class Application: ## Init method # # \param name \type{string} The name of the application. # \param version \type{string} Version, formatted as major.minor.rev # \param build_type Additional version info on the type of build this is, such as "master". # \param is_debug_mode Whether to run in debug mode. def __init__(self, name: str, version: str, api_version: str, app_display_name: str = "", build_type: str = "", is_debug_mode: bool = False, **kwargs) -> None: if Application.__instance is not None: raise RuntimeError("Try to create singleton '%s' more than once" % self.__class__.__name__) Application.__instance = self super().__init__() # Call super to make multiple inheritance work. self._api_version = Version(api_version) # type: Version self._app_name = name #type: str self._app_display_name = app_display_name if app_display_name else name # type: str self._version = version #type: str self._build_type = build_type #type: str self._is_debug_mode = is_debug_mode #type: bool self._is_headless = False #type: bool self._use_external_backend = False #type: bool self._config_lock_filename = "{name}.lock".format( name=self._app_name) # type: str self._cli_args = None #type: argparse.Namespace self._cli_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog=self._app_name, add_help=False) #type: argparse.ArgumentParser self._main_thread = threading.current_thread() #type: threading.Thread self.default_theme = self._app_name #type: str # Default theme is the application name self._default_language = "en_US" #type: str self.change_log_url = "" # Where to find a more detailed description of the recent updates. self._preferences_filename = None #type: str self._preferences = None #type: Preferences self._extensions = [] #type: List[Extension] self._required_plugins = [] #type: List[str] self._package_manager_class = PackageManager # type: type self._package_manager = None # type: PackageManager self._plugin_registry = None #type: PluginRegistry self._container_registry_class = ContainerRegistry #type: type self._container_registry = None #type: ContainerRegistry self._global_container_stack = None #type: ContainerStack self._controller = None #type: Controller self._backend = None #type: Backend self._output_device_manager = None #type: OutputDeviceManager self._operation_stack = None #type: OperationStack self._visible_messages = [] #type: List[Message] self._message_lock = threading.Lock() #type: threading.Lock self._app_install_dir = self.getInstallPrefix() #type: str def getAPIVersion(self) -> "Version": return self._api_version # Adds the command line options that can be parsed by the command line parser. # Can be overridden to add additional command line options to the parser. def addCommandLineOptions(self) -> None: self._cli_parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s version: {0}".format( self._version)) self._cli_parser.add_argument( "--external-backend", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Use an externally started backend instead of starting it automatically. This is a debug feature to make it possible to run the engine with debug options enabled." ) self._cli_parser.add_argument('--headless', action='store_true', default=False, help="Hides all GUI elements.") self._cli_parser.add_argument( "--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="Turn on the debug mode by setting this option.") def parseCliOptions(self) -> None: self._cli_args = self._cli_parser.parse_args() self._is_headless = self._cli_args.headless self._is_debug_mode = self._cli_args.debug or self._is_debug_mode self._use_external_backend = self._cli_args.external_backend # Performs initialization that must be done before start. def initialize(self) -> None: # For Ubuntu Unity this makes Qt use its own menu bar rather than pass it on to Unity. os.putenv("UBUNTU_MENUPROXY", "0") # Custom signal handling Signal._app = self Signal._signalQueue = self # Initialize Resources. Set the application name and version here because we can only know the actual info # after the __init__() has been called. Resources.ApplicationIdentifier = self._app_name Resources.ApplicationVersion = self._version Resources.addSearchPath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "resources")) Resources.addSearchPath( os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "share", "uranium", "resources")) Resources.addSearchPath( os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "Resources", "uranium", "resources")) Resources.addSearchPath( os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "Resources", self._app_name, "resources")) if not hasattr(sys, "frozen"): Resources.addSearchPath( os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "..", "resources")) i18nCatalog.setApplication(self) PluginRegistry.addType("backend", self.setBackend) PluginRegistry.addType("logger", Logger.addLogger) PluginRegistry.addType("extension", self.addExtension) self._preferences = Preferences() self._preferences.addPreference("general/language", self._default_language) self._preferences.addPreference("general/visible_settings", "") self._preferences.addPreference("general/plugins_to_remove", "") self._preferences.addPreference("general/disabled_plugins", "") self._controller = Controller(self) self._output_device_manager = OutputDeviceManager() self._operation_stack = OperationStack( self._controller) # type: OperationStack self._plugin_registry = PluginRegistry(self) #type: PluginRegistry