def __init__(self, parent=None, f=0): """ UI Element property inspector made up of two QTreeViews """ QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = Ui_TrickplayInspector() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.refresh.setEnabled(False) # Ignore signals while updating elements internally self.preventChanges = False # Searches find multiple items with the same name #self.lastSearchedText = None #self.lastSearchedItem = None # Models self.inspectorModel = TrickplayElementModel(self) self.propertyModel = TrickplayPropertyModel() self.ui.inspector.setModel(self.inspectorModel) self.ui.lineEdit.setPlaceholderText("Search by GID or Name") self.setHeaders(self.inspectorModel, ['UI Element', 'Name']) self.setHeaders(self.propertyModel, ['Property', 'Value']) # QTreeView selectionChanged signal doesn't seem to work here... # Use the selection model instead QObject.connect( self.ui.inspector.selectionModel(), SIGNAL('selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)'), self.selectionChanged) # For changing checkboxes (visibility) QObject.connect( self.inspectorModel, SIGNAL("dataChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)"), self.inspectorDataChanged) # For changing UI Element properties QObject.connect( self.propertyModel, SIGNAL("dataChanged(const QModelIndex&,const QModelIndex&)"), self.propertyDataChanged) QObject.connect(self.ui.refresh, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.refresh) QObject.connect(, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.userSearch) QObject.connect(self.ui.lineEdit, SIGNAL('returnPressed()'), self.userSearch)
def __init__(self, parent = None, f = 0): """ UI Element property inspector made up of two QTreeViews """ QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = Ui_TrickplayInspector() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.refresh.setEnabled(False) # Ignore signals while updating elements internally self.preventChanges = False # Searches find multiple items with the same name #self.lastSearchedText = None #self.lastSearchedItem = None # Models self.inspectorModel = TrickplayElementModel(self) self.propertyModel = TrickplayPropertyModel() self.ui.inspector.setModel(self.inspectorModel) self.ui.lineEdit.setPlaceholderText("Search by GID or Name") self.setHeaders(self.inspectorModel, ['UI Element', 'Name']) self.setHeaders(self.propertyModel, ['Property', 'Value']) # QTreeView selectionChanged signal doesn't seem to work here... # Use the selection model instead QObject.connect(self.ui.inspector.selectionModel(), SIGNAL('selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)'), self.selectionChanged) # For changing checkboxes (visibility) QObject.connect(self.inspectorModel, SIGNAL("dataChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)"), self.inspectorDataChanged) # For changing UI Element properties QObject.connect(self.propertyModel, SIGNAL("dataChanged(const QModelIndex&,const QModelIndex&)"), self.propertyDataChanged) QObject.connect(self.ui.refresh, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.refresh) QObject.connect(, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.userSearch) QObject.connect(self.ui.lineEdit, SIGNAL('returnPressed()'), self.userSearch)
class TrickplayInspector(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None, f=0): """ UI Element property inspector made up of two QTreeViews """ QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = Ui_TrickplayInspector() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.refresh.setEnabled(False) # Ignore signals while updating elements internally self.preventChanges = False # Searches find multiple items with the same name #self.lastSearchedText = None #self.lastSearchedItem = None # Models self.inspectorModel = TrickplayElementModel(self) self.propertyModel = TrickplayPropertyModel() self.ui.inspector.setModel(self.inspectorModel) self.ui.lineEdit.setPlaceholderText("Search by GID or Name") self.setHeaders(self.inspectorModel, ['UI Element', 'Name']) self.setHeaders(self.propertyModel, ['Property', 'Value']) # QTreeView selectionChanged signal doesn't seem to work here... # Use the selection model instead QObject.connect( self.ui.inspector.selectionModel(), SIGNAL('selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)'), self.selectionChanged) # For changing checkboxes (visibility) QObject.connect( self.inspectorModel, SIGNAL("dataChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)"), self.inspectorDataChanged) # For changing UI Element properties QObject.connect( self.propertyModel, SIGNAL("dataChanged(const QModelIndex&,const QModelIndex&)"), self.propertyDataChanged) QObject.connect(self.ui.refresh, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.refresh) QObject.connect(, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.userSearch) QObject.connect(self.ui.lineEdit, SIGNAL('returnPressed()'), self.userSearch) def