コード例 #1
 def reflash(self, wavList):
     """Reflash the sound flash memory.
     @param wavList: wave file path list.
     if self.__parent.server.getClientLevel() not in [
         raise TuxAPIExceptionCL, self.__parent.server.getClientLevel()
     if not checkValue(wavList, "list"):
     if len(wavList) <= 0:
     tracks = ""
     for wav in wavList:
         if not checkValue(wav, "str"):
         tracks = "%s%s|" % (tracks, wav)
     tracks = tracks[:-1]
     cmd = "sound_flash/reflash?tracks=%s" % tracks
     if not self.__cmdSimpleResult(cmd):
         if self.__eventHandlers.waitCondition(ST_NAME_SOUND_REFLASH_END,
                                               (SSV_NDEF, None), 5.0):
                                                (None, None), 150.0)
         value, delay = self.__parent.status.requestOne(
         return value
コード例 #2
 def playAsync(self, track, volume=100.0):
     """Play a sound from the internal memory.
     @param track: index of the sound.
     @param volume: volume (0.0 .. 100.0)
     @return: the success of the command.
     if not checkValue(track, "int"):
         return False
     if not checkValue(volume, "float", 0.0, 100.0):
         return False
     cmd = "sound_flash/play?track=%d&volume=%f" % (track, volume)
     return self.__cmdSimpleResult(cmd)
コード例 #3
    def connect(self, level, name, passwd):
        """Attempt to connect to the server.
        @param level: requested level of the client.
        @param name: name of the client.
        @param passwd: password of the client.
        @return: the success of the connection.
        # If already connected - Success
        if self.getConnected():
            return True
        # If client level is invalid - Failed
        if level not in CLIENT_LEVELS:
            return False
        self.__clientLevel = level
        # If client level is ANONYME - Success
        if level == CLIENT_LEVEL_ANONYME:
            cmdUrl = "0/"
            return True
        # Check name and passw type
        if not checkValue(name, 'str'):
            return False
        if not checkValue(passwd, 'str'):
            return False
        # Make command
        cmd = "client/create?level=%d&name=%s&passwd=%s" % (level, name,
        varStruct = {
            'client_id': 'data0.client_id',
        varResult = {}
        # Request
        if not self.request(cmd, varStruct, varResult, forceExec=True):
            return False
        # Check client_id
        if varResult['client_id'] in ['-1', None]:
            return False
        # Ok !!!
        self.__clientName = name
        self.__clientPasswd = passwd
        cmdUrl = "%s/" % varResult['client_id']
        print "TuxAPI is connected."

        return True
コード例 #4
 def send(self, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4):
     if not checkValue(b0, "int"):
         return False
     if not checkValue(b1, "int"):
         return False
     if not checkValue(b2, "int"):
         return False
     if not checkValue(b3, "int"):
         return False
     if not checkValue(b4, "int"):
         return False
     cmd = "macro/play?macro=0.0:RAW_CMD:0x%.2x:0x%.2x:0x%.2x:0x%.2x:0x%.2x" % (
                 b0, b1, b2, b3, b4)
     return self.__cmdSimpleResult(cmd)
コード例 #5
 def setPitch(self, value):
     """Set the pitch of the locutor.
     @param value: pitch (50 .. 200)
     if not checkValue(value, 'int', 50, 200):
     self.__pitch = value
コード例 #6
 def setLocutor(self, value):
     """Set the locutor.
     @param value: name of the locutor.
     if not checkValue(value, 'str'):
     self.__locutor = value
コード例 #7
 def onAsync(self, count, finalState=SSV_NDEF):
     """Move this body part.
     @param count: number of movements.
     @param finalState: requested state after the movement.
     @return: the success of the command.
     if not checkValue(count, "int"):
         return False
     if not checkValue(finalState, "str"):
         return False
     if finalState not in SSV_MOUTHEYES_POSITIONS:
         return False
     cmd = "%s/on?count=%d&final_state=%s" % (self.__partName, count,
     return self.__cmdSimpleResult(cmd)
コード例 #8
 def onDuringAsync(self, duration, finalState=SSV_NDEF):
     """Move this body part during a number of seconds.
     @param duration: duration time in seconds.
     @param finalState: requested state after the movement.
     @return: the success of the command.
     if not checkValue(duration, "float"):
         return False
     if not checkValue(finalState, "str"):
         return False
     if finalState not in SSV_MOUTHEYES_POSITIONS:
         return False
     cmd = "%s/on_during?duration=%f&final_state=%s" % (
         self.__partName, duration, finalState)
     return self.__cmdSimpleResult(cmd)
コード例 #9
 def play(self, begin = 0.0):
     """Play the loaded attitune.
     @param begin: starting second.