self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation( os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "lib", "uranium")) self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation( os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "lib64", "uranium")) self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation( os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "lib32", "uranium")) self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "plugins")) self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation( os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "Resources", "uranium", "plugins")) self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation( os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "Resources", self._app_name, "plugins")) # Locally installed plugins local_path = os.path.join( Resources.getStoragePath(Resources.Resources), "plugins") # Ensure the local plugins directory exists try: os.makedirs(local_path) except OSError: pass self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation(local_path) if not hasattr(sys, "frozen"): self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation( os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "..", "plugins")) self._container_registry = self._container_registry_class(self) UM.Settings.InstanceContainer.setContainerRegistry( self._container_registry) UM.Settings.ContainerStack.setContainerRegistry( self._container_registry) # Initialize the package manager to remove and install scheduled packages. self._package_manager = self._package_manager_class(self) self.showMessageSignal.connect(self.showMessage) self.hideMessageSignal.connect(self.hideMessage) def startSplashWindowPhase(self) -> None: pass def startPostSplashWindowPhase(self) -> None: pass ## Run the main event loop. # This method should be re-implemented by subclasses to start the main event loop. # \exception NotImplementedError def run(self): self.addCommandLineOptions() self.parseCliOptions() self.initialize() self.startSplashWindowPhase() self.startPostSplashWindowPhase() def getContainerRegistry(self): return self._container_registry ## Get the lock filename def getApplicationLockFilename(self) -> str: return self._config_lock_filename ## Emitted when the application window was closed and we need to shut down the application applicationShuttingDown = Signal() showMessageSignal = Signal() hideMessageSignal = Signal() globalContainerStackChanged = Signal() workspaceLoaded = Signal() def setGlobalContainerStack(self, stack: "ContainerStack") -> None: if self._global_container_stack != stack: self._global_container_stack = stack self.globalContainerStackChanged.emit() def getGlobalContainerStack(self) -> Optional["ContainerStack"]: return self._global_container_stack def hideMessage(self, message: Message) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def showMessage(self, message: Message) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def showToastMessage(self, title: str, message: str) -> None: raise NotImplementedError ## Get the version of the application def getVersion(self) -> str: return self._version ## Get the build type of the application def getBuildType(self) -> str: return self._build_type def getIsDebugMode(self) -> bool: return self._is_debug_mode def getIsHeadLess(self) -> bool: return self._is_headless def getUseExternalBackend(self) -> bool: return self._use_external_backend visibleMessageAdded = Signal() ## Hide message by ID (as provided by built-in id function) def hideMessageById(self, message_id: int) -> None: # If a user and the application tries to close same message dialog simultaneously, message_id could become an empty # string, and then the application will raise an error when trying to do "int(message_id)". # So we check the message_id here. if not message_id: return found_message = None with self._message_lock: for message in self._visible_messages: if id(message) == int(message_id): found_message = message if found_message is not None: self.hideMessageSignal.emit(found_message) visibleMessageRemoved = Signal() ## Get list of all visible messages def getVisibleMessages(self) -> List[Message]: with self._message_lock: return self._visible_messages ## Function that needs to be overridden by child classes with a list of plugins it needs. def _loadPlugins(self) -> None: pass ## Get name of the application. # \returns app_name \type{string} def getApplicationName(self) -> str: return self._app_name def getApplicationDisplayName(self) -> str: return self._app_display_name ## Get the preferences. # \return preferences \type{Preferences} def getPreferences(self) -> Preferences: return self._preferences def savePreferences(self) -> None: if self._preferences_filename: self._preferences.writeToFile(self._preferences_filename) else: Logger.log("i", "Preferences filename not set. Unable to save file.") ## Get the currently used IETF language tag. # The returned tag is during runtime used to translate strings. # \returns Language tag. def getApplicationLanguage(self) -> str: language = os.getenv("URANIUM_LANGUAGE") if not language: language = self._preferences.getValue("general/language") if not language: language = os.getenv("LANGUAGE") if not language: language = self._default_language return language ## Application has a list of plugins that it *must* have. If it does not have these, it cannot function. # These plugins can not be disabled in any way. def getRequiredPlugins(self) -> List[str]: return self._required_plugins ## Set the plugins that the application *must* have in order to function. # \param plugin_names \type{list} List of strings with the names of the required plugins