refresh(self): """ Fill the inspector with Trickplay UI element data """ self.preventChanges = True # Reselect gid of last item selected gid = None try: index = self.selected(self.ui.inspector) item = self.inspectorModel.itemFromIndex(index) gid = item['gid'] except: gid = 1 # Get all new data self.inspectorModel.empty() self.inspectorModel.fill() self.propertyModel.empty() self.preventChanges = False # Find the last item after getting new data so that # both trees reflect the changes result =, 'gid') if result: self.selectItem(result) def setHeaders(self, model, headers): """ Set headers for a given model """ model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(headers) def selected(self, view=None): """ Return the selected index from the view given or None """ view = view or self.ui.inspector try: i = view.selectionModel().selection() return i.indexes()[0] except: return None def userSearch(self): """ Perform a search and select the item found TODO: If search is pressed multiple times with the same string, then search for the next item matching the search """ text = self.ui.lineEdit.text() # Search by gid if possible, otherwise name property = None try: text = int(text) property = 'gid' except: property = 'name' #item = None #if self.lastSearchedText == text: # item = self.lastSearchedItem result =, property) if result: print('Found', result['gid'], result['name']) #self.lastSearchedText = text #self.lastSearchedItem = item self.selectItem(result) else: print('UI Element not found') def search(self, value, property, start=None): """ Search for a node by one of its properties """ return, value, start) def selectItem(self, item): """ Select a row of the inspector model (as the result of a search) """ topLeft = item.index() bottomRight = item.partner().index() self.ui.inspector.scrollTo(topLeft, 3) self.ui.inspector.selectionModel().select( QItemSelection(topLeft, bottomRight), QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent) # "selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)" def selectionChanged(self, selected, deselected): """ Re-populate the property view every time a new UI element is selected in the inspector view. """ print(selected, deselected) if not self.preventChanges: self.preventChanges = True index = self.selected(self.ui.inspector) item = self.inspectorModel.itemFromIndex(index) data = item.TPJSON() print "-----------" print data print "-----------" self.propertyModel.fill(data) self.preventChanges = False # "dataChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)" def inspectorDataChanged(self, topLeft, bottomRight): """ Change UI Element visibility using checkboxes """ if not self.preventChanges: self.preventChanges = True item = topLeft.model().itemFromIndex(topLeft) # Only nodes in the first column have checkboxes if 0 == item.column(): checkState = bool(item.checkState()) if self.sendData(item['gid'], 'is_visible', checkState): item['is_visible'] = checkState self.propertyModel.fill(item.TPJSON()) self.preventChanges = False # "dataChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)" def propertyDataChanged(self, topLeft, bottomRight): """ Change UI Element properties """ if not self.preventChanges: self.preventChanges = True model = topLeft.model() item = model.itemFromIndex(topLeft) gid = item['gid'] # For example, if changing { 'size' : { 'w' : 100 , 'h' : 200 } }, # then subtitle would be 'size' and title would be 'w' or 'h' title = model.title(item) subtitle = model.subtitle(item) value = model.prepareData(item) if self.sendData(gid, subtitle + title, value): model.updateData(item) else: model.revertData(item) print('Error >> Unable to send data to Trickplay') self.preventChanges = False def sendData(self, gid, property, value): """ Send changed properties to Trickplay device """ try: property, value = modelToData(property, value) except BadDataException, (e): print("Error >> Invalid data entered", e.value) return False print('Sending:', gid, property, value) return connection.send({'gid': gid, 'properties': {property: value}})
class TrickplayInspector(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent = None, f = 0): """ UI Element property inspector made up of two QTreeViews """ QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = Ui_TrickplayInspector() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.refresh.setEnabled(False) # Ignore signals while updating elements internally self.preventChanges = False # Searches find multiple items with the same name #self.lastSearchedText = None #self.lastSearchedItem = None # Models self.inspectorModel = TrickplayElementModel(self) self.propertyModel = TrickplayPropertyModel() self.ui.inspector.setModel(self.inspectorModel) self.ui.lineEdit.setPlaceholderText("Search by GID or Name") self.setHeaders(self.inspectorModel, ['UI Element', 'Name']) self.setHeaders(self.propertyModel, ['Property', 