistory(local_history.long & message.payload.history.long, local_history.size, local_history.origin) bz2log("effort.log", "diff", local=bin(history.long), remote=bin(message.payload.history.long), propose=bin(history.long), time_diff=int(abs(first_timestamp - second_timestamp))) # return the modified effort-record we propose meta = self.get_meta_message(u"effort-record") return meta.impl(authentication=([first_member, second_member],), distribution=(global_time,), payload=(first_timestamp, second_timestamp, history))
def check_votecast(self, messages): with self._dispersy.database: communities = {} for cid in set([message.payload.cid for message in messages]): channel_id = self._get_channel_id(cid) if not channel_id: communities[cid] = self._get_channel_community( message.payload.cid) for message in messages: if __debug__: dprint(message) community = communities.get(message.payload.cid) if community: yield DelayMessageReqChannelMessage( message, community, > 0) #request torrents if positive vote else: yield message # ensure that no commits occur raise IgnoreCommits()