def setRequiredPlugins(self, plugin_names: List[str]) -> None: self._required_plugins = plugin_names ## Set the backend of the application (the program that does the heavy lifting). def setBackend(self, backend: "Backend") -> None: self._backend = backend ## Get the backend of the application (the program that does the heavy lifting). # \returns Backend \type{Backend} def getBackend(self) -> "Backend": return self._backend ## Get the PluginRegistry of this application. # \returns PluginRegistry \type{PluginRegistry} def getPluginRegistry(self) -> PluginRegistry: return self._plugin_registry ## Get the Controller of this application. # \returns Controller \type{Controller} def getController(self) -> Controller: return self._controller def getOperationStack(self) -> OperationStack: return self._operation_stack def getOutputDeviceManager(self) -> OutputDeviceManager: return self._output_device_manager ## Return an application-specific Renderer object. # \exception NotImplementedError def getRenderer(self) -> Renderer: raise NotImplementedError( "getRenderer must be implemented by subclasses.") ## Post a function event onto the event loop. # # This takes a CallFunctionEvent object and puts it into the actual event loop. # \exception NotImplementedError def functionEvent(self, event: CallFunctionEvent) -> None: raise NotImplementedError( "functionEvent must be implemented by subclasses.") ## Call a function the next time the event loop runs. # # You can't get the result of this function directly. It won't block. # \param function The function to call. # \param args The positional arguments to pass to the function. # \param kwargs The keyword arguments to pass to the function. def callLater(self, func: Callable[..., Any], *args, **kwargs) -> None: event = CallFunctionEvent(func, args, kwargs) self.functionEvent(event) ## Get the application's main thread. def getMainThread(self) -> threading.Thread: return self._main_thread def addExtension(self, extension: "Extension") -> None: self._extensions.append(extension) def getExtensions(self) -> List["Extension"]: return self._extensions @staticmethod def getInstallPrefix() -> str: if "python" in os.path.basename(sys.executable): return os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "..")) else: return os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "..")) __instance = None # type: Application @classmethod def getInstance(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> "Application": return cls.__instance
class Application: """Central object responsible for running the main event loop and creating other central objects. The Application object is a central object for accessing other important objects. It is also responsible for starting the main event loop. It is passed on to plugins so it can be easily used to access objects required for those plugins. """ def __init__(self, name: str, version: str, api_version: str, app_display_name: str = "", build_type: str = "", is_debug_mode: bool = False, **kwargs) -> None: """Init method :param name: :type{string} The name of the application. :param version: :type{string} Version, formatted as major.minor.rev :param build_type: Additional version info on the type of build this is, such as "master". :param is_debug_mode: Whether to run in debug mode. """ if Application.__instance is not None: raise RuntimeError("Try to create singleton '%s' more than once" % self.__class__.__name__) super().__init__() # Call super to make multiple inheritance work. Application.__instance = self self._api_version = Version(api_version) # type: Version self._app_name = name # type: str self._app_display_name = app_display_name if app_display_name else name # type: str self._version = version # type: str self._build_type = build_type # type: str self._is_debug_mode = is_debug_mode # type: bool self._is_headless = False # type: bool self._use_external_backend = False # type: bool self._just_updated_from_old_version = False # type: bool self._config_lock_filename = "{name}.lock".format( name=self._app_name) # type: str self._cli_args = None # type: argparse.Namespace self._cli_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog=self._app_name, add_help=False) # type: argparse.ArgumentParser self._main_thread = threading.current_thread( ) # type: threading.Thread self.default_theme = self._app_name # type: str # Default theme is the application name self._default_language = "en_US" # type: str self.change_log_url: str = "" # Where to find a more detailed description of the recent updates. self.beta_change_log_url: str = "" # Where to find a more detailed description of proposed updates. self._preferences_filename = None # type: str self._preferences = None # type: Preferences self._extensions = [] # type: List[Extension] self._file_providers = [] # type: List[FileProvider] self._required_plugins = [] # type: List[str] self._package_manager_class = PackageManager # type: type self._package_manager = None # type: PackageManager self._plugin_registry = None # type: PluginRegistry self._container_registry_class = ContainerRegistry # type: type self._container_registry = None # type: ContainerRegistry self._global_container_stack = None # type: Optional[ContainerStack] self._file_provider_model = FileProviderModel( application=self) # type: Optional[FileProviderModel] self._controller = None # type: Controller self._backend = None # type: Backend self._output_device_manager = None # type: OutputDeviceManager self._operation_stack = None # type: OperationStack self._visible_messages = [] # type: