コード例 #1

                response = responses[responsePtBin][igroom]
                response.Fill( mjet, mjetGen, weight )

                etaMax = ak7Reco[0].Rapidity()
                if abs(ak7Reco[0].Rapidity()) < abs(ak7Reco[1].Rapidity()) :
                    etaMax = abs(ak7Reco[1].Rapidity())

                # Now fake the trigger
                if igroom == 0 :
                    mjjForTrig = mjj
                passTrig = trigHelper.passEventMC( event, ptAvg ) 

                # To pass the event, the faked trigger and the gen product
                # must both pass.
                passEvent = passTrig and passGen
                if not passEvent :

                # Finally fill histograms.
                response0 = ak7Reco[0].Perp() / ak7GenMatched[0].Perp()
                mjjResponse = mjj / mjjGen
コード例 #2
                mjetGen = (ak7GenMatched[0].M() + ak7GenMatched[1].M()) * 0.5

                response = responses[responsePtBin][igroom]
                response.Fill( mjet, mjetGen )

                etaMax = ak7Reco[0].Rapidity()
                if abs(ak7Reco[0].Rapidity()) < abs(ak7Reco[1].Rapidity()) :
                    etaMax = abs(ak7Reco[1].Rapidity())

                # Now fake the trigger
                if igroom == 0 :
                    mjjForTrig = mjj
                passTrig = trigHelper.passEventMC( event, mjjForTrig, etaMax ) 

                # To pass the event, the faked trigger and the gen product
                # must both pass.
                passEvent = passTrig and passGen
                if not passEvent :

                # Finally fill histograms.
                response0 = ak7Reco[0].Perp() / ak7GenMatched[0].Perp()
                mjjResponse = mjj / mjjGen