     @return: the success of the command.
     if not checkValue(begin, "float"):
         return False
     cmd = "attitune/play?begin=%f" % begin
     return self.__cmdSimpleResult(cmd)
コード例 #10
 def speakAsync(self, text, locutor=None, pitch=None):
     """Read a text with the text to speak engine.
     @param text: text to speak.
     @param locutor: name of the locutor.
     @param pitch: pitch (50 .. 200)
     @return: the success of the command.
     # Check the text var type
     if not checkValue(text, 'str'):
         return False
     # Set the locutor
     if locutor != None:
     cmd = "tts/locutor?name=%s" % self.__locutor
     ret = self.__cmdSimpleResult(cmd)
     if not ret:
         return False
     # Set the pitch
     if pitch != None:
     cmd = "tts/pitch?value=%d" % self.__pitch
     ret = self.__cmdSimpleResult(cmd)
     if not ret:
         return False
     # Try to encode the string
         text = text.decode(self.__encoding)
         text = text.encode("utf-8", 'replace')
     # Remove ending lines
     text = text.replace("\n", ".")
     # Perform the speech
     mText = urllib.urlencode({
         'text': text,
     cmd = "tts/speak?%s" % mText
     ret = self.__cmdSimpleResult(cmd)
     if not ret:
         return False
     if self.__parent.server.getClientLevel() == CLIENT_LEVEL_ANONYME:
         return ret
     # Wait the speak status
     ret = self.__eventHandlers.waitCondition(ST_NAME_SPEAK_STATUS,
                                              (None, None), 5.0)
     if not ret:
         return False
     # Get the speak status
     value, delay = self.__parent.status.requestOne(ST_NAME_SPEAK_STATUS)
     if value == "NoError":
         return True
         return False
コード例 #11
 def load(self, path):
     """Load an attitune file.
     @param path: path of the attitune file.
     @return: the success of the command.
     if not checkValue(path, "str"):
         return False
     path = urllib.urlencode({'path' : path, })
     cmd = "attitune/load?%s" % path
     return self.__cmdSimpleResult(cmd)
コード例 #12
 def wait(self, statusName, condition = None, timeout = 999999999.0):
     """Wait a specific state of a status.
     Not available for CLIENT_LEVEL_ANONYME level.
     @param statusName: name of the status.
     @param condition: list of the rules of the condition.
     @param timeout: maximal delay to wait.
     @return: the success of the waiting.
     if self.__parent.server.getClientLevel() == CLIENT_LEVEL_ANONYME:
         raise TuxAPIExceptionCL, self.__parent.server.getClientLevel()
     if not checkValue(statusName, "str"):
         return False
     if not checkValue(timeout, "float"):
         return False
     if condition != None:
         if not checkValue(condition, "tuple"):
             return False
     return self.__parent.event.handler.waitCondition(statusName, condition, timeout)
コード例 #13
 def send(self, statusName, statusValues, encoding = "latin-1"):
     """Send a status.
     @param statusName: name of the status.
     @param statusValues: values of the status as list.
     @param encoding: encoding format of the source.
         ( By example, the encoding must be set with sys.stdin.encoding if
           the status is sent from Tuxshell. The encoding must be set to 
           "utf-8" if the status is sent from a python script coded in utf-8)
     @return: the success of the command.
     if not checkValue(statusName, "str"):
         return False
     if not checkValue(statusValues, "list"):
         return False
     if len(statusValues) == 0:
         return False
     for statusValue in statusValues:
         if not checkValue(statusValue, "str"):
             return False
     valuesStr = ""
     for statusValue in statusValues:
         valuesStr += "%s|" % statusValue
     valuesStr = valuesStr[:-1]
         u = unicode(valuesStr, encoding)
         valuesStr = u.encode("latin-1", 'replace')
         u = statusName.decode(encoding)
         statusName = u.encode("latin-1", 'replace')
     pcmd = urllib.urlencode({'name' : statusName, 'value' : valuesStr,})
     cmd = "status/send?%s" % pcmd
     if self.__parent != None:
         # Request
         if self.__parent.server.request(cmd, {}, {}):
             return True
     return False
コード例 #14
 def on(self, count, finalState=SSV_NDEF):
     """Move this body part.
     @param count: number of movements.
     @param finalState: requested state after the movement.
     @return: the success of the command.
     if not checkValue(count, "int"):
         return False
     if not checkValue(finalState, "str"):
         return False
     if finalState not in SSV_MOUTHEYES_POSITIONS:
         return False
     timeout = count * 1.0
     ret = self.onAsync(count, finalState)
     if self.__parent.server.getClientLevel() == CLIENT_LEVEL_ANONYME:
         return ret
     if ret:
         ret = self.waitMovingOff(timeout)
     return ret
コード例 #15
 def onDuring(self, duration, finalState=SSV_NDEF):
     """Move this body part during a number of seconds.