List[Message] self._message_lock = threading.Lock() # type: threading.Lock self._app_install_dir = self.getInstallPrefix() # type: str # Intended for keeping plugin workspace metadata that is going to be saved in and retrieved from workspace files. # When the workspace is stored, all workspace readers will need to ensure that the workspace metadata is correctly # stored to the output file. The same also holds when loading a workspace; the existing data will be cleared # and replaced with the data recovered from the file (if any). self._workspace_metadata_storage = WorkspaceMetadataStorage( ) # type: WorkspaceMetadataStorage # Intended for keeping plugin workspace information that is only temporary. The information added in this structure # is NOT saved to and retrieved from workspace files. self._current_workspace_information = WorkspaceMetadataStorage( ) # type: WorkspaceMetadataStorage def getAPIVersion(self) -> "Version": return self._api_version def getWorkspaceMetadataStorage(self) -> WorkspaceMetadataStorage: return self._workspace_metadata_storage def getCurrentWorkspaceInformation(self) -> WorkspaceMetadataStorage: return self._current_workspace_information # Adds the command line options that can be parsed by the command line parser. # Can be overridden to add additional command line options to the parser. def addCommandLineOptions(self) -> None: self._cli_parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s version: {0}".format( self._version)) self._cli_parser.add_argument( "--external-backend", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Use an externally started backend instead of starting it automatically. This is a debug feature to make it possible to run the engine with debug options enabled." ) self._cli_parser.add_argument('--headless', action='store_true', default=False, help="Hides all GUI elements.") self._cli_parser.add_argument( "--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="Turn on the debug mode by setting this option.") def parseCliOptions(self) -> None: self._cli_args = self._cli_parser.parse_args() self._is_headless = self._cli_args.headless self._is_debug_mode = self._cli_args.debug or self._is_debug_mode self._use_external_backend = self._cli_args.external_backend # Performs initialization that must be done before start. def initialize(self) -> None: Logger.log("d", "Initializing %s", self._app_display_name) Logger.log("d", "App Version %s", self._version) Logger.log("d", "Api Version %s", self._api_version) Logger.log("d", "Build type %s", self._build_type or "None") # For Ubuntu Unity this makes Qt use its own menu bar rather than pass it on to Unity. os.putenv("UBUNTU_MENUPROXY", "0") # Custom signal handling Signal._app = self Signal._signalQueue = self # Initialize Resources. Set the application name and version here because we can only know the actual info # after the __init__() has been called. Resources.ApplicationIdentifier = self._app_name Resources.ApplicationVersion = self._version app_root = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable))) Resources.addSecureSearchPath( os.path.join(app_root, "share", "uranium", "resources")) Resources.addSecureSearchPath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "resources")) Resources.addSecureSearchPath( os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "share", "uranium", "resources")) Resources.addSecureSearchPath( os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "Resources", "uranium", "resources")) Resources.addSecureSearchPath( os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "Resources", self._app_name, "resources")) if not hasattr(sys, "frozen"): Resources.addSearchPath( os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "..", "resources")) # local Conan cache Resources.addSearchPath( os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "..", "..", "resources")) Resources.addSearchPath( os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "..", "..", "plugins")) # venv site-packages Resources.addSearchPath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "..", "share", "uranium", "resources")) i18nCatalog.setApplication(self) PluginRegistry.addType("backend", self.setBackend) PluginRegistry.addType("logger", Logger.addLogger) PluginRegistry.addType("extension", self.addExtension) PluginRegistry.addType("file_provider", self.addFileProvider) self._preferences = Preferences() self._preferences.addPreference("general/language", self._default_language) self._preferences.addPreference("general/visible_settings", "") self._preferences.addPreference("general/plugins_to_remove", "") self._preferences.addPreference("general/disabled_plugins", "") self._controller = Controller(self) self._output_device_manager = OutputDeviceManager() self._operation_stack = OperationStack(self._controller) self._plugin_registry = PluginRegistry(self) self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation( os.path.join(app_root, "share", "uranium", "plugins")) self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation( os.path.join(app_root, "share", "cura", "plugins")) self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation( os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "lib", "uranium")) self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation( os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "lib64", "uranium")) self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation( os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "lib32", "uranium")) self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "plugins")) self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation( os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "Resources", "uranium", "plugins")) self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation( os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "Resources", self._app_name, "plugins")) # Locally