コード例 #1
    def _isDefinitionVisible(self, definition: SettingDefinition, **kwargs: Any) -> bool:
        key = definition.key

        # If it is in the list of things to exclude it is never going to be visible.
        if key in self._exclude:
            return False

        # If any of its ancestors is in the list of things to exclude it also should never be visible.
        if definition.getAncestors() & self._exclude:
            return False

        # If its parent is not expanded we should not show the setting.
        if definition.parent and not definition.parent.key in self._expanded:
            return False

        # If it is not marked as visible we do not have to show it.
        if not self._show_all and key not in self._visible:
            return False

        # If it does not match the current filter, it should not be shown.
        filter = self._filter_dict.copy()
        filter["i18n_catalog"] = self._i18n_catalog

        if self._filter_dict and not definition.matchesFilter(**filter):
            if self._show_ancestors:
                if self._isAnyDescendantFiltered(definition):
                    return True
            return False

        # We should not show categories that are empty
        if definition.type == "category":
            if not self._isAnyDescendantVisible(definition):
                return False

        return True