     @param duration: duration time in seconds.
     @param finalState: requested state after the movement.
     @return: the success of the command.
     if not checkValue(duration, "float"):
         return False
     if not checkValue(finalState, "str"):
         return False
     if finalState not in SSV_MOUTHEYES_POSITIONS:
         return False
     timeout = 2.0 * duration
     ret = self.onDuringAsync(duration, finalState)
     if self.__parent.server.getClientLevel() == CLIENT_LEVEL_ANONYME:
         return ret
     if ret:
         ret = self.waitMovingOff(timeout)
     return ret
コード例 #16
 def setSpeed(self, speed):
     """Set the speed of rotation.
     @param speed: speed of the rotation.
     @return: the success of the command.
     if not checkValue(speed, "int"):
         return False
     speed = self.__checkSpeed(speed)
     cmd = "spinning/speed?value=%d" % speed
     return self.__cmdSimpleResult(cmd)
コード例 #17
 def onDuringAsync(self, duration, finalState = SSV_UP, speed = SPV_VERYFAST):
     """Move the flippers during a number of seconds.
     @param duration: duration time in seconds.
     @param finalState: requested state after the movement.
     @param speed: speed of the rotation.
     @return: the success of the command.
     if not checkValue(duration, "float"):
         return False
     if not checkValue(finalState, "str"):
         return False
     if finalState not in SSV_FLIPPERS_POSITIONS:
         return False
     cmd = "flippers/on_during?duration=%f&final_state=%s" % (duration, finalState)
     ret = self.__cmdSimpleResult(cmd)
     if ret:
         ret = self.setSpeed(speed)
     return ret
コード例 #18
 def onAsync(self, count, finalState = SSV_UP, speed = SPV_VERYFAST):
     """Move the flippers. (asynchronous)
     @param count: number of movements.
     @param finalState: requested state after the movement.
     @param speed: speed of the rotation.
     @return: the success of the command.
     if not checkValue(count, "int"):
         return False
     if not checkValue(finalState, "str"):
         return False
     if finalState not in SSV_FLIPPERS_POSITIONS:
         return False
     cmd = "flippers/on?count=%d&final_state=%s" % (count, finalState)
     ret = self.__cmdSimpleResult(cmd)
     if ret:
         ret = self.setSpeed(speed)
     return ret
コード例 #19
 def playAsync(self, waveFile, begin=0.0, end=0.0):
     """Play a wave file.
     @param waveFile: wave file to play.
     @param begin: start seconds.
     @param end: stop seconds.
     @return: the success of the command.
     if not checkValue(waveFile, 'str'):
         return False
     if not checkValue(begin, 'float'):
         return False
     if not checkValue(end, 'float'):
         return False
     params = urllib.urlencode({
         'path': waveFile,
         'begin': begin,
         'end': end
     cmd = "wav/play?%s" % params
     return self.__cmdSimpleResult(cmd)
コード例 #20
 def onDuring(self, duration, finalState = SSV_UP, speed = SPV_VERYFAST):
     """Move the flippers during a number of seconds.
     @param duration: duration time in seconds.
     @param finalState: requested state after the movement.
     @param speed: speed of the movement.
     @return: the success of the command.
     if not checkValue(duration, "float"):
         return False
     if not checkValue(finalState, "str"):
         return False
     if finalState not in SSV_FLIPPERS_POSITIONS:
         return False
     timeout = 2.0 * duration
     ret = self.onDuringAsync(duration, finalState, speed)
     if self.__parent.server.getClientLevel() == CLIENT_LEVEL_ANONYME:
         return ret
     if ret:
         ret = self.waitMovingOff(timeout)
     return ret
コード例 #21
 def on(self, count, finalState = SSV_UP, speed = SPV_VERYFAST):
     """Move the flippers.
     @param count: number of movements.
     @param finalState: requested state after the movement.
     @param speed: speed of the movement.
     @return: the success of the command.
     if not checkValue(count, "int"):
         return False
     if not checkValue(finalState, "str"):
         return False
     if finalState not in SSV_FLIPPERS_POSITIONS:
         return False
     timeout = count * 1.0
     ret = self.onAsync(count, finalState, speed)
     if self.__parent.server.getClientLevel() == CLIENT_LEVEL_ANONYME:
         return ret
     if ret:
         ret = self.waitMovingOff(timeout)
     return ret
コード例 #22
 def setPause(self, value=True):
     """Set the pause state of the wave player.
     @param value: True or False.
     @return: the success of the command.