installed plugins local_path = os.path.join( Resources.getStoragePath(Resources.Resources), "plugins") # Ensure the local plugins directory exists try: os.makedirs(local_path) except OSError: pass self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation(local_path) if not hasattr(sys, "frozen"): self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation( os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "..", "plugins")) self._container_registry = self._container_registry_class(self) UM.Settings.InstanceContainer.setContainerRegistry( self._container_registry) UM.Settings.ContainerStack.setContainerRegistry( self._container_registry) self.showMessageSignal.connect(self.showMessage) self.hideMessageSignal.connect(self.hideMessage) def startSplashWindowPhase(self) -> None: pass def startPostSplashWindowPhase(self) -> None: pass # Indicates if we have just updated from an older application version. def hasJustUpdatedFromOldVersion(self) -> bool: return self._just_updated_from_old_version def run(self): """Run the main event loop. This method should be re-implemented by subclasses to start the main event loop. :exception NotImplementedError: """ self.addCommandLineOptions() self.parseCliOptions() self.initialize() self.startSplashWindowPhase() self.startPostSplashWindowPhase() def getContainerRegistry(self) -> ContainerRegistry: return self._container_registry def getApplicationLockFilename(self) -> str: """Get the lock filename""" return self._config_lock_filename applicationShuttingDown = Signal() """Emitted when the application window was closed and we need to shut down the application""" showMessageSignal = Signal() hideMessageSignal = Signal() globalContainerStackChanged = Signal() workspaceLoaded = Signal() def setGlobalContainerStack(self, stack: Optional["ContainerStack"]) -> None: if self._global_container_stack != stack: self._global_container_stack = stack self.globalContainerStackChanged.emit() def getGlobalContainerStack(self) -> Optional["ContainerStack"]: return self._global_container_stack def hideMessage(self, message: Message) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def showMessage(self, message: Message) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def showToastMessage(self, title: str, message: str) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def getVersion(self) -> str: """Get the version of the application""" return self._version def getBuildType(self) -> str: """Get the build type of the application""" return self._build_type def getIsDebugMode(self) -> bool: return self._is_debug_mode def getIsHeadLess(self) -> bool: return self._is_headless def getUseExternalBackend(self) -> bool: return self._use_external_backend visibleMessageAdded = Signal() def hideMessageById(self, message_id: int) -> None: """Hide message by ID (as provided by built-in id function)""" # If a user and the application tries to close same message dialog simultaneously, message_id could become an empty # string, and then the application will raise an error when trying to do "int(message_id)". # So we check the message_id here. if not message_id: return found_message = None with self._message_lock: for message in self._visible_messages: if id(message) == int(message_id): found_message = message if found_message is not None: self.hideMessageSignal.emit(found_message) visibleMessageRemoved = Signal() def getVisibleMessages(self) -> List[Message]: """Get list of all visible messages""" with self._message_lock: return self._visible_messages def _loadPlugins(self) -> None: """Function that needs to be overridden by child classes with a list of plugins it needs.""" pass def getApplicationName(self) -> str: """Get name of the application. :returns: app_name """ return self._app_name def getApplicationDisplayName(self) -> str: return self._app_display_name def getPreferences(self) -> Preferences: """Get the preferences. :return: preferences """ return self._preferences def savePreferences(self) -> None: if self._preferences_filename: self._preferences.writeToFile(self._preferences_filename) else: Logger.log("i", "Preferences filename not set. Unable to save file.") def getApplicationLanguage(self) -> str: """Get the currently used IETF language tag. The returned tag is during runtime used to translate strings. :returns: Language tag. """ language = os.getenv("URANIUM_LANGUAGE") if not language: language = self._preferences.getValue("general/language") if not language: language = os.getenv("LANGUAGE") if not language: language = self._default_language return language def getRequiredPlugins(self) -> List[str]: """Application has a list of plugins that it *must* have. If it does not have these, it cannot function. These plugins can not be disabled in any way. """ return self._required_plugins def setRequiredPlugins(self, plugin_names: List[str]) -> None: """Set the plugins that the application *must* have in order to function. :param plugin_names: List of strings with the names of the required plugins """ self._required_plugins = plugin_names def setBackend(self, backend: "Backend") -> None: """Set the backend of the application (the program that does the heavy lifting).""" self._backend = backend def getBackend(self) -> "Backend": """Get the