'Value']) # QTreeView selectionChanged signal doesn't seem to work here... # Use the selection model instead QObject.connect(self.ui.inspector.selectionModel(), SIGNAL('selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)'), self.selectionChanged) # For changing checkboxes (visibility) QObject.connect(self.inspectorModel, SIGNAL("dataChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)"), self.inspectorDataChanged) # For changing UI Element properties QObject.connect(self.propertyModel, SIGNAL("dataChanged(const QModelIndex&,const QModelIndex&)"), self.propertyDataChanged) QObject.connect(self.ui.refresh, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.refresh) QObject.connect(, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.userSearch) QObject.connect(self.ui.lineEdit, SIGNAL('returnPressed()'), self.userSearch) def refresh(self): """ Fill the inspector with Trickplay UI element data """ self.preventChanges = True # Reselect gid of last item selected gid = None try: index = self.selected(self.ui.inspector) item = self.inspectorModel.itemFromIndex(index) gid = item['gid'] except: gid = 1 # Get all new data self.inspectorModel.empty() self.inspectorModel.fill() self.propertyModel.empty() self.preventChanges = False # Find the last item after getting new data so that # both trees reflect the changes result =, 'gid') if result: self.selectItem(result) def setHeaders(self, model, headers): """ Set headers for a given model """ model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(headers) def selected(self, view = None): """ Return the selected index from the view given or None """ view = view or self.ui.inspector try: i = view.selectionModel().selection() return i.indexes()[0] except: return None def userSearch(self): """ Perform a search and select the item found TODO: If search is pressed multiple times with the same string, then search for the next item matching the search """ text = self.ui.lineEdit.text() # Search by gid if possible, otherwise name property = None try: text = int(text) property = 'gid' except: property = 'name' #item = None #if self.lastSearchedText == text: # item = self.lastSearchedItem result =, property) if result: print('Found', result['gid'], result['name']) #self.lastSearchedText = text #self.lastSearchedItem = item self.selectItem(result) else: print('UI Element not found') def search(self, value, property, start = None): """ Search for a node by one of its properties """ return, value, start) def selectItem(self, item): """ Select a row of the inspector model (as the result of a search) """ topLeft = item.index() bottomRight = item.partner().index() self.ui.inspector.scrollTo(topLeft, 3) self.ui.inspector.selectionModel().select( QItemSelection(topLeft, bottomRight), QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent) # "selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)" def selectionChanged(self, selected, deselected): """ Re-populate the property view every time a new UI element is selected in the inspector view. """ print (selected, deselected) if not self.preventChanges: self.preventChanges = True index = self.selected(self.ui.inspector) item = self.inspectorModel.itemFromIndex(index) data = item.TPJSON() print "-----------" print data print "-----------" self.propertyModel.fill(data) self.preventChanges = False # "dataChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)" def inspectorDataChanged(self, topLeft, bottomRight): """ Change UI Element visibility using checkboxes """ if not self.preventChanges: self.preventChanges = True item = topLeft.model().itemFromIndex(topLeft) # Only nodes in the first column have checkboxes if 0 == item.column(): checkState = bool(item.checkState()) if self.sendData(item['gid'], 'is_visible', checkState): item['is_visible'] = checkState self.propertyModel.fill(item.TPJSON()) self.preventChanges = False # "dataChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)" def propertyDataChanged(self, topLeft, bottomRight): """ Change UI Element properties """ if not self.preventChanges: self.preventChanges = True model = topLeft.model() item = model.itemFromIndex(topLeft) gid = item['gid'] # For example, if changing { 'size' : { 'w' : 100 , 'h' : 200 } }, # then subtitle would be 'size' and title would be 'w' or 'h' title = model.title(item) subtitle = model.subtitle(item) value = model.prepareData(item) if self.sendData(gid, subtitle + title, value): model.updateData(item) else: model.revertData(item) print('Error >> Unable to send data to Trickplay') self.preventChanges = False def sendData(self, gid, property, value): """ Send changed properties to Trickplay device """ try: property, value = modelToData(property, value) except BadDataException, (e): print("Error >> Invalid data entered", e.value) return False print('Sending:', gid, property, value) return connection.send({'gid': gid, 'properties' : {property : value}})