     # Check the value var type
     if not checkValue(value, 'bool'):
         return False
     if value:
         pause = "True"
         pause = "False"
     cmd = "wav/pause?value=%s" % pause
     return self.__cmdSimpleResult(cmd)
コード例 #23
 def requestOne(self, statusName):
     """Get the value and delay of a status.
     if not checkValue(statusName, "str"):
         return None, None
     cmd = "status/request_one?status_name=%s" % statusName
     varStruct = {
         "value" : "data0.value",
         "delay" : "data0.delay",
     varResult = {}
     if self.__parent != None:
         # Request
         if self.__parent.server.request(cmd, varStruct, varResult):
             return varResult["value"], varResult["delay"]
     return None, None
コード例 #24
 def rightOnDuringAsync(self, duration, speed=SPV_VERYFAST):
     """Move the robot to the right during a number of seconds. 
     @param duration: duration of the rotation.
     @param speed: speed of the rotation.
     @return: the success of the command.
     if not checkValue(duration, "float"):
         return False
     cmd = "spinning/right_on_during?duration=%f" % duration
     ret = self.__cmdSimpleResult(cmd)
     if ret:
         ret = self.setSpeed(speed)
     return ret
コード例 #25
 def waitDisconnected(self, timeout):
     """Wait until the radio/dongle was disconnected.
     Not available for CLIENT_LEVEL_ANONYME level.
     @param timeout: maximal delay to wait.
     @return: the state of the wait result.
     if self.__parent.server.getClientLevel() == CLIENT_LEVEL_ANONYME:
         raise TuxAPIExceptionCL, self.__parent.server.getClientLevel()
     if not checkValue(timeout, "float"):
         return False
     if not self.getConnected():
         return True
     if self.__parent != None:
         return self.__eventHandler.waitCondition(("False", None), timeout)
     return False
コード例 #26
 def waitPressed(self, timeout):
     """Wait until the switch was pressed.
     Not available for CLIENT_LEVEL_ANONYME level.
     @param timeout: maximal delay to wait.
     @return: the state of the wait result.
     if self.__parent.server.getClientLevel() == CLIENT_LEVEL_ANONYME:
         raise TuxAPIExceptionCL, self.__parent.server.getClientLevel()
     if not checkValue(timeout, "float"):
         return False
     if self.getState():
         return True
     if self.__parent != None:
         return self.__eventHandlers.waitCondition(self.__switchStName,
                                                   ("True", None), timeout)
     return False
コード例 #27
 def waitReleased(self, timeout):
     """Wait until the remote was released.
     Not available for CLIENT_LEVEL_ANONYME level.
     @param timeout: maximal delay to wait.
     @return: the state of the wait result.
     if self.__parent.server.getClientLevel() == CLIENT_LEVEL_ANONYME:
         raise TuxAPIExceptionCL, self.__parent.server.getClientLevel()
     if not checkValue(timeout, "float"):
         return False
     if self.getState() == K_RELEASED:
         return True
     if self.__parent != None:
         return self.__eventHandlers.waitCondition(ST_NAME_REMOTE_BUTTON,
                                                   (K_RELEASED, None),
     return False
コード例 #28
 def waitConnected(self, timeout=99999999999.):
     """Wait until the client was connected to the server.
     Not available for CLIENT_LEVEL_ANONYME level.
     @param timeout: maximal delay to wait.
     @return: the state of the wait result.
     if self.getClientLevel() == CLIENT_LEVEL_ANONYME:
         raise TuxAPIExceptionCL, self.getClientLevel()
     if not checkValue(timeout, "float"):
         return False
     if self.getConnected():
         return True
     if self.__connectedEventHandler != None:
         return self.__connectedEventHandler.waitCondition(("True", None),
         return False
コード例 #29
 def rightOnAsync(self, turns, speed=SPV_VERYFAST):
     """Move the robot to the right. (asynchronous)
     @param turns: number of turns.
     @param speed: speed of the rotation.
     @return: the success of the command.
     if not checkValue(turns, "float"):
         return False
     count = int(turns * 4)
     if (count == 0):
         count = 1
     if (count > 255):
         count = 255
     cmd = "spinning/right_on?count=%d" % count
     ret = self.__cmdSimpleResult(cmd)
     if ret:
         ret = self.setSpeed(speed)
     return ret
コード例 #30
    def speakPush(self, text):
        """Push a text in the TTS stack.
        @param text: text to speak.
        @return: the success of the command.
        # Check the text var type
        if not checkValue(text, 'str'):
            return False
        # Try to encode the string
            text = text.decode(self.__encoding)
            text = text.encode("utf-8", 'replace')
        # Remove ending lines
        text = text.replace("\n", ".")
        # Perform the speech
        mText = urllib.urlencode({
            'text': text,
        cmd = "tts/stack_speak?%s" % mText

        return self.__cmdSimpleResult(cmd)