backend of the application (the program that does the heavy lifting). :returns: Backend """ return self._backend def getPluginRegistry(self) -> PluginRegistry: """Get the PluginRegistry of this application. :returns: PluginRegistry """ return self._plugin_registry def getController(self) -> Controller: """Get the Controller of this application. :returns: Controller """ return self._controller def getOperationStack(self) -> OperationStack: return self._operation_stack def getOutputDeviceManager(self) -> OutputDeviceManager: return self._output_device_manager def getRenderer(self) -> Renderer: """Return an application-specific Renderer object. :exception NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError( "getRenderer must be implemented by subclasses.") def functionEvent(self, event: CallFunctionEvent) -> None: """Post a function event onto the event loop. This takes a CallFunctionEvent object and puts it into the actual event loop. :exception NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError( "functionEvent must be implemented by subclasses.") def callLater(self, func: Callable[..., Any], *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Call a function the next time the event loop runs. You can't get the result of this function directly. It won't block. :param func: The function to call. :param args: The positional arguments to pass to the function. :param kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass to the function. """ event = CallFunctionEvent(func, args, kwargs) self.functionEvent(event) def getMainThread(self) -> threading.Thread: """Get the application's main thread.""" return self._main_thread def addExtension(self, extension: "Extension") -> None: self._extensions.append(extension) def getExtensions(self) -> List["Extension"]: return self._extensions def addFileProvider(self, file_provider: "FileProvider") -> None: self._file_providers.append(file_provider) def getFileProviders(self) -> List["FileProvider"]: return self._file_providers # Returns the path to the folder of the app itself, e.g.: '/root/blah/programs/Cura'. @staticmethod def getAppFolderPrefix() -> str: if "python" in os.path.basename(sys.executable): executable = sys.argv[0] else: executable = sys.executable try: return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(executable)) except EnvironmentError: # Symlinks can't be dereferenced. return os.path.dirname(executable) # Returns the path to the folder the app is installed _in_, e.g.: '/root/blah/programs' @staticmethod def getInstallPrefix() -> str: return os.path.abspath( os.path.join(Application.getAppFolderPrefix(), "..")) __instance = None # type: Application @classmethod def getInstance(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> "Application": return cls.__instance
def _createRegistry(self): registry = PluginRegistry() registry.addPluginLocation(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) registry.setApplication(self._app) return registry
class Application: ## Init method # # \param name \type{string} The name of the application. # \param version \type{string} Version, formatted as major.minor.rev # \param build_type Additional version info on the type of build this is, such as "master". # \param is_debug_mode Whether to run in debug mode. def __init__(self, name: str, version: str, api_version: str, app_display_name: str = "", build_type: str = "", is_debug_mode: bool = False, **kwargs) -> None: if Application.__instance is not None: raise RuntimeError("Try to create singleton '%s' more than once" % self.__class__.__name__) Application.__instance = self super().__init__() # Call super to make multiple inheritance work. self._api_version = Version(api_version) # type: Version self._app_name = name # type: str self._app_display_name = app_display_name if app_display_name else name # type: str self._version = version # type: str self._build_type = build_type # type: str self._is_debug_mode = is_debug_mode # type: bool self._is_headless = False # type: bool self._use_external_backend = False # type: bool self._just_updated_from_old_version = False # type: bool self._config_lock_filename = "{name}.lock".format(name = self._app_name) # type: str self._cli_args = None # type: argparse.Namespace self._cli_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog = self._app_name, add_help = False) # type: argparse.ArgumentParser self._main_thread = threading.current_thread() # type: threading.Thread self.default_theme = self._app_name # type: str # Default theme is the application name self._default_language = "en_US" # type: str self.change_log_url = "" # Where to find a more detailed description of the recent updates. self._preferences_filename = None # type: str self._preferences = None # type: Preferences self._extensions = [] # type: List[Extension] self._required_plugins = [] # type: List[str] self._package_manager_class = PackageManager # type: type self._package_manager = None # type: PackageManager self._plugin_registry = None # type: PluginRegistry self._container_registry_class = ContainerRegistry # type: type self._container_registry = None # type: ContainerRegistry self._global_container_stack = None # type: ContainerStack self._controller = None # type: Controller self._backend = None # type: Backend self._output_device_manager = None # type: OutputDeviceManager self._operation_stack = None # type: OperationStack self._visible_messages = [] # type: List[Message] self._message_lock = threading.Lock() # type: threading.Lock self._app_install_dir = self.getInstallPrefix() # type: str def getAPIVersion(self) -> "Version": return self._api_version # Adds the command line options that can be parsed by the command line parser. # Can be overridden to add additional command line options to the parser. def addCommandLineOptions(self) -> None: self._cli_parser.add_argument("--version", action = "version", version = "%(prog)s version: {0}".format(self._version)) self._cli_parser.add_argument("--external-backend", action = "store_true", default = False, help = "Use an externally started backend instead of starting it automatically. This is a debug feature to make it possible to run the engine with debug options enabled.") self._cli_parser.add_argument('--headless', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = "Hides all GUI elements.") self._cli_parser.add_argument("--debug", action = "store_true", default = False, help = "Turn on the debug mode by setting this option.") def parseCliOptions(self) -> None: self._cli_args = self._cli_parser.parse_args() self._is_headless = self._cli_args.headless self._is_debug_mode = self._cli_args.debug or self._is_debug_mode self._use_external_backend = self._cli_args.external_backend # Performs initialization that must be done before start. def initialize(self) -> None: # For Ubuntu Unity this makes Qt use its own menu bar rather than pass it on to Unity. os.putenv("UBUNTU_MENUPROXY", "0") # Custom signal handling Signal._app = self Signal._signalQueue = self # Initialize Resources. Set the application name and version here because we can only know the actual info # after the __init__() has been called. Resources.ApplicationIdentifier = self._app_name Resources.ApplicationVersion = self._version Resources.addSearchPath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "resources")) Resources.addSearchPath(os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "share", "uranium", "resources")) Resources.addSearchPath(os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "Resources", "uranium", "resources")) Resources.addSearchPath(os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "Resources", self._app_name, "resources")) if not hasattr(sys, "frozen"): Resources.addSearchPath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "..", "resources")) i18nCatalog.setApplication(self) PluginRegistry.addType("backend", self.setBackend) PluginRegistry.addType("logger", Logger.addLogger) PluginRegistry.addType("extension", self.addExtension) self._preferences = Preferences() self._preferences.addPreference("general/language", self._default_language) self._preferences.addPreference("general/visible_settings", "") self._preferences.addPreference("general/plugins_to_remove", "") self._preferences.addPreference("general/disabled_plugins", "") self._controller = Controller(self) self._output_device_manager = OutputDeviceManager() self._operation_stack = OperationStack(self._controller) # type: OperationStack self._plugin_registry = PluginRegistry(self) #type: PluginRegistry self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation(os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "lib", "uranium")) self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation(os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "lib64", "uranium")) self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation(os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "lib32", "uranium")) self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "plugins")) self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation(os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "Resources", "uranium", "plugins")) self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation(os.path.join(self._app_install_dir, "Resources", self._app_name, "plugins")) # Locally installed plugins local_path = os.path.join(Resources.getStoragePath(Resources.Resources), "plugins") # Ensure the local plugins directory exists try: os.makedirs(local_path) except OSError: pass self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation(local_path) if not hasattr(sys, "frozen"): self._plugin_registry.addPluginLocation(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "..", "plugins")) self._container_registry = self._container_registry_class(self) UM.Settings.InstanceContainer.setContainerRegistry(self._container_registry) UM.Settings.ContainerStack.setContainerRegistry(self._container_registry) self.showMessageSignal.connect(self.showMessage) self.hideMessageSignal.connect(self.hideMessage) def startSplashWindowPhase(self) -> None: pass def startPostSplashWindowPhase(self) -> None: pass # Indicates if we have just updated from an older application version. def hasJustUpdatedFromOldVersion(self) -> bool: return self._just_updated_from_old_version ## Run the main event loop. # This method should be re-implemented by subclasses to start the main event loop. # \exception NotImplementedError def run(self): self.addCommandLineOptions() self.parseCliOptions() self.initialize() self.startSplashWindowPhase() self.startPostSplashWindowPhase() def getContainerRegistry(self): return self._container_registry ## Get the lock filename def getApplicationLockFilename(self) -> str: return self._config_lock_filename ## Emitted when the application window was closed and we need to shut down the application applicationShuttingDown = Signal() showMessageSignal = Signal() hideMessageSignal = Signal() globalContainerStackChanged = Signal() workspaceLoaded = Signal() def setGlobalContainerStack(self, stack: "ContainerStack") -> None: if self._global_container_stack != stack: self._global_container_stack = stack self.globalContainerStackChanged.emit() def getGlobalContainerStack(self) -> Optional["ContainerStack"]: return self._global_container_stack def hideMessage(self, message: Message) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def showMessage(self, message: Message) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def showToastMessage(self, title: str, message: str) -> None: raise NotImplementedError ## Get the version of the application def getVersion(self) -> str: return self._version ## Get the build type of the application def getBuildType(self) -> str: return self._build_type def getIsDebugMode(self) -> bool: return self._is_debug_mode def getIsHeadLess(self) -> bool: return self._is_headless def getUseExternalBackend(self) -> bool: return self._use_external_backend visibleMessageAdded = Signal() ## Hide message by ID (as provided by built-in id function) def hideMessageById(self, message_id: int) -> None: # If a user and the application tries to close same message dialog simultaneously, message_id could become an empty # string, and then the application will raise an error when trying to do "int(message_id)". # So we check the message_id here. if not message_id: return found_message = None with self._message_lock: for message in self._visible_messages: if id(message) == int(message_id): found_message = message if found_message is not None: self.hideMessageSignal.emit(found_message) visibleMessageRemoved = Signal() ## Get list of all visible messages def getVisibleMessages(self) -> List[Message]: with self._message_lock: return self._visible_messages ## Function that needs to be overridden by child classes with a list of plugins it needs. def _loadPlugins(self) -> None: pass ## Get name of the application. # \returns app_name \type{string} def getApplicationName(self) -> str: return self._app_name def getApplicationDisplayName(self) -> str: return self._app_display_name ## Get the preferences. # \return preferences \type{Preferences} def getPreferences(self) -> Preferences: return self._preferences def savePreferences(self) -> None: if self._preferences_filename: self._preferences.writeToFile(self._preferences_filename) else: Logger.log("i", "Preferences filename not set. Unable to save file.") ## Get the currently used IETF language tag. # The returned tag is during runtime used to translate strings. # \returns Language tag. def getApplicationLanguage(self) -> str: language = os.getenv("URANIUM_LANGUAGE") if not language: language = self._preferences.getValue("general/language") if not language: language = os.getenv("LANGUAGE") if not language: language = self._default_language return language ## Application has a list of plugins that it *must* have. If it does not have these, it cannot function. # These plugins can not be disabled in any way. def getRequiredPlugins(self) -> List[str]: return self._required_plugins ## Set the plugins that the application *must* have in order to function. # \param plugin_names \type{list} List of strings with the names of the required plugins def setRequiredPlugins(self, plugin_names: List[str]) -> None: self._required_plugins = plugin_names ## Set the backend of the application (the program that does the heavy lifting). def setBackend(self, backend: "Backend") -> None: self._backend = backend ## Get the backend of the application (the program that does the heavy lifting). # \returns Backend \type{Backend} def getBackend(self) -> "Backend": return self._backend ## Get the PluginRegistry of this application. # \returns PluginRegistry \type{PluginRegistry} def getPluginRegistry(self) -> PluginRegistry: return self._plugin_registry ## Get the Controller of this application. # \returns Controller \type{Controller} def getController(self) -> Controller: return self._controller def getOperationStack(self) -> OperationStack: return self._operation_stack def getOutputDeviceManager(self) -> OutputDeviceManager: return self._output_device_manager ## Return an application-specific Renderer object. # \exception NotImplementedError def getRenderer(self) -> Renderer: raise NotImplementedError("getRenderer must be implemented by subclasses.") ## Post a function event onto the event loop. # # This takes a CallFunctionEvent object and puts it into the actual event loop. # \exception NotImplementedError def functionEvent(self, event: CallFunctionEvent) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("functionEvent must be implemented by subclasses.") ## Call a function the next time the event loop runs. # # You can't get the result of this function directly. It won't block. # \param function The function to call. # \param args The positional arguments to pass to the function. # \param kwargs The keyword arguments to pass to the function. def callLater(self, func: Callable[..., Any], *args, **kwargs) -> None: event = CallFunctionEvent(func, args, kwargs) self.functionEvent(event) ## Get the application's main thread. def getMainThread(self) -> threading.Thread: return self._main_thread def addExtension(self, extension: "Extension") -> None: self._extensions.append(extension) def getExtensions(self) -> List["Extension"]: return self._extensions @staticmethod def getInstallPrefix() -> str: if "python" in os.path.basename(sys.executable): executable = sys.argv[0] else: executable = sys.executable return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(executable)), "..")) __instance = None # type: Application @classmethod def getInstance(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> "Application": return cls.__instance